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Name __________________________ Date ____________________

English 9 Vocabulary Quiz #5

Acquiesced Aesthetic Astute Diffident Dogmatic

Objective Parsimonious Pivotal Uniform Voluntary

Each word will be used only once!

Directions: Choose the appropriate vocabulary word to complete each sentence.

1. The journalist was ____________________ when writing his article about the
election; he did not embed his own opinions in his writing.

2. The CEO of the company has proven to be quite a/an ____________________


3. Ninth grade is a ____________________ time in every student’s high school


4. Ms. Murphy’s extra credit essay is completely ____________________; you will

not lose points on your average if you do not complete it.

5. The ____________________ student often did not speak during class discussions.

6. The décor of the room gives great ____________________ pleasure to everyone

who views it.

7. My ____________________ friend never offers to pay for dinner.

8. The outspoken politician tried to give his opinion without appearing to be


9. The cheerleaders executed their moves in ____________________ throughout the

entire routine.

10. Although Kim did not like her punishment, she ____________________ to her
parents’ demands.
Name _______________________________ Date ___________________
English 9 Vocabulary Quiz #5

Directions: Match each vocabulary word to its correct definition.

Acquiesced Aesthetic Astute Diffident Dogmatic

Objective Parsimonious Pivotal Uniform Voluntary

1. To give in; to agree ____________________

2. Without bias; neutral ____________________

3. Crucial ____________________

4. Having to do with artistic beauty ____________________

5. Consistent; unchanging; the same ____________________

6. Stingy; cheap ____________________

7. Perceptive; intelligent ____________________

8. Willing; unforced ____________________

9. Timid; lacking in self-confidence ____________________

10. Arrogantly assertive of unproven ideas or

A system of beliefs ____________________

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