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Super Mom

11-12-13 di mei.


Konsientisa komunidat kiko ta e abilidatnan i balor di un Mama.

Kon ta bai logra e Meta:

Pa medio di un obra teatral edukativo, dramatiko i chistoso...


Un famia di 4, Mama Tata i dos yu. Famia Cicilia ta un famia hopi sera ku otro esaki ta
danki na Mama ku ta soru pa e famia. Mama ta lanta tur dia i ta kwida di tur hende.
● E ta lanta tur hende mainta(wekker)
● Drecha desayuno, lunch i dinner i sirbi esaki (koki i waiter)
● E ta hiba e muchanan skol i buskanan i hibanan bai hasi deporte i
● E ta yuda e yunan ku nan tareanan di skol (Jufrouw di skol),
● E ta soru pa kushina ta bon provee(Magazijn beheerder)
● E ta bai shop i kumpra paña pa tur hende tin di bisti(Stylist)
● Ora ku un hende ta sinti su kurpa malu e sa presies kiko mester hasi
● E ta skucha i motiva tur hende den kas (Sikologo)
● E ta organisa tur fiesta i selebrashon i aktividat na kas of pa famia (producer)
● Mama ta hasi pa kas bunita pa kualke temporada of okashon(designer/
● Si algu kibra den kas mama ta soru pa e wordu drecha (concierge).
Esei i mas ta e kualidatnan di un supermom.

Un dia mama ta kansa i ta reklama tur hende ku nan no ta yuda ku nada i no ta balora
su trabou. Tata ta reakshona i bisa mama ku e mester ta kontentu ku e no tin ku sali bai
traha. Tata a splika mama ku ta e ta traha i trese tur sen kas pa nan por biba dushi. Ela
splika ku mama no sa kiko e ta pasa aden tur dia na trabou. Anto e ta desea pa un dia
nan switch di rol anto pa mama por kompronde kon duru su trabou. Tur dia e mester
solushona tur tipo di problema na trabou sin por keda kla. Mara nos por a kambia di rol
un dia pa bo sa kiko mi trabou ta ora abo ta na kas dushi di bo. E anochi ei Tata ta hasi
un orashon anto ta pidi pa laga mama komponde su trabou.
Mainta ora nan lanta Tata ta sintie straño. Diripiente e ta sinti e impulso pa bai lanta tur
hende for di soño i bai kushina bai drecha desayuno pa tur hende. E mama ta lanta i
sinti ku e tin ku bai traha. E ta bista paña i kuminsa pone preshon riba e tata pa e
desayuno ta kla pa e por bai trabou. E mainta ei tur rol ta boltu. E tata ta hañe ta hasi
tur e trabounan ku e mama ta hasi. Na trabou e mama ta jega i logra solushona hopi
problema ku e tata tabata tin para dor di su abilidat di solushona hopi problema parue.
Despues di dos dia ku e tata ta man na kabes di kosnan di kas ku mester regla i ku e no
ta logrando e ta bai hasi orashon i pidi Dios pa switch e rolnan bek. Dios ta puntre si e
ta kompronde e rol di hende muhe i kiko ta e trabou di un tata i di un mama den famia
kiko ta e deber di un esposo i un esposa.

Na final e ta gradisi Dios i bisa ku e ta bai tene su mes na e reglanan aki. E ta puntra
Dios si mayan mainta tur kos lo ta normal bek Dios ta bise si. Anochi e ta asina
kontentu ku e ta pasa un anochi romantiko ku su kasa pa selebra e echo ku tur kos lo
bai normal bek. Mainta e ta lanta i sinti e mesun kos. E ta puntra Dios dikon mi ta sinti
meskos. Dios ta konteste. E problema ta ku ayera nochi bo a keda embarasa.

E homber ta grita noooooooooo e doloo ei si lo mi no por sorporta

Dios ta bisa wegaa i ta pone tur kos normal bek.

Siguiente dia e tata ta traha un lei pa tur pareha ora nan ta bai kasa mester sigui un
kurso di “Mayor Responsabel” pa bo por kasa i traha yu bo mester pasa e kurso ku

Esaki ta e loke ku homber i muhe mester pasa ku eksito:

10 Skills of Competent Parents
What makes a good parent? There are 10 competencies that predict good
parenting outcomes, parent-child bonds and children's happiness, health and

What Makes a Good Parent? by Robert Epstein, Scientific American reports:

● Decades of research reveal 10 essential parenting skill sets. A new study of 2,000
parents determined which skills are most important to bringing up healthy, happy and
successful kids.
● Giving love and affection tops the list. Then comes a surprise: managing stress and
having a good relationship with the other parent are more helpful than some child-focused
● All types of people are equally competent at child-rearing—and anyone can learn how to
be a better parent with a little effort.

These 10, listed in order from most to least important, predict a strong
parent-child bond and children's happiness, health, and success:

1. Love and affection. "You support and accept the child, are physically
affectionate, and spend quality one-on-one time together."

2. Stress Management. "You take steps to reduce stress for yourself and
your child, practice relaxation techniques, and promote positive
interpretations of events."
3. Relationship skills. "You maintain a healthy relationship with your
spouse, significant other, or co-parent and model effective relationship
skills with others."

4. Autonomy and Independence. "You treat your child with respect and
encourage him or her to become self-sufficient and self-reliant."

5. Education and learning. "You promote and model learning and provide
educational opportunities for your child."
6. Life skills. "You provide for your child, have a steady income, and plan
for the future."

7. Behavior management. "You make extensive use of positive

reinforcement and punish only when other methods of managing behavior
have failed."

8. Health. "You model a healthy lifestyle and good habits, such as regular
exercise and proper nutrition."
9. Religion. "You support spiritual or religious development and participate
in spiritual or religious activities."
10. Safety. "You take precautions to protect your child and maintain
awareness of the child's activities and friends."


Un famia di un mama un tata i dos yu.

E Mama: Un señora di 35 aña ku ta hopi abil, servisial i kariñoso.

Tur dia e ta soru pa su famia. Esei ta su trabou. E ta un ama di kas.

E Tata: Un homber dedika na su kas. E ta lanta tur dia bai trabou i soru pa pan di kada
dia pa hinter famia.. E ta pensa ku esei ta e loke e mester hasi i ora e jega kas e no ta
hasi nada mas. Solamente kosnan sosial ora ku e no ta kansa i no tin nada interesante
na televishon.E tata ta un konsehero di minister i e ta traha lei pa e pais.

E yu homber ta un gusta deporte i ta bai train tur dia atletiek i futbol. Kada dia e tin un
otro training. E ta siña bon pero e no gusta siña. Ora e sali training e ta gusta hunga
riba play station i kome.

E yu muhe ta gusta tur loke ta arte. E gusta balia i kanta, pinta i ta tur dia e ta bai train
ku su grupo. Ora e jega kas e ta sera su kurpa den kamber i siña. E no tin tempu pa
juda mama ku niun trabou di kas.


E obra ta bai bira un teater film ku ta inklui baile, musika i kantamentu.

E motibu di hasi uso di pelikula i teater ta pa motibu ku mester di algun efekto spesial i
tambe esenanan ku ta sosode pafo di e kas.

Mi deseo ta pa un dekor di dos piso ku e parti abou ta un sala i ariba un kamber.

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