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 Meiosis – the production of gametes


 Gametes (_____________) – ______ and _______

 Are produced through ___________ in the _________ and __________ of humans

 For ________________________ to occur, sex cells (gametes) must contain half the

number of ___________________ found in ____________ (body) cells

o Human somatic cells = ___________________________

 ____________ cells (2n)

o Human gametes = __________________________

 ____________ cells (n)

 At conception you receive an __________ amount of _______________________ from

each parent – ______ chromosomes each

Meiosis I:

 _________________________

o _______________________________ pair up to form __________ – called


 __________________________________

 One pair of chromosomes that share


 Carry _________ that are associated with the


o _________ – governs the expression of a _________

 Example – ___________________________

o May carry different versions of the same ______

o During _____________________________ happens – _________________

between tetrads is exchanged

 IMPORTANT FOR _____________________________________

o ____________________________ attach to spindle fibres

 __________________________

o ___________ line up along the ______________ of the cell

 __________________________

o _____________________________ separate to opposite poles of the cell –

process is called _____________________

o ________________________ are still held together by centromeres

 __________________________

o ___________________________ forms

o ______________________ disappear

o ___________________ occurs

o The 2 cells are now ____________ (n = ____ chromosomes) instead of

____________ (2n = _____ chromosomes)

Meiosis II:

 _______________________

o No chromosomal __________________ takes place before Meiosis II

o Nuclear membrane ______________________

o Centrosomes move to opposite poles

o Spindle fibres are formed and attach to __________________ chromosomes

 _______________________

o _____________________ chromosomes line up at the ____________

 _______________________

o __________________________ are separated by spindle fibres

o Chromosomes move toward opposite poles

 _______________________

o Chromosomes reach the poles and start to __________

o Spindle fibres _________________

o _________________________ reforms

o _____________________ occurs

o Result – __ new _________, _____________________________ cells (n = _____


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