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Hello, my name is Richard
Hey! I am Richard.
Hello. My name is Richard Walker.
Hi! They call me Richard.



I am 26 years old.
I am 26.


I am a copywriter.
I work in an ad agency.
I work in Intecon Ads.
I work as an architect.


I am from Michigan.
I hail from Massachusetts.
I come from New York.
I live in Chicago.


I like reading books.

I like reading books and love to swim.
I am a good cook.
I am good at playing chess.
I like to shop when I’m free.


what is your hobby?

Asking For Hobby Respone

What is your hobby? (apa hobymu? My hobby is Biking (hobiku bersepeda)
My hobbies are planting flower, decorating grass
What are your hobbies? (apa hobi-
and garden. (hobiku menanam bunga, menata
rerumputan dan kebun)
Asking For Hobby Respone
What do you usually do in the weekend?
I always clean my bike in the weekend (aku selslu
(apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan pada
membersihkan sepedaku di akhir pecan)
akhir pekan?)
What do you usually do in your spare
I usually read the novel in my spare time (aku
time? (apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan
biasanya membaca novel dio waktu luangku)
di waktu luangmu?)
What do you usually do in your holiday?
I usually make a cake in my holiday (aku biasanya
(apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan pada
membuat kue di hari libur)
hari liburanmu?)
Do you like swimming? (apakah kamu
I like dancing (aku suka menari)
suka berenang?)
Do you love singing? (apakah kamu sika
I love singing (aku suka menyanyi

Contoh Dialog Talking About Hobby :

Fairuz : What are you doing Nadina?

Nadina : I am still finding my oldest stamp. Do you see?

Fairuz : I don’t. Maybe you forget to put it. You can buy one again.

Nadina : it is not easy as you think, it was given my pen friend from Japan. I can buy it again

Fairuz :Hah? Japan? are you serious?

Nadina : I am serious. I like collecting the stamp.

Fairuz : is it your hobby?

Nadina : Yes it is. What is your hobby?

Fairuz : I love playing football. is that your stamp under the curtain?

Nadina : Yes,, thank you so much

Sentence is a group of words which express the complete though. Jadi, grammar merupakan
sekelompok kata yang mengekspresikan pikiran dalam bentuk kalimat.
Pengertian Compound Sentence

Compound sentence merupakan sebuah kalimat yang terdiri dari simple sentence atau kalimat
sederhana yang di gabungkan menggunakan koordinat kalimat (and, for, to, but dan lain

Secara umum compound sentence terdiri dari 2 kalimat bahasa inggris yang apabila dipisah,
mereka dapat berdiri sendiri dan masih memiliki arti (independent clause).

Pengertian Complex Sentence

Complex sentence berbeda dengan compound sentence, Complex sentence terdiri dari 2
kalimat yang juga berbeda yaitu independent sentence dan dependent sentence. Jadi, jika
independent dipisah dengan dependent sentence, maka dependent sente akan kehilangan
makna nya.

Contoh Complex Sentece dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. When I come to America, My friend has finished his study (ketika aku datang ke
Amerika, temanku telah menyelesaikan belajarnya)
2. Iam washing the plate, when she calls me (saya mencuci piring, ketika dia
3. After my father come home, we made a lunch (setelah ayahku datang, kita makan
sang bersama)
4. the students are doing homework because they should submit tomorrow (murid-murid
mengerjakan PR karena mereka harus mengumpulkanya besok)
5. I should make a birthday cake because she has the birthday party tomorrow (aku harus
membuat kue ulang tahun, karena dia akan mengadakan pesta ulangtahun besok)
6. I and my father visited the disneyland before it closed (aku dan ayahku pergi ke
disneyland sebelum tutup)
7. my mother buys vegetable in the market when my big family come to our house
(ibuku membeli sayuran di pasar ketika keluarga besarku datang ke rumah)
8. the teacher will return the book after he notices the error (guru kita akan
mengembalikan buku kita setelah dia mengoreksinya)
9. we know the man whom you were talking to yesterday (kita tau siapa lelaki yang kau
ajak bicara kemarin)
10. we love you before you know about it (kami mencintaimu sebelum kamu tau itu)


Kata ‘when I come to America’ merupakan jenis kalimat dependent, artinya kalimat tersebut
tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. sedangkan ‘my friend has finished his study’ merupakan jenis
independent sehingga kalimat tersebut bisa berdiri sendiri dan masih memilki makna
meskipun berdiri sendiri.

Sentence atau kalimat merupakan kesatuan pikiran utuh atau sekelompok kata yang
mempunyai subjek dan predikat.


1. Sinta took the papers from the shelf

2. She got hurt when her uncle say something harsh to her

3. I can’t go to vacation this time.

A phrase is a group of related words (within a sentence) without both subject and verb.

Noun Phrase

A noun phrase consists of a noun and other related words (usually modifiers and
determiners) which modify the noun. It functions like a noun in a sentence.

A noun phrase consists of a noun as the head word and other words (usually modifiers and
determiners) which come after or before the noun. The whole phrase works as a noun in a
Noun Phrase = noun + modifiers (the modifiers can be after or before noun)

He is wearing a nice red shirt. (as noun/object)
She brought a glass full of water. (as noun/object)
The boy with brown hair is laughing. (as noun/subject)
A man on the roof was shouting. (as noun/subject)

A sentence can also contain more noun phrases.

For example. The girl with blue eyes bought a beautiful chair.

Prepositional phrase.

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, object of preposition(noun or pronoun)

and may also consist of other modifiers.
e.g. on a table, near a wall, in the room, at the door, under a tree

A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition and mostly ends with a noun or pronoun.
Whatever prepositional phrase ends with is called object of preposition. A prepositional
phrase functions as an adjective or adverb in a sentence.

A boy on the roof is singing a song. (As adjective)
The man in the room is our teacher. (As adjective)
She is shouting in a loud voice. (As adverb)
He always behaves in a good manner. (As adverb)

Adjective Phrase.

An adjective phrase is a group of words that functions like an adjective in a sentence. It

consists of adjectives, modifier and any word that modifies a noun or pronoun.
An adjective phrase functions like an adjective to modify (or tell about) a noun or a pronoun
in a sentence.

He is wearing a nice red shirt. (modifies shirt)
The girl with brown hair is singing a song. (modifies girl)
He gave me a glass full of water. (modifies glass)
A boy from America won the race. (modifies boy)

Prepositional phrases and participle phrases also function as adjectives so we can also call
them adjective phrases when they function as adjective. In the above sentence “The girl with
brown hair is singing a song”, the phrase “with brown hair” is a prepositional phrase but it
functions as an adjective.

Adverb Phrase

An adverb phrase is a group of words that functions as an adverb in a sentence. It consists of

adverbs or other words (preposition, noun, verb, modifiers) that make a group with works
like an adverb in a sentence.
An adverb phrase functions like an adverb to modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

He always behaves in a good manner. (modifies verb behave)
They were shouting in a loud voice. (modifies verb shout)
She always drives with care. (modifies verb drive)
He sat in a corner of the room. (modifies verb sit)
He returned in a short while. (modifies verb return)

A prepositional phrase can also act as an adverb phrase. For example in above sentence “He
always behaves in a good manner”, the phrase “in a good manner” is a prepositional phrase
but it acts as adverb phrase here.
Verb Phrase

A verb phrase is a combination of main verb and its auxiliaries (helping verbs) in a

He is eating an apple.
She has finished her work.
You should study for the exam.
She has been sleeping for two hours.

According to generative grammar, a verb phrase can consist of main verb, its auxiliaries, its
complements and other modifiers. Hence it can refer to the whole predicate of a sentence.
Example. You should study for the exam.

Infinitive Phrase

An infinitive phrase consist of an infinitive(to + simple form of verb) and modifiers or other
words associated to the infinitive. An infinitive phrase always functions as an adjective,
adverb or a noun in a sentence.

He likes to read books. (As noun/object)
To earn money is a desire of everyone. (As noun/subject)
He shouted to inform people about fire. (As adverb, modifies verb shout)
He made a plan to buy a car. (As adjective, modifies noun plan)

Gerund Phrase

A gerund phrase consists of a gerund(verb + ing) and modifiers or other words associated
with the gerund. A gerund phrase acts as a noun in a sentence.

I like writing good essays. (As noun/object)
She started thinking about the problem. (As noun/object)
Sleeping late in night is not a good habit. (As noun/subject)
Weeping of a baby woke him up. (As noun/subject)
Participle Phrase

A participle phrase consists of a present participle (verb + ing), a past participle (verb
ending in -ed or other form in case of irregular verbs) and modifiers or other associate words.
A participle phrase is separated by commas. It always acts as an adjective in a sentence.

The kids, making a noise, need food. (modifies kids)
I received a letter, mentioning about my exam. (modifies letter)
The table, made of steel, is too expensive. (modifies table)
We saw a car, damaged in an accident. (modifies car)

Absolute Phrase

Absolute phrase (also called nominative phrase) is a group of words including a noun or
pronoun and a participle as well as any associated modifiers. Absolute phrase modifies (give
information about) the entire sentence. It resembles a clause but it lack a true finite verb. It is
separated by a comma or pairs of commas from the rest sentence.

He looks sad, his face expressing worry.
She was waiting for her friend, her eyes on the clock.
John is painting a wall, his shirt dirty with paint.

What is your name? (Siapakah namamu?)

What is your complete name? (Siapakah nama lengkapmu?)

What is your nick name? (siapakah nama panggilanmu?)

Where do you live? (Kamu tinggal dimana?)

What is your phone number? (berapa nomor teleponmu?)

What is your occupation? (Apa pekerjaanmu?)

What is your religion? (Agamamu apa?)

Where do you come from? (Dari manakah asalmu?)

What is your nationality? (Apakah kebangsaanmu?)

How old are you? (Berapakah umurmu?)

What is your date of birth? (Kapankah tanggal lahirmu?)

What is your father job? (Apakah pekerjaan ayahmu?)

What is your mother job? (Apakah pekerjaan ibumu?)

How do you go to work? (Kamu bekerja naik kendaraan apa?)

What is your father’s name? (Siapakah nama ayahmu?)

What is your mother’s name? (siapakah nama Ibumu?)

What is your favorite movie?

sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something.

Basic Sentences Asking About Name

Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan nama seseorang

– What is your name? = Siapa nama Anda? (bentuk paling biasa)
– What is your name? If you don’t mind I’m asking = Siapa nama Anda? Bila Anda tidak
keberatan saya bertanya demikian (sopan)
– What should I call you? = Saya harus memanggil Anda siapa?
– How do I call you?
– How is one to call you?
– Could I ask for your name? = Bolehkan saya tahu nama Anda?
– May I know you name? = Bolehkan saya tahu nama Anda? (Lebih sopan)
– What was your name again? = Tadi siapa nama Anda? (lebih sopan, juga biasa digunakan
saat lupa nama orang yang sebelumnya sudah memperkenalkan diri)
– May I have your name? = Boleh saya tahu nama Anda? (sangat sopan tetapi jarang
digunakan dalam berbagai konteks percakapan)
– How may I address you? (sangat sopan, ungkapan ini sudah sangat jarang digunakan dalam
konteks percakapan karena dahulu biasa digunakan oleh para penduduk Inggris kuno)
– How do you spell your name? = Bagaimana caranya mengeja nama Anda?
Ungakapan yang digunakan untuk merespon dan menjawab pertanyaan sesorang yang
bertanya tentang nama kita

Untuk bertanya tentang alamat seseorang katakanlah

 ” Where do you live?” ( kamu tinggal dimana? )

 Where does she live? (dia tinggal dimana?)

 Where does they live? (mereka tinggal dimana?)

 “What`s your address?” Alamatmu dimana?”

Untuk mengetahui alamat seseorang, bisa juga digunakan pertanyaan berikut:

 Do you live near here? Apakah kamu tinggal didekat sini?

 You live near here, don`t you? Kamu tinggal didekat sini kan?

Greeting ( Memberi Salam )

• Hi, Hello.
• Good morning, (Selamat Pagi)
• Good afternoon, (Selamat Sore)
• Good evening. (Selamat Malam)
• How are you? (Apa Kabar)
• How are you doing? (Apa KAbar)
• How do you do? ( For the first time )

Where are you from?

what nationality are you?

 Where do you came from?

 Do you came from ….?
 Are you from Indonesia?

What is your job? – Apa pekerjaanmu?

What do you do? – Apa yang kamu lakukan? (untuk bekerja?)
What do you do for a living? – Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk hidup?

how old are you? berapa umurmu?

when's your birthday? kapan hari ulang tahunmu?

who do you live with? kamu tinggal bersama siapa?

do you live with anybody? apakah kamu tinggal bersama orang lain?

do you live on your own? kamu tinggal bersendirian?

what's your phone number? apa nomor teleponmu?

what's your email address? apa alamat emailmu?

what's your address? apa alamatmu?

could I take your phone number? boleh saya mendapatkan nomor teleponmu?

where are you from? kamu dari mana?

where do you come from? kamu asli dari mana?

Where abouts are you from? kamu dari mana?

whereabouts in … are you from? kamu dari daerah mana di …?

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