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Recognition Forum

Unit 1: Expressing ideas and information effectively

MARLY ANGULO 34 674 484


Curso 90121 – Grupo 308

Tutor: Osvaldo Vides


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e Ingeniería ECBTI



A. ESTUDIANTE JOHARY PEREZ .......................................................................................... 6

1. Select one role and do your duty......................................................................................... 6

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot. ................................................................. 6

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study,

favorite food, cold drink, sport, movie and song. ....................................................................... 6

4. Answer the following questions: ........................................................................................ 6

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?................................ 6

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you? ............................................................... 7

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them? ....... 7

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)? ............... 7

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation. ........... 7

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his

opinion: How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet? ............... 7

B. ESTUDIANTE MARLY ANGULO ...................................................................................... 8

1. Select one role and do your duty......................................................................................... 8

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot. ................................................................. 8

3. Answer the following questions: ........................................................................................ 8

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?................................ 8

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you? ............................................................... 8

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them? ....... 9

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)? ............... 9

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation. ........... 9

4. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his

opinion: How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet? ............... 9

C. ESTUDIANTE BLANCA CECILIA ANGEL ..................................................................... 11

1. Select one role and do your duty....................................................................................... 11

I will participate as alertas role. ................................................................................................ 11

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot. ............................................................... 11

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study,

favorite food, cold drink, sport, movie and song. ..................................................................... 11 ............................................................................................. 11

4. Answer the following questions: ...................................................................................... 11

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?.............................. 11

the unit what in the course are : Unit 1 - Expressing ideas and information

effectivelyPágina and Unit 2 - Using language creativelyPágina ........................................ 11

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you? ............................................................. 11

the presentation course me could help in the develoment the each the activitys the two unit.12
c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them? ..... 12

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)? ............. 12

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation. ......... 12

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his

opinion: How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet? ............. 13

D. ESTUDIANTE YAQUELINE CHACON ............................................................................ 14

1. Select one role and do your duty....................................................................................... 14

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot. ............................................................... 14

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study,

favorite food, cold drink, sport, movie and song. ..................................................................... 14

4. Answer the following questions: ...................................................................................... 14

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?.............................. 14

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you? ............................................................. 15

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them? ..... 15

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)? ............. 15

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation. ......... 16

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his

opinion: How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet? ............. 16

E. ESTUDIANTE XXXXXXXXX ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Select one role and do your duty........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot. ................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study,

favorite food, cold drink, sport, movie and song. ......................Error! Bookmark not defined.

4. Answer the following questions: .......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?Error! Bookmark not


b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you? ..............Error! Bookmark not defined.

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?Error!

Bookmark not defined.

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?Error! Bookmark

not defined.

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation. .. Error!

Bookmark not defined.

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his

opinion: How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?Error! Bookmark

not defined.

1. Select one role and do your duty.

I will participate as Evaluator role.

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot.

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study, favorite food,

cold drink, sport, movie and song.

The file was published in the Recognition Forum (Collaborative Learning Environment).

4. Answer the following questions:

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

The course have 2 units:

Unit 1 - Expressing ideas and information effectively

Unit 2 - Using language creatively

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

Course Presentation shows context about the course: methodology, content, assignments, and

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?

In the Intermediate Evaluation there are 5 activities:

Act. 3 : Writing Assignment

Act. 4 : Quiz 1 Unit 1

Act. 5 : Speaking Assignment

Act. 6 : Quiz 2 Unit 2

Act. 7 : Task - General Course Review

Act. 8 : Task - Oral and written production review

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?

You can find in this section news, courses information, and services related to register and control.

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.

You can find tips and exercises to improve your quality of speaking. There are activities with phonemes, fusions
of sounds, rythm, etc.

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his opinion: How can

you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?

It makes easier the learning of any new language because it’s free, but also you can make your own schedules, so
you’ll never be late for any class. It also helps because only you interact with your teacher.

You can to use your own equipment (like your own headphones and your own microphone), so you will have
always a good quality on your classes.

You can share with people from other countries, so you can analyze how the language behaves on each person.

1. Select one role and do your duty.


2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot.

3. Answer the following questions:

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

Two units
UNIDAD 1: Expressing ideas and information effectively
UNIDAD 2: Using language creatively
b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

Tells me that the course is composed, it provides information, important concepts that I have
to take into account for and during the development of the course.
Is a general guide since the beginning until the end of the activities, explains each of
environments included in the course and recommendations to take into account, is the video
presentation of the course very useful and timely.

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?

Act. 3 Writing assignment

Act. 4 Quiz 1 Unit 1
Act. 5 Speaking assignment
Act. 6 Quiz 2 Unit 2
Act. 7 Task – General course review
Act. 8 Task – oral and written production review

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?

Find them following links for consultations and information important of the University in

Noticias académicas
Programación de laboratorios
Programas y matrículas
Saber Pro-ICFES
Sistema de gestión de la investigación - SIGI

Red de estudiantes
Formato único de solicitudes – FUS
Inscripciones y matrículas
Proceso de autenticación en campus virtual
Servicios para estudiantes
Servicios UNAD
Sistema de atención al usuario – SAU
Sistema nacional de registro y control académico

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.

Listen and pronounce help to improve our audio as well as our pronunciation and thus improve our
learning in the English language.

4. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his opinion: How can

you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?

Internet offers many tools to quantify percentage of listening and speaking, if we are consistent use of them is
of great help to advance and improve the learning of the English language (videos, audio, images).

1. Select one role and do your duty.

I will participate as alertas role.

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot.

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study, favorite food,

cold drink, sport, movie and song.
4. Answer the following questions:

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

the unit what in the course are : Unit 1 - Expressing ideas and information effectivelyPágina and Unit 2 -
Using language creativelyPágina

b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

the presentation course me could help in the develoment the each the activitys the two unit.

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?

in the evaluation intermediate there are six activites are the following :
Writing Assignment, Quiz 1 Unit 1,Speaking Assignment,Quiz 2 Unit 2,Task - General Course Review.
And Oral and written production review.

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?


Noticias académicas

Programación de laboratorios

Programas y matrículas

Saber Pro-ICFES

Sistema de gestión de la investigación - SIGI


Red de estudiantes

Formato único de solicitudes – FUS

Inscripciones y matrículas

Proceso de autenticación en campus virtual

Servicios para estudiantes

Servicios UNAD

Sistema de atención al usuario – SAU

Sistema nacional de registro y control académico

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.

rta/ the aim of east link is provide help the student en for some sities that are of of your interest
5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his opinion: How can

you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?

for to go better the abilities of listening and speaking ,is could make with songs in english and learn most
vocabulary and practice you pronunciation

1. Select one role and do your duty.

My rol is a compiler

2. Update your “Profile” and send the screenshot.

3. Record an audio with your personal presentation including name, age, program you study, favorite food,

cold drink, sport, movie and song.


4. Answer the following questions:

a. IHow many units are there in the course and mention their names?

There are two units:

UNIDAD 1: Expressing ideas and information effectively
UNIDAD 2: Using language creatively
b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

The course presentation can help by development Methodologies, which has 16 weeks, practical theory,
Methodologies of the course, which has 16 weeks, practical theory, to know what kind of quizzes, evaluations,
collaborative works, and spaces to interact with our tutor.

c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?

There are six activities:

Act. 3 Writing assignment

Act. 4 Quiz 1 Unit 1

Act. 5 Speaking assignment

Act. 6 Quiz 2 Unit 2

Act. 7 Task – General course review

Act. 8 Task – oral and written production review

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?

In the Students’ Management) can find the following links:


Noticias académicas

Programación de laboratorios

Programas y matrículas

Saber Pro-ICFES

Sistema de gestión de la investigación - SIGI


Red de estudiantes

Formato único de solicitudes – FUS

Inscripciones y matrículas
Proceso de autenticación en campus virtual

Servicios para estudiantes

Servicios UNAD

Sistema de atención al usuario – SAU

Sistema nacional de registro y control académico

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.

In my concept this link us let improve the skills of listen and pronounce words and sentences, beside us let
improve level english.

5. Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting his opinion: How can

you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?

Using internet can find Audiobooks and podcasts that help develop spoken English, because each day I learn new
words, beside Listening to audiobooks created specifically for English learners is a comfortable way to improve
speaking and listening skills.

Other possibility is see movies only in idiom English, where I can listen the and can practice.

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