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Javascript Questions

1. What is the difference between JavaScript, JScript and ECMAScript?

2. Where can I get a JavaScript interpreter?
3. How can I send request back to the server after receiving a response automatically without
submitting my requesting page?
4. How to send data from servlet to javascript variables
5. Clipboard item is not there after a close a window that was created with open...write... IE only.
Is there anything I can do ?
6. How do you change the margins and fonts just for printing.
7. How can we log user interactions on a web site using event handlers and cookies? Refer to Th
8. Can firewalls/proxies be used to disable JavaScript? Where can I get some information about
9. how can I get 2 scripts to work on the same page in both NN and IE, I tried including the unload
for both in the body but it only works in IE.
10. I need to pass a global variable javascript to html form. I have 4or5 variables but need to pass
11. How can I get javascript to determine a browsers font setting and alter it to whatever I choose
so that my site is cross-browser/font size compatible
12. Entirely javascript generated pages-what to do so that IE saves the generated page not the
one that generated it
13. What software must a client download and install so I can run a local disk (.exe) from http
14. Can I avoid ActiveX security alert if the page is for offline use only (not by renaming to .hta)
15. Can you trap function keys to prevent their native operations?
16. Can I detect and reload the page if Javascript is disabled after the page has loaded?
17. how do i add horizantal scrollbar to select/option if length of text is more than the width
18. Can a word be inserted into a textarea at the cursor position when a button clicked. Could
creating keypress events for each character work if so how?
19. How can I change the color in the certain javascripts? such as text scrolling.
20. how can i have the IP,REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_USER_AGENT, SERVER_PROTOCOL etc... of the
internetsurfer that visit my homepage and show it in a webpage?
21. How to set default home page in IE4
22. How to use ActiveSetup from JavaScript to install signed CAB-files ?
23. What all JScript events works in IE4 but not in IE5 ? eg. <INPUT
TYPE="FILE"...onChange="test()"> ..The OnChange event works in IE4 but not in IE5
24. How can open a WinWord(as a new Window) in a program using JavaScript
25. when i click on text in html document i can't take a event window.onclick how i can do it in
26. how can I do a javascript edit check for floating point number on a form.
27. Scrollbar=auto does not seem to work with, in a popup window, can you help
28. How can i embed a sortable table in an email message?
29. How to change a normal text statement on html page using javascript without reloading?
30. How do I access the general windows clipboard in IE using javascript
31. How do I get Explicit Error Messages in Netscape?
32. Please help with the Embeds Array?
33. How do I capture events in Internet Explorer, when the events are in a child window?
34. How do I dynamically change the style of a form element in both NN & IE
35. Can I disable any of the function keys using JavaScript?
36. When using select list, and you select an object that is not in view(you have to scroll down to
see it). How do you make this scroll auto in NN
37. How do I get a list of fonts available on a user's computer?
38. How can I write text on an angle over another image based upon what the user enters through
an HTML form.
39. where to find information on js code optimization ? ie which code is faster, recommend use of
methods in a case and other method in another case,...
40. How to disable right-click context menu in Netscape 6 final release?
41. How do i store a cookie instantly ? ( for program testing ) Now i have to unload Netscape to
force a disk write.
42. how can i change a video running in an tag <objet> (real player) when the user wants to see
another one? (all in the same window)
43. Due to 'one sentence' restrictions, I have placed code on-line.
44. Can I assign a value to referenced object?
45. Is there any way to detect (react) from (within) HTML-code or JavaScript-Code when a user
pressed the "Back"-button (to catch this event)?
46. How can I resize a DIV in the document like a frame in a frameset?
47. How do I unassign event types from objects? Basically, I need to free up as much memory as
possible when many elements are assigned an event type.
48. How to catch the "back button" event from/with HTML or JavaScript, so I can navigate the user
to another page (not to the last in history)?
49. how can i detect the screen resolution in order to display layers correctly for each resolution?
50. I would like to make a message pop up when the user tries to exit a page saying please logoff
properly, then return to the original page. How?
51. How can I use layers with NS and IE to display information when the mouse is over a text
52. getting javascript error when loading wav file on mouseover in nn4.7
53. This example is useful but it would be more if you'd shown how to access to your global
variable now
54. How do I get rid off the dashed focus when selecting an element and draging it ?
55. Any problems in using str = "kjuiu"+ (new line)"hgyhj"+... (new line)"jg"; over str="kjuiu";
str+="hgyhj"; ... str+="jg"; in string concactination
56. How do a find the path of the desktop and asign it a varible using JScript
57. How do I create a file on the Desktop using JScripts CreateTextFile?
58. How do I create a file on the Desktop using JScripts CreateTextFile?
59. How do I use JScript to take multiple values in a HTML select menu and save them all as a ram
file to be used as a playlist?
60. Reloading the Page, fails to load the SCRIPT tag with SRC=somefile.js ?
61. when I use window.print(), I get confirm popup window of print . How to supress that?
63. How can I get a series of different sized images to load in a frame using a next/back button.
The images are resized to the frame w/h as they load?
64. How can I mouseover a table cell and have text change in another part of the page?
65. Detect Reload so I can have a disabled button after initial click.
66. How are document ranges reserved by relatively positioned <DIV>'s and <SPAN>'s in NN4
and IE4+?
67. what is insertAdjacentHTML() function in javascript
68. onbeforeUnload is not working on NS 6 any alternative for this?
69. event.which == 13 is not the enterkey for NS 6 like event.keyCode == 13 for IE enterkey,
What is the real code to find out enterkey pressed on NS6
70. I have created a visual ActiveX object in javascript. How do I display this in my HTML page?
71. How can I add rows to a table? Suppose all rows have the same amount of cells.
72. How do I delete a layer in NN4?
73. When retreiving coordinates from an anchor inside a table, can I get the value relative to page
instead of relative to the table?
74. How to you mark a script as "safe" or "trusted"?1
75. How do I entirely or partially delete a layer in NN4 so its memory can be freed up to use for
something else?
76. How do I access a <div> block in a form within a frame from code contained within the outer
frameset using Netscape 4?
77. How can I use checkboxes to designate the recipients of a form and have it sent using the
forms ACTION=mailto function.
78. I have a image if i click on that image it should ask me to save that in the desktop pls help me
79. How do i capture the Reload event in Javascript and use it to perform certain tasks (like
changing URL) before the page gets loaded again?
80. What is the time difference between clicking a link to another website and the time it takes to
call that page(without actually visibly loading it)
81. For both IE and NS I have various Options displayed on a page I would like to be able to
change the option seen using a script . How do I do it.
82. How to close PDF-File placed in a Frame before loading a new PDF-File in the same frame,
because NN6 is always crashing.
83. How to close the browser window without the message"Browser is trying to close window" do
you want to really close it ?
84. How can I override the document.write and methods by my own methods
85. How can I set a fixed background for NN like in
86. winodw.close() popup the confirmation screen. Can I remove 'Cancel' button? Or, can I detect
which button had been clicked?
87. How do I change the bgColor of a layer in another frame with an onClick event?
88. In onbeforeunload(), can I find out what page the user is navigating to (if any)?
89. Is there a window properties variable that will act in the same way as the setTimeout function?
90. In IE5, I can put dynamic content using the object.innerText. How should I do this in netscape
because NS doesn't have this property for document?
91. In IE5, I can put dynamic content using the object.innerText. How should I do this in netscape
because NS doesn't have this property for document?
92. In IE you can READ the document content with ".innerHtml". How can you do that in NN ?
93. how to get data from drop down menu (html embedded in servlet), and pass the data selected
to another servlet
94. I am calling a function on clicking certein image, which take half minit to execute. If i click
twice the function should not be executed second time.
95. Can i make the image transferent using javascript, so that i can see the text behind the
96. Can you refer to a javascript variable in an html tag?
98. how do i target the specified frame using javascript
99. how do i target the specified frame using javascript
100. How to get the LINE and COLUMN of the cursor in a TEXTAREA by press a button?
103. Is there a way to capture the TAB key and prevent it from tabbing to another input field in a
form or on the page? I need to know especially in IE4+.
104. Is there a way to capture the TAB key and prevent it from tabbing to another input field in a
form or on the page? I need to know especially in IE4+.
105. In IE when there is a form submitted banners appear to be broken. Why is that? Is it because
IE is redirected? Is there any Jscript to fix it?
106. I get a popup: script on this page is causing IE to run slowly.. yet if i modify it it takes longer
to run, but doesn't give that message (???)
107. How can I repeatedly refresh a frame without either clicking or stealing focus from other
frames (location.href clicks, location.reload steals focus)?
108. How do i capture a mouseup/ out event that was released outside the window that the
mousedown event occured in. (ie 4) related
109. How Can I change style (visibility:show or hidden)
110. How can I change style in tag <div> in IE and NN (setting visibility: show or hidden)
111. Why a opened popup window can't submit a form and then close itself? If I comment the close
sentence, the submit runs
112. I understand that I cant change the URL in the location bar. Anyone knows if you can at least
change the search property?
113. Visual countdown until 'a date' e.g. HH:MM:SS
114. How to make link bold on click, while simultaneously resetting last clicked link to normal?
115. When the Right Mouse button is clicked a menu appears. I want that menu to appear when the
left mouse button is clicked. How to do this ?
116. I have written a script to remove the element from the list box but i cannot change the length
of list box if scroll bar is present?
117. How can i dynamically display drop down box inside a layer?.
118. when i add a drop down box after a layer, the contents of the drop down box are displayed as
plain text only, not in a drop down box. Why?
119. How to upload a file from the server and open into the clients prefered HTML editor?
120. How can I script sounds to coincide with animation events? (e.g. a machine gun firing)
121. Why parseInt(08) & parseInt(09) is showing the value 0 ?
122. formname.fieldname.focus() doesn't work in IE5 - any work arounds?
123. How to access functions defined inside a 1st imported 'utilities.js' script, from any other
124. How can I detect if a user hit the browser's back button?
125. How do I call an object´s function using setTimeout()?
126. MY IMAGE SRC REFERENCE IS PASSED OK to a form outside a table but not inside a table in
Netscape. What's the problem????
127. can you use the onclick handler on netscape for multiple image submit buttons for a form
using onclick="this.form.action='asppage.asp'?
128. By default scrollbar should come down, when page was generated dynamically and loaded.
Later, based on scrolling, it should move up or down.
129. How to change the visibility of a DIV in NN6 if = "visible" doesn't work?
130. How do I create my own scrollbar from images with an elevator bar that moves with the text?
131. Is there a JavaScript method equivalent to the VBScript method Space()?
Str=Str+Space(10000) adds 10000 blank spaces and no for()-looping is used.
132. How do I force a hard reload everytime a user reloads a page using NN6 reload button or
133. How to capture CTRL button press both in IE & NN ?
134. setTimeout does not work well when called recursively in NN 6.0. Works fine with IE 5.0 and
135. remove the url from being printed in each hard copy using javascript
136. I have a layer in middle of page (NN4). Why does mouseOver event fire for the whole area
between (0,0)--->bottom-right of layer - not just layer area?
137. How can I explore(open) the client hard disk to store a .txt file by clicking a button ?
138. How to close a window from some other window
139. how can i use the TextNode Object's method,for example,inserData(),appendData()
140. Can people over the internet make a custom script that you want but can't make for yourself?
141. How can I execute a javascript from a toolbar button. I created the button and script but the
script will generate an erro from the button. Thanks
142. Is it possible to read/write file with javascript? please Hello World example (reads/writes from
143. Is it possible to turn off the selection of text and images when mouse key is kept pressed while
moving around?
144. Is it possible to turn off the selection of text and images when mouse key is kept pressed while
moving around?
145. Can I make a url in a textarea active and popup a the URL in a new window?
146. in example, can you tell me
which version of javascript you are supporting?
147. How do I access the general windows clipboard in both IEand netscape using javascript
148. how to retain the value in a variable that was generated in runtime while using
window.history.back() method
149. Is there a way to uniquely identify a browser instance?
150. How can I drag a popup by declaring an area(onmousedown,onmousemove=move.popup) i.e.
replacing the titlebar-drag
151. How can I print the full contents of a scrollable block of text? Can I do it in a print media
specific style sheet?
152. How can I use Javascript to automatically prompt the user the 'Save As..' box to save an HTML
153. how do i refresh a webpage from a page that was opened by the original page
154. i am trying to download rtf file with NN4,it's down loading but adding junk data,even i set the
content type as application/rtf .how can i avoid junk
155. How to pass javascript variables to a servlet?
156. How can I make a picture follow the scrolling?
157. I cannot get IE to use the gziped .js file; netscape works only with zip however. Can anyone
suggest how I would compress .js for IE?
158. Can I store the contents of a text file in a variable?
159. Is there a Javascript only solution (no LiveConnect) to read from a url (i.e. and put its contents in an object?
160. Is there a straightforward (no tricks) Javascript only solution to read from a url (i.e. and put its contents in an object?
161. How do I forward to URLs that have & in them
162. NS6 Preferences set "Every time I view the page", have pages with form uses hidden page id,
URL stays same, js submit() result default page all time!
163. How can I embed a .js file inside a .js file when using document.write() method for Netscape
164. Is there a NN6 debugger? Where do I get it?
165. How can I change the focus to the address bar when a page is opened?
166. How can I disable F3 in Internet Explorer 4?
167. Is there anyway to tell if a user has pressed Enter on the numeric pad or the keyboard?
168. In IE5, Is it possible to detect if my page exceeds the available display height?
169. How can I determine what the current username is on the machine running the browser?
170. How do I form POST to a different url based on form data
171. Hello, I would like to send a js-variable to a textfile(for using it in flash) could you please tell
me how I can do that
172. Is there a way to use the UP and DOWN arrows instead of TAB and SHIFT TAB for tabbing?
173. In Netscape 6, when I refresh the page a random selection of images are not displayed. I have
several pages with this problem.
174. Can I invoke COM-based object in JavaScript?
175. Can I get tooltip without any event handling (not on links)?
176. How am I able to stop entering text into a text area when a certain limit is reached?
177. When building layer content from JS arrays, NN4 is VERY slow. IE4+ is lightning fast. Why?
How can I solve this problem?
178. How to save an HTML page through javascript using the file dialog?
179. how do I change the color of a link after it is clicked?
180. How can I offer the user the Save as window for Netscape?
181. How to assign javascript variable into java/jsp variable?
182. How to determine with JavaScript if images are shown (i.e., not disbled) in a browser?
183. Why is " if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)" false? I can´t return value from popUp
to wind
184. Is there any way to keep a prompt variable active so that it can be used in a different html
185. history deletion
186. I've disabled tool/menu/title bars. Tab key doesn't function in NS when using DIV/LAYER tag
187. How to force user to run a javascripts function when user trying to close the web page?
188. Is there a faster way to load the layers I Have about 12 Layers on my page and it loads so
189. My pages loads slow due to lots of layers any other way to speed up the loading process
190. Does anyone have a script that refreshes a web page when it is opened and then every 2
191. I used a menu in my web page but it can't over the listbox under it. How can I do?
192. How i can disable alt+tab key?
193. How to solve unspecified error in javascript. I am using window.onerror to supress the error.
194. How can I make layers resizable under "BOTH" IE and Netscape browers?
195. should i run a script that delete all objects in a page when user closes it, to free up memory?
196. How can a pop up window be used within an IFRAME without getting an empty frame [object]
197. How do i disable the save as button from any browser when my webpage is loaded
198. How can I print more copies of one document?
199. How can I print more copies of one document?
200. How can I print more copies of one document?
201. How can I determine the user screen size, if not 800600, then alert them and auto close the
202. Can you have a link in a page that has the same effect as the user pressing the Refresh
203. How do I create button that appears onmouseover like the buttons in Microsoft Word?
204. How can I interface my flash appli with js ?
205. How do I pass a client-side Javascript variable to a server-side VBscript function?
206. Why events go to the wrong <DIV> after alert (in Netacape)?
207. How to print layer, in Netscape, generated with javascript : ex
208. How to read HTML page source code in IE and Netscape6 without using an applet?
209. How do I Stop a page from completling an action, (e.g. stop setTimeout from closing the
210. How do I Stop a page from completling an action, (e.g. stop setTimeout from closing the
211. How can I give the user a choice of Yes or No. Then carry out the proper actions based on their
212. how can i stop a fullscreen event from an iframe and make the page apear inside the iframe as
213. Bug using div style visible, hidden over select menus, the select menu stays visible over div
214. how can I display all elements of a document
215. How can I detect if asf active control for playing asf file is installed in client?
216. How can I print a WinWord doc using JavaScript
217. How can trap clientside download path for file transfers?
218. Is there a way to write text to an MS Excel file from a javascript user prompt?
219. How can I force Netscape to display the start of text in a textarea instead of the end?
220. Is NN4 supports the diasbled attribute for text field
221. can i store array of form variables in javascript and use them in any of the pages i navigate to?
222. can i store array of form variables using js using plain html and navigate across pages?
223. How do I stop a background sound playing on a page when it is reloaded?
224. how can i print the full window which has a horizontal scroll bar and a part of the page is
225. How can I show tooltip for a SELECT tag when the user moves his mouse over an OPTION in IE
226. How do textranges in IExplorer work to get the same value as getSelection in Navigator?
227. Why doesn't the window.opener property work in the AOL Internal Browser?
228. How can I change the bgcolor of a <tr> when a checkbox has been selected, like hotmail now
229. How to print a page without print dialogue box
230. How to refresh an include js file every 10 seconds?
231. Is there a way to change the mouse pointer with a different image while in a browser window?
232. Is it possible to have file I/O using client side JavaScript without the use of ActiveX?
233. How can I disable a user from clicking a image (used to submit a form) multiple times ?
234. Is there a way to print more than one html pages from a script? Thanks for help
235. trigger on change event using javascript
236. What is NS4 equivalent for this IE specific Javascript --
237. Where to download old browsers like IE4
238. How do I prevent dragging and dropping of files in IE?
239. How do I prevent dragging and dropping of files in IE?
240. How do you open a new browser window after a period of 15 secs have elapsed?
241. How do you disable window.status for all links without having the onMouseover in the anchor
242. How do I create a folder that when clicked on will show a dropdown menu of the contents of
the folde
243. Javascript crashes NS4.5 with an illegal operation
244. I'm using an array to populate a dynamic table. How big can an array be before I hit problems.
245. How do I pass ASP Variables to a Javascript function?
246. how to connect scroll bars
247. how to connect scroll bars, so if i scrol 1 barr the other is moving to
248. how to get the property(such as <b>,size ,etc) of words which mouse drag over them
249. How do I position a div layer over an iframe in Netscape Or Mozilla?
250. How do I pass a variable to a new window, and use that varialbe in the new window?
251. Is there a way to capture if the person has clicked on the refresh button of the browser?
252. How to download a gif file from a remote server?
253. How can I redirect according to browser country. I.e. like sites with .com send you to ?
254. Using an onChange event, how do I get the name of the widget that invoked the event?
255. Can you read a javascript variable(DOM object) from another frame within a same frameset?
256. how do i hide the url when the html document at the time of printing
257. How can I change the font color of a <tr> when a checkbox has been selected
258. How can i remove a part of a String
259. How can I resize a div element by mouse, like a window?
260. how can I disbale right click on AOL browser? IE4 or 5 code won't work
262. How do i find whether a user is connected to the net by writing a java script?
263. How can I capture an IP address from a visitor and save it to a text file on the server?
264. How can replace a text selection in text field/text area with some other text in Netscape 6?
265. How can I use JavaScript to find 'spaces and replace them with 'underscores OnClick?
266. How to prevent user from viewing the source code using browser (view->source)
267. can i prevent SaveAs function of browsers
268. Can I give the Location (or Address) bar focus using JavaScript
269. How to search within a html page using javascript ?
270. Is there a way to have javascript take one large text string and change colors of individual
271. window.history.back() does not work in IE6, why ? any solution ?
272. How can I pass a complete url & query string (eg: FullUrl?location=this&other=that)?
273. Why doesn't window.print() work in a child window which is opened using the
274. how can i find the days difference, between 2 dates in javascript???
275. how can i find the days difference, between 2 dates in javascript???......
276. how can i detect wether the user has an acrobat reader plugin?
277. Is it possible to convert a local variable to a Global variable?
278. How do I change the field value of a HTML text element in IE 5 + AND NN 6 using
getElementById ?
279. How do I assign an onchange handler to a node created via DOM methods?
280. How can I close, without confirmation, a js popup? (The box pops up in IE 5)
281. How can I force a 640x480 image to 384x288 only when printing the page, using
282. how to print specific window content without prompt? ie., windowreference.ieExecWB(6,-1)
explain it
283. How do I send a specific .html document to a target frame when choosing a new select
option ?
284. i want to retain values of a hidden form field on page refresh in html using javascript alone
285. javascript variable in JSP
286. if 2 browsers are running the same script , can one browser be refreshed relative to the other .
287. Facing an interesting problem.. I have got horizontal menus made of images which open
vertically on
288. IE 6.0 seems to be incompatible with embeds. Anyone else seen this?
289. how do I check whether the client can accept javascipt through ASP
290. Is locationbar of the browser an ActiveX control that can be added to pages?
291. Is location(address) bar of browser an ActiveX control that can be added to pages?
292. Can I have a calendar in my form and have the date selected sumited? I want it like Windows
293. How do I concatenate a string variable to a regular expression. e.g var re = /^-?(\d/ and
294. How to disable keys 'print screen','F5','ctrl','alt' & right click of mouse in NN4.5&above?
295. Why would I have to click an item twice to get a script to execute correctly?
296. How can I display text at a given position in a document?
297. How to keep the address in address bar fixed when a user visits diff. pages without using
298. How can close a popup window automatically when a user browses to another particular page?
299. How do I get a hard copy of text generated using document.write() in NN4?
300. How do I find out the name of the Domain Controller on the user's machine?
301. Could anyone explain why is JavaScript code likely to play pretty slowly?
302. is there a way to get rid of the right scroll bar once a page has loaded.
303. is there a way to get rid of the right scroll bar once a page has loaded.
304. How can I get a page with text positions defined to be correctly displayed at different
305. How can i know the top left coordinates of a window after it is moved with mouse?
306. How can I disable the PrintScreen Key?
307. (How) can I allow a context menu on only a specific object when <body
onContextMenu="return false">?
308. How can I execute a Java Script from inside a Flash movie?
309. How to change _selected text_ in textarea to _[TAG]selected text[/TAG]_
310. How can I find out the position (similar to indexOf()) of the cursor in a textarea ?
311. how can i close a child window without events, after the page finish displaying all it contents
312. Can I capture image's XY position thru mouseover event of Image?
313. Is there a way to refresh a JSP which is covered by 5-7 frames(wrapper for the site.
frameset) ?
314. How to save text area value as RTF(save as RTF)
315. How can I change the image and show collapsed text when I click the image?
316. How do I create an invisible browser window?
317. How do I create an invisible browser window?
318. How can I get a JavaScript code in a separate file to be called and executed by several HTML
319. How do I call a servlet method from a javascript function
320. How do I write an "onclick" script that will open the "Save as" window to save a linked file?
321. Setting "window.opener.location.href" to the required JSP file fails to reload it?
322. How can i position prompt in the center of the page
323. How do I change image locations in a frame from another frame inside a frameset
324. How do I know if my clients browser supports JavaScript, so to redirect him to another page?
325. With onclick and ondblclick registered to a div/table, I can rarely get ondblclick to fire!
326. How to submit a form when user closing the browser window?
327. How can i find using JavaScript whether i am connected across internet or not?
328. Can I stop "download this?" promt when opening an "exe"(on the users pc) from html?
329. How to set focus to the form elements , which should work for Netscape6.2
330. Is it possible to verify if a particular file exists in the given path on the client machine?
331. How do I pass a URL to a new window to be opened when an OK button on new window is
332. I would like to disable on my webpage ctrl alt delete and exit it when page exits - any
333. window.location.href not working with large URL
334. How can I dynamically load a different url into a dialog window created from
showModalDialog() in IE
335. How can I fill in fields in WinWord from Javascript (called with ActiveX)
336. "How to execute ASP function on window.close(if user closes the window)?"
337. How do I check if a form exist in a frame ?
338. How do I check if a form exists in a frame ?
339. Any way to do this: document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild('myScript.js');
in NN4?
340. how to open a popup window as closing the main window with NS
341. Can I use Javascript to check the encryption level of the browser?
342. how to call a html file in textarea
343. How do I pass a value when I click on a button in IFrame to the parent html?
344. How do I keep the SAME image from repeatedly downloading into a page where it appears in
many places
345. How can I access the elements of a form defined in a Frameset page in NS6. (works in IE and
346. Can the source code be saved to a file when the page is done loading?
347. is there a way to eliminate the printing of the URL that shows up after you issue a print in JS
348. How do you check if a button is pressed in another window that you popup from a different
349. How do I resize tables that may or may not be inside layers in NN4
350. can i submit the iframe data to server
351. Why does running a DHTML animation in two seperate browser windows go faster than just
one browser?
352. How do disable in popup menu "Save Target Option" in Href Link
353. How can i draw a line between two points on the image when the user clicks on the image?
354. Can i open my Home page without Tool bars and Menu bar
355. can you use params when assigning values eg doc.form.field.value=doc.form.
356. How do I protect and verify passwords without using server-side scripts
357. How to differentiate "refreshing a window" and "closing a window" events
358. How can access the bgcolor color of a cell selected in Javascript
359. My system freezes when I click a button that is a javacsipt (using IE 5.5) How do I resolve
361. problem with growing memory in javascript page
362. Why does not <DIV>'s and <STYLE> attributes work in NS4.72 when using dynapi.js?
363. In IE, a layer above SELECT control doesn't hide one. How I can resolve this problem?
364. how to remove Microsoft internet Explorer name from titlebar
365. How do I work around the OPERA window resize bug for positioned elements / layers
366. ActiveXObject support in netscape6.2
367. How can a client see if a .js library file has been updated before downloading the entire file
368. how to creat 2 buttons on each page that onclicking resize IE browser to fullscreen and
369. how can I create a table like DBGrid in VBasic to users enter data and I get them
370. Can you control your Browsers Minimize/Maximize window functions from within JavaScript? If
so how?
371. which event should i capture when the browser closes using the x button.
372. which event should i capture when the browser closes using the x button.
373. which event should i capture when the browser closes using the x button.
374. which event should i capture when the browser closes using the x button.
375. Unload button is also fired when we go back or foraward from a page.How to Stop that..i only
want it
376. Is possible to print a page with frames as laid out on screen automatically?
377. Using windows.print() causes computer to hang. Any help will be appreciated.
378. Can I add different multiple tooltips with links on different image maps (HotSpots) in an
379. How to check if a Javascript function exists?
380. Check a field where spaces, digits, alphabets are ok but no special characters
381. Is there a way to send values from a child window back to its parent without having to refresh?
382. How do I monitor mouse speed so a tool tip shows only on slow mouseovers but not on fast
ones in NN4
383. How Can I Pass Value TextBox to OptionBox
384. It is possible to set or open a window maximized? (not screen.availWidth, screen.availWidth)
385. How can i change the BGCOLOR of a non id'd table ?
386. Insert string onButtonClick at cursor position in textarea and not at the end of string
387. Why can't I have an onLoad event in an iFrame tag on IE 5.0?
388. I wrote a script that goes through a bunch of loops. How do I stop IE asking if I want to
389. can we select more than one text of listbox through javascript with a single click over the
390. how do i parse a textarea in javascript?
391. Can I use the execCommand to save a file that is visible in an <IFrame id="save"
392. Dropdown fields appear through a div, which z-index is set to 1000. How can I cover these
393. In IE 5.5 How to find (search) the string in the parent window using Modal window
394. How do I cancel a key press in an input box in NS6 -- I can't get preventDefault() to work?
395. how to make the browser's back button reload 2 frames at same time?
396. How to avoid default warning message in browser when FileSystemObject is used in javascript
397. how do I reference a Java bean with JavaScript where the bean has been declared in a JSP
398. how to open a new window When the user close the Browser and not in refresh
399. How can we print a html page along with the back ground, where background is placed in body
400. How can I find the src of an image so I can do a comparison? (Ex: if (img.src=="error.gif")...)
401. How do I dynamicaly change the alt attribute of image tag in NN4 ?
402. Can I make an image visible or invisible based on value of a text box?
403. on calling applet method from javascript it says "object doesnt support method".Any help?
404. where can i download a reference of differences between JavaScript commands in IE &NN ???
405. how 2 create a <DIV>,floating over a documet,which'll stay at the same place when I scroll
the doc .
406. I have a table in my page. How to avoid page break happening in the middle of printing a
row ?
407. I'm looking for a print button that works in IE, Netscape AND opera 5.0. Is this possible?
408. How can I make every request from my browser to hit server and disallow it to pick from the
409. How do I pass a JavaScript variable to an ASP variable?
410. How do I pass a JavaScript variable to an ASP variable?
411. How can you determine the width in pixels a string string will occupy on screen?
412. How can you determine the width in pixels a string will occupy on screen?
413. how to pass an integer value from PHP to JavaScript ???
414. I have 2 textfields in form: country & state, if country is USA, state should not be blank
415. The reason we need this for is that we want to create tabs on the screen whose size should
exactly m
416. I am trying to set up a Prompt that will have multiple entries. ie:image, border, align
417. I am trying to set up a Prompt that will have multiple entries. ie:image, border, align
418. inside modal window <a href links doesnot open in the same window
419. how to call refresh parent window and close child window action through single button in
420. how to i invoke 'save as' dialog box on click instead of displaying it on the current page
421. How can I call a save as on files that some user browsers try to open and some others not?
422. Can the mouse move over an image on a page give the href/src of the image?
423. How to match the character . using regular expression
424. Is there any way to get javascript to open a file using the "Open with..." dialog?
425. How can I sort (ascending and decsending) a TABLE with DOM access in IE5 and NN6?
426. I can not upload files directly form shockwave but I can call JavaScript functions, is there a
way t
427. How do I get the User Id of the logged on user from the client/browser?
428. Has an input of type image a click method?
429. How to get a specific Table Cell <TD> to change bgcolor from an IF ELSE statement?
430. how to make an e-zine form with 2 entries(name, email) wich will just send the conformation
to users
431. How can I clear my checkboxes in Netscape 6.0 by selecting the browsers reload frame option.
432. Internet Explorer 5.5 freezes when you re-write a page with the cache set to check every time.
433. How can I get images(img.src) in a selected region in a web page which includes images and
434. Coming up through an IFRAME to parent, error when attempting to write a new IFRAME
435. When i use document.execCommand('SaveAs') it doesn't save the images. How to I save the
436. my script works perfectly in IE, but it gives error on opening when I send it via email
437. How to set the "save as" choice as the default choice for a link in HTML ?
438. Why is window.opener.closed still returning False even though the original window is closed in
439. how would i delete text from a page made by document.write() command
440. How do i get to know how many times the site is visited ?
441. Can I reset a text area without using a clear or reset button, but by using the submit button?
442. how can I check if the whole document is loaded over?
443. Can I customize onbeforeunload event?
444. How Can I change the mouse pointer?
445. In the CODE of my JS library (.js) how do I retrieve the URL that was used to access the file?
446. Hot to get the Flash Object's dimension before load on page?
447. refresh javascript sources when file or date are changed
448. how to pass javascript/form variables values to pop-up window
449. How to synchronize? I want the code to wait executing until Iframe.location is fully loaded?
450. Can I pass a field from one window to another if they are on different servers?
451. Is this possible to determine size of page which contains scrollbars ?
452. If I print a page using window.print() how do stop if showing the printer dialog box?
453. how can i hide and show textbox in netscape using html+javascript
454. How do I populate ASP Variables in client side Javascript variables without using hidden fields?
455. Client side Javascript variables using ASP 3.0
456. How do I populate ASP Variables in client side Javascript variables without using hidden fields?
457. Client side Javascript variables using ASP 3.0
458. How do I populate ASP Variables in client side Javascript variables without using hidden fields?
459. Client side Javascript variables using ASP 3.0
460. how do i make my site carry out a daily action, i.e. each day at 9.00am it runs a function.
461. Can anyone tell me how to open an Office application(ie powerpoint) from a web page
462. Cursor doesn't set at first col and row in text area, cannot validate it using value.length
463. Is there a way to bold certain letters or words in a javascript alert box?
464. Yes this is fine as long as I have a document without frames. How can i implement it for all
465. How can I set the body tag attributes for margins to zero using innerhtml.replace?
466. How can I set session information from JavaScript?
467. How can you use Javascript to read Data from a form, and then Write/Append that data to a
Text file
468. How do you get Data from a form,write it to a .txt file that is created on the Hosts computer
469. How can I make an arrow image rotate to track mouse cursor orientation about some point on
the page
470. How can I move text cursor in a text input field?
471. is it possible to set the foucs on minimized browser?(like blinking)
472. How to catch browser X button event. I have used onUnload in the body tag. It works fine but
473. How do I make a group of variable arrays available to a group of htms called by a frameset?
474. How can I turn off the beep sound that happens with an alert?
475. Can I use the document.execCommand() method to save a file without popping the "Save As"
476. how to change the (stylesheet)class of an tag (eg <p class="cl1"> -> <p class="cl2">)?
477. How can I read the filenames of files in a folder on a webserver and pass them to a Javascript
478. Can I simulate with fireEvent the press of arrow left or right in a textbox input?
479. How do I "document.write" an ordered list [lower-case alphabetical]a,b,c,d,e,f,
480. how to hide toolbar,menubar in current window._self in isn't working
481. This does not seem to work in NN7.0 nor Mozilla. How can I make this work?
482. IS there a way in Javascript to capture the URL that was clicked on using onunolad or some
event ?
483. Can you remove the horizontal scrollbar that appears when using overflow: scroll ?
484. can anyone send me the code of FileSaveAs, so that i can use it for saving report as an html
485. document.forms.formname.elementname.focus() in Netscape 6.2 still doesn't work
486. This works, but I do not have access to the HREF line to add the onclick event. Is there a
global e
487. With no access to the HREF, I can not get the onclick to pass the link to the script. >From what
488. Thank you for your response.
489. How can I add and edit item in List Box ?
490. How do I prevent a pop-up window from moving to the back (out of view) when clicking the
main page.
491. push and pop
492. How can I get my JS drop down menu infront of a flash movie? I've tried layers but no
493. How Can I send a form without user interaction ??
494. How can we automate the copy command of windows (ie. CTRL C) using Javascript.
495. How can i disable "save as" in the browser under file category pls expalin in both IE and NS.
496. How can I delete temp files on the browser cach before I close the window?
497. How do i auto close the old window when i open a new one???
498. If someone rightclick on title bar, all my javascript stop running. How can i prevent such thing?
499. How do I detect if the users browser supports layers?
500. How can I check an email address for valid domain and format?
501. To keep date picker on top I used body onblur=self.focus but not able to select Month from
combo box
502. How do I make a javascript (string) variable refreshe its content from the server ?
503. Determining Element Coordinates
504. How to make a download dialog box using javascript?
505. Are there any good java script codes avalible
506. how do you add up the results from a for loop? (enter1,2,3,4) result = 10
507. writing from a teaxtarea to a texfile, including the carriage return!!
508. I have implemented this code and it works very well, my only problem is that in my text area,
I have
509. I have carriage returns in my text area that I need to preserve in my created text file
510. What is java coding to insert for an .EXE file to RUN, but not be asked to be downloaded ?
511. How can i submit the changed form field variables instead of all from field variables in a page ?
512. How can I disable Function keys in IE4?
513. How do I disable the tab key in a textbox, i.e, the tab should not take focus to the next
514. how do i prevent an enter key from submiting a form?
515. How do I alternate the color of a <tr> when someone clicks within the row?
516. How can I Validate an URL in javascript? Not just the syntax but that it is a valid http URL
517. How can i code for all window or browser sizes so that my web page text won't appear too big
or smal
518. How can I read a Url variable from JavaScript?
519. how can we get just file name when we use input type is file. how can we skip the path of the
520. How to reset form fields in NN6 without explicitly calling the field by its name or ID
521. How to use ActiveXObject in ".php" when the same code works in a normal ".html" page ?
522. How do I cause a SPECIFIC hyperlink to go to a different page, only if the visitor is using IE6
523. Methods of encoding a .js file so that other cannot read it?
524. Can I put PHP varible values into javascript varibles?
525. How do I download a page to a variable?
526. How do I remove HTML comments?
527. how to generate & name the textfields dynamically using javascript?
528. Internet Explorer Progress Bar May Show Incorrect Status - Is there a workarround?
529. I would like to know how to find out the size of a file and then display the filesize.
530. Changing background image depending on screen res
531. How do I pack, compress and obfuscate html, js and css files with Javascript?
532. How can I use a saveas command to save information I have added into a textarea.
533. How can i save a browser window(no menubar, toolbar) as an image(jpeg/gif/bmp)?
534. HTML creation
535. document.formName.submit() isn't submitting the form. Can anyone give suggestions for this
to work?
536. How to avoid submitting the form twice?
537. why ENTER KEY does not post a page when i querystring a page ...! but it works fine when i
538. why ENTER KEY does not post a page when i querystring a page ...! but it works fine when i
539. how to capture the print dialog box and customize the options in javascript (print 2 copies
540. I need javascript code about security on session layer on Network(OSI) .can u help me?
541. Is it Possible to change the Ok/Cancel button of an Confirm dialog to Yes/No button?
542. how do i include i downloaded JAR file in my JSP code?
543. How do I validate the format of a URL or email
544. How do I open a brand new window in JS but keep the window.opener object null and
545. How do I form POST to a different url based on form data
546. how can i call two functions at same event?
547. How do I create hyperlinks on an image based on an array in Netscape 6+?
548. how to detect whether the popup window is open or closed from parent window even it is
549. Is there a way (XML or otherwise) to dynamically add free news content to my website?
550. JavaScript: Does it allow me to translate a website to another language at the click of a
551. JavaScript: Is there a way of passing parameters to the subject or body line of an email?
552. JavaScript: How do you change external XML (or HTML) file content into a string in NN4?
553. JavaScript: How would you change an external XML file into a string in IE4+ and NN4+?
554. What java script could be added to enable mouse-over-sound-effect in a webpage in mozilla?
555. Does this work at all? (No success so far when accessing NS server using Communicator)
556. How do I place a JSP tag within a <Script> tag? I need to create an array from JSP to
557. how do i trap click event of the back button of the menu in IE
558. How do I add a Tool tips to a combo box or list item using simple html or javascript
559. how to change the title of Alert message box
560. How can I turn a table on/off within a form with a simple checkbox?
561. I've written an OnBlur event of a textbox. On closing the form the event should not be
562. How to send arguments to Command line using Javascript
563. How to Read a text file using javascript
564. Why does my sliding text not slide when the page is in a frame?
565. How do I read or write local files in Mozilla and Netscape 7
566. Is it possible to resize a browser window to specifed dimensions with an onLoad command? (f
so, how?
567. i'm having trouble in unloading a page. When i put an event in the unload event of a page it
will ex
568. How do I pass a JavaScript variable to a XSL-for-each statement
569. Is there a way to use self.print(); or window.print(); without getting an active x popup
570. How can i get value of javascript variable in Jsp code?
571. how i can use javascript to launch a program (ex. notepad)
572. How do I stop a page loading when it starts loading from the server.
573. i have a program.exe installed in C:/program Files. how i can launch it using javascript
574. how i can replace the "browse" button of a file browse textbox (with image,...)
575. How to disable the "Control N " to open new window and also similar commands in IE
576. How can I use javascript to check for the IE version of a browser?
577. How can I use javascript to check for the IE version of a browser?
578. How to resize a frame in frameset with Netscape 6.2
579. How to remove the header and footer of web page programmaticaly
580. How can i resize an iframe to match the width and height of the page it contains?
581. How can I print multiple documents that are not currently loaded into a frame or window w/o
582. I need to have my on submit statement refer to multiple functions, how can I do that?
583. how to remove distance between cells of table in netscape 4.7
584. how can i change the background color of an input field dynamically without a style sheet??
585. How can I jump to a specific table row?
586. How to disable maximize button in Window
587. Can I auto-detect client resolution and have the website load the proper files?
588. JavaScript: File: Include: SCRIPT: How to use SRC to load common JavaScript file into my
HTML file?
589. JavaScript: Picture: Screen: Resolution: How to keep size of picture proportional? [IMG /
590. Is there a Javascript equivalent of the 'Forward' button in Microsoft Outlook
591. How can i save a div absolute position into a mysql table with js & php? thanks in advance
592. is there a way to determine if the parent window is still open? (in more than just ie)
593. How to get <Base href=> to work for relative links inside a javascript with IE. It works with
594. How to prevent child-PopUp (B) that was opened by parent (A) from reloading when the A
595. In onbeforeunload(), can I do submit()???Who can help me :)
596. I can able to print without prompt using woprompt is there is any way to print the page in
597. how to display escape character and a quote. For example suppose i want to alert \'
598. Can Javascript save the view source into a text file without the dialog box or launching
599. I want to use ActiveX Objects inside Javascript, any Links or resources available?
600. When I reload a long inline frame, I want its parent window to be repositioned back to the top
601. permission denied while parent window reloading from child window
602. NN 7 vs IE 6: onkeypress differs
603. How can I create a confirm window with buttons different from OK & Cancel? (also 3 btns
instead 2)
604. The call is in an onload event so pop-up window can't be used(pop-up blockers)
605. How to code to bold a hyperlink from frame B when clicking on the hyperlink from frame A?
606. Language: Computer: JavaScript: Simple: How to convert infix to suffix? [Bracket]
607. How to make scrolls move slowly on mouseover but not go to a specific x,y & stop on
608. I have two radio buttons which depending on which one is selected, will populate a dropdown
609. How can I escape refresh page (F5) in IE
610. How can I change the file extension on the same page , to
611. how do i create a new drop-down menu from a drop-down menu?
612. How do I force a JavaScript Block's contents to Open in a new window when selected?
613. Looking for window.event.keyCode for Control Copy and Control Print
614. How do I pass the page title (document.title) into a url on the same page?
615. How do you make a variable with the value of the textarea without submiting or is this
imposibel ?
616. How do i save a value in database when i click the window.print() function in javascript file
617. try follwn javacript code in Netscape 6+ alert("a z"), the spaces r truncated
618. How can I use window.moveTo() with Eg:Open a minimized window when I clik
in a link?!
619. Why my Activex Calendar Control 9.0 is not working correctly for some users?
620. how the values in parent window gets refreshed when i close the child window?
621. I get an unspecified error...what do i do?
623. I need a javascript to get the MAC address and the CPU ID of a user visiting a web page!!!!
624. I need a javascript to get the MAC address and CPU ID of a user visiting a web page!!!!
625. how can i insert text into an IFRAME using a button (onClick-event)?
626. how can i scroll a table left only?
627. how can i not show the bowser menu in IE?
628. How can I customize confirm buttons in javascript
629. how to compare two dates(from- 04-Apr-04 & to-06-Jun-04) and alert user to pick from date <
to date
630. does javascript (or DOM) provide an API for changing the file creation date or file modified
631. How can I get the clipboard data using JavaScript
632. How can I create email popup (mailto) from website that spam trollers won't see?
633. how to set the selected item in html select form , i want to set the current month selected in
634. how to print iframe pdf document using file print menu
635. Can JavaScript get the filename of the file it's located in?
636. passing jsp array values in javascript array variables
637. In designing website,what are the advantages/disadvantages of relative/absolute positioning?
638. How can I clip an element in IE if the element is relatively positioned?
639. JavaScript: Copy: Clipboard: How copy from a component to clipboard?
640. JavaScript: Error: What does error 'Object expected' possibly mean?
641. how to disable entire table row dinamically
642. How do you save a video with embedded media player using javascript, from websites? Please
help me.
643. How to block usr frm typing Non-Ascii chars like ©¬,¥ò,¥Ò (we use Alt + NumPad key
644. 1st selectbox restrict 2nd selectbox then show the 2nd selection's table field(mysql) to input
box ?
645. JavaScript: Message: Statusbar:How to show a message on the statusbar? [window.status]
646. I am trying to find a way to insert a parameter into a querystring before it is sent,
647. Is it possible to detect and suppress the backspace key on my pages in IE?
648. How to Restrict the file types(.dat,.txt) in file open dialog box?
649. JavaScript: SRC: Variable: Create: document.write: Can you create a variable 'SRC'
650. In netscape 4.8 i am getting error" document contains no data" works fine in Netscape 7.2
651. Making a Link Default to "Save Target As" with Left Click
652. how can i play .swf sound only files in all browsers with a single source?
653. How can I take a screenshot of the current Frame and send it to the Webserver?
654. How can i send a message to another machine using IPAddress in JavaScript
655. Trying to use a JavaScript var in the Query String portion of the URL in a
656. JavaScript: Calculator: Scientific: How to use the URL address line as a calculator in
657. how to capture a variable passed from on html page to other html page thru query string
658. Can I edit or modify the contents of a dropdown / listbox / combobox ?
659. How do I make a Dropdown / Combobox / Listbox editable (with no bugs) ?
660. How do I make a Dropdown / Listbox / Combobox with any one option as editable ( with zero
bugs) ?
661. Create an editable option in a select object?
662. Combobox using javascript: features of textbox + dropdown/listbox...
663. JavaScript: Navigate: Link: Overview: Can you give an overview of links?
664. can u please send me the code for implementation of shortcut key ALT + HOME ->takes to
Home Page
665. JavaScript: Link: Overview: Can you give an overview of links?
666. JavaScript: Tutorial: Link: Overview: Can you give an overview of links?
667. How can I set The Client Screen Resolution and Resotore it when user close the site
668. How do I synchronously scroll two textareas in Firefox and Mozilla
669. How can I use Javascript to automatically prompt the user the 'Save As..' box to save an PDF
670. onclick chained radios to populate chained selects & enable other forms
671. Method in Javascript to choose one of CSS-file for the application that is running in IE or
672. how to close child window when parent page is redirect
673. how to close child window when parent page is redirect
674. How can I detect the version of the real player's plug-in?
675. Google Syndication Example Script
676. I cannot get into yahoo games how do i get java to load so i can
677. How to get values in parent window by cliking on a hyperlink of child window?
678. JavaScript: Url: Open: How to: How to open a url in your web page? [self]
679. Can I save a cookie at the client, with the file path of a file he recently downloaded
680. how do I get the ( x , y ) coordinates of an anchor by its NAME and/or ID ?
681. I opened a window from a browser window, when a access parent text feild name i am access
denied err
682. how can remove element in dropdown list using java script
683. What kind of an answer is that? Browser garbage collection sucks!
684. how can i pass strings into text area...
685. How can I disable the minimize button of a popup?
686. How can I create context menu when I right click on an object ? (Exactly like computer
687. How Can I Hide MouseCursor (with a function)?
688. i+want+to+show+message+only+
689. How Can I Scroll Down In a Floating Box (<div style=overfow:scroll>) ?
690. How Can I Hide Mouse Cursor ?
691. How Can I Create Context Menu ?
692. How Can I Create Message Boxes with different Icons (Exclamation,Information,Error) and
buttons ?
693. How Can I Create a TextBox Which Accept Only The Numbers (Without Alerts or Show
Messages) ?
694. I want to select some span text dynamically using Javascipt. Is there any way to do that?
695. When i select an option in a combo box, how do i write 2 diferent values in 2 seperate text
696. When i select an option in a combo box, how do i write 2 diferent values in 2 seperate text
697. dynamically populate select from the jsp
698. dynamically populate select from the jsp
699. i have a window with a close window link.i want to close the window only with this link not with
700. How to make a SELECT as read only
701. i want to functionality of check all check box like that of yahoo mail were we can ckh all box
702. I want a function that I call to set the focus/cursor in a textfield or list box.
703. call a function from another window
704. How can you disable the "View -->Source" in all the browsers
705. Can Javascript open a http port and put any data received into a string?
706. the accept attribute for the <input type=file> is not working in IE6.0 ..Is there any work
around fo
707. how to invoke 'open' in dialog box with clicking on button
708. How to open a window with only Vertical scrollbar?
709. How can I read from a text file located in my server space using javascript?
710. How do I resize DIV element in a browser on resizing window which will support for all
711. I need to disable the parent window on load of child window in javascirpt
712. how to trap all click events without specifying an event individually for each clik(button or tab
713. I want to capture mouse click event on a control inside a frameset
714. i need code for not pressing ctrl c in input field form to copy text and also no right click copy
715. detect browser screen size to choose style sheet
716. How do you check if someone closes the parent window?
717. how to store a generated link so that we can display it on the same page more than once?
718. Can I protect an input field by pasting (Ctrl-V) but the user can write in text/input field
719. can i load a new image when i move a cursor over the still image
720. How can I check if browser is configured as to show no pop-ups?
721. Can I disable the F10 key so that my Flash app can use it?
722. how to block the refresh button of internet explorer
723. how to create a text box every time when i click a button using javascript
724. how to get the ascii value of del key using javascript events?
725. if we open multiple popup windows,how to set the focus
726. Write a script to write word equivalent of a check amount
727. Javascript to find word equivalent of check amount
728. when i select one value in combo then only hyper link should be enbled for all others it should
729. will javascript run if it is saved in a .php
730. How to dynamically add data to the select based on the result of select query
731. how to set an image as a background to a table at runtime
732. how to set an image as a background to a table at runtime
733. how to set an image as a background to a table at runtime in javascript
734. Is it possible to change javascript to html?
735. How to Pass a Session variable used in Script to Asp.Net Page?
736. how can I set the editmask value on a field based on the contents of a previous field?
737. How to change the Forecolor of the Textbox in HTML?
738. can i press and hold shift key using javascript when i click link
739. How do pass the jsp variable that contained single quote as parameter to scripting function in
740. how to get data from iframe using java script
741. How to download and run a file after clicking a link but without the choice to save to disk?
742. how remove menu bar in present window using javascript
743. How would I write a script to test whether a word is palindrome?
744. How can I determine when a form POST to a remote page in an IFRAME has finished loading?
745. How to refresh child window when another action is done in main window with a prompt in
child window
746. How to implement the code to get back to previous page using hyperlink
747. For going back the code a<href="#" onlclick="javascript:back()">back</a> is not working
please help
748. i have 2 dropdowns . how can i get the details of 1st item in the 2nd dropdown from dbase
749. How can I put formatted, multi-line text in a variable?
750. is there any way a page's "onUnload" function can ascertain the URL of the link that was
751. how to browse a directory and open a file selected from that directory
752. How do I code a 1 line spacing with a enter keystroke instead of 2 lines(not shift+enter)?
753. How can we drag an item from one list box and place it in another list box using java script?
754. Hoe can i read and write information in files using JavaScript? (in any browser)
755. How can I create a file, write to a file and read from a file from a web page using JavaScript?
756. Can I use OpenTextFile to read file from url?
757. Can I use OpenTextFile to read file from url?
758. Can I use OpenTextFile to read file from url?
759. Can I use OpenTextFile to read file from url?
760. how to check the file extension using javascript
761. How i can use java script variables in html text field
762. array of child windows
763. How can I change the bg color and text of a cell when it is clicked?
764. How do I display only one image on my web page with javascript I'm very new
765. im my form has some text boxes and some dropdown lists if i click reset button it should clear
766. how to pass array of string values (mutiple selection box) to the server during each submission
767. How do you change the buttom titles of a "confirm" dialog?
768. Pop up window displays background select boxes in IE 6.x
769. How to pass a javascript variable in to ASP?
770. How do I populate a text box based on only certain values selected from a drop down box?
771. how can validate cell of table in jsp
772. how can i know the index of car that is selected in the textbox?
773. i use createrange to get the select part ot text but i do not know how can i get its
774. How can I disable a listitem of a dropdownlistbox in javascript.
775. how can i disable x button on IE 5 or higher
776. how to find the days between two dates
777. Unable to transfer and open a pop up window with out a alert message on the window opener
778. How do I save the images together with the website using document.execCommand('SaveAs')
779. How can i detect that browser enabled javascript thru javascrript code or thru any langauge
780. How to display a select box value in a toop tip using onmouseover
781. how can i create a text box on clicking the button
782. how can i create a text box on clicking the button
783. How do I disable a Open/Save dialog box when opening a file in javascript
784. getAttribute("id") does not return values on dynamically created table rows
785. How to return values of javascript variables to php local variable
786. How to return javascript variable values to php local variables
787. can i disable delete key
788. IE or Netscape browser shows "script on this page is causing browser to run slowly"
789. How do i pass the index of my for loop in a function on calling onblur or onclick
790. how to call two javascript function on same submit button on same event ?
791. How can I get height from a CSS style and then set another CSS style height to that one?
792. is it possible to set Continous blinking on minimized browser?
793. printing array elements in textarea using for loop javascript
794. printing array elements in textarea using for loop javascript
795. How do i reset the address Bar URL
796. I need js to read numeric user input then onblur js checks a radio box ie. 1 to 20 21 to 40 etc.
797. I have an exsisting form that needs to add a check (all blanks filled) before submitting.
798. If one checkbox is selected dynamically the other checkboxes are selected
799. how to hide toolbar,menubar in current window in firefox and IE browsers
800. How to close a alert box with clicking OK
801. How to close a alert box without clicking OK
802. How to check image properties before uploading
803. how can i close the popup and open dialog box on button click of the popup
804. How do i set the width of a 'showmore'button to the width of a dynamically extending
dropdown list ?
805. how to with custom menubar
806. how would I write a sript to find wheather a word is palindrome
807. How would I write a script to find wheather a word is palindrome
808. how to get the value of a javascript control created dynamically in .net
809. how to define the size of window on maximize click?
810. read http headers
811. how can I read the http request params of a url?
812. How to change the Forecolor of the Textbox in HTML?
813. how to hidden the controls by using java script
814. how to hidden the controls by using java script
815. How to pass the control name (button) to a js function where the control is disabled?
816. Select list on html visible through the popup menu
817. I need to write a web page which has two dropdown menu. User select one item in dropdown
menu with a
818. when I use window.print(), I get confirm popup window of print . How to avoid that?
819. How can I Change The IE Settings using JavaScript..( Add my IP to client IE's Trusted Site
List )
820. How to change browser settings
821. How can I Change The IE Settings using JavaScript..( Add my IP to client IE's Trusted Site
List )
822. how to insert table by using java script
823. How to upload any file on the server using javascript
824. How can I get the text of the clicked link in Morzilla Firefox
825. How do I change the font size in the Alart Function running from ASP
826. how can i save the disabled child checkboxes .
827. How do I detect from which URL somebody is coming and redirect him to a particular page?
828. when a visitor comers from a certain URL he has to go to a particular page, HOW?
829. how set value of the fileUpload text box with jscrip
830. How to handle all the special characters in a Querystring when textual data is appending to
Query st
831. How to generate a second combo based upon the selections in the previous combo?
832. Can I set the page width and height to autofit in an A4 sheet using document.print()??
833. how do i show who logged on the machine
834. how to display one combobox value in second combobox and value comes in first combobox
from database
835. can someone please tell me a way to get a power point to popup in new window.... it is not
836. Cannot get power point presentation to load in popup window.. pls HELP!!!
837. how can i rotate iamge at 90 degree for mozilla and internet explorer browser
838. How to validate image dimension before uploading it ?
839. How can i disable "save as" in the browser under file category
840. how can i rotate image at 90degree,180,270degree using mozilla browser
841. I have a variable "i". I want that variable to change name of other variable. like $$var in php.
842. linefeed
843. how to disable parent window when child window opens
844. how to disable parent window when child window opens
845. how to disable parent window when child window opens
846. I want to open a new popup window automatically if web page is displayed without using
javascript ?
847. If javascript is disabled, is there any way to open a new popup window when a page is
loaded ?
848. How to create Browse button using Javasript?
849. how to print a screen without the folder structure on the left
850. Im use the Img.width but its returning 0, just when i refresh the page, it return the correct
851. Im use the Img.width but its returning 0, just when i refresh the page, it return the correct
852. Im use the Img.width but its returning 0, just when i refresh the page, it return the correct
853. how to insert <hr> between two textboxes at runtime?
854. How do I use the 'select' form, and display the value (web page) to a div?
855. How can i set focus to a control after a message box is displayed
856. I want to change a whole group of style classes - how can I use wildcards or regexps?
857. How can I overwrite a property (e.g. this.src) to catch a change of this property?
858. Why error "this.body is null or not an object" comes in javaScript?
859. how to sart process throw java script like "notepad"
860. how do I make a js that saves in a text file all the links with specific string in all sites I visit
861. how can we delete address bar
862. What kind of function/class if the construct "(function() { ... })();" ?
863. how to create form fields using java script and then to validate the same form fields?
864. Is there a way to call a function when everything but the pics load on a page? I don't want to
865. how to access javascriptvariales into java variales or jsp variales
866. how to access javascriptvariales into java variales or jsp variales
867. how to assign javascript variable to option value of combobox whichisdynamicallycreated
868. JavaScript, code for a selection made from the first combo box should change the second
combo box
869. Can I submit a form and capture the output of the submission in a javascript variable?
870. How do I detect the screen resolution, and then incorporate different style sheets depending
on them
871. How to submit form first to a popup for preview, close popup and then submit to a next page?
872. How to manipulate table cell height according to another object's dimensions? (e.g. DIV
873. how to create chained select for country and state
874. How do change the background row colors of a table dynamically? (Upon page load)
875. How do I write to, access and/or display HTML code in another a frame with Javascript?
876. hide text box
877. Why does animated gif freezes on form submit in Internet Explorer? Are there workarounds?
879. How do I disable printscreen function?
880. How to call a same single method for all anchor tags ,hyperlinks,linkbuttons,buttons?
881. How to get full usernames in Active User Today scripts on forums
882. When requesting a html page from the popup window which is opened by showModalDialog() ,
the page.lo
883. When requesting a html page from the popup window which is opened by showModalDialog() ,
the page.lo
884. how can we submit the form in php without submitting it or clicking
885. How to open acrobat.exe in client machine using javascript.?

Unanswered Questions

1. RE: SaveAs entry "aid/5785/fid/53", the IFRAME saves the caller's title to the first line. Why?
2. Need to Get value from textfield from within a JavaScript in a ssi. The text filed is in the ssi....
3. How can I make another a "user input URL" (like frames, but layer) show inside an layer (IE and
4. I want exact syntax of JSObject .call() method and constructors to pass values to JS for
5. Is writing to window.History to pass variables a bad idea? obviously, but what could go wrong?
6. save only table data to client machine using 'document.execCommand ('saveas')?
7. how to get the property(such as <b>,size ,etc) of words which mouse drag over them
8. Can I format the way submitted form data is displayed in an e-mail receipiants "message"?
9. "How to use innerHTML in NN6 to pass some information between frames, which works properly
in IE ?"
10. how can I disbale right click on AOL browser? IE4 or 5 code won't work
11. SECURITY PROBLEM. I.E. let's you write to history[..], I use it to pass variables between pages
12. Is there a way to have javascript take one large text string and change colors of individual
13. Why do scrollbars cause bugs in rubber bands?
14. Can I effect the contents of frame1 from JavaScript in frame2 generated by cgi script
15. Can I effect the contents of frame1 from JavaScript in frame2 generated by cgi script
16. Javascript pages that load ok first time take a long time when refreshed or revisited (only in
17. I am trying to blur out Text Fields based on the selectedIndex of a Select element. Any
18. how to display the description field from the database based on the selected code from
19. using javascript quiz users score is calculated which has to be stored in database using jsp &
20. using javascript quiz users score is calculated how to store it in database using jsp & bean
21. how can I retrieve information from frameB containing XML (not html) into frameA
22. How do you abort a form submition in both Iexplorer and Netscape?
23. How to make a layer that moves to the left and the right when the mouse is in the left or
right ?
24. Can I use Javascript to check the encryption level of the browser?
25. How can I preserve the document.referrer content when calling a page using OK in a confirm
26. How can I make a focus to an anchor link which was dynamically loaded when the Page loaded
27. Can you use parameters when assigning values e.g doc.form1.field.value=doc.form.
28. how can i call a javascript function that seats in the parent in hta page?
29. Is there a way with Javascript to make a 'system beep' without using an applet?
30. How does one determine if the caret's position precedes particular character (decimal) in a
31. How can Opera show a scrollbar when positioned elements are moved beyond original
document height
32. is there a way to find out which object has the focus on a page?
33. Is there a way to use javascript to detect the status of activeX setting in IE?
34. How can I script to have a link to a file prompt for download in IE? Same as 'save target as'.
35. How detect if a user enters a specific number in a textbox, or checks a checkbox, at client-
36. How can I change the default input mode from insert to replace ?
37. How can i change the valus in a selectbox with radio button?
38. With multiple submits ".submit()", the CGI pgm responds with status of 402. How to capture
39. How to values pass textbox to combobox
40. How Can I Pass The Value TextBox To ComboBox
41. How could i print just one character without carry return, i need to print in a format
42. How can I view certificates of the pag on the main browser screen (like navigating in the
43. JSP & ASP null the selected index value - how can I get around this??
44. How can I get the number of open windows (Netscape 4.x)
45. how do i parse a textarea with javscript?
46. how to use esker's activex plugin for scripting
47. window.document.execCommand not work
48. How can I make customized scrollbars appear inside a table inside a frama.
49. Please help. I want to dynamically gen a list box BASED ON THE VALUE SELECTED from
another list box
50. How to disable the warning - some software(activeX controls) on this page might be unsafe
51. how to populate text field in JSP from a JavaScript
52. how do i refer to a fieldname that has a hyphen in it?
53. how can i prevent hiding of javascript dropdown menu(<div>) behind flash movie in netscape
54. How can we print a html page along with the back ground, where background is placed in body
55. How do i create drop down menus with transparent backgrounds? Like:
56. How can I display a contextual menu on top frames' page.
57. How can I submit the form in a IFRAME with a button Submit in main??
58. is there a way to display the number of forms submitted on the website?
59. How do I save the images together with the website using document.execCommand('SaveAs')
60. how can i retrieve the url of a child window from a parent window in MSIE?
61. How can I submit a form in the parent window from a modal window using DHTML?
62. How can I submit a form in the parent window from a modal window using DHTML?
63. How can I retrieve the reference to the window object from it's document object?
64. onResize event is not called in NN4, if there is flashmovie in my html-fail???
65. Your answer to 'how to sort a table'... how do you sort for an unknown number of rows. I get
66. How to pass request object from jsp page to pop-up window ,which is an another jsp
67. How do I prevent a page loading to an iframe from scrolling its parent window? IE5 and 6 only.
68. How do I make an image not be in the tab order( not a input type=image)
69. i am using a js menu but when there is an embed,plugin,iframe the menu is under them help
70. Nested Javascript Problems
71. How do i put a another Javascript tag or code inside a string and then dynamically write to a
72. How do I refresh a page in one frame when the page in another frame changes ?
73. Can javascript "paste" copied text into MS Word using the execCommand?
74. Can I get a properties file into a JavaScript? How ? (Many thx : ) )
75. Can i capture key press from a background window using javascript
76. Can i capture key press from a background window using javascript
77. How to open SaveAs dialogue box to save an external ".doc" file.(help with code)
78. How to open SaveAs dialogue box to save an external ".doc" file.(help with code)
79. How can i post data to iframe without showing it anywhere like status bar , query string, etc. ?
80. Is it possible to change text color of a disabled textfield? how?
81. I have htms that use arrays to mimic a data entry system. How do I include a data grid in it?
82. How to rotate a table to a certain angle using Javascript
83. How to set character alignment for entries in Table using JavaScript
84. Before a form is sent to a page, I'd like to keep a copy of data in local machine, how to do it?
85. Open Popup On-unload in Netscape 7.0 or Mozilla 1.1
86. How can I set the scroll position if I have a long list of text? ie not just showing the top few.
87. How to detect if user has changed data on the page, ie, added or updated data in fields on the
88. How to detect if user has saved data before closing the browser window?
89. Is there a way to access a form elements x/y position relative to the body?
90. How to link dynamically different (not in the same path) external stylesheet using javascript ?
91. IE 6.0 gives the error "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in JScript", IE 5.5
92. How can I simulate NS6+ accesskey linkbehavior with IE5+?
93. when I print a charset using JS I can see fractions 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 1/3 2/3, how can I create
94. how can you pass a value (variable) from javascript to xsl?
95. how can you pass a value (variable) from javascript to xsl?
96. how to get auto scroll for <select> suppose I have fixed the width of LlistBox.
97. How can I insert text at the cursor position of an IFRAME ?
98. Can I make the save as type to "Web Page, complete (.htm;.html)" by default when i call save
99. How do I return the raw HTML of a selection, or find out whether it is bold, or italic, or a link?
100. How do I return the raw HTML of a selection, or find out whether it is bold, or italic, or a link?
101. How do you designate the Esc key to close a frameset?
102. how to popup an advertisement only once per user
103. I want to open a window in kiosk mode..??Can anyone help me..?
104. How can I change the KeyUp event action for a text field?
105. Any Ideas on how to send emails to various dl's explanning server outages use JS...
106. Any Ideas on how to send emails to various dl's explanning server outages use JS...
107. How can I avoid the "continue/bypass" message when i reload a page with a form ?
108. How can I use a 'for' loop to programatically click a series of checkboxes onLoad?
109. Can javascript read filenames from a server directory?
110. How I can open and after reference a window tab in netscape 7.0?
111. why netscape sidebar doesn't work when opening a new window? using
112. Is there a workaround for the window.print problems in IE 6.0?
113. Sizing iframe
114. How can I reload a page by once and transparent
115. how i can able to got the printer name from printer dialog using javascript
116. how i know the default printer name using java script
117. Resize IFRAME length without onload() in src body tag
118. Is there a way to use Javascript to set a CSS class based on document.title?
119. I want to keep my 'date picker' popup window always on top, for that I have used
window.onblur() = w
120. How can I open a popup window just when the browser is closing?
121. How to block the possibility of changing the opener properties by the child window
122. How can I delete empty array elements without the splice method?
123. How do I get javascript for a webpage to work from IE version 4/5 to 6
124. How do I get javascript for a webpage to work from IE version 4/5 to 6?
125. Any method to invoke the SaveAs dialog through JavaScript w/o using the execCommand(not
work on Sun)
126. How can I apend a cookie variable to a document.write tag so that it works in windows IE
127. how save user name and password in the cookie so next time login without entering it again?
128. How do i call a variable set under dos/windows into a javascript script?
129. How do I check whether a file exists say c:\temp\MyFile.txt. in a client PC using Javascript
130. How to make the location of download dialog box to desktop by default?
131. How can i know whether a particular font exists in the client system
132. Accessing fields values a frame from another frame
133. How can I access a field value of a frame from another frame. These both frames are
embedded to geth
134. How can you print a page which as onBlur="self.focus()"? The print window fields do not
135. How can you print a page which as onBlur="self.focus()"? The print window fields do not
136. Trying to evaluate a string in IE. In Netscape, I used eval(). What is the IE equivalant?
137. onClick .wav files lag in IE but play oncue in NN. Files are pre-loaded and cached. Can IE
138. how to restart the TOmcat server using javascript code?
139. how to restart the TOmcat server using javascript code?
140. How can I access the history.go urls?
141. Can IE and/or Netscape play multiple .wav sounds simultaneously? Each sound stops when
next starts.
142. How to check if .wav is playing in IE and Netscape before starting new .wav sound?
143. call a function by passing the row id on the onclick event of row raised thru javascript
144. can i put mysql command in javascript ?
145. how can i force any file to download on an client machine on left clicking the link?
146. How to open an ASCII text file that has no extension in a broswer programmatically?
147. What javascript coding can be used to disable shtt_ctrl_alt keys simultaneously?
148. What is the java coding to disable shift-control-r keys simultaneously?
149. I try to read HTML<title>; document.title from a URL not in my site then I get ACCESS
150. new element in select box width is not increasing given width is 600px in NS 4.5?
151. How can I assign a RECIEPT number (Must be unique) to my customers?
152. Can I override the submit ? I want to send only the changed variables and not the all.
153. how can I print a current page cutting browser informations like date, page title, url etc?
154. passing vars from child window back to main PHP window?
155. 2 textareas, clicking a line in one changes the text in the other, how?
156. 2 textareas, clicking a line in one changes the text in the other, how?
157. How can I open a new HTML document in the same window so that the x y coordinates of the
new documen
158. How to make tree after parsing a file?
159. How can I open a new pop-up window based on the contents of the parent (self-refreshing)
160. I need to print the current page without showing the Print dialog box in Netscape 7.0 for
161. How can I disable document scrolling when the mouse is down
162. how to load CHINESE characters using Layers in NN4.x
163. how to load CHINESE characters using Layers in NN4.x
164. How to write a web program that will send text messages to cell phones?
165. Help with continuous loading from Javascript function
166. How do I get multiple <script>'s to work together? The one in <body> is breaking 5 others in
167. Hello! I would like to know how can I assign JSP vector(java vector) to Java Script vector.
Tanks in
168. How can I delay loading a large image until AFTER clicking the thumbnail. i,e, with Onclick?
169. How to avoid File Download (View/Save)dialog box using Javascript or JSP?
170. How can I alert user "close IE?" with Yes/No buttons, when he clicks on IE close button?
171. How can I get a pop under window to preload before opening?
172. How can I get a pop under window to preload the webpage before opening?
173. How can I get text box B to display an email address when a name is selected in text box A
174. How can I provide only Save As for the file rather oper or save?
175. how to generate & name the textfields dynamically using javascript?
176. how to name the elements dynamically using arrays in html using javascript?
177. Exchanging data between innerHTML innerText gets anchors prefixed with URL. How can I
avoid that?
178. how can I move the focus to the next TextField when the previous textField has its max chars
in it
179. How do I initialize or start Java (JVM) as a page loads?
180. I have a queue and i want to update only those records which are changed and not just
181. i am getting the calender dynamically but it is giving runtime exception
182. How do I validate textfields when the textfield name is dynamic( when number of them are not
183. How can I validate controls created with InsertAdjacentHTML in Netscape 7.0? Thanks.
184. Need to display the results of 8 forward calculated dates on the html pg the orig date was
185. How do I know where am I in the table which is inside a NONEDITABLE textarea by clickin on
the table
186. How do i check a selection of checkboxes on a form, then pass the values to a new window?
187. How do I check for the parent URL in a frame structure? ie. parent not eq to a URL.
188. how to save a flash object embedded in frame as jpeg image using javascript in both IE and
189. How can I retrieve the Header Variable in a java script and pass a value from there to another
190. How do I add some text in a textarea not at the end of it, but where the cursore is.
191. How do I add some text in a textarea not at the end of it, but where the cursore is.
192. How do I update a label with dynamically changing info from an access database without a
193. set height and width in <object> tag and <embed> tag according to screen height and width
194. I am having a flash object in htmlThe source for this object is a servlet which generates the
data t
195. mmishra77
196. Nested tables in a popup DIV display incorrectly in Mac IE5
197. How can i store a javascript array(2 dim array ) in form element so that i can use from other
198. How can hide the modal window
199. How can hide the modal window
200. How to dynamically add a new row at a particular position in a table using row index ?
201. Error trapping from a toplevel frames document
202. How can I trap javascript errors from a toplevel frames document?
203. Change scrollbar appearance? Not just colour but look.
204. how to change image width in NN4.7 (image is in TD)
205. how to change image width in NN4.7 (image is in td and td should decrease if image width
decreased )
206. getElementById doesn't work on Opera?
207. How can i solve cross domain restriction. Get & Send Info between Local Page <-> Webserver
208. refresh javascript tables
209. How can I change the file extension on the same page , to
210. Is there a way to access a SOAP web service via JavaScript?
211. How do I force a JavaScript Block's contents to Open in a new window when selected?
212. How do I force a JavaScript Block's contents to Open in a new window when selected?
213. How to read text into a document object from an external URL without reload/submit the
current page?
214. keypress keyboard and focus with another frame
215. keypress keyboard and focus with another frame
216. How can I put the return value of an URL (HTML page) in variable ?
217. How to populate select box from text file
218. <select name="selBedu" onChange="addReaseasonCode(<xsl:value-of
select="$CURRENT_STORE"/>);"> erro
219. <select name="selBedu" onChange="addReaseasonCode(<xsl:value-of
select="$CURRENT_STORE"/>);"> erro
220. Why my Activex Calendar Control 9.0 is not working correctly for some users?
221. How to intercept Mozilla on Ctrl-MouseClick from my JSTree control?
222. How to intercept Mozilla on Ctrl-MouseClick from my JSTree control?
223. how can i check whether user has clicked save or cancel of the
224. when uploading a file 2 remote serv? how 2 check the file to be uploaded exist in the local
225. how can i use a variable within an object??
226. Is it possible to cancel a text box onchange when clicking a button?
227. how to validate list of textbox with same name
228. How can I call the SaveAs command client side in JavaScript in Netscape, I already know how
in IE4+
229. how can I keep table headers fixed but want to be able to clicke the headers to sort the table
230. Can I include a variable in a regular expression when using .match?
231. How to place my scroll bar at top while moving from one <DIV> layer to another?
232. How fill in drop-downbox depending on content other DDB on the same page without screen
233. How to call Shell.Application (Windows COM) or WScript.Shell from JS (Client side)?
234. How do I access a child window after the parent window has been unloaded and reloaded?
235. Can the opener page in different server ('')) access parent
236. How to type a string into <input type=file> path field with javascript
237. Can I save a text file in the user's comp without the 'SAVE AS' dialog ? Using
URLDownloadToFile ?
238. How do I poll the server for data and take action based on returned data?
239. How can I hide first division & than that division will be overlap by next division on click button
240. How to order text on a page? 7 issues ranked on previous ASP page, need ordered display on
new page
241. How can i pass the selected value in combobox to a servlet in jsp
242. How can I keep a user from navigating away WITHOUTshowing the message in onbeforeunload
243. When more than one document is selected for bulk print only one print dialog box should be
244. How do I display a table row as <tr id="1" style="display:none">text field</tr> by clicking a
245. How can I open a text document (.txt) in <textarea> tag with javascript ?
246. How do I SLIDE a NEW/ POPUP WINDOW in (on open) & out (on close) of browser screen
247. How do I SLIDE a NEW/ POPUP WINDOW in (on open) & out (on close) of browser screen
248. how to get the check box selected when particular combo is selected
249. How can i disable swf sound through JavaScript that wrap the swf
250. Method in Javascript to choose one of CSS-file for the application that is running in IE or
251. How can I insert value of drop down at the cursor position of a text field/text area?
252. to close a dialogbox which is opened from a .aspx page which is a frame in another .aspx page
253. (JSP).my problem is list the items in second listbox depending on item selected in first list box
254. How to set the value of a hidden variable in parent window from the child window?
255. How to insert a row under the row which has been selected[on mouse click] dynamically.usig
add butto
256. I have 10 textboxes, I want to limit 5 instances of textboxes with same value. How can I do?
257. How do I get an hyperlink to launch by moving the mouse to the Hyperlink and pressing the
Enter key
258. How do I get an hyperlink to launch by moving the mouse to the Hyperlink and pressing the
Enter key
259. How do I get an hyperlink to launch by moving the mouse to the Hyperlink and pressing the
Enter key
260. How do I get an hyperlink to launch by moving the mouse to the Hyperlink and pressing the
Enter key
261. How do I get an hyperlink to launch by moving the mouse to the Hyperlink and pressing the
Enter key
262. how can we maintain sessions by using cookies and url rewriting
263. how do i avoid the back button when the session ends
264. How can I get the window to print when a field value changes?
265. Does anybody know if there are any JS rules to follow for Safari on the Mac
266. how can remove element in dropdown list using java script
267. If I do the alt-tab back from another screen to a textarea cursor is set to the top of the
268. If I have URL that contans some data, how can I use Java Script to parse those data ?
269. What is The RECORDSET ? Is It Useful ? How Can I Create It ?
270. How do i use javascript variable+some-relative-path in a jsp's href tag? for ex : <a hr
271. How do you to prevent multiple browser windows from being opened for the same browser
272. I need to determine the upper bounds of a 2 dimensional array in javascript ? (ubound in
273. How do you reference a grandparent window without opener?
274. scrollarrow/moving layers - how can i change the colour of the up/down arrow on mouseover
to scroll?
275. How do i log the time of events? I need buttons next to events that I press to log when it
276. how to add cell in a row
277. Hi, would really like to know how to make flashmx animations into a link
278. I want to protect my images (no print,no save as,no print screen) I know about disable right
279. how can I save the text entered in a <textarea> with javascript?
280. How can i make other controls visible in aspx page on the basis of the item selected in a
combo box.
281. How to close a window that wasn't open using with Javascript with Safari
282. How to find the cursor position in NN6?
283. how to return value (fr server) from DialogModal page to calling page textfield
284. how to return value (fr server) from DialogModal page to calling page textfield
285. How can I use Javascript to automatically prompt the user the 'Save As..' box to save an XML
286. How can I use Javascript to automatically prompt the user the 'Save As..' box to save an XMl
287. how to save the size of dialog window in ie after resize so as to open later with the same size?
288. I am looking for a solution to save a row of a table by right click and select save using
289. how to write javascript when i checked the checkbox textarea is readonly using struts
290. How to change particular td value in tr using JavaScript
291. i have a window with a close window link.i want to close the window only with this link not with
292. how to change form action ,while using POST method
293. cat I read from a card reader with javascript?
294. how can i save an url web cam image in my local disc
295. label report
296. program to help a PC Builders know what components are needed to fill a set of orders.
297. how to execute an exe file using javascript via emails
298. create a simple calculator using javascript
299. how to add a checkbox label to a textarea on ticking checkbox
300. firefox
301. populating a second combo box based on the selection in the first combo box without reloading
302. populating a second select based on the first select without reloading in javascript
303. I frame and child parent & class & object concept
304. How to access the history object in a Modal dialog? If it's not possible is there a workaround?
305. I want a function that I call to set the focus/cursor in a textfield or list box.
306. I want a function that I call to set the focus/cursor in a textfield or list box.
307. How to know name of a network printer using javascript
308. How can i remove a region in HTML text and save the rest in another HTML file using javascript
309. How can I grab text from a table on another webpage and "document.write" it to my page on
310. Why my Object ActiveX always top layer in document
311. How to close all the Documents which are opened on the desktop n no prompt will b displayed
in b/w.
312. how could i get left lower point coordinate position of a text box
313. How to get a save as dialog box in jsp using javascript / jsp tags
314. how i can put a date in html:select through a date picker in a jsp?
315. how can i make a control inside a table not editable?
316. How do I pass a value from one page textbox to another on another page?
317. "google analytic code" What it does? Rashmi Longia
318. how can i can connect sybase database to HTML using java script
319. two checkbox and two table one for each i want to hide on clicking
320. how to create a popup window using javascript functions and php
321. How do I use Javascript in an HTA to get an array of image filenames from a folder?
322. How to move multiple rows from one table to another using javascript, I need script plz.
323. my alert won't work in IE - it's too long - is there away around this so it will fit all the text?
324. it says i need javascript to sign into hotmail, how can i fix that?
325. Can we write java code inside the script tag
326. how to disable dynamically generated textboxes on clicking their respective radio buttons
327. how can I update a combobox with the selected option by a press key?
328. how can I update a combobox with the selected option by a press key?
329. Get a list of previously opened child windows or call child windows function after reload
330. how to accept the value of a variable passed from a java file(servlet) to a html form in
331. how to accept the value of a variable passed from a java file(servlet) to a html form in
332. i want code for capturing image form selected portion of the html page
333. I need the source code of an entire html document into a javascript string in another html
334. I am wanting to refresh the page, only after it has finished reloading
335. How to prevent the dragdrop number into an edit?
336. how can we make a textbox and a label invisible on clicking a ok button?
337. anyone know a way to create a dynamic page using javascirpt that works with safari? (onclick,
338. how to run the vb.exe in javescript
339. How can i print the scrollable content of the tables .print(document) in js prints only the
340. how to save a text file that is send from the server to the client and iinvoke an external prgm
341. can i flash a window x times but not bringing it to the top with eg. onfocus?
342. window.print causes the IE to freeze. CPU utilization goes to 100%
343. timer
344. timer
345. I have a div canvas in which to draw shapes & lines.How do I convert this canvas into an
346. I have a div canvas in which to draw shapes & lines.How do I convert this canvas into an
347. how to get processor id
348. how to get processor id
349. How can I print a DOM(a form) that is created dynamically?
350. Is there any way to detect which version of jre is installed in the system by using Javascript?
351. Is there any method equivalent to createMethod in JavaScript that is supported by both IE
352. How to link <option>Ape</option> to sound file when hit ENTER
353. How can I find out the current version of JRE using java script?
354. I can not navigate because I do not have javascript. What do I need to do?
355. I can not navigate because I do not have javascript. What do I need to do?
356. Is there a javascript which can make a music in flash stop and start another audio in html?
357. How do I detect whether the "Cancel" button is selected from the window.onbeforeunload
dialog prompt
358. How can i create a confirmation dialog which diffrentiates OK CANCEL and window close icon
359. How can i create a confirmation dialog which diffrentiates OK CANCEL and window close icon
360. how can i set the resolution of a website according to client machine
361. How to sign a JS for Firefox to enable universalxpconnect
362. javascript enabled
363. When I scroll the window at that time I want same table should be show on the window in
364. Is there a way to control a media player like Windows Media Player from JavaScript?
365. how can I have a table with Fixed headers, Scrolling body (data) and sorting by clicking on
366. In Mozilla setSelectionRange in input field does not shows the selection if out of sight
367. JSP page i created is scrolled by mouse scroller wheel in 'IE' but not in 'Mozilla'
368. JSP page i created is scrolled by mouse scroller wheel in 'IE' but not in 'Mozilla'
369. (How) Can I disable F8 keypress in a pdf file embeded in asp page.
370. How to prevent multiple instances of Outlook from opening? I am using activex to open
371. Can I call the Save as command from client side JavaScript in Firefox browser v1.5?
372. I need a script that IF getdate = "this" THEN variable= "this" ELSE IF getdate = "that" THEN
373. how we handle when we move vertical scroll bar first row and last row are constant
374. I have a window with a text box and a button set as the default. The text box has some onBlur
and on
375. how to set access rights in menu, as per rights menu items should be visible to the login user
376. how to enable and disable meun items as per user rights
377. I am using xml parser in javascript(Msxml2.XMLHTTP ).At client side it ask to download
component ?
378. hi, am trying to run javascript from pl/sql and opening a window from my webpage which need
to print
379. How to make the movable components on a page, just the way yahoo/google etc. do in
380. How to protect writing javascript code within a textfield? if so javascript code will execute.
381. Simple Toolbar check for IE
382. I want to populate the name of a book based upon Book# entered or scanned by the user in a
text fiel
383. How can I scroll a data table in both directions and keep header in both first column and row
384. I need a script to get a lan id and date
385. Is it possible to open an existing excel file in the server as an object in a new window so that
386. How Can I Save Filtered Image In My WebPage As JPG Format ?
387. how to block save and print options for pdf file
388. How to include .js file in PERL CGI and where we have to place that file in linux
389. Can I have say... which will displays one of my current Google
390. i am not able to set the focus on the dropdown in smart phone because it open the new page?
391. change the color of below elements when overlap occurs while drag and drop operation is
392. do not know much about javascript. Basically I have a number of html pages located at my
local disk
393. How to display the selected fields in jsp when use select dropdown box using the javasript in
394. How to display the selected fields in jsp when use select dropdown box using the javasript in
395. How can I pass a value to a xsl variable through java script?
396. How can I enable resizeable and scrollbar to yes of a window in a entire page in Javascript for
397. How can I enable resizeable and scrollbar to yes of a window in a entire page in Javascript for
398. How can I invoke an objects accesskey from a javascript function?
399. disable shortcut menu and print option on the pdf file which is being displayed on internet
400. How do I drag the contents of a cell to another cell in a same table . I don't want to use <div>
401. How do I drag the contents of a cell to another cell in a same table . I don't want to use <div>
402. i m using smarty in PHP i want to pass an array of object to a javascript function
403. I have a page in development that allows the user to click on an image then the image is
updated wit
404. service pack 2
405. sp2
406. how to make a tooltip with multiple videos and images to show when mouseover hotspot
407. menu bring to front
408. how i can selectnodes collection object convert in string or xml without loop
409. how i can selectnodes collection object convert in string or xml without loop
410. how do i add more than one script in a js file and ensure they all work to validate a form
411. <x:a xId="3FC"><x:b xOnChange="xInit(xGetElementById('3FC'));"> Is there a more direct
412. ok when i use an if statement with a confirm box and the user clicks cancel how do i not open
413. how to retrieve a textfields in javascript dynamically by linking 2 listboxes related to each
414. Hello: I want to use javascript to write to an already opened excel file. Suggestions?
415. Hello: I want to use javascript to write to an already opened excel file. Suggestions?
416. how to prevent textfield of a browserbutton from copy,paste?
417. Can we disabling the scrollbars in select boxes
418. how to validate a feild dynamically without showing the pop up box
419. how do I truncate long text with elipse like This is Test....
420. ShowModaldialog () is not returning "/" before when using location.pathname for the second
421. Can I disable F3 key in IE so that my Flash Application can use that?
422. how to avoid all alert coming on buttonclick event inside a table
423. How to diable javascript of iframe src?
424. how can i redirect the page to home page on login of it the javascript is disabled on the
425. Can I detect and reload the page if Javascript is disabled before the page has loaded?
426. how can i disable login button if javascript is disable on the browser
427. How write a code for to hide all toolbar,navigationbar,status bar etc at begining page?
428. how to press PrintScreen Button in javascript coding?
429. how to add a button in a table structure.when we want a table to be dispalyed onclick of
430. how to add a button in a table structure.when we want a table to be dispalyed onclick of
431. can i generate selectbox by clicking on a button?
432. can i generate selectbox by clicking on a button?
433. how to disable the parent window when popup window is opened uisng java script in IE
434. using iframe runs on ie browser not in webserver(tomcat)
435. How do I customize browser's toolbar statusbar resizeable when double click my web page at
436. How to disable the java script debugger in browser in code level
437. operation of cat,grep,append commands
438. operation of cat,grep,append commands
439. hi, thanks for giving this oppotunity.
440. how to display drop down list values from database if I add a dropdown list using innerHtml.
441. how can i play sound in javascript, same as google chat beep signal
442. trying to close a parent window by opennig its child.. but it gives a message how to avoid dat
443. How to save data from html table to MySQL database
444. what is E-learning?
445. How do I copy the contents of a text file into a textarea using JavaScript?
446. How can i pass data dynamicall to dropdown box by using javascript
447. How to validate text field that accepts only alphabets?
448. How can restrict calling a function in parent from iframe ?
449. How can restrict calling a function in parent from iframe ?
450. how to hide rows in a dynamically generated table?
451. how do you resize the content from an external url not the frame in a iframe?
452. how do I indentify which element sent the "this" keyword to a function?

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