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TH書Nl(!しook at the animals in the box. Whi⊂h animals doyou think are ugly?

eagie gor用a f「og spider bat crocodiie

丁he b看obfish isn′t the most beautiful fish on the

planetand it isn′tthe mostcommon. It’sa du=

coIour and you don′t usua=y see it because剛ves
l,OOO metres underthe seas nearAustraIia.
But nowthe bIobfish is famous because people say
that ittthe ugIiest animal in the world.There are photos
and articIes about it in magazines and on the intemet・This is

realIy good forthe blobfish and for other‘ugiy′animais.

But why?
Every yea"housands of species of
animaIs become extinct. We often
information about the most interesting,
the most beautifui and the most
〔 coIou「fui, SuCh aswhaies,butterfliesor

毒- Pandas. Butsomeofthe ugIiestanimals

a「e also some ofthe ra「est, and they /へ¥/

the blobfish is often number one, but

there are other fantastic creatures on the
Iists. For example, the monkey with the 2 @ 1.婆Readand‖stentothetext
biggest nose (the proboscis monkey) and again and write true orJb佃e.
the frog with the wei「dest face (the purple
1 The biobfish isquite rare.
2 The bIobfish sometimes lives in rivers.
Are they rea=y ugiy? No, they’re
3 It′s good thatthere are photos and articles
interesting and rare.The best idea is about the biobfish.
to p「otect a= animaIs.
4 The「e’s a Iot ofinformation about pandas, but
not whales.
5 The purpiefrogisonthe ug=estanimals list・
1 checkthemeaningofthewordsin馴鵬in
senten`eS 「鵜3. Then read the text. Whi⊂h
senten⊂eS does the writer agree with? i vocABUしARY PしUS Use a dictiona「yto che`k
the meaning ofthe words in肌e in the text・ For
=t,s importantto protect訓animals because
more pra⊂tice go to page 32 in the Workbook.
they are a旧nteresting・
2 1t,s bestto protectthe beautifuI species’nOt
the ugiyones. 4 〔⊃ us〔 1丁! Workin pairs・ Doyou knowthe
3 A Iot ofspecies become extinct everyyear. names of any animals in danger? Whi⊂h anima看s

Animais in dange「 need our help. do you think are ugIy and beautiful?

ヨ4 Wi看diife

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