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How is temperature different depending on a location’ s nearness to the ocean?

Samantha MIa Caldera


The purpose of this lab is to find out how the ocean affects temperature of an area when it is
further away or closer to the ocean. It is important, so that we understand exactly how the
ocean currents can affect a city or place by affecting the temperature in a certain way. We
are going to perform this experiment by taking the temperature and writing data every
couple of minutes. We are going to examine the materials and see how the materials have
changed over time as we examine the items.


My claim is that ocean currents are cold, so if you live by the ocean the temperature will be
much colder than an area that is located further away from the ocean.


1. Sand
2. Water
3. Beakers
4. Timer
5. Lamps
6. Thermometers


1. When we have the items in the beakers we will observe the differences on how the
water affects the temperature of the sand.
2. Then we will collect the data to see the differences and take the temperature.
3. We will start off by checking the materials by 2 minutes but then we will double
the timing.
4. Every time after we have finished timing the materials we will check how much the
temperature has differentiated.
5. In the end we will collect the last of the data and see the differences in the
temperature of how many degrees it has changed over time.
6. Lastly, when we have finished the experiment we will clean up and return all the
items that we used.




2 14 2 15 2 12

4 21 4 20 4 20

6 21 6 19 6 19

The results was that the water that was individually in the beaker heated up quicker and
more than the sand that was in the beaker individually. The water also heated up more
and quicker than the sand and water that was mixed together. I think that the water mixed
with the sand took longer to heat up because although the water individually heated up the
most, since when it is mixed the water is more soaked into the sand because when it is
individual it is just plain water. Since, the water is kind of soaking the sand it is kind of
cooling the temperature of the sand so when you take the temperature of it, there isn’t really
much of a difference.


I think that my hypothesis was correct because the water mixed with the sand did affect the
temperature because as you can see in the results, the temperature for the beaker that
contained the items mixed together didn’t differentiate in temperature very much. I believe
that the temperature didn’t differentiate much over time because the water was mixed in
with the sand so the water was mainly changing the sand in temperature. Since, it was
changing the changing the temperature of the sand it was mainly focusing on changing the
temperature of the sand so since it is mainly focusing on that the temperature didn’t really

Lab Report Rubric

Excellent (4 pts) Good (3 pts) Adequate (2 pts) Needs Work (1 pt) Not

Introdu 1. Includes the question to be One of the "excellent" Two of the "excellent" Introduction present, no
ction answered by the lab conditions is not met, conditions is not met , one exemplary conditions met
2. states hypothesis that is based on two conditions met is met
research and/or sound reasoning
3. title is relevant.
Method Description or step-by-step process Description included, The description gives Would be difficult to
s is included, could be repeated by some steps are vague generalities, enough for repeat, reader must
another scientist or unclear reader to understand how guess at how the data was
the experiment was gathered or experiment
conducted conducted

Data Results and data are clearly Results are clear and Results are unclear, Results are disorganized
and recorded, organized so it is easy for labeled, trends are not missing labels, trends are or poorly recorded, do not
Analysis the reader to see trends. All obvious or there are not obvious, disorganized, make sense ; not enough
appropriate labels are included minor errors in there is enough data to data was taken to justify
organization show the experiment was results

Conclus 1. Summarizes data used to draw 3 of 4 of the "excellent" 2 of the 4 excellent 1 of the 4 excellent
ions conclusions conditions is met conditions met conditions met
2. Conclusions follow data (not wild
guesses or leaps of logic),
3. Discusses applications or real
world connections
4. Hypothesis is rejected or
accepted based on the data.

Format Lab report submitted as directed, Most of the excellent Some of the excellent Student did not follow
and Lab and on time. Directions were conditions were met; conditions met, directions directions, practiced
Protoco followed, stations were cleaned. All possible minor errors in were not explicitly unsafe procedures,
ls safety protocols followed. format or procedures followed, lab stations may goofed around in the lab,
have been left unclean or left a mess or equipment
group not practicing good lost
safety (such as not
wearing goggles)

Total (out of 20 )

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