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K i n g Lear b y Wi l l i am
S h a kes p ea r e
Teacher Guide by Kristy Littlehale

F i n d t h i s Co mmo n Co r ee al i gn ed Teach er Gu i d ee an d mo r e l i k e i t i n
o u r H i g h S ch o o l E L A C a t e g o r y !

King Lear Summary | Plot Diagram · King Lear
Characters · Literary Con�ict Student Activity for King
Lear · Themes, Symbols, and Motifs Student Activity for
King Lear · King Lear as a Tragic Hero · Vocabulary
Lesson Plan for King Lear

King Lear is one of the most complex plays written by William

Shakespeare, with its many characters, disguises, and surprising
outcomes. The play is based on the tale of King Leir of Britain, who
supposedly ruled in the 8th century B.C., and whose life and reign are
detailed in Geo�rey of Monmouth’s 12th century work, Historia Regum
Britanniae, or History of the Kings of Britain. Typical of most
Shakespearean tragedies, old King Lear is brought to ruin, and eventually
death, by a tragic �aw: his foolishness spurred on by his pride.
Shakespeare examines many universal themes and ideals such as the
dangers of foolishness and manipulation, the consequences of greed,
and the bittersweet happiness of redemption and reconciliation. Also
intrinsic to his works, Shakespeare takes the opportunity to do some
moral instructing to the monarchy about sharing wealth with the poor.
King Lear , while complex, also provides audiences with a simple warning
about what happens when we rely on our pride and ego, rather than our
reason, to make our decisions.

K i n g L e a r L e s s on Pl a n s ,
S t u d en t Ac t i v i t i es an d G rap h i c
Org an i z ers

K i n g L e a r Su m m a r y | P l o t Di a gr a m

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Accttiivviittyy:: The Five Act Play (Dramatic Structure)

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orree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/2] Determine a theme or central idea of a text and
analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including
how it emerges and is shaped and re�ned by speci�c details; provide
an objective summary of the text
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those
with multiple or con�icting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/5] Analyze how an author’s choices concerning
how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and
manipulate time (e.g., pacing, �ashbacks) create such e�ects as mystery,
tension, or surprise

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Students can create and show a storyboard that captures the concept of
the Five Act Structure by making a six-cell storyboard, like the one below.
For each cell, have students create a scene that follows the acts in order:
P r o l o gu e, Co n � i ct , R i si n gg Act i o n , Cl i max , F al l i n g A
Acct i o n , and
Den o u emen t .

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E xa m p l e K i n g L e a r F i v e A c t S t r u c t u r e
A ct 1 : P r o lo g u e
King Lear, in his old age and wavering wits, wishes to give up his throne
to his daughters so that he can retire with 100 knights for an entourage
and enjoy the time he has left. He demands that each daughter tell him
how much she loves him so that he can divide up their inheritance to

A c t 1 : C o n � i ct
King Lear unwisely chooses his two older daughters, Goneril and Regan,
over his youngest, Cordelia, because they �atter him while Cordelia
believes in deeds over speech. The king disinherits her, and Cordelia goes
o� to marry the King of France instead. Lear banishes the Earl of Kent for
defending Cordelia. Meanwhile, Edmund, the illegitimate son of the Earl
of Gloucester, is plotting to turn his father against his legitimate son
Edgar, so that he can inherit the Earl’s properties.

A c t 2 : R isi n g A c t io n
Goneril and Regan mistreat their father and show nothing but disdain for
him. Kent returns in disguise, loyally serving the king to keep an eye on
things. Edmund stages a fake �ght with Edgar and convinces his father
that Edgar wants to kill Gloucester. After Kent is put into the stocks by
Cornwall for �ghting with Oswald, the king arrives and becomes enraged.
Goneril arrives, and she and Regan solidify their alliance by demanding
that the king get rid of all of his knights. The king, in near tears and losing
his senses with grief, gallops o� into the stormy night.

A ct 3 : C lim a x
The King of France has called for a war against England. Gloucester goes
after King Lear to help him, telling Edmund of his plans, who promptly
betrays his father to the sisters. Out in the stormy night, King Lear, his
Fool, Kent, and Edgar, disguised as a beggar and calling himself “Tom”,
are sheltering in a hut. Gloucester �nds them and smuggles the king to
Dover because there are plots against him. Gloucester is arrested by
Cornwall’s men, and Cornwall gouges his eyes out. One of Cornwall’s
servants steps in and mortally wounds Cornwall before he himself is

A c t 4 : F a l l in g A c t i o n
Gloucester is in despair, but Edgar, still in disguise, saves him from
suicide and takes him to Dover. Meanwhile, Goneril and Edmund have
begun a romance, and Goneril wants her husband Albany out of the
picture because she �nds him to be weak. Cornwall dies, and she worries
that widowed Regan will steal Edmund. Goneril’s servant Oswald �nds
and tries to kill Gloucester, but Edgar kills him instead. He retrieves a
letter from Oswald from Goneril showing her plans to kill Albany and
marry Edmund. At the same time, King Lear has been brought to
Cordelia, who is nursing him back to sanity.

A ct 5 : D e n o u e m e n t
Edgar delivers the letter to Albany before battle. Goneril and Regan are
�ghting over Edmund, who has pledged himself to both sisters. Edmund
captures Lear and Cordelia in battle and orders Cordelia to be killed by
making it look like a suicidal hanging. Albany reveals his wife and
Edmund’s treachery. Albany challenges Edmund to �ght, and Edgar
arrives in armor, �ghts Edmund, and defeats him. He reveals his identity
and the fact that his father is dead. Edmund kills himself shortly after
�nding that Goneril poisoned Regan and then stabbed herself. Lear kills
the man hanging Cordelia but not in time, and he dies from grief. Albany
surrenders power to Kent and Edgar.

Five Act Play Structure for King Lear

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Accttiivviittyy:: Character Map

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orree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those
with multiple or con�icting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/6] Analyze a particular point of view or cultural
experience re�ected in a work of literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature
[ELA-Literacy/W/9-10/6] Use technology, including the Internet, to
produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products,
taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and
to display information �exibly and dynamically

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As students read, a storyboard can serve as a helpful character reference

log. This log (also called a character map) allows students to recall
relevant information about important characters. When reading a play,
small attributes and details frequently become important as the plot
progresses. With character mapping, students will record this
information, helping them follow along and catch the subtleties which
make reading more enjoyable!

K i n g Le a r Ch a ra c te rs
King Lear Goneril
Regan Cordelia
Earl of Kent Earl of Gloucester
Edgar Edmund
The Fool Duke of Albany
Duke of Cornwall Oswald

Character Map for King Lear

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L i t e r a r y C o n �i c t St u d e n t A c t i v i t y
fo r King Lea r

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Accttiivviittyy:: Types of Literary Con�ict

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orree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those
with multiple or con�icting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/5] Analyze how an author’s choices concerning
how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and
manipulate time (e.g., pacing, �ashbacks) create such e�ects as mystery,
tension, or surprise
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/6] Analyze a particular point of view or cultural
experience re�ected in a work of literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature

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Storyboarding is an excellent way to focus on types of literary con�icts.

Having students create storyboards that show the cause and e�ect of
di�erent types of con�icts strengthens analytical thinking about literary
concepts. Have your students choose an example of each literary con�ict
and depict them using the storyboard creator. In the storyboard, an
example of each con�ict should be visually represented, along with an
explanation of the scene, and how it �ts the particular category of

E xa m p l e s o f L i t e r a r y C o n � i c t i n K i n g L e a r
M A N v s. M A N
Goneril and Regan are
initially allied with each
other to gain as much
power as possible;
however, once Edmund
comes into the picture, he
drives a wedge between the
sisters. As a result of his
pledging his love to both
women, Goneril poisons
Regan. Once Regan dies,
and Goneril’s husband
Albany reveals he knows of ( Read Lesson Plan • Buy Poster • Buy PDF )
her treachery, she kills

M A N v s. S E L F
King Lear realizes that he made a mistake in granting his kingdom and
powers to Goneril and Regan while totally disinheriting Cordelia. He is so
grief-stricken by this grave mistake that he gradually loses touch with
reality, his wits only restored once Cordelia takes him in.
MA N v s. SO C I E TY
Edmund, as an illegitimate son, has no claim to any of his father’s lands
or property. He doesn’t feel it is fair that he gets less just because his
father had an a�air. However, because the laws of noble society dictate
that illegitimate children are not legally eligible to receive an inheritance
by their birthright, Edmund wants to change this by turning his father
against his legitimate son, Edgar.

MA N v s. NA TU RE
When King Lear realizes the grave mistake he’s made by entrusting
Goneril and Regan with power, this inner turmoil is mirrored in the
raging storm that takes over the night. The storm threatens Lear’s health
as he stands outside, tearing his hair and crying in despair.

Conflict in King Lear

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Th e m e s , S y m b o l s , a n d M o t i f s
St u d e n t A c t i vi t y f o r K i n g L e a r

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Accttiivviittyy:: Themes Symbols and Motifs

onn Co
orree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those
with multiple or con�icting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/5] Analyze how an author’s choices concerning
how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and
manipulate time (e.g., pacing, �ashbacks) create such e�ects as mystery,
tension, or surprise
[ELA-Literacy/SL/9-10/2] Integrate multiple sources of information
presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally)
evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source

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Themes, symbols, and motifs come alive when you use a storyboard. In
this activity, students will identify themes and symbols from the play, and
support their choices with details from the text.

K i n g Le a r T h e m e s to Lo o k F o r a n d D i s c u s s
F o o l i sh n e ss a n d
M a n ip u l a t i o n
Both King Lear and
Gloucester are foolish in
their haste to believe their
deceitful children, which
allows them to be easily
manipulated. Lear’s
daughters manipulate him
with their words in order
to make him believe that
they deserve a piece of the
kingdom. Cordelia, for her
refusal to participate in
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such a trivial exercise, is
disinherited and banished by Lear because he was too foolish to see
sincerity in refusing to placate him with �attery. To further drive this
point home, King Lear allows the Fool to be one of his closest con�dantes
and allies during his struggle, and the Fool constantly reminds and
berates the king for his foolishness. Gloucester is fooled by Edmund with
the false letter from Edgar and the imaginary sword �ght and wound that
Edmund stages. His refusal to follow his instincts lead him to trust the
wrong son.

M o r a l I n st r u c t io n f o r N o b i l it y
Shakespeare is known for utilizing his plays to send important morals or
warnings to the monarchy in veiled ways. King Lear delivers two
important moral instructions for the nobility that are worth noting. King
Lear, while out in the storm, muses that as king, he never really took time
to understand the hardship of the impoverished people. He suggests that
the nobility should go out and learn what it is to be a “wretch” and then
share their wealth to create a more “just” world. The second instance of
moral instruction comes when Gloucester pays “Tom” for taking him to
the edge of the “cli�.” He tells Tom that a rich man should feel grief and
agony so he will be compelled to distribute his “excess wealth” until every
man has enough wealth.

The C onse que nce s of G r e e d

While it initially seems like all the nice characters �nish last, Goneril,
Regan, Cornwall, Oswald, and Edmund all meet their most untimely
deaths as a result of their pursuit of power and riches. Goneril, Regan,
and Cornwall’s lust for power reveals their absolute cruelty, which they
direct at King Lear and Gloucester. Edmund’s greed for his father’s
inheritance reveals his despicable betrayal of his only brother. Oswald’s
actions go beyond merely following his master’s orders: he sees
opportunity in apprehending Gloucester, and in turn, envisions many
honors and thanks and an escalation in standing in the house once
Goneril becomes Queen.

R e c o n c i li a t i o n a n d R e d e m p t io n
While Lear and Gloucester allow their �aws to get in the way of their
reason and make a grave error in deciding which children they trust, they
are eventually able to reconcile with Cordelia and Edgar and �nd
forgiveness with them. This redemption for their sins from two very
sel�ess characters does not absolve their guilt and grief, but it does
provide some recti�cation for their mistakes before they die.

K i n g Le a r M o ti f s & S y m b o l s to Lo o k F o r a n d
Di s c us s
L e a r a n d G lo u ce st e r ’ s B l in d n e ss
Both King Lear and the Earl of Gloucester experience a metaphorical
blindness that makes them miss the obvious devotion and love of their
honest children in favor of the �attery and lies of their other children.
This blindness eventually leads to their ruin, and then their deaths. Both
men are also blind to the true identities of Kent and Edgar. Gloucester
su�ers a physical blindness as well at the hands of Cornwall, who at the
same time reveals Gloucester’s blunder in trusting Edmund. Gloucester is
left to wander o� without physical sight, but truly seeing for the �rst
time, the error of his decision.

The St or m
At the exact time that King Lear realizes the true character of his
daughters Goneril and Regan, along with his mistake of disinheriting
Cordelia, a great storm begins to rage. It mirrors his own inner turmoil,
along with the imbalance of power in the Great Chain of Being. Other
characters remark that it is one of the worst storms they’ve ever
witnessed, which further substantiates the idea that because the Crown is
in crisis, the heavens are revolting violently.

D isguise s
Both Edgar and Kent have to utilize disguises to hide in plain sight while
they complete their goals. For Kent, he wants to preserve the king’s sanity
and kingdom, and protect him from his evil daughters. He disguises
himself and becomes the king’s faithful servant, while maintaining an
open line of communication with Cordelia. Likewise, Edgar has to
disguise himself as a beggar in order to escape his father’s wrath caused
by Edmund. He maintains his disguise until he is able to defeat Edmund
in a proper �ght, although his revelation of his identity to his father
causes him to die of grief and joy.

C la ssica l C ult ur e s
Throughout the play, characters make reference to various Greek and
Roman gods and ideas. King Lear often calls out to the gods for patience
or in anger, and throughout the play, Apollo, Jupiter, Jove, Juno, and
Cupid are all mentioned. Edgar, as “Tom” references Nero. King Lear calls
Edgar a “Greek philosopher” and �nds kinship with Edgar, who rambles
on in third person as “Tom”, because Lear himself is beginning to slip into
a certain kind of rambling madness.

Themes, Symbols, and Motifs in King Lear

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K i n g L e a r a s a Tr a g i c H e r o

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Accttiivviittyy:: Tragic Hero

onn Co
orree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/1] Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text
[ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those
with multiple or con�icting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the
[ELA-Literacy/SL/9-10/4] Present information, �ndings, and supporting
evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the
line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task
[ELA-Literacy/SL/9-10/5] Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual,
graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to
enhance understanding of �ndings, reasoning, and evidence and to add
[ELA-Literacy/L/9-10/6] Acquire and use accurately general academic and
domain-speci�c words and phrases, su�cient for reading, writing,
speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level;
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or

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King Lear is full of important literary elements for students to explore.

One of these elements is the tragic hero, a protagonist who seems to be
ill-fated, and destined for doom. In this play, King Lear is the tragic hero
as his foolish decision leads himself and many others to their ruin and

The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, �rst articulated the speci�c attributes

or principles of a tragic hero. For the storyboard below, students can use
a template to storyboard the qualities that make King Lear a tragic hero.
The �nished product outlines each of Aristotle's principles with a detailed
explanation of the speci�c attributes.

E x a m p le f r o m K i n g
Le a r
Hero's Flaw that King Lear’s pride and love of
Causes Downfall �attery leads him to bestow
his wealth and power to his
H a m a r t ia
daughters based solely on
how well they could �atter
him with words.

Excessive Pride As a result of King Lear’s

foolish game, Goneril and
Regan receive equal shares
in the kingdom. Angered by
Cordelia’s refusal to
participate, King Lear
H u b r is
disinherits her, leaving her
no other option than to
marry the King of France
and leave England in the
hands of her power-hungry

Reversal of Fortune Goneril and Regan are allied

in their quest to wrench full
power from their father.
P e r ip e t e ia They treat him terribly,
remove the knights from his
entourage, and lock up his
servant in the stocks.

Moment of Critical After Kent is locked in the

Discovery stocks, King Lear seems to
realize his grave mistake
A n a g n o r i sis and rides o� into a terrible
storm. He is wild with grief
and begins to lose his

Fate that Cannot be While Lear realizes his

Avoided wrongs, and he does
eventually reconcile with
Cordelia, Albany and
N e m e sis Edmund’s forces are already
too strong. They readily
defeat Lear and Cordelia,
and Edmund takes them
Audience's Feeling While Edgar is able to
of Pity or Fear After expose Edmund’s lies for
the Hero's Fall what he really is, it is too
late: Edmund has already
sent a guard to kill Cordelia
and King Lear. King Lear
kills the guard, but it isn’t in
C a t h a r sis
time to save Cordelia’s life.
Heartbroken, King Lear dies
while holding her body in
his arms. The audience feels
pity that Lear realized his
mistakes, but won’t be given
a chance to rectify them.

King Lear as a Tragic Hero

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Vo c a b u l a r y L e s s o n P l a n f o r K i n g

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Accttiivviittyy:: Visual Vocabulary Boards

n Coorree SSttaan
[ELA-Literacy/SL/9-10/6] Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks,
demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or
appropriate. (See grades 9–10 Language standards 1 and 3 here for
speci�c expectations.)
[ELA-Literacy/L/9-10/3] Apply knowledge of language to understand how
language functions in di�erent contexts, to make e�ective choices for
meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or
[ELA-Literacy/L/9-10/5] Demonstrate understanding of �gurative
language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings

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Another great way to engage your students is through the creation of

storyboards that use vocabulary from King Lear . Here is a list of a few
vocabulary words commonly taught with the play, and an example of a
visual vocabulary board.

K i n g Le a r V o c a b u l a ry
benison maledictions
knave stocks
abjure tempest
ague dispatch
stratagem puissant
bedlam heralded

Vocabulary in King Lear

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King Leir
The inspiration for Shakespeare’s play comes from Geo�rey of
Monmouth’s book, published in 1136, called History of the Kings of
Britain. Supposedly, King Leir of the Britons ruled in the 8th century B.C.,
which is also about the time that Rome was being founded. These
coinciding milestones may contribute to why Shakespeare peppered the
play with so many references to Roman gods and goddesses. The primary
plot of the play follows the history closely: King Leir has three daughters,
two of whom �atter him to receive their shares of the kingdom, and one
who truly loves him but refuses to play his games. Leir also only asks for
100 knights for his entourage, which his wicked daughters reduce to zero
after a couple of years. Eventually, his sons-in-law band together and
overthrow him, so Leir is forced to �ee to France. He, along with Cordelia
and their forces, attack and retake the throne of England. However, in
Geo�rey of Monmouth’s account, Leir reigns for three years after he
regains his crown, and then Cordelia succeeds him thereafter.
Shakespeare strays from these events by killing o� Lear and Cordelia,
and leaving the dubious future of the kingdom in Kent’s and Edgar’s
hands instead.
Th e G r e a t C h a i n o f B e i n g
A concept that was near and dear to the hearts of many Medieval and
Renaissance people is the idea of the Gr eat Ch ai n o f Bei n g . The Great
Chain of Being provides a hierarchy of roles for the people of the
Medieval world, beginning with God at the top, and eventually moving
down to animals and plants. In between these roles are kings and
queens, clergy, knights and nobles, and �nally peasants. This hierarchy is
also modeled in the feudal system that began with the king and ran down
to the serfs. The Medieval mindset held that if there was a disruption in
this chain, usually in the higher levels of the hierarchy (such as a
nobleman usurping the throne from a king), the universe and nature
would respond violently until balance was restored. This belief is
re�ected in many works of art and literature, but it is especially present
in Shakespeare’s plays. For instance, in Julius Caesar , the citizens report
strange happenings in the city of Rome, including men’s hands on �re but
not burning, a lioness wandering around in the Capitol but not attacking,
and blood raining down on the Capitol. Calpurnia remarks to Caesar in

When beggars die there are no comets seen;

The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.

— Julius Caesar II.ii.30-31

Calpurnia’s warning comes true, because little does Caesar know, his best
friend is planning to assassinate him the following morning. This
disruption in the Great Chain also has consequences for Brutus and
Cassius, and all of Rome, as Caesar’s assassination brings about a period
of chaos and bloodshed for Rome, and results in the deaths of Brutus
and Cassius. In King Lear , the disruption caused by Lear’s actions are
re�ected in the wild storm depicted in Act III.

There are many interesting depictions of The Great Chain of Being that
can be easily researched by students. Some interpretations incorporate
supernatural elements such as angels and demons; others are very
speci�c in their classi�cations of the hierarchies, including “higher” and
“lower” animals. Students will notice, however, that the monarchy is
always placed at the top, near God, and sometimes only below the Pope.
This has to do with the Divine Right of Kings, another concept that helped
absolutist monarchies control most of Europe for hundreds of years.

S i d e N o te

Ironically, Shakespeare’s patron, Queen Elizabeth I, had a storied

family history with disrupting the Chain. Her father, King Henry
VIII, appointed himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of
England with his Act of Supremacy in 1534. This disrupted the
hierarchy because King Henry replaced the Pope, who was
believed to be appointed by God, as the head of religious and
political a�airs.

E s s e nti a l Q ue s ti o ns f o r Ki ng L e a r
1. How can pride cause someone to make foolish decisions?
2. Why is it important to think through a situation, rather than make
rash decisions?
3. What are the potential dangers of greed?
4. Why is forgiveness so important?
5. How can su�ering help a person become more empathetic and
6. What is manipulation and why is it wrong?
7. How does nature seem to balance out the poor decisions made by
8. What qualities do tragic heroes possess?
Buy King Lear by William Shakespeare on Amazon

Image At t r i b u t i o n s
4th of July • James Loesch • License Attribution
Hex • ibm4381 • License Attribution
King Tomislav • simenet • License Attribution
Murder's weapon on the table • VanDammeMaarten • License
Stockade • davitydave • License Attribution
© 2018 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - All rights reserved.

P re f e r a d i � e re n t l a n g u a g e ?
•   (English) King Lear   •   (Español) rey Lear   •   (Français) Le roi Lear   •  
(Deutsch) König Lear   •   (Italiana) re Lear   •   (Nederlands) King Lear   •  
(Português) rei Lear   •   (‫ )ﺍﻟ َﻌ َﺮﺑِﻴﱠﺔ( ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻟﻴﺮ )עברית‬  •   ‫ המלך ליר‬  •   (�ह�द�) �क�ग �लयर   •
  (ру́сский язы́к) Король Лир   •   (Dansk) Kong Lear   •   (Svenska) King
Lear   •   (Suomi) Kuningas Lear   •   (Norsk) Kong Lear   •   (Türkçe) Kral Lear
  •   (Polski) Król Lear   •   (Româna) Regele Lear   •   (Ceština) Král Lear   •  
(Slovenský) Kráľ Lear   •   (Magyar) Lear Király   •   (Hrvatski) Kralj Lear   •  
(български) Крал Лиър   •   (Lietuvos) Karalius Lyras   •   (Slovenščina) Kralj
Lear   •   (Latvijas) King Lear   •   (eesti) Kuningas Lear

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