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edTPA Lesson Plan

Subject: 5th Grade Language Arts Central Focus: Comprehension

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: Date submitted: March 18th, 2018

RL.5.4 - Determine the meaning of words

and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative language such as
metaphors and similes. Date taught: March 20th, 2018

(Secondary Standard) RL.5.1 - Quote

accurately from a text when explaining what
the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.

Daily Lesson Objective:

The student will be able to independently answer multiple choice questions from a text with obtaining 8
out of 10 questions correct or with 80% accuracy.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language

Function and Vocabulary):
Think creatively, Reason effectively, Solve
problems Determine, phrases, figurative language,
metaphors, similes, explain, inferring

Prior Knowledge:
Before starting this lesson a student should have prior knowledge of working with different types of
figurative language, for example: idioms, metaphors, and similes. The student should be able to
recognize what type of figurative language is being used and what the meaning for the usage is.

Activity Description Time

1. Focus “Yesterday we had a lesson on figurative language. We went in depth on 3 mins
and similes, metaphors, and idioms. Does everyone remember what an idiom
Review is? An idiom is when a phrase or an expression has a figurative meaning
that is different than its literal meaning. Can anyone think in their head of
an idiom that we talked about yesterday? When you have it in your head
just raise your hand and turn to your neighbor and tell them the idiom you
remember. We went over figurative language yesterday because today we
are going to start the book, The Phantom Tollbooth, this book is exploding
with many examples of figurative language, especially idioms.”

2. Statement Today we are going to start reading the text, The Phantom Tollbooth, we 1 min
of Objective are going to use our prior knowledge of figurative language to help us make
for Student meaning of the text, we are also going to be using our CRAM Method to
help us answer multiple choice questions.

3. Teacher First the teacher will pass out a sheet of blank white paper to each student, 10
Input each student will fold the paper into sixteen squares. This piece of paper is mins
for the students to write their answers on.
The teacher will begin reading from the appreciation in the book The
Phantom Tollbooth. While the teacher is reading he/she will be modeling to
the students how to read (clearly, loudly, fluently). The teacher will not
pause to discuss the book thus far. When the teacher is done reading the
appreciation in the book he/she will stop. The teacher will then go to the
smartboard where the questions are already projected and answer
questions one and two modeling the CRAM Method while answering the
“Okay class now I am going to show you how to to use the CRAM Method
to answer the questions. The first thing I am going to to do is COVER the
answer choices, I can do this with my hand or a piece of paper. Next I am
going to READ the question, question number one says, “Read the
following quote. What is the best definition for the word in bold? “You know
you’re in excellent hands when, in the midst if some nutty, didactic
dialogue. The author disarms you.”
“I guess I just wasn’t thinking.” said Milo.
“PRECISELY,” shouted the dog as his alarm went off again. “Now you
know what you must do.”
Now I am going to annotate or write out what I think the answer to this
question is. Okay well, I think the word precisely is a synonym or is the
same as the word exactly. Now that I have annotated what I think the
answer to the question in, I am now going to CRAM my answer to one of
the answer choices that I had covered up. Answer choice a says that the
word means maybe, the word maybe does not match my annotation so I
am going to keep going, answer choice b is the word somewhat, somewhat
does not mean exactly so like answer choice a I am going to keep going.
Answer choice c says untrustworthy, the word untrustworthy does not
mean exactly or precise so let's see what answer choice d is. Answer
choice d is exactly. Wow okay, the annotation I used for the word precisely
was exactly and the answer choice says exactly. I know that has to be the
answer, because my annotation and the answer choice match each other.
On your paper write the letter d in box number one to show that the answer
is d exactly.”
The teacher will then repeat this process of using the CRAM Method with
question number two, which is displayed on the smartboard.
4. Guided “Class, now we are going to continue on to read chapter one of The 15-20
Practice Phantom Tollbooth. I will start off reading, when I tap your desk you will mins
pick up where I left off and begin reading there until I instruct you to stop.”
The teacher will now read chapter one, periodically tapping on students
desks to give them a chance to read, the students will read two to four
sentences at a time and the teacher will then pick up reading again (this
process is repeated).
After the class is finished reading chapter one all together, the teacher will
now direct student’s focus back to the smartboard. On the smartboard
there are questions three and four displayed.
“Now we are going to answer the questions together using the CRAM
Method. Can anyone tell me what we are going to do first? (A student
would raise their hand and answer, cover the questions.) That is right, first
we are going to cover the answer choices with our hand or a piece of
paper. Now what do we do after we have covered the answer choices? (A
student would raise their hand and answer, now we are going to read the
question.) That’s correct, we are going to read the question, would you
mind reading the question out loud for us? (The teacher would call a
student’s name out.)”
A student would then read question number three out loud. “Read the
following quote. What is the best definition for the word in bold? ‘The
Phantom Tollbooth leaps, soars, and abounds in right notes all over the
place, as any proper masterpiece must.’”
“Thank you for reading the question out to us. We have covered our
answers and read the question, what step should we do now? (The teacher
will call on a student, the student will answer, now we annotate our own
answer.) Yes, so now class go to box number three on your paper and
annotate an answer for question number three.”
While students are annotating their own answers on their papers, on the
smartboard the teacher will also be annotating the answer to the question.
“Okay class can anyone raise their hand and tell me how they annotated
their answer? (Have students share out what they annotated on their
paper.) Those were some great annotations class. Now that we have
annotated our answer what is our last step in answering this question?
(The teacher will then call on a student and the student will answer, now we
will match our annotated answer to one of the answer choices.) Exactly.
Now we will match our answer to an answer choice, everyone look at your
paper and see if you can match your answer to one of the answer choices.
(The teacher will do the same on the smartboard.) Can anyone share what
they matched their answer to? (The teacher will then call on students to
answer what they put as their answer choice.) It seems like almost
everyone put the same answer, let’s see what I put as my answer. When I
was annotating what I thought the word masterpiece ment I wrote down the
words art and best. So while I was going through the answer choices I was
looking for the words that had art and best and was crossing out words like
ugliest and worst. Therefore my annotation most closely matched choice b
which says an artist’s best piece of work.”
The teacher will then repeat this process for answering question four. The
students will still be able to read and share out their answer and the
teacher will then go over it.

5. “Now I am going to dismiss you all by rows to get your chromebook (laptop) 10-15
Independent for the cart.” (The teacher will call the students by rows until everyone has mins
Practice their computer and is back at their desk.)
“Login and go to the class webpage to find the questions to the rest of the
worksheet. Work silently and independently to finish the multiple choice
questions about the appreciation and chapter one in The Phantom
Tollbooth. When you are done please turn in your sheets of paper with your
answers on it to the turn in basket, then you may silently read or work on
your book talk projects.”

6. Students will independently answer the remaining multiple choice questions n/a
Assessment on the worksheet. This will be questions five through ten. The students will
Methods of be graded on if they have the correct answer to the question and if they
all have shown annotations of their own answer in the answer box.
5 points will be given for each correct answer
5 points will be given for an annotation for each answer
A student must receive 8 out of 10 correct or 80% accuracy to show
mastery on the topic.
7. Closure “When answering multiple choice questions it is important to remember our 1 min
CRAM Method/Strategy. COVERing the answer choices then READing the
question will allow you to fully process what is being asked of you to do.
ANNOTATING your own answer will allow you to pull from what you know
or remember from the text read and then MATCHing your answer to one of
the answer choices should help you find the best answer among the rest.
Remembering to use this strategy when taking the EOG is important
because it will help you find the best possible answer. “


all objectives/skills:

Targeted Students Student/Small Group

Modifications/Accommodations Modifications/Accommodations

While reading aloud the teacher will put For small group lessons the teacher could pick out
emphasis on words/vocabulary that might be difficult vocabulary or difficult figurative language and
difficult for some students to understand or go over those with the students that struggle or push
that might appear later in the questions. For students that do understand by having supplemental
example: While reading the teacher could say worksheets. If several students are struggling to
the word precisely (which appears in question answer the questions this could be another
one) and could say “..precisely.. Precisely opportunity for a small group. Those students could be
means exactly.. What does precisely mean? pulled aside and could work together using the CRAM
(teacher snaps finger and students answer all Method to answer the questions, this is more of a
together)..exactly” This would allow students scaffolding approach by allowing students more of a
with less vocabulary knowledge or ELL chance to get the correct answer.
students to quickly gain knowledge to better
follow the text. For students that have ADHD
the teacher could make sure to call on them to
read so that they will have to focus directly on
the reading.

The book The Phantom Tollbooth (one for each student and one for teacher),
Smartboard/computer access for teacher, white computer paper for each student in the class,
one Chromebook (computer/laptop) for each student, pencil/pen for each student, turn-it-in

References: 5th Grade White Water Academy Reading and Social Studies teachers (attached

Reflection of Lesson: (Completed and attached in separate doc)

CT signature: _________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A




7. C
9. C
10. A

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