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Lie to me

This energizer is a fun way to get to know your students better. Not just the basics, like
where they live or if they have a brother, but real stories and anecdotes.

The students have to tell 3 facts about their life. Something that happened to them. Two
of them should be true, and one should be a lie. The other students have to find out
which one is the lie. You’ll be surprised what kind of crazy things can actually happen!
(Or how good your students can lie!)


No one’s tool old for compliments! This energizer lets students feel better about
themselves by sharing compliments. Each student gets a paper on their back. Every
student has to write down a compliment on the paper on the backs of every other
student. They cannot miss a single one. Afterwards the students can read their paper
and all the compliments they have been given.

Yes/No game:

1. Split the class into 2 teams

2. A student from each team faces off with the 'Yes/No' buzzers
3. Read out a word and a definition, saying sometimes the correct definition, and sometimes the
incorrect definition
4. Students must hit the YES buzzer if they think it's a correct definition, and the NO buzzer if
they think it's incorrect
5. The first student to hit the right buzzer gets a point for their team and 2 new students play
6. If the definition is incorrect, the first student to hit the NO buzzer gets a chance to say the
correct definition for an extra point
7. The winning team gets a prize, a bonus point on the test, a privilege, etc.

4. Pink toe
The teacher calls out a colour and a body part. Students must find an object in the room
that has that colour and then touch the object with the selected body part. For example, if
the teacher calls out “red nose”, students need to find an object that is red and touch it
with their nose. The teacher continues calling colours and body parts.

I write words on the table and each team tries to explain to one of his members (in
the chair in front of the board) what is it without saying the word exactly if one :


Who or what
One students stands in front of other to describe someone or something
in the class without saying the name then get them to describe objects.
Game story:
Draw a picture of a person in the board and then
*Give her a name
*add story ; where is she from ?
Keep addition till u fill the board
When completed , ask them to retell it verbally .

5-Sports gallery
“Sports gallery” is a very intensive example of an energizer. The teacher calls out
different sports skills. The students have to mimic them for at least 10 seconds. After a
while the teacher speeds up the tempo. A few sports skills the teacher can call out:

 Shooting a jump shot

 Juggling a soccer ball
 Dancing like a ballerina
 Batting a baseball
 Swinging a golf club
 Downhill skiing
 Serving a tennis ball
 Shooting an arrow

7. Keyword music roulette

The teacher makes cards with a keyword on it. The keywords refer to the lesson The
students go sit in small groups with a tablet or a computer. You, or one of your students,
picks a card. The groups have to find a song title that mentions the keyword. The group
that finds it first, may play their song on the iPad.

This energizer connects keywords to songs. Students will remember your lesson every
time they hear the song or they will remember your keywords by thinking back about that

Tongue twisters :

1. She sells seashells by the seashore

2. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
3. You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique
New York
4. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
5. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
6. I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t
be late
7. Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread
8. We surely shall see the sun shine soon
9. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
10. Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits,
and where she sits she shines

1. I'm tall when I'm young, I'm short when I'm old. What am I?

Candle / Pencil

2. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


3. I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?


4. What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?

A pillow

5. What always goes up when it rains?

An umbrella

6. If 3 cats can kill 3 rats in 3 minutes, how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100

It will take 3 minutes for 100 cats to kill 100 rats. 1 cat can kill 1 rat in 3
minutes, so 100 cats can kill 100 rats in 3 minutes.

7. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside
and throw away the inside. What did you eat?


8. What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?


9. What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?


10. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. what is it?


11. With many keys but cannot open a single lock

A keyboard
12. Who spends the day at the window, goes to the table for meals and
hides at night?


13. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?

A reflection

14. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?


15. I'm usually round I'm as light as a feather Thousands of men cannot
carry me What am i?


16. What can you hear but not touch or see and yet control?

Your voice

17. What is big and yellow and comes in the morning, to brighten mom's

School Bus

18. Tuesday, Sam and Peter went to a restaurant to eat lunch. After eating
lunch, they paid the bill. But Sam and Peter did not pay the bill, so who did?

Their friend, Tuesday

19. Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. What am I?

A shadow

20. What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no

A map

21. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?

The wind

22. Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?

An onion
23. The more you take away, the larger it becomes? What is it?

A hole

24. What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?

A chalkboard

25. How many seconds are there in a year?

12. (January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd….)

26. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

Plates and cuttlery

27. Fashions change but what can a person wear that is never out of style?

A smile

28. Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die


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