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c  or 

(fertilization - birth) is the process in which an embryo or

fetus (or a ) gestates during pregnancy, from fertilization until birth. Often, the terms a

, a 
, or    are used in a similar sense.

After fertilization the embryogenesis starts. In humans, when embryogenesis finishes, by the end
of the 10th week of gestational age, the precursors of all the major organs of the body have been
created. Therefore, the following period, the fetal period, is described both topically on one hand,
i.e. by organ, and strictly chronologically on the other, by a list of major occurrences by weeks of
gestational age.

Embryo - (fertilization - 8 weeks of gestational phase)

    is the study of human development during the first eight weeks from
gametogenesis (sperm and oocyte development) pre-conception through fertilization (conception
of sperm and oocyte in the ampulla arm where the fallopian tube and ovary adjoin) up to and
including the 8th week after implantation of the zygote (fertilized egg) in the uterus. After the
8th week of implantation, the developing embryo becomes a fetus. Usually, most individuals
spend the first nine months (38 weeks or 266 days) of life within the uterus of the mother.

Zygote, the point of conception, fertilization

   (from Greek ȗȣȖȦIJȩȢ Ô   "joined" or "yoked", from ȗȣȖȠD[ Ô   "to join" or "to
yoke"),[1] or    , is the initial cell formed when a new organism is produced by means of
sexual reproduction. A zygote is synthesized from the union of two gametes, and constitutes the
first stage in a unique organism's development. Zygotes are usually produced by a fertilization
event between two haploid cells ² an ovum from a female and a sperm cell from a male ²
which combine to form the single diploid cell. Such zygotes contain DNA derived from both the
mother and the father, and this provides all the genetic information necessary to form a new
individual. The term Ô   is also used more loosely to refer to the group of cells formed by the
first few cell divisions, although this is properly referred to as a morula.

In mammalian reproduction, after fertilization has taken place the zygote travels down the
fallopian tube, while dividing to form more cells[2] without the zygote actually increasing in size.
This cell division is mitotic, and is known as  .[3] All mammals go through the zygote
stage of life. Zygotes eventually develop into an embryo, and then a fetus. A human zygote
exists for about four days, and becomes a blastocyst on the fifth day.[4]

R? R Blastocyst the period between conception and embryonic stages
R? Embryo; the embryonic period starts at three weeks and continues until the end of the 8th
week of pregnancy

R Fetus (8 weeks of gestational phase - birth)

R? Ëhild (birth - puberty)

V? Neonate (newborn) (0 - 30 days)
V? Infant (baby) (1 month - 11 months)
V? Toddler (1 - 2 years)
V? clay age (3 - 5 years)
V? crimary school age (also called

 ) (4-12)
'? Elementary school age (also called  ) (4-9)
'? creadolescence (preteen, or  . The child in this and the
previous phase are called 

 ), when still
of primary school age.) (10 - 12 years)
R? Adolescence and puberty (13 - 19 years)
[1] [2] [2] [3]
V? ceripuberty (8 -10 until 15 -17 )
R? Adult (20+ years)
V? Early adulthood (20 - 39 years)
V? ƒiddle adulthood (40 - 59 years)
V? Advanced adult/Senior citizen (60+ years)
R? Death (occurs at various ages, depending on person)
V? Decomposition (breakdown of the body after death)

Also sometimes used are terms that specify one's age in numbers, such as:

R? Ëhild (0-12)
R? Teenager (13-19)
R? Twentysomething (20-29)
R? Thirtysomething (30-39)
R? Fortysomething (40-49) (formerly also Quadragenarian, rarely used since 1980)
R? Quinquagenarian (50-59)
R? Sexagenarian (60-69)
R? Septuagenarian (70-79)
R? Octogenarian (80-89)
R? Nonagenarian (90-99)
R? Ëentenarian (100-109)
R? Supercentenarian (110+)

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