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Article 1

Day, R. D., Peterson, G. W., & McCracken, C. (1998). Predicting Spanking of Younger
and Older Children by Mothers and Fathers. Journal of Marriage and Family,
60(1), 79-94. Retrieved from

This summarizes around how many spanking children is prone to get by mother
or father. It also states whether the mother would be do the most spanking or the
father. It predicts what might be the cause of the spankings.It also raises the
question of whether or not younger children get more spankings than older
children. If this is true is it because of age and they should know better or is it
because they are young and they need to learn.In the end it will show that some
parents just punish their children accordingly.It would show which age limit get
the most spankings.

Article 2

Glenn, M. C. (1983). Corporal Punishment: The Need for a Historical Perspective.

History of Education Society, 23(1), 91-97. Retrieved from

The article is dating spankings all the way to the beginning. It is trying to show
the relevance or non-revelvance of spanking or corporal punishment. The article
is saying to better understand these forms of punishment we need to date back
to history. It goes back to the basic root of spamking and corporal punishment. It
starts off by explaining coroporal punishment. After that it goes to show the many
forms of spanking but the most basic would be a parent using their hands.The
article also names a few people or country that uses spankings as a mean of
coroporal punishment. This article will explain who the spankings began with and
how it evolved.

Article 3

P. Flynn, C. (1999). Exploring the Link between Corporal Punishment and Children's
Cruelty to Animals. Journal of Marriage and Family, 61(4), 971-981. Retrieved

This article is saying that students who received corporal punishment inflict pain
upon animals. It is saying that they treat the animal as their own child and they
are the parent and inflict the same punishment that was inflicted upon them to
make them feel better.It goes into depth of how children use their personal
animals as their children and take their anger out on them. It will explore whether
or not this cruelty is just to animals or whether it will expand to inflicted pain upon
other children as well. I will try to explore the fact of whether or not children use
this because they are defenseless.
Article 4

Rohner, R. P., Bourque, S. L., & Elordi, C. A. (1996). Children's Perceptions of Corporal
Punishment, Caretaker Acceptance, and Psychological. Journal of Marriage and Family, 58(4),

This article talks about the way children feel like they should be punished. The child’s
perception in this story is that they should not be punished physically yet just not allowed
to do certain things. The psychological side is tide in because some psychologist feel
like spankings or corporal punishment has an impact on how the child will think. While
some caretakes allow the kids to do what they wouldn’t ordinarily do. Then when the
parent gets home the child is still out of control.This article will raise the question on
whther or not a caretaker should be allowed to punish children. If they are able to punish
would they be able to enforce physical punishment.

Article 5

Turner, H. A., & Finkelhor, D. (1996). Corporal Punishment as a Stressor among Youth.
Journal of Marriage and Family, 58(1), 155-166.

This article summarizes how some kids who have been punished physically have
some type of stressor. It is stating that it is a stressor because the students start
to feel like they are bad because of the punishment being inflicted. It causes the
most stress with the youth because they feel like after a certain age they should
stop getting physically punished.Thiis could also bring about a stressor between
the parents. Some parents do not punish the child like another parent would.
With this the child sees a nice parent and would run and tell the nice parent when
the next parent tries to punish them.

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