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Laser satellite ranMa as a hazard to

overflyingaircraft- -

The probability of a laser beam striking an aircraft and causing eye damage
to an occupant during a laser ranging experiment is considered. A general
formula for the probability is obtained. Application of the formula to a
typical case shows that one such incident might occur every year unless
precautions are taken to avoid them.

The use of laser ranging to measure satellite and lunar The probability of an aircraft entering the light circle in rt
orbits to a high accuracy is by now well established. How- is N(?rD2+ Dmt).However, of these only those within
ever, it is also well known that intense laser radiation can the circle whilst the laser is on will be hit. If an aircraft flight
cause eye damage. In this note we derive a simple formula path intersects the light circle over a distance x then the
to calculate the probability that an overflying aircraft may probability that it will be hit
be struck by a ranging beam, if no precautions are taken
p = Min [(x/X + q/rs), l] (3)
to avoid such occurrences.
where X = VT,. Hence, averaging across the light circle,
We first consider the simplest case where all aircraft fly at the probability that an aircraft entering the light circle
the same height h. The laser beam then intersects the air- will be hit.
craft plane in a circle of radius R. We assume the aircraft
may be represented by a moving circle of radius 1, where q/r, + D/X (0, + lYi
sin26,) X(1 - q/r,) < 20
21 is typical the fuselage length. The aircraft is therefore P=
struck by the laser if the centres of the laser beam and the
q/r,•tn/2 D/X X(1 - q/r,) > 20
fuselage come closer than a distance D while the laser is (4)
switched on. Clearly: where sin 8, = X(1 - 7t/rS)/2D. Hence the net probabi-
(~+R)>D>R (1) lity of striking an aeroplane during a laser run is given by:

Let us suppose the laser is switched on for a time r, then piV(nD'

+ Dmt) (5)
the probability of an aircraft being hit is N(?rD't DVT) In general correlation times are likely to be long, but the
where N is the density of aircraft over the flight plane and total laser sending time relatively short, so that condition
v the relative speed between the plane and the beam, 2 will usually occur in practice.
assumed constant for the present, for all aircraft. In general
in a ranging experiment the signal consists of a series of We now include the probability that a passenger will look
pulses each of length q, separated by a time 7,. In order to at the laser and suffer eye damage. If there are M people in
calculate the probability of an aircraft being hit during a train the plane who can see the ground (in many aircraft M is
of pulses we cannot simply multiply the result thus obtained only about 10% of the total number of passengers) and
by the number of laser pulses, unless the distribution of the probability of any person looking in the laser direction
aircraft at successive pulses is uncorrelated. This will occur is $, the probability of a passenger looking at the laser
over some time T, due to wind or pilot manipulation. We is M$, assuming people look around at random. If the dia-
may distinguish two limiting cases: meter is small compared to the average passenger spacing,
the probability of the laser beam itself striking anybody
1 The correlation time is short (7, < rS). The proba- is small, thus the probability of a passenger strike is further
bility of an aircraft being hit is then: reduced by a factor of R2/D2, assuming the beam is large
nN(nD' + Duq) (2) compared to an individual’s eye-spacing. Thus, if the solid
angle of acceptance of the eye is 52, the probability of at
where n is the total number of laser pulses. least one person seeing the laser is:
2 The correlation time is long compared to the total 9 = Min (MR2Jl/D2,
l), $I < !22/4n (6)
sending time (rt) (T, S TV).
At high laser energy (6) may seriously underestimate \k as
The author is with the Department of Applied Physics, University diffuse reflection and scattering from the aircraft can also
of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. Received 26 July 1977 lead to eye damage. The magnitude of this effect is diffi-


cult to assess, and for safety it may be preferable to put Table 1. Laser characteristics
\k= 1 if the intensity is sufficient to make this effect
likely. Hence, we obtain the probability that at least one
Pulse energy 1 mJ
person will look at the laser during an experiment:
Pulse duration 100 ps
P = p\kN(7rD2 + DVTt) (7) Pulse repetition rate 10 Hz
We may simply generalize this formula to consider aircraft
Beam divergence 100 prad
at various heights h and speeds v. Thus if the number of
aircraft per unit volume of air space with relative speed Beam width at laser 1 cm diameter
v --f (V + dv) isN(v, h)dv:

p= ho ‘PN(v, h) p (v,D) [no” + Dvq] dh dv energy of 1 J and beam divergence 1 mrad there is no pro-
s 0 bability of eye damage in aircraft above 60 km, and the
where h, is the maximum height at which the laser can likelihood of serious damage at altitudes above 1 250 m is
cause eye damage. D is a function of h. Assuming no scat- probably small. However, in such matters it is better to err
tering, eye damage will only occur in the light cone of the on the safe side and we therefore consider 10 km as an
laser, so that: upper limit for damage under these laser conditions.
As an example of the use of these formula, consider the
R = [R,2 + (hG)21s (9) following case proposed as a system for use at Hull Univer-
sity, which can be considered typical for a repetitively pul-
where R, is the initial beam radius and $ the angular diver-
sed satellite ranging system. The laser gives a return of about
gence of the beam. If strong scattering occurs, for example
0.01 photo-electron per shot from an output of 1 mJ at the
in cloud, then the effective radius of the damage circle:
second harmonic of Nd-glass (0.053 nm). The natural beam
Rd = n,os@/2n& (10) divergence of the laser is reduced by telescoping to about
100 mad in a beam about 1 cm diameter. With this system
where n, and u, are the density and cross-section of scatter,
there is a possibility of eye damage at altitudes below - 15
@ the total laser flux and Id the intensity of the eye-damage
km, above most aircraft flight altitudes. The laser character-
threshold. If this effect occurs:
istics are summarized in Table 1. The aircraft characteristics
D%R+Rd+l (11) at Hull, which is away from any airline flight lanes, are given
in Table 2.
However, since the return signal from the satellite would Assuming that the laser beam is stationary, ie not used in a
be lost by the scattering it is unlikely that experiments tracking mode (so that v is the aircraft speed) and that the
would be performed under these conditions, and this beam is vertical so that R a h@ <I and D m 1. With these
case is probably therefore unimportant. parameters it is readily shown that (4) and (5) reduce to:
The maximum height at which damage occurs in the absence 7.r D
of scatter is given by: pa--andPa ; D2Nr,/r, (13)
2 VT’,
nR(h,) 2 = @lr, (12)
Hence the probability of hitting an aircraft in unit time is
Since the photo-electron return is proportional to E/$J~, the given by:
maximum damage height is dependent only on the return
signal strength. A modification to this result may occur as rr D’N/r, = IO4 s-’
a result of atmospheric refractive index fluctuations. These 2
contribute two important effects: Thus one aircraft will be hit during lo6 s or 10 days of laser
Beam steering and dispersion. Refractive index fluc- running time. It is difficult to assess the likelihood of pass-
tuations whose scale size is of the same order as the enger injury unless more details are known as to the type
beam width wiIl tend to steer the beam, and small of aircraft involved SO that \k can be assessed, or the average
ones to increase the angular divergence. The net laser usage, taking into account cloud cover etc. Taking the
effects of both these phenomena is to increase the worst case that \k = 1 and a daily laser usage of 1 h, we
effective beam radius R, by increasing the effective conclude that an exposure above a threshold of lo* J cma2
angular divergence of the beam by an amount equal to is likely to occur once every year, unless precautions are
the atmospheric seeing angle - typically about 5 s. taken to gate the laser.
Scintillation. As a result of small scale refractive The probability given by (14) is typical of this hazard with
index variations across the beam, different rays will lasers since for I - 10 m, equation (1) ensures that D is
have different optical paths which may lead to a independent of the beam divergence for values of @5 1
local enhancement of intensity by interference. We mrad, which is too large to allow a reasonable return signal.
may equivalently consider this enhancement as due
to a lensing effect of the fluctuations. It is at present Table 2. Aircraft characteristics at Hull
difficult to assess the magnitude of this effect, but
we consider that it is extremely unlikely in practice
Density of aircraft lo4 rn-’
to lead to an increase in intensity of greater than a
factor of four, and probably much less than this. Aircraft speed 200 ms-’
Aircraft height 10km
An estimate of the value of h, is given by taking the safety
limits for eye damage’ : 1O-s J cmm2 for normal conditions Aircraft length 10 m
with an upper limit of 1.5 x 10” J cmd2. Thus for a laser


Thus iff= l/rs is the laser repetition frequency, we consider avoided if possible. However, constraints introduced
that typically: by the return signal detector may override this.

Probability per unit time - lo-’ f s-l (15) The system should be operated at the minimum
return count rate per shot consistent with the coun-
At present most satellite and lunar ranging stations operate
ting statistics, in order to reduce the maximum
non-repetitively with a frequency % 10m2 Hz, with an expo-
height, h,, at which eye-damage is caused.
sure once every 1000 years, which is perhaps an acceptable
level of hazard. However, the next generation of systems, Sub-nanosecond lasers should be operated at as long
which will be similar to that described above, will require a pulse length as possible, consistent with the accuracy
some protection against this danger. required.
More recent safety standards are more tolerant than those As shown by equation (6) a significant improvement
used above. Thus a preliminary revision of BS. 48032 in protection results if R < D, ie from equation (9)
gives a maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for ruby or if 4 is small. For a Gaussian beam of wavelength; h:
second harmonic Nd-glass pulses of 1 ns duration of
5 x lob7 J cm-‘. Due to non-linear effects in the eye 4 = h/2% (16)
this value must be scaled linearly with intensity for sub- so that the minimum spot radius 2% R, at height h
nanosecond pulses3 giving an MPE of 5 x lo* J cmw2 occurs if:
for 100 ps pulses, ie five times that used earlier, and
R, = Rapt = I&h/2n (17)
corresponds to a decrease in the maximum height for
damage, h, of a factor 5”. This revised value of h, - 5 km, The actual laser may be matched to these values by a tele-
which assuming aircraft uniformly distribution in height scope. For an average aircraft height, h, of 10 km at a wave-
corresponds to a decrease in probability by a similar factor. length 0.53 nm, the initial optimal beam radius, Rapt = 3 cm.
This condition is, of course, subject to the comments on
We must emphasis that the results given above should be diffusion and scattering following equation (7).
considered as an example, and that the probability for
individual laser systems must be evaluated with the appro- Finally before concluding we should like to draw attention
priate parameters. to the possible hazard incurred in visual displays by upward
directed cw lasers, as in the recent exhibition held in London,
Conclusions where the air-traffic density is high. The probability of an
accident is given by equation (2). Thus, for example, at a
Based on these results we make the following recommend- densityN - lOa rnb2 - equal to a low density site,
ations: D- 10mandv - 100 m s-’ , we obtain a probability
- 10” s-r, equal to that of a 10 Hz ranging system.
The probability of an aircraft strike is not negligible,
and should be estimated during system design. Acknowledgement
Laser ranging stations should be sited away from I would like to thank R.L. Hyde for numerous discussions
regular flightways. A site with as low an aircraft den- on the application of these criterion to the propesed Uni-
sity as possible, consistent with other requirements, versity of Hull satellite ranging system.
should be chosen.
If the mean strike frequency is unacceptably high, References
a gating system (probably lock-out radar) must be 1 Clark, A.M. ‘Ocular hazards’ in Handbook of Lasers. Ed. R.J.
employed. Pressley (Chemical Rubber Company, Cleveland, 1971) 8-9
2 BS 4803 (revised). Protection of personnel against hazards
Visible repetitively pulsed lasers are likely to attract from laser radiation (British Standards Institution, London)
the attention of passengers and are therefore to be 3 Tozer, B.A. Private communication


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