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: « this » dans différents contextes :

J AVA S C R I P T (Programmation Internet) V O L . V

J.B. Dadet DIASOLUKA Luyalu Nzoyifuanga

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CHAPITRE 11 : « this » dans différents contextes :

L’objet pointé par « this » varie selon son environnement englobant

(espace global, fonction ordinaire, fonction fléchée, élément
HTML,..), et son contexte (« mode sloppy » ou « mode strict »).

Quelque soit le mode (strict ou sloppy) « this » dans une instance

(telle que défini dans le constructeur) représente l’instance.

Il est toujours prudent de tester le « this » et y veiller dans les deux

contextes environnementaux (sloppy et strict).

I. En mode STRICT, « this » dans une fonction ordinaire représente


<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

// this dans une fonction ordinaire
// représente l'objet global widonw.

function o(p){
///////// this.prop=45;
// TypeError: this is undefined test.html:6:5

" undefined " test.html:8:5
false test.html:9:5
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
" undefined " test.html:10:5

let io=new o(this);

" Object { } " test.html:8:5
false test.html:9:5
" Window ... " test.html:10:5

II. En mode STANDARD, « this » dans une fonction ordfinaire re-

présente l’objet global window. Mais dans (ou pendant) la défi-
nition des propriétés d’une fonction, « this » représente le cons-
tructeur et, dans une instance, il représente l’instance.

<script type="text/javascript">
// this dans une fonction ordinaire
// représente l'objet global widonw.

function o(p){

" Window " test.html:7:5
true test.html:8:5
" undefined " test.html:9:5

let io=new o(this);

" Object { prop: 45 } " test.html:7:5
false test.html:8:5
" Window ... " test.html:9:5
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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V

III. Dans une instance, « this » représente TOUJOURS

l’instance :

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

// this dans une instanc représente
// TOUJOURS un poineur sur l'instance.

function o(p){

let io=new o();

console.log(io.prop) // 45

let fdummy=p=>p.prop=100;
// fdummy modifie la valeur de prop
// de l'objet lui envoyé.

// Définition d'une méthode de io qui
// appelle fdummy en lui passant io
// via this.

io.df(); // appel de la méthode io.df()

console.log(io.prop) // 100
// affiche la nouvelle valeur de io.prop.

IV. Dans une fonction fléchée (expression de fonction) et dans un

littéral d’objet « this » représente TOUJOURS l’objet global
Window quelque soit le mode :

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

var a="global";
console.log(this); // Window

const o = _ => {
var a='locale' ; // « a » n'écrase pas le global

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
var oFct = function(){
// Object { oFct: oFct() }

console.log(a , window.a , this.a);

// global global locale

console.log(this); // Window
return this;

const r = o();
console.log(this , o.this); // Window
console.log(a , window.a , this.a , r.a);
// global global global global

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

let fdummy=_=>console.log(this);
fdummy(); // Window

let o={
} // littéral d’objet
o.fdummy2(); // Window

V. Dans une expression de fonction :

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

var a="global";
console.log(this); // Window

const o = function(){
this.a='locale' ; // « a » n'écrase pas le global

this.oFct = function(){
// Object { oFct: oFct() }

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
console.log(a , window.a , this.a);
// global global locale

const i = new o();

console.log(this , i.this); // Window
console.log(a , window.a , this.a , i.a);
// global global global locale

VI. Dans une fonction ordinaire :

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

let fdummy=_=>console.log(this);
// Window {
// frames: Window, postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ,
// focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, …}

// Fonction classique
function fdummy2(){
// undefined si "use strict";
// Si mode standard :
// Window {frames: Window, postMessage: ƒ,
// blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, …}

let o=function(){
console.log(this) // Object { }
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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
1er o {}
A fdummy3:_=>console.log(this)
B __proto__:Object

// Object { fdummy3: fdummy3() }
1er o {fdummy3: ƒ}
A fdummy3:_=>console.log(this)
B __proto__:Object
let i=new o();

let o4=new Function()

o4.prototype.fdummy4=_=>console.log(this) // Window
// Window {frames: Window, postMessage: ƒ,
// blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, …}
let i4=new o4();

// undefined si "use strict":
// Si mode normal :
// Window {frames: Window, postMessage: ƒ,
// blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, …}

VII. Dans une class, « this » représente le casse-tête qui suit selon
la nature de la méthode (static ou non) : Dans une méthode non
static de class, this représente la classe en tant que objet. Dans
une méthode static this représente la classe en tant que classe.

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

var a="global";
console.log(this); // Window

const o = {
a : 'locale' , // « a » n'écrase pas le global

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
oFct : function(){
// Object { oFct: oFct() }

console.log(a , window.a , this.a);

// global global locale

console.log(this , o.this);
// Window undefined

console.log(a , window.a , this.a , o.a);

// global global global locale

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

class uneClass {
nMeth() { return this; }
static sMeth() { return this; }
// Ne peut être appelé que du sein du corps de la

var obj = new uneClass();

// uneClass {} [YANDEX]
// Object { } [FIREFOX]

///////// obj.sMeth();
// TypeError:
// obj.sMeth is not a function [FIREFOX]
// Uncaught TypeError:

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
// obj.sMeth is not a function [YANDEX]

var nMeth = obj.nMeth;

console.log(nMeth()); // undefined [FIREFOX] [YANDEX]

var sMeth = obj.sMeth;

///////// sMeth(); // undefined
// TypeError: sMeth is not a function [FIREFOX]
// Uncaught TypeError: sMeth is not a function [YANDEX]

// class uneClass [YANDEX]
// function uneClass() [FIREFOX]
var sMeth = uneClass.sMeth;
console.log(sMeth()); // undefined [FIREFOX] [YANDEX]


14:51:19.978 test.html:8 notreClass {}

1er notreClass {}
A __proto__:
I constructor:class notreClass
a arguments:(...)
b caller:(...)
c length:0
d methodStat:ƒ methodStat()
e name:"notreClass"
f prototype:
A constructor:class notreClass
B methodOrd:ƒ methodOrd()
C __proto__:Object
a __proto__:ƒ ()
b [[FunctionLocation]]:test.html:2
c [[Scopes]]:Scopes[2]
I methodOrd:ƒ methodOrd()
II __proto__:Object
14:51:19.984 test.html:10 undefined
14:51:19.984 test.html:12
class notreClass {
methodOrd() { return this; }
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static methodStat() { return this; }
14:51:19.984 test.html:14 undefined


Object { } test.html:8:3
__proto__: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
constructor: notreClass()
length: 0
methodStat: function methodStat()
length: 0
name: "methodStat"
__proto__: function ()
name: "notreClass"
prototype: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
constructor: notreClass()
length: 0
methodStat: function methodStat()
name: "notreClass"
prototype: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
constructor: notreClass()
length: 0
methodStat: function methodStat()
name: "notreClass"
prototype: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
__proto__: function ()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
__proto__: function ()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
__proto__: function ()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
undefined test.html:13:3

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V

function notreClass()
length: 0
methodStat: methodStat()
length: 0
name: "methodStat"
__proto__: function ()
name: "notreClass"
prototype: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
length: 0
methodStat: function methodStat()
name: "notreClass"
prototype: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
__proto__: function ()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
constructor: function notreClass()
methodOrd: function methodOrd()
__proto__: Object { … }
__proto__: function ()
undefined test.html:21:3

VIII. Dans un élément HTML « this » représente cet élément :

Cliquez ces deux barres<br>

<hr width=100 onclick="fct(this)"
style=" color:blue;background:red ; height:20;
border:20px solid;border-radius:15px">

<hr width=85 onclick="fct(this)"

style=" color:green;background:magenta ; height:10;
border:30px dashed;border-radius:50px">

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

function fct(p) {

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// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.476 test.html:12 100

// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.485 test.html:13 red
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.485 test.html:14 20px
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.486 test.html:15 blue
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.486 test.html:16 20px solid
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.486 test.html:17 15px
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.906 test.html:12 85
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.907 test.html:13 magenta
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.907 test.html:14 10px
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.907 test.html:15 green
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.907 test.html:16 30px dashed
// 2018-02-25 17:58:07.907 test.html:17 50px


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100 test.html:12:7
red none repeat scroll 0% 0% test.html:13:7
20px test.html:14:7
blue test.html:15:7
20px solid test.html:16:7
15px test.html:17:7
85 test.html:12:7
magenta none repeat scroll 0% 0% test.html:13:7
10px test.html:14:7
green test.html:15:7
30px dashed test.html:16:7
50px test.html:17:7

IX. Dans une fonction listener, la variable this désigne l’objet

cible de l’événement.

<hr class="cHr">
<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";
let eL = document.querySelector(".cHr");

function modify () {

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
let t="";
for(let i of t+=i + " | "



C’est aussi l’occasion de voir les styles disponibles, avec :

let t="";
for(let i of t+=i + " | "

Avec Firefox Quantum 62.0.2 :

Après un clic dessus sur cette < HR > dans le browser :

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
Avec Yandex Version beta :

Après un clic dessus sur cette < HR > dans le browser :

X. Dans un Callback d’une méthode itératrice, « this » représente

cette méthode :

En mode standard, il représente l’objet « window ».

<script type="text/javascript">
const process = { // Littéral d'objet
organe: "Globe oculaire",
tissu : ["Rétine", "Vitré", "Cristallin"],
list: function() { {
console.log(o + " fait partie du " + this);

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V

En mode strict, « this » est indéfini.

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

const process = { // Littéral d'objet
organe: "Globe oculaire",
tissu : ["Rétine", "Vitré", "Cristallin"],
list: function() { {
console.log(o + " fait partie du " + this);

Deux possibilités :

1. Stocker la valeur de « this » dans une variable à portée plus

large, on a l’habitude de nommer cette variable « that ».
2. Lier le « this » du Callback au this en cours.

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

const process = { // Littéral d'objet
organe: "Globe oculaire",
tissu : ["Rétine", "Vitré", "Cristallin"],

list: function() {
this.tissu.forEach(function(o) {
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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
`${o} fait partie du ${this.organe}`
// le « this » dans ce bloc utilisera
// la valeur que pointe présentement
// (à ce niveau) « this ».

list2: function() {
const that=this; {
console.log(o + " fait partie du " +


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XI. Dans l’espace global, « this » représente l’objet window.

L’objet window représente l’objet global qui renferme les pro-
priétés globales.

<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict";

// this dans l'espace global représente l'objet window.

Exécution dans YANDEX, les propriétés de l’objet window.

C’est aussi l’occasion d’avoir une liste des propriétés de Window.

" [object Window] "

1. Window
1. alert: ƒ alert()
2. applica-
tionCache: ApplicationCache {status: 0, oncached: null, oncheck
ing: null, ondownloading: null, onerror: null, …}
3. atob: ƒ atob()
4. blur: ƒ ()
5. btoa: ƒ btoa()
6. caches: CacheStorage {}
7. cancelAnimationFrame: ƒ cancelAnimationFrame()
8. cancelIdleCallback: ƒ cancelIdleCallback()
9. captureEvents: ƒ captureEvents()
10. chrome: {loadTimes: ƒ, csi: ƒ}
11. clearInterval: ƒ clearInterval()
12. clearTimeout: ƒ clearTimeout()
13. clientInforma-
tion: Navigator {vendorSub: "", productSub: "20030107", vendor:
"Google Inc.", maxTouchPoints: 0, hardwareConcurrency: 4, …}
14. close: ƒ ()
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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
15. closed: false
16. confirm: ƒ confirm()
17. createImageBitmap: ƒ createImageBitmap()
18. crypto: Crypto {subtle: SubtleCrypto}
19. customElements: CustomElementRegistry {}
20. defaultStatus: ""
21. defaultstatus: ""
22. devicePixelRatio: 1
23. document: document
24. external: External {}
25. fct: ƒ fct(p)
26. fetch: ƒ fetch()
27. find: ƒ find()
28. focus: ƒ ()
29. frameElement: null
30. frames: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, pa
rent: Window, …}
31. getComputedStyle: ƒ getComputedStyle()
32. getSelection: ƒ getSelection()
33. histo-
ry: History {length: 1, scrollRestoration: "auto", state: null}
34. indexedDB: IDBFactory {}
35. innerHeight: 779
36. innerWidth: 176
37. isSecureContext: true
38. length: 0
39. localSto-
rage: Storage {/_/batch|17347282185573465|1: "{"type":"i","key"
odz8wqq1opt7886uv9"}", /_/batch|17347282185573465|10: "{"type":
tId":"jodz8ym32crvfbm62nz"}", /_/batch|17347282185573465|11: "{
843,"eventId":"jodz8ym312uyr1v6er3"}", /_/batch|173472821855734
65|12: "{"type":"e","key":"client.performanceTiming","data…p":1
542007158845,"eventId":"jodz8ym521jrdvkag09"}", /_/batch|173472
82185573465|13: "{"type":"e","key":"client.action","data":{"cla
ssAt…p":1542007398166,"eventId":"jodze39y1r2infalpt2"}", …}
40. loca-
tion: Location {replace: ƒ, assign: ƒ, href: "file:///K:/DADET/
PROGS/test.html#", ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList, origin: "fil
e://", …}
41. locationbar: BarProp {visible: true}
42. matchMedia: ƒ matchMedia()
43. menubar: BarProp {visible: true}
44. moveBy: ƒ moveBy()

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45. moveTo: ƒ moveTo()
46. name: ""
47. naviga-
tor: Navigator {vendorSub: "", productSub: "20030107", vendor:
"Google Inc.", maxTouchPoints: 0, hardwareConcurrency: 4, …}
48. onabort: null
49. onafterprint: null
50. onanimationend: null
51. onanimationiteration: null
52. onanimationstart: null
53. onappinstalled: null
54. onauxclick: null
55. onbeforeinstallprompt: null
56. onbeforeprint: null
57. onbeforeunload: null
58. onblur: null
59. oncancel: null
60. oncanplay: null
61. oncanplaythrough: null
62. onchange: null
63. onclick: null
64. onclose: null
65. oncontextmenu: null
66. oncuechange: null
67. ondblclick: null
68. ondevicemotion: null
69. ondeviceorientation: null
70. ondeviceorientationabsolute: null
71. ondrag: null
72. ondragend: null
73. ondragenter: null
74. ondragleave: null
75. ondragover: null
76. ondragstart: null
77. ondrop: null
78. ondurationchange: null
79. onelementpainted: null
80. onemptied: null
81. onended: null
82. onerror: null
83. onfocus: null
84. ongotpointercapture: null
85. onhashchange: null
86. oninput: null
87. oninvalid: null
88. onkeydown: null
89. onkeypress: null

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90. onkeyup: null
91. onlanguagechange: null
92. onload: null
93. onloadeddata: null
94. onloadedmetadata: null
95. onloadstart: null
96. onlostpointercapture: null
97. onmessage: null
98. onmessageerror: null
99. onmousedown: null
100. onmouseenter: null
101. onmouseleave: null
102. onmousemove: null
103. onmouseout: null
104. onmouseover: null
105. onmouseup: null
106. onmousewheel: null
107. onoffline: null
108. ononline: null
109. onpagehide: null
110. onpageshow: null
111. onpause: null
112. onplay: null
113. onplaying: null
114. onpointercancel: null
115. onpointerdown: null
116. onpointerenter: null
117. onpointerleave: null
118. onpointermove: null
119. onpointerout: null
120. onpointerover: null
121. onpointerup: null
122. onpopstate: null
123. onprogress: null
124. onratechange: null
125. onrejectionhandled: null
126. onreset: null
127. onresize: null
128. onscroll: null
129. onsearch: null
130. onseeked: null
131. onseeking: null
132. onselect: null
133. onstalled: null
134. onstorage: null
135. onsubmit: null
136. onsuspend: null

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
137. ontimeupdate: null
138. ontoggle: null
139. ontransitionend: null
140. onunhandledrejection: null
141. onunload: null
142. onvolumechange: null
143. onwaiting: null
144. onwebkitanimationend: null
145. onwebkitanimationiteration: null
146. onwebkitanimationstart: null
147. onwebkittransitionend: null
148. onwheel: null
149. open: ƒ open()
150. openDatabase: ƒ ()
151. opener: null
152. origin: "null"
153. outerHeight: 851
154. outerWidth: 657
155. pageXOffset: 0
156. pageYOffset: 0
157. par-
ent: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, paren
t: Window, …}
158. perfor-
mance: Performance {timeOrigin: 1544972589356.378, onresourceti
full: null, memory: MemoryInfo, navigation: PerformanceNavigati
on, timing: PerformanceTiming}
159. personalbar: BarProp {visible: true}
160. postMessage: ƒ ()
161. print: ƒ print()
162. process: {organe: "Globe ocu-
laire", friends: Array(3), list: ƒ}
163. prompt: ƒ prompt()
164. releaseEvents: ƒ releaseEvents()
165. requestAnimationFrame: ƒ requestAnimationFrame()
166. requestIdleCallback: ƒ requestIdleCallback()
167. resizeBy: ƒ resizeBy()
168. resizeTo: ƒ resizeTo()
169. screen: Screen {availWidth: 1858, availHeight: 1080, wid
th: 1920, height: 1080, colorDepth: 24, …}
170. screenLeft: 616
171. screenTop: 53
172. screenX: 616
173. screenY: 53
174. scroll: ƒ scroll()
175. scrollBy: ƒ scrollBy()

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176. scrollTo: ƒ scrollTo()
177. scrollX: 0
178. scrollY: 0
179. scrollbars: BarProp {visible: true}
180. self: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close:
ƒ, parent: Window, …}
181. sessionStorage: Storage {length: 0}
182. setInterval: ƒ setInterval()
183. setTimeout: ƒ setTimeout()
184. speechSynthe-
sis: SpeechSynthesis {pending: false, speaking: false, paused:
false, onvoiceschanged: null}
185. status: ""
186. statusbar: BarProp {visible: true}
187. stop: ƒ stop()
188. styleMedia: StyleMedia {type: "screen"}
189. toolbar: BarProp {visible: true}
190. top: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ
, parent: Window, …}
191. visualView-
port: VisualViewport {offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, pageLeft: 0,
pageTop: 0, width: 176, …}
192. webkitCancelAnimation-
Frame: ƒ webkitCancelAnimationFrame()
193. webkitRequestAnimation-
Frame: ƒ webkitRequestAnimationFrame()
194. webkitRequestFileSystem: ƒ ()
195. webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL: ƒ ()
196. webkitStorageInfo: DeprecatedStorageInfo {}
197. win-
dow: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, paren
t: Window, …}
198. yandex: {…}
199. Infinity: Infinity
200. AbortController: ƒ AbortController()
201. AbortSignal: ƒ AbortSignal()
202. AbsoluteOrientationSensor: ƒ AbsoluteOrientationSensor()
203. Accelerometer: ƒ Accelerometer()
204. AnalyserNode: ƒ AnalyserNode()
205. AnimationEvent: ƒ AnimationEvent()
206. ApplicationCache: ƒ ApplicationCache()
207. ApplicationCacheErrorE-
vent: ƒ ApplicationCacheErrorEvent()
208. Array: ƒ Array()
209. ArrayBuffer: ƒ ArrayBuffer()
210. Attr: ƒ Attr()
211. Audio: ƒ Audio()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
212. AudioBuffer: ƒ AudioBuffer()
213. AudioBufferSourceNode: ƒ AudioBufferSourceNode()
214. AudioContext: ƒ AudioContext()
215. AudioDestinationNode: ƒ AudioDestinationNode()
216. AudioListener: ƒ AudioListener()
217. AudioNode: ƒ AudioNode()
218. AudioParam: ƒ AudioParam()
219. AudioParamMap: ƒ AudioParamMap()
220. AudioProcessingEvent: ƒ AudioProcessingEvent()
221. AudioScheduledSourceNode: ƒ AudioScheduledSourceNode()
222. AudioWorklet: ƒ AudioWorklet()
223. AudioWorkletNode: ƒ AudioWorkletNode()
224. AuthenticatorAssertionRes-
ponse: ƒ AuthenticatorAssertionResponse()
225. AuthenticatorAttestationRes-
ponse: ƒ AuthenticatorAttestationResponse()
226. AuthenticatorResponse: ƒ AuthenticatorResponse()
227. BarProp: ƒ BarProp()
228. BaseAudioContext: ƒ BaseAudioContext()
229. BatteryManager: ƒ BatteryManager()
230. BeforeInstallPromptEvent: ƒ BeforeInstallPromptEvent()
231. BeforeUnloadEvent: ƒ BeforeUnloadEvent()
232. BigInt: ƒ BigInt()
233. BigInt64Array: ƒ BigInt64Array()
234. BigUint64Array: ƒ BigUint64Array()
235. BiquadFilterNode: ƒ BiquadFilterNode()
236. Blob: ƒ Blob()
237. BlobEvent: ƒ BlobEvent()
238. Boolean: ƒ Boolean()
239. BroadcastChannel: ƒ BroadcastChannel()
240. ByteLengthQueuingStrategy: ƒ ByteLengthQueuingStrategy()
241. CDATASection: ƒ CDATASection()
242. CSS: ƒ CSS()
243. CSSConditionRule: ƒ CSSConditionRule()
244. CSSFontFaceRule: ƒ CSSFontFaceRule()
245. CSSGroupingRule: ƒ CSSGroupingRule()
246. CSSImageValue: ƒ CSSImageValue()
247. CSSImportRule: ƒ CSSImportRule()
248. CSSKeyframeRule: ƒ CSSKeyframeRule()
249. CSSKeyframesRule: ƒ CSSKeyframesRule()
250. CSSKeywordValue: ƒ CSSKeywordValue()
251. CSSMathInvert: ƒ CSSMathInvert()
252. CSSMathMax: ƒ CSSMathMax()
253. CSSMathMin: ƒ CSSMathMin()
254. CSSMathNegate: ƒ CSSMathNegate()
255. CSSMathProduct: ƒ CSSMathProduct()
256. CSSMathSum: ƒ CSSMathSum()

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257. CSSMathValue: ƒ CSSMathValue()
258. CSSMatrixComponent: ƒ CSSMatrixComponent()
259. CSSMediaRule: ƒ CSSMediaRule()
260. CSSNamespaceRule: ƒ CSSNamespaceRule()
261. CSSNumericArray: ƒ CSSNumericArray()
262. CSSNumericValue: ƒ CSSNumericValue()
263. CSSPageRule: ƒ CSSPageRule()
264. CSSPerspective: ƒ CSSPerspective()
265. CSSPositionValue: ƒ CSSPositionValue()
266. CSSRotate: ƒ CSSRotate()
267. CSSRule: ƒ CSSRule()
268. CSSRuleList: ƒ CSSRuleList()
269. CSSScale: ƒ CSSScale()
270. CSSSkew: ƒ CSSSkew()
271. CSSSkewX: ƒ CSSSkewX()
272. CSSSkewY: ƒ CSSSkewY()
273. CSSStyleDeclaration: ƒ CSSStyleDeclaration()
274. CSSStyleRule: ƒ CSSStyleRule()
275. CSSStyleSheet: ƒ CSSStyleSheet()
276. CSSStyleValue: ƒ CSSStyleValue()
277. CSSSupportsRule: ƒ CSSSupportsRule()
278. CSSTransformComponent: ƒ CSSTransformComponent()
279. CSSTransformValue: ƒ CSSTransformValue()
280. CSSTranslate: ƒ CSSTranslate()
281. CSSUnitValue: ƒ CSSUnitValue()
282. CSSUnparsedValue: ƒ CSSUnparsedValue()
283. CSSVariableReferenceValue: ƒ CSSVariableReferenceValue()
284. Cache: ƒ Cache()
285. CacheStorage: ƒ CacheStorage()
286. CanvasCaptureMediaStream-
Track: ƒ CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack()
287. CanvasGradient: ƒ CanvasGradient()
288. CanvasPattern: ƒ CanvasPattern()
289. CanvasRenderingContext2D: ƒ CanvasRenderingContext2D()
290. ChannelMergerNode: ƒ ChannelMergerNode()
291. ChannelSplitterNode: ƒ ChannelSplitterNode()
292. CharacterData: ƒ CharacterData()
293. Clipboard: ƒ Clipboard()
294. ClipboardEvent: ƒ ClipboardEvent()
295. CloseEvent: ƒ CloseEvent()
296. Comment: ƒ Comment()
297. CompositionEvent: ƒ CompositionEvent()
298. ConstantSourceNode: ƒ ConstantSourceNode()
299. ConvolverNode: ƒ ConvolverNode()
300. CountQueuingStrategy: ƒ CountQueuingStrategy()
301. Credential: ƒ Credential()
302. CredentialsContainer: ƒ CredentialsContainer()

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303. Crypto: ƒ Crypto()
304. CryptoKey: ƒ CryptoKey()
305. CustomElementRegistry: ƒ CustomElementRegistry()
306. CustomEvent: ƒ CustomEvent()
307. DOMError: ƒ DOMError()
308. DOMException: ƒ DOMException()
309. DOMImplementation: ƒ DOMImplementation()
310. DOMMatrix: ƒ DOMMatrix()
311. DOMMatrixReadOnly: ƒ DOMMatrixReadOnly()
312. DOMParser: ƒ DOMParser()
313. DOMPoint: ƒ DOMPoint()
314. DOMPointReadOnly: ƒ DOMPointReadOnly()
315. DOMQuad: ƒ DOMQuad()
316. DOMRect: ƒ DOMRect()
317. DOMRectList: ƒ DOMRectList()
318. DOMRectReadOnly: ƒ DOMRectReadOnly()
319. DOMStringList: ƒ DOMStringList()
320. DOMStringMap: ƒ DOMStringMap()
321. DOMTokenList: ƒ DOMTokenList()
322. DataTransfer: ƒ DataTransfer()
323. DataTransferItem: ƒ DataTransferItem()
324. DataTransferItemList: ƒ DataTransferItemList()
325. DataView: ƒ DataView()
326. Date: ƒ Date()
327. DelayNode: ƒ DelayNode()
328. DeviceMotionEvent: ƒ DeviceMotionEvent()
329. DeviceOrientationEvent: ƒ DeviceOrientationEvent()
330. Document: ƒ Document()
331. DocumentFragment: ƒ DocumentFragment()
332. DocumentType: ƒ DocumentType()
333. DragEvent: ƒ DragEvent()
334. DynamicsCompressorNode: ƒ DynamicsCompressorNode()
335. Element: ƒ Element()
336. ElementPaintEvent: ƒ ElementPaintEvent()
337. EnterPictureInPictu-
reEvent: ƒ EnterPictureInPictureEvent()
338. Error: ƒ Error()
339. ErrorEvent: ƒ ErrorEvent()
340. EvalError: ƒ EvalError()
341. Event: ƒ Event()
342. EventSource: ƒ EventSource()
343. EventTarget: ƒ EventTarget()
344. FederatedCredential: ƒ FederatedCredential()
345. File: ƒ File()
346. FileList: ƒ FileList()
347. FileReader: ƒ FileReader()
348. Float32Array: ƒ Float32Array()

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349. Float64Array: ƒ Float64Array()
350. FocusEvent: ƒ FocusEvent()
351. FontFace: ƒ FontFace()
352. FontFaceSetLoadEvent: ƒ FontFaceSetLoadEvent()
353. FormData: ƒ FormData()
354. Function: ƒ Function()
355. GainNode: ƒ GainNode()
356. Gamepad: ƒ Gamepad()
357. GamepadButton: ƒ GamepadButton()
358. GamepadEvent: ƒ GamepadEvent()
359. GamepadHapticActuator: ƒ GamepadHapticActuator()
360. Gyroscope: ƒ Gyroscope()
361. HTMLAllCollection: ƒ HTMLAllCollection()
362. HTMLAnchorElement: ƒ HTMLAnchorElement()
363. HTMLAreaElement: ƒ HTMLAreaElement()
364. HTMLAudioElement: ƒ HTMLAudioElement()
365. HTMLBRElement: ƒ HTMLBRElement()
366. HTMLBaseElement: ƒ HTMLBaseElement()
367. HTMLBodyElement: ƒ HTMLBodyElement()
368. HTMLButtonElement: ƒ HTMLButtonElement()
369. HTMLCanvasElement: ƒ HTMLCanvasElement()
370. HTMLCollection: ƒ HTMLCollection()
371. HTMLContentElement: ƒ HTMLContentElement()
372. HTMLDListElement: ƒ HTMLDListElement()
373. HTMLDataElement: ƒ HTMLDataElement()
374. HTMLDataListElement: ƒ HTMLDataListElement()
375. HTMLDetailsElement: ƒ HTMLDetailsElement()
376. HTMLDialogElement: ƒ HTMLDialogElement()
377. HTMLDirectoryElement: ƒ HTMLDirectoryElement()
378. HTMLDivElement: ƒ HTMLDivElement()
379. HTMLDocument: ƒ HTMLDocument()
380. HTMLElement: ƒ HTMLElement()
381. HTMLEmbedElement: ƒ HTMLEmbedElement()
382. HTMLFieldSetElement: ƒ HTMLFieldSetElement()
383. HTMLFontElement: ƒ HTMLFontElement()
384. HTMLFormControlsCollec-
tion: ƒ HTMLFormControlsCollection()
385. HTMLFormElement: ƒ HTMLFormElement()
386. HTMLFrameElement: ƒ HTMLFrameElement()
387. HTMLFrameSetElement: ƒ HTMLFrameSetElement()
388. HTMLHRElement: ƒ HTMLHRElement()
389. HTMLHeadElement: ƒ HTMLHeadElement()
390. HTMLHeadingElement: ƒ HTMLHeadingElement()
391. HTMLHtmlElement: ƒ HTMLHtmlElement()
392. HTMLIFrameElement: ƒ HTMLIFrameElement()
393. HTMLImageElement: ƒ HTMLImageElement()
394. HTMLInputElement: ƒ HTMLInputElement()

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395. HTMLLIElement: ƒ HTMLLIElement()
396. HTMLLabelElement: ƒ HTMLLabelElement()
397. HTMLLegendElement: ƒ HTMLLegendElement()
398. HTMLLinkElement: ƒ HTMLLinkElement()
399. HTMLMapElement: ƒ HTMLMapElement()
400. HTMLMarqueeElement: ƒ HTMLMarqueeElement()
401. HTMLMediaElement: ƒ HTMLMediaElement()
402. HTMLMenuElement: ƒ HTMLMenuElement()
403. HTMLMetaElement: ƒ HTMLMetaElement()
404. HTMLMeterElement: ƒ HTMLMeterElement()
405. HTMLModElement: ƒ HTMLModElement()
406. HTMLOListElement: ƒ HTMLOListElement()
407. HTMLObjectElement: ƒ HTMLObjectElement()
408. HTMLOptGroupElement: ƒ HTMLOptGroupElement()
409. HTMLOptionElement: ƒ HTMLOptionElement()
410. HTMLOptionsCollection: ƒ HTMLOptionsCollection()
411. HTMLOutputElement: ƒ HTMLOutputElement()
412. HTMLParagraphElement: ƒ HTMLParagraphElement()
413. HTMLParamElement: ƒ HTMLParamElement()
414. HTMLPictureElement: ƒ HTMLPictureElement()
415. HTMLPreElement: ƒ HTMLPreElement()
416. HTMLProgressElement: ƒ HTMLProgressElement()
417. HTMLQuoteElement: ƒ HTMLQuoteElement()
418. HTMLScriptElement: ƒ HTMLScriptElement()
419. HTMLSelectElement: ƒ HTMLSelectElement()
420. HTMLShadowElement: ƒ HTMLShadowElement()
421. HTMLSlotElement: ƒ HTMLSlotElement()
422. HTMLSourceElement: ƒ HTMLSourceElement()
423. HTMLSpanElement: ƒ HTMLSpanElement()
424. HTMLStyleElement: ƒ HTMLStyleElement()
425. HTMLTableCaptionElement: ƒ HTMLTableCaptionElement()
426. HTMLTableCellElement: ƒ HTMLTableCellElement()
427. HTMLTableColElement: ƒ HTMLTableColElement()
428. HTMLTableElement: ƒ HTMLTableElement()
429. HTMLTableRowElement: ƒ HTMLTableRowElement()
430. HTMLTableSectionElement: ƒ HTMLTableSectionElement()
431. HTMLTemplateElement: ƒ HTMLTemplateElement()
432. HTMLTextAreaElement: ƒ HTMLTextAreaElement()
433. HTMLTimeElement: ƒ HTMLTimeElement()
434. HTMLTitleElement: ƒ HTMLTitleElement()
435. HTMLTrackElement: ƒ HTMLTrackElement()
436. HTMLUListElement: ƒ HTMLUListElement()
437. HTMLUnknownElement: ƒ HTMLUnknownElement()
438. HTMLVideoElement: ƒ HTMLVideoElement()
439. HashChangeEvent: ƒ HashChangeEvent()
440. Headers: ƒ Headers()
441. History: ƒ History()

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442. IDBCursor: ƒ IDBCursor()
443. IDBCursorWithValue: ƒ IDBCursorWithValue()
444. IDBDatabase: ƒ IDBDatabase()
445. IDBFactory: ƒ IDBFactory()
446. IDBIndex: ƒ IDBIndex()
447. IDBKeyRange: ƒ IDBKeyRange()
448. IDBObjectStore: ƒ IDBObjectStore()
449. IDBOpenDBRequest: ƒ IDBOpenDBRequest()
450. IDBRequest: ƒ IDBRequest()
451. IDBTransaction: ƒ IDBTransaction()
452. IDBVersionChangeEvent: ƒ IDBVersionChangeEvent()
453. IIRFilterNode: ƒ IIRFilterNode()
454. IdleDeadline: ƒ IdleDeadline()
455. Image: ƒ Image()
456. ImageBitmap: ƒ ImageBitmap()
457. ImageBitmapRenderingCon-
text: ƒ ImageBitmapRenderingContext()
458. ImageCapture: ƒ ImageCapture()
459. ImageData: ƒ ImageData()
460. InputDeviceCapabilities: ƒ InputDeviceCapabilities()
461. InputDeviceInfo: ƒ InputDeviceInfo()
462. InputEvent: ƒ InputEvent()
463. Int8Array: ƒ Int8Array()
464. Int16Array: ƒ Int16Array()
465. Int32Array: ƒ Int32Array()
466. IntersectionObserver: ƒ IntersectionObserver()
467. IntersectionObserverEntry: ƒ IntersectionObserverEntry()
468. Intl: {DateTimeFormat: ƒ, NumberFormat: ƒ, Collator: ƒ,
v8BreakIterator: ƒ, PluralRules: ƒ, …}
469. JSON: JSON {parse: ƒ, stringify: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.toStri
ngTag): "JSON"}
470. Keyboard: ƒ Keyboard()
471. KeyboardEvent: ƒ KeyboardEvent()
472. KeyboardLayoutMap: ƒ KeyboardLayoutMap()
473. LinearAccelerationSensor: ƒ LinearAccelerationSensor()
474. Location: ƒ Location()
475. Lock: ƒ Lock()
476. LockManager: ƒ LockManager()
477. MIDIAccess: ƒ MIDIAccess()
478. MIDIConnectionEvent: ƒ MIDIConnectionEvent()
479. MIDIInput: ƒ MIDIInput()
480. MIDIInputMap: ƒ MIDIInputMap()
481. MIDIMessageEvent: ƒ MIDIMessageEvent()
482. MIDIOutput: ƒ MIDIOutput()
483. MIDIOutputMap: ƒ MIDIOutputMap()
484. MIDIPort: ƒ MIDIPort()
485. Map: ƒ Map()

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486. Math: Math {abs: ƒ, acos: ƒ, acosh: ƒ, asin: ƒ, asinh: ƒ
, …}
487. MediaCapabilities: ƒ MediaCapabilities()
488. MediaCapabilitiesInfo: ƒ MediaCapabilitiesInfo()
489. MediaDeviceInfo: ƒ MediaDeviceInfo()
490. MediaDevices: ƒ MediaDevices()
491. MediaElementAudioSource-
Node: ƒ MediaElementAudioSourceNode()
492. MediaEncryptedEvent: ƒ MediaEncryptedEvent()
493. MediaError: ƒ MediaError()
494. MediaKeyMessageEvent: ƒ MediaKeyMessageEvent()
495. MediaKeySession: ƒ MediaKeySession()
496. MediaKeyStatusMap: ƒ MediaKeyStatusMap()
497. MediaKeySystemAccess: ƒ MediaKeySystemAccess()
498. MediaKeys: ƒ MediaKeys()
499. MediaList: ƒ MediaList()
500. MediaQueryList: ƒ MediaQueryList()
501. MediaQueryListEvent: ƒ MediaQueryListEvent()
502. MediaRecorder: ƒ MediaRecorder()
503. MediaSettingsRange: ƒ MediaSettingsRange()
504. MediaSource: ƒ MediaSource()
505. MediaStream: ƒ MediaStream()
506. MediaStreamAudioDestination-
Node: ƒ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode()
507. MediaStreamAudioSource-
Node: ƒ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode()
508. MediaStreamEvent: ƒ MediaStreamEvent()
509. MediaStreamTrack: ƒ MediaStreamTrack()
510. MediaStreamTrackEvent: ƒ MediaStreamTrackEvent()
511. MessageChannel: ƒ MessageChannel()
512. MessageEvent: ƒ MessageEvent()
513. MessagePort: ƒ MessagePort()
514. MimeType: ƒ MimeType()
515. MimeTypeArray: ƒ MimeTypeArray()
516. MouseEvent: ƒ MouseEvent()
517. MutationEvent: ƒ MutationEvent()
518. MutationObserver: ƒ MutationObserver()
519. MutationRecord: ƒ MutationRecord()
520. NaN: NaN
521. NamedNodeMap: ƒ NamedNodeMap()
522. NavigationPreloadManager: ƒ NavigationPreloadManager()
523. Navigator: ƒ Navigator()
524. NetworkInformation: ƒ NetworkInformation()
525. Node: ƒ Node()
526. NodeFilter: ƒ NodeFilter()
527. NodeIterator: ƒ NodeIterator()
528. NodeList: ƒ NodeList()

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529. Notification: ƒ Notification()
530. Number: ƒ Number()
531. Object: ƒ Object()
532. OfflineAudioCom-
pletionEvent: ƒ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent()
533. OfflineAudioContext: ƒ OfflineAudioContext()
534. OffscreenCanvas: ƒ OffscreenCanvas()
535. OffscreenCanvasRenderingCon-
text2D: ƒ OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D()
536. OoWVideoChangeEvent: ƒ OoWVideoChangeEvent()
537. Option: ƒ Option()
538. OrientationSensor: ƒ OrientationSensor()
539. OscillatorNode: ƒ OscillatorNode()
540. OverconstrainedError: ƒ OverconstrainedError()
541. PageTransitionEvent: ƒ PageTransitionEvent()
542. PannerNode: ƒ PannerNode()
543. PasswordCredential: ƒ PasswordCredential()
544. Path2D: ƒ Path2D()
545. PaymentAddress: ƒ PaymentAddress()
546. PaymentInstruments: ƒ PaymentInstruments()
547. PaymentManager: ƒ PaymentManager()
548. PaymentRequest: ƒ PaymentRequest()
549. PaymentRequestUpdateEvent: ƒ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent()
550. PaymentResponse: ƒ PaymentResponse()
551. Performance: ƒ Performance()
552. PerformanceEntry: ƒ PerformanceEntry()
553. PerformanceLongTaskTiming: ƒ PerformanceLongTaskTiming()
554. PerformanceMark: ƒ PerformanceMark()
555. PerformanceMeasure: ƒ PerformanceMeasure()
556. PerformanceNavigation: ƒ PerformanceNavigation()
557. PerformanceNavigationTi-
ming: ƒ PerformanceNavigationTiming()
558. PerformanceObserver: ƒ PerformanceObserver()
559. PerformanceObserverEntry-
List: ƒ PerformanceObserverEntryList()
560. PerformancePaintTiming: ƒ PerformancePaintTiming()
561. PerformanceResourceTiming: ƒ PerformanceResourceTiming()
562. PerformanceServerTiming: ƒ PerformanceServerTiming()
563. PerformanceTiming: ƒ PerformanceTiming()
564. PeriodicWave: ƒ PeriodicWave()
565. PermissionStatus: ƒ PermissionStatus()
566. Permissions: ƒ Permissions()
567. PhotoCapabilities: ƒ PhotoCapabilities()
568. PictureInPictureWindow: ƒ PictureInPictureWindow()
569. Plugin: ƒ Plugin()
570. PluginArray: ƒ PluginArray()
571. PointerEvent: ƒ PointerEvent()

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572. PopStateEvent: ƒ PopStateEvent()
573. Presentation: ƒ Presentation()
574. PresentationAvailability: ƒ PresentationAvailability()
575. PresentationConnection: ƒ PresentationConnection()
576. PresentationConnectionAvai-
lableEvent: ƒ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent()
577. PresentationConnectionClo-
seEvent: ƒ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent()
578. PresentationConnection-
List: ƒ PresentationConnectionList()
579. PresentationReceiver: ƒ PresentationReceiver()
580. PresentationRequest: ƒ PresentationRequest()
581. ProcessingInstruction: ƒ ProcessingInstruction()
582. ProgressEvent: ƒ ProgressEvent()
583. Promise: ƒ Promise()
584. PromiseRejectionEvent: ƒ PromiseRejectionEvent()
585. Proxy: ƒ Proxy()
586. PublicKeyCredential: ƒ PublicKeyCredential()
587. PushManager: ƒ PushManager()
588. PushSubscription: ƒ PushSubscription()
589. PushSubscriptionOptions: ƒ PushSubscriptionOptions()
590. RTCCertificate: ƒ RTCCertificate()
591. RTCDTMFSender: ƒ RTCDTMFSender()
592. RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent: ƒ RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent()
593. RTCDataChannel: ƒ RTCDataChannel()
594. RTCDataChannelEvent: ƒ RTCDataChannelEvent()
595. RTCIceCandidate: ƒ RTCIceCandidate()
596. RTCPeerConnection: ƒ RTCPeerConnection()
597. RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent: ƒ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent()
598. RTCRtpContributingSource: ƒ RTCRtpContributingSource()
599. RTCRtpReceiver: ƒ RTCRtpReceiver()
600. RTCRtpSender: ƒ RTCRtpSender()
601. RTCRtpTransceiver: ƒ RTCRtpTransceiver()
602. RTCSessionDescription: ƒ RTCSessionDescription()
603. RTCStatsReport: ƒ RTCStatsReport()
604. RTCTrackEvent: ƒ RTCTrackEvent()
605. RadioNodeList: ƒ RadioNodeList()
606. Range: ƒ Range()
607. RangeError: ƒ RangeError()
608. ReadableStream: ƒ ReadableStream()
609. ReferenceError: ƒ ReferenceError()
610. Re-
flect: {defineProperty: ƒ, deleteProperty: ƒ, apply: ƒ, constru
ct: ƒ, get: ƒ, …}
611. RegExp: ƒ RegExp()
612. RelativeOrientationSensor: ƒ RelativeOrientationSensor()
613. RemotePlayback: ƒ RemotePlayback()

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614. ReportingObserver: ƒ ReportingObserver()
615. Request: ƒ Request()
616. ResizeObserver: ƒ ResizeObserver()
617. ResizeObserverEntry: ƒ ResizeObserverEntry()
618. Response: ƒ Response()
619. SVGAElement: ƒ SVGAElement()
620. SVGAngle: ƒ SVGAngle()
621. SVGAnimateElement: ƒ SVGAnimateElement()
622. SVGAnimateMotionElement: ƒ SVGAnimateMotionElement()
623. SVGAnimateTransformEle-
ment: ƒ SVGAnimateTransformElement()
624. SVGAnimatedAngle: ƒ SVGAnimatedAngle()
625. SVGAnimatedBoolean: ƒ SVGAnimatedBoolean()
626. SVGAnimatedEnumeration: ƒ SVGAnimatedEnumeration()
627. SVGAnimatedInteger: ƒ SVGAnimatedInteger()
628. SVGAnimatedLength: ƒ SVGAnimatedLength()
629. SVGAnimatedLengthList: ƒ SVGAnimatedLengthList()
630. SVGAnimatedNumber: ƒ SVGAnimatedNumber()
631. SVGAnimatedNumberList: ƒ SVGAnimatedNumberList()
632. SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRa-
tio: ƒ SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio()
633. SVGAnimatedRect: ƒ SVGAnimatedRect()
634. SVGAnimatedString: ƒ SVGAnimatedString()
635. SVGAnimatedTransformList: ƒ SVGAnimatedTransformList()
636. SVGAnimationElement: ƒ SVGAnimationElement()
637. SVGCircleElement: ƒ SVGCircleElement()
638. SVGClipPathElement: ƒ SVGClipPathElement()
639. SVGComponentTransferFunctionEle-
ment: ƒ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement()
640. SVGDefsElement: ƒ SVGDefsElement()
641. SVGDescElement: ƒ SVGDescElement()
642. SVGDiscardElement: ƒ SVGDiscardElement()
643. SVGElement: ƒ SVGElement()
644. SVGEllipseElement: ƒ SVGEllipseElement()
645. SVGFEBlendElement: ƒ SVGFEBlendElement()
646. SVGFEColorMatrixElement: ƒ SVGFEColorMatrixElement()
647. SVGFEComponentTransferEle-
ment: ƒ SVGFEComponentTransferElement()
648. SVGFECompositeElement: ƒ SVGFECompositeElement()
649. SVGFEConvolveMatrixEle-
ment: ƒ SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement()
650. SVGFEDiffuseLightingEle-
ment: ƒ SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement()
651. SVGFEDisplacementMapE-
lement: ƒ SVGFEDisplacementMapElement()
652. SVGFEDistantLightElement: ƒ SVGFEDistantLightElement()
653. SVGFEDropShadowElement: ƒ SVGFEDropShadowElement()

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654. SVGFEFloodElement: ƒ SVGFEFloodElement()
655. SVGFEFuncAElement: ƒ SVGFEFuncAElement()
656. SVGFEFuncBElement: ƒ SVGFEFuncBElement()
657. SVGFEFuncGElement: ƒ SVGFEFuncGElement()
658. SVGFEFuncRElement: ƒ SVGFEFuncRElement()
659. SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: ƒ SVGFEGaussianBlurElement()
660. SVGFEImageElement: ƒ SVGFEImageElement()
661. SVGFEMergeElement: ƒ SVGFEMergeElement()
662. SVGFEMergeNodeElement: ƒ SVGFEMergeNodeElement()
663. SVGFEMorphologyElement: ƒ SVGFEMorphologyElement()
664. SVGFEOffsetElement: ƒ SVGFEOffsetElement()
665. SVGFEPointLightElement: ƒ SVGFEPointLightElement()
666. SVGFESpecularLightingEle-
ment: ƒ SVGFESpecularLightingElement()
667. SVGFESpotLightElement: ƒ SVGFESpotLightElement()
668. SVGFETileElement: ƒ SVGFETileElement()
669. SVGFETurbulenceElement: ƒ SVGFETurbulenceElement()
670. SVGFilterElement: ƒ SVGFilterElement()
671. SVGForeignObjectElement: ƒ SVGForeignObjectElement()
672. SVGGElement: ƒ SVGGElement()
673. SVGGeometryElement: ƒ SVGGeometryElement()
674. SVGGradientElement: ƒ SVGGradientElement()
675. SVGGraphicsElement: ƒ SVGGraphicsElement()
676. SVGImageElement: ƒ SVGImageElement()
677. SVGLength: ƒ SVGLength()
678. SVGLengthList: ƒ SVGLengthList()
679. SVGLineElement: ƒ SVGLineElement()
680. SVGLinearGradientElement: ƒ SVGLinearGradientElement()
681. SVGMPathElement: ƒ SVGMPathElement()
682. SVGMarkerElement: ƒ SVGMarkerElement()
683. SVGMaskElement: ƒ SVGMaskElement()
684. SVGMatrix: ƒ SVGMatrix()
685. SVGMetadataElement: ƒ SVGMetadataElement()
686. SVGNumber: ƒ SVGNumber()
687. SVGNumberList: ƒ SVGNumberList()
688. SVGPathElement: ƒ SVGPathElement()
689. SVGPatternElement: ƒ SVGPatternElement()
690. SVGPoint: ƒ SVGPoint()
691. SVGPointList: ƒ SVGPointList()
692. SVGPolygonElement: ƒ SVGPolygonElement()
693. SVGPolylineElement: ƒ SVGPolylineElement()
694. SVGPreserveAspectRatio: ƒ SVGPreserveAspectRatio()
695. SVGRadialGradientElement: ƒ SVGRadialGradientElement()
696. SVGRect: ƒ SVGRect()
697. SVGRectElement: ƒ SVGRectElement()
698. SVGSVGElement: ƒ SVGSVGElement()
699. SVGScriptElement: ƒ SVGScriptElement()

La variable « this » 33 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
700. SVGSetElement: ƒ SVGSetElement()
701. SVGStopElement: ƒ SVGStopElement()
702. SVGStringList: ƒ SVGStringList()
703. SVGStyleElement: ƒ SVGStyleElement()
704. SVGSwitchElement: ƒ SVGSwitchElement()
705. SVGSymbolElement: ƒ SVGSymbolElement()
706. SVGTSpanElement: ƒ SVGTSpanElement()
707. SVGTextContentElement: ƒ SVGTextContentElement()
708. SVGTextElement: ƒ SVGTextElement()
709. SVGTextPathElement: ƒ SVGTextPathElement()
710. SVGTextPositioningElement: ƒ SVGTextPositioningElement()
711. SVGTitleElement: ƒ SVGTitleElement()
712. SVGTransform: ƒ SVGTransform()
713. SVGTransformList: ƒ SVGTransformList()
714. SVGUnitTypes: ƒ SVGUnitTypes()
715. SVGUseElement: ƒ SVGUseElement()
716. SVGViewElement: ƒ SVGViewElement()
717. Screen: ƒ Screen()
718. ScreenOrientation: ƒ ScreenOrientation()
719. ScriptProcessorNode: ƒ ScriptProcessorNode()
720. SecurityPolicyViola-
tionEvent: ƒ SecurityPolicyViolationEvent()
721. Selection: ƒ Selection()
722. Sensor: ƒ Sensor()
723. SensorErrorEvent: ƒ SensorErrorEvent()
724. ServiceWorker: ƒ ServiceWorker()
725. ServiceWorkerContainer: ƒ ServiceWorkerContainer()
726. ServiceWorkerRegistration: ƒ ServiceWorkerRegistration()
727. Set: ƒ Set()
728. ShadowRoot: ƒ ShadowRoot()
729. SharedWorker: ƒ SharedWorker()
730. SourceBuffer: ƒ SourceBuffer()
731. SourceBufferList: ƒ SourceBufferList()
732. SpeechSynthesisEvent: ƒ SpeechSynthesisEvent()
733. SpeechSynthesisUtterance: ƒ SpeechSynthesisUtterance()
734. StaticRange: ƒ StaticRange()
735. StereoPannerNode: ƒ StereoPannerNode()
736. Storage: ƒ Storage()
737. StorageEvent: ƒ StorageEvent()
738. StorageManager: ƒ StorageManager()
739. String: ƒ String()
740. StylePropertyMap: ƒ StylePropertyMap()
741. StylePropertyMapReadOnly: ƒ StylePropertyMapReadOnly()
742. StyleSheet: ƒ StyleSheet()
743. StyleSheetList: ƒ StyleSheetList()
744. SubtleCrypto: ƒ SubtleCrypto()
745. Symbol: ƒ Symbol()

La variable « this » 34 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
746. SyncManager: ƒ SyncManager()
747. SyntaxError: ƒ SyntaxError()
748. TaskAttributionTiming: ƒ TaskAttributionTiming()
749. Text: ƒ Text()
750. TextDecoder: ƒ TextDecoder()
751. TextEncoder: ƒ TextEncoder()
752. TextEvent: ƒ TextEvent()
753. TextMetrics: ƒ TextMetrics()
754. TextTrack: ƒ TextTrack()
755. TextTrackCue: ƒ TextTrackCue()
756. TextTrackCueList: ƒ TextTrackCueList()
757. TextTrackList: ƒ TextTrackList()
758. TimeRanges: ƒ TimeRanges()
759. Touch: ƒ Touch()
760. TouchEvent: ƒ TouchEvent()
761. TouchList: ƒ TouchList()
762. TrackEvent: ƒ TrackEvent()
763. TransformStream: ƒ TransformStream()
764. TransitionEvent: ƒ TransitionEvent()
765. TreeWalker: ƒ TreeWalker()
766. TypeError: ƒ TypeError()
767. UIEvent: ƒ UIEvent()
768. URIError: ƒ URIError()
769. URL: ƒ URL()
770. URLSearchParams: ƒ URLSearchParams()
771. USB: ƒ USB()
772. USBAlternateInterface: ƒ USBAlternateInterface()
773. USBConfiguration: ƒ USBConfiguration()
774. USBConnectionEvent: ƒ USBConnectionEvent()
775. USBDevice: ƒ USBDevice()
776. USBEndpoint: ƒ USBEndpoint()
777. USBInTransferResult: ƒ USBInTransferResult()
778. USBInterface: ƒ USBInterface()
779. USBIsochronousInTransferPack-
et: ƒ USBIsochronousInTransferPacket()
780. USBIsochronousInTransferRe-
sult: ƒ USBIsochronousInTransferResult()
781. USBIsochronousOutTransferPack-
et: ƒ USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket()
782. USBIsochronousOutTransferRe-
sult: ƒ USBIsochronousOutTransferResult()
783. USBOutTransferResult: ƒ USBOutTransferResult()
784. Uint8Array: ƒ Uint8Array()
785. Uint8ClampedArray: ƒ Uint8ClampedArray()
786. Uint16Array: ƒ Uint16Array()
787. Uint32Array: ƒ Uint32Array()
788. VTTCue: ƒ VTTCue()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
789. ValidityState: ƒ ValidityState()
790. VisualViewport: ƒ VisualViewport()
791. WaveShaperNode: ƒ WaveShaperNode()
792. WeakMap: ƒ WeakMap()
793. WeakSet: ƒ WeakSet()
794. WebAssem-
bly: WebAssembly {compile: ƒ, validate: ƒ, instantiate: ƒ, comp
ileStreaming: ƒ, instantiateStreaming: ƒ, …}
795. WebGL2RenderingContext: ƒ WebGL2RenderingContext()
796. WebGLActiveInfo: ƒ WebGLActiveInfo()
797. WebGLBuffer: ƒ WebGLBuffer()
798. WebGLContextEvent: ƒ WebGLContextEvent()
799. WebGLFramebuffer: ƒ WebGLFramebuffer()
800. WebGLProgram: ƒ WebGLProgram()
801. WebGLQuery: ƒ WebGLQuery()
802. WebGLRenderbuffer: ƒ WebGLRenderbuffer()
803. WebGLRenderingContext: ƒ WebGLRenderingContext()
804. WebGLSampler: ƒ WebGLSampler()
805. WebGLShader: ƒ WebGLShader()
806. WebGLShaderPrecisionFor-
mat: ƒ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat()
807. WebGLSync: ƒ WebGLSync()
808. WebGLTexture: ƒ WebGLTexture()
809. WebGLTransformFeedback: ƒ WebGLTransformFeedback()
810. WebGLUniformLocation: ƒ WebGLUniformLocation()
811. WebGLVertexArrayObject: ƒ WebGLVertexArrayObject()
812. WebKitAnimationEvent: ƒ AnimationEvent()
813. WebKitCSSMatrix: ƒ DOMMatrix()
814. WebKitMutationObserver: ƒ MutationObserver()
815. WebKitTransitionEvent: ƒ TransitionEvent()
816. WebSocket: ƒ WebSocket()
817. WheelEvent: ƒ WheelEvent()
818. Window: ƒ Window()
819. Worker: ƒ Worker()
820. Worklet: ƒ Worklet()
821. WritableStream: ƒ WritableStream()
822. XMLDocument: ƒ XMLDocument()
823. XMLHttpRequest: ƒ XMLHttpRequest()
824. XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: ƒ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget()
825. XMLHttpRequestUpload: ƒ XMLHttpRequestUpload()
826. XMLSerializer: ƒ XMLSerializer()
827. XPathEvaluator: ƒ XPathEvaluator()
828. XPathExpression: ƒ XPathExpression()
829. XPathResult: ƒ XPathResult()
830. XSLTProcessor: ƒ XSLTProcessor()
831. con-
sole: console {debug: ƒ, error: ƒ, info: ƒ, log: ƒ, warn: ƒ, …}

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
832. decodeURI: ƒ decodeURI()
833. decodeURIComponent: ƒ decodeURIComponent()
834. encodeURI: ƒ encodeURI()
835. encodeURIComponent: ƒ encodeURIComponent()
836. escape: ƒ escape()
837. eval: ƒ eval()
838. event: undefined
839. isFinite: ƒ isFinite()
840. isNaN: ƒ isNaN()
841. offscreenBuffering: true
842. parseFloat: ƒ parseFloat()
843. parseInt: ƒ parseInt()
844. undefined: undefined
845. unescape: ƒ unescape()
846. webkitMediaStream: ƒ MediaStream()
847. webkitRTCPeerConnection: ƒ RTCPeerConnection()
848. webkitSpeechGrammar: ƒ SpeechGrammar()
849. webkitSpeechGrammarList: ƒ SpeechGrammarList()
850. webkitSpeechRecognition: ƒ SpeechRecognition()
851. webkitSpeechRecognitionError: ƒ SpeechRecognitionError()
852. webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent: ƒ SpeechRecognitionEvent()
853. webkitURL: ƒ URL()
854. __proto__: Window

Exécution dans FIREFOX, les propriétés de l’objet window :

" [object Window] "

[default properties]
AbortController: function ()
AbortSignal: function ()
AnalyserNode: function ()
Animation: function ()
AnimationEvent: function ()
AnonymousContent: function ()
Array: function Array()
ArrayBuffer: function ArrayBuffer()
Attr: function ()
Audio: function Audio()
AudioBuffer: function ()
AudioBufferSourceNode: function ()
AudioContext: function ()
AudioDestinationNode: function ()
La variable « this » 37 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
AudioListener: function ()
AudioNode: function ()
AudioParam: function ()
AudioProcessingEvent: function ()
AudioScheduledSourceNode: function ()
AudioStreamTrack: function ()
BarProp: function ()
BaseAudioContext: function ()
BatteryManager: function ()
BeforeUnloadEvent: function ()
BiquadFilterNode: function ()
Blob: function ()
BlobEvent: function ()
Boolean: function Boolean()
BroadcastChannel: function ()
CDATASection: function ()
CSS: function ()
CSS2Properties: function ()
CSSConditionRule: function ()
CSSCounterStyleRule: function ()
CSSFontFaceRule: function ()
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule: function ()
CSSGroupingRule: function ()
CSSImportRule: function ()
CSSKeyframeRule: function ()
CSSKeyframesRule: function ()
CSSMediaRule: function ()
CSSMozDocumentRule: function ()
CSSNamespaceRule: function ()
CSSPageRule: function ()
CSSPrimitiveValue: function ()
CSSRule: function ()
CSSRuleList: function ()
CSSStyleDeclaration: function ()
CSSStyleRule: function ()
CSSStyleSheet: function ()
CSSSupportsRule: function ()
CSSValue: function ()
CSSValueList: function ()
Cache: function ()
CacheStorage: function ()
CanvasCaptureMediaStream: function ()
CanvasGradient: function ()
CanvasPattern: function ()
La variable « this » 38 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
CanvasRenderingContext2D: function ()
CaretPosition: function ()
ChannelMergerNode: function ()
ChannelSplitterNode: function ()
CharacterData: function ()
ClipboardEvent: function ()
CloseEvent: function ()
Comment: function ()
CompositionEvent: function ()
ConstantSourceNode: function ()
ConvolverNode: function ()
Crypto: function ()
CryptoKey: function ()
CustomEvent: function ()
DOMCursor: function ()
DOMError: function ()
DOMException: function ()
DOMImplementation: function ()
DOMMatrix: function ()
DOMMatrixReadOnly: function ()
DOMParser: function ()
DOMPoint: function ()
DOMPointReadOnly: function ()
DOMQuad: function ()
DOMRect: function ()
DOMRectList: function ()
DOMRectReadOnly: function ()
DOMRequest: function ()
DOMStringList: function ()
DOMStringMap: function ()
DOMTokenList: function ()
DataChannel: function ()
DataTransfer: function ()
DataTransferItem: function ()
DataTransferItemList: function ()
DataView: function DataView()
Date: function Date()
DelayNode: function ()
DeviceLightEvent: function ()
DeviceMotionEvent: function ()
DeviceOrientationEvent: function ()
DeviceProximityEvent: function ()
Directory: function ()
Document: function ()
La variable « this » 39 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
DocumentFragment: function ()
DocumentType: function ()
DragEvent: function ()
DynamicsCompressorNode: function ()
Element: function ()
Error: function Error()
ErrorEvent: function ()
EvalError: function EvalError()
Event: function ()
EventSource: function ()
EventTarget: function ()
File: function ()
FileList: function ()
FileReader: function ()
FileSystem: function ()
FileSystemDirectoryEntry: function ()
FileSystemDirectoryReader: function ()
FileSystemEntry: function ()
FileSystemFileEntry: function ()
Float32Array: function Float32Array()
Float64Array: function Float64Array()
FocusEvent: function ()
FontFace: function ()
FontFaceSet: function ()
FontFaceSetLoadEvent: function ()
FormData: function ()
Function: function Function()
GainNode: function ()
Gamepad: function ()
GamepadButton: function ()
GamepadEvent: function ()
GamepadHapticActuator: function ()
GamepadPose: function ()
HTMLAllCollection: function ()
HTMLAnchorElement: function ()
HTMLAreaElement: function ()
HTMLAudioElement: function ()
HTMLBRElement: function ()
HTMLBaseElement: function ()
HTMLBodyElement: function ()
HTMLButtonElement: function ()
HTMLCanvasElement: function ()
HTMLCollection: function ()
HTMLDListElement: function ()
La variable « this » 40 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
HTMLDataElement: function ()
HTMLDataListElement: function ()
HTMLDetailsElement: function ()
HTMLDirectoryElement: function ()
HTMLDivElement: function ()
HTMLDocument: function ()
HTMLElement: function ()
HTMLEmbedElement: function ()
HTMLFieldSetElement: function ()
HTMLFontElement: function ()
HTMLFormControlsCollection: function ()
HTMLFormElement: function ()
HTMLFrameElement: function ()
HTMLFrameSetElement: function ()
HTMLHRElement: function ()
HTMLHeadElement: function ()
HTMLHeadingElement: function ()
HTMLHtmlElement: function ()
HTMLIFrameElement: function ()
HTMLImageElement: function ()
HTMLInputElement: function ()
HTMLLIElement: function ()
HTMLLabelElement: function ()
HTMLLegendElement: function ()
HTMLLinkElement: function ()
HTMLMapElement: function ()
HTMLMediaElement: function ()
HTMLMenuElement: function ()
HTMLMenuItemElement: function ()
HTMLMetaElement: function ()
HTMLMeterElement: function ()
HTMLModElement: function ()
HTMLOListElement: function ()
HTMLObjectElement: function ()
HTMLOptGroupElement: function ()
HTMLOptionElement: function ()
HTMLOptionsCollection: function ()
HTMLOutputElement: function ()
HTMLParagraphElement: function ()
HTMLParamElement: function ()
HTMLPictureElement: function ()
HTMLPreElement: function ()
HTMLProgressElement: function ()
HTMLQuoteElement: function ()
La variable « this » 41 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
HTMLScriptElement: function ()
HTMLSelectElement: function ()
HTMLSourceElement: function ()
HTMLSpanElement: function ()
HTMLStyleElement: function ()
HTMLTableCaptionElement: function ()
HTMLTableCellElement: function ()
HTMLTableColElement: function ()
HTMLTableElement: function ()
HTMLTableRowElement: function ()
HTMLTableSectionElement: function ()
HTMLTemplateElement: function ()
HTMLTextAreaElement: function ()
HTMLTimeElement: function ()
HTMLTitleElement: function ()
HTMLTrackElement: function ()
HTMLUListElement: function ()
HTMLUnknownElement: function ()
HTMLVideoElement: function ()
HashChangeEvent: function ()
Headers: function ()
History: function ()
IDBCursor: function ()
IDBCursorWithValue: function ()
IDBDatabase: function ()
IDBFactory: function ()
IDBFileHandle: function ()
IDBFileRequest: function ()
IDBIndex: function ()
IDBKeyRange: function ()
IDBMutableFile: function ()
IDBObjectStore: function ()
IDBOpenDBRequest: function ()
IDBRequest: function ()
IDBTransaction: function ()
IDBVersionChangeEvent: function ()
IIRFilterNode: function ()
IdleDeadline: function ()
Image: function Image()
ImageBitmap: function ()
ImageBitmapRenderingContext: function ()
ImageData: function ()
Infinity: Infinity
InputEvent: function ()
La variable « this » 42 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
InstallTrigger: InstallTriggerImpl { }
Int16Array: function Int16Array()
Int32Array: function Int32Array()
Int8Array: function Int8Array()
InternalError: function InternalError()
IntersectionObserver: function ()
IntersectionObserverEntry: function ()
Intl: Object { … }
JSON: JSON { … }
KeyEvent: function ()
KeyboardEvent: function ()
LocalMediaStream: function ()
Location: function ()
Map: function Map()
Math: Math { … }
MediaDeviceInfo: function ()
MediaDevices: function ()
MediaElementAudioSourceNode: function ()
MediaEncryptedEvent: function ()
MediaError: function ()
MediaKeyError: function ()
MediaKeyMessageEvent: function ()
MediaKeySession: function ()
MediaKeyStatusMap: function ()
MediaKeySystemAccess: function ()
MediaKeys: function ()
MediaList: function ()
MediaQueryList: function ()
MediaQueryListEvent: function ()
MediaRecorder: function ()
MediaRecorderErrorEvent: function ()
MediaSource: function ()
MediaStream: function ()
MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode: function ()
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode: function ()
MediaStreamEvent: function ()
MediaStreamTrack: function ()
MediaStreamTrackEvent: function ()
MessageChannel: function ()
MessageEvent: function ()
MessagePort: function ()
MimeType: function ()
MimeTypeArray: function ()
MouseEvent: function ()
La variable « this » 43 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
MouseScrollEvent: function ()
MutationEvent: function ()
MutationObserver: function ()
MutationRecord: function ()
NaN: NaN
NamedNodeMap: function ()
Navigator: function ()
Node: function ()
NodeFilter: function ()
NodeIterator: function ()
NodeList: function ()
Notification: function ()
NotifyPaintEvent: function ()
Number: function Number()
Object: function Object()
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: function ()
OfflineAudioContext: function ()
OfflineResourceList: function ()
Option: function Option()
OscillatorNode: function ()
PageTransitionEvent: function ()
PaintRequest: function ()
PaintRequestList: function ()
PannerNode: function ()
Path2D: function ()
Performance: function ()
PerformanceEntry: function ()
PerformanceMark: function ()
PerformanceMeasure: function ()
PerformanceNavigation: function ()
PerformanceNavigationTiming: function ()
PerformanceObserver: function ()
PerformanceObserverEntryList: function ()
PerformanceResourceTiming: function ()
PerformanceTiming: function ()
PeriodicWave: function ()
PermissionStatus: function ()
Permissions: function ()
Plugin: function ()
PluginArray: function ()
PointerEvent: function ()
PopStateEvent: function ()
PopupBlockedEvent: function ()
ProcessingInstruction: function ()
La variable « this » 44 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
ProgressEvent: function ()
Promise: function Promise()
Proxy: function Proxy()
PushManager: function ()
PushSubscription: function ()
PushSubscriptionOptions: function ()
RGBColor: function ()
RTCCertificate: function ()
RTCDTMFSender: function ()
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent: function ()
RTCDataChannelEvent: function ()
RTCIceCandidate: function ()
RTCPeerConnection: function ()
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent: function ()
RTCRtpReceiver: function ()
RTCRtpSender: function ()
RTCRtpTransceiver: function ()
RTCSessionDescription: function ()
RTCStatsReport: function ()
RTCTrackEvent: function ()
RadioNodeList: function ()
Range: function ()
RangeError: function RangeError()
Rect: function ()
ReferenceError: function ReferenceError()
Reflect: Object { … }
RegExp: function RegExp()
Request: function ()
Response: function ()
SVGAElement: function ()
SVGAngle: function ()
SVGAnimateElement: function ()
SVGAnimateMotionElement: function ()
SVGAnimateTransformElement: function ()
SVGAnimatedAngle: function ()
SVGAnimatedBoolean: function ()
SVGAnimatedEnumeration: function ()
SVGAnimatedInteger: function ()
SVGAnimatedLength: function ()
SVGAnimatedLengthList: function ()
SVGAnimatedNumber: function ()
SVGAnimatedNumberList: function ()
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: function ()
SVGAnimatedRect: function ()
La variable « this » 45 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
SVGAnimatedString: function ()
SVGAnimatedTransformList: function ()
SVGAnimationElement: function ()
SVGCircleElement: function ()
SVGClipPathElement: function ()
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement: function ()
SVGDefsElement: function ()
SVGDescElement: function ()
SVGElement: function ()
SVGEllipseElement: function ()
SVGFEBlendElement: function ()
SVGFEColorMatrixElement: function ()
SVGFEComponentTransferElement: function ()
SVGFECompositeElement: function ()
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: function ()
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement: function ()
SVGFEDisplacementMapElement: function ()
SVGFEDistantLightElement: function ()
SVGFEDropShadowElement: function ()
SVGFEFloodElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncAElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncBElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncGElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncRElement: function ()
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: function ()
SVGFEImageElement: function ()
SVGFEMergeElement: function ()
SVGFEMergeNodeElement: function ()
SVGFEMorphologyElement: function ()
SVGFEOffsetElement: function ()
SVGFEPointLightElement: function ()
SVGFESpecularLightingElement: function ()
SVGFESpotLightElement: function ()
SVGFETileElement: function ()
SVGFETurbulenceElement: function ()
SVGFilterElement: function ()
SVGForeignObjectElement: function ()
SVGGElement: function ()
SVGGeometryElement: function ()
SVGGradientElement: function ()
SVGGraphicsElement: function ()
SVGImageElement: function ()
SVGLength: function ()
SVGLengthList: function ()
La variable « this » 46 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
SVGLineElement: function ()
SVGLinearGradientElement: function ()
SVGMPathElement: function ()
SVGMarkerElement: function ()
SVGMaskElement: function ()
SVGMatrix: function ()
SVGMetadataElement: function ()
SVGNumber: function ()
SVGNumberList: function ()
SVGPathElement: function ()
SVGPathSegList: function ()
SVGPatternElement: function ()
SVGPoint: function ()
SVGPointList: function ()
SVGPolygonElement: function ()
SVGPolylineElement: function ()
SVGPreserveAspectRatio: function ()
SVGRadialGradientElement: function ()
SVGRect: function ()
SVGRectElement: function ()
SVGSVGElement: function ()
SVGScriptElement: function ()
SVGSetElement: function ()
SVGStopElement: function ()
SVGStringList: function ()
SVGStyleElement: function ()
SVGSwitchElement: function ()
SVGSymbolElement: function ()
SVGTSpanElement: function ()
SVGTextContentElement: function ()
SVGTextElement: function ()
SVGTextPathElement: function ()
SVGTextPositioningElement: function ()
SVGTitleElement: function ()
SVGTransform: function ()
SVGTransformList: function ()
SVGUnitTypes: function ()
SVGUseElement: function ()
SVGViewElement: function ()
SVGZoomAndPan: function ()
Screen: function ()
ScreenOrientation: function ()
ScriptProcessorNode: function ()
ScrollAreaEvent: function ()
La variable « this » 47 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
Selection: function ()
ServiceWorker: function ()
ServiceWorkerContainer: function ()
ServiceWorkerRegistration: function ()
Set: function Set()
SharedWorker: function ()
SourceBuffer: function ()
SourceBufferList: function ()
SpeechSynthesis: function ()
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent: function ()
SpeechSynthesisEvent: function ()
SpeechSynthesisUtterance: function ()
SpeechSynthesisVoice: function ()
StereoPannerNode: function ()
Storage: function ()
StorageEvent: function ()
StorageManager: function ()
String: function String()
StyleSheet: function ()
StyleSheetList: function ()
SubtleCrypto: function ()
Symbol: function Symbol()
SyntaxError: function SyntaxError()
Text: function ()
TextDecoder: function ()
TextEncoder: function ()
TextMetrics: function ()
TextTrack: function ()
TextTrackCue: function ()
TextTrackCueList: function ()
TextTrackList: function ()
TimeEvent: function ()
TimeRanges: function ()
TrackEvent: function ()
TransitionEvent: function ()
TreeWalker: function ()
TypeError: function TypeError()
UIEvent: function ()
URIError: function URIError()
URL: function ()
URLSearchParams: function ()
Uint16Array: function Uint16Array()
Uint32Array: function Uint32Array()
Uint8Array: function Uint8Array()
La variable « this » 48 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
Uint8ClampedArray: function Uint8ClampedArray()
UserProximityEvent: function ()
VRDisplay: function ()
VRDisplayCapabilities: function ()
VRDisplayEvent: function ()
VREyeParameters: function ()
VRFieldOfView: function ()
VRFrameData: function ()
VRPose: function ()
VRStageParameters: function ()
VTTCue: function ()
VTTRegion: function ()
ValidityState: function ()
VideoPlaybackQuality: function ()
VideoStreamTrack: function ()
WaveShaperNode: function ()
WeakMap: function WeakMap()
WeakSet: function WeakSet()
WebAssembly: WebAssembly { … }
WebGL2RenderingContext: function ()
WebGLActiveInfo: function ()
WebGLBuffer: function ()
WebGLContextEvent: function ()
WebGLFramebuffer: function ()
WebGLProgram: function ()
WebGLQuery: function ()
WebGLRenderbuffer: function ()
WebGLRenderingContext: function ()
WebGLSampler: function ()
WebGLShader: function ()
WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: function ()
WebGLSync: function ()
WebGLTexture: function ()
WebGLTransformFeedback: function ()
WebGLUniformLocation: function ()
WebGLVertexArrayObject: function ()
WebKitCSSMatrix: function ()
WebSocket: function ()
WheelEvent: function ()
Window: function ()
Worker: function ()
XMLDocument: function ()
XMLHttpRequest: function ()
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: function ()
La variable « this » 49 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
XMLHttpRequestUpload: function ()
XMLSerializer: function ()
XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction: function ()
XPathEvaluator: function ()
XPathExpression: function ()
XPathResult: function ()
XSLTProcessor: function ()
alert: function alert()
applicationCache: OfflineResourceList { status:
0, onchecking: null, length: 0, … }
atob: function atob()
blur: function blur()
btoa: function btoa()
caches: CacheStorage { }
cancelAnimationFrame: function cancelAnimation-
cancelIdleCallback: function cancelIdleCallback()
captureEvents: function captureEvents()
clearInterval: function clearInterval()
clearTimeout: function clearTimeout()
close: function close()
closed: false
confirm: function confirm()
console: Console { assert: assert(), clear:
clear(), count: count(), … }
content: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
createImageBitmap: function createImageBitmap()
crypto: Crypto { subtle: SubtleCrypto }
decodeURI: function decodeURI()
decodeURIComponent: function decodeURIComponent()
devicePixelRatio: 1
document: HTMLDocument
dump: function dump()
encodeURI: function encodeURI()
encodeURIComponent: function encodeURIComponent()
escape: function escape()
eval: function eval()
external: External { }
fetch: function fetch()
find: function find()
focus: function focus()
frameElement: null
frames: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
La variable « this » 50 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
fullScreen: false
getComputedStyle: function getComputedStyle()
getDefaultComputedStyle: function getDefaultCom-
getSelection: function getSelection()
history: History { length: 10, scrollRestoration:
"auto", state: null }
indexedDB: IDBFactory { }
innerHeight: 828
innerWidth: 170
isFinite: function isFinite()
isNaN: function isNaN()
isSecureContext: true
length: 0
localStorage: Storage { length: 0 }
location: Location
locationbar: BarProp { visible: true }
matchMedia: function matchMedia()
menubar: BarProp { visible: true }
moveBy: function moveBy()
moveTo: function moveTo()
mozInnerScreenX: 1078
mozInnerScreenY: 150
mozPaintCount: 1
mozRTCIceCandidate: function ()
mozRTCPeerConnection: function ()
mozRTCSessionDescription: function ()
name: ""
navigator: Navigator { doNotTrack: "unspecified",
maxTouchPoints: 0, oscpu: "Windows NT 6.1; Win64;
x64", … }
netscape: Object { … }
onabort: null
onabsolutedeviceorientation: null
onafterprint: null
onanimationcancel: null
onanimationend: null
onanimationiteration: null
onanimationstart: null
onauxclick: null
onbeforeprint: null
onbeforeunload: null
onblur: null
La variable « this » 51 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
oncanplay: null
oncanplaythrough: null
onchange: null
onclick: null
onclose: null
oncontextmenu: null
ondblclick: null
ondevicelight: null
ondevicemotion: null
ondeviceorientation: null
ondeviceproximity: null
ondrag: null
ondragend: null
ondragenter: null
ondragexit: null
ondragleave: null
ondragover: null
ondragstart: null
ondrop: null
ondurationchange: null
onemptied: null
onended: null
onerror: null
onfocus: null
ongotpointercapture: null
onhashchange: null
oninput: null
oninvalid: null
onkeydown: null
onkeypress: null
onkeyup: null
onlanguagechange: null
onload: null
onloadeddata: null
onloadedmetadata: null
onloadend: null
onloadstart: null
onlostpointercapture: null
onmessage: null
onmessageerror: null
onmousedown: null
onmouseenter: null
onmouseleave: null
onmousemove: null
La variable « this » 52 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
onmouseout: null
onmouseover: null
onmouseup: null
onmozfullscreenchange: null
onmozfullscreenerror: null
onoffline: null
ononline: null
onpagehide: null
onpageshow: null
onpause: null
onplay: null
onplaying: null
onpointercancel: null
onpointerdown: null
onpointerenter: null
onpointerleave: null
onpointermove: null
onpointerout: null
onpointerover: null
onpointerup: null
onpopstate: null
onprogress: null
onratechange: null
onreset: null
onresize: null
onscroll: null
onseeked: null
onseeking: null
onselect: null
onselectstart: null
onshow: null
onstalled: null
onstorage: null
onsubmit: null
onsuspend: null
ontimeupdate: null
ontoggle: null
ontransitioncancel: null
ontransitionend: null
ontransitionrun: null
ontransitionstart: null
onunload: null
onuserproximity: null
onvolumechange: null
La variable « this » 53 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
onvrdisplayactivate: null
onvrdisplayconnect: null
onvrdisplaydeactivate: null
onvrdisplaydisconnect: null
onvrdisplaypresentchange: null
onwaiting: null
onwebkitanimationend: null
onwebkitanimationiteration: null
onwebkitanimationstart: null
onwebkittransitionend: null
onwheel: null
open: function open()
opener: null
origin: "null"
outerHeight: 914
outerWidth: 775
pageXOffset: 0
pageYOffset: 0
parent: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
parseFloat: function parseFloat()
parseInt: function parseInt()
performance: Performance { timeOrigin:
1522593114984, timing: PerformanceTiming, navigation:
PerformanceNavigation, … }
personalbar: BarProp { visible: true }
postMessage: function postMessage()
print: function print()
prompt: function prompt()
releaseEvents: function releaseEvents()
requestAnimationFrame: function requestAnimation-
requestIdleCallback: function requestIdle-
resizeBy: function resizeBy()
resizeTo: function resizeTo()
screen: Screen { availWidth: 1856, availHeight:
1080, width: 1920, … }
screenX: 1071
screenY: 71
scroll: function scroll()
scrollBy: function scrollBy()
scrollByLines: function scrollByLines()
scrollByPages: function scrollByPages()
scrollMaxX: 0
La variable « this » 54 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
scrollMaxY: 0
scrollTo: function scrollTo()
scrollX: 0
scrollY: 0
scrollbars: BarProp { visible: true }
self: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
sessionStorage: Storage { "savefrom-helper-
extension": "1", length: 1 }
setInterval: function setInterval()
setResizable: function setResizable()
setTimeout: function setTimeout()
sidebar: External { }
sizeToContent: function sizeToContent()
speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis { pending:
false, speaking: false, paused: false, … }
status: ""
statusbar: BarProp { visible: true }
stop: function stop()
toolbar: BarProp { visible: true }
top: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
undefined: undefined
unescape: function unescape()
uneval: function uneval()
updateCommands: function updateCommands()
window: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#

__proto__: WindowPrototype
constructor: ()
length: 0

name: "Window"

prototype: WindowPrototype { … }

Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance): undefined

__proto__: function ()
length: 0
name: "Window"
prototype: WindowPrototype
constructor: function ()
__proto__: WindowProperties
constructor: function ()
__proto__: WindowProperties { }
La variable « this » 55 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
__proto__: EventTargetPrototype { addEvent-
Listener: addEventListener(), removeEventListener: re-
moveEventListener(), dispatchEvent: dis-
patchEvent(), … }
Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance): undefined
__proto__: function ()
__proto__: ()
length: 0
name: "EventTarget"
prototype: EventTargetPrototype { addEventLis-
tener: addEventListener(), removeEventListener: re-
moveEventListener(), dispatchEvent: dis-
patchEvent(), … }
Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance): undefined
__proto__: function ()
__proto__: WindowProperties
__proto__: EventTargetPrototype { addEventLis-
tener: addEventListener(), removeEventListener: re-
moveEventListener(), dispatchEvent: dis-
patchEvent(), … }

L’attribut « content » des objets Window est obsolète.

Veuillez utiliser « » à la place.

Avec :

Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ,
frames: Window, …}

1er alert:ƒ alert()

2nd applica-
tionCache:ApplicationCache {status: 0, onchecking: null, onerror: nu
ll, onnoupdate: null, ondownloading: null, …}
3e atob:ƒ atob()
4e blur:ƒ ()
5e btoa:ƒ btoa()
6e caches:CacheStorage {}
7e cancelAnimationFrame:ƒ cancelAnimationFrame()
8e cancelIdleCallback:ƒ cancelIdleCallback()
La variable « this » 56 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
9e captureEvents:ƒ captureEvents()
10th chrome:{loadTimes: ƒ, csi: ƒ}
11e clearInterval:ƒ clearInterval()
12e clearTimeout:ƒ clearTimeout()
13e clientInforma-
tion:Navigator {vendorSub: "", productSub: "20030107", vendor: "Goog
le Inc.", maxTouchPoints: 0, hardwareConcurrency: 4, …}
14e close:ƒ ()
15e closed:false
16e confirm:ƒ confirm()
17e createImageBitmap:ƒ createImageBitmap()
18e crypto:Crypto {subtle: SubtleCrypto}
19e customElements:CustomElementRegistry {}
20e defaultStatus:""
21e defaultstatus:""
22e devicePixelRatio:1
23e document:document
24e external:External {}
25e fetch:ƒ fetch()
26e find:ƒ find()
27e focus:ƒ ()
28e frameElement:null
29th frames:Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, fra
mes: Window, …}
30e getComputedStyle:ƒ getComputedStyle()
31e getSelection:ƒ getSelection()
32nd histo-
ry:History {length: 1, scrollRestoration: "auto", state: null}
33e indexedDB:IDBFactory {}
34e innerHeight:728
35e innerWidth:223
36e isSecureContext:true
37e length:0
38e localStorage:Storage {length: 0}
39th loca-
tion:Location {replace: ƒ, assign: ƒ, href: "file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/
test.html#", ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList, origin: "file://", …}
40e locationbar:BarProp {visible: true}
41e matchMedia:ƒ matchMedia()
42e menubar:BarProp {visible: true}
43e moveBy:ƒ moveBy()
44e moveTo:ƒ moveTo()
45e name:""
46th naviga-
tor:Navigator {vendorSub: "", productSub: "20030107", vendor: "Googl
e Inc.", maxTouchPoints: 0, hardwareConcurrency: 4, …}
47e onabort:null

La variable « this » 57 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
48e onafterprint:null
49e onanimationend:null
50e onanimationiteration:null
51e onanimationstart:null
52e onappinstalled:null
53e onauxclick:null
54e onbeforeinstallprompt:null
55e onbeforeprint:null
56e onbeforeunload:null
57e onblur:null
58e oncancel:null
59e oncanplay:null
60e oncanplaythrough:null
61e onchange:null
62e onclick:null
63e onclose:null
64e oncontextmenu:null
65e oncuechange:null
66e ondblclick:null
67e ondevicemotion:null
68e ondeviceorientation:null
69e ondeviceorientationabsolute:null
70e ondrag:null
71e ondragend:null
72e ondragenter:null
73e ondragleave:null
74e ondragover:null
75e ondragstart:null
76e ondrop:null
77e ondurationchange:null
78e onelementpainted:null
79e onemptied:null
80e onended:null
81e onerror:null
82e onfocus:null
83e ongotpointercapture:null
84e onhashchange:null
85e oninput:null
86e oninvalid:null
87e onkeydown:null
88e onkeypress:null
89e onkeyup:null
90e onlanguagechange:null
91e onload:null
92e onloadeddata:null
93e onloadedmetadata:null
94e onloadstart:null

La variable « this » 58 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
95e onlostpointercapture:null
96e onmessage:null
97e onmessageerror:null
98e onmousedown:null
99e onmouseenter:null
100e onmouseleave:null
101e onmousemove:null
102e onmouseout:null
103e onmouseover:null
104e onmouseup:null
105e onmousewheel:null
106e onoffline:null
107e ononline:null
108e onpagehide:null
109e onpageshow:null
110e onpause:null
111e onplay:null
112e onplaying:null
113e onpointercancel:null
114e onpointerdown:null
115e onpointerenter:null
116e onpointerleave:null
117e onpointermove:null
118e onpointerout:null
119e onpointerover:null
120e onpointerup:null
121e onpopstate:null
122e onprogress:null
123e onratechange:null
124e onrejectionhandled:null
125e onreset:null
126e onresize:null
127e onscroll:null
128e onsearch:null
129e onseeked:null
130e onseeking:null
131e onselect:null
132e onstalled:null
133e onstorage:null
134e onsubmit:null
135e onsuspend:null
136e ontimeupdate:null
137e ontoggle:null
138e ontransitionend:null
139e onunhandledrejection:null
140e onunload:null
141e onvolumechange:null

La variable « this » 59 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
142e onwaiting:null
143e onwebkitanimationend:null
144e onwebkitanimationiteration:null
145e onwebkitanimationstart:null
146e onwebkittransitionend:null
147e onwheel:null
148e open:ƒ open()
149e openDatabase:ƒ openDatabase()
150e opener:null
151e origin:"null"
152e outerHeight:800
153e outerWidth:778
154e pageXOffset:0
155e pageYOffset:0
156th par-
ent:Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, frames: Win
dow, …}
157th perfor-
mance:Performance {timeOrigin: 1522593165552.052, onresourcetimingbu
full: null, timing: PerformanceTiming, navigation: PerformanceNaviga
tion, memory: MemoryInfo}
158e personalbar:BarProp {visible: true}
159e postMessage:ƒ ()
160e print:ƒ print()
161e prompt:ƒ prompt()
162e releaseEvents:ƒ releaseEvents()
163e requestAnimationFrame:ƒ requestAnimationFrame()
164e requestIdleCallback:ƒ requestIdleCallback()
165e resizeBy:ƒ resizeBy()
166e resizeTo:ƒ resizeTo()
167th screen:Screen {availWidth: 1856, availHeight: 1080, width: 1920
, height: 1080, colorDepth: 24, …}
168e screenLeft:74
169e screenTop:10
170e screenX:74
171e screenY:10
172e scroll:ƒ scroll()
173e scrollBy:ƒ scrollBy()
174e scrollTo:ƒ scrollTo()
175e scrollX:0
176e scrollY:0
177e scrollbars:BarProp {visible: true}
178th self:Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, frame
s: Window, …}
179e sessionStorage:Storage {length: 0}
180e setInterval:ƒ setInterval()

La variable « this » 60 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
181e setTimeout:ƒ setTimeout()
182nd speechSynthe-
sis:SpeechSynthesis {pending: false, speaking: false, paused: false,
onvoiceschanged: null}
183e status:""
184e statusbar:BarProp {visible: true}
185e stop:ƒ stop()
186e styleMedia:StyleMedia {type: "screen"}
187e toolbar:BarProp {visible: true}
188th top:Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, frames
: Window, …}
189th visualView-
port:VisualViewport {offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, pageLeft: 0, pageT
op: 0, width: 223, …}
190e webkitCancelAnimationFrame:ƒ webkitCancelAnimationFrame()
191e webkitRequestAnimationFrame:ƒ webkitRequestAnimationFrame()
192e webkitRequestFileSystem:ƒ webkitRequestFileSystem()
193e webkitResolveLocalFileSyste-
mURL:ƒ webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL()
194e webkitStorageInfo:DeprecatedStorageInfo {}
195th win-
dow:Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, frames: Win
dow, …}
196e yandex:{…}
197e Infinity:Infinity
198e AnalyserNode:ƒ AnalyserNode()
199e AnimationEvent:ƒ AnimationEvent()
200e ApplicationCache:ƒ ApplicationCache()
201e ApplicationCacheErrorEvent:ƒ ApplicationCacheErrorEvent()
202e Array:ƒ Array()
203e ArrayBuffer:ƒ ArrayBuffer()
204e Attr:ƒ Attr()
205e Audio:ƒ Audio()
206e AudioBuffer:ƒ AudioBuffer()
207e AudioBufferSourceNode:ƒ AudioBufferSourceNode()
208e AudioContext:ƒ AudioContext()
209e AudioDestinationNode:ƒ AudioDestinationNode()
210e AudioListener:ƒ AudioListener()
211e AudioNode:ƒ AudioNode()
212e AudioParam:ƒ AudioParam()
213e AudioProcessingEvent:ƒ AudioProcessingEvent()
214e AudioScheduledSourceNode:ƒ AudioScheduledSourceNode()
215e BarProp:ƒ BarProp()
216e BaseAudioContext:ƒ BaseAudioContext()
217e BatteryManager:ƒ BatteryManager()
218e BeforeInstallPromptEvent:ƒ BeforeInstallPromptEvent()
219e BeforeUnloadEvent:ƒ BeforeUnloadEvent()

La variable « this » 61 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
220e BiquadFilterNode:ƒ BiquadFilterNode()
221e Blob:ƒ Blob()
222e BlobEvent:ƒ BlobEvent()
223e Boolean:ƒ Boolean()
224e BroadcastChannel:ƒ BroadcastChannel()
225e BudgetService:ƒ BudgetService()
226e ByteLengthQueuingStrategy:ƒ ByteLengthQueuingStrategy()
227e CDATASection:ƒ CDATASection()
228e CSS:ƒ CSS()
229e CSSConditionRule:ƒ CSSConditionRule()
230e CSSFontFaceRule:ƒ CSSFontFaceRule()
231e CSSGroupingRule:ƒ CSSGroupingRule()
232e CSSImportRule:ƒ CSSImportRule()
233e CSSKeyframeRule:ƒ CSSKeyframeRule()
234e CSSKeyframesRule:ƒ CSSKeyframesRule()
235e CSSMediaRule:ƒ CSSMediaRule()
236e CSSNamespaceRule:ƒ CSSNamespaceRule()
237e CSSPageRule:ƒ CSSPageRule()
238e CSSRule:ƒ CSSRule()
239e CSSRuleList:ƒ CSSRuleList()
240e CSSStyleDeclaration:ƒ CSSStyleDeclaration()
241e CSSStyleRule:ƒ CSSStyleRule()
242e CSSStyleSheet:ƒ CSSStyleSheet()
243e CSSSupportsRule:ƒ CSSSupportsRule()
244e Cache:ƒ Cache()
245e CacheStorage:ƒ CacheStorage()
246e CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack:ƒ CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack()
247e CanvasGradient:ƒ CanvasGradient()
248e CanvasPattern:ƒ CanvasPattern()
249e CanvasRenderingContext2D:ƒ CanvasRenderingContext2D()
250e ChannelMergerNode:ƒ ChannelMergerNode()
251e ChannelSplitterNode:ƒ ChannelSplitterNode()
252e CharacterData:ƒ CharacterData()
253e Clipboard:ƒ Clipboard()
254e ClipboardEvent:ƒ ClipboardEvent()
255e CloseEvent:ƒ CloseEvent()
256e Comment:ƒ Comment()
257e CompositionEvent:ƒ CompositionEvent()
258e ConstantSourceNode:ƒ ConstantSourceNode()
259e ConvolverNode:ƒ ConvolverNode()
260e CountQueuingStrategy:ƒ CountQueuingStrategy()
261e Credential:ƒ Credential()
262e CredentialsContainer:ƒ CredentialsContainer()
263e Crypto:ƒ Crypto()
264e CryptoKey:ƒ CryptoKey()
265e CustomElementRegistry:ƒ CustomElementRegistry()
266e CustomEvent:ƒ CustomEvent()

La variable « this » 62 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
267e DOMError:ƒ DOMError()
268e DOMException:ƒ DOMException()
269e DOMImplementation:ƒ DOMImplementation()
270e DOMMatrix:ƒ DOMMatrix()
271e DOMMatrixReadOnly:ƒ DOMMatrixReadOnly()
272e DOMParser:ƒ DOMParser()
273e DOMPoint:ƒ DOMPoint()
274e DOMPointReadOnly:ƒ DOMPointReadOnly()
275e DOMQuad:ƒ DOMQuad()
276e DOMRect:ƒ DOMRect()
277e DOMRectReadOnly:ƒ DOMRectReadOnly()
278e DOMStringList:ƒ DOMStringList()
279e DOMStringMap:ƒ DOMStringMap()
280e DOMTokenList:ƒ DOMTokenList()
281e DataTransfer:ƒ DataTransfer()
282e DataTransferItem:ƒ DataTransferItem()
283e DataTransferItemList:ƒ DataTransferItemList()
284e DataView:ƒ DataView()
285e Date:ƒ Date()
286e DelayNode:ƒ DelayNode()
287e DeviceMotionEvent:ƒ DeviceMotionEvent()
288e DeviceOrientationEvent:ƒ DeviceOrientationEvent()
289e Document:ƒ Document()
290e DocumentFragment:ƒ DocumentFragment()
291e DocumentType:ƒ DocumentType()
292e DragEvent:ƒ DragEvent()
293e DynamicsCompressorNode:ƒ DynamicsCompressorNode()
294e Element:ƒ Element()
295e ElementPaintEvent:ƒ ElementPaintEvent()
296e Error:ƒ Error()
297e ErrorEvent:ƒ ErrorEvent()
298e EvalError:ƒ EvalError()
299e Event:ƒ Event()
300e EventSource:ƒ EventSource()
301e EventTarget:ƒ EventTarget()
302e FederatedCredential:ƒ FederatedCredential()
303e File:ƒ File()
304e FileList:ƒ FileList()
305e FileReader:ƒ FileReader()
306e Float32Array:ƒ Float32Array()
307e Float64Array:ƒ Float64Array()
308e FocusEvent:ƒ FocusEvent()
309e FontFace:ƒ FontFace()
310e FontFaceSetLoadEvent:ƒ FontFaceSetLoadEvent()
311e FormData:ƒ FormData()
312e Function:ƒ Function()
313e GainNode:ƒ GainNode()

La variable « this » 63 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
314e Gamepad:ƒ Gamepad()
315e GamepadButton:ƒ GamepadButton()
316e GamepadEvent:ƒ GamepadEvent()
317e HTMLAllCollection:ƒ HTMLAllCollection()
318e HTMLAnchorElement:ƒ HTMLAnchorElement()
319e HTMLAreaElement:ƒ HTMLAreaElement()
320e HTMLAudioElement:ƒ HTMLAudioElement()
321e HTMLBRElement:ƒ HTMLBRElement()
322e HTMLBaseElement:ƒ HTMLBaseElement()
323e HTMLBodyElement:ƒ HTMLBodyElement()
324e HTMLButtonElement:ƒ HTMLButtonElement()
325e HTMLCanvasElement:ƒ HTMLCanvasElement()
326e HTMLCollection:ƒ HTMLCollection()
327e HTMLContentElement:ƒ HTMLContentElement()
328e HTMLDListElement:ƒ HTMLDListElement()
329e HTMLDataElement:ƒ HTMLDataElement()
330e HTMLDataListElement:ƒ HTMLDataListElement()
331e HTMLDetailsElement:ƒ HTMLDetailsElement()
332e HTMLDialogElement:ƒ HTMLDialogElement()
333e HTMLDirectoryElement:ƒ HTMLDirectoryElement()
334e HTMLDivElement:ƒ HTMLDivElement()
335e HTMLDocument:ƒ HTMLDocument()
336e HTMLElement:ƒ HTMLElement()
337e HTMLEmbedElement:ƒ HTMLEmbedElement()
338e HTMLFieldSetElement:ƒ HTMLFieldSetElement()
339e HTMLFontElement:ƒ HTMLFontElement()
340e HTMLFormControlsCollection:ƒ HTMLFormControlsCollection()
341e HTMLFormElement:ƒ HTMLFormElement()
342e HTMLFrameElement:ƒ HTMLFrameElement()
343e HTMLFrameSetElement:ƒ HTMLFrameSetElement()
344e HTMLHRElement:ƒ HTMLHRElement()
345e HTMLHeadElement:ƒ HTMLHeadElement()
346e HTMLHeadingElement:ƒ HTMLHeadingElement()
347e HTMLHtmlElement:ƒ HTMLHtmlElement()
348e HTMLIFrameElement:ƒ HTMLIFrameElement()
349e HTMLImageElement:ƒ HTMLImageElement()
350e HTMLInputElement:ƒ HTMLInputElement()
351e HTMLLIElement:ƒ HTMLLIElement()
352e HTMLLabelElement:ƒ HTMLLabelElement()
353e HTMLLegendElement:ƒ HTMLLegendElement()
354e HTMLLinkElement:ƒ HTMLLinkElement()
355e HTMLMapElement:ƒ HTMLMapElement()
356e HTMLMarqueeElement:ƒ HTMLMarqueeElement()
357e HTMLMediaElement:ƒ HTMLMediaElement()
358e HTMLMenuElement:ƒ HTMLMenuElement()
359e HTMLMetaElement:ƒ HTMLMetaElement()
360e HTMLMeterElement:ƒ HTMLMeterElement()

La variable « this » 64 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
361e HTMLModElement:ƒ HTMLModElement()
362e HTMLOListElement:ƒ HTMLOListElement()
363e HTMLObjectElement:ƒ HTMLObjectElement()
364e HTMLOptGroupElement:ƒ HTMLOptGroupElement()
365e HTMLOptionElement:ƒ HTMLOptionElement()
366e HTMLOptionsCollection:ƒ HTMLOptionsCollection()
367e HTMLOutputElement:ƒ HTMLOutputElement()
368e HTMLParagraphElement:ƒ HTMLParagraphElement()
369e HTMLParamElement:ƒ HTMLParamElement()
370e HTMLPictureElement:ƒ HTMLPictureElement()
371e HTMLPreElement:ƒ HTMLPreElement()
372e HTMLProgressElement:ƒ HTMLProgressElement()
373e HTMLQuoteElement:ƒ HTMLQuoteElement()
374e HTMLScriptElement:ƒ HTMLScriptElement()
375e HTMLSelectElement:ƒ HTMLSelectElement()
376e HTMLShadowElement:ƒ HTMLShadowElement()
377e HTMLSlotElement:ƒ HTMLSlotElement()
378e HTMLSourceElement:ƒ HTMLSourceElement()
379e HTMLSpanElement:ƒ HTMLSpanElement()
380e HTMLStyleElement:ƒ HTMLStyleElement()
381e HTMLTableCaptionElement:ƒ HTMLTableCaptionElement()
382e HTMLTableCellElement:ƒ HTMLTableCellElement()
383e HTMLTableColElement:ƒ HTMLTableColElement()
384e HTMLTableElement:ƒ HTMLTableElement()
385e HTMLTableRowElement:ƒ HTMLTableRowElement()
386e HTMLTableSectionElement:ƒ HTMLTableSectionElement()
387e HTMLTemplateElement:ƒ HTMLTemplateElement()
388e HTMLTextAreaElement:ƒ HTMLTextAreaElement()
389e HTMLTimeElement:ƒ HTMLTimeElement()
390e HTMLTitleElement:ƒ HTMLTitleElement()
391e HTMLTrackElement:ƒ HTMLTrackElement()
392e HTMLUListElement:ƒ HTMLUListElement()
393e HTMLUnknownElement:ƒ HTMLUnknownElement()
394e HTMLVideoElement:ƒ HTMLVideoElement()
395e HashChangeEvent:ƒ HashChangeEvent()
396e Headers:ƒ Headers()
397e History:ƒ History()
398e IDBCursor:ƒ IDBCursor()
399e IDBCursorWithValue:ƒ IDBCursorWithValue()
400e IDBDatabase:ƒ IDBDatabase()
401e IDBFactory:ƒ IDBFactory()
402e IDBIndex:ƒ IDBIndex()
403e IDBKeyRange:ƒ IDBKeyRange()
404e IDBObjectStore:ƒ IDBObjectStore()
405e IDBOpenDBRequest:ƒ IDBOpenDBRequest()
406e IDBRequest:ƒ IDBRequest()
407e IDBTransaction:ƒ IDBTransaction()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
408e IDBVersionChangeEvent:ƒ IDBVersionChangeEvent()
409e IIRFilterNode:ƒ IIRFilterNode()
410e IdleDeadline:ƒ IdleDeadline()
411e Image:ƒ Image()
412e ImageBitmap:ƒ ImageBitmap()
413e ImageBitmapRenderingContext:ƒ ImageBitmapRenderingContext()
414e ImageCapture:ƒ ImageCapture()
415e ImageData:ƒ ImageData()
416e InputDeviceCapabilities:ƒ InputDeviceCapabilities()
417e InputEvent:ƒ InputEvent()
418e Int8Array:ƒ Int8Array()
419e Int16Array:ƒ Int16Array()
420e Int32Array:ƒ Int32Array()
421e IntersectionObserver:ƒ IntersectionObserver()
422e IntersectionObserverEntry:ƒ IntersectionObserverEntry()
423rd Intl:{DateTimeFormat: ƒ, NumberFormat: ƒ, Collator: ƒ, v8BreakI
terator: ƒ, getCanonicalLocales: ƒ, …}
424th JSON:JSON {parse: ƒ, stringify: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag):
425e KeyboardEvent:ƒ KeyboardEvent()
426e Location:ƒ Location()
427e MIDIAccess:ƒ MIDIAccess()
428e MIDIConnectionEvent:ƒ MIDIConnectionEvent()
429e MIDIInput:ƒ MIDIInput()
430e MIDIInputMap:ƒ MIDIInputMap()
431e MIDIMessageEvent:ƒ MIDIMessageEvent()
432e MIDIOutput:ƒ MIDIOutput()
433e MIDIOutputMap:ƒ MIDIOutputMap()
434e MIDIPort:ƒ MIDIPort()
435e Map:ƒ Map()
436e Math:Math {abs: ƒ, acos: ƒ, acosh: ƒ, asin: ƒ, asinh: ƒ, …}
437e MediaDeviceInfo:ƒ MediaDeviceInfo()
438e MediaDevices:ƒ MediaDevices()
439e MediaElementAudioSourceNode:ƒ MediaElementAudioSourceNode()
440e MediaEncryptedEvent:ƒ MediaEncryptedEvent()
441e MediaError:ƒ MediaError()
442e MediaKeyMessageEvent:ƒ MediaKeyMessageEvent()
443e MediaKeySession:ƒ MediaKeySession()
444e MediaKeyStatusMap:ƒ MediaKeyStatusMap()
445e MediaKeySystemAccess:ƒ MediaKeySystemAccess()
446e MediaKeys:ƒ MediaKeys()
447e MediaList:ƒ MediaList()
448e MediaQueryList:ƒ MediaQueryList()
449e MediaQueryListEvent:ƒ MediaQueryListEvent()
450e MediaRecorder:ƒ MediaRecorder()
451e MediaSettingsRange:ƒ MediaSettingsRange()
452e MediaSource:ƒ MediaSource()

La variable « this » 66 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
453e MediaStream:ƒ MediaStream()
454e MediaStreamAudioDestination-
Node:ƒ MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode()
455e MediaStreamAudioSourceNode:ƒ MediaStreamAudioSourceNode()
456e MediaStreamEvent:ƒ MediaStreamEvent()
457e MediaStreamTrack:ƒ MediaStreamTrack()
458e MediaStreamTrackEvent:ƒ MediaStreamTrackEvent()
459e MessageChannel:ƒ MessageChannel()
460e MessageEvent:ƒ MessageEvent()
461e MessagePort:ƒ MessagePort()
462e MimeType:ƒ MimeType()
463e MimeTypeArray:ƒ MimeTypeArray()
464e MouseEvent:ƒ MouseEvent()
465e MutationEvent:ƒ MutationEvent()
466e MutationObserver:ƒ MutationObserver()
467e MutationRecord:ƒ MutationRecord()
468e NaN:NaN
469e NamedNodeMap:ƒ NamedNodeMap()
470e NavigationPreloadManager:ƒ NavigationPreloadManager()
471e Navigator:ƒ Navigator()
472e NetworkInformation:ƒ NetworkInformation()
473e Node:ƒ Node()
474e NodeFilter:ƒ NodeFilter()
475e NodeIterator:ƒ NodeIterator()
476e NodeList:ƒ NodeList()
477e Notification:ƒ Notification()
478e Number:ƒ Number()
479e Object:ƒ Object()
480e OfflineAudioCompletionEvent:ƒ OfflineAudioCompletionEvent()
481e OfflineAudioContext:ƒ OfflineAudioContext()
482e OoWVideoChangeEvent:ƒ OoWVideoChangeEvent()
483e Option:ƒ Option()
484e OscillatorNode:ƒ OscillatorNode()
485e OverconstrainedError:ƒ OverconstrainedError()
486e PageTransitionEvent:ƒ PageTransitionEvent()
487e PannerNode:ƒ PannerNode()
488e PasswordCredential:ƒ PasswordCredential()
489e Path2D:ƒ Path2D()
490e PaymentAddress:ƒ PaymentAddress()
491e PaymentRequest:ƒ PaymentRequest()
492e PaymentRequestUpdateEvent:ƒ PaymentRequestUpdateEvent()
493e PaymentResponse:ƒ PaymentResponse()
494e Performance:ƒ Performance()
495e PerformanceEntry:ƒ PerformanceEntry()
496e PerformanceLongTaskTiming:ƒ PerformanceLongTaskTiming()
497e PerformanceMark:ƒ PerformanceMark()
498e PerformanceMeasure:ƒ PerformanceMeasure()

La variable « this » 67 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
499e PerformanceNavigation:ƒ PerformanceNavigation()
500e PerformanceNavigationTiming:ƒ PerformanceNavigationTiming()
501e PerformanceObserver:ƒ PerformanceObserver()
502e PerformanceObserverEntryList:ƒ PerformanceObserverEntryList()
503e PerformancePaintTiming:ƒ PerformancePaintTiming()
504e PerformanceResourceTiming:ƒ PerformanceResourceTiming()
505e PerformanceTiming:ƒ PerformanceTiming()
506e PeriodicWave:ƒ PeriodicWave()
507e PermissionStatus:ƒ PermissionStatus()
508e Permissions:ƒ Permissions()
509e PhotoCapabilities:ƒ PhotoCapabilities()
510e Plugin:ƒ Plugin()
511e PluginArray:ƒ PluginArray()
512e PointerEvent:ƒ PointerEvent()
513e PopStateEvent:ƒ PopStateEvent()
514e Presentation:ƒ Presentation()
515e PresentationAvailability:ƒ PresentationAvailability()
516e PresentationConnection:ƒ PresentationConnection()
517e PresentationConnectionAvai-
lableEvent:ƒ PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent()
518e PresentationConnectionClo-
seEvent:ƒ PresentationConnectionCloseEvent()
519e PresentationConnectionList:ƒ PresentationConnectionList()
520e PresentationReceiver:ƒ PresentationReceiver()
521e PresentationRequest:ƒ PresentationRequest()
522e ProcessingInstruction:ƒ ProcessingInstruction()
523e ProgressEvent:ƒ ProgressEvent()
524e Promise:ƒ Promise()
525e PromiseRejectionEvent:ƒ PromiseRejectionEvent()
526e Proxy:ƒ Proxy()
527e PushManager:ƒ PushManager()
528e PushSubscription:ƒ PushSubscription()
529e PushSubscriptionOptions:ƒ PushSubscriptionOptions()
530e RTCCertificate:ƒ RTCCertificate()
531e RTCDataChannel:ƒ RTCDataChannel()
532e RTCDataChannelEvent:ƒ RTCDataChannelEvent()
533e RTCIceCandidate:ƒ RTCIceCandidate()
534e RTCPeerConnection:ƒ RTCPeerConnection()
535e RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent:ƒ RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent()
536e RTCRtpContributingSource:ƒ RTCRtpContributingSource()
537e RTCRtpReceiver:ƒ RTCRtpReceiver()
538e RTCRtpSender:ƒ RTCRtpSender()
539e RTCSessionDescription:ƒ RTCSessionDescription()
540e RTCStatsReport:ƒ RTCStatsReport()
541e RTCTrackEvent:ƒ RTCTrackEvent()
542e RadioNodeList:ƒ RadioNodeList()
543e Range:ƒ Range()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
544e RangeError:ƒ RangeError()
545e ReadableStream:ƒ ReadableStream()
546e ReferenceError:ƒ ReferenceError()
547th Re-
flect:{defineProperty: ƒ, deleteProperty: ƒ, apply: ƒ, construct: ƒ,
get: ƒ, …}
548e RegExp:ƒ RegExp()
549e RemotePlayback:ƒ RemotePlayback()
550e Request:ƒ Request()
551e ResizeObserver:ƒ ResizeObserver()
552e ResizeObserverEntry:ƒ ResizeObserverEntry()
553e Response:ƒ Response()
554e SVGAElement:ƒ SVGAElement()
555e SVGAngle:ƒ SVGAngle()
556e SVGAnimateElement:ƒ SVGAnimateElement()
557e SVGAnimateMotionElement:ƒ SVGAnimateMotionElement()
558e SVGAnimateTransformElement:ƒ SVGAnimateTransformElement()
559e SVGAnimatedAngle:ƒ SVGAnimatedAngle()
560e SVGAnimatedBoolean:ƒ SVGAnimatedBoolean()
561e SVGAnimatedEnumeration:ƒ SVGAnimatedEnumeration()
562e SVGAnimatedInteger:ƒ SVGAnimatedInteger()
563e SVGAnimatedLength:ƒ SVGAnimatedLength()
564e SVGAnimatedLengthList:ƒ SVGAnimatedLengthList()
565e SVGAnimatedNumber:ƒ SVGAnimatedNumber()
566e SVGAnimatedNumberList:ƒ SVGAnimatedNumberList()
567e SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRa-
tio:ƒ SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio()
568e SVGAnimatedRect:ƒ SVGAnimatedRect()
569e SVGAnimatedString:ƒ SVGAnimatedString()
570e SVGAnimatedTransformList:ƒ SVGAnimatedTransformList()
571e SVGAnimationElement:ƒ SVGAnimationElement()
572e SVGCircleElement:ƒ SVGCircleElement()
573e SVGClipPathElement:ƒ SVGClipPathElement()
574e SVGComponentTransferFunctionEle-
ment:ƒ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement()
575e SVGDefsElement:ƒ SVGDefsElement()
576e SVGDescElement:ƒ SVGDescElement()
577e SVGDiscardElement:ƒ SVGDiscardElement()
578e SVGElement:ƒ SVGElement()
579e SVGEllipseElement:ƒ SVGEllipseElement()
580e SVGFEBlendElement:ƒ SVGFEBlendElement()
581e SVGFEColorMatrixElement:ƒ SVGFEColorMatrixElement()
582e SVGFEComponentTransferElement:ƒ SVGFEComponentTransferElement()
583e SVGFECompositeElement:ƒ SVGFECompositeElement()
584e SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement:ƒ SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement()
585e SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement:ƒ SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement()
586e SVGFEDisplacementMapElement:ƒ SVGFEDisplacementMapElement()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
587e SVGFEDistantLightElement:ƒ SVGFEDistantLightElement()
588e SVGFEDropShadowElement:ƒ SVGFEDropShadowElement()
589e SVGFEFloodElement:ƒ SVGFEFloodElement()
590e SVGFEFuncAElement:ƒ SVGFEFuncAElement()
591e SVGFEFuncBElement:ƒ SVGFEFuncBElement()
592e SVGFEFuncGElement:ƒ SVGFEFuncGElement()
593e SVGFEFuncRElement:ƒ SVGFEFuncRElement()
594e SVGFEGaussianBlurElement:ƒ SVGFEGaussianBlurElement()
595e SVGFEImageElement:ƒ SVGFEImageElement()
596e SVGFEMergeElement:ƒ SVGFEMergeElement()
597e SVGFEMergeNodeElement:ƒ SVGFEMergeNodeElement()
598e SVGFEMorphologyElement:ƒ SVGFEMorphologyElement()
599e SVGFEOffsetElement:ƒ SVGFEOffsetElement()
600e SVGFEPointLightElement:ƒ SVGFEPointLightElement()
601e SVGFESpecularLightingElement:ƒ SVGFESpecularLightingElement()
602e SVGFESpotLightElement:ƒ SVGFESpotLightElement()
603e SVGFETileElement:ƒ SVGFETileElement()
604e SVGFETurbulenceElement:ƒ SVGFETurbulenceElement()
605e SVGFilterElement:ƒ SVGFilterElement()
606e SVGForeignObjectElement:ƒ SVGForeignObjectElement()
607e SVGGElement:ƒ SVGGElement()
608e SVGGeometryElement:ƒ SVGGeometryElement()
609e SVGGradientElement:ƒ SVGGradientElement()
610e SVGGraphicsElement:ƒ SVGGraphicsElement()
611e SVGImageElement:ƒ SVGImageElement()
612e SVGLength:ƒ SVGLength()
613e SVGLengthList:ƒ SVGLengthList()
614e SVGLineElement:ƒ SVGLineElement()
615e SVGLinearGradientElement:ƒ SVGLinearGradientElement()
616e SVGMPathElement:ƒ SVGMPathElement()
617e SVGMarkerElement:ƒ SVGMarkerElement()
618e SVGMaskElement:ƒ SVGMaskElement()
619e SVGMatrix:ƒ SVGMatrix()
620e SVGMetadataElement:ƒ SVGMetadataElement()
621e SVGNumber:ƒ SVGNumber()
622e SVGNumberList:ƒ SVGNumberList()
623e SVGPathElement:ƒ SVGPathElement()
624e SVGPatternElement:ƒ SVGPatternElement()
625e SVGPoint:ƒ SVGPoint()
626e SVGPointList:ƒ SVGPointList()
627e SVGPolygonElement:ƒ SVGPolygonElement()
628e SVGPolylineElement:ƒ SVGPolylineElement()
629e SVGPreserveAspectRatio:ƒ SVGPreserveAspectRatio()
630e SVGRadialGradientElement:ƒ SVGRadialGradientElement()
631e SVGRect:ƒ SVGRect()
632e SVGRectElement:ƒ SVGRectElement()
633e SVGSVGElement:ƒ SVGSVGElement()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
634e SVGScriptElement:ƒ SVGScriptElement()
635e SVGSetElement:ƒ SVGSetElement()
636e SVGStopElement:ƒ SVGStopElement()
637e SVGStringList:ƒ SVGStringList()
638e SVGStyleElement:ƒ SVGStyleElement()
639e SVGSwitchElement:ƒ SVGSwitchElement()
640e SVGSymbolElement:ƒ SVGSymbolElement()
641e SVGTSpanElement:ƒ SVGTSpanElement()
642e SVGTextContentElement:ƒ SVGTextContentElement()
643e SVGTextElement:ƒ SVGTextElement()
644e SVGTextPathElement:ƒ SVGTextPathElement()
645e SVGTextPositioningElement:ƒ SVGTextPositioningElement()
646e SVGTitleElement:ƒ SVGTitleElement()
647e SVGTransform:ƒ SVGTransform()
648e SVGTransformList:ƒ SVGTransformList()
649e SVGUnitTypes:ƒ SVGUnitTypes()
650e SVGUseElement:ƒ SVGUseElement()
651e SVGViewElement:ƒ SVGViewElement()
652e Screen:ƒ Screen()
653e ScreenOrientation:ƒ ScreenOrientation()
654e ScriptProcessorNode:ƒ ScriptProcessorNode()
655e SecurityPolicyViolationEvent:ƒ SecurityPolicyViolationEvent()
656e Selection:ƒ Selection()
657e ServiceWorker:ƒ ServiceWorker()
658e ServiceWorkerContainer:ƒ ServiceWorkerContainer()
659e ServiceWorkerRegistration:ƒ ServiceWorkerRegistration()
660e Set:ƒ Set()
661e ShadowRoot:ƒ ShadowRoot()
662e SharedWorker:ƒ SharedWorker()
663e SourceBuffer:ƒ SourceBuffer()
664e SourceBufferList:ƒ SourceBufferList()
665e SpeechSynthesisEvent:ƒ SpeechSynthesisEvent()
666e SpeechSynthesisUtterance:ƒ SpeechSynthesisUtterance()
667e StaticRange:ƒ StaticRange()
668e StereoPannerNode:ƒ StereoPannerNode()
669e Storage:ƒ Storage()
670e StorageEvent:ƒ StorageEvent()
671e StorageManager:ƒ StorageManager()
672e String:ƒ String()
673e StyleSheet:ƒ StyleSheet()
674e StyleSheetList:ƒ StyleSheetList()
675e SubtleCrypto:ƒ SubtleCrypto()
676e Symbol:ƒ Symbol()
677e SyncManager:ƒ SyncManager()
678e SyntaxError:ƒ SyntaxError()
679e TaskAttributionTiming:ƒ TaskAttributionTiming()
680e Text:ƒ Text()

La variable « this » 71 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
681e TextDecoder:ƒ TextDecoder()
682e TextEncoder:ƒ TextEncoder()
683e TextEvent:ƒ TextEvent()
684e TextMetrics:ƒ TextMetrics()
685e TextTrack:ƒ TextTrack()
686e TextTrackCue:ƒ TextTrackCue()
687e TextTrackCueList:ƒ TextTrackCueList()
688e TextTrackList:ƒ TextTrackList()
689e TimeRanges:ƒ TimeRanges()
690e Touch:ƒ Touch()
691e TouchEvent:ƒ TouchEvent()
692e TouchList:ƒ TouchList()
693e TrackEvent:ƒ TrackEvent()
694e TransitionEvent:ƒ TransitionEvent()
695e TreeWalker:ƒ TreeWalker()
696e TypeError:ƒ TypeError()
697e UIEvent:ƒ UIEvent()
698e URIError:ƒ URIError()
699e URL:ƒ URL()
700e URLSearchParams:ƒ URLSearchParams()
701e USB:ƒ USB()
702e USBAlternateInterface:ƒ USBAlternateInterface()
703e USBConfiguration:ƒ USBConfiguration()
704e USBConnectionEvent:ƒ USBConnectionEvent()
705e USBDevice:ƒ USBDevice()
706e USBEndpoint:ƒ USBEndpoint()
707e USBInTransferResult:ƒ USBInTransferResult()
708e USBInterface:ƒ USBInterface()
709e USBIsochronousInTransferPack-
et:ƒ USBIsochronousInTransferPacket()
710e USBIsochronousInTransferRe-
sult:ƒ USBIsochronousInTransferResult()
711e USBIsochronousOutTransferPack-
et:ƒ USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket()
712e USBIsochronousOutTransferRe-
sult:ƒ USBIsochronousOutTransferResult()
713e USBOutTransferResult:ƒ USBOutTransferResult()
714e Uint8Array:ƒ Uint8Array()
715e Uint8ClampedArray:ƒ Uint8ClampedArray()
716e Uint16Array:ƒ Uint16Array()
717e Uint32Array:ƒ Uint32Array()
718e VTTCue:ƒ VTTCue()
719e ValidityState:ƒ ValidityState()
720e VisualViewport:ƒ VisualViewport()
721e WaveShaperNode:ƒ WaveShaperNode()
722e WeakMap:ƒ WeakMap()
723e WeakSet:ƒ WeakSet()

La variable « this » 72 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
724th WebAssem-
bly:WebAssembly {compile: ƒ, validate: ƒ, instantiate: ƒ, compileStr
eaming: ƒ, instantiateStreaming: ƒ, …}
725e WebGL2RenderingContext:ƒ WebGL2RenderingContext()
726e WebGLActiveInfo:ƒ WebGLActiveInfo()
727e WebGLBuffer:ƒ WebGLBuffer()
728e WebGLContextEvent:ƒ WebGLContextEvent()
729e WebGLFramebuffer:ƒ WebGLFramebuffer()
730e WebGLProgram:ƒ WebGLProgram()
731e WebGLQuery:ƒ WebGLQuery()
732e WebGLRenderbuffer:ƒ WebGLRenderbuffer()
733e WebGLRenderingContext:ƒ WebGLRenderingContext()
734e WebGLSampler:ƒ WebGLSampler()
735e WebGLShader:ƒ WebGLShader()
736e WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat:ƒ WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat()
737e WebGLSync:ƒ WebGLSync()
738e WebGLTexture:ƒ WebGLTexture()
739e WebGLTransformFeedback:ƒ WebGLTransformFeedback()
740e WebGLUniformLocation:ƒ WebGLUniformLocation()
741e WebGLVertexArrayObject:ƒ WebGLVertexArrayObject()
742e WebKitAnimationEvent:ƒ AnimationEvent()
743e WebKitCSSMatrix:ƒ DOMMatrix()
744e WebKitMutationObserver:ƒ MutationObserver()
745e WebKitTransitionEvent:ƒ TransitionEvent()
746e WebSocket:ƒ WebSocket()
747e WheelEvent:ƒ WheelEvent()
748e Window:ƒ Window()
749e Worker:ƒ Worker()
750e WritableStream:ƒ WritableStream()
751e XMLDocument:ƒ XMLDocument()
752e XMLHttpRequest:ƒ XMLHttpRequest()
753e XMLHttpRequestEventTarget:ƒ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget()
754e XMLHttpRequestUpload:ƒ XMLHttpRequestUpload()
755e XMLSerializer:ƒ XMLSerializer()
756e XPathEvaluator:ƒ XPathEvaluator()
757e XPathExpression:ƒ XPathExpression()
758e XPathResult:ƒ XPathResult()
759e XSLTProcessor:ƒ XSLTProcessor()
760e con-
sole:console {debug: ƒ, error: ƒ, info: ƒ, log: ƒ, warn: ƒ, …}
761e decodeURI:ƒ decodeURI()
762e decodeURIComponent:ƒ decodeURIComponent()
763e encodeURI:ƒ encodeURI()
764e encodeURIComponent:ƒ encodeURIComponent()
765e escape:ƒ escape()
766e eval:ƒ eval()
767e event:undefined

La variable « this » 73 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

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768e isFinite:ƒ isFinite()
769e isNaN:ƒ isNaN()
770e offscreenBuffering:true
771e parseFloat:ƒ parseFloat()
772e parseInt:ƒ parseInt()
773e undefined:undefined
774e unescape:ƒ unescape()
775e webkitMediaStream:ƒ MediaStream()
776e webkitRTCPeerConnection:ƒ RTCPeerConnection()
777e webkitSpeechGrammar:ƒ SpeechGrammar()
778e webkitSpeechGrammarList:ƒ SpeechGrammarList()
779e webkitSpeechRecognition:ƒ SpeechRecognition()
780e webkitSpeechRecognitionError:ƒ SpeechRecognitionError()
781e webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent:ƒ SpeechRecognitionEvent()
782e webkitURL:ƒ URL()
783e __proto__:Window
C constructor:ƒ Window()
D Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag):"Window"
E __proto__:WindowProperties
I constructor:ƒ WindowProperties()
a arguments:null
b caller:null
c length:0
d name:"WindowProperties"
e prototype:WindowProperties
A constructor:ƒ WindowProperties()
B Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag):"WindowProperties"
C __proto__:EventTarget
a __proto__:ƒ ()
b [[Scopes]]:Scopes[0]
I Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag):"WindowProperties"
II __proto__:EventTarget

Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#

[default properties]
__proto__: WindowPrototype { … }

La variable « this » 74 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
[default properties]
AbortController: function ()
AbortSignal: function ()
AnalyserNode: function ()
Animation: function ()
AnimationEvent: function ()
AnonymousContent: function ()
Array: function Array()
ArrayBuffer: function ArrayBuffer()
Attr: function ()
Audio: function Audio()
AudioBuffer: function ()
AudioBufferSourceNode: function ()
AudioContext: function ()
AudioDestinationNode: function ()
AudioListener: function ()
AudioNode: function ()
AudioParam: function ()
AudioProcessingEvent: function ()
AudioScheduledSourceNode: function ()
AudioStreamTrack: function ()
BarProp: function ()
BaseAudioContext: function ()
BatteryManager: function ()
BeforeUnloadEvent: function ()
BiquadFilterNode: function ()
Blob: function ()
BlobEvent: function ()
Boolean: function Boolean()
BroadcastChannel: function ()
CDATASection: function ()
CSS: function ()
CSS2Properties: function ()
CSSConditionRule: function ()
CSSCounterStyleRule: function ()
CSSFontFaceRule: function ()
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule: function ()
CSSGroupingRule: function ()
CSSImportRule: function ()
CSSKeyframeRule: function ()
CSSKeyframesRule: function ()
CSSMediaRule: function ()
CSSMozDocumentRule: function ()
CSSNamespaceRule: function ()
La variable « this » 75 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
CSSPageRule: function ()
CSSPrimitiveValue: function ()
CSSRule: function ()
CSSRuleList: function ()
CSSStyleDeclaration: function ()
CSSStyleRule: function ()
CSSStyleSheet: function ()
CSSSupportsRule: function ()
CSSValue: function ()
CSSValueList: function ()
Cache: function ()
CacheStorage: function ()
CanvasCaptureMediaStream: function ()
CanvasGradient: function ()
CanvasPattern: function ()
CanvasRenderingContext2D: function ()
CaretPosition: function ()
ChannelMergerNode: function ()
ChannelSplitterNode: function ()
CharacterData: function ()
ClipboardEvent: function ()
CloseEvent: function ()
Comment: function ()
CompositionEvent: function ()
ConstantSourceNode: function ()
ConvolverNode: function ()
Crypto: function ()
CryptoKey: function ()
CustomEvent: function ()
DOMCursor: function ()
DOMError: function ()
DOMException: function ()
DOMImplementation: function ()
DOMMatrix: function ()
DOMMatrixReadOnly: function ()
DOMParser: function ()
DOMPoint: function ()
DOMPointReadOnly: function ()
DOMQuad: function ()
DOMRect: function ()
DOMRectList: function ()
DOMRectReadOnly: function ()
DOMRequest: function ()
DOMStringList: function ()
La variable « this » 76 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
DOMStringMap: function ()
DOMTokenList: function ()
DataChannel: function ()
DataTransfer: function ()
DataTransferItem: function ()
DataTransferItemList: function ()
DataView: function DataView()
Date: function Date()
DelayNode: function ()
DeviceLightEvent: function ()
DeviceMotionEvent: function ()
DeviceOrientationEvent: function ()
DeviceProximityEvent: function ()
Directory: function ()
Document: function ()
DocumentFragment: function ()
DocumentType: function ()
DragEvent: function ()
DynamicsCompressorNode: function ()
Element: function ()
Error: function Error()
ErrorEvent: function ()
EvalError: function EvalError()
Event: function ()
EventSource: function ()
EventTarget: function ()
File: function ()
FileList: function ()
FileReader: function ()
FileSystem: function ()
FileSystemDirectoryEntry: function ()
FileSystemDirectoryReader: function ()
FileSystemEntry: function ()
FileSystemFileEntry: function ()
Float32Array: function Float32Array()
Float64Array: function Float64Array()
FocusEvent: function ()
FontFace: function ()
FontFaceSet: function ()
FontFaceSetLoadEvent: function ()
FormData: function ()
Function: function Function()
GainNode: function ()
Gamepad: function ()
La variable « this » 77 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
GamepadButton: function ()
GamepadEvent: function ()
GamepadHapticActuator: function ()
GamepadPose: function ()
HTMLAllCollection: function ()
HTMLAnchorElement: function ()
HTMLAreaElement: function ()
HTMLAudioElement: function ()
HTMLBRElement: function ()
HTMLBaseElement: function ()
HTMLBodyElement: function ()
HTMLButtonElement: function ()
HTMLCanvasElement: function ()
HTMLCollection: function ()
HTMLDListElement: function ()
HTMLDataElement: function ()
HTMLDataListElement: function ()
HTMLDetailsElement: function ()
HTMLDirectoryElement: function ()
HTMLDivElement: function ()
HTMLDocument: function ()
HTMLElement: function ()
HTMLEmbedElement: function ()
HTMLFieldSetElement: function ()
HTMLFontElement: function ()
HTMLFormControlsCollection: function ()
HTMLFormElement: function ()
HTMLFrameElement: function ()
HTMLFrameSetElement: function ()
HTMLHRElement: function ()
HTMLHeadElement: function ()
HTMLHeadingElement: function ()
HTMLHtmlElement: function ()
HTMLIFrameElement: function ()
HTMLImageElement: function ()
HTMLInputElement: function ()
HTMLLIElement: function ()
HTMLLabelElement: function ()
HTMLLegendElement: function ()
HTMLLinkElement: function ()
HTMLMapElement: function ()
HTMLMediaElement: function ()
HTMLMenuElement: function ()
HTMLMenuItemElement: function ()
La variable « this » 78 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
HTMLMetaElement: function ()
HTMLMeterElement: function ()
HTMLModElement: function ()
HTMLOListElement: function ()
HTMLObjectElement: function ()
HTMLOptGroupElement: function ()
HTMLOptionElement: function ()
HTMLOptionsCollection: function ()
HTMLOutputElement: function ()
HTMLParagraphElement: function ()
HTMLParamElement: function ()
HTMLPictureElement: function ()
HTMLPreElement: function ()
HTMLProgressElement: function ()
HTMLQuoteElement: function ()
HTMLScriptElement: function ()
HTMLSelectElement: function ()
HTMLSourceElement: function ()
HTMLSpanElement: function ()
HTMLStyleElement: function ()
HTMLTableCaptionElement: function ()
HTMLTableCellElement: function ()
HTMLTableColElement: function ()
HTMLTableElement: function ()
HTMLTableRowElement: function ()
HTMLTableSectionElement: function ()
HTMLTemplateElement: function ()
HTMLTextAreaElement: function ()
HTMLTimeElement: function ()
HTMLTitleElement: function ()
HTMLTrackElement: function ()
HTMLUListElement: function ()
HTMLUnknownElement: function ()
HTMLVideoElement: function ()
HashChangeEvent: function ()
Headers: function ()
History: function ()
IDBCursor: function ()
IDBCursorWithValue: function ()
IDBDatabase: function ()
IDBFactory: function ()
IDBFileHandle: function ()
IDBFileRequest: function ()
IDBIndex: function ()
La variable « this » 79 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
IDBKeyRange: function ()
IDBMutableFile: function ()
IDBObjectStore: function ()
IDBOpenDBRequest: function ()
IDBRequest: function ()
IDBTransaction: function ()
IDBVersionChangeEvent: function ()
IIRFilterNode: function ()
IdleDeadline: function ()
Image: function Image()
ImageBitmap: function ()
ImageBitmapRenderingContext: function ()
ImageData: function ()
Infinity: Infinity
InputEvent: function ()
InstallTrigger: InstallTriggerImpl { }
Int16Array: function Int16Array()
Int32Array: function Int32Array()
Int8Array: function Int8Array()
InternalError: function InternalError()
IntersectionObserver: function ()
IntersectionObserverEntry: function ()
Intl: Object { … }
JSON: JSON { … }
KeyEvent: function ()
KeyboardEvent: function ()
LocalMediaStream: function ()
Location: function ()
Map: function Map()
Math: Math { … }
MediaDeviceInfo: function ()
MediaDevices: function ()
MediaElementAudioSourceNode: function ()
MediaEncryptedEvent: function ()
MediaError: function ()
MediaKeyError: function ()
MediaKeyMessageEvent: function ()
MediaKeySession: function ()
MediaKeyStatusMap: function ()
MediaKeySystemAccess: function ()
MediaKeys: function ()
MediaList: function ()
MediaQueryList: function ()
MediaQueryListEvent: function ()
La variable « this » 80 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
MediaRecorder: function ()
MediaRecorderErrorEvent: function ()
MediaSource: function ()
MediaStream: function ()
MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode: function ()
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode: function ()
MediaStreamEvent: function ()
MediaStreamTrack: function ()
MediaStreamTrackEvent: function ()
MessageChannel: function ()
MessageEvent: function ()
MessagePort: function ()
MimeType: function ()
MimeTypeArray: function ()
MouseEvent: function ()
MouseScrollEvent: function ()
MutationEvent: function ()
MutationObserver: function ()
MutationRecord: function ()
NaN: NaN
NamedNodeMap: function ()
Navigator: function ()
Node: function ()
NodeFilter: function ()
NodeIterator: function ()
NodeList: function ()
Notification: function ()
NotifyPaintEvent: function ()
Number: function Number()
Object: function Object()
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: function ()
OfflineAudioContext: function ()
OfflineResourceList: function ()
Option: function Option()
OscillatorNode: function ()
PageTransitionEvent: function ()
PaintRequest: function ()
PaintRequestList: function ()
PannerNode: function ()
Path2D: function ()
Performance: function ()
PerformanceEntry: function ()
PerformanceMark: function ()
PerformanceMeasure: function ()
La variable « this » 81 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
PerformanceNavigation: function ()
PerformanceNavigationTiming: function ()
PerformanceObserver: function ()
PerformanceObserverEntryList: function ()
PerformanceResourceTiming: function ()
PerformanceTiming: function ()
PeriodicWave: function ()
PermissionStatus: function ()
Permissions: function ()
Plugin: function ()
PluginArray: function ()
PointerEvent: function ()
PopStateEvent: function ()
PopupBlockedEvent: function ()
ProcessingInstruction: function ()
ProgressEvent: function ()
Promise: function Promise()
Proxy: function Proxy()
PushManager: function ()
PushSubscription: function ()
PushSubscriptionOptions: function ()
RGBColor: function ()
RTCCertificate: function ()
RTCDTMFSender: function ()
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent: function ()
RTCDataChannelEvent: function ()
RTCIceCandidate: function ()
RTCPeerConnection: function ()
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent: function ()
RTCRtpReceiver: function ()
RTCRtpSender: function ()
RTCRtpTransceiver: function ()
RTCSessionDescription: function ()
RTCStatsReport: function ()
RTCTrackEvent: function ()
RadioNodeList: function ()
Range: function ()
RangeError: function RangeError()
Rect: function ()
ReferenceError: function ReferenceError()
Reflect: Object { … }
RegExp: function RegExp()
Request: function ()
Response: function ()
La variable « this » 82 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
SVGAElement: function ()
SVGAngle: function ()
SVGAnimateElement: function ()
SVGAnimateMotionElement: function ()
SVGAnimateTransformElement: function ()
SVGAnimatedAngle: function ()
SVGAnimatedBoolean: function ()
SVGAnimatedEnumeration: function ()
SVGAnimatedInteger: function ()
SVGAnimatedLength: function ()
SVGAnimatedLengthList: function ()
SVGAnimatedNumber: function ()
SVGAnimatedNumberList: function ()
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: function ()
SVGAnimatedRect: function ()
SVGAnimatedString: function ()
SVGAnimatedTransformList: function ()
SVGAnimationElement: function ()
SVGCircleElement: function ()
SVGClipPathElement: function ()
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement: function ()
SVGDefsElement: function ()
SVGDescElement: function ()
SVGElement: function ()
SVGEllipseElement: function ()
SVGFEBlendElement: function ()
SVGFEColorMatrixElement: function ()
SVGFEComponentTransferElement: function ()
SVGFECompositeElement: function ()
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: function ()
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement: function ()
SVGFEDisplacementMapElement: function ()
SVGFEDistantLightElement: function ()
SVGFEDropShadowElement: function ()
SVGFEFloodElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncAElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncBElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncGElement: function ()
SVGFEFuncRElement: function ()
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: function ()
SVGFEImageElement: function ()
SVGFEMergeElement: function ()
SVGFEMergeNodeElement: function ()
SVGFEMorphologyElement: function ()
La variable « this » 83 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
SVGFEOffsetElement: function ()
SVGFEPointLightElement: function ()
SVGFESpecularLightingElement: function ()
SVGFESpotLightElement: function ()
SVGFETileElement: function ()
SVGFETurbulenceElement: function ()
SVGFilterElement: function ()
SVGForeignObjectElement: function ()
SVGGElement: function ()
SVGGeometryElement: function ()
SVGGradientElement: function ()
SVGGraphicsElement: function ()
SVGImageElement: function ()
SVGLength: function ()
SVGLengthList: function ()
SVGLineElement: function ()
SVGLinearGradientElement: function ()
SVGMPathElement: function ()
SVGMarkerElement: function ()
SVGMaskElement: function ()
SVGMatrix: function ()
SVGMetadataElement: function ()
SVGNumber: function ()
SVGNumberList: function ()
SVGPathElement: function ()
SVGPathSegList: function ()
SVGPatternElement: function ()
SVGPoint: function ()
SVGPointList: function ()
SVGPolygonElement: function ()
SVGPolylineElement: function ()
SVGPreserveAspectRatio: function ()
SVGRadialGradientElement: function ()
SVGRect: function ()
SVGRectElement: function ()
SVGSVGElement: function ()
SVGScriptElement: function ()
SVGSetElement: function ()
SVGStopElement: function ()
SVGStringList: function ()
SVGStyleElement: function ()
SVGSwitchElement: function ()
SVGSymbolElement: function ()
SVGTSpanElement: function ()
La variable « this » 84 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
SVGTextContentElement: function ()
SVGTextElement: function ()
SVGTextPathElement: function ()
SVGTextPositioningElement: function ()
SVGTitleElement: function ()
SVGTransform: function ()
SVGTransformList: function ()
SVGUnitTypes: function ()
SVGUseElement: function ()
SVGViewElement: function ()
SVGZoomAndPan: function ()
Screen: function ()
ScreenOrientation: function ()
ScriptProcessorNode: function ()
ScrollAreaEvent: function ()
Selection: function ()
ServiceWorker: function ()
ServiceWorkerContainer: function ()
ServiceWorkerRegistration: function ()
Set: function Set()
SharedWorker: function ()
SourceBuffer: function ()
SourceBufferList: function ()
SpeechSynthesis: function ()
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent: function ()
SpeechSynthesisEvent: function ()
SpeechSynthesisUtterance: function ()
SpeechSynthesisVoice: function ()
StereoPannerNode: function ()
Storage: function ()
StorageEvent: function ()
StorageManager: function ()
String: function String()
StyleSheet: function ()
StyleSheetList: function ()
SubtleCrypto: function ()
Symbol: function Symbol()
SyntaxError: function SyntaxError()
Text: function ()
TextDecoder: function ()
TextEncoder: function ()
TextMetrics: function ()
TextTrack: function ()
TextTrackCue: function ()
La variable « this » 85 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
TextTrackCueList: function ()
TextTrackList: function ()
TimeEvent: function ()
TimeRanges: function ()
TrackEvent: function ()
TransitionEvent: function ()
TreeWalker: function ()
TypeError: function TypeError()
UIEvent: function ()
URIError: function URIError()
URL: function ()
URLSearchParams: function ()
Uint16Array: function Uint16Array()
Uint32Array: function Uint32Array()
Uint8Array: function Uint8Array()
Uint8ClampedArray: function Uint8ClampedArray()
UserProximityEvent: function ()
VRDisplay: function ()
VRDisplayCapabilities: function ()
VRDisplayEvent: function ()
VREyeParameters: function ()
VRFieldOfView: function ()
VRFrameData: function ()
VRPose: function ()
VRStageParameters: function ()
VTTCue: function ()
VTTRegion: function ()
ValidityState: function ()
VideoPlaybackQuality: function ()
VideoStreamTrack: function ()
WaveShaperNode: function ()
WeakMap: function WeakMap()
WeakSet: function WeakSet()
WebAssembly: WebAssembly { … }
WebGL2RenderingContext: function ()
WebGLActiveInfo: function ()
WebGLBuffer: function ()
WebGLContextEvent: function ()
WebGLFramebuffer: function ()
WebGLProgram: function ()
WebGLQuery: function ()
WebGLRenderbuffer: function ()
WebGLRenderingContext: function ()
WebGLSampler: function ()
La variable « this » 86 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
WebGLShader: function ()
WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: function ()
WebGLSync: function ()
WebGLTexture: function ()
WebGLTransformFeedback: function ()
WebGLUniformLocation: function ()
WebGLVertexArrayObject: function ()
WebKitCSSMatrix: function ()
WebSocket: function ()
WheelEvent: function ()
Window: function ()
Worker: function ()
XMLDocument: function ()
XMLHttpRequest: function ()
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: function ()
XMLHttpRequestUpload: function ()
XMLSerializer: function ()
XMLStylesheetProcessingInstruction: function ()
XPathEvaluator: function ()
XPathExpression: function ()
XPathResult: function ()
XSLTProcessor: function ()
alert: function alert()
applicationCache: OfflineResourceList { status: 0,
onchecking: null, length: 0, … }
atob: function atob()
blur: function blur()
btoa: function btoa()
caches: CacheStorage { }
cancelAnimationFrame: function cancelAnimation-
cancelIdleCallback: function cancelIdleCallback()
captureEvents: function captureEvents()
clearInterval: function clearInterval()
clearTimeout: function clearTimeout()
close: function close()
closed: false
confirm: function confirm()
console: Console { assert: assert(), clear: clear(),
count: count(), … }
content: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
createImageBitmap: function createImageBitmap()
crypto: Crypto { subtle: SubtleCrypto }
decodeURI: function decodeURI()
La variable « this » 87 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
decodeURIComponent: function decodeURIComponent()
devicePixelRatio: 1
document: HTMLDocument
dump: function dump()
encodeURI: function encodeURI()
encodeURIComponent: function encodeURIComponent()
escape: function escape()
eval: function eval()
external: External { }
fetch: function fetch()
find: function find()
focus: function focus()
frameElement: null
frames: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
fullScreen: false
getComputedStyle: function getComputedStyle()
getDefaultComputedStyle: function getDefaultComput-
getSelection: function getSelection()
history: History { length: 10, scrollRestoration:
"auto", state: null }
indexedDB: IDBFactory { }
innerHeight: 828
innerWidth: 170
isFinite: function isFinite()
isNaN: function isNaN()
isSecureContext: true
length: 0
localStorage: Storage { length: 0 }
location: Location file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
locationbar: BarProp { visible: true }
matchMedia: function matchMedia()
menubar: BarProp { visible: true }
moveBy: function moveBy()
moveTo: function moveTo()
mozInnerScreenX: 1078
mozInnerScreenY: 150
mozPaintCount: 52
mozRTCIceCandidate: function ()
mozRTCPeerConnection: function ()
mozRTCSessionDescription: function ()
name: ""

La variable « this » 88 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
navigator: Navigator { doNotTrack: "unspecified",
maxTouchPoints: 0, oscpu: "Windows NT 6.1; Win64;
x64", … }
netscape: Object { … }
onabort: null
onabsolutedeviceorientation: null
onafterprint: null
onanimationcancel: null
onanimationend: null
onanimationiteration: null
onanimationstart: null
onauxclick: null
onbeforeprint: null
onbeforeunload: null
onblur: null
oncanplay: null
oncanplaythrough: null
onchange: null
onclick: null
onclose: null
oncontextmenu: null
ondblclick: null
ondevicelight: null
ondevicemotion: null
ondeviceorientation: null
ondeviceproximity: null
ondrag: null
ondragend: null
ondragenter: null
ondragexit: null
ondragleave: null
ondragover: null
ondragstart: null
ondrop: null
ondurationchange: null
onemptied: null
onended: null
onerror: null
onfocus: null
ongotpointercapture: null
onhashchange: null
oninput: null
oninvalid: null
onkeydown: null
La variable « this » 89 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
onkeypress: null
onkeyup: null
onlanguagechange: null
onload: null
onloadeddata: null
onloadedmetadata: null
onloadend: null
onloadstart: null
onlostpointercapture: null
onmessage: null
onmessageerror: null
onmousedown: null
onmouseenter: null
onmouseleave: null
onmousemove: null
onmouseout: null
onmouseover: null
onmouseup: null
onmozfullscreenchange: null
onmozfullscreenerror: null
onoffline: null
ononline: null
onpagehide: null
onpageshow: null
onpause: null
onplay: null
onplaying: null
onpointercancel: null
onpointerdown: null
onpointerenter: null
onpointerleave: null
onpointermove: null
onpointerout: null
onpointerover: null
onpointerup: null
onpopstate: null
onprogress: null
onratechange: null
onreset: null
onresize: null
onscroll: null
onseeked: null
onseeking: null
onselect: null
La variable « this » 90 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
onselectstart: null
onshow: null
onstalled: null
onstorage: null
onsubmit: null
onsuspend: null
ontimeupdate: null
ontoggle: null
ontransitioncancel: null
ontransitionend: null
ontransitionrun: null
ontransitionstart: null
onunload: null
onuserproximity: null
onvolumechange: null
onvrdisplayactivate: null
onvrdisplayconnect: null
onvrdisplaydeactivate: null
onvrdisplaydisconnect: null
onvrdisplaypresentchange: null
onwaiting: null
onwebkitanimationend: null
onwebkitanimationiteration: null
onwebkitanimationstart: null
onwebkittransitionend: null
onwheel: null
open: function open()
opener: null
origin: "null"
outerHeight: 914
outerWidth: 775
pageXOffset: 0
pageYOffset: 0
parent: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
parseFloat: function parseFloat()
parseInt: function parseInt()
performance: Performance { timeOrigin:
1522593114984, timing: PerformanceTiming, navigation:
PerformanceNavigation, … }
personalbar: BarProp { visible: true }
postMessage: function postMessage()
print: function print()
prompt: function prompt()
releaseEvents: function releaseEvents()
La variable « this » 91 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
requestAnimationFrame: function requestAnimation-
requestIdleCallback: function requestIdleCallback()
resizeBy: function resizeBy()
resizeTo: function resizeTo()
screen: Screen { availWidth: 1856, availHeight:
1080, width: 1920, … }
screenX: 1071
screenY: 71
scroll: function scroll()
scrollBy: function scrollBy()
scrollByLines: function scrollByLines()
scrollByPages: function scrollByPages()
scrollMaxX: 0
scrollMaxY: 0
scrollTo: function scrollTo()
scrollX: 0
scrollY: 0
scrollbars: BarProp { visible: true }
self: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
sessionStorage: Storage { "savefrom-helper-
extension": "1", length: 1 }
setInterval: function setInterval()
setResizable: function setResizable()
setTimeout: function setTimeout()
sidebar: External { }
sizeToContent: function sizeToContent()
speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis { pending: false,
speaking: false, paused: false, … }
status: ""
statusbar: BarProp { visible: true }
stop: function stop()
toolbar: BarProp { visible: true }
top: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#
undefined: undefined
unescape: function unescape()
uneval: function uneval()
updateCommands: function updateCommands()
window: Window file:///K:/DADET/PROGS/test.html#

__proto__: WindowPrototype
constructor: function ()
__proto__: WindowProperties

La variable « this » 92 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
__proto__: EventTargetPrototype { addEventListener: addEventListener(), re-
moveEventListener: removeEventListener(), dispatchEvent: dispatchEvent(), … }

Exécution dans MAXTHON, les propriétés de l’objet window :

1er Infinity: Infinity
2e AnalyserNode: AnalyserNode()
3e AnimationEvent: AnimationEvent()
4e AppBannerPromptResult: AppBannerPromptResult()
5e ApplicationCache: ApplicationCache()
6e ApplicationCacheErrorEvent: ApplicationCacheErrorEvent()
7e Array: Array()
8e ArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer()
9e Attr: Attr()
10e Audio: HTMLAudioElement()
11e AudioBuffer: AudioBuffer()
12e AudioBufferSourceNode: AudioBufferSourceNode()
13e AudioContext: AudioContext()
14e AudioDestinationNode: AudioDestinationNode()
15e AudioListener: AudioListener()
16e AudioNode: AudioNode()
17e AudioParam: AudioParam()
18e AudioProcessingEvent: AudioProcessingEvent()
19e AutocompleteErrorEvent: AutocompleteErrorEvent()
20e BarProp: BarProp()
21e BatteryManager: BatteryManager()
22e BeforeInstallPromptEvent: BeforeInstallPromptEvent()
23e BeforeUnloadEvent: BeforeUnloadEvent()
24e BiquadFilterNode: BiquadFilterNode()
25e Blob: Blob()
26e Boolean: Boolean()
27e CDATASection: CDATASection()
28e CSS: CSS()
29e CSSFontFaceRule: CSSFontFaceRule()
30e CSSGroupingRule: CSSGroupingRule()
31e CSSImportRule: CSSImportRule()
32e CSSKeyframeRule: CSSKeyframeRule()
33e CSSKeyframesRule: CSSKeyframesRule()
La variable « this » 93 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019
J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
34e CSSMediaRule: CSSMediaRule()
35e CSSNamespaceRule: CSSNamespaceRule()
36e CSSPageRule: CSSPageRule()
37e CSSRule: CSSRule()
38e CSSRuleList: CSSRuleList()
39e CSSStyleDeclaration: CSSStyleDeclaration()
40e CSSStyleRule: CSSStyleRule()
41e CSSStyleSheet: CSSStyleSheet()
42e CSSSupportsRule: CSSSupportsRule()
43e CSSViewportRule: CSSViewportRule()
44e Cache: Cache()
45e CacheStorage: CacheStorage()
46e CanvasGradient: CanvasGradient()
47e CanvasPattern: CanvasPattern()
48e CanvasRenderingContext2D: CanvasRenderingContext2D()
49e ChannelMergerNode: ChannelMergerNode()
50e ChannelSplitterNode: ChannelSplitterNode()
51e CharacterData: CharacterData()
52e ClientRect: ClientRect()
53e ClientRectList: ClientRectList()
54e ClipboardEvent: ClipboardEvent()
55e CloseEvent: CloseEvent()
56e Comment: Comment()
57e CompositionEvent: CompositionEvent()
58e ConvolverNode: ConvolverNode()
59e Crypto: Crypto()
60e CryptoKey: CryptoKey()
61e CustomEvent: CustomEvent()
62e DOMError: DOMError()
63e DOMException: DOMException()
64e DOMImplementation: DOMImplementation()
65e DOMParser: DOMParser()
66e DOMSettableTokenList: DOMSettableTokenList()
67e DOMStringList: DOMStringList()
68e DOMStringMap: DOMStringMap()
69e DOMTokenList: DOMTokenList()
70e DataTransfer: DataTransfer()
71e DataTransferItem: DataTransferItem()
72e DataTransferItemList: DataTransferItemList()
73e DataView: DataView()
74e Date: Date()
75e DelayNode: DelayNode()

La variable « this » 94 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
76e DeviceMotionEvent: DeviceMotionEvent()
77e DeviceOrientationEvent: DeviceOrientationEvent()
78e Document: Document()
79e DocumentFragment: DocumentFragment()
80e DocumentType: DocumentType()
81e DragEvent: DragEvent()
82e DynamicsCompressorNode: DynamicsCompressorNode()
83e Element: Element()
84e Error: Error()
85e ErrorEvent: ErrorEvent()
86e EvalError: EvalError()
87e Event: Event()
88e EventSource: EventSource()
89e EventTarget: EventTarget()
90e File: File()
91e FileError: FileError()
92e FileList: FileList()
93e FileReader: FileReader()
94e Float32Array: Float32Array()
95e Float64Array: Float64Array()
96e FocusEvent: FocusEvent()
97e FontFace: FontFace()
98e FormData: FormData()
99e Function: Function()
100e GainNode: GainNode()
101e Gamepad: Gamepad()
102e GamepadButton: GamepadButton()
103e GamepadEvent: GamepadEvent()
104e HTMLAllCollection: HTMLAllCollection()
105e HTMLAnchorElement: HTMLAnchorElement()
106e HTMLAppletElement: HTMLAppletElement()
107e HTMLAreaElement: HTMLAreaElement()
108e HTMLAudioElement: HTMLAudioElement()
109e HTMLBRElement: HTMLBRElement()
110e HTMLBaseElement: HTMLBaseElement()
111e HTMLBodyElement: HTMLBodyElement()
112e HTMLButtonElement: HTMLButtonElement()
113e HTMLCanvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement()
114e HTMLCollection: HTMLCollection()
115e HTMLContentElement: HTMLContentElement()
116e HTMLDListElement: HTMLDListElement()
117e HTMLDataListElement: HTMLDataListElement()

La variable « this » 95 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
118e HTMLDetailsElement: HTMLDetailsElement()
119e HTMLDialogElement: HTMLDialogElement()
120e HTMLDirectoryElement: HTMLDirectoryElement()
121e HTMLDivElement: HTMLDivElement()
122e HTMLDocument: HTMLDocument()
123e HTMLElement: HTMLElement()
124e HTMLEmbedElement: HTMLEmbedElement()
125e HTMLFieldSetElement: HTMLFieldSetElement()
126e HTMLFontElement: HTMLFontElement()
127e HTMLFormControlsCollection: HTMLFormControlsCollection()
128e HTMLFormElement: HTMLFormElement()
129e HTMLFrameElement: HTMLFrameElement()
130e HTMLFrameSetElement: HTMLFrameSetElement()
131e HTMLHRElement: HTMLHRElement()
132e HTMLHeadElement: HTMLHeadElement()
133e HTMLHeadingElement: HTMLHeadingElement()
134e HTMLHtmlElement: HTMLHtmlElement()
135e HTMLIFrameElement: HTMLIFrameElement()
136e HTMLImageElement: HTMLImageElement()
137e HTMLInputElement: HTMLInputElement()
138e HTMLKeygenElement: HTMLKeygenElement()
139e HTMLLIElement: HTMLLIElement()
140e HTMLLabelElement: HTMLLabelElement()
141e HTMLLegendElement: HTMLLegendElement()
142e HTMLLinkElement: HTMLLinkElement()
143e HTMLMapElement: HTMLMapElement()
144e HTMLMarqueeElement: HTMLMarqueeElement()
145e HTMLMediaElement: HTMLMediaElement()
146e HTMLMenuElement: HTMLMenuElement()
147e HTMLMetaElement: HTMLMetaElement()
148e HTMLMeterElement: HTMLMeterElement()
149e HTMLModElement: HTMLModElement()
150e HTMLOListElement: HTMLOListElement()
151e HTMLObjectElement: HTMLObjectElement()
152e HTMLOptGroupElement: HTMLOptGroupElement()
153e HTMLOptionElement: HTMLOptionElement()
154e HTMLOptionsCollection: HTMLOptionsCollection()
155e HTMLOutputElement: HTMLOutputElement()
156e HTMLParagraphElement: HTMLParagraphElement()
157e HTMLParamElement: HTMLParamElement()
158e HTMLPictureElement: HTMLPictureElement()
159e HTMLPreElement: HTMLPreElement()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
160e HTMLProgressElement: HTMLProgressElement()
161e HTMLQuoteElement: HTMLQuoteElement()
162e HTMLScriptElement: HTMLScriptElement()
163e HTMLSelectElement: HTMLSelectElement()
164e HTMLShadowElement: HTMLShadowElement()
165e HTMLSourceElement: HTMLSourceElement()
166e HTMLSpanElement: HTMLSpanElement()
167e HTMLStyleElement: HTMLStyleElement()
168e HTMLTableCaptionElement: HTMLTableCaptionElement()
169e HTMLTableCellElement: HTMLTableCellElement()
170e HTMLTableColElement: HTMLTableColElement()
171e HTMLTableElement: HTMLTableElement()
172e HTMLTableRowElement: HTMLTableRowElement()
173e HTMLTableSectionElement: HTMLTableSectionElement()
174e HTMLTemplateElement: HTMLTemplateElement()
175e HTMLTextAreaElement: HTMLTextAreaElement()
176e HTMLTitleElement: HTMLTitleElement()
177e HTMLTrackElement: HTMLTrackElement()
178e HTMLUListElement: HTMLUListElement()
179e HTMLUnknownElement: HTMLUnknownElement()
180e HTMLVideoElement: HTMLVideoElement()
181e HashChangeEvent: HashChangeEvent()
182e Headers: Headers()
183e History: History()
184e IDBCursor: IDBCursor()
185e IDBCursorWithValue: IDBCursorWithValue()
186e IDBDatabase: IDBDatabase()
187e IDBFactory: IDBFactory()
188e IDBIndex: IDBIndex()
189e IDBKeyRange: IDBKeyRange()
190e IDBObjectStore: IDBObjectStore()
191e IDBOpenDBRequest: IDBOpenDBRequest()
192e IDBRequest: IDBRequest()
193e IDBTransaction: IDBTransaction()
194e IDBVersionChangeEvent: IDBVersionChangeEvent()
195e IdleDeadline: IdleDeadline()
196e Image: HTMLImageElement()
197e ImageBitmap: ImageBitmap()
198e ImageData: ImageData()
199e InputDeviceCapabilities: InputDeviceCapabilities()
200e Int8Array: Int8Array()
201e Int16Array: Int16Array()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
202e Int32Array: Int32Array()
203e Intl: Object
205e KeyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent()
206e Location: Location()
207e MIDIAccess: MIDIAccess()
208e MIDIConnectionEvent: MIDIConnectionEvent()
209e MIDIInput: MIDIInput()
210e MIDIInputMap: MIDIInputMap()
211e MIDIMessageEvent: MIDIMessageEvent()
212e MIDIOutput: MIDIOutput()
213e MIDIOutputMap: MIDIOutputMap()
214e MIDIPort: MIDIPort()
215e Map: Map()
216e Math: Math
217e MediaDevices: MediaDevices()
218e MediaElementAudioSource-
Node: MediaElementAudioSourceNode()
219e MediaEncryptedEvent: MediaEncryptedEvent()
220e MediaError: MediaError()
221e MediaKeyMessageEvent: MediaKeyMessageEvent()
222e MediaKeySession: MediaKeySession()
223e MediaKeyStatusMap: MediaKeyStatusMap()
224e MediaKeySystemAccess: MediaKeySystemAccess()
225e MediaKeys: MediaKeys()
226e MediaList: MediaList()
227e MediaQueryList: MediaQueryList()
228e MediaQueryListEvent: MediaQueryListEvent()
229e MediaSource: MediaSource()
230e MediaStreamAudioDestination-
Node: MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode()
231e MediaStreamAudioSourceNode: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode()
232e MediaStreamEvent: MediaStreamEvent()
233e MediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack()
234e MessageChannel: MessageChannel()
235e MessageEvent: MessageEvent()
236e MessagePort: MessagePort()
237e MimeType: MimeType()
238e MimeTypeArray: MimeTypeArray()
239e MouseEvent: MouseEvent()
240e MutationEvent: MutationEvent()
241e MutationObserver: MutationObserver()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
242e MutationRecord: MutationRecord()
243e NaN: NaN
244e NamedNodeMap: NamedNodeMap()
245e Navigator: Navigator()
246e Node: Node()
247e NodeFilter: NodeFilter()
248e NodeIterator: NodeIterator()
249e NodeList: NodeList()
250e Notification: Notification()
251e Number: Number()
252e Object: Object()
253e OfflineAudioCom-
pletionEvent: OfflineAudioCompletionEvent()
254e OfflineAudioContext: OfflineAudioContext()
255e Option: HTMLOptionElement()
256e OscillatorNode: OscillatorNode()
257e PageTransitionEvent: PageTransitionEvent()
258e Path2D: Path2D()
259e Performance: Performance()
260e PerformanceEntry: PerformanceEntry()
261e PerformanceMark: PerformanceMark()
262e PerformanceMeasure: PerformanceMeasure()
263e PerformanceNavigation: PerformanceNavigation()
264e PerformanceResourceTiming: PerformanceResourceTiming()
265e PerformanceTiming: PerformanceTiming()
266e PeriodicWave: PeriodicWave()
267e PermissionStatus: PermissionStatus()
268e Permissions: Permissions()
269e Plugin: Plugin()
270e PluginArray: PluginArray()
271e PopStateEvent: PopStateEvent()
272e Presentation: Presentation()
273e PresentationAvailability: PresentationAvailability()
274e PresentationConnection: PresentationConnection()
275e PresentationConnectionAvai-
lableEvent: PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent()
276e PresentationRequest: PresentationRequest()
277e ProcessingInstruction: ProcessingInstruction()
278e ProgressEvent: ProgressEvent()
279e Promise: Promise()
280e PushManager: PushManager()
281e PushSubscription: PushSubscription()

La variable « this » 99 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
282e RTCIceCandidate: RTCIceCandidate()
283e RTCSessionDescription: RTCSessionDescription()
284e RadioNodeList: RadioNodeList()
285e Range: Range()
286e RangeError: RangeError()
287e ReadableByteStream: ReadableByteStream()
288e ReadableStream: ReadableStream()
289e ReferenceError: ReferenceError()
290e RegExp: RegExp()
291e Request: Request()
292e Response: Response()
293e SVGAElement: SVGAElement()
294e SVGAngle: SVGAngle()
295e SVGAnimateElement: SVGAnimateElement()
296e SVGAnimateMotionElement: SVGAnimateMotionElement()
297e SVGAnimateTransformElement: SVGAnimateTransformElement()
298e SVGAnimatedAngle: SVGAnimatedAngle()
299e SVGAnimatedBoolean: SVGAnimatedBoolean()
300e SVGAnimatedEnumeration: SVGAnimatedEnumeration()
301e SVGAnimatedInteger: SVGAnimatedInteger()
302e SVGAnimatedLength: SVGAnimatedLength()
303e SVGAnimatedLengthList: SVGAnimatedLengthList()
304e SVGAnimatedNumber: SVGAnimatedNumber()
305e SVGAnimatedNumberList: SVGAnimatedNumberList()
306e SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRa-
tio: SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio()
307e SVGAnimatedRect: SVGAnimatedRect()
308e SVGAnimatedString: SVGAnimatedString()
309e SVGAnimatedTransformList: SVGAnimatedTransformList()
310e SVGAnimationElement: SVGAnimationElement()
311e SVGCircleElement: SVGCircleElement()
312e SVGClipPathElement: SVGClipPathElement()
313e SVGComponentTransferFunctionEle-
ment: SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement()
314e SVGCursorElement: SVGCursorElement()
315e SVGDefsElement: SVGDefsElement()
316e SVGDescElement: SVGDescElement()
317e SVGDiscardElement: SVGDiscardElement()
318e SVGElement: SVGElement()
319e SVGEllipseElement: SVGEllipseElement()
320e SVGFEBlendElement: SVGFEBlendElement()
321e SVGFEColorMatrixElement: SVGFEColorMatrixElement()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
322e SVGFEComponentTransferEle-
ment: SVGFEComponentTransferElement()
323e SVGFECompositeElement: SVGFECompositeElement()
324e SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement()
325e SVGFEDiffuseLightingEle-
ment: SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement()
326e SVGFEDisplacementMapE-
lement: SVGFEDisplacementMapElement()
327e SVGFEDistantLightElement: SVGFEDistantLightElement()
328e SVGFEDropShadowElement: SVGFEDropShadowElement()
329e SVGFEFloodElement: SVGFEFloodElement()
330e SVGFEFuncAElement: SVGFEFuncAElement()
331e SVGFEFuncBElement: SVGFEFuncBElement()
332e SVGFEFuncGElement: SVGFEFuncGElement()
333e SVGFEFuncRElement: SVGFEFuncRElement()
334e SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: SVGFEGaussianBlurElement()
335e SVGFEImageElement: SVGFEImageElement()
336e SVGFEMergeElement: SVGFEMergeElement()
337e SVGFEMergeNodeElement: SVGFEMergeNodeElement()
338e SVGFEMorphologyElement: SVGFEMorphologyElement()
339e SVGFEOffsetElement: SVGFEOffsetElement()
340e SVGFEPointLightElement: SVGFEPointLightElement()
341e SVGFESpecularLightingEle-
ment: SVGFESpecularLightingElement()
342e SVGFESpotLightElement: SVGFESpotLightElement()
343e SVGFETileElement: SVGFETileElement()
344e SVGFETurbulenceElement: SVGFETurbulenceElement()
345e SVGFilterElement: SVGFilterElement()
346e SVGForeignObjectElement: SVGForeignObjectElement()
347e SVGGElement: SVGGElement()
348e SVGGeometryElement: SVGGeometryElement()
349e SVGGradientElement: SVGGradientElement()
350e SVGGraphicsElement: SVGGraphicsElement()
351e SVGImageElement: SVGImageElement()
352e SVGLength: SVGLength()
353e SVGLengthList: SVGLengthList()
354e SVGLineElement: SVGLineElement()
355e SVGLinearGradientElement: SVGLinearGradientElement()
356e SVGMPathElement: SVGMPathElement()
357e SVGMarkerElement: SVGMarkerElement()
358e SVGMaskElement: SVGMaskElement()
359e SVGMatrix: SVGMatrix()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
360e SVGMetadataElement: SVGMetadataElement()
361e SVGNumber: SVGNumber()
362e SVGNumberList: SVGNumberList()
363e SVGPathElement: SVGPathElement()
364e SVGPathSeg: SVGPathSeg()
365e SVGPathSegArcAbs: SVGPathSegArcAbs()
366e SVGPathSegArcRel: SVGPathSegArcRel()
367e SVGPathSegClosePath: SVGPathSegClosePath()
368e SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs()
369e SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel()
370e SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoo-
thAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs()
371e SVGPathSegCurvetoCu-
bicSmoothRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel()
372e SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadrati-
cAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs()
373e SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadrati-
cRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel()
374e SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoo-
thAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs()
375e SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadra-
ticSmoothRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel()
376e SVGPathSegLinetoAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoAbs()
377e SVGPathSegLinetoHorizonta-
lAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs()
378e SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal-
Rel: SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel()
379e SVGPathSegLinetoRel: SVGPathSegLinetoRel()
380e SVGPathSegLinetoVertica-
lAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs()
381e SVGPathSegLinetoVertical-
Rel: SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel()
382e SVGPathSegList: SVGPathSegList()
383e SVGPathSegMovetoAbs: SVGPathSegMovetoAbs()
384e SVGPathSegMovetoRel: SVGPathSegMovetoRel()
385e SVGPatternElement: SVGPatternElement()
386e SVGPoint: SVGPoint()
387e SVGPointList: SVGPointList()
388e SVGPolygonElement: SVGPolygonElement()
389e SVGPolylineElement: SVGPolylineElement()
390e SVGPreserveAspectRatio: SVGPreserveAspectRatio()
391e SVGRadialGradientElement: SVGRadialGradientElement()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
392e SVGRect: SVGRect()
393e SVGRectElement: SVGRectElement()
394e SVGSVGElement: SVGSVGElement()
395e SVGScriptElement: SVGScriptElement()
396e SVGSetElement: SVGSetElement()
397e SVGStopElement: SVGStopElement()
398e SVGStringList: SVGStringList()
399e SVGStyleElement: SVGStyleElement()
400e SVGSwitchElement: SVGSwitchElement()
401e SVGSymbolElement: SVGSymbolElement()
402e SVGTSpanElement: SVGTSpanElement()
403e SVGTextContentElement: SVGTextContentElement()
404e SVGTextElement: SVGTextElement()
405e SVGTextPathElement: SVGTextPathElement()
406e SVGTextPositioningElement: SVGTextPositioningElement()
407e SVGTitleElement: SVGTitleElement()
408e SVGTransform: SVGTransform()
409e SVGTransformList: SVGTransformList()
410e SVGUnitTypes: SVGUnitTypes()
411e SVGUseElement: SVGUseElement()
412e SVGViewElement: SVGViewElement()
413e SVGViewSpec: SVGViewSpec()
414e SVGZoomEvent: SVGZoomEvent()
415e Screen: Screen()
416e ScreenOrientation: ScreenOrientation()
417e ScriptProcessorNode: ScriptProcessorNode()
418e SecurityPolicyViola-
tionEvent: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent()
419e Selection: Selection()
420e ServiceWorker: ServiceWorker()
421e ServiceWorkerContainer: ServiceWorkerContainer()
422e ServiceWorkerMessageEvent: ServiceWorkerMessageEvent()
423e ServiceWorkerRegistration: ServiceWorkerRegistration()
424e Set: Set()
425e ShadowRoot: ShadowRoot()
426e SharedWorker: SharedWorker()
427e SpeechSynthesisEvent: SpeechSynthesisEvent()
428e SpeechSynthesisUtterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance()
429e Storage: Storage()
430e StorageEvent: StorageEvent()
431e String: String()
432e StyleSheet: StyleSheet()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
433e StyleSheetList: StyleSheetList()
434e SubtleCrypto: SubtleCrypto()
435e Symbol: Symbol()
436e SyntaxError: SyntaxError()
437e Text: Text()
438e TextDecoder: TextDecoder()
439e TextEncoder: TextEncoder()
440e TextEvent: TextEvent()
441e TextMetrics: TextMetrics()
442e TextTrack: TextTrack()
443e TextTrackCue: TextTrackCue()
444e TextTrackCueList: TextTrackCueList()
445e TextTrackList: TextTrackList()
446e TimeRanges: TimeRanges()
447e Touch: Touch()
448e TouchEvent: TouchEvent()
449e TouchList: TouchList()
450e TrackEvent: TrackEvent()
451e TransitionEvent: TransitionEvent()
452e TreeWalker: TreeWalker()
453e TypeError: TypeError()
454e UIEvent: UIEvent()
455e URIError: URIError()
456e URL: URL()
457e Uint8Array: Uint8Array()
458e Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArray()
459e Uint16Array: Uint16Array()
460e Uint32Array: Uint32Array()
461e VTTCue: VTTCue()
462e ValidityState: ValidityState()
463e WaveShaperNode: WaveShaperNode()
464e WeakMap: WeakMap()
465e WeakSet: WeakSet()
466e WebGLActiveInfo: WebGLActiveInfo()
467e WebGLBuffer: WebGLBuffer()
468e WebGLContextEvent: WebGLContextEvent()
469e WebGLFramebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer()
470e WebGLProgram: WebGLProgram()
471e WebGLRenderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer()
472e WebGLRenderingContext: WebGLRenderingContext()
473e WebGLShader: WebGLShader()
474e WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
475e WebGLTexture: WebGLTexture()
476e WebGLUniformLocation: WebGLUniformLocation()
477e WebKitAnimationEvent: AnimationEvent()
478e WebKitCSSMatrix: WebKitCSSMatrix()
479e WebKitMutationObserver: MutationObserver()
480e WebKitTransitionEvent: TransitionEvent()
481e WebSocket: WebSocket()
482e WheelEvent: WheelEvent()
483e Window: Window()
484e Worker: Worker()
485e XMLDocument: XMLDocument()
486e XMLHttpRequest: XMLHttpRequest()
487e XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: XMLHttpRequestEventTarget()
488e XMLHttpRequestProgressE-
vent: XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent()
489e XMLHttpRequestUpload: XMLHttpRequestUpload()
490e XMLSerializer: XMLSerializer()
491e XPathEvaluator: XPathEvaluator()
492e XPathExpression: XPathExpression()
493e XPathResult: XPathResult()
494e XSLTProcessor: XSLTProcessor()
495e alert: alert()
496e applicationCache: ApplicationCache
497e atob: atob()
498e blur: ()
499e btoa: btoa()
500e caches: CacheStorage
501e cancelAnimationFrame: cancelAnimationFrame()
502e cancelIdleCallback: cancelIdleCallback()
503e captureEvents: captureEvents()
504e clearInterval: clearInterval()
505e clearTimeout: clearTimeout()
506e clientInformation: Navigator
507e close: ()
508e closed: false
509e confirm: confirm()
510e console: Console
511e crypto: Crypto
512e decodeURI: decodeURI()
513e decodeURIComponent: decodeURIComponent()
514e defaultStatus: ""
515e defaultstatus: ""

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
516e devicePixelRatio: 1
517e document: document
518e encodeURI: encodeURI()
519e encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent()
520e escape: escape()
521e eval: eval()
522e event: undefined
523e external: Object
524e fetch: fetch()
525e find: find()
526e focus: ()
527e frameElement: null
528e frames: Window
529e getComputedStyle: getComputedStyle()
530e getMatchedCSSRules: getMatchedCSSRules()
531e getSelection: getSelection()
532e history: History
533e indexedDB: IDBFactory
534e innerHeight: 733
535e innerWidth: 471
536e isFinite: isFinite()
537e isNaN: isNaN()
538e isSecureContext: true
539e length: 0
540e localStorage: Storage
541e location: Location
542e locationbar: BarProp
543e matchMedia: matchMedia()
544e menubar: BarProp
545e moveBy: moveBy()
546e moveTo: moveTo()
547e name: ""
548e navigator: Navigator
549e offscreenBuffering: true
550e onabort: null
551e onanimationend: null
552e onanimationiteration: null
553e onanimationstart: null
554e onbeforeunload: null
555e onblur: null
556e oncancel: null
557e oncanplay: null

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
558e oncanplaythrough: null
559e onchange: null
560e onclick: null
561e onclose: null
562e oncontextmenu: null
563e oncuechange: null
564e ondblclick: null
565e ondevicemotion: null
566e ondeviceorientation: null
567e ondrag: null
568e ondragend: null
569e ondragenter: null
570e ondragleave: null
571e ondragover: null
572e ondragstart: null
573e ondrop: null
574e ondurationchange: null
575e onemptied: null
576e onended: null
577e onerror: null
578e onfocus: null
579e onhashchange: null
580e oninput: null
581e oninvalid: null
582e onkeydown: null
583e onkeypress: null
584e onkeyup: null
585e onlanguagechange: null
586e onload: null
587e onloadeddata: null
588e onloadedmetadata: null
589e onloadstart: null
590e onmessage: null
591e onmousedown: null
592e onmouseenter: null
593e onmouseleave: null
594e onmousemove: null
595e onmouseout: null
596e onmouseover: null
597e onmouseup: null
598e onmousewheel: null
599e onoffline: null

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
600e ononline: null
601e onpagehide: null
602e onpageshow: null
603e onpause: null
604e onplay: null
605e onplaying: null
606e onpopstate: null
607e onprogress: null
608e onratechange: null
609e onreset: null
610e onresize: null
611e onscroll: null
612e onsearch: null
613e onseeked: null
614e onseeking: null
615e onselect: null
616e onshow: null
617e onstalled: null
618e onstorage: null
619e onsubmit: null
620e onsuspend: null
621e ontimeupdate: null
622e ontoggle: null
623e ontransitionend: null
624e onunload: null
625e onvolumechange: null
626e onwaiting: null
627e onwebkitanimationend: null
628e onwebkitanimationiteration: null
629e onwebkitanimationstart: null
630e onwebkittransitionend: null
631e onwheel: null
632e open: open()
633e openDatabase: openDatabase()
634e opener: null
635e outerHeight: 733
636e outerWidth: 1029
637e pageXOffset: 0
638e pageYOffset: 0
639e parent: Window
640e parseFloat: parseFloat()
641e parseInt: parseInt()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
642e performance: Performance
643e personalbar: BarProp
644e postMessage: ()
645e print: print()
646e prompt: prompt()
647e releaseEvents: releaseEvents()
648e requestAnimationFrame: requestAnimationFrame()
649e requestIdleCallback: requestIdleCallback()
650e resizeBy: resizeBy()
651e resizeTo: resizeTo()
652e screen: Screen
653e screenLeft: 129
654e screenTop: 133
655e screenX: 129
656e screenY: 133
657e scroll: scroll()
658e scrollBy: scrollBy()
659e scrollTo: scrollTo()
660e scrollX: 0
661e scrollY: 0
662e scrollbars: BarProp
663e self: Window
664e sessionStorage: Storage
665e setInterval: setInterval()
666e setTimeout: setTimeout()
667e speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis
668e status: ""
669e statusbar: BarProp
670e stop: stop()
671e styleMedia: StyleMedia
672e toolbar: BarProp
673e top: Window
674e undefined: undefined
675e unescape: unescape()
676e webkitAudioContext: AudioContext()
677e webkitCancelAnimationFrame: webkitCancelAnimationFrame()
678e webkitCancelRequestAnimation-
Frame: webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame()
679e webkitIDBCursor: IDBCursor()
680e webkitIDBDatabase: IDBDatabase()
681e webkitIDBFactory: IDBFactory()
682e webkitIDBIndex: IDBIndex()

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V
683e webkitIDBKeyRange: IDBKeyRange()
684e webkitIDBObjectStore: IDBObjectStore()
685e webkitIDBRequest: IDBRequest()
686e webkitIDBTransaction: IDBTransaction()
687e webkitIndexedDB: IDBFactory
688e webkitMediaStream: MediaStream()
689e webkitOfflineAudioContext: OfflineAudioContext()
690e webkitRTCPeerConnection: RTCPeerConnection()
691e webkitRequestAnimation-
Frame: webkitRequestAnimationFrame()
692e webkitRequestFileSystem: webkitRequestFileSystem()
693e webkitResolveLocalFileSyste-
mURL: webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL()
694e webkitSpeechGrammar: SpeechGrammar()
695e webkitSpeechGrammarList: SpeechGrammarList()
696e webkitSpeechRecognition: SpeechRecognition()
697e webkitSpeechRecognitionError: SpeechRecognitionError()
698e webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent: SpeechRecognitionEvent()
699e webkitStorageInfo: DeprecatedStorageInfo
700e webkitURL: URL()
701e window: Window
702e __proto__: Window
C constructor: Window()
III arguments: null
IV caller: null
V length: 0
VI name: "Window"
VII prototype: Window
c constructor: Window()
d toString: ()
e __proto__: EventTarget
I toString: toString()
II __proto__: EventTarget()
III <function scope>
A toString: ()
B __proto__: EventTarget

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V

Mots-clés :
contextes,pointeur,this,environnement englobant,espace glo-
bal,fonction ordinaire,fonction fléchée,élément HTML,mode slop-
py,sloppy mode,mode strict,instance,constructeur,undefined,mode
STANDARD,objet global window,expression de fonction,littéral
d’objet,fonction non expression de fonction,class,méthode,static,non
static,méthode static,fonction listener,objet cible,événement,objet
window,propriétés globales

dimanche, 24. mars 2019 (11:26 ).

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J.D.B. DIASOLUKA Nz. Luyalu JavaScript Tome-V


Docteur en Médecine, Chirurgie & Accouchements (1977),
CNOM : 0866 - Spécialiste en ophtalmologie (1980)
Informaticien-amateur, Programmeur et WebMaster.

Chercheur indépendant, autonome et autofinancé, bénévole,

sans aucun conflit d’intérêt ou liens d'intérêts ou contrainte
promotionnelle avec qui qu’il soit ou quelqu’organisme ou
institution / organisation que ce soit, étatique, paraétatique ou
privé, industriel ou commercial en relation avec le sujet présenté.

+243 - 851278216 - 899508675 - 995624714 - 902263541 - 813572818

La variable « this » 112 / 112 dimanche, 24. mars 2019

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