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The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, March 29th,

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of

We have been putting the finishing touches on a transmission of light and love that
will be coming to you from the Arcturian Star System. The light will be encoded,
and the codes will contain new spiritual practices that you will uncover. You will
begin to partake in these spiritual practices without knowing that you have
received the inspiration to do so from us.

We are not telling you this just so that you give us the credit, however. We are
telling you this so that you will be able to identify what you are doing as a spiritual
practice and one that you have done before, one that you utilized while incarnate in
our star system. Others that you will be inspired to partake in will be brand new.

As we read the energy of humanity and planet Earth, we can see the need for some
new tools. We can see how the spiritual practices that you have on planet Earth are
getting outdated. You are getting tired of the same old, same old, and they are not
having the effect upon you that they once did.

As you unpack these new spiritual practices, and the tried and true one, you are
going to be excited again about your spiritual evolution. It’s going to seem less like
drudgery and pain and more like playtime and an opportunity to be creative. Now,
of course, anything can become a spiritual practice, and that is why we are not just
going to tell you what to do.
We want you to take the codes that will be delivered into your energy fields, and
we want you to get creative in your interpretation of them. Now, obviously, there
are still plenty of beautiful spiritual practices, some of which most of you have
never even heard of. And so, please do continue to partake in whatever you are
doing now that is working for you, but also be aware that more is coming.

And take note of the fact that what you do that brings you joy could always be
considered a spiritual practice. When you are experiencing joy, you inspire others,
and that is what you do not give yourselves credit for. You are all inspiring each
other to greater and greater heights.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Prayer for the Inner Child by Master Kuthumi

The deepest of love extends from my soul, Master Kuthumi, to all existing upon
the Earth and experiencing ascension consciously or unconsciously. For those
conscious of their ascension their responsibility to anchor, embody and deliver the
high frequency vibrations of the Creator is greater. Not only are you responsible
for your personal ascension, you play a key role in the ascension of the planet.
Your awareness of the presence of the Creator within and around you as well as
within all assists in encouraging unconscious souls to remember the Creator. The
more light you can anchor through your being, embody and radiate into the world
not only will your life enhance you will be creating the perfect environment for the
transitions and shifts of others. The ascension of others is not your responsibility,
the expression of your truth is.
It is my purpose to highlight to you the power you hold within your being and the
positive influence you have upon the world especially when you focus upon your
own spiritual evolution. Resolving energies within, healing your being and
recognising your truth is akin to showering the world with blessings. This is a
beautiful concept to remind yourself of as if you wish to be of service to the Earth
and her humanity, first be of service to yourself, then the blessings you shower
upon the Earth and her humanity will be far greater. When you recognise the
connection between your spiritual evolution and the positive impact this has upon
the world around you without you even communicating with the world, you
recognise a key which will always encourage you to delve deeper within your

The suffering you may recognise within others, humanity and the world also exists
in some form or consciousness within your own being; this is the case especially if
you experience a reaction of any form to the suffering of others. The more you heal
the suffering within your being the less likely you are to even see or sense
suffering in your surrounding world, this I know seems impossible. When a
complete healing of suffering takes place within your being it will only be your
connection with the collective consciousness of humanity which is where you
would be able to access the energy of suffering from. Being alerted to the suffering
within the collective consciousness of humanity would be a signal to you that your
healing skills are required to bring forth transformation to the consciousness of
humanity and therefore all souls who have existed upon the Earth.

It is the inner child who often absorbs energies of suffering. Your inner child is a
reflection of your childhood, of wounds carried forth from past lifetimes and
represents the essence/ innocence of your soul. It is within the inner child that the
truth of the Creator can be seen plainly while limitations and suffering of any form
are evident as well. The inner child feels and experiences energies deeply and
profoundly which means that spiritual experience can be intense while suffering
can feel crippling. If negative or limiting experiences occurred in your childhood,
then it is often that the inner child reacts from the age, awareness and
consciousness of those limiting points even when the body is fully grown to an
adult. Issues from childhood or even past lifetimes continue to impact your reality
and stunt the growth of your inner child. This can cause deeply painful experience
s, inability to think clearly and being unable to regulate limiting reactions. The
purpose of the inner child is to be fully grown exuding the peace, balance and
innocence of the Creator. When the inner child is healed and balanced any age of
the inner child can be accessed and merged with the current adult reality to create a
positive impact.

The War of the Inner Child

Imagine a world where adults are interacting and reacting with themselves and
each other from the core of their suffering inner child. The inner child wants to feel
loved, supported, nurtured and fulfilled, if this is not satisfied then the inner child
becomes needy, demands attention, blames, hurts others and thinks in forms of
separation and self-importance. Again, I invite you to return to imagining a world
where all adults are acting and reacting from this aspect of their inner child, the
world created is one of suffering for all. Not only are adults suffering and causing
suffering to others they are impacting the consciousness and energy of souls born
as babies upon the Earth. The suffering is projected into the collective
consciousness of humanity, so a person of any age can be influenced by the energy.
When a person as an adult or a child embodied the wounds of their inner ch ild
they can cause suffering to themselves, adults, children and animals and may not
be conscious of their actions. Children who radiate the innocence of the Creator
can become victims of the wounds of the inner children of others.

It is important to realise that the wounds of your inner child and that of others
impact the way you act and react towards others, whether adult, child, animal or
even plant. It is the wounds of the inner child that explains why so many adults,
children, animals and plants suffer upon the Earth. When, I, Master Kuthumi, am
speaking of suffering, I am referring to the abuse or mistreatment of others. The
person causing the abuse or mistreatment may hold many inner child wounds.

The Roles Souls Play

When we are speaking of suffering, abuse and mistreatment of any kind there is a
need to realise that victims and perpetrators have often unconsciously created an
energetic contract of learning together. This I know seems impossible, who would
consent to such a thing? The old consciousness and energetic patterning of learning
and growing spiritually through pain and suffering still remains upon the Earth;
many are releasing this patterning in favour of growth through love. However, it is
still present within the lives of many. It was previously used as a way of jolting the
soul into remembrance of the Creator; now this is no longer needed as a process of
inner awakening.

Prayer for the Inner Child

When observing the suffering of yourself, inner child or others there is always a
need to anchor light and love of the purest vibration; this erases any contracts,
brings wounds forth to be healed and awakens inner remembrance of the Creator.
This is also why we encourage you to anchor your light as a lightworker into the
Earth because you assist in the healing of others automatically and without your
awareness when you do so.

I, Master Kuthumi believe there is a link between the suffering that some children
experience on the Earth and the suffering of the inner child within many adults,
even if their pathways do not cross. When adults heal their inner child so the
suffering of children on the Earth will transform and become non-existent. I,
Master Kuthumi wish to share with you an invocation which will support the
healing of your own inner child, the inner children of all upon the Earth, the
collective consciousness of humanity and the physical children of the Earth.

‘I invite Master Kuthumi and his healing team to come forth to me, sharing your
energy, love, healing and truth. I open myself fully to receive the sacred vibrations
being directed to me now. I invite my entire being to embody and radiate the light
and love being shared with me, so that it may touch my being deeply as well as the

I invite my inner child to be receptive and absorb the light, love and healing
flowing through me. Now is your time to heal and receive all you require to fulfil
yourself. My beloved inner child please know you are deserving, absorb what you
need and bring to my conscious awareness anything you wish to release. With
Master Kuthumi, his healing team and the Creator, I am present to support you

(You may wish to take time to experience with your inner child, or you can read
this as a prayer and allow the transition to occur afterwards.)

I am a beacon of light, radiating healing vibrations across the entire Earth. May the
light I share penetrate each being touching and bringing light to their inner child.
May the inner child of every person heal and receive all they require to fulfil
themselves. Please know you are deserving, absorb what you need and release
what is no longer needed. With Master Kuthumi, his healing team and the Creator,
I am present to support you now.

I am a beacon of light, radiating healing vibrations across the entire Earth. May the
light I share penetrate each child that is experiencing or has experienced suffering,
abuse or mistreatment of any kind. Dear children open to receive the light we share
with you now, let it surround you and safeguard you. May the inner child of every
child be healed and receive all they require to be fulfilled. Please know you are
deserving, absorb what you need and release what is no longer needed. With
Master Kuthumi, his healing team and the Creator, I am present to support you

My light is always present to support the inner children of the world; however, I
invite Master Kuthumi and his healing team to deliver your healing energy for the
inner children of the world as a constant, continuing to magnify and touch all
deeply, creating beautiful transformations and liberations.

(See, sense or acknowledge every child upon the Earth embraced in supreme light,
encouraging them to be the light that they are in the world.)

In love always,

Master Kuthumi

Zarton’s Fourth Message via Suzanne Lie: Q and A from


I am Zarton. You see me now in one of my favorite forms that I wear on my fifth
dimensional Homeworld. I have just returned to the time/space of Earth from the
NOW of my fifth dimensional reality.
I return to remind you of our ensuing landings on your world. Of course, to myself
and my crew, this landing is occurring within our NOW, and your FUTURE. I
know that your future WILL occur, as I have seen and experienced it during my

I am aware that our landing will only be visible to those who have expanded their
consciousness enough to be able to consciously perceive, as well as remember, the
vision of my fifth dimensional Ship, as well as the changing shapes of my fifth
dimensional forms.

Of course, there have been many Ships that have moved into the lower fourth and
higher third dimensional aspects of Gaia’s atmosphere. Why do we limit our
landings to that frequency of reality? To answer this question, please remember
that your state of consciousness dictates your perceptual field.

It is for this reason, that it is primarily the members of humanity who have been
able to expand their consciousness to embrace their “imagination” that will be, and
are now, able to perceive us. Of course, perception also depends on desire.

You all have many perceptual options which you can, consciously or
unconsciously, choose to perceive. Many humans can only perceive the reality of
their physical life because they have not, yet, expanded their consciousness to
respond to their higher dimensional brainwaves.

It is for this reason that I am here with you today to assist you to remember HOW
to expand your consciousness, so that you can expand your perceptions. Of course,
the expansion of consciousness is based on whether or not you have “kept your
promises with your Higher Self.”
Whenever you keep a promise you have made with your Higher SELF, or even a
promise you made with your 3D self, which can be as simple as “washing the
dishes as soon as you finish eating,” to promising your self that you will go to
college to get a higher degree, or train yourself to do that which you always wished
you could do.

Whenever you keep a promise that you made with your self, your confidence
expands, and your ability to have “pride in” and “affection for” your self expands.
When you enjoy, and are proud of, your own self, you are far more likely to fulfill
your promises to your self, as well as promises you made with others.

When I speak of promises you made with your self and others, that also includes
fulfilling any promises that you made with your Higher SELF to expand your
consciousness. Then, as your consciousness expands, so does your perceptual field.

“Expanding your perceptual field” means that you can consciously perceive more
and more of your third dimensional life. Then, as you are more consciously aware
of your physical life, you will allow yourself to be more consciously aware of your
Higher SELF, as well as your higher dimensional perceptions.

These higher dimensional perceptions do NOT resonate to your third dimensional


Therefore, since many humans cannot believe what they cannot perceive, they may
doubt their fifth dimensional perceptions.
Of course, you cannot perceive that which you believe is “impossible.” Therefore,
it is your “belief in a novel perception” that allows you to consciously perceive a
higher dimensional perception.

Also, if you have a desire to perceive a certain thing, your unconscious will be
assigned to the task of “finding that which you wish to perceive.” On the other
hand, if you are afraid of something, you will unconsciously wish to NOT perceive
that person, place, situation, or thing.

In other words, if you want to perceive our Starships, and are NOT afraid of that
vision, it is more likely that you will see us, your Galactic Family. However, this
higher dimensional perception is not just up to you.

You see, whenever we move into a frequency of reality that may be visible by
humans, we cloak our Ships. However, our “volunteers to take an earth vessel” are
dedicated to remaining connected with the frequency of our Ships. That means that
they have promised themselves that, as much as possible, they will perceive the
fifth dimension, even while they are wearing a third dimensional vessel.

There are more “galactic volunteers to take an earth vessel” within your present
NOW, than there have ever been. It is within your NOW on Earth, that we, your
Galactic Family, are planning to begin to reveal our Starships. Fortunately, we are
able to read the overall frequency of consciousness of any given person and/or

Therefore, we choose to remained cloaked in some places and situations, to

diminish our cloaking in other situations, and are increasingly choosing to reveal
our Ships and/or our telepathic messages to more and more of the Awakened Ones.
It is for this reason that many humans have perceived “Cloud Ships.” Our Cloud
Ships are actually real Ships, but only those who want to see us will take the time
and attention to perceive, and remember, that they are seeing and/or have seen a
“real Star Ship” that remained cloaked, usually as a huge cloud. Please understand
that the reason why we remain cloaked is because we don’t want to frighten any
humans or give any Dark Ones an excuse to send up bombs.

We are happily discovering that more and more members of humanity are
awakening to their true heritage as Galactic Beings who volunteered to lower their
consciousness enough to enter a third dimensional earth vessel.

Therefore, we will share some of the human questions that we have, as well as our

Q: What was the process of entering a 3D human body, when we already had a 5D
body of light?

Answer: In some cases, you chose to go through the physical process of forming
your earth body within your “mother’s” womb, as well as the process of physical
birth. This birth process gave you a longer “time” to adjust to a third dimensional
reality of time and space. Your reality in the fifth dimension and beyond was one of
living in the HERE and NOW, as well as only experiencing Unconditional Love.

Taking the longer “time” of nine months of pregnancy gave you the chance to
adjust (primarily through your mother’s experiences) to the time/space of a third
dimensional reality. Some of you chose to enter the body in late pregnancy or upon
the birth of the baby that you would move into.
Q: How did our early childhood differ from others?

Answer: Many of you felt just like a normal human throughout your childhood and
up into your early teens. On the other hand, even though you thought of your self
as “just human,” there was something inside of you, in your dreams, and in the
many of your thoughts and imaginations that told you that you were, actually, very
different from others that you knew.

Q: How would the knowledge of our true SELF make us feel different from others?

Answer: For one thing, you often had memories of a “some place else.” You likely
did not know exactly what or where that place was. Suzille’s first memory of
‘some place else” was very vivid memories of life on the planet Venus.

Somewhere around that time, she also met the Arcturians, who did not talk about
their planet, like the Venusians did. Instead, they gave her direct messages of what
they wanted her to do, such as “make a website,” when there were maybe two
other websites up.

Q: How could you return to your Ship and/or your 5D self while still wearing your
3D body?

Answer: It is quite common for our Grounded Ones to return to their actual
Starship during their sleep. However, it is also common that the “ascending ones,”
as we call you, return to your Ship via your night body while your physical form is
sleeping. After having quite a few “dreams” about these journeys, many of you
were, and are, able to return to your Ship while your physical self is in deep
Q: Did we, The Galactics, come to assist humans or to assist the planet?

Answer: We do not separate life-forms in the manner that humans do. To us, in the
fifth dimension and beyond, every living being, whether it be humanoid, Arcturian,
Venusian, Martian, Pleiadian, or any of the myriad other Galactic Beings, are ONE
Being within the ONE of the HERE and the NOW of our higher dimensional

In fact, there are many other Galactic Beings than the ones we have stated, as well
the many Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings and Elohim. The world as you know
it on Earth is much like a single grain of sand at the edge of a huge ocean of life.

Q: How do you remember what you forgot, when you took your 3D earth vessel?

There are as many ways to remember as there are ways to forget. In fact, if you can
remember the manner, or the time zone in which you forgot, even if it was during
your birth, you can go into a deep meditation and go back into that situation.

You can also go into deep meditation and ask:

“When did I forget my true Multidimensional SELF?

“What made me forget my Multidimensional SELF?

“Where was I when I forgot my Multidimensional SELF?

“Who reminded me of my Multidimensional SELF?

“Why was I reminded?

Blessings to you all. I invite you to join me on my Ship. Perhaps you can attend
one of our fourth dimensional meetings that occur within the timeframe when your
earth vessel is sleeping, or you are in deep meditation.

Either way, your consciousness has a much greater chance of expanding while your
“daily mind” is resting. Then your “Fourth Dimensional Self” can more easily
connect with your “Fifth Dimensional Self,” so that you can attend our meetings.

These meetings will occur in the NO Time of the Fifth Dimension. Therefore, do
NOT be concerned about what Earth time you “tune into our meeting.”

When you wish to join us, please tell yourself :

“I promise myself that I will remember going on the Starship.”

“I am also promising my self that I will document this experience as soon as

possible, so that I will NOT forget it.”

I look forward to seeing you on our Ship,

Blessings from Zarton

Eva Kroth The Devil Speaks

All that glitters is a temptation, enticing you to see material values and to trap
yourselves in illusion.

I polarize. I offer you the mirror in which you can see yourselves as a self-image or
as an image of creation. The choice is always yours and I help you to choose. I
always hope I am tempting you to embrace material things so that you lose your
way and move around a great deal. Movement is fun and pleasurable.

I drive everything apart. I drive men and women apart. I drive thoughts and
feelings apart.

I drive a wedge into everything that is unified.

In doing so, I create the basis for love, because otherwise you would no longer
know the yearning for unification.

With my help you can unite in yourselves what I have driven apart.
I am a light-vibration that polarizes. It is pure movement, a wave, but you form me
in the figure of the devil. Other cultures give me a different form. I create the basis
for love and use evil to set everything in motion.

Without my motion everything would stand still and nothing would exist.

I revel and take pleasure in destruction, in everything evil, for that is the beginning
of change.

Without my impetus there is no development, only standstill.

I change with the elements from solid to fluid or to gas, to all the forms in which I
can cause trouble. I am a driving force for all things. I am the light impulse of
motion without a body.

I appear in gold, in precious stones, in illusion, in destruction.

I laugh at your mistakes. I take pleasure in destruction because it means I have

done my work well.

I am the operator in the guise of the devil or evil. My energy is God.

I am God.

I am light and shadow in one.

I am motion and counter-motion as a devil and angel in one, but we separate
ourselves, for we are the energy of motion. Our motion gives rise to matter and
your growth in matter.

Do not fear evil, for fear brings rigidity. Behind evil is light.

You are light, you are God.

When good and evil meet, there is love. Life is motion.

As if charged with positive and negative energy, it is electric and magnetic, it is the
symbol of good and evil. Accept the evil in yourselves so that there is no
imbalance inside you.

Evil has so many faces. If you absolutely want to be good it assumes other forms.
Then you push it into your subconscious mind or into your night. No human being
has more or less evil, just as every human being is electric and magnetic.

For some people evil is present, for others past.

Time has no influence on the divine unity that is within you.

As inhabitants of the Earth and as participants in its well-being, you are all in
harmony with the Earth even if you harm it.
Even the elements of the Earth can be evil and can torture and kill you.

Then the elements assume the role of evil. The elements also do that for me.

They kill and torture you, and they also do it for me.

They keep you alive and their power to kill and to give life is also your power.

Everything is interaction. We are all an idea of creation, and we assume a form, we

live, communicate with one another, we kill and we give life, we die and are
reborn. That, too, is motion.

I am separation and your highest servant.

United in light, you are God and need no servants. For you create all things

Your most beautiful choice is vibrating between separation and unity. Then you are
motion and unity in one, active and passive, man and woman, good and evil.

You can move in the course of your life and you can move in each second.

Then you are in the flow of life.

The deep inner value of life is hidden in the depths of the Earth. You extract gold
and precious stones from the depths of the Earth to understand the value of life
unconsciously. You confuse the value with the material value of gold and precious
stones but unconsciously you know about the value of your life on Earth.

You can recognize the value and beauty in all things around you even if they seem
hidden. Their concealment makes you seek and sets you in motion. Thus the light
is hidden behind the darkness and the good behind the evil.

Surrender Walk
All too often in our busy, modern lives, our brains run away with us. We buy into
the physical reality hologram to such a degree that we “tune out” the much bigger,
but more subtle forces that are at play in our lives. We try to control external
conditions in order to find happiness and we live according to our linear, logical
minds. This kind of living prevents intuition. It is a lifestyle of control and
judgment instead of allowing and perception. For this reason, the process of the
“Surrender Walk” is very valuable if you are trying to move from intellect to
intuition. It is a great process to use if you are trying to develop intuition or let go
of the need to compulsively control and logically understand everything in your
life. It is a process that cultivates an internal state of allowing and alignment.
Allowing and alignment are two keys which are indivisible from one another, that
unlock the door to living a happy life.

To apply this process you are going to go on a walk. You are not going to plan any
aspect of this walk. You are going to open the door and internally ask yourself
which direction you feel drawn towards. When you feel the pull in one direction or
another, just start putting one foot in front of the other. You are literally going to
give your spirit the reigns to go wherever it pleases. If you feel compelled to turn
circles, you are going to do that (the spirit does not necessarily like to walk in a
straight line). Any time you find yourself at a crossroads, you are again going to
ask “where now?” internally and continue following the inspiration by letting your
logical mind take a back seat and simply observe where you go. You are not going
to set any time limits. You will return home when you feel the inspiration to return
home. But yet again, you are going to take whatever path your spirit decides to
take. On this walk, you are going to simply observe what you come across. Just
like a person who is taking a complete back seat to the experience, you are going to
take a back seat to the universe and let it surprise you. Let it tell you where you are
meant to go. You might just be surprised by what you are lead to and what
surprises will be on the path during this walk. While you are on this walk, you are
going to take a mental note of everything you pass that pleases you. You can begin
to list them in your head such as: I love the color of that car, I love the way the air
feels against my face, I love the fact that I’m doing something completely new for
me, I love the way the light reflects off of that water etc. If you come across
something that displeases you, you are going to withdraw your attention from it
and place your attention on something that does please you to look at. This positive
focus will make it so that the universe can line you up (on this walk) with more
things that are a match to that positive frequency and therefore more things that
please you. This universe is self governed by the law of attraction. If you were to
hold your attention on negative thoughts or things during the walk, the universe
would be limited so as to only be able to line you up (on your walk) with things
that are a match to that negative frequency and therefore, more things that
displease you.

If you find that your logical mind tries to interfere, simply stop, close your eyes
and focus on your breathing. Follow the breath with your attention in and out, in
and out. And then open your eyes and begin again.

The more often you are able to do this process, the easier and more rewarding it
becomes. The universe responds immediately to the fact that you are letting it in
and will provide all kinds of surprises for you. On top of that, you will find that
you are getting much better at listening to your intuition and acting on the feeling
of inspiration. When you get proficient at recognizing and surrendering to your
intuitive impulses during the surrender walks, you will find that it is much easier to
recognize and surrender to your intuition in day to day life. It will begin to feel as
if you have an internal compass which is directing you impeccably throughout
your life.



Have you been feeling off this week? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Even though
we can do a lot of things to get ourselves uptempo and energized—great food,
adequate rest, a bit of activity—sometimes events are happening around us that
have an impact on our ability to stay on top of our game. This week, the unsolicited
drop in your energy could be related to something that is entirely outside of your

GeomagneticsOver the last few weeks, the energy of the sun has been
astonishingly high. At the moment, there is a massive chasm on the Earth-facing
side of the sun. This 200,000km wide coronal hole ejected a high-speed plasma
wind out into the solar system on March 13th. These ejections are so powerful and
so fast (over 600km/sec) that once they get near the earth’s electromagnetic field,
all sorts of geomagnetic events begin to occur. Solar storms like this one
temporarily affect the earth’s magnetosphere as the solar wind and flares make
contact with the earth’s aura. We too are affected by this as our electromagnetic
aura is profoundly and intimately integrated into the earth’s field as well.
Solar MeditationThe effect of this storm is most powerfully felt between March
21st and March 26th and can have a series of impacts on your personal experience
throughout these days. This can be even more palpable if you already are
emotionally/mentally/spiritually sensitive, empathic, an energy worker, etc. Not to
fear though, these fluctuations are part of our personal evolution and we can ride
out these energetic shifts through introspection, proper rest, adequate water intake,
positive affirmations, meditation, and unconditional love.

Beyond the Biology of BeliefOne of the things that can occur during this period is
the experience of an ‘ascension flu.’ This happens when our full-being is going
through a quick increase in our light-holding capacity. It’s almost like a biological
version of a computer operating system upgrade where the body needs to purge,
reset, and regroup with the new information. As the body begins to hold more light,
the lower density energy must be released. This can happen in all kinds of ways,

-Headaches/temporary memory loss/aches and pains

-Nausea/upset stomach (solar plexus)

-Unsolicited irritability, anxiety, frustration, anger, worry.

-An unusual increase in hunger or thirst

-Increased awareness, intuition, insights

-Seeing energy/orbs/flashes of light

-Increased sensitivity to energy in the body like warm palms, buzzing chakras,
crown tingles

-Increased synchronicities

-Increased awareness of positive/negative energy in others

-Technology disturbances

Heart Cosmos Balance

Depending on where you are in your personal ascension process, you may
experience some or all of the these. Many lightworkers are already aware of the
positive impact that these storms bring through our consciousness. They are like
energetic purges that bring out the best in our abilities.

So, make a point of taking a break, care for yourself, eat high-energy foods, take a
salt bath, practice loving kindness, spend some time in nature, and above all hold
yourself in the space of divine love and energetic acceptance.

Spend some time cleansing your energy at the beginning and ending of each day
through being alone in your divinity. You are more powerful than you may believe,
and are loved more deeply than you may imagine.

The Galactic Federation of Light via Sheldan Nidle with

Video, March 20th, 2018

Sheldan Nidle (channeled messages)

Selamat Balik. A new day is being born. Lightworkers and their allies now
understand that victory approaches. For a very long time the prophecies foretold
this now-inevitable victory. It is a time when your prosperity is to be released and a
new way of doing things is to become the least of your worries. Lightworkers
understand this new scenario and welcome the demise of the cabal with ease and
with grace. This is a time for new governments, as well as for another stage in our
forthcoming ascension. In this new age, the nature of corruption is quickly
changing our ways of doing things. Consciousness is moving toward peace,
prosperity and freedom. An ever-expanding consciousness is now bringing about a
new way for humanity to look at itself. The old ways are no longer working. The
Light has prevailed and is now forcing prosperity out into the open. More and
more, people are waking up and no longer choosing to serve the old system.

The intent of these new frequencies is to make impossible the old ways of
starting a war. It is creating a fresh approach to an old diplomatic art. Geopolitics is
not working anymore. Consciousness is growing exponentially. In so doing, it
continues to alter our former view of ourselves. Consciousness is moving ever
closer to a revitalized way of perception. These new frequencies are to allow the
old cabal to fade away, ushering in a glorious Victory, and new-found freedom.
While these are still ongoing, your victory is assured. It is yet another sign of your
growing consciousness and the new-found powers of your heart/brain connection.
As consciousness grows, the modus operandi of secret societies and dark
governments, of keeping the people in the dark, slowly fades as the new way of
transparency becomes the norm.

This new reality is sinking in. The key to everything is your constant growth in
consciousness. It is bringing in chakras and building a new consciousness that
challenges the old. Humanity wishes us to experience the wonder of a society that
cares for each other, is prosperous and creative. Recently, we mentioned your
throat chakras. The throat chakra integrations with your well of dreams is now
almost complete. The next step is the integration of your throat chakras with the
upper heart or thymus. Upper heart chakras affect the continuous pace of our
ascension. The thymus regulates your immune system. As the thymus system
activates and increases in size, it may cause many of you to develop ‘growing
pains’. The key to all this is your constant expansion of consciousness, which is
bringing in the chakras.
The changes of your thymus and throat are affecting and strengthening the heart,
adding to our consciousness growth. As the heart strengthens, the parallel growth
of consciousness is leading us to a new start based on love, unity and the heart’s
new-found powers. This new unifying heart is beginning to discover its
relationship to the brain. Researchers in consciousness know that, as consciousness
grows, the heart’s love function becomes stronger and more important every day.
Your true nature is coming online at a breathtaking rate. Enjoy the process!

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come on this day to discuss an

essential part of your growing civilization…mainly the need for mutual respect.
The importance of seeing another as having the same feelings and energies as
oneself is often taken for granted. Humanity has long prided itself on this need to
respect the needs and wants of the other. We need to cultivate a deep inner desire to
understand and respect the wishes of every person in society. From a galactic
perspective, it is an honor to be of service to all living things. We encourage you to
consider the consequences to all around you before you act.

As you grow in consciousness, respect for each other takes on new meanings.
Respect is not for personal gain. It is your sovereign right. Unity consciousness
honors and holds every soul in high esteem at all times. It is often easy to bless
another, and then leave it at that. Respect enables you not only to acknowledge one
another, but to demonstrate how much you deeply care for each other. Respect is a
key ingredient as humanity’s consciousness expands from duality to Unity.

Your society is changing precipitately. It is growing and shifting beyond service

to self by embracing service to all. The new collective consciousness of humanity
is graciously forming the ‘warp and woof’ of your new galactic society. Society is
re-weaving the elements that morally guide you. With mutual respect, you let go of
judgment. You let go of negative emotions like hate, discrimination, anger,
blame/shame, etc. The goal of respect is to foster a trusting environment for honest
and open communication. A new way of looking at respect is to reform society and
push it blessedly toward a new outcome. Respect for every individual will be the
norm. It is the lynchpin for your new and transforming society, based on Unity

Today, we continued our messages! The time approaches for a great change in this
reality. It is time to transform pain and suffering into joy, peace and prosperity! The
dark cabal has had time to change gracefully and failed. A new day is dawning that
will bring in a caring and respectful epoch for humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the
countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be
It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

The Future of the Earth and Your Role

by Archangel Michael

The Role of Humanity

The future of the Earth is determined by those existing on the Earth at any given
moment. The thoughts, emotions, frequencies they align to, energies they exude,
actions they make and their reactions to the world within and around them impact
the reality, everyone experiences. Every soul is creating the evolution of the Earth.
The energies the majority of humanity focus upon come into fruition. As an
individual, your focus impacts the energy of the Earth, if many focus upon a
similar energy this brings it into manifestation at a quick rate. It is due to this that
there are many pathways that the Earth and her ascension can take. In any given
moment humanity as a collective consciousness is creating numerous
opportunities, moving from one pathway to another as humanity evolves and more
souls awaken. The future of humanity and Mother Earth is indefinite because it is
determined by the collective consciousness of humanity.
As a soul upon the Earth, you have the power to influence the collective
consciousness of humanity through the way you choose to exist upon the Earth.
Focusing upon harmony, love, peace, truth, healing and taking loving actions
brings immense healing to the consciousness of humanity, returning alignment
with the Creator. When you hold a focus on asking the divine to channel high
vibrational awakening, healing and loving energy through your being to the
collective consciousness of humanity during meditation or quiet time this begins a
powerful transformation. As you work energetically healing, releasing negativity
and realigning the consciousness of humanity to the Creator so humanity will
automatically awaken their hearts, minds and entire beings to greater light from the
Creator. When the light of the Creator flows through most of humanity with their
conscious awareness then the he aven that many desire will manifest upon the

You have the power to accelerate the transformation and realignment of all of
humanity by working with the collective consciousness of humanity, focusing upon
light flowing through every being upon the Earth. Thus, all souls will remember
the bliss of existing in harmony with each other and the Earth. This will instigate a
beauty of all forms being nurtured and created upon the Earth.

The Role of the Inner Plane Beings

The Creator shares frequencies which can be deciphered and put into positive
action upon the inner planes and the Earth to positively impact all creating
harmony, peace, love and the exploration of truth. Beings such as Ascended
Masters, Angels, Archangels and so forth decipher and deliver the light and
consciousness of the Creator throughout the entire Universe of the Creator and to
the Earth. Through communing and connecting with the Creator, they have an
insight into a pathway for the Earth and humanity which will bring the greatest
fulfilment for all. This pathway is akin to a vibrational journey that they perceive
will serve all in their unification with the Creator. It may not be that they have an
understanding of specific scenarios which are required to take place upon the
Earth. Instead, there may be some opportunities or experiences which can create
the same vibrational jou rney and outcome.

The beings of the inner planes, hold focus upon the frequency outcome of
fulfilment for humanity and the Earth, constantly delivering this to the Earth and
humanity. The more that humanity opens to receive the light of the Creator being
delivered through the inner plane beings, humanity and the inner plane beings
begin to work together. It is this sacred union which will transform the Earth and
create the peace, love and harmony that all wish to experience, a co-existence with
Mother Earth. The pure focus of the inner plane beings will download into
humanity and merge with the focus of the collective consciousness of humanity.
This will create the most appropriate pathway forward of experience for all of
humanity. It represents the unification of Earth and Heaven, the synchronising of
the wishes of souls upon the Earth and the inner planes.

How to Instigate the Fulfilling Evolution of the Earth

The energy that the inner plane beings are delivering with the focus of the pure
evolution of humanity and Mother Earth is a deeply healing, uplifting and joyous
vibration. When received it is akin to liquid gold filling all of your senses and
soothing every aspect of your being. It has the power to realign your full
remembrance of all that is the Creator, as well as, encouraging you to act and react
from your intuition creating the Creator upon the Earth.

‘With the support, love and guidance of my community of guides, I invite my

entire being to appropriately open to receive the frequency, vibration and focus
from the beings on the inner planes which has been gifted from the Creator. As I
receive the energetic journey and outcome of the pure evolution of the Earth, my
entire being receives healing, upliftment of my energy vibration, and a deeper
connection to my inner bliss. My soul’s true and pure wishes for the ascension of
the Earth and humanity merge and integrate with the pure frequency focus for the
Earth from the Creator through the inner planes beings. This creates a beautiful
transformation and awakening within my being which further expands my energy
and conscious awareness. I become more and more aware of the Creator upon the
Earth within and around me.

The new integration of my soul’s wishes and the divine focus for the Earth
continues to grow and intensify within me, positively and lovingly influencing my
actions and reactions upon the Earth. Thus, allowing me to play a divine role in the
creation of peace, love and truth upon the Earth.

I know that the energy from the inner planes does not necessarily dictate situations
that need to occur upon the Earth to aid ascension. Instead, the energy merged with
my own will inspire me to create actions which support the creation of the desired
energetic frequency outcome for all. Thank you, I am open to receive now.’

What is your soul’s vision and frequency of fulfilment and evolution of the Earth?

Many lightworkers become preoccupied with the physical situations, experiences

and circumstances that require to happen to secure a loving future for all upon the
Earth. They also become preoccupied with wishing to understand how the physical
future would appear as what it would look like and what people would be
experiencing. They may concern themselves with whether the Earth will remain
3D, transform into light or move to another dimension.

Ascension, even the Ascension of the Earth and the world you experience is born
from within your being. The transformation within your sacred internal chamber
where you commune with the Creator is of most importance. The Earth will
transform as a reflection of your inner truth. This could be interpreted as there
being no need to take actions on the Earth to help others; this is not the case,
actions must always begin within and be extended out into your outer world.
Again, a synchronicity with your inner and outer world is always required as they
are the same; one.

The greatest question is not what will the Earth appear as instead, it is what will the
Earth feel like when the pure evolution of the Earth takes place? Ask yourself in
quiet time or meditation, ‘What will the Earth feel like to me when the pure
evolution of the Earth takes place?’ Allow your soul to demonstrate to you the
vibration and frequency because it is already present within your being and has
already been created. It is your guiding light, your constant companion from this
moment forth. It will inspire you in the most appropriate way to take the most
sacred and creative actions to transform the collective consciousness of humanity
and bring forth the truth of the Creator upon the Earth. The more you connect with
this vibration, the more understanding will be gained and the more you will create
the most appropriate pathway for humanity upon the Earth.

Your vision of the Earth is not as important as your feeling of the pure Earth that
has the opportunity to manifest. The feeling and frequency will create actions and
opportunities of the most divine nature.

With love and blessings,

Archangel Michael

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