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th court; 253% wo: 12,492 Bon THE STATE OF TEXAS VS. JOHN LOVETT, 38 w/w p08: 01/19/2967 CHARGES: BURGLARY ‘TEXAS PENAL CODE § 30.02 STATE JAIL FELONY ‘TAMPERING WITH GOVERNMENTAL RECORD ‘TEXAS PENAL CODE §37.10 STATE JAIL FELONY FORGERY TEXAS PENAL CODE §32.21 CLASS A MISDEMEANOR |IVTHE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ‘THE GRAND JURY, forthe County of San Jacinto, State ot Texas, duly selected, tempaneled sworn, charged, and orgened a such atthe January Term A, 2038 ofthe 258th Judicial District Court for sald County, upon their oaths present in and to sald cout at sald term that JOHN LOVETT IR, hereafter styled Defendant, (09 or about Jul 7, 2017, and before the presentment of this indictment, in San Jaclate County, ‘Texas, aid then and there enter a building (or any portion of building) not then open to the publi to wit: the San Jacinto County Clerk's Offi, loated inside the San Jacinto County (Courthouse at State Highway 150, Coldspring, Texas, with intent to commit a felony, to wit: ‘Tempering With Governmental Record, counts co or about July 7, 2017, and before the presentment ofthis ndlctment, in San Jacinto County, ‘Texas, did then and there knowingly make a alse entry ina governmental ecard, to wit: Defendant did knowingly falsify the certficaon and/or facsimile signature stamp of the San Jacinto County Clerk, Dawn Wright, on a Notie of Meeting ofthe Son Jacinto County Commissioners Court, ‘And its further presented that Defendant's intent was to defraud ar harm another, to wit: the ‘San Jacinta County Clerk, Dawn Wright, and/or the San Jacinto County Commissioners Cour, and/or members ofthe pubic entitled to an accurate Notice of Meeting: counT on or about July 7, 2037, and before the presentment ofthis indictment, in San Jaclnto County, Texas, did then and there forge a writing, to wit: certifeation and/or facsimile signature stame ofthe San Jacinto County Clerk ona Notice of Meeting of the San Jacinto County Commissioners Cour, by altering, making or completing said writing such that t purported to be the act of another, to wit: une San acto County Cer, Dawn Wright, who aid net authorize the act [AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE. tes ofthe Le i

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