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Black Tea (loose leaf) .... Herbal Tea (optional) -- Mother S.C.O.B.Y.

Evaporated Cane Juice or (fair-trade) Sugar ... (between 1/2 c. and 1 c.)

Kombucha starter (leftover brew) ... (between 1/2 c. and 1 c.)


Brew a pot of delicious black tea -- over and over. Pour the tea content of each into a larger (2 quart)
vessel. Add sugar while liquid is still warm for easy dissolving. As container fills, decide if you want
the flavor of an herbal tea added as well. Repeat above procedure for herbal tea, almost filling con-
tainer (you may also just add (filtered) water). When temperature reaches tepid, or cooler, add the
starter, and the Mother. Cover loosely. Taste after a few days to a week -- and keep tasting regularly.
Either: enjoy the increasing bite; or strain the brew at your ‘perfect’ character, store in the refrigerator,
and start over.


OGI -- Fermented Millet Porridge

(quantities listed per serving)

Millet (lightly pulsed or crushed)

Olive Oil ... (about 1 Tbsp)

Garlic Clove, crushed ... (1 clove per serving)

Sea Salt & Black (or White) Pepper ... (to taste)


(I make a weeks worth at a time). Add filtered water to cover between a cup and 1 1/2 cups of mil-
let in a loosely covered container. The process: add water to millet; let get funky. Each day to pre-
pare porridge, ladle a drained 1/2 cup of millet out of the water and into a small pot or saucepan
with more than double its volume in fresh water; bring to boil and then simmer; add oil, then garlic,
then salt; cook to desired consistency, adding water as desired for a looser porridge; finish with fresh
ground pepper. (And serve with lacto-fermented vegetables!)


nature works douglasFrances Subbiondo dglsFrances@gmail. 732.306.8400

Vegetable, thinly sliced -- Sea Salt -- Water -- Spices (optional)


The basic procedure is very much the same across roots and vegetables.
-- Maximize exposed surface area.
-- Add sea salt (*quantity varies -- there exists a fairly wide, functional range of saltiness -- allow it to taste
salty, but not uncomfortably so -- consider a slightly heaping tablespoon for a head of cabbage, or 3 table-
spoons per 5 pounds of vegetable ratio, as places to begin)
-- Toss together. Let sit 20 minutes or so. Add spices, if using, (always) crushed. Try coriander and red pep-
per flakes in with yams -- and caraway seeds and juniper berries for classic sauerkraut. Then massage salt and
spices into vegetables, or simply press hard into jar or crock. Latent water content of vegetables should be
enough to cover -- if not, add salt water at a ratio of 1/2 tsp to 1 cup) until vegetables are covered.
-- Place plate, glass, rock or weight atop to cover. Taste and enjoy regularly, allowing the strength and sour to
increase, or set at desired level through refrigeration.



Rice (Brown Basmati -- or other) .... Split Lentils (Urad Dal, red or other) -- Sea Salt

oil with which to cook (olive, coconut, or any other heat tolerant oil) -- Ground Spices (optional)


The ratio is 3 parts Rice to 1 part Lentils -- down to 2 to 1 in some preparations.

Soak Rice and Lentils in water, separately, overnight. Liquify each in a blender with salt to taste -- dip and lick
your finger -- pleasantly salty is the goal -- and combine. The textural goal is loose and soupy. Let to sit, loosely
covered in a warm place, overnight.

To prepare dosas, preheat nonstick skillet, or well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Ladle enough batter into pan to
shake to edges, barely. Sprinkle center with fresh-ground, house spice mix (optional). Add a small amount of
olive oil to edge and swirl around the edge of the pancake, which will crisp the edge and make for easier flip-
ping. Flipping is also optional, though may be necessary if the pancake is too thick. Cook at least 5 minutes
until bottom becomes golden or darker, then flip and finish the other side -- just a minute or two more.

Enjoy as you might an incredibly versatile, slightly sour, hot, flat bread. Some suggestions are: plain, with but-
ter or oil, or jelly, or savory masalas, or used as layers in an Indian Lasagna -- remember versatility -- this is daily
bread for those living in a climate too hot for other cereals.


nature works douglasFrances Subbiondo dglsFrances@gmail. 732.306.8400

Sprouted Cereal Grains (try wheat, rye, or spelt) -- Filtered Water


To sprout grains takes about three days. First, soak overnight in water. Pour off water in the morning (onto
soil, or something else that might appreciate it). Rinse, swirl and drain immediately with water at least once a
day but no more than twice. Keep them moist, not wet. They will sprout and grow.

After about three days, place a handful or two of sprouts (about 25%, loose, of the total volume to be filled)
in a container. Then leave in warm place, loosely covered for two days. Pour off and strain. Sprouts may be
used twice for Sprouted Grain Water (feel free to rename that which does not suit or match character).

** bonus recipe: what to do with those sprouts if you have no chickens to give them to..

Used Sprouts (or fresh) -- Mint Leaves -- Tahini

Carob Molasses -- Honey -- Za’atar spice blend (optional)
Apple (or other fruit) slices

Food process used sprouts with the above ingredients (minus apples), weighting more heavily those
flavors you enjoy most. Spread resulting paté over fruit slices and enjoy


Prepared for:





Ogi. (Millet porridge)

Lacto-Fermented Yams, Cabbage.

Dosas. (South Indian Flatbread -- gluten-free)

Rejuvelac. (Sprouted Grain Water Goodness) (employ life in service of itself)

thank you

nature works douglasFrances Subbiondo dglsFrances@gmail. 732.306.8400

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