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Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

An analysis of cross-sectional variations in total household energy

requirements in India using micro survey data
Shonali Pachauri*
Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, .
ETH Zentrum, WEC, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland


Using micro level household survey data from India, we analyse the variation in the pattern and quantum of household energy
requirements, both direct and indirect, and the factors causing such variation. An econometric analysis using household survey data
from India for the year 1993–1994 reveals that household socio-economic, demographic, geographic, family and dwelling attributes
influence the total household energy requirements. There are also large variations in the pattern of energy requirements across
households belonging to different expenditure classes. Results from the econometric estimation show that total household
expenditure or income level is the most important explanatory variable causing variation in energy requirements across households.
In addition, the size of the household dwelling and the age of the head of the household are related to higher household energy
requirements. In contrast, the number of members in the household and literacy of the head are associated with lower household
energy requirements.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Consumption patterns; Household energy requirements; Indirect energy

1. Introduction gate level thus also provides information on individual

lifestyles of households, their energy use and overall
There are a multiplicity of reasons why the study of level of well being. The use of micro level survey data on
household consumption patterns and energy require- household expenditures, as employed in this study,
ments is of immense importance especially for a large allows for an enquiry into the nature of variations in the
developing country like India. For one, households are a patterns and volumes of consumption between different
major consumer of energy and contribute, to a large households with varied lifestyles, as well as the causes of
extent, to the total energy use of the nation. At present, these variations.
the share of direct energy use of households in India is In India, the total (direct and indirect) household
about 40% of the total direct commercial and non- energy requirement was on average approximately
commercial indigenous energy use (Pachauri and 0.4 kW per capita in 1993–1994. This is about one-fifth
Spreng, 2002). If, in addition, one takes into account of the global average of 2 kW and slightly less than half
the indirect or embodied energy in all goods and services the amount postulated by Goldemberg (1990) as
purchased by households, then about 70% of the total necessary to satisfy basic human needs. Thus, energy
energy use of the economy can be related to the poverty is still a reality for most of the Indian
household sector, the remaining 30% comprise of the population. The distribution of the population with
energy requirements of government consumption, in- regard to energy consumption also shows that over 60%
vestments and net imports (Pachauri and Spreng, 2002). have a per capita total household energy requirement of
For another, household spending and consumption less than 0.5 kW per year (Pachauri, 2002). In addition,
patterns furnish by no means a complete, but a detailed to the wide disparities in the quantities of energy used,
picture of how people live. A study of the direct and there are large variations in the types of energy used and
indirect household energy requirements at a disaggre- patterns of consumption among households.
A number of economic, technical, socio-demographic
*Tel.: +41-1-632-41-51; fax: +41-1-632-10-50. and lifestyle factors have an influence on total energy
E-mail address: (S. Pachauri). requirements of households in India. In this paper, an

0301-4215/04/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1724 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

analysis of factors influencing household energy require- heterogeneous household groups and allow for the
ments for a random cross-section of households cover- incorporation of a wide variety of household character-
ing the entire area of the country is undertaken. We istics within the analysis (Hawdon, 1992). Recent studies
analyse not only direct but also indirect energy use of that make use of micro data on household consumption
households. Direct energy use of a household refers to from the National Sample Surveys have focused on
the consumption of all fuels and electricity, whereas the different aspects of household consumption.1 However,
indirect energy use comprises the energy embodied in all this paper is to our knowledge the first attempt at
goods and services consumed, or in other words the estimating and analysing total (direct and indirect)
energy required to produce the goods and services that energy requirements at the individual household level,
are bought by households. Within the direct energy in the Indian context, using national level representative
category, we include not only commercial but also non- survey data.
commercial energy consumption. Non-commercial en- The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 starts
ergy forms, largely fuelwood and other biomass, are still with a description of the sources of data used, data
the main source of direct energy use in India for a large modifications carried out and methods employed.
proportion of the population. In fact, more than 80% of Section 3 focuses on an exploratory analysis of the
the direct energy consumed in villages even today is data. The empirical model developed and the estimation
from non-commercial sources. In some instances, procedures are presented in Section 4. Results from the
especially in urban areas, a market for fuelwood does model estimation are discussed in Section 5. Section 6
exist and it is bought commercially, however in this provides in brief some simple simulations of household
paper fuelwood is always referred to as non-commercial. energy requirements based on changes in the values of
The direct and indirect energy requirements for a wide some key independent variable and the parameter
range of households in India are calculated as a function estimates from the regression model estimated. Finally,
of household expenditures. In order to do so, we Section 7 concludes.
combine data from a large national household expen-
diture survey for India, with estimates of energy
intensities for production sectors that were calculated
2. Data sources and methods
in an earlier study using national input-output tables
and energy flow statistics (Pachauri and Spreng, 2002).
2.1. Description of the data
An empirical multivariate regression function is also
estimated in order to determine the extent to which
Data on household consumption expenditure from
different household characteristics, individually and
the National Sample Survey (NSS) Round 50 for 1993–
jointly, are responsible for variation in per capita total
1994 (NSSO, 1998) were used for the analysis carried
energy requirements in India for the year 1993–1994.
out in this paper. The household expenditure data
This analysis also provides estimates of the expenditure
formed the basis for calculating primary energy require-
elasticity of total per capita energy requirements.
ments for different categories of household spending
Several studies exist that estimate the direct and
along with the estimates of energy intensities of
indirect energy requirements of households in developed
producing sectors calculated in Pachauri and Spreng
countries. These include those for countries like New
Zealand (Peet, 1985); Germany (Weber and Fahl, 1993);
The National Sample Survey (NSS) is periodically
Netherlands (Vringer and Blok, 1995a; Wilting, 1996);
conducted to collect household budget data from a large
Australia (Lenzen, 1998); and Denmark (Munksgaard
nation-wide probability sample of households by the
et al., 2000; Wier et al., 2001). Studies for developing
interview method. The survey covers the entire area of
countries, however, are more difficult to find. The only
the country, involving separate and comprehensive
one carried out for India is one by researchers at the
coverage of rural and urban areas, with the exception
Indira Gandhi Institute of Developmental Research.
of some very interior areas, and the disputed regions of
They use input-output analysis and aggregated house-
the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
hold expenditure survey data to calculate the carbon
A detailed description of the sampling methodology is
dioxide emissions from energy consumption for differ-
given in the publication ‘‘Sarvekshana’’ (NSSO, 1997).
ent groups of households for the year 1989–1990 (Murty
The sampling design is based on a two-stage stratified
et al., 1997a, b; Parikh et al., 1997).
random sampling procedure with the first stage com-
Given the wide disparities in lifestyles and energy use
prising of either villages (in rural areas) or blocks (for
evident in India the use of micro-level data, which
urban areas), and with households forming the second
reflects individual and household behaviour, is consid-
ered more suitable to shed light on the nature of 1
For literature on studies adopting a complete demand systems
consumer responses and lifestyles. Micro approaches to approach to household consumption estimation in India refer to
energy modelling also enable an analysis across different Meenakshi and Ray (1999), and Ray (1985).
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1725

stage units. The households are selected systematically did not report any household expenditure on direct
with equal probability, with a random start. Weights for energy were excluded. It is feasible but quite unlikely
each individual household observation are provided that these households really had no direct energy
with each estimate on the raw data tape. In order to get requirements. However, since the number of observa-
an adequate number of sample households from the tions in this category was very small, excluding these
affluent section of the society, the NSS 1993–1994 observations did not have any significant impact on the
survey, for the first time, stratified the households into regression results. Some other observations were also
affluent and others, based on their assets holding and excluded because of missing information on the other
monthly consumption expenditure. Two households relevant variables like age, household size, area of
from the affluent and 8 households from ‘others’ were dwelling, etc. In all, the number of observations
selected in a circular systematic way with a random start excluded was less than 1 percent of the total sample.
(NSSO, 1997). Given the large sample size their exclusion was not
Household consumption as included in the survey considered likely to impact the analysis in any significant
includes consumption of goods and services acquired way.
through (a) purchases in the market, (b) receipts in
exchange of goods and services, (c) subsistence produc- 2.3. Methods
tion, and (d) transfer receipts such as gifts and loans.
The household consumption expenditure schedule used The general methodology used for estimating the
for the survey collects information on quantity and energy requirements of households is outlined in
value of household consumption with a reference period Pachauri and Spreng (2002). Their analysis also
of the last 30 days preceding the date of the interview. provides estimates of energy intensities for 100 produ-
For certain items, such as durable goods and clothing cing sectors in India calculated by means of the input-
and footwear, data is additionally collected with a output energy analysis method and by employing data
reference period of one year. However, for the purpose on input-output transactions and sectoral energy flows
of this paper, only the data pertaining to the 30-day for the year 1993–1994. These estimates of the total
recall period is made use of. energy intensities of producing sectors are used in
To minimise recall errors, a very detailed item conjunction with the micro survey data on household
classification is adopted to collect information, includ- expenditures in order to calculate household energy
ing about 200 items of food and beverages, 20 of fuel requirements at a disaggregate level.
and energy, 25 items of clothing and footwear, 25 items The indirect energy requirements of households were
of educational and medicinal expenses, 70 items of calculated by multiplying the expenditure for each
durable goods, and about 80 other miscellaneous goods consumption category with the appropriate energy
and services items. In addition, data on a host of other intensity value. For the 55 broad consumption cate-
socio-demographic variables and dwelling attributes are gories included in the household survey data, the match
also collected through the survey. between consumption categories and the input–output
sector classification was easily handled, as they both
2.2. Data preparation followed a fairly similar scheme of classification. In
order to calculate direct primary energy requirements of
The data on the raw data tape as provided by the households, physical quantity data on the direct
National Sample Survey Organisation were very dis- consumption of fuels from the household survey were
aggregated and followed the detailed item classification used. The survey included volume data on the con-
described above. It was therefore, necessary to aggregate sumption of 15 different direct fuel types, of which data
the expenditure data into 55 broad consumption on the consumption of match sticks and candles had to
categories that were conformable to the sector energy be discarded, as there appeared to be high errors
intensities for the year 1993–1994 estimated by Pachauri associated with the data for these categories. Physical
and Spreng (2002). Most of the results presented in this data for the other 13 fuels were recorded in a number of
paper are in a further aggregated form for a classifica- different physical units, e.g. kWh for electricity, kg for
tion based on 12 broad consumption categories (see firewood, etc. Thus, the first step was to convert the fuel
Table 9 in the appendix for a description of these). quantities to uniform physical energy units of MJ. Next,
In addition, other modifications needed to be carried physical energy intensities for direct fuels from the
out on the dataset before a multivariate regression input-output tables (that provided the energy require-
model could be fitted. In principle, the regression ments for the energy sectors) were multiplied with the
analysis should be applied to all respondent households. household fuel consumption quantities in MJ, to arrive
In practice, however, certain observations had to be at the primary energy requirements of direct fuels.
excluded because of the incompleteness of the data and The formal statistical evaluation of factors that affect
missing values. Thus, observations for households that the variation in per capita total (direct and indirect)
1726 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

household energy requirements was carried out both expenditure levels, the difference in indirect energy
graphically and econometrically. In other words, there requirements between households in different expendi-
were two sets of analysis performed on the data. The ture classes is much greater than the difference in direct
first involved descriptive methods to characterise general energy requirements. This implies that indirect energy
patterns of per capita total household energy require- requirements increase more directly with increase in
ments. Tables and graphs were developed to describe household expenditures than direct energy requirements
trends of household energy requirements across various and the share of indirect to direct also rises significantly
related variables. The second analysis was a multivariate from the lowest to the highest household expenditure
regression. The only previous study that did a similar group.
regression estimation was an early study by Herendeen Data on household consumption in the National
and co-authors that used 1972–1973 survey data for the Sample Survey are reported separately for rural and
USA (Herendeen et al., 1981). In this paper a model was urban2 areas of the country, largely because there are
fit using per capita total household energy requirements differences in the lifestyles of households residing in
as the dependent variable. The model was primarily these broad geographical areas. There are differences in
developed to formalise and quantify our knowledge and the energy requirements of rural and urban residents as
understanding of the relationships between household well as can be seen in Table 1. On an average, urban
energy requirements and economic variables like ex- energy requirements per capita are 25% higher than
penditure, household dwelling characteristics like area those of rural residents. This is largely a result of higher
and type, household family attributes and demographics incomes and therefore higher per capita expenditure
like size, education, age, etc., and other social and levels in urban areas as compared to rural areas. In
lifestyle type variables, that explain the variation in total addition to the indirect energy requirements of urban
per capita energy requirements in Indian households. households being higher than that of rural ones, large
differences are apparent in the case of direct energy
needs too. Most rural households still rely almost
3. Exploratory data analysis entirely on non-commercial energy sources for their
direct energy needs, whereas the share of commercial
In the following section, per capita total household sources of energy is much higher in urban households
energy requirements will be considered in relation to (see Fig. 1). It is also clear that largely as a result of this
some important household characteristics and variables. difference in the patterns of use of direct energy types,
Variables that have an impact on total household energy rural households are more energy intensive on an
requirements can be grouped in various ways. In what average than urban households. This is a pattern that
follows, the main heads under which the variables are has also been observed in studies done for other
grouped are economic variables, demographic variables, countries e.g. Australia (Lenzen, 1998) and Norway
and household dwelling attributes. The key variables (Herendeen, 1978).
with respect to which results are presented here for each From Fig. 1 other differences in the pattern of energy
of these categories are described in what follows. requirements for persons belonging to different expen-
diture groups and living in rural and urban areas are
I. Economic variables: evident. For all three expenditure groups depicted, per
Total household expenditure. capita energy intensities for food consumption are
II. Demographic variables higher in rural households as compared to urban
Rural/urban location, households. Clearly, this implies that within the food
Number of household members. category, rural households spend their money on more
III. Dwelling attributes energy intensive items of expenditure than urban
Covered area of dwelling, households. In general, however, urban households
Construction type, have higher food energy requirements than rural
Dwelling type. households. Urban households, in all expenditure
classes, also have, on average, higher non-food indirect
Total monetary expenditure (which is used as a proxy energy requirements per capita than their rural counter-
for income) of households is the most important parts. In particular, the share of energy required for
economic variable influencing total household energy manufactures and transport is seen to increase signifi-
requirements. Table 1 shows average per capita energy cantly with a rise in levels of total expenditure, especially
requirements for households in different expenditure
classes. It is apparent from the table that households 2
The official definition of urban areas is based on number of criteria
with higher expenditure clearly have higher energy including ‘‘(a) the population of the place should be greater than 5000;
requirements. While both direct and indirect energy (b) a density of not less than 400 persons/km2; (c) three-fourths of the
requirements are higher for those with higher household male workers are engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.’’ (GoI, 2001).
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1727

Table 1
Total per capita household energy requirements for different economic groups

Household expenditure Direct energy in GJ per Indirect energy in GJ Total energy in GJ per
groups capita p.a. per capita p.a. capita p.a.

URBAN Bottom 40% 2.97 3.17 6.14

Middle 50% 4.28 5.95 10.23
Top 10% 7.36 14.53 21.89
Average 4.02 5.58 9.60

RURAL Bottom 40% 2.93 2.55 5.48

Middle 50% 4.06 4.20 8.26
Top 10% 5.56 9.11 14.67
Average 3.73 3.97 7.70

ALL-INDIA Bottom 40% 2.97 2.65 5.63

Middle 50% 4.08 4.59 8.67
Top 10% 6.04 10.94 16.98
Average 3.80 4.37 8.17

Fig. 1. Pattern of per capita household energy requirements.

for urban households. Increased need for mobility and commercial energy needs of rural households are much
poor public transport infrastructure in most Indian higher than that of their urban counterparts. For the top
cities has meant that with rising incomes, people opt for expenditure class in rural areas this is close to seven
personally owned modes of transport. In addition, the times as high as in urban areas.
better availability, accessibility and visibility of manu- Finally, Fig. 2 presents the differences in energy
factured goods in urban areas has meant that with requirements for various different household sizes. In
increasing urbanisation and income levels, there has general, total per capita energy requirements are lower
been a greater degree of penetration of these items in for persons living in larger households. However, in the
Indian households leading to an increasing share of non- case of urban households, per capita total household
food indirect energy requirements in better-off house- energy requirements increases from single person house-
holds. The largest variation in the pattern of household holds to those with two residents. Comparing the
energy requirements across different total expenditure expenditure levels for the different household size
classes is for the categories of direct energy use. Direct categories of households can also help explain these
commercial energy requirements of urban residents is, differences. The increase in energy requirements from
on average, between two and three times that of rural single person households to those with two residents in
residents for the corresponding total per capita house- urban areas is because most persons classified as single
hold expenditure levels. On the other hand, non- persons in urban areas belong to the poorest homeless
1728 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

14000 require more electrical fittings and fixtures such as fans,

Energy in MJ per capita per year

Indirect energy lights, coolers, etc.

12000 Direct energy

4. Model and estimation

6000 In an earlier study by Pachauri and Spreng (2002), the

total primary energy requirements associated with
4000 private household consumption expenditures at a
2000 national level were estimated for India. This paper is
an extension of that work, but in contrast, focuses on
0 the energy requirements at an individual household level
1 2 3-5 5-7 >7
in order to explore the relationship of consumption
Household size
patterns and household characteristics on total house-
Fig. 2. Average per capita household energy requirements by house- hold energy requirements for households with different
hold size group.
lifestyles and living situations.
The per capita total (direct and indirect) energy
requirement of households is viewed as a derived
category. In all other cases, however, an increase in the demand that is determined by primary demand for
size of the household reduces per capita direct, indirect other energy using goods and services like appliances
and total household energy requirements. and electrical devices and other consumer goods and
Table 2 shows the direct and total energy require- services with their embodied energy content. Following
ments for different household dwelling types. The standard economic theory individuals are assumed to be
covered area of household dwelling, the type of dwell- utility maximisers, who maximise their utility subject to
ing, and the type of construction are some of the their budgetary constraints. The derived demand for
attributes of the household stock whose relationship to total per capita energy requirements can then be
total household energy requirements per capita have represented by Eq. (1).
been examined here. It is clear from the table that people Ei ¼ f ðYi ; Hi ; Fi Li Þ; ð1Þ
living in pucca houses, i.e., houses built with modern
materials like cement and bricks, have higher total where Ei refers to total per capita energy requirements
energy requirements as compared to those who live in of the ith individual, Yi refers to total per capita
semi-pucca and katcha houses (houses built with household expenditure, Hi refers to a vector of various
traditional construction materials, like mud, thatch, household dwelling attributes, Fi refers to a vector of the
etc.). It is also evident that people living in pucca houses demographic or family type variables, and Li refers to a
have higher total per capita expenditure levels and vector of geographic location variables.
therefore the type of construction is clearly correlated The double log functional form was ultimately chosen
with the overall income or expenditure levels and for the parametric specification of the regression
general standard of living of the inhabitants. In addition equation following the tradition of most energy demand
to the type of construction, the type of dwelling, i.e. studies (Herendeen et al., 1981; Garbacz, 1983; Bose and
whether an independent house, flat, chawl3 or other, Shukla, 1999). This form has the added advantage that
also influences the total household energy requirements. coefficients are easily interpretable and represent elasti-
In general, larger families live in independent houses cities of demand. In other words, estimated coefficients
rather than flats, and people living in flats have higher represent the percent change in total per capita energy
expenditures and energy requirements than those in requirements as a result of a one percent change in each
either houses or chawls. Finally, the size of the dwelling, of the independent continuous variables. The percentage
in terms of square feet of covered area, appears to be effects for the dummy variables can also be easily
highly correlated with the total household size, but derived by exponential transformation of the coeffi-
people living in larger dwellings have higher total per cients.
capita household energy requirements than those in The model estimated was therefore of the form
smaller dwellings. A higher direct electricity requirement ln Epc ¼ a0 þ b1 DRC þ b2 DRN þ b3 DRW þ b4 DRS
for households living in larger dwellings is also observed þ b5 I þ b6 U þ b7 NV þ b8 IL þ b9 ln Ypc
and this seems reasonable given the fact that larger areas X
þ b10 ln AD þ b11 SA þ gi DHSi
A chawl might be described as a building with a number of X
generally single-roomed habitations having a common corridor and þ lj DAHj ; ð2Þ
bathing and toilet facilities. j
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1729

Table 2
Total per capita household energy requirements for different household dwelling characteristics

Average household Average per capita Average per capita Average per capita Percent of the total
size expenditure total energy direct energy population
In numbers In ‘000 Rs. In GJ p.a. In GJ p.a. In %

Construction type
Katcha 5.6 2.9 7.4 3.8 25
Semi-pucca 6.1 3.2 7.5 3.7 34
Pucca 6.1 5.1 9.6 4.1 41

Dwelling type
Independent house 6.2 3.7 8.2 3.9 82
Flat 5.1 6.9 11.7 4.8 5
Chawl 5.4 4.0 8.2 3.7 7
Others 5.0 4.2 7.9 3.3 6

Dwelling size (in sq. ft.)

o200 5.0 3.5 8.0 3.9 27
200–350 5.6 3.6 7.9 3.7 23
350–615 6.2 4.0 8.5 3.9 25
>615 7.2 4.5 8.9 3.9 25

Table 3
Variable definitions

Variable Definition

DRC Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person lives in a Central State and 0 otherwise
DRN Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person lives in a Northern State and 0 otherwise
DRW Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person lives in a Western State and 0 otherwise
DRS Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person lives in a Southern State and 0 otherwise
I Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person is living in an independent single-unit house and 0 otherwise
U Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person lives in an urban area and 0 otherwise
NV Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person is non-vegetarian and 0 otherwise
IL Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person is illiterate and 0 otherwise
ln Ypc Natural logarithmic transformation of total per capita monthly expenditure in Rupees
ln AD Natural logarithmic transformation of total area of the household in square metres
SA Dummy variable taking the value of 1 if the person is self-employed in agriculture and 0 otherwise
DHSi Dummy variables for household size
DAHj Dummy variables for the age of the head of the household

where, a0 is the constant term, b’s, g’s and l’s are used to capture the differences in per capita energy
variable coefficients and a description of each of the requirements across rural and urban households.
variables is provided in Table 3. Household dwelling characteristics that affect energy
The main economic variable included in the model is requirements are captured by two variables. Total
total per capita expenditure. Dummy or discrete covered dwelling area in square metres, and a dummy
variables are introduced in the model to capture regional variable that captures the difference between single-unit/
differences in the location of the household. Thus, four independent housing as opposed to either flats or chawl
regional dummies were used to capture differences for type dwellings.
the five different regions—North, West, Central and Finally, various household family type, lifestyle type
South. Individuals residing in the states of the North and demographic variables are included in the model.
East4 are taken as the reference households to avoid Dummies for age of the head of the household and total
singularity due to the use of binary dummy variables in household size (number of members) are included. For
the model. In addition, a single dummy variable is also each of these categorical variables the first category is
omitted (household size one, and age less than 25). Also
included in the model are a dummy variable for
Refer to Table 10 at the end of the paper for a description of states education that takes the value of one if the individual
included in each region. is illiterate and zero otherwise and a dummy variable for
1730 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

Table 4
Descriptive statistics for variables

Variable Mean Standard deviation Quartile 1. Median Quartile 3.

Epc 679.43 580.86 441.93 593.36 803.05

MJ/per month
HS 5.98 2.55 4.00 6.00 7.00
Ypc 321.21 373.85 189.19 258.40 369.61
AG 44.71 13.68 35.00 43.00 55.00
AD 367.58 230.98 180.00 300.00 500.00
Sq. feet

Table 5
Descriptives for dummy variables

Variable Condition under which the variable value is one Frequency

NV Households whose inhabitants are non-vegetarian 0.58

U Households living in an urban area 0.25
IL Households where the head is illiterate 0.36
DRC Households living in region Centre 0.34
DRN Households living in region North 0.07
DRW Households living in region West 0.19
DRS Households living in region South 0.24
I Households that reside in independent home dwellings 0.82
SA Households where the head is self-employed in agriculture 0.31

employment type that takes the value of one if the none of these were successful in fully stabilising the
household head is self-employed in agriculture and zero variance, the natural logarithmic transform appeared to
otherwise. In addition, a variable to capture food habits reduce the heteroscedasticity. Since the assumption of
is also included by using a dummy variable to variance homogeneity was still not met, we used a
distinguish between non-vegetarians and vegetarians. conservative significance level a ¼ 0:01 for parameter
The regression analysis was ultimately carried out on testing and used White’s robust variance–covariance
a sample size of 112,202 observations using the ordinary matrix to generate the robust standard errors for our t-
least squares (OLS) method. A number of regressions statistics. Using robust standard errors did not change
were performed using a number of different combina- any of the conclusions regarding the significance of any
tions of independent variables before the most signifi- of the variables from the original OLS regression in our
cant ones were selected. The variance inflation factor model. Finally, the Hausman Specification test was
(VIF), condition index, tolerance, and the covariance applied to test for the exogeneity of per capita
and correlation matrices were used to assess multi- expenditure variable in the model. All analysis was
collinearity among the independent variables in the performed using SAS version 8.2 (SAS-Institute, 2001).
model. In general, multicollinearity is seen to be a Tables 4 and 5 below provide the basic descriptive
problem in the model if the VIF is greater than 10 for statistics for all the variables included in the model. The
any of the independent variables. However, in our frequency values for the dummy variables signify the
model an examination of the VIF’s did not reveal a high ratio of the total population falling in that category.
degree of collinearity between any of the independent
variables (VIF was less than 4 for all variables).
Residual analysis and plots were also used to check 5. Results
model assumptions. The residual/predictor plot for an
initial version of the model with no transformation of 5.1. Empirical results from the multivariate regression
the dependent variable indicated heteroscedasticity in
the model. Multiple transformations were tested to The model described by Eq. (2) was estimated using
stabilize the heteroscedastic variances, ranging from step-wise ordinary least squares. The effect of adding
power transforms, Box-Cox, and logarithms. Although different variables to the model estimation in terms of
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1731

their contribution to the partial R2 is provided in Fig. 3. houses have marginally higher per capita energy
In the first step, the dependent variable was regressed on requirements. The value of the coefficient for the
total per capita expenditure by itself. This variable alone dummy variable for type of household dwelling (sin-
explains 61.4% of the total variation in per capita gle-unit versus flats/chawls) is also positive implying that
energy requirements and dominates the other explana- compared to those who live in flats or chawls, those in
tory variables. Adding dummy variables, which describe single family houses or independent housing units have
the geographical attributes of the respondents, dwelling about 6% higher per capita energy requirements.
attributes and demographic characteristics of the house- Demographic and family attribute variables also have
holds increases the explanatory power of the model to a significant influence in explaining the variation in total
66.4%. per capita energy requirements in the model estimated.
Estimation results for the parameter estimates are The coefficients for the dummies for household size are
presented in Table 6, which shows that all the variables all negative, except for the dummy for those households
included in the model are significant at the 99 per cent with two members. This implies that, in general, an
confidence level. This suggests that in addition to the increase in household size by one additional member is
obvious economic variable, geographic, demographic accompanied by a significant reduction in per capita
and household dwelling and family attributes also play household energy requirement relative to single member
an important role in influencing total per capita energy households, except in the case when household size
requirements. All four coefficients for the regional increases from one member to two. In fact, the
dummy variables are negative, implying that relative household size effect is nearly monotone, i.e. coefficients
to those residing in the North East, people living in the are greater for larger household sizes. Therefore, if a
North, West, South and Central States all have margin- household consists of three members, the regression
ally lower total per capita energy requirements, other results indicate that its members would have a per capita
factors remaining constant. For example, one can household energy requirement that is about 4% less
surmise from the model results that those residing in than that of a single member household, whereas for a 8
Central States have a per capita energy requirement, member household, per capita energy requirements are
which is about 15% less than those residing in the North approximately 21% less than that of a single member
East. On the other hand, those residing in the South household. The general result that an increase in
have a per capita energy requirement only 1.8% less household size reduces per capita energy requirement
than those living in the North East. The coefficient for has been observed in other studies in the Netherlands
the dummy variable capturing urban–rural differences is (Vringer and Blok, 1995b), USA (Herendeen et al.,
negative implying that keeping all other factors equal, 1981), Australia (Lenzen, 1998), and Denmark (Wier
urban residents have a per capita energy requirement et al., 2001). The coefficients for the age of the head of
that is about 10% lower than those living in rural areas. the household dummies are all significant and positive
This can possibly be attributed to the fact that the implying that households at a later stage of the family
proportion of non-commercial energy used is higher in lifecycle tend to have higher per capita energy require-
rural areas, resulting in higher total direct primary ment. Thus, for instance the results indicate that for
energy requirements for rural residents. households where the head of the household is in the 25–
The sign of the coefficient for the household dwelling 29 age category, the members have a per capita energy
area is positive indicating that persons living in larger requirement that is about 7% more than that of

Partial R square

D 2
D S9
D S3
D S4
D S6
D 10
D H2
D H3
D H2
D 4
D H9
D H5
D 3
D H8
D H7














Fig. 3. Partial R square for key predictors of the regression model.
1732 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

Table 6
Parameter estimates for the model

ln Epc Coefficient Robust std error Robust t value Pr > jtj Exponential values for dummies

Intercept 3.454 0.02050 168.49 o0.0001

ln Ypc 0.666 0.00237 280.45 o0.0001
ln AD 0.026 0.00128 20.31 o0.0001
DHS2 hhsize ¼ 2 0.031 0.00595 5.18 o0.0001 1.031
DHS3 hhsize ¼ 3 0.043 0.00572 7.53 o0.0001 0.958
DHS4 hhsize ¼ 4 0.096 0.00565 17.00 o0.0001 0.909
DHS5 hhsize ¼ 5 0.144 0.00580 24.89 o0.0001 0.866
DHS6 hhsize ¼ 6 0.182 0.00606 30.10 o0.0001 0.834
DHS7 hhsize ¼ 7 0.213 0.00645 33.02 o0.0001 0.808
DHS8 hhsize ¼ 8 0.237 0.00694 34.13 o0.0001 0.789
DHS9 hhsize > 8 0.291 0.00680 42.75 o0.0001 0.748
DAH2 age—[25–29] 0.066 0.00607 10.91 o0.0001 1.068
DAH3 age—[30–34] 0.076 0.00586 12.92 o0.0001 1.080
DAH4 age—[35–39] 0.086 0.00578 14.95 o0.0001 1.090
DAH5 age—[40–44] 0.110 0.00584 18.88 o0.0001 1.116
DAH6 age—[45–49] 0.122 0.00585 20.84 o0.0001 1.130
DAH7 age—[50-54] 0.125 0.00602 20.80 o0.0001 1.133
DAH8 age—[55–59] 0.129 0.00620 20.83 o0.0001 1.138
DAH9 age—[60–64] 0.124 0.00639 19.46 o0.0001 1.132
DAH10 age—[65–69] 0.116 0.00701 16.57 o0.0001 1.123
DAH11 age >¼ 70 0.115 0.00689 16.68 o0.0001 1.122
NV 0.029 0.00223 12.87 o0.0001 1.029
U 0.109 0.00240 45.22 o0.0001 0.897
I 0.055 0.00249 22.22 o0.0001 1.057
DRC 0.167 0.00332 50.29 o0.0001 0.846
DRW 0.095 0.00324 29.29 o0.0001 0.909
DRS 0.018 0.00284 6.39 o0.0001 0.982
DRN 0.029 0.00452 6.37 o0.0001 0.971
IL 0.019 0.00198 9.36 o0.0001 1.019
SA 0.031 0.00282 11.10 o0.0001 1.032

households where the head is less than 25 years old. The largest coefficient in the model is for the
Similarly, members of households where the head is in economic variable—per capita expenditure. The expen-
the 50–54 age category have a 13% higher per capita diture elasticity estimate calculated is in the range of
energy requirement relative to those households where previous household studies as reported in Table 7. The
the head is less than 25 years of age. The coefficient on expenditure elasticity is 0.67, implying that a one percent
the literacy dummy variable (illiterate versus literate) increase in per capita expenditure results in a 0.67%
indicates that on average illiterates have about 2% higher per capita energy requirement.
higher per capita energy requirements than literate
persons, all other factors remaining constant. In other 5.2. Comparison with elasticity estimates from previous
words, illiteracy contributes to higher per capita energy studies
requirements. The coefficient on the dummy variable for
those self-employed in agriculture is also positive While all the studies reported in Table 7 relate to
implying that these households have a slightly (about developed countries and studies undertaken include only
3%) higher total household energy requirements per commercial energy sources, it is surprising to observe
capita compared to those in other types of employment. that expenditure elasticities reported are of a similar
The variable representing food preferences (non- order of magnitude to those for India. The lowest
vegetarian versus vegetarian) is also significant and expenditure elasticity is reported for the USA in 1973 at
positive, which implies that vegetarians have (approx. 0.72, whereas the highest is for Denmark at 0.90. The
3%) lower per capita energy requirements than non- results for India, therefore, lie at the lower end of the
vegetarians. This result seems intuitive given the high scale. This is possibly due to the fact that expenditure
energy intensity of meat production and is similar to elasticity calculated in this study is with respect to total
that reported from most other studies on food energy energy i.e. commercial and non-commercial, whereas
requirements (Carlsson-Kanyama, 1999; Kramer et al., those estimated in developed countries do not take
1999). into account non-commercial energy. Expenditures on
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1733

Table 7
Comparison of expenditure elasticity estimates across studies

Study Reference Expenditure elasticity of energy

USA (1960–1961) Herendeen and Tanaka (1976) 0.87

USA (1972–1973) Herendeen et al. (1981) 0.81
Norway (1973) Herendeen (1978) 0.72
NL (1990) Vringer and Blok (1995) 0.83
AUS (1993–1994) Lenzen (1998) 0.74
Denmark (1995) Wier et al. (2001) 0.90
India (1993–1994) Present study 0.67

non-commercial energy are often made in kind so they impact on the rate of growth on per capita total energy
are very low or even zero. Thus, it could be expected requirements for households in India.
that non-commercial energy use is less dependent on
expenditure than commercial energy use. Non-commer-
cial energy is also used much less efficiently than 7. Discussion and conclusions
commercial energy and thus provides less service per
unit of physical energy consumed. The paper provides results that show that the pattern
and quantum of total household energy requirements
differ significantly across different households. Results
6. Simulations for per capita household energy from the estimation of a double logarithmic linear
requirements model indicate that differences relating to economic,
geographic and household dwelling and family char-
The model described above provides us with estimates acteristics, explain a significant part of the variation in
for the coefficients of several variables that cause per capita total household energy requirements. The
variation in the per capita total energy requirements results of the estimation show that all the independent
for households in India. A first simple approximation of variables, both individually and together, are significant
the possible magnitude of changes in per capita energy at the 99 percent confidence level in explaining the
requirements resulting from changes in the values of variation in the dependent variable.
some of the key independent variables from the model is Total household expenditure per capita has the largest
presented here. In Table 8, the results of this simple positive affect on per capita total energy requirements
exercise undertaken to calculate the impact on per capita according to the model estimated. In other words, this
total household energy requirements of alternative economic variable dominates variation in per capita
changes in the values of some of the important variables energy requirements for households in India. The
included in the regression model, are presented. The estimated expenditure elasticity for India is in the same
simulations use the elasticities and coefficient values range as those reported in similar studies for developed
calculated from the model. The calculated changes in countries. Other independent variables included in the
per capita energy requirements due to possible changes model had a smaller yet measurable effect on the
in the values of some key variables are indicative of the variation in the dependent variable. Geographic vari-
relative importance of these variables. These are not ables relating to the location of the household were seen
meant to be definitive forecasts of future values. to have an important bearing on variation in per capita
Even these simple approximations show that different energy requirements, and on average, other factors
magnitudes of change in the values of independent remaining unchanged, per capita energy requirements of
variables like per capita household expenditure and rural households were found to be marginally higher
household size can have a significant impact on the than that of urban households.
average per capita energy requirements. The actual In addition, variables relating to household dwelling
magnitude of the impact varies in accordance to attributes, family characteristics, and demographics
differing assumptions made regarding the level of were also found to have a measurable effect in
change in the different influencing variables. An explaining the variation in per capita total energy
indication of the possible magnitude of change can be requirements. For instance, the coefficients for the
inferred from the estimates shown in the table. These dummies for household size estimated from the model,
numbers suggest that future policies and developments suggest that in general an increase in household size is
that influence change in per capita expenditure, house- associated with lower per capita energy requirements,
hold size, urbanisation rate, etc. will have an important and that a change to a larger household size as
1734 S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735

Table 8
The impact of alternative demographic and economic changes on per capita total household energy requirements

Independent variable Percentage yearly change Total percentage impact on dependent

variable over a period of 15 years (%)

Total household expenditure

High growth +5.0% p.a. +78.1
Low growth +4.0% p.a. +57.35

Total area of dwelling

High growth +3.0% p.a. +1.12
Low growth +1.0% p.a. +0.3

Household size
Low growth Decrease from 6 to 5 +0.43
Rapid decrease Decrease from 6 to 4 +1.0
Increase Increase from 6 to 7 0.35

Very rapid +3.0% p.a. 0.2
Low growth +1.6% p.a. 0.1

Very rapid 5.0% p.a. 0.06
Low growth 1.0% p.a. 0.02
Increase +3.0% p.a. +0.1
Decrease 3.0% p.a. 0.08

Table 9
Items comprising the different consumption categories

S. No. Aggregated category Items included

1 Food, Beverages and Tobacco Cereals, Gram, Cereal substitutes, Pulses and pulse products,
Milk and milk products, Edible oils, Meat, eggs and fish,
Vegetables, Fresh fruits, Dry fruits, Sugar, Salt, Spices, Beverages,
Processed foods, Pan, Tobacco, Intoxicants
2 Clothing and Footwear Clothing, footwear
3 Education and Recreation Amusement, Educational expenses
4 Medical care and Hygiene Personal care items, Toilet articles, Medical expenses–medicines,
Medical expenses –services
5 Transport Conveyance (excl. Fuels), Personal transport equipment
6 Other Services Sundry articles, Consumer services, Consumer taxes and cesses
7 Housing and Household effects Rent, Furniture and fixtures, Goods for recreation, Jewellery and
ornaments, Household utensils, Cooking and household
Appliances, Therapeutic appliances, Other personal goods,
Residential bldg, land and other durables
8 Non-commercial energy Firewood and chips, Dung cake, Charcoal
9 Electricity Electricity
10 Coal Coke, Coal
11 Petroleum Products Kerosene, LPG, Other oil, Methylated spirit, Other fuel and light,
Diesel, Petrol
12 Gas Coal gas, Gas

compared to a smaller one results in a greater decrease changes in per capita energy requirements resulting from
in per capita energy requirements, all other factors assuming different values of the independent variables.
remaining the same. In contrast, the age of the house- While these calculations are not meant to provide
hold head is related to higher per capita total household definitive forecasts of future values, they are indicative
energy requirements so that families in a later stage of of the order of magnitude of possible changes in per
the family life cycle have higher energy requirements as capita energy requirements given changes in the values
compared to younger families. of some important independent variables. While an
Parameter estimates from the regression model were increase in energy consumption is inevitable in the next
used to carry out a set of simple simulations regarding years, the level of increase will in a large part be
S. Pachauri / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1723–1735 1735

Table 10
State codes and regions

Region States included

North East Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal
South Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshwadeep, Pondicherrry
West Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu
North Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi
Central Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh

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