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The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes
o Organised feminism did not really
kick off until the first Women's
Conference held in Seneca Falls,
America, in 1848. To begin with, the
Women's Movement evolved out of
social reform groups such as the
Abolition of Slavery, the Social
Purity and Temperance
o The suffragettes were key in feminist
history as they took charge in
making a difference through
protesting to get enough signatures to win the vote.
o Feminists are motivated by the unequal opportunities for women and
negative views on women. The large pay gap between men and women is
one of the biggest problems and
is a big example of sexism in this
day and age.
o Key thinkers and activists:
 Emily Pankhurst
 Eleanor Roosevelt
 Nina Simone
 Angelina Jolie
 Laura Molvey
 Emma Watson
 Malala Yousfzai
 Maya Angelou
o The core beliefs are that all sexes shoul be equal and the negative position of
women needs to be recognised and changed as well as the views that come
with it.
o Feminism successes:
 They brought women out of the household
 They called out rape culture
 They pushed pop culture icons to join the fight as powerful
female figures
 They opened up educational opportunities
 They fought legal discrimination in the nations highest courts
 They helped cause girls’ high aspirations
 They helped to create an equal court
 They forced Americans to recognise the importance of
contraception and abortion
 They gave attention to domestic workers rights
 They made the workplace more equal
 They earned women the vote

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