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Knowledge is Power:
SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list:
The Hermetica - Peter Gandy? – buy
Hermetica - Walter Scott – buy
Hermetica – Copenhaver – buy
? The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
? Why Darkness Matters :The Power of Melanin in The Brain - amazon
From The Mother Land to the Mothership - Shurlene Wallace
? Conflicting Genes Nuetranoids and Genocide - Amun re sen Atum re? (brother Poli
Gnosis - Philip Gardiner
Gnosis - Kurt Rudolph
? The historical origins of Christianity - Walter Williams
? Metu Neter Vol. 1- (ALL) - Ra un nefer Amen
? Ma at Philosophy - Muata Ashby ?
Ancient egytpian light of the world -?Gerald Massey ?
Pregnant Darkness Alchemy and the rebirth of consciousness - Monika Wikman ?
The Sufis - Idries Shah
Book of the Beginings - Gerald Massey
The book of the law - Aleister Crowley? – amazon
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception ?- Max Heindel
? The God Genes - R.a. Waldron?
Echoes of an Old Darkland -Charles Finch?
Atlantis and Lemuria - Rudolf Steiner
? The Third Eye - Sophia Stewart?
Lost Cities of North & Central America - David Hatcher
From Fetish to God - E.A. wallis Budge?
The Africans who wrote the bible -Nana banchie Darkwah?
Medical Apartheid - Harriet Washington
? The Name Negro - Richard B Moore?
Phlilosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey - Marcus Garvey ?
The first Americans were Africans - David Imhotep?
The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks Making sense of the Madness
- Joseph Chippalone
Melatonin: your body’s own wonder drug
- Russel J. & Jo Reiter
Armegddon Now: the end of the world A to Z - Jim Willis
Basic Magick: a practical guide
- Phillip Cooper
The Modern Alchemist
- Richard Alan Miller
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry - Richard D King amazon UD
Melanin: key to Freedom - Richard D. King – amazon UD
The Diloggun: Orishas, proverbs, sacrifices - Ochani Lele – book copy
Spiritual Cleansings & psychic Defenses - Robert Laremy
Lakshmi : the goddess of wealth and fortune - devdutt pattanaik
Cosmic memory - Rudolf Steiner
Atlantis the Antideluvian world- book copy
- Ignatius Donnelly
Temples of Light - Danielle Rama Hoffman – book copy
Elixer of Immortality - Robert E Cox – book copy
The Destruction of Black Civilization - chancellor Williams
The secret books of the Egyptian Gnostics - Jean Doresse
The Astral Body - A.E. Powell
The Metaphysics of Sex - Julius Evola
The Theology of Time- Elijah Muhammad
Other Tongues Other Flesh- George Hunt Williamson
Stolen Legacy - George G.M. James
Three Initiates: The Kybalion -Dover publications
Kundalini for the New Age - selected writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Ke
The Confessions Nat Turner- William Styron
Ruled By Secrecy - Jim Marrs
Biographies of the Great Kings and Queens of Africa and Notable Black Men and Wo
men - Lee John Smith/Deanna Williams
The People Could Fly -Virginia Hamilton
The Kybalion A study of he Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
The Serpent Grail - Phillip Gardiner
Circle of Isis - Ellen Reed
A People’s History of United States -aka-(white people ruin everything) Howard Zinn
Cosmic Trigger - Robert Wilson
The People of the Secret - Ernest Scott
The Ancient Power of the Flower of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek
Simulacra & Simulation - Jean Baudrillard
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos - H.P. Lovecraft
Sun Gods in Exile - Karyl Robin Evans
Oracle of the illuminati - William Henry
The Perfect Sermon or Asclepius
Angels Demon & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Mili Duqquette
The Golden Fleece and Alchemy- Antoine Faivre
Vril, The Power of the Coming RaceEdward Lytton
Gospel of The Zodiac - Bill Darlison
Lucifer Dethroned- William Schnoebelen
Hermetic Magic- Stephen E. Flowers
The Gnostic Scriptures- Bentley Layton
Nag Hammadi Scriptures- James M. Robinson
Basics of Magic -Chic Cicero
The Golden Dawn Journal - Chic Cicero
The Virgin Of The World : hermes trismegustes
The Goetia - S.C. McGregor Mathers
Universe Earth and Man - Rudolf Steiner
The Cup Of Destiny - Trevor Ravenscroft
The Apocrypha of Jannes and Jambres - Albert Pietersma
The Astral Plane - C.W. Leadbeater
The Solar System - A.E. Powell
The Egyptian Mysteries - Arthur Versluis
The Secret Teachings For All AgesManly P.Hall
The Monuments of Mars - Richard C. Hoagland
The Tree Of Life - Israel Regardie
The Fall Of America - Elijah Muhammad
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Two Thousand Seasons - Ayi Kwei
Civilization or Barbarism -Cheikh Diop
Ancient and Modern Britons - David Mac Ritchie
The Diplomatic Relations Of The United States - Ray Irwin
Encyclopedia Of Spirits- Judika Illes
Trance : Formation of America - Cathie Obrien
The Great Cosmic Mother - Monica Sjjoo
The Gnostics - Tobias Churton
The Cube of Space - Kevin Townley
Meditations on the Cube of Space- Kevin Townley
The Anatomy of the Body of God Frater Achad
Astral Travel - Gavin & Yavonne Frost
Mind Power into the 21st century -John Kehoe
Lucid Living - Timothy Freke
The Hidden Creator - Hilton Hotema
Secret of Regeneration - Hilton Hotema
The Great Red Dragon - Hilton Hotema
The handbook of Yoruba Religios Concepts - Ifa Karade
Yoruba legends - M. I. Ogumifu
Wise Women of the Dreamtime - Langloh Parker
Astral Travel - Robert Brute
Siva : The Erotic Ascetic
Daimonic Reality - Patrick Harpur
The Dream And the Underwolrd -James Hillman
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Carl Gustav Jung
Mysterium Coniunctionis - Carl Gustav Jung
Aeon - Carl Gustav Jung
Psychology and Alchemy - Carl Gustav Jung
The Presence of Siva - Stella Kramrisch
Hebrew Myths -Robert Graves & Raphael Patid
The Black Sun - Peter Moon
Equinox of the gods - Aleister Crowley
Necronomicon - H.R. Giger
What dreams may come -movie
Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt - Edward Malkowski
Gnosticism - Stephen Hoeller
The Devil - Jeffrey Burton Russel
Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters - Hilton Hotema
Satan: the early Christian Tradition - Jeffrey button Russel
Dictionary of Symbolism - Hans Biedermann
Encyclopedia of Gods - Michael Jordan
Dictionary of Deities - Patricia Turner
Hindu Deities a Mythological Dictionary - Margaret Stutley
Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward
Gods of love and Ecstacy - Alian Danielou (shiva & Dionysus)
Vodou Visions - Sallie Ann Glassman
A Textbook code/system/ concepts …Victims of White Supremacy - Neely Full
Palo Moyombe -Congo initiation spirits… - Carlos Montenegro
Seth God of Confusion - Herman te Velde
The Ancient Egyptian Buddha -Muata Ashby
Enuma Elish - L. W. King
Mornings of the Magicians - louis Pauwels
Powers of the Orishas - Migene Gonzales-Wippler
The Souless One, Cloning and Counterfeit Creation - Mark L Prophet
The Egyptian Elements of the Old Testament - Amin Sharif
The Souls of White Folk - Veronica Watson
Ancient Sungod - Hilton Hotema
The Black Goddess and the Unseen Real - Peter Redgrove
Godwin’s Kabbalistic Encyclopedia - David Godwin
The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - S.L. Macgregor
God Wills The Negroe - Theodore P. Ford
5/5/2000: Ice The Ultimate Disaster - Richard W. Noone
In Search of the Dream People Richard w. Noone
The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King - E. Crowley
The Lesser Key of Solomon - Joseph H. Peterson
The Pale Fox - M. Griaule
The Serpent Shakti - Asha Auset
The Greatest Story Never Told - Lana Corrine Cantrell
The Rebirth of Pan - Jim Brandon
International Meat Crisis - Harvestime Books
The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories - S.T. Joshi
The Warlocks Book: Secrets of Black Magic - Peter Haining
Encyclopedia of Black Magic - Cassiel
Atlantis - Aleister Crowley
The Sword and the Flute: Kali and Krsna - David R. Kinsley
White Supremacy and Negroe Subordination - John H. Van Evrie
Encounters - Edith Fiore
Spirit Rapping Unveiled - Hiram Mattison
Ego and Archetype - Edward F. Edinger
Theosophia: Hidden Dimensions of Christianity - Arthur Versluis
Kundalini, Evolution, and Enlightenment - John White
The Opening of the Way - Isha Schwaller de Lubicz
Tantric Visionsof the Divine Feminine - David R. Kinsleu
Sex Magic, Tantra, & Tarot - Lon Milo Duquette
The Moses Mystery - Gary Greenberg
Moses and Akhenaten - Ahmed Osman
The Serpent Grail - Philip Gardiner
Paralell Myths - J. F. Bierlein
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire - Drusilla Dunjee Houston
The Emerald Tablet - Dennis William Hauck
Scales of the Black Serpent
Basic Qlippothic magick - Michael W. Ford
The Soul’s Secret - Hilton Hotema
Nightshades - Jan Fries
Typhonian Teratomas - Mishien Linden
Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic - Thomas Karlsson
The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil - Kersey Graves
The Chicken Qabalah - Lon Milo Duquette
Hanuman, an Introduction - Devdutt Pattanaik
Qliphoth, Esoteric - Edgar Kerval
Drums and Shadows: Survival Studies among the Georgia Coastal Negroes - Georgia
Writers Project
Myths & Legends of Babylonia and Assyria - Lewis Spence
The Mysterious Sphinx - Hilton Hotema
Alchemy of the Soul - Lee Irwin
Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship With the Goddess of 10,000 Names - M. Isa
dora Forrest
The Golden Ass - Penguin Classics
Time and the Technosphere - Jose Argüelles
Magical Child - Joseph Chilton Pearce
Infancy in Uganda - Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
Yakub: The Father Of Mankind - Elijah Muhammad
Melanin the Chemical Key to Black Greatness - Carol Barnes
The Golden Age of the Moor - Ivan Van Sertima
The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Kersey Henry Graves
Holy Harlots: Femininity, Sexuality, and Black Magic in Brazil - Kelly E. Hayes
Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast - Colin Wilson
Who is This King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos Messiah Tradition Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light Through Darkness Meditation - Ross H
Aghora, at the Left Hand of God V.1 - Robert Svoboda
Aghora II: Kundalini - Robert Svoboda
The Science of the Dogon: Decoding The African Mystery Tradition - Laird Scranto
The Cosmic Serpent: Dna & The Origins of Knowledge - Jeremy Narby
Angels, Demons, & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Milo Duquette
The Road From Orion - Judy Kay King
The Isis Thesis - Judy Kay King
The Book on Palo - Don Demetrio (original publications spiritual books and suppl
Spirits of the Night - Selden Rodman
Voodoo Charms & Talismans - Robert W. Pelton
Voodoo Shaman: The Hatian Way of Healing and Power - Ross Heaven
Complete book of Voodoo - (original publications spiritual books and supplies)
Voodoo in Haiti - Alfred Metraux
Voodoo Rituals: A Users Guide - Heike Owusu
The Voodoo Quantam Leap: Alternate Realities, Power, & Mysticism - Reginald
Polaria , The Gift of the White Stone - W.H. Muller
Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits - Donald Tyson
A New Orleans VouDou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau - Carolyn
Morrow Long
Brazilian Palo Primer: Kimanda Recipes to Make You Win at Love, Money, Business,
and Life - Robert Laremy
Blood Magick - Seth
Rituals and Spells of Santeria - Migene Gonzales-Wippler
Egyptian Erotica: The Essence of Ancient Egyptian Erotica in Art & Literatur
e - Joseph Toledano
Egyptian Magic - Joseph Toledano
Black and White Magic - Marie Laveau
Wicca Candle Magick - Geri a Dunwich
Cunt Coloring Book - Tee Corinne
Secrets of Magical Seals - Anna Riva
Creating Magical Entities - David Michael Cunningham
The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol
The Wise Wound: Menstruation and EveryWoman
Mysteries of the Dark Moon The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess - Demetra Georg
Taboo: Sex, Religion & Magic - Christopher S. Hyatt
Dragontime Magic & Mystery of Menstruation - Luisa Francia
Star Walkers and the Dimension of the Blessed - William Henry
Cosmic Radiation - Hilton Hotema
The Great Law - Hilton Hotema
The Way of the Orisa - Philip Johm Neimark
Encyclopedia of African Religion - Molefi Kete Asante
African Folklore An Encyclopedia - Philip M.Peek and Kwesi Yankah
The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man - Henri Frankfort
The Serpent Power: Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force - Mu
ata Ashby
Egyptian Hieretic texts transcribed - Alan Gardiner
Ecstasy through Tantra - John Mumford
The Gnostic Religion: The Message Of The Alien God and The Beginning of Christia
nity - Hans Jonas
Apocolypse of The Alien God: Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism - Dyl
an M. Burns
The Serpent Power - John Woodroffe
The Teachings of PtahHotep: The Oldest Book in the World - Hilliard III Asa
The Acid- Alkaline food Guide - Larry Trivieri
The Mahabharata
Mysteries of the Mexican pyramid - Peter Tompkins
Man’s Higher Consiousness - Hilton Hotema
We Do Not Die - Hilton Hotema
Ancient Secret of Personal Power: Tetragrammaton - Hilton Hotema
The Magic Wand : The Caduceus - Hilton Hotema
Ancient Future - Wayne Chandler
Symbols Signs & Signets - Ernst Lehner
Ancient Astrological Secrets of the Jews Revealed - Rueven Shomroni
The Great Initiates - Edouard Schuré
Synchronicity - Allan Combs
Interpreting the Eclipses - Robert Jansky
Sexual Astrology - Marlene Rathgeb
Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope - Karen Hamaker
In Search of The Medicine Buddha - David Crow

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