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Germ Cell, Mesenchymal, and Thymic Tumors of the Mediastinum

By Deborah F. Billmire
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Germ cell, mesenchymal, and thymic tumors of the mediasti- immature or well differentiated. The variety of tissues
num are an uncommon and heterogeneous group of neo- present provides the opportunity for considerable com-
plasms. Together they account for less than 25% of mediasti-
plexity in the gross characteristics of the mass. Cystic
nal tumors in childhood. The majority of these tumors are
found in the anterior and superior mediastinum, but germ areas frequently are seen because of enclosed areas of
cell tumors and mesenchymal tumors may be located in all secretory epithelium, and calcification may be present
compartments. They share a broad range of histological because of attempted bone formation. Most germ cell
subtypes and clinical behavior, tendency to be large in size, tumors are fairly large with size ranging from 6 to 16 cm.
and a requirement for complete surgical excision as the
The lack ofrestrictive boundaries to the mediastinum has
major requirement for successful therapy.
Copyright © 1999 by W.B. Saunders Company been proposed as a permissive factor that allows signifi-
cant growth before these tumors are discovered. 7 These
large heterogeneous tumors with combinations of benign
HIS UNUSUAL SUBSET of mediastinal tumors
T may be found in any location within the mediasti-
num. Although germ cell, mesenchymal, and thymic
and malignant elements may be misdiagnosed when
incisional biopsies are performed and if the tumor is not
adequately sectioned during pathological examination.
tumors are defined by histological characteristics, there is
Assessment of the response to chemotherapy for malig-
a broad variation in presentation, therapy, and outcome
nant tumors also will be affected by the presence of
within each subgroup.
benign components of the tumor that are not chemosensi-
GERM CELL TUMORS The clinical behavior of immature mediastinal terato-
mas appears to be age dependent. In children under 15
Germ cell tumors are the third most common neoplasm
years of age, excision is curative. Older children are
of the mediastinum after lymphoma and neurogenic
prone to recurrence and aggressive disease progression. 8
tumors. They account for 6% to 18%1-4 of mediastinal
The malignant elements of seminoma, dysgerminoma,
tumors in children and most often arise in the anterior
and embryonal carcinoma must be recognized by their
mediastinum with an origin in or near the thymus gland.
histological features and have no associated serum mark-
A small subset with distinctive clinical features has an
ers that can be followed. Malignant tumors that have
intrapericardial location with origin from the ascending
followed the differentiation pathway to extraembryonic
aorta, and rare cases arising in the posterior mediastinum
structures, however; secrete characteristic proteins, which
also have been seen.
may be detected in the serum. These protein markers may
Germ cell tumors are an interesting and very heteroge-
aid in recognition of the tumor type and provide a useful
neous group of neoplasms that are believed to arise from
indicator of success or relapse with chemotherapy. Tu-
primitive totipotential cells derived from an early event in
mors with yolk sac (also called endodermal sinus)
embryogenesis. They may be found in many locations, elements secrete the marker alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) ,
particularly in the midline and para-axial sites. The
which has an in vivo half-life of 4 days. This protein also
mediastinum is the third most common site of origin for
is produced in significant amounts by the normal fetal
germ cell tumors and accounts for 7% of these tumors
liver and yolk sac resulting in higher levels for healthy
newborns than in older children. Interpretation of AFP
The totipotential nature of the cell of origin allows for
levels in the first year of life is facilitated by the graph
great diversity in type and degree of differentiation of the
depicting the normal range for healthy infants developed
neoplastic cell. The tumors range from homogeneous
by Tsuchida et al 9 (Fig 2). Tumors with elements of
masses of primitive embryonal tissues to well-differenti-
choriocarcinoma secrete the glycoprotein beta human
ated teratomas. The potential p athways for differentiation
chorionic gonadotrophin (B-HCG). This is a hormone
are outlined in Fig 1. Germ cell tumors may contain any
or all of the cell types listed. Overall, 86% of mediastinal
germ cell tumors are benign. 5 Most of the malignant From the Department of Surgery, Allegheny University of the Health
tumors are mixed tumors containing some element of Sciences, Sf Christophers Hospitalfor Children, Philadelphia, PA.
Address reprint requests to Deborah F. Billmire, MD, Department of
teratoma as well as malignant components. A teratoma is
Surgery, Allegheny University of Health Sciences, St Christopher s
a germ cell tumor that contains tissues derived from all Hospital for Children, Front St and Erie Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134.
three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Copyright © 1999 by WB. Saunders Company
The elements derived from each germ layer may be 1055-8586/99/0802-0007$ 10.00/0

Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, Vol 8. No 2 (May). 1999: pp 85-91 85


that present with congestive heart failure are a special

subgroup that should raise the index of suspicion for the
rare intrapericardial teratoma. lO •11 These patients almost
always have pericardial effusion with some element of
tamponade. Echocardiogram shows rotation as well as
displacement of the heart caused by the intimate associa-
MESOOERM.ENDODERM tion of the tumor with the ascending aorta. 12 Older
children may also present with respiratory complaints but
more often will complain of chest pain. Signs and
symptoms of superior vena cava syndrome also may be
Fig 1. Histogenetic relationship of the various tumors derived
from the primitive germ cell (from Grosfeld and Billmire,5 modified
seen. Other unusual presentations of mediastinal germ
after Teilum et al"'. (Reprinted with permission."' cell tumors have included rupture into the pleural space
with the acute onset of respiratory distress and rupture
normally produced by the placenta and has an in vivo into the bronchus with expectoration of hair.13 Function-
half-life of 2 to 3 days. Levels throughout infancy and ing ectopic tissue in the well-differentiated teratomas has
childhood are quite low in the absence of malignancy. produced massive hemoptysis from erosion of ulcerated
ectopic gastric mucosal 4 and hypoglycemia from ectopic
Presentation pancreatic islet tissue. 15 Precocious puberty may be seen
The symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of mediastinal in boys with germ cell tumors that secrete B-HCG. This
germ cell tumor are nonspecific but somewhat age combination of findings also should raise the suspicion of
dependent. Most children have a subacute course with Klinefelter's Syndrome. Klinefelter's Syndrome is seen
symptoms ranging from several days to several weeks. in up to 20% of boys with nonseminatous germ cell
These tumors may occur at any age but tend to be tumors of the mediastinum. 16
clustered in infancy and after puberty. Infants usually Chest radiographs will show the presence of a medias-
have respiratory symptoms including tachypnea and tinal mass, which is usually in the anterior and superior
wheezing. Diminished breath sounds may be noted on mediastinum. There may be bulging extension into one or
one side of the chest if the tumor is eccentric with both hemithoraces. A small number of mediastinal germ
preferential extension into one hemithorax. The clinical cell tumors originate in the posterior mediastinumY
picture may mimic or be accompanied by pneumonia Calcification is seen in 35% of mediastinal germ cell
caused by associated bronchial compression. Neonates tumors. 18 Computerized axial tomographic (CAT) scan is
helpful to further define the mass and its relationship to
surrounding structures. The finding of a complex mass
with cystic and solid areas accompanied by irregular
calcifications is highly suggestive of germ cell tumor. The
~ cystic areas usually have a relatively thick wall, which
differs from that seen with cystic hygroma and thymic or
pericardial cysts.
10,000 \ 1
The surgical approach to mediastinal germ cell tumors
Cl 1,000
== varies depending on the tumor size and location. As with
a. all other tumors in the anterior mediastinum, consider-
< 100
ation should be given to the risk of airway and great
• • •• ~
vessel compression. It is not unusual for infants to require
intubation for respiratory distress at the time of presenta-
10 tion. Despite the large size of many of these tumors,
I difficulties with anesthetic induction are rare. Malignant
Il"'r-t-,.. tumors with evidence of local invasion and metastatic
spread have occasionally been subjected to initial image-
guided percutaneous biopsy under sedation. Caution
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 must be used in the interpretation of this limited sample
AGE IN DAYS from such a heterogeneous tumor. In these situations, the
Fig 2. Normal range for AFP in the first year of life. 95% prediction
finding of elevation in the tumor markers AFP or B-HCG
band enclosed by curves. (Reprinted with permission.·' will be helpful in confirming the suspicion of malignancy.

Surgical resection of the tumor is an essential component nent vascular network. Lipoblastoma may be locally
of therapy. Benign tumors are treated by excision only invasive and is prone to local recurrence but does not
and often have a good plane of dissection in spite of their metastasize. The treatment is complete excision with
large size. 7 If left untreated, the natural history of benign prolonged follow-up. Liposarcoma is a rare tumor of
teratomas is death from compression of vital structures. 7 childhood. Only 11 % of liposarcomas in children origi-
Malignant tumors also should be resected at diagnosis if nate in the mediastinum. 26 It may occur at any age with
possible. The finding of adherence to local structures, infants and adolescents accounting for most cases. Most
especially pericardium and phrenic nerve, is common in tumors are a myxoid variant but a variety of histological
these cases. Platinum-based chemotherapy regimens com- subtypes may be seen. The tumor may arise within the
bined with bleomycin and etoposide are currently used thymus gland27 or in other areas of the mediastinum.
with survival rates of 55% to 70%.19 Tumors that are Most patients are asymptomatic but chest pain and
unresectable at diagnosis may be explored after induction respiratory complaints may occur. Liposarcomas are low
chemotherapy. In many cases, a large mass may persist density by CAT scan, but areas of necrosis and calcifica-
even if the tumor markers have returned to the normal tion sometimes are found (Fig 4). Local recurrence is
range. This may not indicate a treatment failure because common after excision, and distant metastasis to lung and
many of these tumors are heterogeneous with large areas liver may occur. Radiation and chemotherapy (vincris-
of benign tissue (Fig 3). Benign areas that are cystic may tine, dactinomycin, cyclophosphamide) have been used
actually enlarge during therapy, a phenomenon that has with variable results.
long been recognized as the "growing teratoma syn-
drome."20 All children deserve a reexploration for poten-
tial resection and rebiopsy when a mass effect persists Mesenchymal Tumors of Muscle Cell Origin
after chemotherapy. 21 This subgroup of tumors includes leiomyoma, rhabdo-
myosarcoma, extraosseous Ewings, epithelioid sarcoma,
MESENCHYMAL TUMORS and undifferentiated sarcoma. 28 The tumors may arise in
Mesenchyme is the embryonic connective tissue de- any compartment of the mediastinum. 29 Pleura and
rived from the mesodermal layer of the trilaminar em- diaphragm frequently are the site of origin. Mediastinal
bryo.22 It provides the cell of origin for supporting sarcomas may be seen at all ages in childhood, and most
structures such as fibrous tissue and fat, muscle, cartilage, patients are symptomatic at presentation. In addition to
bone, lymphatic tissue, and blood vessels. Cystic hy- the more common complaints of pain and respiratory
groma, lymphangioma, and hemangioma are an impor- difficulties, hemoptysis also has been reported. 3o On CAT
tant subgroup that will be discussed in a separate chapter. scan, these are large soft tissue masses. Epithelioid
The remaining mesenchymal tumors are all rare and sarcoma may show calcification or bone formation. 30
account for only 5% of mediastinal tumors in collected Surgical resection is the cornerstone of therapy for these
series. I -4 Most information is available as isolated case tumors. Difficulties in complete resection frequently are
reports or small reviews with limited follow-up data. noted because of invasion of critical neighboring struc-
tures. Procedures that include sacrifice of lung, superior
Mesenchymal Tumors of Fat Cell Origin vena cava, pericardium, and vertebra have been reported
This subgroup includes lipoma, lipoblastoma, and to achieve this goal,29 The accuracy of margin status also
liposarcoma. Lipomas may occur at any age and are soft, may pose a challenge because these tumors may extend
slow-growing tumors that often are asymptomatic. If along pleural surfaces without clear boundaries. In a
symptoms are present, they usually are secondary to local recent review by Andrassy et al,31 the local recurrence
pressure with cough, chest pain, or dysphagia. 23 ,24 Some rate of group I patients (complete resection) was higher
lipomas originate within the thymus gland and are called than that for group II patients (microscopic residual).
thymolipomas. Other sites of origin include the anterior Most group I patients did not receive any further therapy,
or superior mediastinum and the posterior mediastinum but nearly all group II patients received local radiation
within the wall of the esophagus. Lipomas are not therapy. It was suggested that the determination of true
calcified and have uniform low density on computerized margin status could be difficult and posed problems with
axial tomography (CAT) scan. They should be treated by accurate staging. Overall survival rate was better for
total excision and have a low recurrence rate. Lipoblas- localized disease, but local recurrence was common. The
toma is a tumor of infancy. Most cases occur within the critical location of these tumors may cause mortality
first year of life, and the tumor is rarely seen after 3 years from local recurrence even without distant metastases.
of age. 25 It is more common in boys and may be well Multimodal therapy including radiation and chemother-
circumscribed or multicentric. Histologically, these tu- apy are required with emphasis on complete surgical
mors are composed of embryonal fat and have a promi- excision whenever possible.

Fig 3. A 16-month-old girl presented with 2-week history of fever and respiratory symptoms (A,BI. AFP was markedly elevated, and biopsy
result of a lung metastasis ICI confirmed yolk sac histology. Chemotherapy produced tumor shrinkage and normalization of AFP after four cycles
(D,EI. Despite continued therapy, the large remaining mass remained stable and was resected after two additional cycles. Histology results
showed only residual benign teratomatous elements. (Photos courtesy Barbara Cushing, MD.I

Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma

These are rare neoplasms derived from the epithelial
and lymphoid components of the thymus. The behavior
of thymic tumors in children is not well understood
because of the rare incidence, the variable morphology
that often requires special stains and electron microscopy
for accurate diagnosis, and the broad spectrum of clinical
behavior. Overall, there have been less than 50 primary
thymic epithelial neoplasms reported in childhood.35
Thymic carcinoma is defined by the overt recognition of
malignant features by cytological examination including
cytological atypia and mitotic index. The most common
malignant patterns are anaplastic tumors or small cell
Fig 4. CAT scan of a 15-year-old girl with liposarcoma involving carcinomas with neuroendocrine features. This is in
the posterior mediastinum with tran~dlaphragmatic extension to the contrast to adults that usually exhibit well-differentiated
abdomen. Adherence to the inferior vena cava is evident, and squamous or lymphoepithelial carcinoma. 36 Pediatric
calcified area may be seen in the low-density tumor.
thymic carcinomas are aggressive malignancies that
usually cause chest pain and shortness of breath. Local
Mesenchymal Tumors of Cartilage Cell Origin invasion of surrounding structures with metastases to
Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma has been reported in the lung, liver, and bone are common at diagnosis. Death
posterior mediastinum in children during the second within 6 months of presentation frequently is seen. 37 ,38
decade of life. 32 These tumors present with pain. CAT Thymomas are a varied spectrum of primary thymic
scan shows a soft tissue mass with punctate calcification tumors with bland cytological features and no overt
that may be confused with neuroblastoma. Despite adher- histological evidence of malignancy.39 In spite of the
ence to surrounding structures, a plane of dissection may innocent histological picture, their clinical behavior ranges
be achieved, allowing complete resection. Of two chil- from a well-encapsulated focal lesion that is cured by
dren treated by excision only, one was well at 6-year simple excision to a pattern of local invasion and
follow-up, and one had local recurrence. metastatic spread with eventual death. In a large review
of thymoma in adults from the Mayo Clinic, 32% had
THYMIC TUMORS evidence of local invasion and 6% had metastasis at
The thymus develops during the sixth week of gesta- diagnosis. There was a local recurrence rate of 15% in
tion from paired primordia in the ventral portion of the patients who had undergone complete surgical resection,
third pharyngeal pouch. Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, there and the 5-year survival rate was 67%.39
is a migratory descent into the thorax, which follows a Data on pediatric patients with thymoma is limited, but
path from the pyriform sinus, through the thyrohyoid similar clinical behavior ranging from successful primary
membrane, between the carotid artery and vagus nerve to resection to multiple recurrences and death have been
lie in the anterior mediastinum at the level of the aortic reported. 35,40,41
arch. 33,34 The endodermal derivative has a primitive Presentation of thymic tumors ranges from asymptom-
lumen (the thymopharyngeal duct), which becomes oblit- atic discovery on chest x-ray to chest pain and shortness
erated during development. There also is an ingrowth of of breath. Superior vena cava syndrome may occur, and
lymphocytes from the surrounding mesenchyme that pericardial and pleural effusions often are noted with
contributes to the formation of the thymic lobules. Thus, malignant lesions. CAT scan demonstrates an anterior
there are two primary cell types within the thymus that mediastinal mass that may be solid or mixed with cystic
can give rise to neoplasia: epithelial cells and lympho- and solid components. 40 Calcification has been described
cytes. The supporting mesenchyme of the thymus also in 2% to 25% of cases. 40 ,42
may give rise to various neoplasms, but these will be For all thymic neoplasms, surgery is the mainstay of
discussed separately. The finding of germ cell tumors therapy. Complete resection including contiguous struc-
arising in the thymus is presumed to be because of tures if necessary should be the goal. 38 ,42 For malignant
migration of totipotential cells into the thymus during lesions, postoperative chemotherapy and radiation have
early development and will be discussed with other germ been used with limited success.
cell tumors of the mediastinum. Primary tumors and cysts
of the thymus may be found anywhere along the embryo- Thymic Cysts
logical pathway of descent of the thymus gland and Thymic cysts are benign tumors that are believed to
frequently involve the neck as well as the mediastinum. originate from remnants of the thymopharyngeal duct. An

alternative explanation is that the cyst is a consequence of

degeneration in Hassall's corpuscles. They may be uni-
locular or multilocular and contain clear fluid. Most are
asymptomatic, but hemorrhage into the cyst cavity with
enlargement may produce tracheal compression and
acute respiratory distress. 34 The cyst may be localized
entirely in the mediastinum or in the neck but frequently
includes both sites. Thymic cysts should be treated by
surgical excision to prevent complications of local expan-
sion and to confirm the histology. Other thymic lesions,
which may have a cystic appearance, include nodular
sclerosing Hodgkin's disease,4o seminoma, and cystic
teratoma,43 Cervical lesions with mediastinal extension Fig 5. A 4-year-old girl presented with a large neck mass extend-
(Fig 5) often can be excised through a transverse cervical ing deep into the anterior mediastinum by CAT scan. A multiloculated
incision. 44 Contained mediastinal cysts may be ap- thymic cyst was excised through a transverse cervical incision
without difficulty.
proached by either median sternotomy or thoracotomy
depending on their size and location. A recurrence rate of
2% has been reported for thymic cysts in adults, but this with removal of the thymus and all fatty tissue of the
has not been seen in children. 34 mediastinum from the diaphragm to the pharynx. Thy-
moma also has been seen in association with aplastic
Myasthenia Gravis and the Thymus anemia in a child. 47
The relationship between myasthenia gravis and abnor-
malities of the thymus has long been recognized in adults. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Thymus
Overall, approximately 82% of adults with myasthenia Approximately 2% of human immunodeficiency virus
gravis have an abnormality of the thymus gland, and 15% (HlV)-infected patients in the United States are in the
have a thymoma. 42 Other autoimmune disorders that have pediatric age group.48 These children are at increased risk
been associated with thymoma in adults include inflam- of malignancy as well as unusual infections caused by
matory bowel disease, collagen vascular disease, hypo- their immune compromised state. A recent disease entity
gamma globulinemia, and hypoplastic or aplastic anemia. involving the thymus has been described in these chil-
In childhood, abnormalities of the thymus usually are dren. Eight of the 440 pediatric HIV patients followed up
an isolated phenomenon, but occasional links to other by the pediatric branch of the National Cancer Institute
disorders have been noted. In 1985, Furman et al45 were noted to have an asymptomatic anterior mediastinal
reported on a 4-year-old girl with respiratory symptoms mass on routine chest x-ray.49 CAT scan showed a
from a large thymoma. She also had evidence of muscle multiseptated cystic mass of the thymus with characteris-
weakness by history. Postoperatively she had florid tic features in all patients. Five of the eight patients also
symptoms of myasthenia gravis with a positive edropho- had lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis. Five children had
nium (Tensilon) test result and required 7 days of open wedge biopsy, and one had complete resection of
mechanical ventilation. They were able to find only five the mass. Histological examination showed distorted
other cases of myasthenia gravis associated with thy- architecture with follicular hyperplasia and cysts but no
moma in childhood. Youssef46 reported eight children evidence of malignancy. The mass resolved in two
with myasthenia gravis who underwent thymectomy for patients and decreased in three of the others. They
significant symptoms. None had thymoma, but four had recommended careful observation with serial CAT scans
lymphoid hyperplasia. Six of the patients had dramatic in children with HIV who demonstrate the typical CAT
improvement with complete recovery at 3 to 11 years of scan findings of multi septate cystic lesions of the thymus
follow-up. He emphasized the importance of "radical" as long as there are no signs of malignancy and no clinical
thymectomy, which is achieved by median sternotomy symptoms that may be attributed to the mass.

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