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Date: March 28th, 2018 

Balancing Equations Day 4 

Mary Catherine Dobner  Standards: 

First Grade  1.OA.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if 
Math  equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.  
1.OA.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or 
subtraction equation relating to three whole numbers. 

Instructional Objective: The learner will balance equations with two  Materials: SB file, whiteboards or 
partners.  math journals, copies for 
Objective for Learner: Today, we will practice balancing equations with  independent practice (from the 
two partners.  BOX) 

Essential Questions: What is a balanced equation?  Vocabulary: 


● Warm Up: Talk to students about what it means for an equation to be balanced. Do a few easy warm up 
equations as a class. Talk about whether the equation is true or false. 
● Small Group:  
o Circles: Practice Identifying whether equations are true or false. Show students the equations 
(8+4=12) (3+7=11) (5+4=10) practice proving whether the equations are true or false. Have 
students practice finding the unknown partner in an equation. Give students the equations 
(8+_=11) (5+_=12) (11=9+_). Practice solving for the unknown partner in the equation. Then give 
students the problem (4+3=2+_) Tell students that first we need to solve the side of the equation 
that we know. Then we need to find the number that we can add to two to make it equal the 
other side of the equation. 
o Triangles: Practice Identifying whether equations are true or false. Show students the equations 
(8+4=12) (3+7=11) (5+4=10) practice proving whether the equations are true or false. Have 
students practice finding the unknown partner in an equation. Give students the problem 
(4+3=2+_) Tell students that first we need to solve the side of the equation that we know. Then we 
need to find the number that we can add to two to make it equal the other side of the equation. 
Give them the equations (3+7=4+_) (9+_= 2+10) (7+7=4+_). Have them practice independently to 
find the number that makes the equation balanced. 
o Squares: Practice Identifying whether equations are true or false. Show students the equations 
(8+4=12) (3+7=11) (5+4=10) practice proving whether the equations are true or false. Give 
students the problem (4+3=2+_) Tell students that first we need to solve the side of the equation 
that we know. Then we need to find the number that we can add to two to make it equal the 
other side of the equation. Give them the equations (3+7=4+_) (9+_= 2+10) (7+7=4+_) 
(2+5+7=10+_). Have them practice independently to find the number that makes the equation 
● Independent Practice: Complete the Balance It! Worksheet 

Assessment: student q&a and independent practice 

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