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Student'Teacher Relationship Survey you struggle in, don't pariculart Direchons, To answer these questions, think of a cla: stressed about the appropriate box 1. your teacher needs to talk to you about something personal, do they pull you asid speak to you privately? Eyes Gn Csometimes 2 doy Dyes Uno sometimes teachers approach you if they recognize you are strugeling 3. Do you feel welcome in class? Dyes Uno Lisometimes A. Does your teacher ask for feedback on how to make their class better? Dyes (ino Asomenmes Jes addressed with respect and solutions? re your academic failures or strugg! Dyes [no sometimes 6. Do you (eel culturally safe and able to express yourself? Dyes Ono (sometimes 7. Do you feel like your grade in class affects your teacher's attitude towards you? Gyes fino sometimes *Please answer these questions on a scale of 1-5. One being not at all, and five being completely (Curele your answer, 8. Are you comfortable asking your teacher for help? tes 6 9. Does your classroom have a safe learning environment that you are able to take risks in? 1 2 3 4 5 10, Are your contributions to class appreciated? ee

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