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2n10 SECTION 1x Section W.No mare material than is needed to perform the test shall be removed. (on ferrous material ‘these edges may be thermally ut + Edge of widest ac0 of weld wh Adee preferably by milling W-462.1(6) TENSION ~ REDUCED SECTION ALTERNATE FOR PIPE + ea Tina 3m. (75 nm) ein Reduced section ‘Note (2), Vein. (13 nm Mhgin. 7 mm) Notes: ol Fed. 1. [25 mm min, Edge of widet face of wal (0) The weld eoinforcement shall be ground or machined so that ‘the weld sickness does not exceed tho base mal thickness TT Machine minimum artount to obtain approximately paalel surfaces 1a The rediced weld plus 2y, section shall not be less than the width ofthe 2010 SECTION 1X | IMlmrFor procodure qualification of materials other than P-No. 1 in QWw.422, ifthe surfaces ofthe side bond test specimens ae gas cut, removal by ‘machining or grinding of not less than icin (3 mm from the surface shall be required. {HBA Such removal isnot requted for P-No. 1 materials, but any resulting roughness shall be dresses by machining or grincing, [GF or performance qualification a all materia in 472, the surfaces of ‘side bend tests are gas cut, any resulting reughness shall be dressed by machining er grinding ; a vin) |__a)—) “Tin. (mm t res EN. 38 or Notes (1) ae 1g ( 38) ‘and (2) Mist GENERAL NOTE: Weld reinforcement and backing sso backing rin f any, maybe removed fush withthe surface of he spelen. Thermal ‘tla, machining, rnaing maybe employed, Cold sraghening x permite pia ta remval of he rlnorcemen. ores: (2) Winen weld doit is ess than couse thickness, sdesbend specimen thidkree may be & (2) vinan coupon thickest equals or exceeds 1% in. (3 mm, leone ofthe flowing (@) Cut specimen Ita multpe test specimens of ticks yof approximately equal dimensions 1% in. (19 mm) to 2% in (38 mem 17 = lasted spcimen thickness wine multiple speciners ae taken rom one coup. (b> The specimen may be bent at ull wich. See equrements on jig with in QW-466.. 161

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