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Use Public IP Addresses Behind a Firebox
Example configuration files created with — WSM v11.10.1

Revised — 7/21/2015

Use Case

There are several reasons to use publicly routable IP addresses on a network protected by your Firebox. For example, you
might want to avoid the use of NAT to translate a public IP address to a private IP address for publicly accessible servers on
your network. You might want to use a service that does not work well with NAT. Or, you might want to use multi-WAN on the
Firebox to create redundant paths to the public IP addresses of servers on your network.

Solution Overview
This configuration example includes Firebox configurations for three scenarios that demonstrate different ways that you can
configure public subnets on the private network behind the Firebox. These configuration scenarios are covered:

n Scenario 1: Public subnet behind the Firebox - single WAN, /24 subnet
n Scenario 2: Public subnet behind the Firebox - single WAN, /24 supernet with two /25 subnets
n Scenario 3: Public subnet behind the Firebox with multi-WAN

In general, these solutions require that you:

n Add a static route to the Internet router so that it can route traffic to the public IP addresses behind the firewall
n Configure an optional interface on the Firebox to use a public IP address on the publicly routable subnet
n Configure policies and NAT to allow traffic in and out of the public subnet behind the Firebox

These configuration examples are provided as a guide. Additional configuration settings could be
necessary, or more appropriate, for your network environment.
Scenario 1: Public Subnet on Optional, Single WAN

Example Configuration Files

For your reference, we have included example configuration files with this document. The names of the configuration files are:

n Scenario 1: public_subnet_basic.xml.
n Scenario 2: public_subnet_supernet.xml.
n Scenario 3: public_subnet_multi-wan.xml.

To examine the configuration details of each example configuration file, open it with Policy Manager.

Scenario 1: Public Subnet on Optional, Single WAN

This scenario shows how to configure an optional network to use a public subnet IP address of, and how to
configure policies for traffic to and from that subnet.

This single-WAN configuration has these characteristics:

n Single external interface

n Static routing
n Works with subnets of variable sizes

Configuration Summary:

n Add a static route on the router between the Firebox and the Internet.
n Assign a public IP address from the optional network public subnet to the Firebox optional interface.
n Make sure the public subnet is not included in the dynamic NAT configuration, because we do not want to do address
translation for outbound traffic from this subnet..

The name of the example configuration file for this scenario is public_subnet_basic.xml.

2 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 1: Public Subnet on Optional, Single WAN

Router Configuration
In this scenario, the router between the Firebox and the Internet has the IP address Before you can use this
Firebox configuration you must add a static route to the router that connects to the external interface. For this example, the
router must have a static route to the public subnet with the next hop to, the IP address of the
Firebox external interface.

Firebox Network Configuration

The optional interface is configured with an IP address on the public subnet.

Configuration Example 3
Scenario 1: Public Subnet on Optional, Single WAN

Policy Configuration
You can create policies to handle inbound traffic to the public IP addresses of servers on your internal network. In the example
configuration, the policy SMTP-proxy-in handles inbound traffic to a mail server on the optional network. In this case, is the public IP address of a mail server on the optional network. The IP address of the mail server is the
destination IP address in this policy.

This example is for traffic to an SMTP server. You could also create policies that handle incoming traffic to other servers on this
public subnet.

It is not necessary to create separate outgoing policies to handle outbound traffic from public servers on this network, because
the default Outgoing policy already allows this traffic. We do not want to use NAT for outbound traffic from servers on this
optional network. Even though the Outgoing policy has NAT enabled (in the Advanced tab), no NAT occurs for outgoing traffic
from this optional network, because the public IP address range of this subnet is not specified in any of the dynamic NAT or 1-
to-1 NAT entries.

4 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 2: Public Subnet on Optional, Single-WAN, Supernet

Scenario 2: Public Subnet on Optional, Single-WAN, Supernet

You might not want to allocate an entire /24 subnet to a network behind your Firebox. As an alternative, you can use a larger
netmask to divide a subnet into smaller subnets, that you can use on different Firebox interfaces. The original subnet that you
divide is a supernet of the smaller subnets.

For example, if your ISP has allocated you the public IP address subnet, you can use the /25 netmask to split
this subnet into two smaller subnets. You can then use one of the smaller subnets for your optional network, and the other
smaller subnet for your external network. Here is an example of how that division works.

The subnet includes IP addresses -

You can use the /25 netmask, to split this /24 subnet into two /25 subnets which each contain half of the addresses in the
original subnet.

The subnet includes IP addresses -

The subnet includes IP addresses -

The /24 network is a supernet of the two /25 subnets. You can visualize the supernet / subnet relationship for this example like

This example splits a /24 subnet into two smaller subnets. You can further reduce the /25 subnet assigned to
the external interface if you want to assign more public IP addresses to other interfaces behind the Firebox.

Scenario 2 is similar to scenario 1, except that it shows how to use a public subnet of for the optional network,
and for the external network.

Configuration Example 5
Scenario 2: Public Subnet on Optional, Single-WAN, Supernet

This single-WAN configuration has these characteristics:

n Single external interface

n Static routing
n Uses the /25 netmask to break a /24 subnet into two smaller subnets

This configuration is the same as Scenario 1, except for the network addresses used on the external and optional networks.

Configuration Summary:

n Add a static route on the router between the Firebox and the Internet.
n Assign a public IP address from the /25 external network subnet to the external interface
n Assign a public IP address from the /25 optional network public subnet to the Firebox optional interface.
n Make sure the public subnet is not included in the dynamic NAT configuration, because we do not want to do address
translation for outbound traffic from this subnet.

The name of the example configuration file for this scenario is public_subnet_supernet.xml.

Router Configuration
In this scenario, the router between the Firebox and the Internet has the IP address Before you can use this
Firebox configuration you must add a static route to the router that connects to the external interface. For this example, the
router must have a static route to the public subnet with the next hop to, the IP address of the
Firebox external interface.

6 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 2: Public Subnet on Optional, Single-WAN, Supernet

Firebox Network Configuration

The external interface is configured with the IP address (an IP address from the subnet).

The optional interface is configured with the IP address (an IP address in the subnet).

Configuration Example 7
Scenario 2: Public Subnet on Optional, Single-WAN, Supernet

Policy Configuration
You can create policies to handle inbound traffic to the public IP addresses of servers on your internal network. In the
example configuration, the policy SMTP-proxy-in handles inbound traffic to a mail server on the optional network. In this
case, is the public IP address of a mail server on the optional network. The IP address of the mail server is the
destination IP address in this policy.

This example is for a mail server. You could also create policies that handle incoming traffic to other servers on this public

It is not necessary to create separate outgoing policies to handle outbound traffic from public servers on this network, because
the default Outgoing policy already allows this traffic. We do not want to use NAT for outbound traffic from servers on this
optional network. Even though the Outgoing policy has NAT enabled (in the Advanced tab), no NAT occurs for outgoing traffic
from this optional network, because the public IP address range of this subnet is not specified in any of the dynamic NAT or 1-
to-1 NAT entries.

8 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

This multi-WAN configuration is similar to the single-WAN configuration, but supports failover between two external interfaces.
This configuration would be appropriate if your Firebox connects to two different ISPs for Internet access.

This configuration has these characteristics:

n Two external interfaces, External-1 and External-2

n Static routing
n Works even with a subnet smaller than /24
n Inbound path to the real public IP address is still on a single path

Configuration Summary:

n Add a static route on the router between Firebox External-1 interface and the Internet.
n Assign a public IP address from the optional network public subnet to the Firebox optional interface.
n Add a dynamic NAT entry to translate the public subnet to the IP address of External-2, for outbound traffic through the
External-2 interface.
n Configure inbound policies with two entries that go to the same host, one for traffic from each external interface.
n Disable 1-to-1 NAT in policies that involve the optional network or any host on the optional network that uses the public

To examine the configuration file for this scenario, open public_subnet_multi-wan.xml in Policy Manager.

Configuration Example 9
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

Router Configuration
Before you can use this Firebox configuration you must add a static route to the router that connects to the External-1 interface.
For this scenario, the router must have a static route to the public subnet with the next hop to, the
IP address of the Firebox external interface.

You do not need to add a static route to the router that connects to the External-2 interface. Instead, you use a static NAT rule
in the inbound policy to route traffic received by the External-2 interface to the public IP address of a host on the Optional

Firebox Network Configuration

Just as in the single-WAN configuration, the optional interface is configured with an IP address on the public

This configuration includes two external interfaces, External-1 (, and External-2 (

10 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

Dynamic NAT Configuration
The configuration includes an added dynamic NAT rule for outbound traffic from the optional network to the External-2

The dynamic NAT rule is - External-2.

For outbound traffic from the SMTP server that leaves the External-2 interface, this dynamic NAT rule changes the source IP
address from to the IP address of the External-2 interface.

If you have other servers on the optional public IP subnet, you would add those entries to the dynamic NAT configuration as
well. For example, if this network had a web server with IP address, the dynamic NAT rule would be - External-2.

Policy Configuration
You can create policies to handle inbound traffic to the public IP addresses of servers on your internal network. In the example
configuration, the policy SMTP-proxy-in handles inbound traffic to a mail server on the optional network. In this case, is the public IP address of a mail server on the optional network. Because traffic to this mail server can arrive
through one of two external interfaces, the destination address in this policy has two entries:

n The real public IP address of the mail server (

n A static NAT entry that translates the External-2 IP address ( to the real IP address of the mail server

Configuration Example 11
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

Dynamic NAT and static NAT work together in this configuration to handle IP address translation for traffic that goes through
the External-2 interface.

n Dynamic NAT — handles address translation for outbound traffic that leaves the External-2 interface.
n Static NAT — handles address translation for inbound traffic to the SMTP server that enters the External-2 interface.

12 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

DNS Records
With this multi-WAN configuration there are two public IP addresses that can be used to connect to each server. So you must
configure DNS records to handle inbound traffic on either address. For each host, you need a DNS record with the real public
IP address of the host (which is routable through the IP address on the External-1 interface), and a second DNS record with
the IP address of the External-2 interface.

For this example network that has a mail server with the public IP address of, the NS records for the mail server
could look like this: IN MX 5 IN MX 10
mail1 IN A
mail2 IN A

If this example network had a web server with a public IP address of on the optional network, the NS records for
a web server could look like this: IN A IN A

This configuration example covers multi-WAN with static routing. You can also configure a public subnet (/24
or greater) behind the Firebox if you use dynamic routing.

Configuration Example 13
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

Outgoing Policies
These example configuration files do not include specific policies to handle outbound traffic from public servers on this
network, because the default Outgoing policy already allows this traffic. If you remove the Outgoing policy from your
configuration, or if you want the ability to more easily monitor the log messages related to traffic from these public servers, we
recommend that you create a unique policy to handle outgoing traffic from each public server. For example, you could add a
proxy policy that handles outgoing traffic from the mail server to any external interface. That policy could look like this:

This policy handles outbound SMTP traffic from the server at to any external interface. If you have other servers
with public IP addresses on your network, you can create a policy to handle outbound traffic from each server.

14 WatchGuard Fireware
Scenario 3 : Public Subnet on Optional, Multi-WAN

In this configuration example, we have shown three ways that you can configure a subnet with public IP addresses on an
optional network protected by your Firebox. The three configuration scenarios should give you some ideas about how you can
use NAT to route traffic to publicly routable IP addresses on the network protected by your Firebox.

If you would rather use private IP addresses for publicly accessible servers on your private network, that is also an option. For
more information, see the configuration example Use NAT for Public Access to Servers with Private IP Addresses on the
Private Network on the Configuration Examples page.
The configuration includes an added dynamic NAT rule for outbound traffic from the optional network to the External-2 inter-

Configuration Example 15
About this Configuration Example

About this Configuration Example

This configuration example is provided as a guide. Additional configuration settings could be necessary, or more appropriate,
for your network environment.

For complete product documentation, see the Fireware Help on the WatchGuard website at:

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are
fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Information

Copyright © 1998-2015 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks or trade names mentioned herein, if
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Complete copyright, trademark, patent, and licensing information can be found in the Copyright and Licensing Guide,
available online at:

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