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Manifesting Mastery

A Practical, Step-by-Step Guide

The Secret You Need to Know to Manifest

$1,000,000 and More Within Forty Days and
Change Your Life Forever

Ricky Gravitas
 Copyright 2014 by Ricky Gravitas - All rights reserved.

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While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of
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All information is generalized, presented for informational purposes only
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I Create My Own Reality............................................................................ 5

Tough Love .............................................................................................. 11
Proof of the Law of Attraction .................................................................. 22
The Manifesting Formula ......................................................................... 31
Let’s Manifest $1,000,000 ....................................................................... 37
Read This Chapter Three Times a Day Without Fail .............................. 40
Afterword .................................................................................................. 58
I Create My Own Reality

There are no accidents.

Everything in life happens at exactly the right time in exactly the right
way. You are reading this book because it has become time for you to
change your life and manifest true abundance. Starting with $1,000,000
and so much more!

If you are reading this then you are seeking the secret to actually making
the Law of Attraction work in your life.

You have come to the right place! I may not have invisible friends, with
cool names like Seth or Abraham or Bob, who teach me invisible
wisdom, but I know precisely how to manifest my dreams and I am going
to share this with you. 

In this book I will show you exactly how to manifest great wealth into
your life in just forty days. That is why you are reading it. You want to be
wealthy. You want to have $1,000,000 and more. You want to never
have to go back to your crappy job again. Soon. Very soon. Like, forty
days soon. Well, Ricky is here to help you attain this wonderful life you
seek by showing you the secrets to the LOA which everybody else
glosses over or leaves out completely.

Why forty days? Why not ten? Or twenty one? It is an oft quoted
statement that it takes twenty one days to create a new habit. This
seems to have originated with the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr.
Maxwell Malz. He was an innovator in the field of the mind/body
relationship and many of his techniques are still used today by athletes,
artists and many other high achievers. I chose forty days because some
habits are harder to break and harder to create than others. If you want
to make a habit of drinking a glass of water every morning, then it is
quite possible to form a habit in twenty one days or less. If you want to
make a habit of getting up at 5am every morning and running until you
are exhausted, no matter what the weather, it may take longer than
twenty one days.

This book is going to change your life, if you carry out the instructions as
presented. There will be habits to break and habits to create. Thoughts
to emphasize and thoughts to delete. Feelings to create and emphasize
and feelings to let go. In forty days’ time you will have changed your life
so much for the better that you will never consider going back to how
you are now.

Why would you? Reading and carrying out the instructions in this book
will make your life so much better that returning to how you were before
would be foolish – and you are not foolish.

You have come across this book because this is your time to shine! The
wisdom of the universe has brought you here because it is your time to
change your life so much for the better. Smile to yourself right now and
settle down for a step by step path to manifesting everything you have
wanted in your life. In the next forty days.

Do you think you can commit to following the instructions in this book for
forty days? Is doing some easy work and easy tasks for forty days
straight too much to ask? Are you willing to do this to manifest
$1,000,000 and more into your life? Think about your answer. If you
read this book, get all inspired and do it full on for five days, then decide
it isn’t working, then you are right. It won’t work.

But if you commit to changing your thoughts, changing your feelings and
changing your actions, then you are guaranteed by the Law of Attraction
to receive all your desires. If you are ready for them – and the purpose
of this book is to make you ready and able to manifest all your desires.
Starting with $1,000,000 and more!

There are some hard words in this book. Some hard facts that you may
not wish to believe or hear. Things you may not wish to face.

Tough bickies.

There is an entire chapter of “tough love” from Ricky. Read it. Chew on
it. Swallow. This book is going to change your life way for the better. If
you have the guts. Up to you. Completely. I cannot change your life.
Only you can do that. So get ready to look in the mirror and face what
you see.

This book assumes that you already have some basic knowledge of the
LOA and just want to know how to make it work for you.
You already know that:

Everything in the universe is energy. Everything. Including you.

Like attracts Like. Always.

Your thoughts become your reality. As Earl Nightingale and the Buddha
said: We become what we think about.

You must control your thoughts in order to create your desired reality.
Your inner talk and your inner feelings are your best path to obtaining
everything you want. Indeed, your only path.

You must be very clear in your Desires.

You must be very focused in your Desires.

Life always gives you what you concentrate on. Always.

There are blocks within yourself to achieving and receiving your Desires
which you must overcome. They may be large or they may be small. No
problem. They can be overcome – fast.

Life is wise beyond our ability to comprehend. In this book you will also
find that Life has a great sense of humor. Give it a chance and Life will
make you laugh out loud. I guarantee this.

This book will show you the hard facts of why you are stopping yourself
from manifesting your dream life. They are obvious really. It will also
show you exactly what you should say, think, believe, feel and do to
manifest the wonderful life you not only want, but the wonderful life that
is your birthright.

Yes, the Universe wants you to be happy. The Universe wants you to be
successful. The Universe wants you to be rich to your wildest dreams.
The Universe cares about you. All you have to do is ask the Universe
for your desires and it will give them to you in the most amazing,
wonderful ways that will surprise and stun you with their simplicity and
their wisdom.

This is truth.

Believe it.
The Universe always gives you what you ask for. The Universe always
returns to you what you give out. Always. This is not theory. That is why
we are concentrating on the Law of Attraction. Not the Idea of Attraction
or, the Theory of Attraction or the Maybe This Will Work of Attraction.

Herein lies the catch that so many LOA books don’t mention. You are an
energy being. You are always asking the Universe for things. Not just for
the ten minutes before bed when you say, with deep desperation,
“Life/God/Universe please, please let me get a great job, a great
boyfriend/girlfriend, lots and lots of money, a condo by the beach, a
private jet and fame.”

There are two things terribly wrong with this scenario.

First, you are desperate. You are concentrating on the fact that you don’t
have these things in your life. So the universe returns to you what you
are concentrating upon. You don’t have these things in your life.

Bah bah. Wrong!

Second, for the other twenty three hours and fifty minutes of your day
you are giving out negativity, anger, loss, desperation, irritation, average
thoughts, smart ass thoughts. You are thinking about what you should
have said to your boss, your partner, that dickhead who beeped at you
when you took five seconds too long to pull out at the lights. How you
should have beat that guy for disrespecting you at the Mall. You are
replaying in your mind all the conversations you have had where you
could have been so much smarter and more cutting, if you had just a
little more time to think. Over and over.

Guess which part of your day Life is going to take notice of? Guess
which part of your day Life is going to reflect back to you?

I will give you a hint.

Not the ten minutes when you were praying for your crappy life to
become suddenly just the way you want it.

Did you know that approximately 90% of your thoughts from day to day
are basically the same? 90%! The same mundane, inane, self-righteous
thoughts that you had yesterday are replayed today with little variation.
How sad and what a waste of a truly miraculous creation. You!

The very first step to making your reality conform to your dreams and
desires is to believe, utterly, completely, wholly, with every fibre of your
wondrous being, that the universe works according to the Law of

This book will show exactly how to do that with some simple exercises
that will leave you smiling at your magical powers. Once you know in
your heart and your body and your soul that the Law of Attraction works
for you, your life just flows with abundance and wealth.

The Law of Attraction is as simple as electricity. It works. You flick on a

light switch, the electricity flows and, voila! Let there be light! Electricity
doesn’t care if you are a good boy or a bad boy. It doesn’t care if you are
American, Asian, Australian, Afghanistani or Chinese. It doesn’t care if
your skin is black, white, yellow or green. It doesn’t care if you have a
genius IQ or are as dumb as a box of nails. Neither do I to be honest.
Ricky is great but he is not yet a Law. LOL. Except unto myself. You flick
on a switch and electricity works. No questions asked. Unless you
haven’t paid your power bill and that is NOT going to be a problem for
you within forty days.

The Universe only takes notice of the energy you put out to it – and it
reflects that energy back to you.

Thoughts, emotions, actions, they are what the universe takes notice of
from you.

The Law of Attraction is as simple as gravity. It works. No way around it.

Ever. Anywhere. Anytime. What goes up must come down. No
exceptions. No “get out” clauses. Not only you, but planets, stars and
galaxies are governed by gravity. It has been said that there are at least
as many stars as there are grains of sand on all the beaches in all the
world. Every single star, every single atom of every single star, every
single atom of the incredible being that is YOU, is governed by the Law
of Gravity. And the Law of Attraction. This incredible, amazing universe
is alive to its most remote recesses. Composed of a creating, thinking
What do you think are your chances of being the exception to the rule?

I am guessing, not good.

But, you have an unbelievable advantage over a star or a rock. You

have consciousness. You have free will. You are a part of the thinking,
creative stuff that is the universe. You determine your own life.

I am going to take you step by step through the methods that have
worked for me to bring me money, love, goodness, success and
happiness. Yes, there will be some work involved! OMG! But this work
will be simple, easy and gratifying to you. Let’s face it, if everything in
your life was just wonderful right now, you wouldn’t be reading this book,
would you?

The beauty of using this blueprint of the Law of Attraction is that you will
start to see prosperity and magic coming into your life very quickly. It
often starts small; a check here, a few dollars there, a gift of a free cup
of coffee, a parking space, but this ripple of abundance soon gathers
momentum and becomes a tsunami of prosperity!

You will find the Universe speaking to you in beautiful ways. Ways that
are exquisite in their clarity and design. You will learn to throw yourself
into the flow of the Universe, swim with the tide and learn to laugh with
the sheer wonder of it all.

So, why are you put here on this beautiful, amazing planet at this
beautiful, amazing time? You are put here to prosper. You are put here
to love your beautiful, amazing life. You are put here to thrive. You are
put here to love and to be loved.

First things first.

Tough love.

Tough Love


This chapter contains some adult words and concepts. If you are easily
offended, it is probably best to get a refund and go back to your
mundane life. This book is not for wimps or sooks.

Just saying.

Okay. Put your hat on. Gird your loins. Get yourself a coffee, cup of tea
or hot chocolate. You are going to need it. Oh, and one tablespoon of
cement. Harden up.


Fact #1: You are where you are now because of every thought, every
decision, every action and every feeling you have ever had.

Yes, it is your responsibility. Not your parents. Not your boss. Not your
teachers. Not your friends. You. What you think and how you act is your
decision. Nobody else can make you think what you think. Nobody else
can make you concentrate on what you concentrate on. Nobody else
can make you happy.

Are you a follower or do you tread your own path?

Suck on that thought for a short while and see how it tastes.

Take responsibility for your life. You are either a creator of wonders – or
a victim. If you consider yourself a victim at this present moment, STOP!
How pathetic for such an incredible, magical, powerful being such as
you, a being connected intimately to the entire universe, a being made of
the exact same stuff as stars, to consider yourself a victim.

At this moment, right NOW, say to yourself: I am the creator of my life.

If feels so much better, doesn’t it?

We become what we think about. Earl Nightingale and the Buddha.

You have formed your life with your thoughts, your actions, your
words, your decisions and your feelings.
Take responsibility for that right NOW and I promise you that in forty
days you will not know yourself or your life. You will never be a victim

Thoughts are energy. They attract like energy.

Actions are energy. They attract like energy.

Words are energy. They attract like energy.

Feelings are energy. They attract like energy.

No! No! I hear you cry. Not true.

It is not my fault that my life is crap. It is not my fault that I am untrusting

of people. It is not my fault that I cannot love anybody. It is not my fault
that I gamble and lose my rent money. It is not my fault that I am bad
tempered and stressed all the time.

It is not my fault!

Bah bah. Wrong!

And right.

Whoa, Ricky! What are you saying?

Your upbringing, your history, may have been horrible as a child. But
that is your past. You cannot change your past. Nothing and nobody can
change your past. It is past!

There is evil in the world. A little later in this chapter I will explain to you
why there is evil in our world.

But is that all you are? Your past? The result of the actions of people
more powerful than you, at that time, who should have loved and helped
you, but instead damaged you? These people were damaged or simply
evil. My heart cries for you and your pain. No child deserves to be
damaged by adults. Especially by the adults who should love him/her
more than life itself. It sickens my heart and soul and I cry for you.

You have grown. Is that sad and crying child who you are right now?

Think about that. Who are you right now?

Now think about who you want to be right now?

You can’t change the past. You can only speculate about the future. The
only moment in which you can act, think, feel and decide, is right now.

Let me give you an example.

My mother was terribly abused as a child. Her stepmother used to hold

her hand against the stove and burn her. Just for fun. She was beaten
and abused by those who should have loved her. Horrible things were
done to her that still make me cry. So, what did she do? How did my
mom react to these horrors? Did she grow up a child abuser? Did she
hate the world and everyone in it? No. She promised herself, then and
there, in her sad right now that her children would NEVER receive
anything but love from her. She would never do harm to others.
Unquestionable, irrevocable love. She loved my dad, my brother, my
sister and me more than life itself. She attracted the weak, the sick, the
damaged and she loved them all. She used to laugh that her dog, Annie,
was just like her. Fat, arthritic and full of love.

Guess what she received from us and almost everyone she came into
contact with?

Love. Adoration. Admiration. Respect.

Her love was always there for us.

She received exactly what she gave out.

When my mom died, in his eulogy, my brother made a statement that

brought tears to everybody there. He said, “All of you here today, when
you think of my mother, you think of love.”

In spite of her upbringing, in spite of her own pain from terrible

rheumatoid arthritis, my mother gave out love and she received back
love to make up for the horrors of her childhood. My mother made a
decision that she would love people right now. And she never wavered
from that decision. It shaped her life. Understanding the Law Of
Attraction, it could do no less.

My mother taught me more about love than anybody else I have ever
known. Now, because of how my mom taught me to love, I have a
partner who is beautiful, kind, strong and decent. She tells me every
day, “I love you with all my heart forever.”

I tell her the same thing.

I am blessed and I thank Life every single day.

So why are there evil and sorrow and pain in this world if the Universe
wants us to be happy? To prosper and wade in our abundance?

Philosophers have asked this question for millennium and it is only now,
with the advent of quantum theory, that we can answer it definitively. Are
you ready to have your world expanded? Are you ready to make sense
of this amazing, chaotic, incredible world? Are you ready to move past
the damage that has been done to you?

If you are ready to heal, trust that the Universe WILL find a way. The
Universe WILL help you to heal. The Universe WILL express its power
through you. The Universe is wise beyond our wildest knowledge.
Choose to heal, choose to prosper, choose to love and be loved and be
calm and certain inside: The Universe WILL help you.

For that is its very essence. Love is the only law.

Take a deep breath. Relax. Ricky is about to unfold to you the secret of
the Universe. Unfortunately, this secret will only help you to make sense
of the universe. It will not take away your pain. Only you can do that.
Sometimes only with the help and love of others. If that is your case, I
grieve for you and hope that you will find the others to help you.

This Universe in which we live, this Universe to which we are intimately

connected more closely than a mother to a foetus, is made up of one
single stuff. At the very edges of the sub-atomic world, this Universe is
made up of one single, thinking, creative stuff.

Think about this for a moment. Fire, water, energy, rock, stars, humans,
animals, consciousness, pain, suffering, love, goodness, evil, mountains,
rivers, glaciers, emotions, our entire world and everything in it, is made
up of one single, thinking, creative stuff which expresses itself in all
fashions. You are made up of exactly the same stuff as stars and
Is your mind boggled yet? Prepare for your jaw to drop…

For here is the kicker. Here is where I help you to make sense of the
Universe and your part in it. All your experiences, no matter how
damaged they have left you. No matter how much pain you are in at the
moment. No matter how much awesome is in your life right now.

The Universe is made up of one single, thinking, creative stuff and this
single thinking, creative stuff must express itself in every way
possible. The purpose of this single, thinking creative stuff that
comprises the entire Universe is to express itself in every way

Ponder that thought. Consider that thought.

What would you do if you were all powerful? If your deepest, innermost
drive was the power to create anything at all? If your very essence was
to create? To experience anything and everything possible because that
is your very nature. That is what you are. If you were above morality or
laws or compulsions, except the compulsion to create? To know and to
experience everything.

For this is the very essence of the single, thinking, creative stuff which
composes our Universe.

What would you do?

You would be compelled, by your very nature, to express yourself in

every single way possible. You would create stars and galaxies. You
would explode supernovas. You would create black holes. You would
warp time and space.

You would create consciousness so that beings could revel and excel
within the framework of the Universe. You would give these conscious
beings the ability to warp and weave your Universe, your very
substance, with intelligence and love and evil and power. You would
give these conscious beings the ability to express your power in infinite
ways. Nothing would be banned or forbidden for the very essence of the
Universe is to express itself in all ways possible.
You would express yourself by manipulating your energy in infinite ways.
Infinite actions. Infinite expressions of creation that evolve and grow and
swim in the glory of your power. You would allow your creations choice.
You would give to them the power of creation. You could not help but do

The Universe must manifest its energy, its essence, in all ways possible.

That is why there is so much glory and beauty in our world.

That is why there is so much evil.

They are part of the Universe expressing itself in all its power.

Understanding this, the Universe and everything expressed within it,

makes sense.

But it does not take away your pain. Only you can do that.

However, and this is a HUGE however, the Universe gives you the
power to overcome your pain, your damage. If you decide to do so. If
you decide to express the wondrous creativity of the universe through
your life. It is your choice.

There are things that are not your fault. There are things for you to
overcome. There are challenges and trials that will shape you as jeweller
shapes a diamond. There are things you need to overcome. They may
not be your fault, for the Universe is expressing itself in another way and
you are a part of that expression.

Some will fail and some will triumph. Both results are the Universe
expressing itself in all ways possible.

The Universe has given you time. To heal your wounds. But not infinite
time. The Universe has given you choice. The Universe has given you
the power to understand, to use its immutable LAW of Attraction, to
create anything you Desire. All you have to do is allow the LOA, the
essence energy of the Universe, to flow through you.

The universe has given you NOW, this very moment, where you can
decide to be and do anything. Grasp it! Use it!
The Universe has given you everything you need to prosper. Everything!
Say thank you and change your life if you need to do so. Express love.
Express abundance. Express goodness.

NOW! This moment. This instant. You can do it, even through your
tears. You can create a better future for yourself.

The Universe makes sense when you understand this.

Lesson #1: The Universe must express itself in all possible ways. That
is its deepest nature. But you, as a thinking, creating, conscious being
have the power to guide how you wish the Universe to express itself
through you.

Knowing this gives you understanding of why the expressions of the

Universe are beyond good and bad. Beyond morals. Is a black hole
good or bad?

Knowing this helps you to understand the awe of our existence and
gives you the ability, the certain power to forge something better.

I am sorry; it does not take away your pain.

Fact #2: If you are in a hole, stop digging!

Are you broke?

Do you smoke? Drink? Take drugs? Gamble?

Guess what you should do?



How can you expect life to give you wonders and happiness when you
keep flinging shit in its face? Your wages, if you have any, go into the
slot machines, the horse races, Centerbet, speed, crack, marijuana,
cigarettes, alcohol. Each week you hope for the big win that will drag you
out of the hole you are digging.

Bah bah. Wrong!

Show me one person who ever got rich on the slot machines. If you
show me one, I can show you a million who got poor on the slot

Not going to happen.

Each week you hang out desperately for your wages, your pension,
your unemployment benefits, so you can spend them on some or all of
the above. Each week is spent in desperation, anger, sadness, lack.

Have a guess what life is going to reflect back to you?

Like attracts like.




Is your heart broken?

Do you think of your ex with anger and hatred, wishing evil upon her or
him? Did you slash her tyres? Kick her dog? Do you constantly play over
and over in your head all the cutting and bitter things you wish you could
say to her/him to hurt her/him? Do you constantly envision your ex,
crying and lonely, begging for you to take her/him back? Do you stalk

Have a guess at what life is going to reflect back to you?

Anger. Bitterness. Hatred. Hurt. Pain. Loneliness.

Just think how unattractive these feelings and thoughts swirling around
you make you to other people. People who may just love you if you give
them the chance to know the beauty you hide under your sour, bitter
face. Think of how much energy you are spending on all this hate and
anger and pain. What a waste! Who can find the beauty in you when it is
covered in so much crap? Are you really that stupid? Just think of what
you could achieve with the same amount of effort if you directed it
towards positive feelings, actions, thoughts, instead of negative.
Stop replaying all the mean things you want to say or do to your ex.
When thoughts of them come up each day, hundreds of times a day
when the wounds are still raw, stop them. Just refuse to think about
them. You can do it. I did – and I am as ordinary as they come. The pain
and bitterness will diminish if you give it time. Somebody very wise once
said, “Time heals all wounds. And then kills you.” Haha. Both of those
sentences are true. Help yourself to heal. Stop picking at the scabs of
your pain. Time will heal you. You don’t have forever…

Sometimes the misery of life is very attractive. Poor me! What a crappy
life I have! Nobody loves me! It’s so much easier to stay comfortable
with all the crap in your life than it is to change. The crap is like a
comfortable blanket that you wrap around yourself to keep out the cold,
hard world. You hate it, but at least it is familiar. You don’t have to think
or struggle.



Oh, so Ricky wants me to change. Way too hard. My life is terrible but at
least I know the rules. It is familiar and comfortable in a crappy sort of
way. I’ll stick with being miserable, broke, bitter and twisted.

You need to realize that it takes exactly the same amount of energy to
wrap yourself in wealth and love and kindness. Achievement, strength
and love. Exactly the same amount of energy. Did you hear that? I will
say it again.

It takes exactly the same amount of energy to wrap yourself in wealth

and love and kindness.

How are you going to choose to expend your energy?

Lesson #2: Stop digging! NOW!

Fact #3: NOW is your time. Your only time.

This is simple and yet incredibly profound.

The only time you can act, is NOW.

Not tomorrow. Not yesterday.


You cannot change yesterday. You can change your tomorrows, but
only by acting in the now.

NOW is the only time you have.

NOW is your time.

NOW is the time to change your thoughts. NOW is the time to change
your feelings. NOW is the time to change your actions. You cannot act in
yesterday. You cannot act in tomorrow. You can only act in the NOW.

Life has given you an incredible, amazing gift. Your mind. Your mind has
a conscious and a sub-conscious. The sub-conscious is unaware of time
or reality. It runs your autonomic functions without conscious thought. It
keeps your heart beating, your blood flowing, your kidneys cleansing
without you even being aware of it. It keeps you breathing while you are
asleep. It creates dreams. Your sub-conscious is your conduit to the
universe. The sub-conscious does not differentiate between “real” and

Don’t believe me? Try this quick test and you will never doubt my
previous statement again.

Close your eyes. After you read this paragraph, dummy! Sigh.

Now I want you to imagine something terrible. Something fearful.

Something that scares you or horrifies you. For me, and so as to not
make it too personal, I fear heights. There is a headland near where I
live that has unfenced cliffs that plummet 300 feet to the rocks and
ocean below. I only have to imagine standing at the edge of the cliff and
looking down and I feel sick in my stomach. It is not real. I know it is not
real, it is only in my imagination, but if I feed that imagination to my sub-
conscious, it reacts as if it is real. I feel the truth of that imagination in
my body and my heart as nausea and dread. Makes me ill just thinking
about it so I will STOP.

You will have other imaginings that fill you with dread. The loss of
somebody you love. Spiders. Slugs. Drowning. Death in a fire. Find your
fear and imagine it. On purpose. It is only an imagination. It cannot harm
you. Imagine it NOW. Feel how your body feels. How your body reacts.
Your sub-conscious does not differentiate between real and imagined.
You now know that in your heart and your body. Without doubt.

This phenomenon is a true, two-edged sword that can be used for good
or bad. You will use it in manifesting your desires. The sub-conscious,
for all its power and connection to the universe, does not discriminate
between real and unreal. This is its great power that you will use to
create everything you can ever desire!

Your conscious mind, however, is aware. Awake. Full of thoughts and

feelings and desires and fears. It is your singularity of awareness. For
that is what humans are. Awareness. Without awareness, we are just
pieces of sloppy meat. Ugly bags of water, as they once said in Star
Trek. Take away awareness, consciousness, and all that is left is coma,
undirected, sub-conscious functions and death.

It is our singular awareness, our conscious, which allows us to act in the


Lesson #3: NOW is the ONLY time you can act. Don’t waste it.

You can practice the LOA until you are blue in the face, but if you just
keep pissing away all the blessings and gifts that the universe bestows
on you then you will stay poor, sad, angry and bitter. Remember, some
people come into your life as a blessing; some people come into your life
as a lesson.

Okay, so some of those lessons are hard, but they are the bedrock upon
which you must build your new life. Swallow your cement (figuratively!)
and harden up.

Now I will teach you some magic!

Proof of the Law of Attraction

Well I am glad we got the tough love chapter out of the way nice and
early. I hope you read it and I hope you understood what Ricky was
saying to you. Don’t waste your life on bitterness and regrets. It takes
exactly the same amount of effort and concentration to overcome these
things as it does to hold on to them and wallow in pain and

So now we come to some small tasks that will prove to you beyond a
shadow of a doubt that the LOA is a LAW and that you command this
LAW in your life with your thoughts, your emotions and your actions.

We are going to start small so that when you succeed in making these
little experiments work, quickly, you will have the confidence to manifest
$1,000,000 and more within forty days! How does that sound to you?
Are you cheering and smiling?

Good! You should be.

Task #1

This might take you half an hour or so, but it will show you without any
doubt that the LOA has been working in your life, all your life.

You are going to open a Word document, or something similar, and think
back through your life. All the way back as early as you can remember.
Now, I want you to write down every single thing you have received in
your life. Free meals. A place to live. A car. Free tickets. New shoes. A
special toy as a child. A new girlfriend/boyfriend. Anything and
everything you can think of that you have ever received.

You may not have received it for free. You may have had to work for it,
or saved for it, but the fact remains that it manifested in your life at just
the right time and just the right place. There is magic in this list.

Have you received a Degree? Are you living in a place that you have
wanted to live? Do you have a beautiful child? Grandson?
Granddaughter? A wonderful husband/wife/partner? Have you been on
a holiday? Did you receive a job you wanted? Receive money from an
unexpected source? Receive free tickets to a movie you really wanted to

Write only positive things you have received. The LOA works just as
well, in fact exactly as well, for receiving awful things if they are what you
have been thinking about. But that is not the purpose of this exercise.

Who wants to receive more crappy stuff in their life? Not me.

Don’t overthink this exercise. Just write everything you can remember
receiving during your life. At the end of each item that you have
received, you are going to write; I gratefully received this.

Now go through this list and see the patterns which have emerged.
Think about what you were saying, feeling, thinking and wanting when
these things manifested in your life. Think of the context of your life at
that time. Were you young and horny? At peace with your life? Restless
and wandering? Overseas? Stuck in Hicksville? Think of the context of
your life. Again and again, you will find that life gave you exactly what
you were asking for. Whether you even knew you were asking for it or

When you do this exercise, you will see without any doubt that the LOA
has been working perfectly for you throughout your entire life. This
pattern will make sense of your entire life for you!

Whatever energy you were giving out, from as early as you can
remember, has been reflected back to you as experiences, objects,
possessions, love and anything else that has been in your life. Anytime.
Anywhere. Always.

Once you see this pattern in your life, you see the LOA is manifesting
exactly the energy you were emitting. Thought by thought. Emotion by
emotion. Action by action.

Right up until today.

Everything you have thought, said, done, desired, dreamed and felt, has
led you to where you are today. Whether you knew it or not.

We become what we think about.

This recap of your life can be incredibly illuminating and freeing for you.
You can see that Life has been granting your desires since you were old
enough to think. Whether those desires were good or bad. The patterns
of your life are laid bare before you now. The difference is that now you
know what is happening. You know why it is happening. You know how
it is happening.

Time to take charge!

Are you ready to take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and
emotions and create the life you desire?

Task #2

This is one of my favourite uses of the LAW of Attraction. Since I have

started to do this, my life has been so much easier and much more fun.
People constantly comment upon it. Constantly comment how lucky I
am. Well, guess what, it is not luck per se, it is expectation and belief. I
know this works and it works for me all the time because I expect it to
work for me all the time.

Are you curious?

If you live in a city, like I do, then parking can be a royal pain in the rear
end. That is sort of a joke. Cars. Rear end. Not to worry. Moving along.

How often have you driven around the city looking for a spot to park your
car? Getting frustrated and annoyed because there just aren’t any spots
and you can’t just fold up your car and put it in your bag.

This is your second task to understand just how beautifully the LOA
works when you believe and expect.

Next time you drive into the city or a Mall or anywhere that you would
normally not expect to get a parking spot, do this. As you leave home,
just quietly, to yourself, say “Hi Life. I would really like a car parking spot
nice and close to …. Wherever you are going. That would be great!
Thank you Life!”

That’s it. No more “And den…”

Don’t fret about it. Don’t think “OMG, how will I find a car parking spot
there? It is always so crowded.”

That is what makes this little task so much fun. Don’t even think about it
once you start driving. You will have much better things to be thinking
about while you drive once you finish this book… Just drive and expect
that you will get a parking spot, simply and easily, nice and close to
where you are going. Leave it up to life.

Can it be any simpler than that?

These days, every single time I go to the city, I find a parking spot simply
and easily and close to where I want to go. It is magic. Everybody
comments upon it to me. “How do you do this? You always get a parking

My reply is always, “Life loves me. I expect it to give me a parking spot.”

Try this out for yourself. Seriously, do it every time you go somewhere,
no matter how daunting the prospect of getting a parking spot. Ask Life
for a spot as you leave home, nice and close to where you are going,
and expect to get a spot. It happens. Over and over.

You will feel like a magician with real magic! It is just so cool!

Now a hint for you if you are looking for a parking space in a Mall car
park. The LOA is mathematical in its precision – and it loves finding you
a parking space. I don’t know why. I just know that it is true. I think that
Life just loves to be funny. Life loves laughter. Remember that. Life loves
laughter. So we are going to use mathematics to find ourselves a
parking space in the least amount of time.

The average time a shopper spends in a Mall is three hours (180

minutes). Find a spot in the parking lot at the end of a row where you
can see at least 20 cars, preferably thirty cars. 180 minutes divided by
20 cars, probability says you will get a spot in 9 minutes. 180 minutes
divided by 30 cars says you will get a spot in 6 minutes. Wait happily.
Expect. Mathematics is just another expression of the LOA.
Don’t try to see too many more cars as it becomes more difficult to get to
the parking space before somebody else beats you to it. Thirty is fine.
You will get a parking spot in 6 minutes or less.

This works! Try it and love it!

I absolutely love looking for parking spots these days and so will you. At
the same time you are reinforcing your belief, indeed, your knowledge,
that the LOA works for you. Practice this until you too find that you
always expect to find a parking space – and you do.

The LOA is fun!

Task #3

Now we are going to manifest some money. Just a little bit to start with
and I will explain why.

You are by now probably enjoying finding parking spaces wherever you
go and you intellectually believe in the LOA from your life history of
getting what you want from the LOA which you wrote down in Task #1,
but manifesting money is a whole new dimension. Great! Let’s do it!

Your task here is to find some money on the street. Not a lot. No more
than ten dollars in fact. Why such a small amount? Because you are
going to find money on the street. This means that somebody has
probably dropped it. Most people in your city can probably afford to lose
ten dollars without ruining their lives, but if you start asking for one
hundred dollars, or a thousand dollars, then the person who loses it will
be probably quite upset. Not good karma for you. Would you like to lose
one thousand dollars?

I didn’t think so.

So you set yourself for this task by saying firmly, “Okay Life, I want to
find some money on the street. Ten dollars or less. I leave it up to you,
Life, where and when, but let’s make it soon please. I have forty days to
make a million dollars. Show me what you can do! Thank you Life.”
Go about your business. Don’t stress over it. Absolutely don’t think
“Where is my $10? It hasn’t happened yet.” If you do that you are
thinking of absence and it won’t happen. Instead, just relax. Have a
laugh to yourself about how good it is when you find this money. Enjoy
your life. Expect it to happen. I am willing to bet you $10 that you will find
it on the street within two days. That just seems to be the way it works
for me.

Don’t try and make this your main method of income. The purpose of
this exercise is not to make you rich. It is to show you that the LOA
works for you. When this money manifests, and it will, probably in an
unlikely way at an unlikely time while you aren’t even thinking about it,
smile knowingly to yourself.

When you find the money on the street, and you will find the money on
the street, pick it up, put it happily in your pocket, wallet or purse, and
laugh out loud at the magic of the LOA. Say with some exultation,
“Thank you Life!” Say it several times. I always do. Feel GREAT! Why
not? You have just performed some magic. How cool is that?

Magic happens. Trust Life. It knows what it is doing. Just as importantly,

Life knows what you are doing.

That wasn’t so hard, was it?

LOL! I do!

Task #4

Life understands you. Life knows you better than you know yourself
because you are intimately and completely connected to the matrix of
Life. The thinking, creative stuff of which everything is made, including

So now we are going to do an exercise in faith. An exercise that will

make you laugh out loud and lift your arms to the Universe. This is one
of my favourite things to do when I need some joy in my life.

You are going to ask Life for a gift. Something special. Something that
will make you smile out loud! Something that will make you dance with
joy. Something that is so obviously a gift that it cannot be mistaken as
just chance.

What are you going to ask for? Ah, here is the fun.

You are going to ask Life for something special. Something that will
make you lift your arms to the sun and laugh out loud. Something that
will make you do a little Snoopy dance of joy.

You are going to find yourself a quiet place. I like to do this part outside
because I feel more connected to the Universe when I am outside.
Somewhere green and with water if possible. I love to look at water and
watch the energy that flows through and moves it. There is something
beautiful and awesome about water. Somewhere pleasing to you.

You are going to sit or stand quietly for a few moments and gaze around
at the beauty of the world. You are going to imagine the energy of this
incredible world flowing gently through your body and mind. You are
going to smile to yourself. Then you are going to say quietly and
joyously, “Okay Life, I want something special. Something that will make
me laugh out loud with joy. I don’t know what it is yet, but I know it will
make me laugh out loud with joy and I know that I will know it without
doubt when it happens. I leave the ‘what it is” part up to you, Life. You
know so much more than I do. Oh, and I want it to manifest into my life
within 7 days. I am looking forward to this surprise so much. I am
grateful for your power and wisdom and sense of humour, Life. Surprise
me! Thank you for this gift!”

That’s it. Don’t think about it afterwards. Don’t worry about it. Don’t fret
and constantly look for it. Just relax and expect that within 7 days Life
will give you something that will gladden your heart. Doing it like this will
elevate your mood and increase your expectation of it happening. Think
of as being like a kid before Christmas. That is the feeling you want to

Trust me, this always works! Something wonderful and surprising will
manifest in your life within 7 days. You will be amazed at the wisdom
and humour of Life. I always am. In fact, I do this exercise every now
and then just to see what amazing life gives me. Think amazing
thoughts, feel amazing feelings, receive amazing things.
When it does happen, and it does happen, keep your part of the bargain.
Do a little Snoopy dance of joy, raise your arms and laugh to the sky
while saying “Thank you Life! Thank you Life! Thank you Life!”

Life loves it when you give gratitude.

You will never doubt the Law of Attraction again.

Laugh out loud! You are on your way to $1,000,000 and more!

Feels good, doesn’t it?

Task #5.

We are almost there.

Now that you know, without doubt, that the LOA works for you, time to
put in place a few small things that will be the framework of your success
in manifesting $1,000,000 and more into your life within forty days.

Your task here is to write down everything you want in your life.
Everything. Obviously the first thing you are going to want is $1,000,000
and more. That is why you are reading this book. But $1,000,000 and
more is not the only thing you want in your life. It is a great start but it will
not fulfil all your needs and desires.

Perhaps you need a new car. You want to get your teeth fixed. You want
to strengthen your family ties. You want more love in your life. You want
your child to love you more. You want your partner to appreciate you
more. You want a new iPad. You want a new pair of Nike sneakers. You
want that gorgeous gold chain you saw in the shop window. You want a
new puppy. You want to help your parents financially.

Anything and everything you Desire. Write it down.


The only time you can act.

At the very top of the page write down today’s date. In bold. Just so you
know when you started this wonderful, life changing journey.

Now write in this fashion:

I want $1,000,000 and more to manifest into my life in simple and easy
ways. For the highest good of all concerned.

Do this for all the Desires you can think of. Anything and everything.
Nothing it too big or too difficult for Life. In fact, it is just as easy for Life
to arrange $1,000,000 as it is for Life to arrange for $10.

Write your list. You are going to be looking at it a lot in the next forty

The Manifesting Formula

Now that you have your list of thoughts and desires, we are going to add
some super powers to them.

On their own, thoughts are powerful, BUT they can be overruled by your
feelings. Your emotions.

Think of it like this. Just say that you are walking around angry and
upset, miserable because you have no money, your boss hates you,
your kids have no time for you, your partner doesn’t find you attractive,
BUT, because of your belief in the LOA you are repeating over and over
to yourself: My life is getting better every day.

Through gritted teeth.

Do you see the huge divide between what you forcing yourself to think
and what you are feeling? The energy of your thoughts is positive but it
is being drowned in the powerful energy of your feelings.

Guess which energy wins?

Yep, your feelings. Every time.

So it is absolutely essential for you to bring your thoughts and your

feelings into harmony with each other.

You can do this through a combination of physical and mental tools.

First, stand up straight. Lengthen your spine. Head up. Chin up (in more
ways than one. Haha.) Relax your body. Let the tension flow out of you
through your feet into the earth beneath. It feels great. Trust me. I love
my feet. Focus on your breath. In and out. Breathe out through your feet.
Weird I know, but it works.

Now smile.

Immediately you will start to feel better. Immediately! It is physically

impossible to feel bad while you are smiling. A smile changes your
physical and mental state better than anything else I know. Immediately.
Joke for you: I was hanging on the edge of a cliff, holding on by my
fingernails to an insecure plant. A 300 foot drop beneath me. When the
emergency crew arrived, one of them leaned over the edge and said to
me, “Don’t look down.”

So I smiled.

Another joke for you.

A Roman walks into a bar, sticks two fingers up at the bartender and
says, “Five beers, please.”

Hmmm… Whatever, Ricky. Moving on.

The point of this exercise is that you must have your thoughts and your
emotions in harmony or they cancel each other out. Telling yourself you
are going to be rich while feeling miserable is not going to work.

You are going to use imagination to create beautiful, abundant thoughts

and feelings at the same time. That way both of them are working
synergistically together to increase the power of each.

This is where your “I want” list comes in.

Your “I want” list holds a whole bunch of things that make you feel
better. Things and possessions and events that reflect your heart’s
deepest desires. Of course concentrating on these is going to make you
feel better. You do this by reading your “I want” list three times a day.
Morning, noon and night. You concentrate on the items in your “I want”
list while you read them and you feel good about them. You imagine you
already have them. They are already in your possession. Feel how good
that feels?

Do this every day for forty days. Without fail. See them in your mind.
Feel them in your hands and heart. Taste them, if that is appropriate.
Smell them. Smell the new car smell of your new car. Smell the scent of
your lover pressed against you. Hear the sound of your new car. Hear
the sound of your new lover as he/she says kind words of love and
affection to you. Have the conversations you will have with others when
you possess all that you desire.
That last one, especially, is such a better use of your thoughts and
energy than rehashing angry, bitter conversations full of nasty, clever
things you wish you had said. I know because that was one of the things
I had to get over myself. It gave me some kind of perverted pleasure to
imagine the horrible things I could have said to convince or wheedle
them into doing what I wanted or just to make them feel bad. With a bit
of effort I was able to rouse myself into a rage. What a waste of time and
energy. I seldom got to say them and, if I did say them, they never
worked anyway.

So how do you stop replaying these old conversations over and over? It
is easy. Be mindful of your thoughts all the time. As soon as you realize
you are enjoying bitter conversations that never happened, STOP!
Change your thoughts! You can do it. It is easy. Just be mindful of your
thoughts all day long. STOP the useless, ugly thoughts whenever they

You are changing the way you think. You are changing the energy you
are sending out to the universe.

Using all your senses in your imagination gives a lovely, three

dimensional aspect to your desires. Imagine you have them in your
possession RIGHT NOW.

Doesn’t that feel good?

Now you are visually going to remind yourself of your desires all day
long. You can create a “dream board” if you wish and place pictures of
your desires up on it where you can look at them every day.

Now, if you are like me, then you spend a lot of your day in front of a
computer. A computer that has a desktop that you can change to suit
yourself. What I did was go into Control Panel > Desktop Background
and insert a series of images of my desires to be displayed on my
desktop. You can get these images by going to Google > Images and
finding whatever you want to display. Nobody will ever come after you
for displaying images on your computer desktop, so it is totally safe.

What this means is that now, while you are working, a series of all the
things you desire is shown on your computer desktop while you work.
How cool is that? Sub-consciously you are assimilating these images all
the time you are at your computer. Beautiful!

The next task for you is to become accustomed to allowing gifts into your
life. Letting Life know that you are prepared to accept all the abundance
and wealth it wants to give to you.

You do this by accepting whatever Life gives to you.

If a work colleague wants to buy you a cup of coffee or a hot chocolate,

accept it with grace and say “Thank you!” If a promoter at the Mall wants
to give you a taste of chocolate cake, like happened to me recently,
accept it and say “Thank you.” If you get a check in the mail, accept it
and say “Thank you.”

I know you are independent and strong and don’t need anybody else,
but if you cannot even accept the gifts of friends or strangers, how can
you expect to accept the gifts that Life sends to you?

Whenever Life sends you something, even if you don’t need it, accept it.
Get into the habit of acceptance of the wonders of Life.

Which brings us to the next vital point.


The Universe loves gratitude from you. Not only does the Universe love
gratitude from you, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances will also
love gratitude from you.

Do you remember how disappointed you felt when you went out of your
way to give somebody a lovely gift and they looked at it with disinterest
and said, “Yeah. Thanks. Whatever.”

It certainly didn’t make you feel like giving them anything else, did it?

Well, Life is the same.

Express gratitude to Life as often as you can. Every single day.

For the air you breathe. The ocean you swim in. The friends you have.
Your parents. Your children. For your car, no matter how much of a
bomb it might be at the moment. For your health. For the laughter you
share with others. For the clear crispness of an Autumn day or the
searing heat of mid-summer. Thank Life for letting you be alive, be
aware on this beautiful planet at this beautiful time.

Express gratitude to Life as often as you can. Every single day.

Expressing gratitude not only pleases Life, it elevates your mood. It

makes you aware that there are a million things in your life that are
wonderful if you just take a moment to look. It harmonizes your feelings
with your thoughts. It gives super powers to your manifestation.

Life is great and it is getting better all the time.

Sing the old Beatles tune to yourself on the bus or subway.

“I’ve got to admit it’s getting better

“Getting better all the time.”

Believe it! Because it is true!

Another thing for you to consider.

Love is the answer.

Love is the highest, most pure form of human emotion. Love can move
mountains, cross oceans, transcend time. The more love you can bring
into your life, the happier you will be. The better your thoughts and
emotions will be. Love can be the sweetest pain and the most delicious

You can never have too much love in your life.

The more love you give out, the more love you attract, the more love
there is in your life, the happier you are.

Love is the answer. Gratitude is the key.

You are a part of the thinking, creative stuff that makes up stars. That
thought always amazes me. It should amaze you as well.

One final thing.

Let go.
Believe that all your desires are being granted RIGHT NOW! Believe it
with your whole heart and your whole being. The tests you performed
earlier in this book should have convinced you that the LOA works. Your
list of the things Life has already given to you should have shown you
the incredible power and wisdom of Life.

Life is wise.

Life is funny.

Life is GREAT!

Okay. Now you are ready to manifest every single thing you desire into
your life.

How sweet is that?

Let’s Manifest $1,000,000

This is where the rubber meets the road. This is what you have been
waiting for.

So let’s make it happen for you!

For the next forty days you are going to do exactly as I say. Every day.
No exceptions or excuses. No “I’m too busy” or “I’m too tired.” You are
going to change your life and be the person you want to be. You are
going to create the life you want to have. Whenever you get discouraged
or negative, STOP! Think and feel instead about where you are going to
be in forty days’ time. Think and feel how amazing, how incredible, how
wonderful that is.

You have a plan that is going to change your life totally in forty days!
That is worth a bit of effort on your part, isn’t it?

Commit to it and, like the ad says, “Just do it!”

Remember, if you tell yourself you can or you tell yourself you can’t, you
are right.

One final thing. When you are driving or walking or doing any activity
that does not require all of your attention, find an affirmation that feels so
very right for you, and repeat it to yourself quietly while smiling an
enigmatic, small smile. Don’t grin like you are an idiot. Just a small,
knowing smile. At worst it will make the people around you wonder what
you know. It elevates your emotions and it places them in harmony with
your thoughts and words.

The three affirmations that I use all the time when my mind is just idling

I love being a millionaire! (This one feels just right to me. I do love being
a millionaire!)

I love being incredibly wealthy. (Feels great too!)

I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW! It is manifesting in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I don’t know how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thank you Life! (This one
feels powerful to me. Don’t know why. Maybe because I am not trying to
tell Life how I want the $1,000,000 and more to manifest. I am just
trusting in the wisdom of Life to do so. Sweet!)

First, you are going to read your “I want” list three times a day.

Second, you are going to read the following chapter of this book three
times a day. It will only take you ten minutes or so but it will cement
(remember the tablespoon of cement I mentioned at the start of this
book?) your positive mindset into your heart and mind.

Third, when you go to bed at night you are going to do three things
before you fall asleep.

- You are going to relax your body from the top of your head to
your toes, breathing out through your feet as you do so. This
should take you two minutes at most.
- You are going to speak to your sub-conscious thus: “Hey sub-
conscious! How’s it going? Everything cool down there? Look, I
know you have already been working on granting me everything
I have ever asked for in my life, and I know you never sleep, so
what I want you to do is to work on manifesting these desires of
mine while I sleep. Thanks, man! I really appreciate it!” Then
you mentally go through your “I want” list and just hand your
requests off to your sub-conscious to carry out your desires.
Remember, your sub-conscious is your connection to the
Universe. Your sub-conscious does not differentiate between
real and imagined. Hand your sub-conscious your desires and it
will manifest them for you. If you imagine them as already
being in your possession, your sub-conscious will work
tirelessly for you until it is true. This works! Believe it!
- Finally, before I let you go to sleep, you are going to imagine
you have a sack containing $1,000,000 in one hundred dollar
notes in bundles of ten thousand each. One by one you are
going to imagine lifting a $10,000 bundle of notes from the sack
and placing it on your table or desk. Feel the weight of each
$10,000 bundle. Feel the texture of the notes as you flick them
with your fingers. Smell the “money” smell they give off. Hear
the sound they make as you flick them with your fingers. Taste
them if you want. (Yucky!) Now place the bundle on your desk
and pull out the next one doing exactly the same routine. By
doing this you are making the $1,000,000 real to your sub-
conscious. Place the bundles in rows of ten so each row
contains $100,000. Now continue, placing a bundle on top of
the row below it until you have ten rows and ten stacks in each
row. $1,000,000!! Fall asleep.

Do the tasks outlined in this chapter every single day for forty days. You
will have utterly changed your life. Believe me! I know of what I speak!

That is it! You are done! Ready to manifest $1,000,000 and more into
your life in forty days!

Set your mind to it.

Set your heart to it.

Be grateful.


You are on your way!

Read This Chapter Three Times a Day Without Fail

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do whatever I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

The power of the conscious mind resides in its ability to thrive in the
NOW, which is the only time I can effect change.

The sub-conscious mind does not discriminate and does not choose; it
only accepts and manifests what it receives from the conscious mind
through repetition and emotion.
The LOA LOVES persistence!

A thought that has been combined with emotion becomes a powerful

energy .

The power of my thoughts, combined with emotion, is creative energy in

its finest and most dynamic form.

The power of affirmations lies not in the words, but in how the words
make me FEEL.

Affirmations MUST make me FEEL good and expectant.


We become what we think about.

The Law of Attraction is a repeatable LAW. Not a theory or an idea.

There is no limit to the success I can experience through the LOA.

I am a magnet. The creative power of thought and FEELING is what

makes me an irresistible money magnet.

All creation begins in the mind.

Thoughts and emotions are energy and they attract like energy.

I ask for something.

I believe I can/should/do have it.

I take the necessary action to get it. (The least important bit of
manifesting. It gives me something to do while Life is manifesting my
Desires for me.)

I receive it!

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?
I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”

I affirm this statement to myself 2, 3, 100 times A DAY. With elated




Have a positive state of BEING by vibrating in a positive, good FEELING


Use my physiology in a positive way.

With this in place, I am ready to begin manifesting goodness and

happiness and WEALTH.

A wealthy, happy person has a positive outlook on life. Act as if I am

that person. Choose to FEEL really good! BE happy!

How do I really feel? How am I vibrating? What is my state of being?

If I FOCUS on something long enough, it becomes a DOMINANT

THOUGHT/EMOTION and I emit the vibration of that thought/EMOTION
to the universe, which, by the LOA returns to me the like vibrations.

Like ALWAYS attracts like.

What determines my rate of vibration is my emotional state.

BE WEALTHY! Think wealthy thoughts. Have the emotions of wealthy. I

create wealthy manifestations. I am vibrating BEING WEALTHY.

Think “WEALTH” over and over and over again. While smiling. Simple
as, eh bro’?

To prove this: Assume $1,000,000 and more fell into my lap. Right here.
RIGHT NOW! Think about this happening RIGHT NOW. How would I
FEEL? I would FEEL happy. I would FEEL wealthy. I would FEEL
ecstatic!! I would FEEL elated! Bottle that FEELING and make it my
default mode of being.

To attract the money that will make me wealthy, I MUST FEEL THAT
WAY FIRST. I have to see the money in my mind and how it will make
me FEEL before it comes into my possession.

What is my every day, general mood? Okay? Then I will attract Okay
things. If I FEEL AMAZING every day, THINK amazing every day, I am
BEING AMAZING. I attract AMAZING into my life.

My general state of being, how I normally FEEL, is what the Universe is

truly in tune with. How I am FEELING is a measurement of what I am
attracting. Feel AMAZING! Attract AMAZING!

Guiding the way I think, my everyday thoughts, is very important. My

“inner talk”.

Love. Abundance. Joy. Prosperity. Freedom. Security. GRATITUDE.

Faith. Courage. WEALTH.

In an average day, which thoughts and FEELINGS dominate my mind?

I choose the thoughts and feelings which dominate my mind. Me!
Nobody else.

Use PHYSIOLOGY to change my state of being. How I am using my

physical body can change everything. By changing my physiology, my
physical body, I can instantly change my emotions. Change my
vibration. Change my state of being.


A Mona Lisa smile.


The better I FEEL, the higher my vibration is. The happier I am. The
more goodness I attract into my life. The more WEALTH I attract into my
life. Make FEELING GOOD a habit.

Eventually I will have a naturally good attitude. I will Be happy.

Desire is the first ingredient I need to create what I want in life.

MY Desire is crucial! My desire must be deep and heart felt. Not

desperate, but a DESIRE that makes my heart sing!

If I want to manifest something in my life I first need powerful, passionate


My emotions around $1,000,000 and more MUST be positive.

Happiness. Excitement. Expectation. A feeling of success and joy. Faith.
Love. Abundance. WEALTH.

I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly wealthy.

My desire MUST FEEL GOOD to me!

Vibration is what the universe hears – and always gives. Without

exception. My thoughts, what I focus on, especially with strong emotion,

If I REALLY want something and my desire is powerful, and I add

positive, passionate emotion and belief, then that desire, or something
even better, sooner rather than later, IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY TO

The clarity or specificity of my desires is very important. The clearer I am

about what I want, the easier it is for the universe to answer my call. Ask
a simple question or two. “Why do I want $1,000,000 and more? What is
the purpose of it?” The more detail I give, the faster it manifests.

A most important ingredient to create what I want in life is BELIEF.

I have a choice of believing it’s possible, or impossible. Whichever I

believe, it is true.

How can I make $1,000,000 and more and really enjoy the process?

I MUST believe it is possible. Because it is!

I CHOOSE my beliefs. Nobody else. Me!

Belief that this process can work for me. Belief in the Law of Attraction
and Creation. Belief that I create my own reality. Belief that the
universe loves and supports me. Belief in myself.

The beauty of belief? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I change my beliefs into unwavering trust and faith by using the

techniques in this book.

Start out really small in the beginning and then use the EVIDENCE of
what occurs to continue to build on itself, until I so thoroughly BELIEVE
that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE I will be unstoppable!

My dominant thought will be BELIEF. Positive momentum!

I create my entire reality. I can manifest anything in my life with just a (lot
of) thought and emotion.

Write down my desire. “I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and

more is manifesting into my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and
easy ways, for the highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this
is happening, but I KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful.
Thankyou Life!”

Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire.


I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

How is it I take such good care of myself?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

When I awake, visualize what I am manifesting into my life. Visualize it a

few times throughout the day and again before I go to sleep at night.

Faith. Hope. Trust. Belief.

BELIEF is a key.

Keep manifesting small things. Each time one manifests itself into my
life, my belief and skill at manifesting becomes stronger. Repetition will
convince my subconscious. My mind’s belief becomes stronger with
each success.

Create an “Evidence Journal”. The more I see, the more I manifest, the
deeper I believe.


Gratitude is like a compilation of every positive feeling I can have. If I
feel wealth, I feel grateful. If I feel abundant, I feel grateful. If I feel
happy, I feel grateful.

When I awaken in the morning think about what I am grateful for.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet arrived. I have just one day:
Today and I am going to be happy in it.

When I focus on what I am grateful for, by virtue of the LOA, I will attract
more things into my life to be grateful for.

Why am I so grateful? What is there to be grateful for in my life? Why am

I so lucky?

Mix Gratitude in with Desire and Belief = Positive, Passionate Power! = I

can BE, DO and HAVE anything!

I MUST FEEL good in order to create what I desire. So many blessings

to be grateful for. What is and what is coming.

If I am grateful for what has been, grateful for what is, then I will create
more things to be grateful for.

Expect the best. Be happy about it. Be Grateful and I will ALLOW into
my life my deepest desires.

It is easy to tell if I am ALLOWING good things into my life. By my

emotions! If I FEEL GREAT, I am ALLOWING. That simple.

The mental attitude of Gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with
the power of Life.


BE GRATEFUL for that JOY! I will attract more of it.

How I speak to myself determines how I feel about myself.

“Why am I so lucky?” Ask myself that question, with positive, happy

feelings, ten times an hour, ten hours a day for 4 weeks. See what
Speak to myself with the correct words and FEELINGS again and again
and again, and it becomes a habit. I have reprogrammed my
subconscious mind. A habit is a behaviour run by the subconscious.

I need my inner speech to treat myself, through my words and thoughts,

with love, respect and kindness.

When I accomplish this, my life will be so joyful and fulfilling that I will be
unstoppable! A creator of my own destiny. Because I love, honour and
respect myself, the universe will return those things to me.

As I speak to myself, pretend I am speaking to somebody I deeply love

and respect. Always with kindness, honour, gentleness, respect and

That is: Stop and Think! Be aware of what I am saying to myself AT ALL

Why am I so lucky?

How did I get so lucky?

Why does Life love me so much?

I direct my thoughts with my inner speech. So direct that speech the way
I want it to be. Be aware of it. ALL DAY!

Until it becomes a habit.

Controlling my inner speech leads to controlling my thoughts which

leads to controlling my life.

It is easy for me to do. I have done it before.

Throughout my day, repeat empowering affirmations to myself. Again

and again and again. With happy positive FEELING!



“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire.

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

Why am I so lucky? Because that is the amazing person I am and life

loves me.

Why does money always flow to me so easily and abundantly? Because

I love having money and money loves having me!

Why am I so comfortable with money? Because money flows to me

abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

How is it that I am so loved? Because I am such an amazing person.

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting

into my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

Visualization should be three dimensional. Use touch, taste, smell,

hearing and sight. These add rich dimensions to my visualization.

I imagine having or doing something. I imagine seeing, feeling and

experiencing what I will experience when my dream is reality.

My thoughts and feelings MUST be in agreement with each other.

I must, through the power of vivid imagination, generate feelings of

WEALTH and abundance BEFORE I can attract WEALTH.

The prerequisite for manifestation is to BELIEVE that I have already

received what I want.

I MUST persist in the FEELING of owning what I DESIRE.

I MUST know EXACTLY what I want before I can manifest it. My job is to
know EXACTLY what I want, not to dictate how it will manifest for me.
That is the job of the LOA.

Persistent and vivid imagination, creative visualization, helps me to feel

the reality of my DESIRES, which attracts what I DESIRE.

The most effective request is not a request of words, but a request which
has its basis in human emotions.

Creating a habit of visualization and positive emotions takes just 40


I MUST be aware of what I think, feel and do AT ALL TIMES.

I MUST be committed to this path.

I MUST practice GRATITUDE DAILY!!!! Every day!!!!

FEELINGS OF GRATITUDE encourage me to feel happy.

I must FEEL GRATEFUL for the money that is on its way to me RIGHT

Expectancy is a powerful force. Keep in mind that WEALTH comes in all

shapes and forms.

The key is to practice gratitude regularly in order to consistently emit

positive feelings.

As I develop a WEALTH consciousness I must pay close attention to my

ability to receive whatever comes my way, in terms of a cup of hot
chocolate, gifts, money or anything that is offered to me.

Everything in the universe is energy, and by picking up that $2 on the

sidewalk, or saying Yes” when somebody offers to buy me lunch or hot
chocolate, I am affirming that I am open to receiving all that comes my

I should accept everything that comes my way, even if I don’t need it.

The key here is to become comfortable with receiving and to start the
flow of WEALTH through this daily practice.
By practicing receiving, I will notice that the Universal Law sends me
more of what I want. Better parking spaces, free meals, gifts, books,
money, WEALTH, winning a contest.

Once I start to receive and allow myself to receive, my actions become

affirmations to the LOA that I am open and willing to receive. As I do
this, miracles start to happen.

The LOA is characterized by order and harmony.

We all have equal access to the LOA.

The LOA is impartial. It works according to its law, without emotion or

favourites. Like electricity.

The LOA is non-judgemental. It returns to us exactly the energy we give


It responds to both positive and negative with equal intensity.

I must make the channel of my mind receptive and free of all

inharmonious thoughts as far as possible.

Do not hold onto grudges or think about those who have done me ill in
the past. Do not replay old arguments or conversations in my mind. It is
of no value.

Think and Be:

Constant LOVE.

Constant gratitude.

Positive thoughts.

Thinking good about myself and others.

Creative visualization.

Affirmations laced with POSITIVE FEELINGS.

Doing things for others.

Thinking good of others.

Receiving what comes to me with gladness.

Complimenting people. It makes us both feel good.

Reading my “I want” List three times a day.




Monitor my thoughts and feelings ALL THE TIME.

My subconscious mind does not differentiate between imagining or real.

So when I imagine, Life receives those thoughts and images as though I
am actually living them. Life MUST return that energy to me.

I will see coincidences.

These coincidences, I must be open to them. Life is hinting to me, or

talking to me, that my DESIRE is on its way.

Intuition. Sometimes, Life speaks softly to me. Listen.

Feel GOOD! Positive emotions, as strong as possible, will make the

process fun, fulfilling and easier. Feel WEALTH!

Practice. Practice. Practice!!

Believe. Believe. Believe!!!!!! Believe 100%!!!!!!

Emotion is the driver of manifestation.

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

It’s important to understand that my prosperity might show up in small

ways at first, but will increase in magnitude and frequency as I

As these changes occur, I should acknowledge these changes and feel

grateful for the good that is on the way to me. Write them down in my
journal and say “Thankyou Life!” Again and again.

This is very important. The LOA responds to persistence. I must commit

to the plan and express FEELINGS of expectation and gratitude.

ALWAYS be aware of my thoughts. Keep positive. ALWAYS.

A single, undirected thought does not have much power, but through
repetition and emotion my thoughts become highly concentrated and
powerful. The more I focus on getting what I want through the LOA, the
more powerful my thoughts become and the faster I manifest what I

Follow this prosperity plan EVERY DAY! (Yes, it is that important.


Don’t look for signs. Don’t yearn for signs. They DO come. In their own
time. In their own way. Be open to them when they come, but do not
seek them out desperately. The LOA responds to my commitment. As I
commit to this power my DESIRES manifest when I least expect it in the
most amazing ways.


more of what I think about.


HAVE THEM. Think of my DESIRES as accomplished facts. Use
visualizations and affirmations throughout the day to FEEL good about
what I am manifesting.


the LOA sees fit. Do not limit the LOA by demanding that the money
show up from a specific channel. Be open to receiving it from anywhere.


manifestation work a secret. Once I manifest my DESIRES I can tell
anyone, but secrecy is the key as I begin this journey. This is crucial!
The cynicism and criticism of other can cruel my energy. DO NOT TELL

NEVER GIVE UP!!!! My manifestation is GUARANTEED through the

LOA. I must create what I want in my consciousness first. When this has
been done, my manifestation WILL be delivered to me.

PERSISTENCE is the key to making this action plan work. Be patient

and stick with it. At the perfect time I WILL MANIFEST MY DESIRES
and then I will understand how powerful and easily accessible the LOA
really is.

The entire universe wants me to prosper, but it waits for me to realize

this and claim what is mine.

Give Life lots of thank yous. LOTS OF THANK YOUS! Not in a pathetic,
“sucking up” way. Give Life lots of thank yous because I have so much
to be thankful for. The more thankful I am about what I have and
receiving what I want, the faster it comes to me. Thank the Universe as
much as I can – morning, noon and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Don’t stop thinking and thanking. Be thankful to everybody I know. Be
gracious and grateful for living today. Be thankful for the Universe
listening to my requests. Let GRATITUDE seep from every pore of my

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”


Why am I so lucky?

I LOVE being a millionaire!

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I love having money and money loves having me.

The more I have, the more I can give.

I always have more than enough money to buy and do anything I want.

We become what we think about.

Why does Life love me so much?

Every day, in every way, my life is getting better and better.

Life loves me.

I choose to be happy RIGHT NOW!

Money flows to me abundantly and easily through a number of channels.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

I LOVE being a millionaire.

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

“I am so happy and grateful that $1,000,000 and more is manifesting into

my life RIGHT NOW. It manifests in simple and easy ways, for the
highest good of all concerned. I am not sure how this is happening, but I
KNOW IT IS HAPPENING! I am so grateful. Thankyou Life!”
I LOVE being a millionaire.

I LOVE being incredibly WEALTHY!

I LOVE being a millionaire.


So there it is for you. The secret to manifesting $1,000,000 and more in

forty days. Follow the path laid out in this book, swallow your tablespoon
of cement and harden up, love and smile every day and you will succeed
in manifesting everything you want into your life.

Please come back and tell me of your success. It will inspire others to do
likewise. If you found this book helpful and inspiring, it would be great if
you would come back to Amazon and leave a review. I would really
appreciate it and you would be adding just a little bit of goodness to the

If you want to read more of the wit and wisdom of Ricky Gravitas – and
who wouldn’t? – Please have a look at my joke book:

Stupid Jokes, Short, Funny Jokes and Funny One Liners.

The jokes are gentle and the laughter will do you a world of good!

May you live long and prosper!

With gratitude,

Ricky Gravitas

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