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Setting up an OMEGA Masternode (Local wallet with Linux VPS)

Preparing local wallet


- First of all, make sure you have the latest wallet version installed. You can get wallet here:
- Make sure you have at least 1001 Omegacoins (1000 needed for masternode and 1 for
transaction fees).
- Check if your wallet has connection to the network (hovering over right corner in wallet will
show the number of connections):

1. Transfer 1000 Omega

Create a new address in your wallet. To do so go to “Receive”-tab and enter a name of your
choice, for example: MASTERNODE. Confirm. Copy Address. (It should show new address in
the list – by doubleclick on name it address will popup again).

Now you have to send yourself exactly 1000 Omega.

Go to “Send”-tab in your wallet and paste the address you just generated.

IMPORTANT: Make sure, the checkbox for the fees included is unchecked. You want to
receive exactly 1000 coins. That’s the reason why you need at least 1001. You need to pay a
really small amount of network fees. Press Send. Transaction shouldn’t take long.

2. Generate a masternode private key

o Open the console (Tools -> Debug console)

o Type “masternode genkey” in order to create a new private key. Make sure to write
that down somewhere! We will need this later.

3. Getting the TxID

o Open the debug console again
o Type “masternode outputs” and you should see something like this:
The first string is your transaction ID (txId) and the second number is your index.
Write them down somewhere as well, we will need them later. ATTENTION: If you
see no output in the console, you probably have to wait until your transaction gets
enough confirmations (10 or 15). Therefore you can check the “Transactions”-tab
and check if there’s a check icon on the left of your transaction.

You can close your wallet now, it’s time to get the VPS ready.

Preparing the VPS

- Get a VPS server of your choice. I run my masternodes on Vultr (of course every other Linux
server with SSH access works as well)
o If you haven’t worked with Vultr, it’s really easy to set it up. Just create an account
( and deploy a new server by clicking on the plus-sign. Make sure you
select the following options:

o Please make sure you select Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit. (17.04 is making troubles for some
- Log into your server with Putty
- Type the following commans in the console (type only the ones in bold, line by line. Hit enter after
every line to execute that command. The line beginning with “//” is an explanation of what the
command below is actually doing):

// create a folder called “Omega”

mkdir Omega

// step into that folder

cd Omega

// download the script (daemon) to the server. Please check if there is a more recent version
on the github page:
// unzip the archive
tar -xvf omegacoincore-0.12.2

// step into the newly created folder (bin folder)

cd omegacoincore-0.12.2/bin

// Here you need two scripts: omegacoind and onegacoin-cli. We’ll copy them into the users’
// bin folder. By that we can execute them from everywhere.
cp omegacoind /usr/bin
cp omegacoin-cli /usr/bin

// Now start the server, so that the config files get created
omegacoind -daemon

// it should say “OmegaCoin Core server starting”

// After like a minute, you can stop it – the config files have been created (there’s no success
// message)
omegacoin-cli stop

// It should say “OmegaCoin Core server stopping”

// If it throws you an error saying something like “authentication failed”, don’t worry.
// Then we need to kill the process manually:

// First we need to find that process:

ps -ef | grep omega

// It should list you something like this:

// The first one is our process we need to kill. The number after root is the process ID (19848

// Now we kill that process manually:

kill -9 19848

// There’s no confirmation. However, you can verify if the process is gone by re-entering the
// command above (ps -ef …). The omegacoind process should be gone.

// now we need to add our data into the config file. Therefore cd to the root:

// enter the omega config folder:

cd .omegacoincore

// open the config file

vim omegacoin.conf
// An editor should open showing an empty file. Please press “i" for Insert and copy the //
following parameters:

rpcuser=<add a random username here>

rpcpassword=<add a random password here>
masternodeaddr=<add the IP of your server here>:7777
masternodeprivkey=<add your private key here>

// Explanation:
// rpcuser, rpcpassword: Completely random. Just make sure they’re not the same.
// masternodeaddr: Add the IP of your server here. In Vultr you can find it just by clicking on
// the server. The port is always 7777.
// masternodeprivkey: Add the privatekey you generated in your local wallet with
// “masternode genkey”

// When you’re done, press Esc in order to leave the insert mode. Then, to save the file, press
// :wq for saving the file (= write-quit)

// You’re all set now. Now we just need to start the server again:
omegacoind -daemon

// Now be patient, the server is syncing. You can watch the process with the following
// command:
watch omegacoin-cli getinfo

// The watch makes the command refresh every 2 seconds. The “blocks” number should
// increase. You can check the current block in the block explorer:
Back to your local wallet

1. Add your masternode in your wallet

o Open your AppData/Roaming folder (Fastest Way: Press Windows+R and type
o Open OmegaCoinCore folder and open the file masternode.conf and you will see
something like this:

o Now you need to add your masternode in the format stated in the example like this.
Please replace all those values with your values.

Please note that there must not be a # at the beginning of the line, since it is
commenting the line out.

Let’s take a look at those values in detail:

▪ Alias (here: mn1): Name of your masternode. Can be a name of your choice
▪ IP:port (here: IP of your Vultr server. Port is always 7777 for
▪ Masternodeprivkey (here: 93Ma…): Your masternode private key you generated
(and hopefully wrote down somewhere ;) ) with masternode genkey
▪ txID (here: 2bcd…): Your transaction ID ou got earlier with masternode outputs
▪ Index (here: 0): Your index – second part o masternode outputs

o Save and close the file.

2. Starting your masternode

Now you can start your wallet again. Go to “Masternode”-tab. If tab is not shown you can enable
it: Settings ->Wallet->show masternodetab

Wait till wallet is completely synced (you can check the progress bar at the bottom). If there’s
no masternode shown, click “Refresh Status” – your masternode should show up (if not,
recheck if you’ve entered everything correctly in masternode.conf!). Press “Start All” To start
your masternode. The Status should switch to “PRE ENABLED”. After like 30 mins it should

Made with love by mexdog and cryptodave ☺

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