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The Development of Depression in Children

and Adolescents
Dante Cicchetti and Sheree L. Toth
University of Rochester

In recent decades, research on child and adolescent de- this organization has much heuristic value in guiding
pression has proliferated. Currently, attention in the field thinking about the diverse processes that underlie symp-
is directed toward examining the epidemiology, causes, tom expression and depressive outcomes. The develop-
course, sequelae, and treatment response of children at mental position challenges us to move beyond identifying
risk for developing or presently experiencing depressive isolated aberrations in cognitive, affective, interpersonal,
disorders. In this article, a developmental psychopathol- and biological components of depressive presentations,
ogy approach is used to elucidate the development of to understand how those components have evolved devel-
depressive disorders, the diverse pathways that evolve, opmentally, and to understand how they are integrated
and the processes that contribute to varied outcomes. The within and across biological and psychological systems
developmental psychopathology perspective underscores of the individual embedded within a multilevel social
the importance of moving beyond the identification of ecology.
isolated aberrations in psychological and biological We begin by discussing the nature of depressive
components of depressive presentations to the under- illness and then examine epidemiological data on and
standing of how those components have evolved and how clinical characteristics of depression in children and ado-
they are integrated within and transact across biological, lescents. We then articulate concepts from the field of
psychological, and social systems. Implications for pre- developmental psychopathology and present a model that
vention and intervention are addressed as is the impor- addresses the development of depression and its manifes-
tance of increasing the public awareness of depressive tation in children and adolescents. As there is a paucity
disorders and reducing the social stigma that interfere of longitudinal investigations on the development of de-
with the attainment of treatment for depressed persons. pression, we draw on research that includes studies that
used epidemiological (e.g., representative of the commu-
nity under investigation), high-risk (e.g., children with
depressed parents), and clinical (e.g., hospitalized clini-

n this article, we present a developmental psychopa-
thology conceptualization of the depressive disorders cally depressed youngsters or clinically referred children)
of childhood and adolescence. Such an approach es- samples. Of course, our model is necessarily speculative
pouses the viewpoint that to comprehend human develop- because studies have not examined the emergence and
ment, it is essential to understand the integration of devel- evolution of a depressotypic organization over time. We
opmental processes at multiple levels of biological, psy- focus on unipolar depression because the majority of
chological, and social complexity within individuals over research that has occurred on mood disorders and their
the life course. Thus, multidisciplinary efforts to unify development has been conducted with either the offspring
and integrate the advances that have taken place in the of mothers with unipolar depression or on depressed chil-
fields of developmental psychology, clinical psychology, dren and adolescents. Accordingly, we examine the
psychiatry, epidemiology, sociology, neurobiology, genet- emerging insights that a developmental psychopathology
ics, and the neurosciences within a developmental psy- perspective provides for comprehending the etiology,
chopathology perspective are essential to address the crit- course, and sequelae of depressive disorders in childhood
ical issues involved in the development of depressive and adolescence. We also discuss the treatment and social
disorders. policy implications derived from this perspective.
Depressive disorders are conceived as heterogeneous
conditions that are likely to eventuate through a variety
of developmental pathways. Single risk factors can rarely Dante Cicchettiand ShereeL. Toth,Mt. HopeFamilyCenter,University
be conceived as resulting in depressive outcomes. Rather, of Rochester.
the organization of biological, psychological, and social Work on this article was supportedby grants from the Lifecourse
systems as they have been structured over development Prevention Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health
(MH45027) and from the Spunk Fund, Inc.
must be fully examined. We consider a depressotypic Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
developmental organization to be a potential precursor Dante Cicchetti,Mt. Hope FaihilyCenter,Universityof Rochester, 187
to depressive illness, and we argue that the concept of Edinburgh Street, Rochester,NY 14608.

February 1998 • American Psychologist 221

Copyright 1998 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-066X/98152.00
Vol. 53, No, 2, 221-241
some for a significant period of time. Given the substan-
tial economic drain on individuals, families, and society,
and the long-term suffering, the risk for suicide, and the
impairment in occupational, interpersonal, and family re-
lationships, it is not at all surprising that, since antiquity,
depression and its impact on the human condition have
constituted a prominent area of inquiry for philosophers,
physicians, psychiatrists, and psychologists alike (Jack-
son, 1986). Children with clinical depression, similar to
adult depressives (Hirschfeld et al., 1997; Robins & Re-
gier, 1991), are undertreated (Beardslee, Keller, Lavori,
Staley, & Sacks, 1993; IOM, 1989). In fact, 70% to 80%
of depressed teenagers do not receive treatment (Keller,
Lavori, Beardslee, Wunder, & Ryan, 1991; Rohde, Lew-
insohn, & Seeley, 1991).
Depression has typically been operationalized in
three ways, including depressed mood, depressive syn-
dromes, and depressive disorders (Angold, 1988). De-
pressed mood is delimited by a single symptom or group
of symptoms that involve dysphoric affect. Most com-
monly, self-report measures have been used to identify
Dante Cicchetti depressed mood. Depressive syndromes involve sets of
symptoms that have been shown to co-occur empirically.
Depressive disorders are reflected by categorical diagno-
Definitional Parameters and Nature of ses, such as those proffered in the Diagnostic and Statisti-
cal Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV; American
Impairment Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994) or in the Interna-
Over the past several decades, remarkable scientific prog- tional Classification of Diseases (ICD-IO; World Health
ress has occurred in our understanding of the mental Organization, 1996).
disorders of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (In- Stated simply, depressive disorders, also referred to
stitute of Medicine [IOM], 1985, 1989). Despite these as mood disorders, involve disturbances of emotion that
advances, mental illness continues to challenge millions affect an individual's entire psychic life (IOM, 1994).
of individuals and families as well as to place major There are two types of mood disorder. These are bipolar
stress on the service delivery system and on the research disorder, which we do not address in this article, and
community that strive to better comprehend psychopa- depressive disorder, which has two major subtypes:
thology and thereby contribute to improved treatment and MDD, marked by a single episode or recurrent episodes
prevention efforts (IOM, 1985, 1989, 1994). of depression; and dysthymia (DD), which involves a
Among adults, depressive disorders are quite com- chronic disturbance of mood. Depressive disorders are
mon and tend to co-occur with other serious mental disor- characterized by a pervasive mood disturbance that in-
ders, including substance abuse, anxiety disorders, and volves feelings of sadness and loss of interest or pleasure
schizophrenia. Perhaps most significantly, they are in most activities in conjunction with disturbances in
strongly associated with suicide, one of the leading sleep, appetite, concentration, libido, and energy. Efforts
causes of death in adolescents and adults. Depressive have been made to recognize that symptoms of these
disorders also are associated with far-reaching impair- disorders may be manifested differently in children and
ments in functioning not only for the depressed individual adolescents than in adults (APA, 1994; Birmaher, Ryan,
but also for family members. Williamson, Brent, Kaufman, Dahl, et al., 1996; Kovacs,
With respect to the financial burden to society ac- 1996). However, most often the criteria associated with
companying the treatment of depression as well as the adult depression have been applied to children, and devel-
costs associated with the suffering experienced by those opmental considerations that may affect the etiology,
who have or are confronted with the illness, depressive course, and outcome of depression in children and ado-
disorders are among the most serious psychopathological lescents have been minimized or disregarded entirely.
disorders. The annual cost of depressive disorders in the
United States has been estimated at $43 billion, 85% of
Depressive Disorders in Childhood and
which is attributed to expenditures for major depressive Adolescence
disorder (MDD), including costs of treatment as well Although the mood disorders of children and adolescents
as absenteeism from work, losses of productivity, and have been investigated for a shorter period of time than
premature death (Hirschfeld et al., 1997). Additionally, the mood disorders of adults, nonetheless, in recent de-
because of its chronicity, depression can remain burden- cades there has been a proliferation of research activity

222 February 1998 • American Psychologist

adolescence MDD occurs twice as frequently in teenage
girls, paralleling the gender ratio obtained for adult MDD
(Fleming & Offord, 1990; Lewinsohn, Clarke, Seeley, &
Rohde, 1994).
The consequences of depression during childhood
and adolescence cannot be minimized. Depressive disor-
ders are neither normal developmental occurrences nor
short-lived problems that dissipate with time (Kovacs,
1989). Even when episodes remit, they commonly recur
and interfere with children's ability to function compe-
tently (Kovacs, Feinberg, Crouse-Novak, Paulauskas, &
Finkelstein, 1984; Kovacs, Feinberg, Crouse-Novak, Pau-
lauskas, Pollock, & Finkelstein, 1984). Moreover, when
DD as compared to MDD is the first to emerge in chil-
dren, there is a greater risk for developing subsequent
mood disorders. For example, Kovacs and colleagues
(Kovacs, Akiskal, Gatsonis, & Parrone, 1994) found that
76% of children with earlier onset DD developed a subse-
quent MDD, and 69% of the children with DD as the
first emergent mood disorder developed a combined DD
and depression (i.e., double depression). In a recent re-
Sheree L. Toth view of the literature, Birmaher and colleagues (Bir-
maher, Ryan, Williamson, Brent, Kaufman, Dahl, et al.,
1996) concluded that the average length of an episode of
in the area of childhood and adolescent depression. In MDD in children and adolescents was seven to nine
contrast to earlier beliefs that called into question whether months. Approximately 90% of MDD episodes remit
or not veridical depressive illness could occur before within two years post onset, whereas the remaining epi-
puberty (Rie, 1966), contemporary emphases have sodes last for a more protracted period of time. Addition-
shifted from a focus on debating which criteria should ally, MDD frequently recurs in children and adolescents.
be used to diagnose childhood mood disorders to more As compared to MDD, DD has a much more pro-
sophisticated examinations of the epidemiology, causes, longed course, with the average length of an episode
course, sequelae, and treatment responses of depressed being four years. Children with DD generally experience
and/or dysthymic children as well as of children who are their first MDD episode two to three years after the onset
considered to be at risk for depression because they have of DD. Because the development of DD is one of the
one or more relatives with a mood disorder (Birmaher, major pathways to recurrent depressive disorder, early
Ryan, Williamson, Brent, Kaufman, Dahl, et al., 1996; identification and treatment and the implementation of
Cicchetti & Schneider-Rosen, 1986; Downey & Coyne, preventive interventions for DD are critical strategies that
1990; Kovacs, 1996; Puig-Antich, 1986; Todd, Newman, should be used (Kovacs et al., 1994).
Geller, Fox, & Kickock, 1993; Weissman et al., 1987).
With respect to comorbidity, 40% to 70% of de-
Epid_em!qlogy and Clinical Characteristics of Child pressed children and adolescents develop an additional,
and Adolescent Depression or comorbid, disorder, with 20% to 50% estimated to
Estimates of the point prevalence of MDD range from have two or more comorbid diagnoses. The most frequent
0.4% to 2.5% for children and from 0.4% to 8.3% for comorbid diagnoses include DD, anxiety disorder, dis-
adolescents (Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson, Brent, Kauf- ruptive disorder, and substance abuse (Harrington et al.,
man, Dahl, et al., 1996). However, developmental con- 1996; Kovacs, 1989, 1996). In children and adolescents,
straints on cognition, language, memory, and self-under- the majority of anxiety disorders (typically separation
standing may compromise the accuracy of the assessment anxiety disorder) precede the depressive episode, whereas
of MDD in children (Cicchetti & Schneider-Rosen, 1986; in adults, depression usually predates the anxiety disorder
Kovacs, 1989). The lifetime prevalence estimate of MDD (Kovacs, 1996). MDD typically precedes the onset of
in adolescence is between 15% and 20%, a rate compara- alcohol or substance abuse by approximately four and a
ble to the lifelong rate of adult MDD and suggestive that half years, thereby providing an important time window
depression in adults may have its origins in adolescence for the prevention of substance abuse in depressed ado-
(Harrington, Rutter, & Fombonne, 1996; Kessler et al., lescents (Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson, Brent, Kaufman,
1994). Point prevalence rates of DD have ranged from Dahl, et al., 1996). In general, comorbid diagnoses appear
0.6% to 1.7% in children and from 1.6% to 8.0% in to enhance the risk for recurrent depression and to affect
adolescents. Moreover, although MDD in childhood oc- the duration of the depressive episode, suicide attempts,
curs at approximately the same rate in girls and boys, in functional outcome, response to treatment, and the use

February 1998 • American Psychologist 223

of mental health services (Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson, perienced dysphoria, to elevated levels of depressive
Brent, & Kaufman, 1996; Kovacs et al., 1994). symptoms that do not meet the diagnostic criteria for
disorder, to extended periods of DD and episodes of
Gender Differences MDD (Gotlib, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 1995). Even within
From a developmental perspective, gender differences in more narrowly defined disorders (e.g., MDD), there are
depression are especially important because knowledge likely to be heterogeneous conditions with phenotypic
of gender-specific pathways may enhance our understand- similarity despite differences in etiology. There are di-
ing of the etiology of depression as well as help to guide verse pathways to depressive disorder, and potential risk
preventive approaches (Gjerde, 1995). Although not all factors for depression may result in a multitude of out-
studies of depressed youth have revealed gender differ- comes of which depression may be one. Moreover, de-
ences (cf. Leadbeater, Blatt, & Quinlan, 1995), research pressive phenomena and disorders are present throughout
suggests that at some point in early-to-middle adoles- the life span from early childhood through senescence.
cence, the overall prevalence of depressive symptoms To structure our understanding of depression in childhood
increases significantly for both sexes, but that girls begin and adolescence, we next discuss major developmental
to manifest significantly higher rates of depressive symp- principles central to both normal and abnormal patterns
toms (Angold & Rutter, 1992; Nolen-Hoeksema & Gir- of development.
gus, 1994). In moving beyond studies of depressed symp- Developmental psychopathology seeks to unify di-
tomatology to actually examining clinically relevant de- verse disciplinary perspectives to provide an understand-
pression, three longitudinal investigations of community ing of multiple levels of individual adaptation and devel-
samples found age and gender effects consistent with opment, the interrelations and integrations of these varied
expectations that, beginning in adolescence, girls are systems across the life course, the spectrum of potential
more likely to experience depression than boys (Giaconia developmental pathways that evolve, and the causal pro-
et al., 1993; Kashani et al., 1987; McGee et al., 1990). cesses contributing to these varied trajectories (Cicchetti,
A number of explanations have been proffered to explain 1993). Depressive disorders constitute a particularly im-
this gender difference. One obvious hypothesis has in- portant area of study because of the diverse systems that
voked the role of biological changes associated with pu- influence these disorders. Aberrations in cognitive, soci-
berty. However, Angold and Rutter (1992) found that pu- oemotional, representational, and biological domains are
bertal status did not predict depression beyond the effect present to varying degrees among individuals with mood
of age. Nolen-Hoeksema and Girgus (1994) suggested disorders (see Figure 1). Notably, these varied systems
that gender differences in personality or behavioral style do not exist in isolation. Rather, they are complexly inter-
(e.g., more rumination among girls) that may exist prior related and mutually interdependent. In adaptively func-
to adolescence interact with increased developmental tioning individuals, there is a coherent organization
challenges for girls in adolescence, resulting in the ob- among these domains. In contrast, in depressed individu-
served gender differences in rates of depression. Al- als, there is either an incoherent organization among these
though more work is needed to gain a better understand- systems or an organization of pathological structures,
ing of the mechanisms that may contribute to these age that is, a depressotypic organization. Depressotypic orga-
and gender effects, a consensus regarding increases in nizations evolve developmentally and may eventuate in
depression during adolescence, especially in girls, has depressive disorders at different points across the life
emerged. course. Thus, understanding the interrelations among
these systems is vital for delineating the nature of these
Concepts in a Developmental disorders as well as for elucidating how these systems
Psychopathology Approach to also promote adaptive functioning.
Depression in Children and Adolescents Given the multiplicity of systems affected by de-
pressive disorders, the developmental approach serves to
Given the prevalence of depressive disorders across ex- direct attention to the early developmental attainments
tensive periods of development and the various risk fac- that may be related to later appearing patterns of de-
tors associated with depression and other forms of psy- pressive symptomatology. For example, an understanding
chopathology, it is essential to gain a firm grasp of the of the deviations in affective regulation or the core nega-
developmental processes that contribute to the emergence tive attributions about the self observed in depressed per-
and perpetuation of depressive disorders. Depressive dis- sons may emerge through an examination of the early
orders are of particular interest to developmentalists be- development of these features, their developmental
cause of the complex interplay of psychological (e.g., course, and their interrelations with other psychological
affective, cognitive, socioemotional, social-cognitive), and biological systems of the individual.
social (e.g., community, culture), and biological (e.g.,
genetic, neurobiological, neurophysiological, neuro-
Organizational Approach to Development
chemical, neuroendocrine) components that are involved. In this regard, an organizational perspective on develop-
Further, depressive conditions may be viewed as forming ment has provided developmental psychopathologists
a spectrum of severity from transient and universally ex- with a valuable framework for conceptualizing develop-

224 February 1998 • American Psychologist

Figure 1
Integration of Biological and Psychological Systems in the Emergence of a Depressolypic Organization

Ie.g., Social Cognition, Ce.g., Affect Regulation,

Information Processing, Attachment Organization,
Attributional Style) Self-Esteem,
Interpersonal Relations,


Biological Renresentational
(e.g., Genetics, (e.g., InternalRepresentationalModels,
Physiological Processes,
Brain Structural Anomalies Self-Schemata,
Neuroendoerine Dysregulation, Self-Cognitions)
Neurotransmitter Anomalies, J
Hemispheric Activation

mental phenomenon as they relate to the evolution of cluded that depressive disorders represented a heteroge-
depressive disorders. At each stage, children are con- neous group of phenomena. Although children and ado-
fronted with new developmental challenges (i.e., stage- lescents with depressive disorder were more likely than
salient developmental issues; Cicchetti & Schneider- comparable psychiatric controls to evidence depressive
Rosen, 1986; Sroufe, 1979; Sroufe & Rutter, 1984). The disorders in adulthood, individuals who also had comor-
quality of the resolution of these stage-salient tasks in- bid conduct disorders tended to be less likely to develop
fluences how the particular developmental issue is incor- depression in adulthood than those without conduct prob-
porated into psychological and biological systems as re- lems. The findings of Harrington et al. (1996) not only
organization occurs. Positive adaptation to a develop- demonstrate a degree of specificity in adult outcomes for
mental challenge contributes to competence and better depressive disorders but also illustrate multifinality in
preparedness for adaptively resolving subsequent tasks developmental pathways through observing alternate pat-
of development. In contrast, compromised or inadequate terns of adaptation among children and adolescents who
resolution of a stage-salient developmental challenge, had experienced depressive disorders.
which is also integrated as reorganization proceeds, re- In contrast to multifinality, the principle of equifi-
suits in a decreased likelihood of positive adaptation to nality suggests that the same outcome may emanate from
later developmental demands. Thus, although not inevita- diverse routes. Gjerde (1995) provided an illustrative ex-
ble, early competence tends probabilistically to foster ample of equifinality in the development of chronic de-
later competence, and similarly, early incompetence tends pressive symptoms by young adulthood as predicted
to promote later incompetence. through repeated assessments from the preschool years.
Because the course of development is marked by Strong predictive patterns were evident for young adult
considerable variability in outcomes, a diversity of devel- men beginning in the preschool period, a time in which
opmental pathways is to be expected (Cicchetti & Ro- undersocialization and antagonistic interpersonal behav-
gosch, 1996). Multifinality specifies that diverse out- ior were linked with depression in adulthood. Similar
comes are likely to result from any one source of influ- constellations of these personality characteristics in later
ence. For example, although children of parents with childhood and adolescence also were related to chronic
depressive disorders are considered at risk, including at depressive symptoms in young adults. Conversely, among
genetic risk, for the development of depression, certainly women this personality organization did not predict adult
not all such individuals develop depressive disorders, and depression. Moreover, early precursors of depressive
a wide spectrum of adaptation is seen. Harrington and symptomatology were not identified for women, and it
colleagues (1996), on the basis of research they con- was not until adolescence that patterns of oversocializa-
ducted with clinical and epidemiological samples, con- tion and excessive introspection were found to predict

February 1998 • American Psychologist 225

depressive symptoms in young women. Thus, very differ- actional developmental formulation, it is likely that nu-
ent trajectories to the same depressive outcome in adult- merous general factors across broad domains of psycho-
hood were identified. In view of the varied pathways that logical and biological development will be related to the
are likely to result in depressive outcomes, a model that manifestation of depression as well as to positive adapta-
is sufficiently complex and comprehensive and that tion in the context of risk for depression. Whether depres-
allows for the explication of precursors to depressive sion occurs is affected not only by the presence or ab-
illness as well as for full blown depressive syndromes sence of specific vulnerability or protective factors.
and disorders is essential. Rather, the interplay that occurs between these factors
An Ecological Transactional Model and current and previous levels of adaptation as well as
the developmental period during which risk factors are
To be able to account for the diverse influences on the experienced (Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994; Sroufe, Ege-
emergence of depression, a transactional model that ad- land, & Kreutzer, 1990) also are vital contributors to
dresses the interrelations among dynamic biological, psy- depressive outcomes.
chological, and social systems is necessary (Sameroff & An ecological transactional model provides a frame-
Chandler, 1975). Such a model views the multiple trans- work for understanding how multiple factors can influ-
actions among environmental forces, caregiver character- ence the emergence of depression in children and adoles-
istics, and child characteristics as dynamic, reciprocal cents (see Figure 2). According to such a perspective, an
contributions that may exacerbate or decrease the likeli- individual's ecology is seen as being comprised of a num-
hood of a depressotypic organization and the emergence ber of co-occurring levels, some of which are proximal
of a depressive illness. The application of a transactional to and others which are more distal to the individual
model to the evolution and maintenance of depression (Belsky, 1993; Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Cicchetti & Lynch,
requires that attention be directed to the risk factors asso- 1993). Depending on how' proximal the influence is to
ciated with the development of the disorder. As such, the the individual, the role that it exerts on the emergence of
multiple factors that have been implicated in the etiology a depressotypic organization and of a depressive disorder
of depression must be understood. In accord with a trans- may be more or less evident. Processes from each level

Figure 2
Transaction of Multilevel Potentiating and Compensatory Processes in the Development of Depressotypic
Organization and Depressive Outcomes

Ongoing Transactiou of
Potentiating and Compensatory
Processes at Each Level of the
Social Ecology

Distal Outcomes


'1 I Major Depressive

Double Depression
Co-Morbid Disorders
Positive Adjustment

226 February 1998 • American Psychologist

of the environment as well as characteristics of the indi- ual is embedded within progressively more distal levels
vidual mutually influence each other over time and shape of the ecologies and how risk and protective factors op-
the course of child development, including whether or erating at levels of the ecology can serve to exacerbate
not a depressotypic organization and a depressive illness or diminish the likelihood of a depressotypic organization
emerge. and a depressive illness.
Cicchetti and Lynch (1993) discuss the role that Onlt~denic development, The quality of the res-
potentiating and compensatory risk factors exert at vari- olution of early stage-salient developmental tasks may
ous levels of the ecology. Risk factors within a given contribute to early aberrations that are hierarchically inte-
level of the ecology also can influence outcomes and grated and portend the development of pathways to de-
processes in surrounding ecological levels. The ongoing pressive disorder through depressotypic organizations of
transactions among these risk factors determine the developmental structures. For heuristic purposes, four
amount of biological and psychological risk that the indi- early stage-salient developmental issues that bear theoret-
vidual faces. Potentiating factors increase the likelihood ical relevance for diverse components of evolving de-
that a depressotypic organization and a depressive illness pressotypic organizations and depressive disorders are
will occur, whereas compensatory factors decrease the highlighted. These issues include (a) the development
probability of their occurrence. Each factor may exert of homeostatic and physiological regulation, (b) affect
enduring or transient influences that affect the probability differentiation and the modulation of attention and
of a depressive outcome. Importantly, the manner in arousal, (c) the development of a secure attachment rela-
which children deal with the challenges that impinge on tionship, and (d) the development of the self-system. As
them by family, community, and societal conditions is development proceeds, each of these issues sequentially
seen in their own ontogenic (i.e., individual) develop- reaches ascendancy and becomes a primary arena for
ment. As enduring vulnerability factors and transient which internal resources must be elaborated and extended
challengers at various ecological levels increase, the oc- to hierarchically integrate the imposed developmental
currence of a depressotypic organization and depression challenges to foster positive adaptation. Moreover, rather
becomes more likely. Conversely, the presence of endur- than subsequently declining in importance, each issue
ing protective factors and transient buffers at various eco- remains a lifelong component of adaptation.
logical levels may help to explain why some children The research we discuss on aberrations in these
deal adaptively and avert depression even in the face of areas is drawn from studies on the offspring of parents
conditions seemingly linked to a depressotypic organiza- with depressive disorders, from investigations on chil-
tion and depressive illness. dren and adolescents with mood disorders, and from pop-
The two most distal levels of an individual' s ecology ulation-based epidemiological studies that have focused
include the macrosystem, which contains the beliefs and on depressed symptoms and depressive disorders. Al-
values of the culture, and the exosystem, which includes though the majority of work has been conducted on chil-
aspects of the community in which children and families dren with depressed parents, it is important to note that
live. More proximal influences are exerted by the micro- there are clear linkages between families having a de-
system, or the immediate environment, most typically pressed parent and those with a depressed child. Specifi-
the family, and ontogenic development, or those factors cally, a significant proportion of children with a de-
within the person that affect his or her adaptation. In pressed parent also are depressed (Downey & Coyne,
accord with a transactional approach, ongoing transac- 1990). In addition, relations in the time of the occurrences
tions of risk and protective processes within and among between episodes of depression in mothers and children
each level of the ecology are conceived as contributing have been found (Hammen, 1991), and one third to one
to the emergence and development of a depressotypic half of parents with a depressed child are themselves
organization and to the onset and recurrence of depressive depressed (Brumbeck, Dietz-Schrnidt, & Weinberg, 1977;
disorders. To examine how depression may evolve, we Puig-Antich et al., 1989).
discuss illustrative research relevant to the development Homeostatic and physiok~ical regulation, In
of depressotypic organization and depressive illness that the early months of life, the infant is challenged to main-
has been conducted on factors operating at different levels taln homeostatic equilibrium of internal physiological
of the ecology. states. Homeostatic systems strive to maintain a set point
Because the amount of research conducted at vari- of functioning, and departure from this optimal level gen-
ous levels of the ecology varies, in this article we place erates tension. Consequently, behavioral and biological
a greater emphasis on the ontogenic and microsystem systems must be activated to reduce the tension, thereby
levels, that is, those that are most proximal to the child helping the infant to regain a state of equilibrium. Early
or adolescent. Moreover, because we believe that it is innate motoric reflexes allow the infant some capacity to
how the individual copes with various influences and regain equilibrium. However, significant environmental
not any ecological factor per se that contributes to the support must be provided for the infant to regulate physi-
emergence of a depressive illness, we first discuss onto- ological states and maintain equilibrium. Thus, early
genic development and its relations to a depressotypic physiological regulation requires support from caregiv-
organization. Subsequently, we describe how the individ- ers. Infants develop capacities to communicate their

February 1998 • American Psychologist 227

needs to caregivers through affective responses, and sen- siveness eventuated in increased infant distress, whereas
sitive caregivers must be able to read these signals maternal hostility and intrusiveness were associated with
accurately. more infant avoidance.
As the infant's brain develops, the infant becomes In addition to the importance of the affective aspects
increasingly self-sufficient in modulating arousal gener- of mother-infant interaction, infants also have shown
ated by physiological tension. This growing capacity cor- dramatic reactions to violations of the expected temporal
responds to maturation of forebrain inhibitory tracts and relationship between their own and their mother's posi-
neurotransmitter systems, which allows increasing con- tive affect (Cohn & Campbell, 1992). When normal
trol of lower hindbrain and midbraln limbic structures. mothers were instructed in a laboratory analogue simula-
Right-brain activation has been associated with distress, tion to sober in response to their infant's positive affect
whereas left-brain activation and inhibition of right-brain displays, the babies were found to manifest sober expres-
activity have been linked to positive affect (Davidson, sions and to avert gaze from their mother (Cohn & El-
1991). The development of interhemispheric connections more, 1988). Clearly, the temporal aspects of the affective
enhances the infant's ability to self-regulate (Cicchetti & displays of depressed mothers are likely to be quite im-
White, 1988; Tucker & Williamson, 1984). The develop- paired. Bettes (1988) examined the vocal utterances of
ment of these neurological systems is experience ex- mothers varying from mild to moderate in their level of
pectant, necessitating external input from caregivers depressed symptoms. She found that the vocalizations of
(Greenough, Black, & Wallace, 1987). Moreover, the mothers with some degree of depressed symptomatology
quality of caregiving received is likely to contribute to were more variable and their vocalizations were of longer
variations in neurobiological growth and development, duration than was the case in the nondepressed mother
resulting in long-term effects on the organization and control groups.
development of the brain. Beyond infancy, affect regulatory difficulties also
Parents vary in how well they are able to assist their have been observed among older offspring of parents
infants in the maintenance of homeostatic regulation, with mood disorders. Jameson and colleagues (Jameson,
thereby indirectly influencing the process of brain devel- Gelfand, Kulcsar, & Teti, 1997) found that depressed
opment. Further, extremely frequent, novel experiences mothers were less likely to repair interrupted interactions
and an unstable environment may more routinely activate with their toddlers than were nondepressed mothers with
the right brain, resulting in negative affect expression. In their toddlers. Additionally, the toddlers of the depressed
contrast, stability and consistency in the environment mothers were less likely to maintain interactions with
may support dominance of the left brain, which may their mothers than were the toddlers of nondepressed
strengthen the inhibitory effects on negative arousal. mothers. Finally, nondepressed mothers and their toddlers
Thus, the quality of parenting may influence the develop- displayed more interactive coordination than did de-
ment of interhemispheric connections and the emotion pressed mothers and their toddlers.
regulatory abilities that the infant develops. Toddlers of mothers with MDD also have been
Differences in homeostatic regulation have been in- shown to exhibit more dysregulated, out-of-control be-
vestigated in infants of parents with mood disorders, havior than toddlers of nondepressed mothers (Zahn-
where as early as the neonatal period, difficulties have Waxier, Iannotti, Cummings, & Denham, 1990). These
been noted. These include elevated levels of epinephrine differences predicted behavior problems as perceived by
and norepinephrine, difficulties with self-quieting, lower mothers at age five and as reported by the child at age
activity levels, more negative affect, and attentional prob- six, and were found to occur predominantly for children
lems, all of which are suggestive of more difficult temper- of depressed mothers who were less able to modulate,
aments (Abrams, Field, Scafidi, & Prodromidis, 1995; control, and provide structure and organization during
Field, 1992; Sameroff, Seifer, & Zax, 1982). their toddler's play.
Even simulated depression portrayed by nonde- Difficulties in the regulation of affect also may con-
pressed mothers has been shown to result in negative tribute to problematic peer relations. Zahn-Waxler and col-
infant affectivity and disruption in the infant's effective leagues (Zahn-Waxler, Denham, Cummings, & Iannotti,
self-regulation (Cohn & Tronick, 1983). In more recent 1992) noted that preschool-aged children of parents with
investigations, a number of problematic depressed mater- mood disorder characteristically engage in uncontrolled
nal interactive behaviors have been observed. Three dis- and poorly regulated social exchanges with peers. Boys of
tinct interactive profiles have been identified in depressed depressed mothers have been found to generate aggressive
mothers, including (a) a withdrawn, unavailable, and un- strategies to solve hypothetical peer conflicts (Hay, Zahn-
derstimulating pattern; (b) a hostile-intrusive overstimu- Waxier, Cummings, & Iannotti, 1992). Thus, these findings
lating pattern; and (c) a positive pattern characterized by suggest that early regulatory difficulties in offspring of
the absence of depressed symptoms on maternal self- parents with mood disorders may continue to affect adapta-
report inventories of depression (Cohn, Matias, Tronick, tion as new experiences and situations are encountered.
Lyons-Ruth, & Connell, 1986; Field, Healy, Goldstein, & These difficulties may portend problems in the modulation
Guthertz, 1990). Cohn and his colleagues (1986) specu- of affective reactions that may heighten the risk for the
lated that restricted maternal affect and lack of respon- development of future depressive disorders. For example,

228 February 1998 • American Psychologist

Zahn-Waxler and Kochanska (1990), in their examination the infant's arousal states help the infant to manage in-
of patterns of guilt in five- to nine-year-old children of creasing amounts of tension and arousal (Sroufe, 1979).
depressed and nondepressed mothers, found evidence for Further, caregivers actively socialize affective expression
continued affect regulatory problems. These investigators in their infants. This occurs through infant imitation of
discovered that younger children of depressed mothers prevailing caregiver affects, caregiver imitation of infant
were overaroused to hypothetical situations of interper- affect, and selective attention and differential encourage-
sonal conflict and distress, whereas the older offspring of ment or discouragement of the expression of different
depressed mothers appeared to struggle against experienc- affects by the caregiver (Hesse & Cicchetti, 1982; Ma-
ing guilt. Themes involving sensitivity to the problems of latesta & Izard, 1984).
others and empathic overinvolvement were evident. Field and her colleagues have conducted a number
Furthermore, in an investigation of 275 children be- of studies in this regard. Infants of depressed mothers
tween kindergarten and eighth grade, Garber and col- were found to display more frequent expressions of sad-
leagues (Garber, Braafladt, & Weiss, 1995) found that ness and anger and fewer expressions of interest than
children with high levels of depressed symptoms reported were infants of well mothers (Pickens & Field, 1993).
using affect regulatory strategies less often than did chil- Moreover, in face-to-face interaction, depressed mothers
dren with low levels of depressed symptoms. Moreover, and their infants displayed less positive affect. The de-
the depressed children rated their own affect regulatory pressive style of the infants also was accompanied by
responses as less effective in altering their negative mood. more gaze and head aversion by the infants with the
In addition, Garber et al. (1995) discovered that de- mothers, suggesting the infants used self-regulatory be-
pressed girls rated mother-initiated affect regulatory haviors to reduce negative affect associated with maternal
strategies as less effective than did nondepressed girls. unresponsiveness. Field et al. (1988) also demonstrated
Moreover, younger children rated both self- and mother- that when the infants of depressed mothers interacted
initi~ited affect regulation strategies as more effective with nondepressed strangers, the infants tended to elicit
than did older children. depression-like behavior in the strangers, suggesting that
These exemplars illustrate emerging difficulties the nonreinforcing interactive styles of the infants could
from infancy in regulatory processes among infants and perpetuate blunted affect in the caregiver even when de-
children of depressed mothers that may contribute to an pression had remitted.
evolving depressotypic organization as development Additionally, the emotional socialization that is con-
proceeds. veyed by depressed caregivers also may be especially
Affect differentiation and modulation of atten- important to consider for child development. In describ-
tion and arousal. With the foundations of internal ing the emotions depicted by photographs of infants, de-
homeostatic regulation established, the infant becomes pressed mothers tended to view infants as more fearful
more attentive and responsive to the physical environ- and less joyous than did well mothers (Zahn-Waxler &
ment, and abilities rapidly develop in diverse areas of Wagner, 1993). Depressed mothers also were either more
functioning. Affective expression becomes an increas- or less likely to identify sorrow in infants, a finding that
ingly prominent means through which the infant interacts suggests that depressed mothers may either deny the exis-
and engages in exchanges with the caregiver, and infants tence of sadness in their own infants or overattribute its
begin to regulate and adapt their affective expressions presence. In a related vein, depressed mothers who had
and behaviors to those of their caregivers. Concomitantly, not received therapy also have been found to be more
neurological maturation and cognitive growth contribute inaccurate in interpreting emotional expressions than
to this affect differentiation in the infant's internal experi- were depressed mothers who had received psychotherapy.
ence of emotion and its external expression. In particular, depressed mothers not in treatment had dif-
Because the infant continues to rely heavily on the ficulty recognizing negative emotions such as anger and
caregiver for the provision of support, the quality of care sadness (Free, Alechina, & Zahn-Waxler, 1996).
and interactions with the caregiver contribute to experi- Thus, infants growing up with depressed mothers
ence-dependent individual differences in patterns of af- are likely to experience aberrant affective interchanges
fect differentiation, expression, and regulation that that contribute to divergences in their early affect devel-
emerge (Greenough et al., 1987; Schore, 1996). The his- opment. These early affect differences provide further
tory of interactions and exchanges with the caregiver impetus for an evolving depressotypic organization.
influences the infant's emerging interpretation and reac- The development of a secure attachment rela-
tions to external events (Bowlby, 1973). As previously tionship. The development of an attachment relation-
noted, caregivers continue to influence the infant's modu- ship with the primary caregiver during the latter half of
lation and management of arousal and physiological ten- the first year is a fundamental achievement that organizes
sion. However, increasingly, the infant now also evaluates evolving affect, cognition, and behavior in relation to
the environment on the basis of past experiences, and the quality of physical and emotional availability of the
tension is cognitively generated by those evaluations caregiver. On the basis of evolutionary needs to maintain
(e.g., as threatening, overstimulating; Sroufe & Waters, safety from environmental threats, the caregiver provides
1976). Caregiver sensitivity and affective attunement to a secure base that helps the infant to modulate arousal

February 1998 • American Psychologist 229

and maintain internal security (Bowlby, 1969/1982). The quality of attachment in infants and children of
Variation in the quality of caregiving, particularly in parents with mood disorders has been examined in a
terms of sensitivity and responsivity, contributes to indi- number of studies (DeMulder & Radke-Yarrow, 1991;
vidual differences in the manner in which the infant nego- Radke-Yarrow, Cummings, Kuczynski, & Chapman,
tiates the attachment relationship with the primary care- 1985; Teti, Gelfand, Messinger, & Isabella, 1995). Over-
giver. Although infants may experience different types all, investigations have found that offspring of depressed
of relationships with various caregivers, the attachment caregivers are significantly more likely to develop inse-
relationship with the primary caregiver, typically the cure attachments with their caregivers. Importantly, those
mother, is very important in influencing the way in which studies that have not found increased rates of insecurity
affect, cognition, and behavior are organized. Ainsworth in offspring of mood-disordered mothers have empha-
and colleagues (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, sized the role of severity and chronicity of maternal de-
1978), using a laboratory procedure involving a sequence pression in affecting child outcome (Cohn & Campbell,
of separations and reunions between the infant and the 1992), with offspring of mothers who had more transient
caregiver, identified three major types of attachment orga- depressive episodes appearing to be more comparable
nization that can differentiate between securely and inse- to offspring with well mothers. Issues associated with
curely attached infants. The traditional classifications in- sampling also have been raised as accounting for variabil-
clude Type B, securely attached, and two types of inse- ity of results, with differences being associated with
curely attached infants, Type A, insecure-avoidant, and hospitalized versus community samples of depressed
Type C, insecure-ambivalent. Further investigation, par- mothers.
ticularly involving high-risk samples, led to the identifi- Studies that followed offspring into later childhood
cation of additional atypical insecure attachment patterns found that children who continued to evidence insecure
involving a blending of both avoidant and resistant be- attachments with their caregivers were more likely to
haviors (Type A/C; Crittenden, 1988) or a disorganized- exhibit behavior problems (Easterbrooks, Davidsbn, &
disoriented pattern (Type D; Main & Solomon, 1990), Chazan, 1993). Insecure attachments among children of
including a variety of undirected behavioral responses depressed mothers also have been found to contribute
and unusual behaviors such as freezing, stilling, hand to interpersonal difficulties as these offspring negotiate
flapping, and other stereotypies exhibited in the presence relationships with peers. Rubin and colleagues (Rubin,
of the caregiver. The traditional and atypical attachment Booth, Zahn-Waxler, Cummings, & Wilkinson, 1991)
classifications represent individual differences in the found that insecurely attached offspring of depressed
strategies that infants use to regulate emotions and behav- mothers exhibited withdrawal, passivity, and inhibited
ior and are related to the history of distress remediation behavior when observed with a familiar peer in free play
and emotional synchrony experienced with the caregiver. at age five.
The differences in attachment types are important During adolescence, clinically depressed teenagers,
for understanding early forms of divergent organization as compared with normal or nondepressed psychiatric
of socioemotional, cognitive, representational, and bio- controls, have been found to express less secure attach-
logical systems that may relate to an emerging depresso- ments to their parents (Armsden, McCauley, Greenberg,
typic organization. As development proceeds beyond in- Burke, & Mitchell, 1990). Similarly, Kandel and Davies
fancy, the experience of the attachment relationship in- (1986) found that depression in adolescence was related
creasingly becomes internally represented. As such, to problems in the emotional relationship with parents,
representational models serve to channel the manner in difficulties in forming an opposite-sex relationship, and
which interpersonal relations are perceived and negoti- spousal difficulties in young adulthood. In late adoles-
ated as well as the accompanying affects and cognitions cence, an insecure attachment organization has been
that are exhibited. linked to higher levels of depressive symptomatology
Children of depressed caregivers are at risk of expe- (Kobak, Sudler, & Gamble, 1991) and to more interper-
riencing deviations in care as a consequence of their care- sonal difficulties during the transition to college (Ko-
givers' struggles with depression. Additionally, these bak & Sceery, 1988). Among mildly depressed college
children may experience a sense of loss akin to the actual women and those recovering from major depression, Car-
loss of a parent (Bowlby, 1980) during periods of care- nelley, Pietromonaca, and Jaffe (1994) found insecure
giver depression. Resultant insecure representational relationships with parents were frequent and romantic
models may make it more difficult for these children to relationships were often characterized by preoccupation,
cope with the experience of psychological unavailability fearful avoidance, or both. The attachment organization
of the caregiver during depressive episodes. Prolonged of these women more strongly predicted relationship
anxiety, sustained grieving, and difficulty in resolving the functioning than did their depression status alone.
loss may further contribute to problems in the organiza- In summary, there is growing evidence of insecure
tion of cognitive, affective, representational, and biologi- attachment organizations among offspring of parents with
cal systems. Subsequent loss experiences, either real or mood disorders as well as among youth with depressive
symbolic, may precipitate depressive episodes (Beck, disorders. The quality of early attachment relationships
1967). contributes to internal representational models of self and

230 February 1998 • American Psychologist

other that organize cognition, affect, and behavior, and evidenced less acknowledgement of infant agency. Even
these models serve to canalize perceptions and experi- in adolescence, increased irritability has been observed
ence as development proceeds. In the case of individuals in the verbal interchanges between affectively ill mothers
with insecure attachment organizations, their internal and their adolescents (Tarullo, DeMulder, Martinez, &
representational models are likely to contribute to a de- Radke-Yarrow, 1994).
pressotypic organization of psychological and biological In addition, maternal attribution patterns may affect
systems. Affective regulation and expression are less op- the types of self-attributions that children make. For ex-
timal, and significant others are perceived as unavailable ample, Radke-Yarrow and colleagues (Radke-Yarrow,
or rejecting while the self is regarded as unlovable. These Belmont, Nottelmann, & Bottomly, 1990) found that
attachment-related aspects of a depressotypic organiza- mood-disordered mothers conveyed significantly more
tion may contribute to a proneness to self-processes that negative affect in their attributions, particularly in regard
have been linked to depression (e.g., low self-esteem, to negative attributions about child emotions. Moreover,
helplessness, hopelessness, negative attributional biases). among the mood-disordered mothers and their toddlers,
The self-system: Self-awareness and self-other there was a higher correspondence in the affective tone
difiFarenlialion. Toddlerhood may be a particularly of attributions and statements about the self (e.g., mother
sensitive period for the formation of a depressotypic orga- says, "I hate myself," child says, " I ' m bad"). This sug-
nization because many of the social, emotional, and cog- gests a heightened vulnerability among these children for
nitive competencies implicated in the development of negative self-attributions, with negative implications for
later depressive disorder are at crucial stages of develop- risk for later depressive tendencies.
ment during toddlerhood (e.g., the development of auton- Further evidence for self-system dysfunction in
omy, the emergence of the affect of shame, and the con- offspring of depressed caregivers was found by Cic-
struction of an internal representational model of the chetti and colleagues (Cicchetti, Rogosch, Toth, &
availability of the self and of the self in relation to others). Spagnola, in press), who examined visual self-recogni-
Building on the quality of the attachment relationship tion in toddlers of depressed and nondepressed mothers,
that has evolved, toddlers begin to develop a sense of by using the mirror-and-rouge paradigm (cf. Lewis &
themselves as separate and independent entities in the Brooks-Gunn, 1979). In this paradigm, after toddlers
second half of the second year (Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, look at themselves in a mirror, an experimenter surrepti-
1979). Growing capacities for language and play during tiously places a dot of rouge on the toddler' s nose while
the second and third years of life constitute a means the toddler is looking away from the mirror, and the
through which children symbolically represent the self toddler reexamines his or her rouge-altered mirror im-
and relationships. Increasingly, children are able to use age. Although self-recognition was attained similarly
symbolic means to communicate needs and feelings and in both groups, children of depressed mothers who ex-
evidence increased abilities to label emotion states, inten- hibited self-recognition were more likely than children
tions, and cognitions of self and others (Kagan, 1981). of nondepressed mothers to display nonpositive affect
These representational attainments also correspond to in- and to shift affect from positive to nonpositive after
creased capacities for self-regulation. the rouge application. In addition, within the group of
Emotional and cognitive components are integrated children of depressed mothers, Cicchetti et al. (in press)
into internal representational models in which the self found that toddlers who did not evidence self-recogni-
becomes represented as does the self's relation to the tion and who shifted affect were lower in attachment
attachment figure (Bretherton, 1987; Sroufe, 1990). Al- security and had mothers with fewer positive affect
though the growing toddler increasingly acquires capaci- characteristics.
ties for self-regulation, parental involvement remains vi- As development proceeds, early representational
tal, and parental availability and responsivity influence features of the self are further elaborated, and these as-
how the self is represented. Caregiver accessibility and pects of self-representation possess implications for un-
responsivity correspond to self-representations as accept- derstanding a depressotypic organization. Self-under-
able and valued, whereas parental unavailability or rejec- standing constitutes cognitive representations of the self
tion relate to self-representations as unlovable and with roots in the internal representational models of the
unworthy. self derived from attachment relationships. In contrast,
Evidence has been obtained that demonstrates diffi- self-esteem represents an affective component of the self
culties in self-development and corresponding affective that is positively or negatively valenced. Self-cognitions
functioning in toddlers of mothers with mood disorders. are particular usages of the cognitive structure in refer-
The self-critical styles of depressed caregivers appear ence to the self. They have both content, in terms of what
to be transmitted to their offspring. One such mode of aspects of the self are the focus, and style, involving the
transmission relates to the speech used by depressed manner in which thoughts about the self are derived. Self-
parents. Murray and colleagues (Murray, Kempton, cognitions and self-esteem mutually influence each other,
Woolgar, & Hooper, 1993) found that the speech used by and when self-cognitions and associated affects are re-
depressed women to their infants expressed more nega- peated over time, they contribute to representations of
tive affect, was less focused on infant experience, and the self known as self-schemata that tend to be enduring.

February 1998 • American Psychologist 231

Important developmental shifts have been noted with re- A number of major psychological theories of adult
spect to the complexity of self-cognitions, with a signifi- depression have focused on the cognitive processing of
cant transition occurring in the seven- to eight-year-old depressed persons (Beck, 1967; Rehm, 1977). To inte-
range (Harter, 1983). Younger children view themselves grate aspects of social information processing and vari-
in concrete, physical terms such as their appearance, pos- ous knowledge structures into a developmental frame-
sessions, and preferred activities, whereas older children work that is useful for understanding child and adolescent
begin to view themselves in more abstract psychological depression, Dodge (1993) hypothesized that early experi-
terms that include personal characteristics that are endur- ence and biologically based aspects of memory and neu-
ing over time. These advancing abilities may have nega- ral functioning interact to form schemata for past experi-
tive consequences for children who are at risk for an ences, future expectations, and affectively charged vul-
affective disorder (Damon & Hart, 1982). nerabilities. Dodge believes that early life experiences
Nolen-Hoeksema, Girgus, and Seligman (1992) in- involving interpersonal loss and instability or excessive
vestigated children with depressed symptoms and their pressure to achieve at an unrealistic level may lead chil-
negative life events, explanatory style, and helplessness dren to develop negative self-schemata and low self-
beginning in third grade and followed these children for esteem.
five years. In early childhood, only negative events were Disturbances in the self-system also can contribute
related to depressive symptoms. However, later in child- to suicide in depressed individuals. In examining the
hood and notably after the cognitive shift previously de- cause of adolescent suicide, Chandler (1994) proposed
scribed had occurred, a pessimistic explanatory style (cf. that the identity formation demands accompanying the
Peterson & Seligman, 1984) contributed to depressive transition to adolescence can adversely affect the sense
symptoms, alone or in combination with negative events. of identity needed to maintain an investment in the fu-
In both interpersonal and achievement contexts, the de- ture. Consequently, Chandler (1994) believed that this
pressed children exhibited helplessness. Moreover, their loss of identity may contribute to suicide. To test this
negative explanatory style worsened during depressive hypothesis, Chandler grouped hospitalized adolescents
episodes, and their pessimism persisted subsequently. as being at either low or high risk for suicide. In accord
Depressed children may maintain excessively high with his assumptions, Chandler (1994) found that over
expectations for themselves, contributing to attributions 80% of the high-risk adolescents were unable to identify
of failure when those expectations are not met. Lauer and any means of justifying their own or others' self-conti-
colleagues (1994) investigated memory and metamemory nuity in the context of change as opposed to 8% and
abilities among nine- to twelve-year-old depressed chil- 0% of low-risk adolescents and nonpatient controls,
dren. Only severely depressed children exhibited memory respectively.
impairments, but all depressed children were found to Developmental Biological Systems in Depression
have performance difficulties on metamemory tasks, in-
volving an overestimation of their abilities. Depressed The development of a mood disorder, as well as the age
children appeared to be either overcompensating for feel- of its onset, is influenced not only by the emergence of
ings of inferiority or setting unrealistic standards for salient issues or tasks that must be confronted but also by
themselves, which would tend to confirm their negative timed biological events that create challenges and provide
self-cognitions and sense of failure. new opportunities as they figure prominently in every
Research on the cognitive components of depression developmental phase. A number of investigations have
in children has generally been consistent with findings shown that there is a greater prevalence of mood disorders
from the adult literature (for a review, see Garber, Quig- in the relatives of depressed persons than in the general
gle, & Shanley, 1990). Depressed children have been population (Weissman, Warner, Wickramaratne, Mo-
found to process negative self-referent words selectively, reau, & Olfson, 1997) and a higher probability of disorder
to make more internal, stable, and global attributions for among relatives who are more closely related (McGuf-
failure and more external, unstable, and specific attribu- fin & Katz, 1989; Tsuang & Faraone, 1990). Moreover,
tions for success, to perceive outcomes as being beyond twin studies reveal greater concordance of depressive dis-
their control, and to view their futures as hopeless. More- order in monozygotic rather than dizygotic twins
over, these cognitive processes have been found more (McGuffin & Katz, 1989). Adoption studies also have
commonly in depressed children than in children with been used to disaggregate shared genetic and environ-
other psychopathological conditions, suggesting that mental influences. These studies have shown increased
there may be some specificity to the cognitive processing rates of depression in biological relatives as compared
associated with depression (Garber, Quiggle, Panak, & with adoptees (Cadoret, 1978; McGuffin, Katz, Wat-
Dodge, 1991). In fact, in a prospective analysis of the kins, & Rutherford, 1996). Regardless, developmental
relation between negative self-cognitions and depression, geneticists maintain that genetic contributions to psycho-
Hammen (1988) found that children who had more nega- pathological disorders must be conceptualized within a
tive self-concepts became more depressed than children dynamic framework that considers the operation of ge-
who had more positive self-views, even when initial de- netic factors in concert with environmental factors across
pression was controlled for. the life span (Goldsmith, Gottesman, & Lemery, 1997;

232 February 1998 • American Psychologist

Rutter, 1991). Genes are unlikely to operate in a static ased toward redundancy, being relatively influenced by
fashion throughout development. Rather, their influence novelty to maintain behavior in the face of change
may vary across the life course. Although some genes' (Tucker & Williamson, 1984). Electroencephalogram
effects may be enduring, others may be transient. At vary- (EEG) studies suggest that negative emotional states cor-
ing developmental periods, genes may be turned on or respond to relatively less left-frontal or greater right-
off, and diverse factors that regulate gene activation and frontal activation or both, whereas positive emotional
deactivation are likely to vary developmentally. Although states correspond to the opposite pattern of activation.
genes may influence the development of early structures A number of investigations have discovered hemi-
(e.g., receptors for neurotransmitters) that influence nor- spheric activation asymmetries in infants of depressed
mal and pathological dispositions, later gene activation mothers. Jones and colleagues (Jones, Field, Fox,
and deactivation (as well as experience) also may modify Lundy, & Devalos, 1997) found that one-month-old in-
those structures at subsequent periods in ontogenesis fants of depressed mothers exhibited greater relative
(Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994). Accordingly, the changing right-frontal EEG asymmetry (due to reduced left-frontal
relative influence of genetics and environment at different activation) than did one-month-old infants of nonde-
stages of the life course within varying individuals must pressed mothers. Moreover, the presence of right-frontal
be incorporated into developmental models of depressive hemispheric asymmetry was significantly related to
disorders and evolving depressotypic developmental three-month EEG asymmetry. In addition, Field, Fox,
organizations. Pickens, and Nawrocki (1995) discovered that depressed
A number of investigations have examined various mothers and their three- to six-month-old infants both
biological structures and processes among depressed displayed right-frontal EEG asymmetry. Furthermore,
children and adolescents and nondepressed controls (see Dawson and her colleagues (Dawson, Grofer Klinger,
Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson, Brent, Kaufman, Dahl, et Panagiotides, Hill, & Spieker, 1992; Dawson, Grofer
al., 1996; Dahl & Ryan, 1996). Steingard et al. (1996), Klinger, Panagiotides, Spieker, & Frey, 1992) examined
using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), found de- the EEGs of 14-month-olds of mothers with elevated
creased brain frontal-lobe volume and increased lateral depressive symptomatology and of nonsymptomatic
ventricular volume in a sample of hospitalized children mothers during various emotion-eliciting situations. Evi-
with depressive disorder compared with a group of psy- dence was found that infants of the symptomatic mothers
chiatrically hospitalized nondepressed controls. These displayed reduced left-frontal brain activation during
findings are congruent with similar results using MRI baseline and playful interactions. Moreover, securely
techniques in adults with MDD. attached infants of symptomatic mothers evidenced this
Variations from normal patterns of growth hormone left-frontal hypoactivation compared with securely
(GH), prolactin secretion, and serotonergic functioning attached infants of nonsymptomatic mothers. Further,
also have been observed in response to various psycho- during distress-eliciting maternal separation, the infants
pharmacological challenges among children and adoles- of the symptomatic mothers did not display a greater
cents with depressive disorders (Birmaher et al., 1997; right-frontal activation or the same degrees of distress
Dahl & Ryan, 1996). The change in GH secretion and that was seen in the infants of the nonsymptomatic moth-
serotonergic regulation may be one component of a de- ers, and these differences were observed regardless of
pressotypic organization that portends an earlier onset of the attachment status of the high-risk infants. Dawson
depression (cf. Dahl & Ryan, 1996). Although difficulties and her colleagues interpreted these findings to suggest
have been observed in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal that both maternal depressive symptoms and attachment
(HPA) axis regulation in adults with depressive disorder security are reflected in infant frontal lobe functioning
(Gold, Goodwin, & Chrousos, 1988a, 1988b), inconsis- and emotional behavior. In tandem, the results of the
tent results have been found in studies of depressed chil- Jones et al. (1997), Field et al. (1995), and Dawson,
dren and adolescents (Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson, Grofer Klinger, Panagiotides, Spieker, and Frey (1992)
Brent, Kaufman, Dalai et al., 1996). Despite these equivo- investigations support the view that a genetic diathesis
cal findings, subsets of depressed children and adoles- for depression and the quality of caregiving experienced
cents have been identified in which early alterations in both have an impact on neurobiological development.
HPA functioning may predict a recurrent course of unipo- Convergence between biological and psychological sys-
lar depressive disorder in adulthood (Rao et al., in press). tems is suggested, providing a window on the complexity
Lateralization of neurotransmitter systems and of developmental organization that may heighten risk for
hemispheric asymmetries may influence arousability to depression.
stimulation and individual differences in emotion pro- The microsystem. Because research has found
cessing. Through the interaction of noradrenergic and that depression tends to run in families, it is not surprising
serotonergic systems, the right hemisphere is sensitive to that a considerable amount of work has been directed
change, alerts the brain to novelty in the environment, toward the family context in which depression occurs.
and thus is associated with general arousal and brain Although genetic factors account for some within-family
activation. In contrast, through domination by dopamin- depression, it is clear that genetics alone cannot explain
ergic and cholinergic systems, the left hemisphere is bi- fully the development of depression. Support for influ-

February 1998 • American Psychologist 233

ences beyond genetics have been obtained in studies of Gibbs, 1985). Acute and chronic life events, most typi-
twins, where the heritability of severe and moderate de- cally involving significant losses through parental death,
pression has been found to be only modest (Kendler, divorce, or separation, or involving child maltreatment,
Neale, Kessler, Heath, & Eaves, 1992). Moreover, Rende, also have been associated with the occurrence of depres-
Plomin, Reiss, and Hetherington (1993), in an investiga- sion during childhood and adolescence (Burbach & Bor-
tion of the relative contribution of genetic and environ- duin, 1986; Hoyt et al., 1990; Toth, Manly, & Cicchetti,
mental factors to depressive symptomatology in an unse- 1992).
lected sample of adolescents participating in a combined To gain knowledge of microcontextual influences
twin and stepfamily study, found moderate genetic influ- on depression, many investigators have studied children
ence for the full range of individual differences in de- reared in families with a depressed caregiver. In addition
pressed symptoms. In addition, Rende et al. (1993) dis- to possible genetic influences, the overarching rationale
covered that there was nonsignificant genetic influence of such studies is based on the premise that depression
and significant shared environmental influence on ex- in a caregiver results in permutations in the caregiver
treme depression symptomatology. In view of findings environment that may place a child at risk for maladapta-
such as these, environmental contributions to depression tion, including depressive illness. Overall, studies have
must not be minimized. found that children of depressed parents evidence in-
Because children are often very helpless to alter creased rates of general problems in adjustment, putative
the environments with which they are faced, contextual markers of risk for depression, and clinical depression
influences may be even more significant in early-onset (Downey & Coyne, 1990). However, these linkages can-
depressions. The fact that many depressed children evi- not be taken as confirmatory evidence that parental de-
dence prompt recovery when hospitalized, even in the pression necessarily leads to these problems or even that
absence of additional interventions, lends further cre- it is the primary influence. Rather, the interpersonal con-
dence to family influences on depression (Kashani et al., text within which a depressed caregiver resides and its
1987; Puig-Antich et al., 1987). Rather than seeking to affect on children must be considered. Specifically, mari-
ascertain whether genetic or environmental influences tal discord and family stress are much more common in
contribute to depressive illness, we must strive to under- families with a depressed caregiver (Downey & Coyne,
stand how genetic and other biological vulnerabilities 1990). Additionally, social impairments other than diag-
transact with contextual influences to eventuate in an nosis also are more common in depressed persons and
evolving depressotypic organization and in depressive their spouses. Thus, co-occurring risk factors other than
disorders during childhood and adolescence. depressive illness may account for the difficulties experi-
Investigations of family variables associated with enced by children with depressed caregivers.
child and adolescent depression have focused on two Although much work remains regarding the specifi-
primary areas: families of depressed children and chil- cation of family variables that are related to a depresso-
dren of depressed parents. A number of family character- typic organization and depressive disorder in childhood
istics have been associated with the development and and adolescence, it is clear that the family environment
maintenance of depression, including parental psychopa- can exert significant influences on the development and
thology, family structure, and negative life events (Kas- maintenance of early-onset depression. In accord with an
low, Deering, & Racusin, 1994). Specifically, a high inci- ecological transactional model, the role of such factors
dence of psychopathology has been found in parents and must be conceptualized along with other psychological,
extended family members of depressed children, with social, and biological mechanisms that are operating at
mothers and fathers of depressed children exhibiting in- other levels of the ecology.
creased levels of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, The exosystem. Relative to research on onto-
and antisocial behavior (Kutcher & Marton, 1991; Puig- genic development and microsystem influences on an
Antich et al., 1989; Todd et al., 1993). The fact that evolving depressotypic organization and on depressive
depressed persons tend to marry partners who also expe- disorders, there has been a paucity of research addressing
rience psychological difficulties (i.e., assortative mating) the role of the exosystem in the etiology of depression.
most likely increases the incidence of psychopathology However, evidence has accumulated to suggest that, in
in both parents of a depressed child or adolescent (Meri- addition to the family influences just described, schools
kangas, Prusoff, & Weissman, 1988). In examining fam- and neighborhoods contribute to patterns of academic
ily structure, girls from single-parent families and chil- and psychological adjustment, especially during the tran-
dren of divorced parents have been found to exhibit in- sition from elementary to middle schools (National Re-
creased levels of depression and anxiety as well as slower search Council, 1993). Therefore, the school environment
rates of recovery when they do experience a depressive is likely to be implicated in the development of depres-
episode (Feldman, Rubenstein, & Rubin, 1988; Hoyt, Co- sion. This view is corroborated, at least partially, by the
wen, Pedro-Carroll, & Alpert-Gillis, 1990; Wallerstein & fact that certain forms of psychological distress, includ-
Corbin, 1991). Moreover, low socioeconomic status also ing depressive symptoms, increase during the middle-
has been linked with an increased risk for depression school years. Perceptions of being academically compe-
(Garrison, Schlucter, Schoenbach, & Kaplan, 1989; tent and receiving good grades have been linked with a

234 February 1998 • American Psychologist

reduced risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties, not been proven as an effective treatment for children
whereas low perceived academic competence is related to and adolescents (Kovacs, 1997; Stark et al., 1996). How-
depressive symptoms in children (Blechman, McEnroe, ever, these negative results must be tempered because
Carella, & Audette, 1986; Cole, 1991). Moreover, adoles- most studies have used very small samples, and this, as
cents who do not feel a connection with school may be well as other methodological problems, may have
more likely to engage in antisocial activities and sub- clouded the findings (Birmaher, Ryan, Williamson,
stance abuse in efforts to boost their self-esteem and Brent, & Kaufman, 1996). For example, small sample
sense of belonging (Rosenberg, Schooler, & Schoenbach, sizes preclude controlling for the heterogeneity of de-
1989). In general, it has become increasingly clear that pressive illness and therefore subgroups of depressed
problems of academic alienation, poor school perfor- children and adolescents who may be more or less re-
mance, and minor delinquency that become more promi- sponsive to specific medications cannot be identified
nent in early adolescence are linked to negative mental (Kye & Ryan, 1995). Moreover, unlike studies on adults,
health problems such as depression that are manifested methodologically sound investigations on the relative ef-
later in adolescence (Eccles, Lord, & Roeser, 1996). Such fectiveness of antidepressants, psychotherapy, and a com-
negative outcomes have been related to diminished sup- bination of these two types of therapy have not been
port for the development of competence, for feelings of conducted.
belongingness, and for autonomy promotion characteris- With respect to psychotherapy research with de-
tic of elementary school, but not of middle-school, envi- pressed youth, results have been more positive than re-
ronments (Higgins & Parsons, 1983). Evidence such as search on pharmacological treatments. In general, thera-
this suggests that the failure of the school environment pies for the treatment of depression in children and ado-
to facilitate development as children progress into middle lescents have been found to be more effective than
schools may contribute to motivational and mental health treatment wait-list or various comparison conditions (cf.
problems. Inappropriate school environments during Kovacs & Bastiaens, 1995; Weisz, Rudolph, Granger, &
early adolescence can place many young people at risk Sweeney, 1992). However, these positive results must be
for the negative trajectories that some lives take, includ- tempered because studies typically have included only
ing alienation from prosocial activities and peers, depres- nonreferred children with mild to moderate levels of de-
sion, and involvement in antisocial pursuits. Importantly, pressive symptoms and not psychiatrically diagnosed pa-
positive adjustment to school, including academic en- tients. Moreover, almost all research has focused on mid-
gagement and achievement, is likely to serve as a protec- dle- or upper-class nonminority youth (Lewinsohn,
tive factor against negative mental health outcomes (Ec- Clarke, & Rohde, 1994). Because more severe depression
cles et al., 1996). as well as depression accompanied by stressors associ-
The exosystem is the ecological level most directly ated with poverty and minority status most likely exacer-
linked to community supports that can be mobilized when bate difficulties encountered in the treatment of depres-
a child or adolescent is depressed. Thus, in a supportive sion, much more research on treatment with diverse popu-
exosystem, high-quality treatment services would be lations is needed. Additionally, evaluation studies have
readily available and their accessibility could serve to generally been conducted with behavioral or cognitive-
reduce the likelihood and chronicity of depressive illness behavioral approaches, and it is therefore unclear whether
in children and adolescents. To examine the potential other therapies that are used with depressed children and
efficacy of services, we address the extant literature on adolescents are equally effective. Finally, much more
treatment for early-onset depression. work on the prevention of a depressotypic organization
Unlike the management of adult depression, for and of early-onset depression through psychological and
which professional guidelines have been issued based pharmacological treatments is needed.
on controlled treatment trials (APA, 1993; Depres- l'he macro$¥$~am, At first glance, it may seem
sion Guideline Panel, 1993; Persons, Thase, & Crits- that cultural values and beliefs are unlikely to be related
Christoph, 1996), compelling empirical work that can to an evolving depressotypic organization and to de-
guide the recommended management of early-onset de- pressive disorders. However, there are aspects of the mac-
pression has not yet taken place (Kovacs, 1997). Interven- rosystem that have been shown to exert influences on
tions for depression during childhood and adolescence the emergence of depression. Moreover, because societal
include two general classes: pharmacological and attitudes can affect the availability of resources and sup-
psychological. ports as well as the likelihood that treatment will be
Although virtually all medications found to be effec- sought by families with a depressed child, the macrosys-
tive in the treatment of adult depression have been tested tem can exert a significant impact on whether depression
with children, systematic studies with clear results are develops as well as on how it is addressed when it is
rare. The drugs most commonly used for treating depres- present.
sion in children and adolescents are the tricyclic antide- Relatively little research has been conducted on
pressants, including imipramine, amitriptyline, and nor- macrosystem influences and depression during childhood
triptyline (Stark et al., 1996). In general, the superiority or adolescence. However, research on risk for suicide
of antidepressant medication as opposed to placebo has sheds some light on the role of culture and adaptation.

February 1998 • American Psychologist 235

A number of findings on ethnicity also point to the role Head Start (Zigler & Valentine, 1979) or the Perry Pre-
of culture and, specifically, to cultural changes as a risk school Project (Schweinhart, Barnes, Weikart, Barnett, &
for suicide. In Micronesia, suicide varies greatly by geo- Epstein, 1993), that promote child competence and sup-
graphic location, with suicide rates being the highest in port adaptive family relationships are likely to be im-
islands that have undergone a rapid transition from a portant in preventing developmental failures associated
traditional culture to a Western orientation (Brent & Mo- w i t h depressotypic organizations, thereby reducing the
ritz, 1996). Similar factors appear to be operative in Na- prevalence of depressive disorders on a population level.
tive American populations, in which increased suicide is Additionally, the preventive program of Beardslee and
found on reservations where traditional cultural practices colleagues (Beardslee et al., 1997), in which efforts to
have eroded. Specifically, Levy and Kunitz (1987) found educate families about the effects of parental depression
that Hopis at increased risk for suicide included the chil- have been found to result in improved illness-related
dren of parents who had entered into traditionally disap- communication between parents and children and in im-
proved marriages, such as marriage across tribes, mesas, proved child understanding of parental illness, appears
or clans of disparate social status. The resultant labelling to be very promising.
of parents as deviant was considered to contribute to Because of the potential for increased genetic as
the stigmatization experienced by the children, thereby well as psychological risk with which the offspring of
contributing to the initiation of a series of stressors. Fi- depressed parents are faced, preventive interventions for
nally, although current statistics reveal that Whites have such families may be particularly important. Such pre-
higher rates of suicide than African Americans, this dif- vention strategies, beginning when children are very
ference may diminish as a function of rapid increases in young, should incorporate multiple foci and strategies,
rates of suicide among African American men in recent including attending to the alleviation of the parental de-
decades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pression, enhancing parent-child adaptive communica-
1990). Within African American populations, geographic tion and interaction, and reducing larger family stresses,
influences on suicide have been found. Suicide rates are such as marital discord. In so doing, the likelihood of
highest in the urbanized and industrial Northeast and promoting competence as these children confront the uni-
Midwest and lowest in the rural South, again suggesting versal challenges of development will be enhanced, and
that the absence of more traditional, culturally sanctioned depressive outcomes may be prevented (see, e.g.,
supports may be operative (Shaffer & Fisher, 1981). Beardslee et al., 1997). The need for and provision of
preventive services for offspring of depressed parents will
Summary, Intervention, and Social Policy likely require changes in social and health-care policy.
Implications All too often services are designated restrictively for the
The developmental psychopathology perspective proffers individual with the disorder, while the larger needs of
important insights useful for efforts to prevent depresso- family systems, offspring, and the functioning of de-
typic organization from evolving into depressive disor- pressed adults as parents are neglected (Beardslee et al.,
ders as well as for intervention once depression has oc- 1997).
curred (Kellam, 1990; Kellam & Rebok, 1992). Under- When providing therapy for early-onset depression,
standing the organization of psychological and biological intervenors must always be mindful of how the varying
developmental domains among the offspring of depressed capacities of children at different developmental levels
parents and among depressed children and adolescents is influence their capacity to utilize various therapeutic
invaluable for conceptualizing the meaning of symptom strategies (Shirk, 1988; Toth & Cicchetti, in press). More-
expression and the capacities of different depressed per- over, children continue to develop in an ongoing matrix
sons to benefit from different types of treatment (Shirk & of potentiating and compensatory factors that influence
Russell, 1996). the course of their adaptation (Cicchetti & Aber, 1986;
Given that the roots of depressotypic developmental Cicchetti & Toth, 1998). Interventions to alter parental,
organizations may originate in infancy, prevention efforts family, and social-contextual sources of risk are neces-
that focus on early intervention in high-risk conditions sary to alleviate ongoing contributors to the difficulty
are likely to be important for promoting competent early depressed children have in resolving stage-salient issues
developmental attainments on the sequence of stage-sa- of development. Because depressed children and off-
lient developmental issues (Cicchetti & Toth, 1992). Al- spring of depressed parents are likely to have experienced
though parental depression as a risk condition has been maladaptive resolutions of earlier stage-salient issues
a focus in this article, numerous disadvantageous family (e.g., homeostatic and physiological regulation, affect
and societal circumstances (e.g., parental psychopathol- differentiation and the modulation of attention and
ogy, parental substance abuse, marital violence, child arousal, the development of a secure attachment organiza-
maltreatment, persistent poverty) constitute situations tion, and self-awareness and self-other differentiation)
that may detract from children's ability to competently prior to the onset of a depressive disorder, attention to
resolve developmental challenges, thereby contributing reorganizing these critical domains through therapeutic
to risk for a depressotypic organization and depressive interventions is crucial (see Gillham, Reivich, Jaycox, &
outcomes. Broad-based community programs, such as Seligman, 1995; Stark et al., 1996). Moreover, helping

236 February 1998 • American Psychologist

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