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Kathleen Nystrom

Sociology 101-008

Dr. Henderson

1 December 2014

Sociology of Religion

The sociological view of religion focuses on people and how they use religion.

Sociologists study it because it is a major institution that is important to many people. It studies

religion at a macro level and a micro level. At the macro level, it is a study of how religion

influences society. At the micro level, it is the way society influences religion. Aspects of the

sociological study of religion include investigations on society’s involvement with religion,

components of religion such as beliefs, rituals, and religious experiences, and how religion

influences everyday life.

The conflict perspective sees religion as a blockade for social change and equality. Karl

Marx believed that religion was used as justification in the oppression of groups of people. For

example, conflict theorists believe that Christianity may have encouraged slaves to be obedient

in hope of salvation and eternal happiness. Further, conflict theorists believe that religion plays a

role in creating the hierarchical society. Marx believed that the dominant religion holds large

amounts of the power, creating social inequality. Further, religion reinforces traditional social

order and institutions, such as gender roles.

Hinduism is the most popular religion in India and Nepal. It is different from most

religions because it has no single founder and no single text. Most Hindus follow a text called the

Vedic texts, which consist of the four Vedas and their supplements. They also believe in the

dharma, a common system of Hindu beliefs. Though Hinduism is widely diverse, most Hindus

believe in a Supreme God. This Supreme God, however, varies in form and representation.

Another common belief is that Karma directs a cycle of reincarnation. In this system, souls are

reborn again into lives that are dependent on the behaviors of the past life. Hindu rituals include

celebration of the ‘holy days.’ The most common celebration is Diwali, or the festival of lights.

Another ritual is the complex system of marriage. Throughout a wedding, there are several stages

and rituals performed. They often take hours to complete.


Work Cited

"Hinduism." BBC News. BBC, 29 Sept. 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

Schaefer, Richard T. "Social Institutions: Family and Religion." Sociology Matters. 3rd ed.
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.

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