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BIO1090: News Analysis #1: Diana Samphon

1. Cite the name of the news source, the article title, the date, and the byline (the
reporter’s name). Paste a link to the article here (in Canvas).
a. New York Times, The Importance of Infants’ Exposure to Micro-Organisms, FEB.
5, 2018, Jane E. Brody,

2. What are the main conclusions of the scientist(s)?

a. The main conclusions from the scientist are that the micro-organisms in children
who are born through cesarean deliveries and are not primarily breastfed can be
distorted and cause more health problems including diabetes, asthma, and
allergies, etc. Also the dangers of vaginal seeding (done when a woman has no
choice but to do a cesarean delivery have staff transfer microbes to the infant right
after delivery) that Obstetricians and Gynecologists warn against the practice.
This had been concluded by a Danish study of 2 million children born between
1977 to 2012.

3. What are some possible impacts this information could have on society or on
a. There has been a recent rise in cesarean births going from 1 to 5 in 1990 to 1 to 3
in recent years. With this new and developing information we might start sing a
decline in cesarean births and more women also choosing to primarily breastfeed
their children rather than using formula substitutes. The research also being done
concerning vaginal seeding may cause an increase or a decrease depending on the
foundings and seeing if it has more risks or benefits.

4. Are other scientists, or policy-makers, mentioned as being in disagreement with the

research scientists? If so, what might make you tend to take their doubts seriously
(or not take them seriously)?
a. ‘Dr. Suchitra Hourigan, a pediatric gastroenterologist and director of the Inova
Translational Medicine Institute in Falls Church, Va.’ is mentioned in the article
because she is going to do a 3 year study on the effects of vaginal seeding. Dr.
Grace M. Aldrovandi of the University of California, Los Angeles, and co-authors
are also mentioned in the article stating the major benefits of breast milk bacteria
and the microbes they provide. With so many doctors talking about the
importance of microbes and the dangers of vaginal seeding the concerns should be
taken quite seriously.

5. Are scientists mentioned in the article affiliated with a nonpartisan group, like a
University or Government, or affiliated with a for-profit corporation? If the latter,
do you suspect that altered their conclusions?
a. All scientist mentioned in the article were doctors. The two doctors who we
named specifically were doctors associated with universities and hospitals in the
US. Dr. Suchitra Hourigan is a pediatric gastroenterologist and director of the
Inova Translational Medicine Institute in Falls Church, Va. Dr. Grace M.
Aldrovandi is associated with the University of California, Los Angeles. Both
affiliated for the most part with non-profit organizations. The finds from both
nonprofit and for-profit researchers in the article are the same. So i would assume
there is no bias in the results and they are purely factual.

6. In what ways did the article change and expand your views of the topic? If it did
not change or expand your views, describe what you knew about the subject before
reading the article.
a. I always thought cesarean and vaginal birth were pretty equal and there wasn't
much difference. After hearing about the seeding process it sounded like it made
since, but after reading the article I am more aware of the dangers that my come
with the seeding process and the concequences of choosing cesarian births over
vaginal. I also learned not to feel so bad about it because at least if there is no
other choice breastfeeding would still be an option.

7. Do you think the reporter did a good job or a bad job of giving background for the
story? Please give an example to support your opinion.
a. I think the reporter did a great job of reporting the story, because of the extra
backgrad and statistics going all the way back decades ago to and describing the
comparisons from children born cesarean section or vaginal birth and relating the
birthing style to the later health consequences, and the talk of the future to see if
there are solutions to the lack of certain microbes. It felt informative but not

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