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arch 3341

digital media 2 fall 2010


Assignment 1

For Assignment 3 we will be looking at surfaces. You will be introduced to traditional surface classes, such as
rotational surfaces, translational surfaces and ruled surfaces because of their potential of economic fabrication meth-
ods. Free form surfaces will also be an important part of this class because of your previous knowledge of curves, in
relationship with surface generation.

For assignment 3 we are specifically going to be looking at the module, as a main instrument of geometric and struc-
tural determination. The module as a pre-construction element is not read as a multiplying identical object, but as a
variable set of rules, which due to emerging technologies is able to adapt grow and transform into surfaces and com-
plex geometry.

The output will produce not only a systematic architectural approach, but also an understanding and handling of com-
plex geometries.

You will be investigating modules based on Platonic and Archimedian Solids and its 5 types (Tetrahedron, Cubaocata-
hedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron). You will then construct this Platonic Solid in 3 dimensions and then into a
cluster, and finally a modulated surface.


Research your given Platonic Solid family and the different types within your given family.

Choose one Platonic Solid and begin to understand its geometry and how it is constructed from 2D to 3D (folded).


The first step you are to choose your Platonic Solid from your prescribed family (list will be on blog). Once you have
chosen you will construct your module by drawing it in 2D, but instead of leaving it as a series of lines (like previous
assignments) you will need to cap the shapes into planes.

Once this is complete you will then transform your module into 3d via process discussed in class until you have a
water tight module. Choose an efficient method for this move, focus on how you rotate in multiple directions, or if it is
necessary to draw new lines in 3D. Once you are done you will need to unroll your surface to double check all edges.

Truncated Tetrahedron
arch 3341

digital media 2 SURFACE

fall 2010

Make (cont.)

The second step you will be constructing a cluster surface with your module. You will need to replicate your module a
minimum of 40 times and a maximum of 60 times. Once this is done you will be constructing a highly varied aggre-
gated cluster surface. Begin to arrange and compose your modules connecting them according to their relationships
of geometry (do not for example connect a triangle to a hex shape).

The third step you will be creating a free form surface, which you will apply your module to. You will work on manipu-
lating you model by changing it’s scale, orientation, deleting faces, or connecting multiple modules. You will have to
construct a surface that is controlled through multiple editing process, similar to what you have done with previous
assignments (point editing, rebuilding, point controlling). Once the module is applied further editing may be needed,
via manual control of the modules. This may be done by editing the module faces, deleting faces, deleting modules,
adding modules, etc.


Find a module with which you feel confident you can handle, but not so easy that it looks as if little effort was put
Your final surface should also be controlled, just like you have done in previous assignments.


Build upon your Points and Curves assignments, use this to help you control and shape your surfaces. Experiment
with the software, find ways that make your process easier and faster. Modeling is all about speed and precision.

Analyze the type of Platonic Solid you have. Understand the language and geometry in which it is made. How do you
create the most highly varied surfaces with a limited amount of modules.


+ 11x17 Printed drawings showing all steps of the process.

+ A narrative
+ For the cluster you will have an exported line drawing with proper line weights and render overlay.
+ The same applies for the module surface.
+ Additional information will be posted on the blog.

Assigned: Tuesday 14
Discussion 1 : Tuesday 14
Discussion 2: Thursday 21

Due : Tuesday 28

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