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Rathnanagar-2, Tandi, Chitwan

Full Marks: 30
Grade: XI Pass Marks: 11
Subject: Commercial Fruit Production and Time: 1.30 Hrs.
Orchard Management
Give all your answers in your own words to the point as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt All Questions

Group A: Very Short Answer Questions [5x1=5]
1. What is a cultivar? Give any 2 commercial cultivars of litchi.
2. Define pest. Give examples of few pests of mango.
3. Write the soil and climate requirement for banana cultivation.
4. What are some of the common pests and diseases of banana?
5. Give some examples for physiological disorders of mango and litchi.

Group B: Short Answer Questions [5x4=20]

6. Define pollination, fertilization and discuss how it leads to fruit
development. List down the types of fruits classified on the basis of
agro climatic regions with examples.
7. Write short notes on some of methods used for mango propagation.
8. How is banana propagated? Give types of suckers. What are the things
we need to consider while selecting a sucker?
9. Write the manure and fertilizer requirement of Mango.
10. Write down the scientific name and family of Litchi. What kind of soil
is required for litchi cultivation? And write a short note on a
propagation method (with appropriate diagram), which is widely used
in litchi cultivation.

Group C: Long Answer Questions [1x5=5]

11. Describe the different intercultural activities practiced in the
commercial banana cultivation (in points with figures where possible).

  -: ALL THE BEST:-  

Rathnanagar-2, Tandi, Chitwan
Full Marks: 30
Grade: XI Pass Marks: 11
Subject: Commercial Fruit Production and Time: 1.30 Hrs.
Orchard Management
Give all your answers in your own words to the point as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt All Questions

Group A: Very Short Answer Questions [5x1=5]
1. What is a cultivar? Give any 2 commercial cultivars of litchi.
2. Define pest. Give examples of few pests of mango.
3. Write the soil and climate requirement for banana cultivation.
4. What are some of the common pests and diseases of banana?
5. Give some examples for physiological disorders of mango and litchi.

Group B: Short Answer Questions [5x4=20]

6. Define pollination, fertilization and discuss how it leads to fruit
development. List down the types of fruits classified on the basis of
agro climatic regions with examples.
7. Write short notes on some of methods used for mango propagation.
8. How is banana propagated? Give types of suckers. What are the things
we need to consider while selecting a sucker?
9. Write the manure and fertilizer requirement of Mango.
10. Write down the scientific name and family of Litchi. What kind of soil
is required for litchi cultivation? And write a short note on a
propagation method (with appropriate diagram), which is widely used
in litchi cultivation.

Group C: Long Answer Questions [1x5=5]

11. Describe the different intercultural activities practiced in the
commercial banana cultivation (in points with figures where possible).

  -: ALL THE BEST:-  


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