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Arranged by :

VICKY AMALIA (4143332029)








Praise be to God Almighty for abundant blessings, blessings, and mercy so that we can
arrange Mini Research paper titled "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FULLDAY SCHOOL SDIT
Nurul Ilmi IN MEDAN".

Shalawat and greetings do not forget we convey to the Prophet, who has freed us from
the time of the full injustice and ignorance and take us to the times is loaded with science as we
perceive it today.

On this occasion we did not forget also to thank Mr. Ibnu Hajar and Mrs. Peny Husna as
a lecturer in Philosophy of education that has become our mentors in the research, as well as
other parties involved in the process of making a mini research papers have directly or indirectly.
Mini research Hopefully our research can provide benefits to us as authors, readers, and all those

We recognize in the preparation of this paper, there are still many shortcomings so that
the results are far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism are we





Table of content…………………………………………………………………………………...ii

CHAPTER I…………………………………………………………………………………….....1

1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 The Objective Of The Research……………………………………………………………….2
1.3 The Benefit Of The Research…………………………………………………………………3

CHAPTER II………………………………………………………………………………………4

2.1 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………..4

2.1.1 Description of the problem………………………………………………………………….5
2.1.2 description of the observations……………………………………………………………...5

CHAPTER III……………………………………………………………………………………..8

3.1 Research methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

3.2 Research procedure……………………………………………………………………………8
3.3 The Subject of Research…………………………………………………………………..…10
3.4 Data colleting technique……………………………………………………………………..10
3.5 Data processing………………………………………………………………………………11

CHAPTER IV……………………………………………………………………………………12

4.1 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………………12

4.2 Discussion analysis…………………………………………………………………………..13

CHAPTER V…………………………………………………………………………………….14

5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………...14

5.2 suggestion……………………………………………………………………………………15




1.1 Background
Education is a very important aspect for life human. Through education, people will grow
and develop, especially to face the future. Goal of education is an effort promote and improve
human resources ready to fix in their life , both in the scale of personal, community or nation.
According to Act No. 20 of 2003 section 1 of article 1 of the Education System National, which
reads: "Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the
learning process so that learners are actively develop the potential for him to have a religious
spiritual, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills own themselves, society,
nation and state. (Citra Umbara, 2003)
Based on the description above can be understood that education defined as the human
effort to guide the children who have not adult towards the level of maturity in the sense of
conscious and able to bear responsibility for the act of doing. The issue of education is so
dynamic along with the times, to the education expected to be added in order to achieve
prosperity and unseen. Therefore, education plays a role in developing the creative behavior,
productive, efficient and dynamic as well as cultivate understanding the meaning of life and
awareness of the importance of social roles in community life.
Objectives of Islamic Education is essentially the ideals that be achieved. Education is a
systematic process for transforming the values corresponding objectives of Islamic education
was the ideals embody the values in accordance with the teachings of Islam in order personal
formation noble and attitude to surrender Allah, either as individuals, society, and human beings
their full. (Yunahar Lyas, 1993)
Learning is a series of ways or rules that have been determined by an institution or
institutions for learning activities that achieved the desired learning objectives which the
environment of the learners deliberately maintained to allow him to participate in behavior daily
and virtuous character. Learning Full Day School as an alternative form in an attempt improving
the management of education, particularly in the management learning, also the guidance needs
of society willed child can learn well in school with learning time longer. Full day school system
is a model of learning by Extra study time students from morning until evening. As with any

program full day school is in elementary school NURUL ILMI (SDIT) is the learning process
starting at 7:20 to 16:00 pm. so that the process of teaching her more varied and creative,
Because there is range long time.
Further Suharsimi Arikunto found learning achievement as a result of the assessment of
student learning efforts that serve to measure success in other words to determine the extent of
success programs that have implemented.
Innovation made them the full day school program. This breakthrough was made due
consideration of the optimization of the time. Full day school own appropriate means of
"Education Day", with a span the long one. Shape program is not only to use the media class, but
form of teaching integrated with the daily activities of learners such as play, worship, meals and
other activities. Full day school learning program is an educational program level agencies. Each
institution has its own education called the instructional objectives (institutional objectives),
besides the success of national education as set forth in GR RI 19 2005 on national education
SDIT Nurul Ilmi is one of the institutions that implement educational Full day School
which aims to foster basic behaviors, behaviors that underlie the development of psychological
and socio-religious students in preparation for the preparation of further education or in the
future. Based on this background prompted the authors to conduct research on the Management
and Application of Learning Activities Program Full Day School Primary Schools Integrated
Islamic Nurul Ilmi.

1.2 The Objective Of The Research

The purpose of this research are:
1. To describes implementation of full day school education program in primary schools
integrated Islamic Nurul Ilmi .
2. To Know the principle of learning activity in primary schools integrated Islamic Nurul ilmi.
3. To know there or whether the effect of full day school program on achievement and student

1.3 The Benefit Of The Research
The expected benefits of this research are:
4 For schools, results of this study are expected to provide input and help increase creativity in
the learning management business full day school program that is much better.
5 For researchers, enhance knowledge and experience regarding the management of learning
full day school program so as to broaden and improve the quality of the private order to
compete in the era of globalization.
6 For other researchers, to be used as one of information for the development of knowledge
and skills about learning management full day school program.

2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.1.1 Description of the problem
Management of education is an arrangement of cultivated fields of education conducted
through the activities of planning, organizing, staffing, training, coordinating, communicating,
motivating, budgeting, controlling, monitoring, assessment and reporting systematically to
achieve the learning objectives. (George.R Terry, 1998 )
In the processing of education, teachers are the most important components in order to
create a quality learning process where teachers plan, implement and evaluate learning to the
learners. The role of teachers in learning is very complex. For that teachers should be proficient
in the implementation of the learning process by using strategies, methods and appropriate
learning models.
Full day school, is a school program in which the learning process carried out a full day
at school. Full day school is a model public school system that combines intensive religious
instruction is to give an extra special time for the deepening of religious students. With the extra
hour on the hour held after dhuhur until Ashar prayer, his practical this model school entrance at
07:00 pm and return at 15:30. full day school is also meant to improve the achievement of the
objectives of education and learning with the addition of school hours so that students are able to
explore a subject with a proportional allotment of time for a full day.
In addition to religious instruction is an intensive, full day school also give extra special
time for extracurricular deepening. Extracurricular conducted every school is different. such as
the type of extracurricular field of art in the form painting, dance, choirs, musicians, calligraphy,
band and theater. And what kind of extracurricular field of sport for example sacred footprint,
swimming, football, soccer, basketball and badminton. While interest in science and technology
eg Indonesian club, English club, math club.
Usually additional hours full day school program is allocated on the hour after dhuhur
until Asr prayer, so that practically this model school entrance at 07:25 pm and return at 15. 30
pm. While in the public schools, school children usually until 13. 00 pm. In practice, the full day
school include a recreational program in order to avoid boredom of learning for students. In
addition, the teacher must be an example and a model of social behavior, emotional, and spiritual

good for children because children spend a lot of time in school. Improve the effectiveness of
learning time in school full day longer than the regular schools still sometimes cause students to
become tired and bored. despite the resources devoted enough to meet such teachers are
professional and reliable in the use of learning strategies and quality infrastructure that meets
standards of learning.
For the schools that use full day school program must prepare human resources and
facilities as well as a means of better infrastructures or special. This is done to avoid a decline in
the quality of students and teaching and learning activities conducted by the teacher. Improved
school facilities tablespoons and certainly will require sizable expenditure. By looking at the
various problems associated with full-day learning activities School system, the researchers
wanted to describe the management and implementation of full-day program of learning
activities at primary school integrated islamic Nurul Ilmi.

2.1.2 description of the observations

From the analysis of the data provided by questionnaire respondents, obtained some
answers on topics of problems. Results of analysis used as the basis in preparing the study's
findings, which are then drawn conclusion of the study and suggestions in connection with such
a conclusion. Data obtained through this questionnaire was the description of the application and
processing system of full day school is in SDIT Nurul Ilmi.
1. regarding the use of interactive learning media such as multimedia, from the data
processing with a sample of 20 people, it can be argued that 100% of respondents said
that teachers use interactive learning media such as video ppt and concerned with the
2. Regarding the activities discussed in class, from the data processing can be argued that
100% of respondents said that teachers often invite students to discuss the current study.
3. Regarding the learning activities outside of school, from the data processing can be
argued that 100% of respondents said that often do activities outside of school (class
4. Regarding the benefits of learning while doing class (class outing), from the data
processing can be argued that 100% of respondents felt the benefits of learning outside
the classroom.
5. Regarding the atmosphere of fun while learning in class, from the data processing can be
stated that 70% of respondents said that unpleasant and 30% said no.
6. Regarding the application of ICT, from the data processing can be argued that 100%
implementation of ICT learning done in school. Respondents said that the
implementation of ICT applied since 3rd grade.
7. Regarding the students' communication devices such as cell phones, from the data
processing can be argued that 100% of respondents said not allowed to bring cell phone.
8. Regarding the delay to the school, from the data processing can be stated that 80% of
respondents say never late to school and 20% never.
9. Regarding the late penalties, from the data processing can be argued that 100% of
respondents said current penalties late in coming to school. Respondents said the
sentences applied compact school for students who are late pledge outside the classroom.
10. Regarding the students' boredom while following activities until the afternoon, from the
data processing can be stated that 55% of respondents felt bored, and 45% did not. 55%
of respondents thought that boredom is caused due to the lengthy process of learning.
11. Regarding the most prominent subjects in school, from the data processing can be raised
70% of respondents said that English is the most prominent subjects in school and 30%
said religious instruction.
12. Regarding the teachers who often use English in class, from the data processing can be
stated that 85% think the teachers often use the English language in class and 15% do
13. Regarding rest time at school, from the data processing can be argued that 100% of
respondents were not given time to rest. Respondents thought that during the time to
sleep done only for grade 1.
14. Regarding the provision of lunch, from the data processing can be argued that 100% of
respondents said that school lunch is provided.
15. Regarding the provision of homework, from the data processing can be stated that 60%
of respondents are not given homework and 40% are given homework to continue the
work that was not completed when school learning.

y = amount of sample


10 Tidak

x= aspect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

SDIT Nurul Ilmi is a school with a full day school program that has been established for
9 years. Full day school program is a hallmark of SDIT Nurul Ilmi. So far the full day school
program runs smoothly, as planned. In the classroom teachers to teach using varied media such
as ppt and video concerned with the lesson. Here also made English class and reading programs
are conducted every Monday and Wednesday. Schools using the latest curriculum K-13. The
school, which started at 07: 20 , provide lunch for the students who will be awarded after midday
prayers. Schools provide a variety of extracurricular which is the result of the voting of the
students. Deepening religious activities carried out every day after midday prayers. The activity
of the full day school that is :
 The Learning process start from 7.20 am
 Doing Duha Praying and ta’lim
 Read the pledge, short verses (surah pendek), tillawati, tahfizh
 Formal learning process
 Lunch together
 Doing dzuhur praying
 Doing the extracurriculler activity

 Doing ashar praying and finish
That Extracurricular have of school, as follow :
1. Scout
2. Da’i
3. Drum band
4. Coloring and drawing
5. Dance art
6. Nasyid
7. Theater
8. Kaligrafi
9. Foot ball
10. English club
11. Science club
12. Tilawah
13. Design graphis

3.1 Research methodology
In accordance with the objectives issues raised in this research is to obtain an overview of
the implementation of full day school education program in Primary Schools Integrated Islamic
Nurul Ilmi. unified the method used is descriptive method with quantitative approach.

3.2 Research procedure

The steps undertaken in this study are as follows:

Title selection

literature for background

formulation of the problem

Objective Setting

Determining The Location

Of Research


Data Collection

Data Analysis

3.3 The Subject of Research
Research subjects in this study were members of the public primary school integrated
integrated islamic Nurul Ilmi Islam ilmi medan. The reason why the researchers chose the school
because the school Implement full day school program level islamic. Another reason that
strengthen the researcher to choose the school because of the location of the school integrated
islamic Nurul Ilmi close to the campus, making it easier for researchers to conduct research.
Samples taken were 20 students and 2 teachers teaching as well as one person on staff.
Retrieval of data from students, conducted alternately. Students will complete a
questionnaire enclosed / questionnaires were rotated as many as three people. It is intended that
the learning process between students and teachers are not disturbed. Each student who
completed a questionnaire given 10-15 minutes. After all questionnaires completed students are
allowed back into the classroom to follow the study. Closed questionnaire / questionnaire given
as many as 15 pieces with a choice of yes and no, and included on the grounds. While Retrieval
of data from teachers, conducted by interview. Interviews were conducted when the break
ongoing. Respondents were interviewed in turn.

3.4 Data colleting technique

Data collection techniques used in this research is done in two ways:

3.4.1 closed questionnaire (questionnaire)

Data collection techniques in this research is by using a questionnaire. Data collection
techniques are selected on the basis that the questionnaire is a tool that is efficient and effective
in capturing objective data. By distributing questionnaires to a sample which is the sixth grade
primary school students integrated islamic Nurul ilmi. Filling the questionnaire performed
alternately every three people. This is done intended that the learning process is not

3.4.2 Interview
In this study, using guided interviews conducted to teachers and staff responsible for
managing the provision of education, including learning. Interview questions in this study relates

to the management of learning full day school program. Interviews were conducted on two
teachers and one school staff. Interviews were conducted during breaks.

3.5 Data processing

The data were analyzed quantitatively by calculation presentation through the stages:
tabulation, quantitative data interpretation and discussion. In tabulating the data collected in
accordance with the purpose of research, the collective data is tabulated as a whole and then
analyzed as a whole. The results of the data analysis are displayed in the form of a percentage by
reason of the sample.

% respondents = answer (yes/no)/ amount of sample x 100%

100% = Total

76% - 99% = Most

51% - 75% = More than half

50% = Half of

26% - 49% = Less than half

1% - 25% = A small portion

0% = No one

4.1 Discussion
Based on the research results, obtained from the administration of the questionnaire on
student and teacher interviews researchers get a description of the full day school program
created school. Schools that have been established 9 years ago, began learning activities at 07:20
until 16:00. the teacher is a teacher who has been reliable in handling the full day school
program. The average teacher in the school, a teacher who has been teaching since the school
was founded. Schools are also included with the use of instructional media such as ppt and other
multimedia. The school also uses the latest curriculum is the curriculum in 2013.
This suggests that, full day school program in SDIT Nurul Ilmi implemented very well.
Facilities that support learning activities was fulfilled. The use of multimedia media such as ppt,
allows teachers to explain the topic of learning. In accordance with the curriculum, teachers have
also actively encourage students to discuss with friends. It is evident, based on the results of the
processing of data concerning the discussions that formed the teacher. Full day school program
of course makes students feel tired and bored with learning activities conducted from morning to
evening. This makes the teacher must be proficient in the use of strategies, methods, or learning
media to avoid boredom learners.
Schools must be places both moral formation of students. The discipline that is in
students couldn’t be separated from the role of school policy. Just as students SDIT Nurul Ilmi,
based on research results that the researcher can, obviously the cause of formation of a school
policy on student discipline. Like, students are not allowed to bring a communication tool, like a
cell phone. What if the student still brings cell phone, then students will be given sanctions. It is
evident, based on answers to 20 children being asked, they answered never bring communication
devices, such as cell phones. Obviously, the formation of the discipline in the students begin to
Then other school policies, which form the discipline of students is the late sanctions.
Students who arrive late will certainly be sanctioned. Unlike the other schools, SDIT Nurul Ilmi
makes provision that any student who is not too late will be given points that can be redeemed
for prizes at the end of the semester. It is made aims to stimulate and motivate other students to

be late coming to school. Based on the research results, 18 of 20 students said they strongly
agree with the school's policy.
Full day school program run SDIT Nurul Ilmi is a program that develops children's
religious education and talents. Public education began at 7.20 to 13.00 or after the midday
prayers. learning activities start with the Duha prayer and study groups, read the vows and a
short letter. Then proceed with tilawati and tahfizh. After the completion of formal education.
Students will enter the session of talent development.
With the establishment of extracurricular student talent becomes easier. List of
extracurricular school is the result of the voting students annually. Students are required to
choose one up over his extracurricular interest. I hope that this school, students can pull out the
talent that there is in him. Forming an educated and talented students. Teachers realize that,
every child should be obliged to pursue the field that he can make the handle on the day ahead.
Talent is an advantage that can be taken to further education students.
Based on interviews with the teacher, the teacher hopes that this extracurricular students
who are weak in formal education still has something he can be proud, that talent that he
developed from extracurricular succeed in school. So after graduating from SDIT Nurul Ilmi
students not only brought some formal education but also the talent that students have which is a
result of the development of the school program.
Facilities certainly be one factor supporting student learning outcomes. Based on
interviews with teachers, the facilities are quite important in education. Nurul Ilmi SDIT have
school facilities are quite complete, it aims to optimize student outcomes. Adequate facilities
would facilitate the process of teaching and learning activities. As science laboratory and
computer laboratory with its presence will certainly improve student learning outcomes. What
else in this era of globalization, technological advances would make demands of school, for
insufficient school facilities are more sophisticated.
Not only that, the facilities owned by the school include the mosque and the library is
also a form which is believed to develop personality of students. Person who obey the gods,
originated from trained students undergo prayer and study. And the culture of reading that must
be done anywhere. The school made a policy program reading done at the library every Monday
and Wednesday. It aims to shape the attitudes of students to be diligent in reading. Each week
students are required to finish one book he had read. Other amenities are eating lunch together.

Besides aiming to improve the relationship between students, it is also intended that students do
not snack unhealthy foods.

4.2 Discussion analysis

Full day school program is closely related with the educational philosophy that
emphasizes progressivism that flow changes something new. The establishment of full day
school program is a concrete example with regard to the flow of progressivism. Prior formed full
day school program, there must be a thought that based on the flow of progressivism on the
development of education for the future, until forming a full day school program. According to
adherents of this that human life is continually developing in a positive direction. What is seen
now is not necessarily true in the future. Therefore, the learner is not prepared to face a future
life. Life problems now will not be the same as the problems of the future.
Full day school program is the develop of education system constantly evolving in a
positive direction. Full day school program applied believed schools can prepare students for the
future. Where at the time of the all-powerful, is expected student learning outcomes can face the
problems of life in the future. Through the development of applied talent is expected to be a
provision for learners to face problems in the future.
Activity full day school program studied by the researchers, were consistent with the
assumptions of the followers of the philosophy of progressivism is:
 Teacher / educator should act as mentors and facilitators so that learners are encouraged
and helped to learn and have experiences about things that are important to their lives.
 Active learning, the teacher presents the possibility that the students had experience with
learning activity.
 Interest of learners as a basis not determine curriculum disciplines.



5.1 Conclusion
Based on research that has been conducted by researchers about the implementation of full day
school program in SDIT Nurul Ilmi can be concluded that:
1. The full day school program held at SDIT Nurul Ilmi running smoothly. with this study
researchers can mengetaui description of activities full day school is in SDIT Nurul Ilmi.
Event begins at 07:20 until 16:00 begins with the Duha prayer and study groups and then
proceed with formal learning and the last entry on a full day school program that is
deepening Islamic religious education and talent developed learners. Activities set this
school, the school aims to be able to produce students achievers and religiously devout and
have talent not only from formal learning.
2. The principle applied learning is learning principles of active learning. Developed through
creative learning, innovative, active, integrative Islamic and fun to be able to actualize the
potential of learners intellectually, spiritually, emotionally. Teachers are required to be
proficient in using the strategies, methods and media of learning to overcome boredom is felt
by students for full-day learning.
3. The effect of full day school program on achievement and student learning are:
 Students are superior in deepening the subject matter for their enrichment activities to fill
a full day school program.
 How students learn is certainly not the same as regular school student learning. Students
SDIT Nurul Ilmi familiar with the school system applied learning which is in line with
full day school program.
 Students can explore extracurricular talents based on the programs that are the superiority
of full day school program.
 Deepening of religion applied to school, familiarize students into private religiously
Not only the students, full day school program was also an effect on the teacher. The
teacher should be a good example for his students and teachers should be proficient in the use of

strategies, methods and learning models. It aims to increase the potential of teachers and prevent
boredom is felt by students.

5.2 suggestion
with their research about full day school program, it is expected that the education system
in Indonesia better and is still based on the philosophy of education. This research is expected to
be transformed into new knowledge to the reader.


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