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#Reflection 6:-

In that day, it was a tired day, but in the same time, it was a fun day because we did a
new thing in school. We explained the mathematics lesson for the students front my
MST Ms. Hanadi and Mrs. Basel to evaluate us. Furthermore, I started, in the
beginning, explain the lesson for students about the minus. Then, my partner made
the small activity for the students to solve it in the classroom, even help them to
understand the lesson quickly, clearly and proving information. After that, when she
finished from the activity, I completed the lesson and I gave them the worksheet to
solve it to I make sure the students have understood the lesson or not.

Furthermore, after we finished explaining the lesson we went for a teacher to evaluate
us. She is very praise us and she said I noted for the students very interaction with you
and very enthused in the classroom.

Then, at 12:00 we finished all classes with my MST and we went to the home.

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