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One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 45 45 45 45 45 45

Normal Parametersa Mean 43.2222 2.9071 19.0667 4.4667 36.3104 63.6896

Std. Deviation 2.38641E1 1.75207 3.95658 1.97254 1.43246E1 1.43245E1

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .174 .150 .083 .149 .115 .115

Positive .174 .150 .073 .149 .115 .083

Negative -.082 -.067 -.083 -.118 -.083 -.115

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.170 1.005 .554 1.001 .774 .774

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .130 .265 .918 .269 .587 .587

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 X1 43.22 3 4.170 2.407

Y1 43.33 3 5.774 3.333

Pair 2 X2 2.91 3 .208 .120

Y2 3.10 3 .629 .363

Pair 3 X3 19.07 3 1.562 .902

Y3 21.6667 3 4.04145 2.33333

Pair 4 X4 4.47 3 1.114 .643

Y4 6.00 3 2.646 1.528

Pair 5 X5 36.31 3 3.561 2.056

Y5 72.89 3 5.231 3.020

Pair 6 X6 63.69 3 3.561 2.056

Y6 49.24 3 5.395 3.115

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 X1 & Y1 3 -.393 .743

Pair 2 X2 & Y2 3 .159 .898

Pair 3 X3 & Y3 3 -.554 .626

Pair 4 X4 & Y4 3 -.882 .312

Pair 5 X5 & Y5 3 -.925 .249

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 X1 & Y1 3 -.393 .743

Pair 2 X2 & Y2 3 .159 .898

Pair 3 X3 & Y3 3 -.554 .626

Pair 4 X4 & Y4 3 -.882 .312

Pair 5 X5 & Y5 3 -.925 .249

Pair 6 X6 & Y6 3 .038 .976

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval of the


Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Pair 1 X1 - Y1 -.113 8.344 4.817 -20.841 20.614 -.024 2 .983

Pair 2 X2 - Y2 -.190 .630 .364 -1.755 1.375 -.522 2 .653

Pair 3 X3 - Y3 -2.59667 5.07674 2.93106 -15.20800 10.01467 -.886 2 .469

Pair 4 X4 - Y4 -1.530 3.666 2.117 -10.637 7.577 -.723 2 .545

Pair 5 X5 - Y5 -36.583 8.630 4.983 -58.022 -15.145 -7.342 2 .018

Pair 6 X6 - Y6 14.453 6.351 3.667 -1.323 30.229 3.942 2 .059

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