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Pareto’s Principle / The 80–20 Rule + Ivy Lee Method Parkinson’s Law Social Influence or Peer Pressure
Recognise that 80% of our results will likely come from 20% of our efforts. Parkinson’s Law asserts that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its Recognise that peer pressure can
List all the work you want to complete and identify the ‘vital 20%’ that would add value. completion”. create a powerful environment for
This — should account for a full-day’s work. And is the “8 hours worth of work” that we tackle at each session. At every session, participants strive to “complete 8 hours of effective work in 2 hours”. work.
Once we’re clear about work we want to do, we list of no more than six tasks, in order of importance , to be completed This self-imposed time-constraint forces you to drop non-essential, inconsequential work, When you’re surrounded by fellow
without interruption. and focus only on the vital 20% of work that counts. Type-As who wake up at 6 am (or
As a result of the time-pressure, you tend to overcome procrastination and avoid earlier)  to work hard — you really don’
perfectionistic tendencies. t want to spend time on Facebook,
answering leisure chat messages, or
simply re-reading emails.
Task Time-
(15 mins = 1
Step 1: To Do List Step 2: Top 6 Tasks (In order of Importance) Hour) Step 3: Schedule Completed (Tick)
7:30:00 AM
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7:55:00 AM
8:00:00 AM
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8:25:00 AM
8:30:00 AM
8:35:00 AM
8:40:00 AM
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8:55:00 AM
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9:30:00 AM

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