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Cell Division

Cell Cycle:

 Cell cycle – process of ____________________ through growth and


 _____________ – body cells of ________ and _____________

 3 functions of cell division

o _____________

o _____________

o _____________

 3 main stages of the cell cycle

o _____________

o _____________

o _____________

Stage 1: Interphase:

 Growth and preparation

 Phases

o G1/ Growth 1 Phase – ___________________________

o S/ Synthesis Phase – ____________________________

o G2/ Growth 2 Phase – ___________________________

Stage 2: Mitosis:

 The process of dividing nuclear material

 Phase 1: _________________

o _______________ condenses into ____________________

 _____________ – DNA found in long, thick strands in


 __________________ – condensed form of DNA

o Chromosomes are joined to their _____________ copy (forming

__________________________) by a centromere

 ______________________ – chromosomes that are genetically

 Centromere – ________ sister chromatids together

o _______________________ breaks down

o Centrosomes move to ______________________ of cell

o ______________________ are formed from the centrosomes

o Centrosomes + Spindle Fibres = ___________________

 Phase 2: ______________

o ___________________ attach to the centromeres

o Spindle fibres guide __________________________ to the

_____________ of the cell

 Phase 3: _____________

o Centromere __________________ and sister chromatids are


o Spindle fibres ______________ and pull the chromosomes to

____________________ of the cell

o Each pole has a _____________ set of chromosomes (___


 Phase 4: _______________

o Chromosomes start to ________ into ________ of chromatin

o Spindle fibres _________________

o ___________________ forms around each set of chromosomes

Stage 3: Cytokinesis

 The division of cytoplasm

 In animals:

o An _____________ forms between the poles and ___________ until

the cell pinches in two

o Two ____________________ cells

 In plants:

o ________________ does not pinch

o ________________ forms between two ____________________ cells

 New cells:

o _____________ copies of the _______________

o Begins _____ of ________________

Example – Animal Daughter Cells

Example – Plant Daughter Cells

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