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掘乱掘袖鞠@鰭誹銃④施 4J ㊨ 1.

1d completethe dialogue with the ⊂Orre⊂t

forms of have got. Then listen and ⊂he⊂k.
用 studythe pi⊂tureS. What isthe differen⊂e
between書hj5 / thaf and fhe5e / tho5e? Ben It’s Father’s Daytomorrow.1 you got
a presentfo「 Dad?
Maria Yes, l 2 . I’vegotthis bookabout

Ben Oh,that’s nice.l3  gota p「esent.

Maria No?That’soK-We4  gotan hourin

town・ 5  Dad got a good pen?
Ben Yes,he6
Maria OK, l7  gotan idea. Look-these
mobiie phone covers aren’t very expensive.
Ben Mmm.Dad hasn’tgota mobilecover.
Maria They8  got 「eaiiyniceones inthis
Ben Thanks,Maria.That’s a re訓ygood idea.

昼C⊃凹§馴刊Wo「kin pairs.しookatthemini-

dialogue. P「epare and p「a⊂tise new dialogues.
Useyour f「iends’names and the ideas in the


A Haveyougota presentfo「…?
霊 choose the correct words.
B No, l haven’t.
1 These/Thosecousinsare inAustralia now.
A Hashe/shegota...?
2 lsthis/thoseyourpen undertheteacher’s
B Yes,he/shehas.ORNo,he/shehasn’t.
A Look,they’vegota re訓y niceone inthis shop.
3 This/丁hese present is nice.
B Thanks!That’sa rea=ygood idea.
4 These/That is Maria’sdad, B帖

Starte「 unit

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