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Electricity, Gravity, Heat.

Another Look



Klyushin Yaroslav,
Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

Klyushin Ya.G. Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look. 2nd edt. –

Saint-Petersburg, Russia: International Scientists’ Club, 2015.

Saint-Petersburg 2015
1. Main Equation with the experimental results, let us take the coefficient of
proportionality equal to ½. One finally gets:
Newton’s second law was developed long before the science
of electricity, and so may be considered valid for a neutral body.
It makes force F equal to a mass m multiplied it’s acceleration a: F  ma  qv  e, (1.4)
F  ma. (1.1)
where e is a unit vector in the direction of velocity v.
In order to avoid useless complexity, the assertions following
If one does not understand what force is, then this equation
will be formulated in scalar form for a projection of the vector Eq.
may be understood as the definition for force. On the other hand,
(1.4). Equations for other projections can be derived in an
in present-day physics there are many of different concepts of
analogous way. One has:
force: i.e., force as potential gradient, electrodynamics force, etc.
Therefore, it is often convenient to believe that we know what
force means, that the concept is given to us by Nature as a dv F qv qv2
   . (1.5)
realization of a certain external action on the subject under dt m m 2mc
consideration. If so, then (1.1) may be considered as a reaction of
an electrically neutral mass m to an external action F: the mass Eq. (1.5) is first order with respect to v. Let us introduce the
gains acceleration a. definitions
In modern physics, Eq. (1.1) is generalized to
F 1
 a,  1  b,  p.
d dm q 2c
F  mv   ma  v , (1.2)
dt dt
Then Eq. (1.5) reduces to the form
where v is particle velocity. The derivative dm/dt possess
different physical meanings in different problems. In accord with dv q 
 a  bv  pv2  . (1.6)
the author gravity concept dm/dt in electrodynamics problems dt m  
means the electron charge. So in electrodynamics, Eq. (1.2)
appears as It is well known that Eq. (1.6) has a solution [1]. If
a  bv0  pv02  0 , then the curve passing through point (t0, v0) is
F  ma  qv , (1.3)
found as a solution with respect to v of the equation

where q is the electron’s charge and v is its velocity. The first v t

term in (1.3) describes the neutral-mass reaction and the second
  a  bv  pv   dt.
dv q
 (1.7)
term describes the charged-body reaction, its electric pliability. 2 m
v0 t0
This term is defined by the viscosity of the medium in which the
movement takes place.
Let us call this medium “ether”. The term “ether” is “red If
flag” for many physicists, but whatever other terms may be used
for it, like “physical vacuum”, etc., even the most orthodox a  bv0  pv02  0, (1.8)
physicists are compelled to agree that space is in fact filled with a
certain medium. And I hope all my readers are agreed that this then the straight line
medium possesses electrical resistance. We know precisely what
this resistance is: vacuum impedance 1/ε0c, where ε0 is dielectric v  v0 (1.9)
constant and c is the speed of light.
External action cannot be exhausted by the two terms in (1.3).
is a solution.
As occurs in all typical media, inertial forces of the ether should
Let us begin our analyses with solution (1.9). The solution of
also be displayed. The idea that ether should resist movement of
(1.8) is
charged bodies (and light) has been asserted by many authors,
among whom perhaps the most consistent (known to the author)
are Russian scientists P.D. Prussov, and G.A. Shlenov. b  b2  4 ap
v0  ,
But here we strive not for qualitative assertions, but rather for 2p
quantitative and testable statements. We try to find the
quantitative formula describing the resistance. Let us suppose or taking into account our definitions
that medium inertial forces are proportional to ether impedance
1/ε0c, and that the constant ε0 means ether density. If one takes
into account the dimensions of parameters, the inertial forces

v0  c 1  1  2 F qc .  (1.10)

should also be proportional to speed squared, v2. To be in accord

This equation has real solutions if
1  2F qc  0, (1.11) or equivalently, that

i.e., if force F is small enough. Force F which satisfies (1.10) 2F

U  c. (2.4)
has evident physical meaning: it preserves v0. If this force acts on q
electron already moving with velocity v0, that electron will
continue moving with this velocity. This means that electron But one can see that correlation (2.2) is also reasonable when
movement does not imply Newton's first law. Its movement is inequality (2.3) becomes an equality; i.e., when
closer to that one of a car on the surface, or an airplane in the air.
If external force F = 0, then velocity U  c. (2.5)

cv0 Light velocity is apparently achieved in this case:

V , (1.12)
v0  exp q Im  t  t0   c  v0 
 
v  c. (2.6)

i.e., velocity v exponentially decreases from achieved velocity

This fact is coordinated to (1.10). It is necessary to emphasize
v0 when there is no external force.
that in order to achieve a certain velocity, just force, is essential
2. Case 1: Subluminal Movement Motion and not forces impulse. Multiplier depending on t in (2.2) grows
quickly with growing t, and converges to a certain constant
Let us come back to (1.6) equation and its solution (1.7). If depending on U. Therefore long action with constant force rather
inequality (1.11) holds strictly then solution is quickly leads the (2.2) solution to expression (1.10). The velocity
becomes constant. Therefore big impulse enlarges the track
  q   covered, but does not guarantee velocity enlargement. This is
 c exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  )    1  
     also true with respect to energy spent for electron’s acceleration:
  q   its gradient is essential, but not produced work.
v0  c(1  )  exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  )   Let us investigate some examples that explain the result we
    (2.1)
с    1  v0  c(1  )  found. The electron’s charge q = 7.3×10–10 kg/s, which implies
 , q/m = ω = 8.1×1020 Hz, i.e., q/m is the angular velocity of the
  q  
v0  c(1  )  exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  )   mass creating the electron.
   
Example 1.
Let 1 – 2F/qc = ¼, i.e., F = 3/8qc = 0.082 Newton per electron.
where   1  U c ; U = 2F/q.
If v0 = 0, t0 = 0 then (2.1) becomes a little simpler

4  0.041  1010  et  1

  q   v    1.5  108 m s.
2 F exp  t   1  t 
 m   7.3 3e  1
v . (2.2)  
  q  
q  1     exp  t  1    
 m   Example 2.
Let 1 – 2F/qc = 0.0137, i.e., F = 0.108 Newton per electron.
Force magnitude F is arbitrary here; it depends on our choice, Then
but we consider it constant during integration process. When F is
acquired, a speed U is also acquired. Eq. (2.2) implies that the v  2.06  108 m s.
velocity v gained by charge q is proportional to the velocity U
defined by the force F acting on q. When t = 0, the fraction made Example 3.
of square brackets in the numerator and denominator reduces to Let 1 – 2F/qc = 10–6, i.e., v = 0.10948 Newton per electron.
e0  1
2 v  2.99  108 m s.

i.e., it is null. When t grows, this fraction grows as well, and When F = 0.1095 Newton per electron, it achieves light
comes to unity, after which the electron preserves steady velocity velocity.
U defined by the applied force F. The time interval from the start The force root τ in the proposed theory is in a certain sense
of motion up to achieving this velocity U is the time of the analogous to relativistic root τ. But it differs in at least one
electron’s accelerated movement. essential aspect: its equality to zero does not lead to physically
It was assumed earlier that absurd infinities. A design change in the force root just changes
the character of the motion, as we see below.
1 U c  0 (2.3)
3. Case 2: Superluminal Movement Motion Re 
, (3.6)

In this case Eq. (1.10) does not possess real solutions, i.e.,
there does not exist a conserving force for any initial velocity v0.
where ν is kinematics’ velocity of the ether for electron.
Nevertheless, Eq. (1.7) has a solution. Its left hand part is
Turbulent flow begins when Re = 2000. Thus

v v
2 pv  b   5.7  108 m2 /s. (3.7)
 a  bv  pv
dv 2
 arctg . (3.1)
v0 4 ap  b2 4 ap  b2 v0
If ether mass density 1.74×108 kg/m3, then viscosity

One gets after corresponding transformations   0  10.66 kg m  s. (3.8)

с U c  1  v  v0   q U c 1  Let us stress that everything said above refers to electric

 tg 
  t  t0   . (3.2)

c U c  1   v  c    v0  c 
 2m  charge. Ether flows by electrically neutral bodies as an ideal
liquid (or close to it). Apparently Euler’s paradox is valid for
Hence electrically neutral bodies: ether does not resist its steady
movement. Hence Newton’s first law turns to be valid (or almost
valid). Well known experiments showing mass dependence on
 q U c 1 
Uc  cv0  tg 
2 m
 t  t0    cv0 U c  1 speed "perhaps will force us to refuse of this" assumption. But
v   . (3.3) this is an object of special consideration.
  q U c 1  Let us return to formula (1.12). It implies that if v0 achieves 2c
 c U c  1   v0  c  tg   t  t0  
  in laminar region electrons begin moving without resistance. The
 2m  
problem is that turbulent flow begins when speed achieves

If v0 = 0, t0 = 0, then c  1/ . The problem can be solved if light velocity in the

medium is low and current is created in another medium with
 q U c 1  higher light velocity. In this case electrons of usual current in the
2 F tg  t last medium can achieve 2c velocity in the first one. Apparently
 2m 
v   . (3.4) just this effect is observed in very well known cases of
  q U c  1  superconductivity. Temperature decreasing decreases light
q  U c  1  tg  t 
  2m  velocity in circuit and already speed of electrons in usual current
 
achieves 2c velocity in circuit.
Superluminal speed v oscillates about a mean speed U. 4. Summary of the Argument
If v0 = c, t0 = 0, then
A model is proposed in which an electron moves in a
 q U c 1  medium, ether, which is assumed to fill all space. The ether is not
v  c  c U c  1 tg  t . (3.5) given any qualities a priori; we find out the qualities by the action
 2m 
  of the ether on a moving object. Ether does not act on a massive
body moving steadily in it (Newton’s first law). This means for
If force root is equal to zero, i.e., U = c then (3.5) implies v = c. us that this medium acts on a mass as an ideal liquid (Euler
This means that formulas for sublight and superlight velocities paradox). Only accelerated movement needs force.
are coordinated when light barrier is overcome. But an electron experiences a certain drag already even when
Mathematically, the tangent function has a break of the moving steadily. This is because electron is a rotation of a certain
second type. Physically, the break points correspond to moments mass. Mathematically this means that electron is a derivative of
of radiation. This means that “near luminal” movement looks as this mass with respect to time. Or stated in another way: a
follows: the electron rushes by the light barrier, irradiates, and steadily moving electron is an accelerated mass. And ether resists
falls down to subluminal speed. Its mean speed in such a process such acceleration. Conditions when ether does not resist electron
is close to light speed from below, or even from above, as takes movement are found.
place in the Cherenkov Effect. The received differential equation has solution which
Thus originates the idea of impossibility to overcome light describes not only sublight but also superlight movement.
barrier. One can propose a hydrodynamic interpretation for the
fact. Light speed is a critical speed for ether flow around the 5. References
electron. When this speed is achieved, laminar flow changes to
1. Kamke E. Differentialyleichungen Sosungsmethoden und
turbulent flow. The vortices created are sensed by us as
Sosungen (Seipzig, 1959).
radiation. Let us use this concept to find some ether
characteristics. Let us take as characteristic dimension electron its
radius as r0 = 3.8×10–13 m. The Reynold’s number is

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