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Wage calculation

Bruto salary € 450.00

Submitted to the salary tax book Ir

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Jautāt darba devējam

Untaxed minimum € 196.43

Exempt for dependents € 0.00
Other reliefs € 0.00
Social tax rate 11%
Social tax € 49.50

The income taxable amount € 204.07

Income tax rate 20%
Income tax € 40.81
Net salary € 359.69

In the absence of a salary tax booklet, preferences 0

If there is a pensioner, 0, the untaxed minimum of social tax rate of 9,56%, if not a pensioner, soc
If is 1., 2., the disabled, the social tax rate of 10,12%, in addition to the 154 the non-taxable amo
3. if the disabled, in addition to the 120 the non-taxable amount in total
If a a salary tax booklet, all of which will not exceed the income month minimum wage (430 EUR
from 2018 December 1 January), the untaxed minimum will be 200 EUR, gradually reaching 250
2020. year. to
In addition If the
154 theofnon-taxable
the previous periods
amount in were
total higher as 430 EUR, the SRS the untaxed m
will be calculated in proportion to the income of Losses of a taxation year income has been the p
where the worker, the worker salary tax booklet to the SRS estimated monthly untaxed minimum
Information about worker the SRS estimated monthly non-taxable minimum, the employer will b
notified each year by 1 January and 1 August Electronic declaration system. Differentiated the un
minimum will be determined by the State Revenue Service and the company will announce that
applied, if the minimum wage in total more than 1000, 0. The State Revenue Service for the peri
31 July of the following formulas determine the MINIMUM = (2400-0, 35714 * (AVERAGE WORKI
SALARY IEPR.PERIOD * 12-5280)) / 12. Then recalculate. The following table provides an estimate
on the assumption that the salary compared to the previous period is not changed.alary tax boo
which will not exceed the income month minimum wage (430 EUR starting from 2018 December
January), the untaxed minimum will be 200 EUR, gradually reaching 250 EUR 2020. year. If the in
the previous periods were higher as 430 EUR, the SRS the untaxed minimum will be calculated in
proportion to the income of Losses of a taxation year income has been the place where the work
worker salary tax booklet to the SRS estimated monthly untaxed minimum. Information about w
SRS estimated monthly non-taxable minimum, the employer will be notified each year by 1 Janu
August Electronic declaration system. Differentiated the untaxed minimum will be determined by
State Revenue Service and the company will announce that it will be applied, if the minimum wa
total more than 1000, 0. The State Revenue Service for the period up to 31 July of the following f
determine the MINIMUM = (2400-0, 35714 * (AVERAGE WORKING SALARY IEPR.PERIOD * 12-528
Then recalculate. The following table provides an estimate based on the assumption that the sal
compared to the previous period is not changed.
For each dependent 200 total
Facilities for the disabled
9,17% social tax for the prisoner, locked up the pensioner 7,91%

If the salary until 1667 EUR, then 20%, if more then 23%
unt in total

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