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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Isabel Osorio PSMT Name: Provenzano

Lesson Plan Title: Compare Three Digit Lesson Plan Topic: Math
Date: 1/15/2018 Estimated Time: 75 min
Grade Level: 2nd School Site: Elaine Wynn

1. State Standard(s):
2.NBT.A.4 Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds,
tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

2. Teaching Model(s):
Direct Instruction
- Take a Stand
- Circulate
- Show Me
- Turn and Talk
- Exit Ticket
- Time Paired Share

3. Objective(s):
SWBT compare three-digit numbers using greater than and less than

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

a. I-ready books
b. Markers and erasers
c. Pencils
d. Math notebook
e. Fidget spinners (2)
f. Online Game on Ipad/Computer Level 1 or 2 -
g. Smartboard -
h. Vocabulary:
i. Compare - to decide if one number is greater than, less than, or equal to
another number
ii. Greatest place value - farthest left digit in the number
iii. Greater than symbol (>) - a symbol used to compare two numbers when the
first number is greater than the second number
iv. Less than symbol (<) - a symbol used to compare two numbers when the first
number is less than the second number
v. Equal sign (=) - a symbol used to compare two numbers that have the same

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement: (5 min)
i. SW sit on the carpet with their shoulder partners
ii. T and SW read objective “SWBT compare three-digit numbers using greater
than and less than.”
iii. TW go over vocabulary
iv. TW “Let’s all imagine we’re at the store to buy a fidget spinner. A red fidget
spinner costs 65 dollars and a green fidget spinner costs 15 dollars.” (TW
bring fidget spinners and write price above them)
1. “Tell your shoulder partner which fidget spinner you would buy.
Why?” DOK 1 & 2, Time Paired Share Kagan, Take a Stand Lemov
2. “How do you know that (color) fidget spinner costs more/less?” DOK
2 TPS, Circulate Lemov
v. TW “We use comparing all the time in the real world - when we’re shopping,
reading food labels. We just compared two digit numbers, but what have we
been learning about?” (three digit numbers)

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (10 min)

i. TW project two numbers using smartboard blocks (145 & 152)
ii. SW identify the numbers as a table
1. TW ask “How many hundreds/tens/ones?” DOK 1
2. TW ask “What number is this?” DOK 1
iii. TW ask “Which number is greater?” DOK 1
iv. TW ask “Talk with your shoulder partner, how do you know that 145 is
greater than 152?” DOK 2 Circulate Lemov
1. SW share answers (ie 152 has more tens)
2. If S are having a hard time, TW put numbers in a HTO chart
v. TW “When mathematicians compare numbers, they always start with the
greatest place value. What is the greatest place value in 145 and 152?" DOK
vi. TW “Both numbers have a 1 in the hundreds place. So I look at the tens
place. The number 145/152 has what in the tens place?” DOK 1
vii. TW “I know 5 is less than 4. So 145 is less than 152”
viii. TW write “145 < 152” and re-explain the symbol represents less than
1. TW write “152 > 145. Can we write it this way?” BLOOMS Analyze
2. TW release S to centers/small groups

Small Groups at teacher table: (15 min each)

Bears - Omega, Maxwell, Eliana, Keili, Layla
- SW compare 438 & 239. SW start pg 117-118 together
Raccoons - Jesus, Yefri, Christian, Jeremiah, Klinsmann
- SW compare 438 & 239. SW start pg 117-118 together
Deer - Delilah, Osbaldo, Estefanie, Celeste, Yaritizi
- SW compare 367 - 376. T & SW discuss 117 - 118
Eagles, Jessica, Angel, German, Vanessa, Cristal
- SW compare 367 - 376. T & SW discuss 117 - 118

Show me, Turn and Talk Lemov

Pairs Compare Kagan

c. Closure:
i. Whole group discussion “What did you learn in math today?” DOK 1
ii. SW copy down 324 _____ 432 in notebooks. SW answer the question and
explain. Exit Ticket Lemov

d. Extension:
i. Campfire Centers:
1. go fish numbers
2. ipad online game
3. Dice game

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

a. Accomodations:
i. TW access prior knowledge (two digit numbers, symbols, three digit
numbers, place value)
b. Modifications:
i. Students below level will compare 438 & 239 and students on level will
compare the numbers 367 and 376.
c. Differentations:
i. Students below level will be called to the teacher table first. TW go over
place values and provide steps for students. SW start independent work at
teacher table.
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
a. Formative
i. Call & Response Lemov
ii. Circulate Lemov
iii. Show Me Lemov
b. Summative
i. Exit Ticket Lemov

8. Homework Assignment
a. TW “At lunch or when you’re at home, take a look at the labels of your food. Let’s
take a look at the calories. Compare the two numbers. Which is less or greater? We
will share tomorrow.”

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