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Knowing the Truth

Accepting Jesus Christ is not

converting into Christianity
and culture. It is all about
getting spirit of GOD in us. It is
the only way given by GOD to
all for entering in to Heaven
and knowing the truth.
GOD has given us wisdom to
take decisions. GOD wants all to
know the truth. Our present
earth is kept for fire. The GOD’s
wrath on unbelievers is about to
start soon.
Decision making is in our hand.

GOD is the creator of all. Without CREATOR there would be no
creation. True! The world we live is not made by accident as
The GOD wants you to know the truth Science says. World is wonderfully designed and created by

What do you think about GOD existence? Almighty GOD. He created heaven, earth, sun, moon, stars, light,
darkness, water, living creatures in sea, Insects, birds, animals &
Do you know who created solar system and all invisible things?
Or you think all are made by accident!!! everything. GOD was very pleased with his creation. Many times
throughout the process of creating, GOD stopped, observed his
What do you think about world creation?
handwork and saw that it was good. On final inspection of all
Do you think, world is made by accident? that he had made, GOD regarded that it was very good.
Do you know who made Sun, moon & stars?
You might have heard million year theory of earth. But bible
Do you know who created the living creatures of sea? clearly explains our world is new. It may around 6000 years old.
Do you know who planted all kind of trees in Earth and put life in After earth and all the creations made, GOD made first man
the seeds? Adam and first women Eve on the sixth day.
Do you know who made the waters in sky and in earth?
He created the first man called Adam like his own image from
Do you know who made all kind of insects, birds and animals? sand and he gave the sprit to him. He gave all authority over the
Do you know who gave the different languages to people? creations that GOD made on Earth. Then he caused Adam to

Do you know who made the Man and woman in the Earth? Or sleep & he took a rib from Adam made Eve his wife. GOD made a
you think human life came from ameba as science says or you beautiful garden named Eden where GOD placed Adam & Eve.
believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution

Times up but It is not too late to know the truth. We are reaching
to the End of the world. We are in the mercy period of GOD.

The fall of human in sin Murderer. He killed his own brother and also bible recorded
many sad histories of humanity disobedience to GOD.

The Lord GOD made all kind of trees to grow that are good for GOD invoked curses on Satan, Eve & Adam. GOD should have
eyes & food .in fact everything in earth was perfect. The garden destroyed Adam & Eve, but out of his gracious love, he killed
(named Eden) GOD created was very beautiful. Even the animals animals to make clothes for them to cover their nakedness.
got along with one another, all of them eating plants at that However, GOD cast them out of Eden garden. Their sin of
earlier time. GOD created Adam and Eve to be “free” beings, disobedience GOD brought corruption into their lives & into the
able to make decisions, able to choose between good and evil. In world.
the middle of garden GOD put two important trees: the tree of
life and the tree of knowledge of good & evil. GOD told him not
to eat the fruits of those trees or they would die, Adam passed What is sin?
the warning of GOD to Eve.
Disobedience of Adam and Eve made all mankind liable to sin
Then Satan (fallen angle of GOD, Actually fallen angle is a first sinner before because they are the first father and mother to all mankind
GOD. Once he was a beautiful and powerful angle not content with his position, and through their genetic sin entered. GOD is holy, without
he desired to be higher than GOD, and that was his downfall. GOD pulled off his holiness no one can able to reach and see GOD. GOD hates sin
position, threw away from heaven and fixed judgment) entered into the but loves sinner. Bible says Jesus was sent to call sinners for
garden, disguised as a serpent. His main focus is to make all repentance not for righteous. If anyone believes Jesus, his
mankind be disobedient, sinners and against the GOD. He genetic relation of Adam will be broken through the spirit of
wanted to spread the sin through Adam to all mankind. He GOD. He no longer is sinner. He would be a new man who has
targeted eve and lied. the spirit of GOD.
“You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.“For
Sins described in the bible are,
GOD knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like GOD, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5)
1) Lust of flesh, lust of eyes and pride of life (1john 2:16)
Instead of obeying GOD, Eve obeyed Satan, she took & ate fruit 2) Sexual immortality, impurity, sensuality, idol worship,
knowledge of good and evil that GOD prohibited for eating and sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries,
she also gave that fruit to Adam, he too ate knowingly. Thereby dissensions, divisions ,envy, drunkenness, orgies
they disobeyed to GOD. That sin opened Adam and Eve eyes to (Galatians 5:19-21)
evil. For the first time, they knew what it was to be evil to feel 3) Sins through tongue are lying tongue (proverbs
shame, and to hide from GOD. From that time on, sin entered 25:18,6:17, revelation 21:8) proud tongue (psalm
into humanity. Their firstborn child became the world’s first 12:3-4), backbiting( Romans 1:30,proverbs 25:23),
cursing (Romans 3:13-14), blaming (Matthew 7:3-5)

4) Transgression of GODs law (1 john 3:4) ((1. Don’t Jesus Christ came to world for following purposes
worship any other GOD 2.dont make any idols not
misuse the word of GOD 4.Keep Sabbath holy 5.Honor  Jesus came to give his life as a ransom for many (mark
your father & mother 6.Do not murder 7.Do not 10:45)
 Jesus Christ came to world to save and warn peoples
commit adultery not steal 9. Do not lie 10. Do not
from forthcoming punishment fixed by GOD. (john
18:37, john 12:47,)
5) Against the will of GOD ( the will of GOD is all to  Jesus came to call sinners for repentances (Matthew
accept Jesus as a savior, born again and get holy spirit) 9:13,mark 2:17,luke 5:32,)
 Jesus came to give eternal life (john 3:16)
Not only theses are sins all about, Bible says one can commit  Jesus came to break authority and power of devil over
sins by their thoughts also but wage of all sins are equal that is us ( Colossians 2;15)
death. Bible says if someone looks women with lust eye that
person committed adultery, and if anyone says his brother GOD showed his love by giving himself. So through faith in Jesus
“you fool” that also very big sin according to bible. we can be free from sin. If you reject GOD’s offer of salvation
Overcoming these sins only possible by anyone with The spirit than you will endure eternal punishment. If you accept GOD’s
offer and you will have eternal life
of GOD not by self control or any other means. When the Holy
Spirit comes on a person that would changes his Sinful nature
History of Jesus Christ from bible
to Holy life. That is mentioned in the bible as “Born again”.
You must reborn in Christ for salvation and holy life. Before the foundation of world GOD appointed (Jesus) himself as
a penalty of sin. Before Jesus was born many years before, there
Why Jesus Christ? were lot of prophesies in the bible regarding where he would be
exactly born, how he would be betrayed, what he would teach
GOD already knew that Adam and Eve would sin and would and how he would be crucified
thereby bring evil, suffering, and death into the world. GOD
knew what the results of sin would be. GOD allowed Satan to Jesus means ‘one who will save his people from
tempt Adam and Eve to force them to take the choice, of their their sins’ and Christ means ‘anointed king
own. They disobeyed GOD and eat the forbidden fruit. The (messiah).
results evil, sin, suffering, sickness and death-have plagued the
world ever since. Adam and eves decision results in every person For GOD to come in human image he needs human mother for
being born with a sin nature, a tendency to sin. GOD had put his this reason he selected a lady called marry she surrender herself
plan of salvation in place before the foundation of the world. to GOD. She was a virgin. Through the Holy Spirit she conceived
Adam & Eves decision is what ultimately required Jesus Christ to bare Jesus Christ. So he is being called as Son of GOD or Son of
born, die on the cross and shed his blood on our behalf. Man. Even now Jesus wants to introduce himself as Son of GOD

or Son of Man rather than GOD. He wants to be with all who During the Noah’s period, people’s wickedness was raised.
surrender. The earth was corrupt in GOD's sight and was full of violence.
The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the
Genealogy of Jesus earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined
was consistently and totally evil. So GOD decided to destroy
The first man Adam lived 930 years. Methuselah, who lived in the the living kinds by flood. But Noah found grace in GOD’s sight
eighth generation from Adam, lived longest life of 969 years. because Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless
Noah, who lived in the tenth generation from Adam, lived 950 person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close
years. fellowship with GOD.
Age lived of first man Adam to tenth generation Noah. GOD wanted to save Noah and his family members (Noah’s
wife and his three sons and their wife’s) of seven. GOD
S.No Name Age lived Bible reference revealed his plan to Noah. GOD commanded Noah to make an
1 Adam 930 years Genesis 5:4 Arc. GOD instructed Noah how to be made. GOD gave
2 Seth (s/o Adam) 912 years Genesis 5:8 mankind 120 years to repent and Noah to build the arc. Noah
3 Enosh 905 Years Genesis 5:11 finally made the Arc. GOD brought two of all living creatures
(s/o Seth) male and female in to the Arc. The time which GOD given was
4 Cainan 910 Years Genesis 5:14 enough for Noah to build an Arc, gather food and preach of
(s/o Enosh) GOD’s judgment. But all peoples were laughed at him. No one
5 Mahalalel 895 Years Genesis 5:17 repent from their sins. They continued sinful life.
(s/o cainan)
6 Jared 962 Years Genesis 5:20 GOD commanded Noah to bring his family into the Ark and
(s/o Mahalalel) seven days later, it began to rain and GOD shut the door of
7 Enoch 365 years(GOD Genesis 5:23 the Ark. Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came
(s/o Jared) took him live to
upon the earth, the same day were all the fountains of the
great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were
8 Methuselah 969 years Genesis 5:27
opened. It then began to rain for 40 days and nights. As the
(s/o Enoch)
waters rose, bible mentions the waters covered all of the
9 Lamech (s/o 777 years Genesis 5:31
mountains by a depth of 15 cubits. All the living kinds were
killed. The flood of Noah’s day was a year-long global
10 Noah 950 years Genesis 9:29
(s/o Lamech)
catastrophe that destroyed billions of creatures, laid down the
rock layers, reshaped the continents. It was GOD’s judgment
on mans wickedness and only eight righteous people, and

representatives of every kind of land animals, were spared by Thereby from first man Adam to Abraham are 20 generations.
Age lived of Shem to twentieth generation Abraham. Seth
S.No Name Age lived Bible reference Mahalalel
1 Shem (s/0 Noah) 600 years Genesis 11:11 Jared
2 Arphaxad 438 years Genesis 11:13 Methuselah
(s/o Shem ) Lamech
Noah 2000 years
3 Salah 433 Years Genesis 11:15
(s/o Arphaxad ) Arphaxad
4 Eber (s/o Salah ) 464 Years Genesis 11:17 Shelah
5 Peleg (s/o Eber ) 239 Years Genesis 11:19 Peleg
6 Reu (s/o Peleg) 239 Years Genesis 11:21 Reu
7 Serug (s/o Reu ) 230 years Genesis 11:23 Nahor
8 Nahor (s/o 148 years Genesis 11:25
Serug) Isaac
9 Terah (s/o 205 years Genesis 11:32 Jacob
Nahor) Judah
10 Abraham 175 years Genesis 25:7 Perez
(s/o Terah) Hezron

No one actually died yet

You may surprised by hearing this. After death there is a life that
will be permanent and true. As mentioned earlier GOD has
created human to take decisions by own. One can opt for either
heaven or hell in earth. The life which we live in earth decides
where you will go either heaven or hell after death. Jesus is the
one and only way given by the GOD for salvation and to live a
holy life. By the mercy of GOD one can live a holy life and enter
into heaven. If anyone rejects Jesus and claiming that he is holy
that person will be a great liar. Without the blood of Jesus no
one would be righteous person. Bible says no one has died yet.
Permanent death of unbelievers will only happen after Judgment
day. They would be cast in to hell with Satan and his followers.
That is mentioned in the bible as a second death. On the
judgment day those who died as an unbelievers and sinners will
get up from earth, if they would have died in fire that fire will
hand over their flesh, if they have died in the water that water
will hand over their bodies and their souls will join them from
Hades respectively. They would be cast in to hell.
From Abraham to Jesus through Joseph route are 45 generations and
from Abraham to Jesus through marry route are 56 generations.
You might have heard our inner core of earth is too hot with
From Adam to Abraham period is nearly 2000 years and Life period extremely high pressure that’s why scientist believes earth might
from Abraham to Jesus Christ is nearly 2000 years. have come from sun. Actually it is not like that, first GOD created
From Adam to Jesus life period is around 4000 years. From Jesus to earth than HE created Sun. in our earth’s core GOD has made
Now period is around 2000 years. So from GOD creation of first man Hades (temporary jail for dead souls). In that Hades dead souls
Adam to till now is only around 6000 years. You might have heard what were kept for final judgment. Before Jesus Christ came to world
science saying about worlds beginning and human life. Science saying nobody went to Heaven expect few who have walked with GOD.
world and human life came by accident before many million years ago After Jesus Christ came as a son of Man and son of GOD, HE paid
but not true.
ransom for sin of many through faith in him one can be righteous
person and can enter to the Heaven. When Jesus died he went

Hades and he was there for three days. When he raised from Heaven with Jesus and there will be no more death for them.
dead on third day bible says lot of righteous people went to GOD may appoint some from them to judge the world with him.
heaven with him. This Hades consist of major two parts one for
good peoples and another for unbelievers and bad peoples. In If anyone accept Jesus as savior and LORD and keep living a holy
good part, people will be comforted and relaxed but in the bad life, keep helping poor, doing much more ministry to him but due
part of Hades people would not be relax and they feel to some problem if that person left Jesus and back to Sinful life
discomfort. Good and bad peoples can able to see each other. and die than old deeds will not be considered and on the final
There has been a great separation made by GOD so the bad judgment that person will go to Hell.
peoples cannot come to good part. However all people who are
in the Hades is reserved for final judgment. People in the bad If anyone accepts Jesus and doing great miracles but due to his
part of Hades 100% sure they could go to hell on judgment day lack of understanding in GOD’s way and fails in GOD’s
but people who are in good part of Hades may or may not go to satisfaction than after that person’s death they will have to stand
Heaven. It would be depends on GOD’s judgment on them on on judgment day. They will also have to go hell.
final judgment. This was happening before Jesus resurrection but
If someone don’t accept Jesus but just before his death if he
after Jesus resurrection, HE got victory over Death and Hades.
accept Jesus with his full heart, love him and surrender to him
Through Jesus victory believers can directly go to Heaven after
than angles will brought him to good part of Hades and on the
theirs death.
judgment day that persons old sin will not be considered he may
Location of hell is nowhere mentioned in the bible. No one go to heaven.
knows where it would be but GOD only knows. It is actually
designed by GOD to punish Satan and his angles. After Satan Trinity of human
group were cast in to hell by GOD’s angles, they will also cast all
GOD supremely made man and gave wisdom to make choice of
the unbelievers that would be theirs second and final death.
his own. GOD made human with trinity. Bible says, “And the LORD
They will be punished day and night by fire, brimstone and
GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul” and also it
states, “GOD forms the human spirit within a person”. That trinity
If anyone accept Jesus as savior and LORD and keep living a holy
consists of flesh (body), spirit and soul.
life through faith in him till his death. There would be no
Judgment for them. After their death many angles and righteous
people will come and bring them to Heaven, they would be in

Body : as we know Body can be seen and touched, body after Soul only needs salvation. For the soul to be saved one should
ones death will back to sand from where it is taken. GOD wants control body and spirit allow the Holy Spirit to guide on your new
his temple to be in our body. human spirit. Bible advices to handover flesh, spirit and soul to
GOD as an offering. That is actually a true worship.
Spirit: It refers to the ‘inward man’. Bible notes that “the spirit
of man is the lamp of GOD”. Spirit is the need for anyone to live What to do for salvation?
in the earth. It shows the attitude and feelings; it is capable of
knowing things. Bible says body and spirit will always fight Bible says GOD eyes are watching all and HE keenly noticing
against each other .The flesh is weak it will back to ground but someone who understand and seek GOD and HIS ways.
spirit is willing and it will return to GOD who gave it. GOD wants Sometimes you may think ‘I am alone and no one is watching me’
us to get his Holy Spirit along with our human spirit to drive your but bible says there is no places exist on earth or below or above
life for eternal. Even devil wants this place too to make one’s life earth to escape from GODs sight, because HE is Almighty. You
against the will of GOD. GOD will come only if anyone calls may ask there are billions of peoples in the world how GOD
because he is like a gentleman but Devil spirits don’t anticipate knows me. This kind of question may arise because our wisdom
anyones permission, he will come anytime to make your spirit and knowledge is too small to understand HIM. Actually GOD
against the GOD. knows everyone. Bible says even GOD knows your hairs in your
head. HE is much bigger than we can imagine. GOD so loved the
Soul: Soul is different from body and spirit. It may also describe world so HE gave himself (JESUS) for our sins and for salvation.
simply a person. It is the driver seat of all the desires and GOD does not want to lose anyone. Bible says those who are
decision makings. It is simply a life that is in you. It will also have coming to him He never forsake. Bible says Man can change but
the feelings that are different from spirit. It feels for pain, GOD’s mindset never ever changes. You might have heard “GOD
hunger, thirst, and love. For example when you are reading this, is love”. It’s true. HE is love and HE wants your love. But bible
your eyes (body) are reading by the command of your soul and says our sins are separating us from GOD. If you confess all yours
through the encouragement of sprit, soul is meditating. Bible sins before GOD and accept Jesus as your savior and lord. The
warns all to be careful with your spirit and body. Because both spirit of GOD will come upon you and that Holy Spirit will guide
together or alone can make the soul sin. Bible warns you to be you to happy and holy life. You and others can observe your life
careful about the soul too. Because our earthly body will not go and behavior change from you. That Holy Spirit will engage you
to heaven (they will get another heavenly body) and also spirit toward GOD and HE will make you to love GOD much more than
will also escape but soul never die it will go either heaven or hell. anything else. That day is only your actual Christmas. Your
Bible says Jesus is the one who can able to kill soul by hell. salvation is granted and your name would have been written in
the book of life. It is not by us but by GOD’s grace.

If anyone got the salvation from GOD, by some reason left GOD humanity as much time as possible to choose and follow Him.
and his ways than his name would be deleted from book of life. Jesus wants as many people as possible to repent and return
He would lose the salvation. to heaven with Him. (2 Peter 3:8-9).

Mercy period by GOD – (currently we are in that period) Those who have gone to heaven with Jesus Christ will have
their feast in heaven. They would be rewarded by their deeds
Now GOD has given time for all to repent before tribulation and they will have their homes. At the same time GOD’s wrath
period and Judgment day. Now we are in that mercy period as of unbelievers and people left by Jesus is going to start. There
GOD gave time to peoples those who were in the time of Noah will be a great tribulation fixed on that period, such as was not
before flood. Bible says before flood people never realized about since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall
the GOD’s judgment until the flood took them away even though be.
Noah preached to them. Now same is happening. GOD’s mercy
time in which we are living has started 2000 years before but On Tribulation period
GOD only knows when it is going to end. GOD wants to save as
World will be in confusion about the disappeared people. Very
many as people possible. He is giving humanity as much time
few may come to know GOD’s wrath on disobedience has
as possible to choose and follow Him. Jesus wants as many
started. But it is not a final judgment. Actually it is like a second
people as possible to repent and return to heaven with Him.
chance to accept Jesus and repent, like the last 7 days given to
people who were in the Noah’s period. But it would be very
After the end of mercy period –(this time might be
hard for believers that time. Everyone will experience
today or tomorrow or anytime)
hardships, disasters, famines and war. GOD will allow Satan.
First true Believers who have died will have their bodies So Satan will rise a Man bible named him antichrist. He will
(spiritual body) resurrected along with those who live holy dominate the world by hardship and he will make a statue, he
life by Jesus will be taken into heaven as an act of deliverance. will order all to worship and he will kill all those who don’t
This event will happen in a twinkling of an eye. Jesus worship. He will order all to put the Mark 666 in their
explained this event by parable which says, that time two men forehead or right hand. He would also make system that those
will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left, two who have the mark of 666 in their right hand or forehead only
women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken can buy and sell anything. Simultaneously GOD’s wrath on
and other left, two people will be in one bed: one will be taken unbelievers would be going on. Bible says present heaven and
and the other left. This event can also be called as secret earth are reserved for fire. Many people will die and many will
coming of Jesus. No unbelievers could see this. Bible says make their place in underground of mountains to escape.
Jesus is patiently waiting to come back, because He is giving Basically 7 years of tribulation period consist of two half’s.

First half is tribulation period and another half is great There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
tribulation period. Gospel will also be going on (Luke21:11 and Matthew 24:6)
Many false teachers will rise, they will secretly introduce
simultaneously. 144000 people from Israel repent and accept destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who
Jesus. GOD will send two persons from heaven to preach the bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. (2
Gospel and forth coming Judgment of GOD. Many people from Peter 2:1)
all over the world will hate those two. This two will preach to People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of
money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their
the world for 3.5 years. After they have completed their work, parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving,
GOD will allow theirs death and they will be killed by slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the
Antichrist (animal). Every people in the world would see their good, treacherous, rash, and conceited, lovers of pleasure
bodies for 3.5 days and people will celebrate their death. After rather than lovers of GOD - having a form of godliness but
denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. (2
3.5 days sprit of GOD will come upon they will rise from dead Timothy 3:1-5)
and go to heaven. Great earthquakes would happen 7000 Lawlessness will be increased, the love of the many will grow
people will die on that city. Great punishment will start then cold (Matthew 24:12)
after. Wrath of GOD will come to end. Every unbeliever will be Many people’s with the spirit of Antichrist (false prophet
operated by Satan) will rise, they will confuse the people in
destroyed. Jesus will return to earth and bind Satan and put the end time more (1 john 4:2-3, 1 john 2:18 and 1 john 4:1)
into Hades for thousand years and Jesus will send antichrist Talk of peace and safety (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
and false prophet to Hell.
How to get salvation on tribulation period?
Signs before this Tribulation period to start
Incase if you are forsaken by Jesus because of you sin on that
When world realize and came to know many people have time; please keep the following sentence tightly. There are
disappeared they can understand GOD’s wrath of unbelievers also some ways given in the bible.
has started. But GOD’s wish is to save all before this
tribulation period.  Believe in Jesus Christ, Acknowledge your mistake of
not accepting Jesus in mercy period
Bible has prophesied lots of signs before it will occur.
 Acknowledge your Sins and give up all your sins
Many false people would rise claiming that they are Jesus  Don’t accept the mark of 666
and they would perform signs and miracles (you may search  Surrender yourself to GOD
in Wikipedia or in Google about the list of people  Don’t be doubtful keep your full faith in Jesus
claiming to be Jesus since 18th century)  Don’t curse the GOD in any reason
Wars and rumors of war will happen but the end is not yet.  You may have to give up your life for GOD.
(Matthew 24:6)

Getting the salvation on the tribulation would very difficult reign all the animals would be vegetarian. The wolf will live with
but possible by faith in Jesus. One has to follow all words lamb, lion will eat straw like the ox, leopard will lie down with
mentioned above. If you fail in one then you will not get salvation goat, a little child will guide lion like guides calf. The world will be
from Jesus. For example, if you believe in Jesus and also accept
666 mark you never be saved. Likewise if you don’t accept 666 in peace.
mark and don’t accept Jesus then also you never be saved.
After 1000 years Satan will be released from jail. He will come to
Jesus Christ Second coming earth and rise one part of people against GOD and holy people.
That community bible named magog and gog. They will surround
As said earlier Jesus Christ will come to Earth from the heaven the holy people and holy city with Satan. So GOD will destroy
with his glory, Angles and thousands of Holy peoples. Every eye them. Finally Satan will be send to hell.
in world would see him. Those who prosecuted and hated will
cry loudly by seeing him. He will send the antichrist to hell and The Great judgment day
He Jesus will bind Satan and cast in to Hades for 1000 Years. All
the unbelievers will be destroyed. Everyone will have to stand before GOD. Those who are in the
Hades will be released. All deads will have their bodies. Water
Signs before second coming of Jesus and fire will hand over the bodies respectively. Jesus and his holy
people will judge all according to their deeds. Book of life would
Jerusalem will be surround by armies (Luke 21:20) be open those whose name not mentioned in that book would
There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth,
be send to hell with Satan. That is permanent second death. They
nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and
will be tortured day and night.
tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive
of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will
be shaken (Luke 21:25-26 New Heaven and Earth
after7 years of antichrist period on earth.
Old heaven and earth will be destroyed. GOD will make a new
Jesus Christ 1000 year reign on Earth heaven and earth. There will be no more sun and moon because
Jesus himself will be light. No one is going to rule because Jesus
Jesus will rule the earth for 1000 years as a King of Kings and will himself rule the earth forever as a King of Kings.
Lord of Lords from Jerusalem. Purpose is to fulfill the intention of
GOD for human. World will be filled with the knowledge of
knowing GOD. There would be no more sorrow, no more death,
no more cry. Jesus will rule the earth righteously. During His

Truly Jesus is coming
very soon! Amen!
If you want to know your GOD who made you then just
confess your sin to GOD. Accept Jesus Christ as your savior
and Lord. Bible says our sins are a barrier between us and
GOD. He is eagerly waiting for your repentances. He knows
you before you came in to your mother’s womb. HE knows
yours numbers of hairs in head. GOD is almighty there is
nothing impossible to HIM. GOD so loved US so HE gave his
only son for us through faith in Jesus one can be saved.

GOD will himself guide you till and after end. Amen

- Madhesh V (+919879101118)


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