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Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

Group Members/Group Name: ___Alecia Pike, Kayla Cadenas, Amanda Brezina, MaiAsia Barrett__ _______________________________
Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: _Florida Native Americans/ Fourth Grade__ _____________
Group Weebly space address: _floridanativeamericans.weebly.com______________________________________________________
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: _Day 5 Battle and Wars _ ___________
Lesson Length (ie. 30 minutes): _45min_________________

Rationale for Instruction The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the causes and effects of the
A rationale is an essential part of
thoughtful planning of classroom Seminole Wars.
instruction. This is a brief written
statement of the purpose for instruction
and the connection of the purpose to
instruction that has come before and will
NCSS Theme/Next
Generation Sunshine State  SS.4.A.1.1: Analyze primary and secondary resources to identify significant
Standards/Common Core individuals and events throughout Florida history.
Standards (LAFS/MAFS)  SS.4.A.3.10: Identify the causes and effects of the Seminole Wars.
List each standard that will be addressed
during the lesson. Cutting and pasting
from the website is allowed. You must
have a minimum of 3 standards that
represent multiple content areas identified
in this portion of the lesson plan.

These can be downloaded from the

Florida Dept of Education
Learning Objectives
What will students know and be able to .
do at the end of this lesson? Be sure to set  Students will be able to retell the cause and effects of the Seminole War.
significant (related to NGSS Themes,
CCSS, and NGSSS), challenging,
measurable and appropriate learning

Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
Student Activities &
Procedures Part I: Introducing Content
Design for Instruction 1. Teachers should begin by reviewing what students know about the causes and
 What best practice strategies will be
implemented? effects of the Seminole Wars.
 How will you communicate student Part II: The Causes and Effects of the Seminole Wars
 What products will be developed and 1. The teacher will use the maps in the PowerPoint or the PDF with the notes to
created by students? illustrate the origins of the Seminoles and their migration into Florida.
 Consider Contextual Factors (learning
differences/learning environment) that 2. After the presentation, the teacher will hold a short class discussion and answer
may be in place in your classroom. any questions.
Part III: Retelling the Story
1. Using the maps, students will retell the story of the causes and effects of the
Seminole Wars in their own words.

Assessment Be sure to include Pre/Post assessment for your entire unit plan and progress monitoring/ alternative assessment for
 How will student learning be assessed? individual, daily lesson plans!
Authentic/Alternative assessments? Unit Pre-Assessment:
 Does your assessment align with your The teacher will aske the students general questions related to the unit to see if they have any prior knowledge on the lesson.
objectives, standards and procedures? Unit Post-Assessment:
 Informal assessment (multiple modes): Quiz where students write on the cause and effects of Seminole war.
participation rubrics, journal entries, Daily Lesson Plan Assessment:.
collaborative planning/presentation KWL chart.
***Materials that will be used for assessment and examples of completed tasks and projects must be included with the lesson
Resources/Materials  The Causes and Effects of the Seminole Wars (PowerPoint | PDF)
 Accompanying Teacher Notes (Web | PDF)
Exceptionalities ESOL; Students with Learning Differences:
What accommodations or modifications
do you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented
Accompany the Power point and teacher notes with matching visuals.
students, Learning/Reading disabilities, Provide students with hard copy of Power point in their language.
etc. Gifted/Talented:
Provide in depth detail for students
Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding
Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
These accommodations and/or
modifications should be listed within the
Accompany power point with related articles students
procedures section of the lesson plan as
well as in this section of the document.
Additional Comments and Make comments here related to ideas for homework, parent involvement, extension to the lesson plan, etc.

Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

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