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write minutes

It is also a good idea to include a short

summary of the opinions raised during the
discussion, along with the reason why the
organisation arrived at a certain decision.
Minutes are a record of what took place at The minutes should also state the type of
a meeting, such as decisions and actions. meeting that was held, along with the date
This fact sheet contains information and and the names of those who attended and
advice on how to write good minutes for those who gave their apologies for
your meetings. absence.

Record of meetings Accurate

At meetings, the accuracy and approval of Good minutes are accurate, brief and
the minutes from the previous meeting is clear. They should always follow the same
always one of the first items of business. order as the agenda. The draft minutes
In some organisations, after the minutes should be approved by the Chairperson
have been approved, the Chairperson and then circulated to members as soon
signs them. The Secretary keeps the as possible after the meeting.
signed copy for the organisation’s files.
During the meeting, if the person writing
Minutes do not need to be very long, they the minutes is unsure of a decision or
must however contain: action, they should ask the Chairperson
• What decisions were made; for clarification so that their notes are
• Who proposed and supported items for accurate.
• The result of any votes (the numbers in Consistency
favour, against and any abstentions); Minutes should be written in a consistent
• What action was agreed; style, from one meeting to the next. This is
• Who was given responsibility to carry out usually the Secretary’s responsibility;
the action and by when. good minutes will help your organisation
make decisions.

BYC (British Youth Council) is the voice of young people in the UK

BYC, The Mezzanine 2, 2nd Floor Downstream Building, 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG
Tel: 0845 458 1489 Email: Web:
Minutes of Anytown Youth Council Meeting on 25 January 2004
Present: T Car (Chair), K Sink, B Plug, P Custom, K Product

Apologies for absence: L Unit

Chair’s opening remarks: T Car opened the meeting, welcoming those in attendance.

Action By whom
Minutes of the last meeting: These were passed as a true and
correct record. Signed T Car
Matters arising: In response to a question from K Sink, K
Product informed the meeting that the letter had been written to
the Leader of the Council. To chase a response K Product
Correspondence: T Car circulated copies of correspondence
received since the last meeting.
Keep youth
Youth council activity: B Plug reported back on a recent B Plug
council informed
consultation on a proposed youth Mayor for Anytown.
Financial Report: P Custom informed the meeting that the
Christmas party made a £150 profit.
Reports: P Custom gave an update on the last meeting of the
Finance and General Purposes Committee.
T Car gave an update on the last meeting of the Leisure and Arts
Any other business: T Car reminded all members to submit
Submit articles All members
their reports for the newsletter by February 12th.
Date of next meeting: 25 March 2004

Source: BYC’s Essential Guide

How 2’s five top tips to

write minutes

1. Don’t write everything down, just the main points of a

discussion, decisions and actions.
2. Produce rough notes shortly after the meeting and check
them with the Chairperson.
3. Give each item a separate heading, ensuring the minutes
follow the same order as the agenda.
4. Write the minutes in a consistent style.
5. Retain copies of the minutes in a file for future reference.

BYC’s How 2 guides is a series of fact sheets for young people and youth organisations, which
explain the steps they need to take to develop their organisation and arrange activities.
For further copies in the How 2 series, visit or call BYC on 0845 458 1489.

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