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separated from animals because we live in a society, we have
very complex psychological processes and the only way to
develop this processes is in a social activity. We have the
need to have social activities.

The society is generally a physical space that’s ruled by

certain laws and coexistence behaviors that every member of
that society should respect is he wants to be a part of it.
Despite of the fact that a society is organized and make the
people’s life easier is not always like this, in ancient times the
people of color weren’t a part of society, the natives either
nor the women, nor the soldiers in the front of a battle and
nor the slaves.

Animals can be in societies too.

Theories the origin of the Society

Hobbes  The man started to coexist in societies because he
wanted protection. Protection of the other mens who
surrounded him. Every man was an enemy to every other
man, they started the group coexistence for a survival reason.
Is a moral contract with mutual agreement between men
Locke  said the opposite of Hobbes, the state of nature was
a state of freedom and self-independence.
The men tired of the corruption and other degenerated men,
made a “social contract” to enter in a civil society.

Rouseeau  He thinks similar to Locke about the “social

contract” bus he’s a different point of view. The population
increased and the men make a difference between what’s
mine and yours, the private property, and they start to
organize in groups, groups that formed various civil societies
that with the time became bigger and bigger, and finally they
end in a bigger society. This way of thinking appears in
several video games, one of them is Spore, where you start
your own civilization by growing up and coexist with others of
your species that end in a big society.

Albion is used to refer to ROME (TRUE)
Britannia is the name given to the female embodiment of
Britain (TRUE)
In 1800 most of ireland became a separate State (FALSE)
John Bull personifies Uncle Sam (FALSE)
The kilt is worm by the Irish (FALSE)
A large fry-up is a typical breakfast that bristish usually have
The British always talk about the weather (TRUE)
The attitudes among the people of the four nations are similar
The Irish place high value on education (TRUE)
The British hate being different (FALSE)

British individualism is individuality over the herd instinc,

they try to make a difference, they have a lot of tolerance and
they accept the diversity of opinions, an example of that is
the major of London who was elected despite of all the effort
the government did to damage him.

Four Nations. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

England, Rose, St George Cross +, St George

Wales, Leek and Daffodil, Dragon of Cadwallader (not in the
flag), St David. The history of the daffodil.
Scotland, Thristle, St Andrew Cross X (sky), St Andrew
Northern Ireland, Shamrock, St Patrick’s Cross, St Patrick

John Bull is a fictional character who represents the

Englishness and some English values. His origins remits to the
19th century. Actually you can see people dressed like him in
some sports, commonly in football.

Uncle Sam is a fictional character who represents the national

personification of the USA. Uncle Sam was created by
soldiers, when they received supplies the initials U.S. were on
it, and the principal distributor for that meat was a man called
Uncle Samuel so they changed the initials and called the food
Uncle Sam, who was later recognized as a national symbol.
The wather in UK is always changing is not always raining as
everyone though, that’s because birtish people is always
talking about the weather.
Southern England  fields, tourism. Kent
Middle  Birmingham part of the black country, Industrial
Northern England  Noisy dirty factorys (industrial
revolution). Pennine Mountains

Scotland  3 principal regions, Glasgow, Edinburgh which is

smaller, and has a famous rock in the middle of the city.

Wales  people live in a small part like Scotland, Cardiff, Coal

mining like northern England
Northen Ireland  Belfast capital, manufacturing of linen
(towel, sheets, pillows, etc)

Great Britain = withouth N Ireland

UK = all 4 nations

Attitudes British = they’re not traditional anymore, this

changed. They’re even less traditional than other countries.
For food and drink is a special case. Dry-up is the common
Tea drinkers are outdated
Traditional queuing it doesn’t mind they’re patients
Love Animals, nature, etc.
Badminton, croquet.
Attitudes USA

Clean, what you already know, food, rock, jazz, blues,

American football, baseball, etc.

Britain is a constitutional monarchy, king or queen who

accepts the advice of a parliament. Parliamentary democracy,
government controlled by a parliamient that has been
choosen by the people.

Unwritten constitution, just written laws by the parliament.

They are taught in the institutions, like the school for

HoC proposal for new laws, taxes changing. Prime Minister

HoL debates laws proposals and suggest changes, cannot
block the laws or proposal from HoC, only noblesse,
Queen she has no real power right now.

Monarchy is now like a puddle because is just to show that

people have a queen or king but this “leader” doesn’t take
serious part in any decision.
Theresa May primer minister of UK
British police use this typical helmets, in the 60’s was very
common they didn’t have any gun and were in all the touristic

Religion: God save the Queen, by the grace of Gord. People

doesn’t participate of an active religion, is just a “royal”
matter to them

USA is a big piece of land, a big continent while UK is an

archipelago. Constitutional monarchy and constitutional
federal republic.

Education UK VS USA
Same length , uk different periods. USA usually starts in

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