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1 Mat⊂h questions l-5with answers a-e.

蜜J C⊃wo「k in pairs. Askand answe「five ofyour
⊂hoose the corre⊂t WOrds in ruies l-4.
questions in exer⊂ise 3.
1 What p「esentsdoyou prefer?
2 Wheredoyou eat?
罵しook at exer〔ise 2. 〔omp!ete the key phrases. Add
3 Whodoesshe invite?
more words to the iists.
4 Doesthe Iion stopataiI ofthe restaurants?
5 Doyou iikefireworks?
a No,ldon’t.

b l prefermoney 講棚G舘酎鰯紛鵬
C At mygrandmothe「’s house. 1 Jhe hoiidays/the summe「/theevening/..
d Yes, itdoes. 2   6a・m・/2.30p.m./…
e AIIthefamiIy 3   weekdays / Monday/Tuesday...
4 . theweekend, NewYea「...


⑤ (⊃凹§馴剛Work in pairs. CompIete questions

1 Weusedoanddoe5/。reand/5Whenwe make
l十with time exp「essions from the key ph「ases.
PreSent Simple questions with reguia「verbs.
Ask and answer the questions.
2 Weadd/don’tadd -5tOthehe,5heand /fforms
1 What…do…?
Ofreguiarve「bs in questions.

3 We put question words (Where, Whaで, Who, 2 Who…gOOutWith…?

3 Whattime...getup/gotobed…?
When, etC.) atthe beginning/end ofthe
4 What丁Vp「ogrammes …yOurdad watch...?
4 We useforms ofbe/doin shortanswers. 5 When...doyou「homewo「k…?
6 How…yOurmumreiax...?
7 Where.・・gO…?
2 choosethe corre⊂tWOrds.

1 Do/Doesyougetupat6a.m.?
Wha† do YOu do a† †he weeke両?
2 Whoa「e/doyou seeattheweekend?
3 Does/Doyourdad watchTVintheevening? I鵬的=γ V雨†fri〇両s a画Wれh丁V
4 Whatdoyou has/haveforbreakfaston
5 Where is/doesyourfamtrygo inthe hoIidays?

∋ work in pairs. Have a question `OmPetition.

Write questions with words from the grid. How

many questions ⊂an yOu make in five minutes?

Fin応h e d?
Wl.ite six questions for an interview with your
favourite ⊂eiebrity. Then act out your interview

With a partner.

Days 27

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