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Indiana University Physical Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Lilly King Unit/Lesson Focus: Track and Field/Hurdles Grade/Level: High School Equipment: Small and Large Hurdles

Safety: Don’t jump too Resources: Jeff Huntoon

close or too far from the
hurdle. Run the correct
way into the hurdles.

SHAPE National Standard Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific movement skills in 2 or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits,
individual-performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games).24 (S1.H1.L1)
Psychomotor SLO Students will be able to practice hurdling skills by completing drills and lead up activities.

Assessment Students will perform a cue check with partners.

SHAPE National Standard Applies the terminology associated with exercise and participation in selected individual-performance activities, dance,
net/wall games, target games, aquatics and/or outdoor pursuits appropriately. (S2.H1.L1)
Cognitive SLO Students will be able to use correct terminology associated with hurdles (i.e. lead leg, trail leg)

Assessment Students will identify which leg is their lead leg and which leg is their trail leg.

SHAPE National Standard Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity.51
Affective SLO Students will be able to choose the appropriate level of hurdle to experience success.

Assessment Students who want to try the larger hurdles will be given the opportunity, while students who aren’t as comfortable will be
able to try the small hurdles.

Introductory Statement Good morning BHNS students! My name is Lilly. I’m a junior at IU in the PETE program. Welcome to the hurdles station! I
(Anticipatory Set) know hurdles can be a little intimidating, but by learning the correct form with our drills today, you shouldn’t have anything to
be scared of!

Do we have any members of the track team in the group?

Physical Education Instructional Plan
Time Task & Skill Progression Cues/Critical Elements Organization of Students/Space
0:00-2:00 Anticipatory set and Intro Gathered around teacher
-introduce lead leg and trail leg
2:00-8:00 Trail Leg Drills Trail Leg 2 hurdles per 2 students
1. Parallel hurdle drill (stationary) 1. Lift knee out to the side
- Have one tall hurdle (to hold onto-+) and 2. Keep foot flexed and ankle up
one short hurdle parallel to each other. 3. Snap leg around and plant foot
Have students practice their trail leg form under hip
while holding onto the tall hurdle. Try with
both legs
2. Perpendicular hurdle drill (stationary)
- Have one tall hurdle and one short hurdle
parallel to each other. Have trail leg (inside
of foot) follow the top of the short hurdle
down to the ground while holding onto the
tall hurdle. Try both legs.
3. Trail leg walk through
- Spread hurdles out along one lane of the
track. Have students step in front of the
hurdle in the next lane while practicing
using their trail leg. This is to get students
comfortable with the trail leg while moving.

8:00-10:00 Lead Leg Drill Lead Leg Small hurdles spread out in one lane.
1. Have students run over the small hurdles, 1. Keep toes up
emphasizing using the lead leg and opposite 2. Use opposite arm as a lever to tilt
arm to lean forward. torso forward
3. Lean forward
10:00-12:00 Timing Drill Hurdle Tips Small hurdles placed in one lane at
1. Have students run over small hurdles. Try to 1. Lean forward correct competition spacing.
keep 3 steps in between each hurdle. 2. Run into and out of the hurdle
2. Have students use correct form and run small 3. Try to make an arc over the
hurdles. hurdle, not a teepee.
12:00-14:00 Give it a try! Hurdle Tips Have both regular sized hurdles and
1. If students feel comfortable, have them run 3 1. Lean forward small hurdles placed at competition
hurdles. 2. Run into and out of the hurdle spacing
2. If students just want to stay on the small 3. Try to make an arc over the
hurdles, allow them to work on their form that hurdle, not a teepee.

14:00-15:00 Clean up and recap

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