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index of names and subjects

Achilles, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, Barker, E., 233
70, 71; compared with Odysseus, 98 beauty: Form of, 257, 259, 420, 427; the
Adam, J., 119, 148, 163, 195, 387, many beautiful things, 259
419 Belfiore, E., 417, 425
Adeimantus, speech against Justice, Benardete, S., 181, 228, 241
73–74. See also Glaucon and Betegh, G., 467
Adeimantus Blondell, R., 11, 14, 23, 87
Albinus, L., 472 Bloom, A., 87, 205–6, 233, 243, 251
Allen, D., 181 Blössner, N., 125, 167, 233, 345, 349, 351
Anaximander, ontology, 130 Bluestone, N., 205
Andersson, T. J., 350 Bobonich, C., 28, 47, 167, 169, 253, 406
Annas, J., 20, 121, 157, 168, 233, 249, Bobzien, S., 145
251, 304, 367, 392, 402, 406, 411, 468 Bok, S., 146
Apology, 91, 109, 110 Bosanquet, B., xvii, 480
aporia (confusion), xviii, 30, 47, 63, 66; Bouvier, D., 449
in aporetic dialogues, 23 Boyarin, D., 132
appetite (epithumia), 386–93, 405; and Brann, E., 325
oligarchy, 388, 390–91; necessary vs. Brown, E., 111, 162, 243, 280, 336
unnecessary, 386, 397. See also erōs; Brunt, P. A., 17, 367
pleasure Burnyeat, M. F., 8, 18, 19, 143, 232, 248,
Archytas, 295, 329, 330, 332, 338, 341 267, 270, 319, 422, 442
Arendt, H., 149; on the noble lie, 149
aretē (virtue), 50, 348, 423, 433, 451, Callicles, 24, 94, 100, 114, 224, 225, 271;
486; definition, 348. See also virtues compared with Thrasymachus, 96;
Aristophanes, 22, 84, 208; in and the tyrant, 394, 396, 402
Symposium, 215 Callipolis: compared with “city of pigs,”
Aristotle, 108, 118, 150, 287, 316, 366; 250; division of labor in, 122; as
criticizes communism of women and Glaucon’s city, 46, 85; as guide to
children, 214–15, 233; his definition political action, 244; marriage,
of virtue, 120; Politics, 366 206–10; and military success, 212;
Athens: myth of autochthony, 161; as mirror of the philosophic soul, 222.
venue for prose literature, 10 See also utopianism
Augustine, on lying, 146 Carone, G., 169
cave, allegory of, xxiii, 19, 58, 60, 63,
Bambrough, R., 233 73, 75, 261–68; conversion and, 62;
Barker, A., 329 Forms in, 262; life outside the cave,


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528 index of names and subjects

162–63; philosopher’s return to cave, Diodotus, 141

xx–xxii, 15, 60, 70–71, 156, 242, 262, divided line, xxiii, 19, 289–94, 302, 420,
334–39; as reference to Homer, 71; 502; harmony and justice in, 131;
shadows in, 61, 262, 316; Straussian shadows and, 61
interpretation of, 242 division of labor, 122
Cavell, S., 87 Dixsaut, M., xix
censorship, xxv, 58, 431, 437; Dover, K. J., 10
inconsistent with myth of Er, 460 doxa (opinion, reputation), 99, 102, 259,
Cephalus, 59, 68, 73, 74, 76, 77, 83, 103, 455, 499; contrasted with knowledge,
110, 147, 224; on myth, 459 258, 289–90
city: definition of, 346; form of, 245; Dunn, J., 159
origin of, 122; perfection of, 217. See Düring, I., 5
also city-soul analogy
“city of pigs,” 27, 43, 44, 51, 84, 492; Edelstein, L., 240
food in, 387; Glaucon’s rejection of, Edmonds, R. G., 88, 458
225–27; as utopia, 250 education: and cave allegory, 262;
city-soul analogy, 345–75; Justice in, dialectic in, 315, 328–33; of guardians,
346, 349–50; large/small letters and, 18; philosopher-king’s, 311–42;
347, 348; points of disanalogy, 360; protreptic as, 4; shapes reason for
virtues in, 350 rulership, 174–75
Clay, D., 87 elenchus, Socratic, 16
Comedy, Athenian Middle, 10 Empson, W., 88
communism (among Guardians), epic: philosophic, 18; Republic as, xvi,
203–10, 232, 242; as image of xviii
philosophy, 221; and war, 211–17. See epithumia. See appetite
also women Er, myth of, 76–77, 446; as allegory of
Cooper, J., 196, 401, 405 embodied life, 458–63; censorship of
Cornford, F. M., 138, 160 poets and, 460; directed at Glaucon,
Cratylus, 80 472; Odysseus in, 447–48; Proclus on,
Critias, 29, 37 452
Crito, 29, 110, 157 erōs (love, desire, lust), 202; and civic
Crombie, I. M., 251 homogeneity, 213; definition, 202;
Cross, R. C., 196 detached from philia, 208–10; flexible
Crossman, R. H. S., 159 and inclusive, 217; and justice, 204;
madness of, 398; meekness of, 206;
Dahl, N. O., 157 and the tyrant, 222–30, 394–403
dating of dialogues, 29 Euclid, 301–6
Dawson, D., 232 Eudoxus, 456
de Romilly, J., 12 eugenics program, 203–10
democracy, 361, 364, 368–72, 386, 496; Eusebius, 249
Athenian, 141, 263; democratic Euthydemus, 29, 31
individual, 86, 195, 391; inhospitable Euthyphro, 41
to philosophy, 8, 15, 16; psychic, 128;
rhetoric of, 141; as second-worst falsehood. See lie
regime, 351 Faraone, C., 208
Demosthenes, 140 Ferrari, G. R. F., 18, 28, 52, 88, 138,
Denniston, J. D., 14 143, 169, 271, 349, 350, 402, 429, 437
Denyer, N., 20, 266 Festugière, A. J., 4
desire. See appetite; erōs Fine, G., 257
dialectic, 315, 328–33 Finley, M., 232

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index of names and subjects 529

Ford, A., 456 the city, 150; relation to

Forms: in cave allegory, 262, 266; guide philosopher-kings, 221; replace
the philosopher-king, 245; as imitated familial roles, 213
by poets, 418; as inhuman realm of Gyges, 66, 68, 73, 101, 224, 454, 509
absolute, 148; justice among, 130; gymnastic, as part of guardians’
knowledge of, 258–71; love of, 219; education, 65
mathematical, 269; moral, 269,
277–79; perfection of, 267, 337; in Hahm, D. E., 150
philosopher’s education, 313; as Hall, D., 243
principles of the organization of Hall, E., 242
experience, 136; and sensibles, Halliwell, S., 9, 18, 419, 431, 448
315–16. See also beauty; Good; justice Halperin, D., 396
Frede, D., 367 happiness, 38, 40, 111, 116, 163, 197,
Frede, M., 15, 376 382, 394, 447, 464, 466, 469; and
Frege, G., 304 city-soul analogy, 345–59
Freud, S., 180; theory of the soul, harmony, 178, 188, 191, 279, 312, 332,
176–79 333, 405. See also soul: harmony in,
Fussi, A., 94 126
Harris, W. V., 10
Gadamer, H.-G., 241 health, analogy with justice, 50
Gaiser, K., 4, 21 Heidegger, M., 328
Galen, 5 Heinaman, R., 109
Gallagher, R. L., 5 Heitsch, E., 376
Garver, E., 7 Henderson, J., 88
Gill, C., 157, 393 Heracles, 94
Glaucon: ambition (thumos) of, 224–29; Heraclitus, 188; compared with
as erotic, 67–68, 192; as lover of Anaximander, 130
honor, 64–65; and myth of Er, 472; Hesiod, x, xxii, 56–57, 68, 69, 76–77, 83,
non-timocratic, 363; theory of justice, 87, 140, 153, 154; lies of, 142–43;
99–103, 353. See also Glaucon and popularity of, 432; races of metals, 78,
Adeimantus 84, 85
Glaucon and Adeimantus: Hesk, J., 141
characterizations of, 56; dissatisfied Hippias Minor, 98, 99
by Book 1, 90–93; as historical Hobbs, A., 88, 189
persons, 3; influenced by argument of Homer, x, xxii, 56–59, 61, 68, 69, 71, 72,
Republic, 2, 23; as limited 74, 79, 87, 110, 153, 263, 509; imitator
interlocutors, 310–11; speeches of virtue, 429, 443; lies of, 142–43;
against justice, 6; usefulness of popularity of, 432; as rival to Plato,
Republic to, 245 xviii, 19
Glucker, J., xvii homosexuality, 205; as anti-tyrannical,
Good: Form of, 63–64, 267, 341–42; as 211; as model for heterosexuality in
endpoint of philosophical education, Rep., 210
313; and mathematics, 306; obscurity Howland, J., 88
of, 314–15, 323–28; shareability of,
364–65. See also sun, allegory of Iamblichus, 5, 447
Gorgias, 16, 24, 29, 30, 93, 108, 109, 114; Ideas, Platonic. See Forms
on tragedy, 441 Iliad, 161
Gosling, J. C. B., 189, 397 imitation. See poetry
guardians, 149; compared with dogs, Irwin, T., 94, 169, 391, 400, 403,
187; guardian spirit, 199; as lovers of 411

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530 index of names and subjects

Isnardi-Parente, M., 233 mathematics, xxiii, 270, 271, 282, 342,

Isocrates, 4, 11, 13, 14, 25; on Athenian 503; clarity of, 292; in divided line,
autochthony, 161 292–95; five disciplines, 318; and the
Form of the Good, 306; in
Janaway, C., 437 philosophers’ training, 271, 318–23;
Jowett, B., xvi, xvii, 478, 479 relation to forms, 319
justice: Adeimantus’ case against, McDowell, J., 121
103–05; in city-soul analogy, 346, McKeen, C., 251
349–50; and erōs, 204; Form of, 269; medicine, Greek, 174
Glaucon and Adeimantus’ views on, Menexenus, 29, 161
2; Glaucon’s theory of, 99–103, 152, Menn, S., 11
353; and natural ability, 127; and Meno, 62, 263
philosopher-rulers, xx; as “principle of Michelini, A. N., 3
appropriate difference”, 117; as Miller, F. D., 168
self-referential, 129; Simonidean, 157; Miller, M., 268, 317, 332, 338, 340,
Socrates’ defense of, 107–15; summary 341
of various views, xxii–xxiii; mimēsis. See poetry
Thrasymachean, 93–99 Minos, 29
moderation (sōphrosunē), 173, 405–06,
Kahn, C., xviii, 12, 13, 167, 272, 273, 490 411
Kant, I., on lying, 146 Morgan, K. A., 13, 88, 447
Kassel, R., 10 Morrison, D., 243
Kirwan, C., 146 Morrison, J. S., 457
Klein, J., 318, 325 Most, G. W., 20
Klosko, G., 27, 362 Mourelatos, A. P. D., 321
Knorr, W., 319 Murphy, N. R., 189
knowledge, 257; vs. opinion, 258, music, 313; as part of guardians’
289–90. See also divided line; wisdom education, 65
Kosman, A., 134, 198 myth (muthos), contrasted with logos,
Kraut, R., xvi, 243, 362 452–56

Laches, 41 Nails, D., 3, 245, 329

Lachterman, D., 135, 318 Nehamas, A., 419, 437, 439
Laks, A., 28 Nichols, J. H., 94
Laws, on useful lies, 161 Nichols, M. P., 241
Lear, J., 125 Nietzsche, F., 96; on lying,
Lee, E. N., 323 149
Leontius, 167, 169, 180–84, 186, 193, Nightingale, A., 88, 157
226; and thumos, 223 noble lie: 78, 150, 154–56; belief in,
Leroux, G., 233 158–63; and liberalism, 139–40; as
Lesses, G., 169 myth, 452, 456, 470; myth of metals
lie: and justice, 147; Gods never, 81; in in, 155; need for, 139, 142, 153; and
soul vs. in speech, 144–46. See also philosophic rule, xx
noble lie nudity, public, 203–6; encourages
Loraux, N., 161 shamelessness, 216
love. See erōs; philia Nussbaum, M. C., 440,
Ludwig, P., 189, 216, 223 442

Mahoney, T., 243, 277 O’Connor, D., 317

Manuel, F., 232 Ober, J., 16

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index of names and subjects 531

Odysseus, xvi, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 71, Callipolis, 233; irony of, 242; as public
72, 77, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186; intellectual, 10
compared with Achilles, 98; in the pleasure, 18, 84, 86, 156, 165, 171, 173,
myth of Er, 447–48; in Republic, 82, 174, 175, 180, 195, 198, 208, 220, 226,
169–71, 172; Sophocles’, 140 230, 286, 371, 392, 395, 397, 405, 407,
Odyssey, xvi, 56, 57, 59, 69, 72, 81, 140, 408, 412, 441; principle, 178
173, 182, 184, 480 pleonexia (overreaching greed), 97,
Oedipus, 451; responsibility of, 467 130
oligarchy, 351, 361, 364, 368–72, 373; Plutarch, on the divided line, 293
appetite in, 388, 390–91; oligarchic poetry: ethical illusions in, 440; as
man, 404 imitative, 438; Plato’s critique of,
opinion. See doxa 415–43
Orwell, G., 206 Polemarchus, 7, 42, 73, 102, 110, 126,
Padel, R., 401 polis (city), 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 127,
Page, C., 149 217, 369, 484, 486, 488, 492, 493, 497
painting: Greek, 422; imitative, Politicus. See Statesman
421–28 Popper, K., 139, 144, 233
Parmenides, 316 Pradeau, J. F., 27
Parry, A., 12 Press, G. A., xviii
Parry, R., 222, 243, 277, 409 Price, A. W., 169, 177
Paton, H. J., 419, 421 Proclus, xxii, 455, 478; commentary on
Patterson, R., 268 Republic, xviii; on the divided line,
Penner, T., 40, 42, 169, 228 293; on myth of Er, 452
perception, 22, 300, 313, 315, 322, 418, Protagoras, on poetry, 431
428, 441; sense-data theory, 419 Protagoras, 29, 62, 91, 99, 109, 114
Pericles, on lying, 140 protreptic: “epideictic,” 23; function of,
Phaedo, 73; Platonic psychology in, 7; outside the Republic, 4
357 psuchē (soul), 57, 72. See also soul
Phaedrus: charioteer image, 229; erōs in, Pythagorean theorem, 297
philia or philein (love), 203; contrasted Quine, W. V. O., 308
with erōs, 202; in Smp., 208; and
thumos, 223 Rawls, J., 118
Philoctetes, 140 reason: desires of, 196; rule of, 49,
philosopher-kings, xxiii, xxiv, 15, 20, 22, 165–66, 175, 404–13; in tyrant’s soul,
23, 65, 82, 219–22; compared with 400
tyrants, 403–13; definition of, 367; Redfield, J., 207
descent to the cave, 317–18; Reeve, C. D. C., xix, 169, 251
education, 311–42; as end to human reincarnation (metempsychosis), 446,
ills, 70; erotic, 209; knowledge of 464, 468
ruling, 270–71; knowledge as religion, Greek, 72, 74
shareable good, 364–65; motivation to Robins, I., 318
rule, 107–12, 196–200, 272; relation to Robinson, R., 304
guardians, 221; universally Roochnik, D., 89, 167
benevolent, 243; and utopianism, Rosen, S., 228
235–44 Rothko, M., 235
Plato: attribution of views to, 376–81; Rowe, C. J., 28, 34, 36, 40, 42, 166,
audience, xxii, 1, 5, 15; esoteric 241
lectures of, 135; intentions regarding Rudebusch, G., 394

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532 index of names and subjects

rulership, as requiring inducement, 109, Strauss, L., 17, 89, 108, 233; on
151. See also philosopher-kings impossibility and undesirability of
Russell, B., 419 Callipolis, 233; on Platonic irony,
241–44; on tension between love and
Sachs, D., 121, 280 politics, 204
Sacks, J., 132 sun, allegory of, xxiii, 19, 284–85, 314
Santas, G., xix, 177, 268, 324, 396 Symposium, xi, xvi, 33, 38, 71, 73, 74,
Sayre, K., 240 79, 80, 202, 203, 384, 483; Diotima’s
Schleiermacher, F., xviii, 13, 481 speech, 217; erōs in, 396
Schofield, M., 30, 187, 249 Szlezák, T. A., 13
Scott, D., 393
Sedley, D., 111, 152, 162, 190, 313, Tarrant, D., 450
336 Tarrant, H., 116
self-control. See moderation Tate, J., 444
self-discipline. See moderation Taylor, A. E., 163
Seventh Letter, 240 Taylor, C. C. W., 397
Shields, C., 169 Teiresias, 57, 61, 62, 63, 68, 71,
ship of state, 19, 261 72
Sklar, L., 300 teleological explanation, 285,
Slings, S. R., 4, 171 306–08
Smith, N. D., 168, 189 Thayer, H. S., 468
Socrates: dialectic, 37; as educator, 8; as Theaetetus, xii, xiii, xiv, xvi, 116, 455;
erōs incarnate, 203; lack of wisdom, Forms and particulars in, 134
239; as literary hero, 13; love of the Thebes, 85, 210, 211
Good, 337; model of moderation, 253; Thomas, R., 10
not Plato’s mouthpiece, 376, 383; Thrasyllus, 116
reluctant statesman, 46; as statesman, Thrasymachus, 2, 3, 8, 14, 41, 43, 47,
31; in Symposium, 218; as teacher, 49, 50, 52, 66, 73, 84, 91, 94, 98, 101,
334–35 107, 114, 115, 119, 380, 483, 485, 487;
sophia (wisdom), 128, 194 argument in Book 1, 93–99; compares
sōphrosunē. See moderation ruler to shepherd, 196; on happiness,
soul: as body, in myth of Er, 461–63; 372
conflict in, 167–69, 171–73, 362, 412; Thucydides, 140
Freud’s theory of, 177; harmony in, thumos (spiritedness), 203, 208, 220,
178, 188, 191–95, 279; immortality of, 223, 229, 463, 492; in Aristotle, 223;
458–60, 470; in myth of Er, 451–52; contrasted with erōs, 202; in Homeric
philosopher’s vs. guardian’s, 191; Greeek, 223. See also spirit, 64, 79,
tripartite, xxiv, 192–94, 200, 228, 349, 165
354, 408 Timaeus, 29, 37, 277, 307
Sparta, 267, 355, 484; model for social timocracy, 351, 361, 364, 367,
life in Callipolis, 210–14 368–72
spirit: and conflict in the soul, 171–73; Trampedach, K., 17, 367
and erōs, 222–30; as psychic guardian, tyranny, 351, 353, 361, 368–72;
189–91; tyrant and, 203. See also compared with philosopher-king,
thumos 403–13; and erōs, 394; and madness,
Stahl, J., 398 398; reason enslaved, 400; Republic as
Statesman, 29, 35, 65 argument against, 137; tyrannical
Stemmer, P., 348, 380 individual, xxiv, 195, 375; tyrant, and
Stoicism, 145, 146, 248 erōs, 68, 203, 223–30

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index of names and subjects 533

unhappiness. See happiness West, M. L., 189

Untersteiner, M., 471 Westerink, G., 117
Usener, S., 10 White, N., 243, 281
utopianism, xxiii, 28, 232–54, 497; Wilberding, J., 262
metaphorical, 233, 249; utopia as Williams, B. A. O., 125, 146, 359
paradigm, 234. See also Callipolis wisdom: lovers of, usefulness of
Republic to, 246; as object of rational
Vegetti, M., xix, 232, 248 part of soul, 166. See also
Vernant, J.-P., 89 knowledge; sophia
Vidal-Naquet, P., 89 women, the problem of, xvii, 20, 85,
virtues, 119–21; appearance of, 430; of 133, 205–10, 215, 495. See also
city, 46; imitated by poets, 429–33; of communism
soul, 48; unity of, 41 Woozley, A. D., 196
Vlastos, G., 324
Xenophon, 11, 14, 61, 65, 147, 224, 225,
Wallace, R. W., 10 240, 431, 493
weakness of the will. See soul,
conflict in Yunis, H., 8, 10, 15, 16
Webster, T. B. L., 10
Weiss, R., 110, 162, 169, 275 Zeno, Republic of, 249

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