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'<script language=vbscript>

' Assignment 1 for Advanced Application Group (Scripting)

' ICAB4220A - Create Scripts for Networking
' ICAB4225A - Automate Processes
' Written by Paul Willes
' Due Date Tuesday 14th November 2007
' This code has been written in HTA, which is HTML Application
' An HTA runs as a fully trusted application and therefore has more privileges t
han a regular HTML file.
' This allows us to use HTML (and DHTML) elements for the user interface and sti
ll access the WMI elements
' Assignment1.vbs is not run directly, but is run using Assignment1.hta
' There are 4 files in this assignment.
' - Assignment1.hta - The HTML document which contains all t
he HTML elements -
' This is the file that is doublec
licked to start.
' - Assignment1.css - Contains all the cascading style sheet
information (gives the html it's style)
' - Assignment1_UI.vbs - vbscripts that turn the HTML into DHTML - Dyna
mic HTML
' - Assignment1.vbs - vbscripts that do the work to answer t
he assignment 1 tasks
Option Explicit ' Forces us to declare all the variables to avoi
d misspellings of variable names
On Error Resume Next ' Error handling - goes to the next statement if a statm
ent fails
'Common Variables - to avoid declaring them every time
Dim objWMIService ' A link to the Windows Management Interface Ser
Dim objApplication ' A link to the Application object
Dim objFSO ' A link to the File System Object
Dim objShell ' A pointer to the wScript Shell object
Dim objNetwork ' A pointer to the wScript Network object
Dim LastTimeWritten ' A string that contains the date that the Appli
cation Event Log was last written to
Dim objPrinterRecordSet ' A record set that contains servers that have printer q
ueues and printer information
Dim objOURecordSet ' A record set that contains OU information
Dim objUserRecordSet ' A record set that contains User information
Dim EventLogSize ' The number of entries in the event log since
this program was started
'==== Window_OnLoad
'==== Purpose: When the HTA loads, this is the code that is run first
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: The following common variables are assigned
'==== objWMIService
'==== objApplication
'==== objFSO
'==== objShell
'==== The HTML elements are arranged to form tab buttons and t
'==== Information on the tabs are updated
Sub Window_OnLoad
' Header
Dim strComputer
Dim wmiNS
Dim wmiRoot
' Assign values to some variables that are common to some Questions
strComputer = "." 'This computer
wmiNS = "\root\cimv2" 'WMI Namespace
wmiRoot = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
strComputer & wmiNS
' Create a link to the Windows Management Interface Service
Set objWMIService = GetObject(wmiRoot)
' Create a link to the application object
Set objApplication = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
' Create a link to the File System Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Create a link to the wScript Shell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' Create a link to the wScript Network object
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
' Make sure that the information on the Tabs is up to date
EventLogSize = 0 ' Initially there are no entries in the event lo
g since the program was started
LastTimeWritten = YEAR(Date()) & Pd(Month(date()),2) & Pd(DAY(date()),2)
Pd(Hour(time()),2) & Pd(Minute(time()),2) & Pd(Second(time()),2)
".000000" & fnCurrentTimeZone()
Question1Refresh ' Populates the list of network shares onto TabQ
Question2Refresh ' Populates the list of network adaptors and the
ir properties onto TabQ2
Question3Refresh ' Puts information about the current domain or w
orkgroup onto TabQ3
Question4Refresh ' Places list of OUs and Users onto TabQ4
Question5Refresh ' Places list of scheduled tasks onto TabQ5
Q6bListLocalGroups ' Puts the list of local groups onto TabQ6
' Place all the tab buttons and tabs in the correct position for the user Interf
ace (Located in Assignment1_UI.vbs)
End Sub 'Window_OnLoad
'==== pd
'==== Purpose: creates a string that is a number with zeros at the fron
t to make the required number of digits
'==== Inputs: n The number we want in our string
'==== totalDigits The number of digits in our string
'==== Returns: A string with leading zeros to make up the required numb
er of digits
Function pd(n, totalDigits)
if totalDigits > len(n) then
pd = String(totalDigits-len(n),"0") & n
pd = n
end if
End Function
'==== fnCurrentTimeZone
'==== Purpose: creates a string that is "(+-)OOO" is the current bias f
or local time translation
'==== Multiply the number of hours that your time zone is ahea
d or behind GMT by 60
'==== Add an additional 60 if your time zone is using daylight
savings time
'==== Inputs: n The number we want in our string
'==== totalDigits The number of digits in our string
'==== Returns: A string with leading zeros to make up the required numb
er of digits
Function fnCurrentTimeZone()
' Header Section
Dim ColItems
Dim objItem
Dim intCurrentTimeZone
' Get a collection of computer systems from the Win32_ComputerSystem object in t
he WMI service
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem")
' Cycle through the list of computer systems
For Each objItem In colItems
' Get the current time zone
intCurrentTimeZone = objItem.CurrentTimeZone
Next 'objItem
' Pad the current time zone to 3 digits with a leading + or -
If intCurrentTimeZone < 0 Then
fnCurrentTimeZone = "-" & Pd(-intCurrentTimeZone,3)
fnCurrentTimeZone = "+" & Pd(intCurrentTimeZone,3)
End If
End Function
'==== Question1Refresh
'==== Purpose: To put the list of network shares onto TabQ1
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: List of the names of the Network shares into SelectNetwo
rkShares on TabQ1
'==== Clears the Folder name, the share name and the share des
cription fields on TabQ1
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear any information out of SelectNetworkShares
'==== Query WMI to get a collection of network share names
'==== Make SelectNetworkShares big enough to display all network share
'==== Cycle through all the network share names and place the names in
to SelectNetworkShares
'==== Clear the Folder name, the share name and the share description
fields on TabQ1
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Question1Refresh
' Header Section
Dim colShares ' Collection of Shares
Dim objShare ' An instance of a share
Dim objOption ' An element to be added to SelectNetworkShares
' which contains the name of one
network share
' Clear any information out of SelectNetworkShares
For Each objOption in SelectNetworkShares.options
Next 'objOption
' Query WMI to get a collection of network share names
Set colShares = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select Name from Win32_Share")
' Make SelectNetworkShares big enough to display all network shares
SelectNetworkShares.size = colShares.count
' Cycle through all the network share names and place the names into SelectNetwo
For each objShare in colShares
' A Select element in HTML is made up of a collection of Option
' An option element has a number of attributes. We will use two
of the attributes - Text and Value
' The Text attribute is what will be displayed, while the Value
attribute is the part that is used
' to process what is to be done
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objShare.Name
objOption.value = objShare.Name
' Adds the Option element into SelectNetworkShares
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q1_Shares: "& objShare.Name
Next 'objShare
' Clear the Folder name, the share name and the share description fields on TabQ
txtQ1aFolderName.value = ""
txtQ1aShareName.value = ""
txtQ1aShareDescription.value = ""
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colShares = Nothing
End Sub 'Question1Refresh
'==== Q1aSelectFolder
'==== Purpose: To use the shell application "BrowseForFolder" to select
a folder
'==== Inputs: User interaction to select the folder
'==== Returns: The folder name selected is placed into txtQ1aFolderName
on TabQ1
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Run the BrowseForFolder application
'==== If a folder was selected then place the name of the folder into
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Q1aSelectFolder
'Header Section
dim objFolder ' A pointer to the folder that is chosen
by the BrowseForFolder method
dim ulFlags ' Flags used by BrowseForFolder
Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 1 ' Return only File syatem directories
Const BIF_EDITBOX = 16 ' Place an editbox into the form so that the use
r can type a filename
const ssfDESKTOP = 0 ' Microsoft Windows Desktop virtual folder that is
the root of the namespace
'Reference Section
ulFlags = BIF_EDITBOX or BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS ' Combine the flags
' Run the BrowseForFolder application
set objFolder = objApplication.BrowseForFolder(0, _
"Select a folder to share", ulFlags, ssfDESKTOP)
' If a folder was selected then place the name of the folder into txtQ1aFolderNa
if not (objFolder is nothing) then
txtQ1aFolderName.Value = objFolder.self.path
end if 'not (objFolder is nothing)
' Free any memory used by variables
set objFolder = nothing ' Set to Nothing to free memory
End Sub 'Q1aSelectFolder
'==== Question 1 a) Creating a Network Share (including the ability to che
ck to see if a folder exists)
'==== Purpose: To create a network share
'==== Inputs: txtQ1aFolderName, txtQ1aShareName, txtQ1aShareDescription
'==== Returns: Creates a network share
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that Folder Name is not blank
'==== Check that the folder exists
'==== Check that Share Name is not blank
'==== Check that Share Name does not exist
'==== Create a link to the Win32_Share object
'==== Share the folder with the network
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ1 to show the shares
Sub Q1aShareFolder
' Header Section
Const FILE_SHARE = 0
Dim colShares ' Collection of shares o
n the computer
Dim objNewShare ' Link to the service th
at creates a new share
Dim errReturn ' Error returned by func
Dim strFolderName ' Folder name that is to
be created
Dim strShareName ' Share name that is to
be created
Dim strShareDesc ' Share description that
is to be created
' Reference Section
strFolderName = txtQ1aFolderName.value
strShareName = txtQ1aShareName.value
strShareDesc = txtQ1aShareDescription.value
' Check that Folder Name is not blank
If strFolderName = "" Then
msgbox("Enter a folder name")
errReturn = -1
' Check that the folder exists
ElseIf Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderName) Then
msgbox("Folder " & strFolderName & " does not exist")
errReturn = -2
' Check that Share Name is not blank
ElseIf strShareName = "" Then
msgbox("Enter a share name")
errReturn = -3
Else 'strFolderName <> "" and objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderName) and str
ShareName <> ""
' Check that Share Name does not exist
Set colShares = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select Name from Win32_Share " &_
"WHERE Name = '" & strShareName & "'")
If colShares.Count > 0 Then
msgbox("Share name " & strShareName & " already exists")
errReturn = -4
Else 'colShares.Count <= 0 (actually only equal to zero)
' Create a link to the Win32_Share object
Set objNewShare = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share")
' Share the folder with the network
errReturn = objNewShare.Create(strFolderName, strShareNa
me, _
End If 'colShares.Count <= 0
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colShares = Nothing
End If 'strFolderName <> "" and objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderName) and
strShareName <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Question1LogEvent errReturn, "created", strFolderName, _
strShareName, strShareDesc
' Update TabQ1 to show the shares
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub 'Q1aShareFolder
'==== Question 1 b) Deleting a Network Share
'==== Purpose: To delete a network share
'==== Inputs: The network share selected in SelectNetworkShares
'==== Returns: Deletes the network share
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a share has been selected
'==== Create a link to the share object that has the name that we have
selected in the combo box cbQ1bSelectShare
'==== Get the folder name and share description so that we can put inf
o into event log
'==== Delete the share object that has the name that we have selected
in SelectNetworkShares
'==== Select nothing in SelectNetworkShares
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ1 to show the current network shares
Sub Q1bDeleteShare
' Header Section
Dim colShares ' Collection of share ob
Dim objShare ' A single share object
Dim errReturn ' Error returned by func
Dim strFolderName ' Folder name that is to
be created
Dim strShareName ' Share name that is to
be created
Dim strShareDesc ' Share description that
is to be created
' Reference Section
strFolderName = ""
strShareName = SelectNetworkShares.value
strShareDesc = ""
'Check that a share has been selected
If strShareName = "" Then
msgbox("Please select a share to delete")
errReturn = -1
Else 'SelectNetworkShares.value <> ""
' Create a link to the share object that has the name that we have selected in t
he combo box cbQ1bSelectShare
Set objShare = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share.Name='" &_
strShareName & "'")
' Get the folder name and share description so that we can put info into event l
strFolderName = objShare.Path
strShareDesc = objShare.Description
' Delete the share object that has the name that we have selected in SelectNetwo
errReturn = objShare.Delete
' Select nothing in SelectNetworkShares
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objShare = Nothing
End If 'SelectNetworkShares.value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Question1LogEvent errReturn, "deleted", strFolderName, _
strShareName, strShareDesc
' Update TabQ1 to show the current network shares
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub 'Q1bDeleteShare
'==== Question1LogEvent
'==== Purpose: To place an entry into the application event log reporti
ng the result of Q1a and Q1b
'==== Inputs: errNum: The error number
'==== strLogText: 'created' or 'deleted'
'==== Returns: Places an entry into the application event log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Create a dictionary that contains error codes
'==== Place an entry into the appliccation event log
'==== Delete the dictionary to free memory
'==== Update the view of the the event log on the screen
Sub Question1LogEvent (errReturn, strLogText, strFolderName, _
strShareName, strShareDesc)
' Header Section
Dim errDictionary ' A Dictionary of error
' Create a dictionary that contains error codes
Set errDictionary = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
errDictionary.Add 0, "Success"
errDictionary.Add 2, "Access Denied"
errDictionary.Add 8, "Unknown Failure"
errDictionary.Add 9, "Invalid Name"
errDictionary.Add 10, "Invalid Level"
errDictionary.Add 21, "Invalid Parameter"
errDictionary.Add 22, "Duplicate Share"
errDictionary.Add 23, "Redirected Path"
errDictionary.Add 24, "Unknown Device or Directory"
errDictionary.Add 25, "Net Name Not Found"
errDictionary.Add -1, "Blank Folder Name"
errDictionary.Add -2, "Folder does not exist"
errDictionary.Add -3, "Blank Share Name"
errDictionary.Add -4, "Share already exists"
' Place an entry into the appliccation event log
If errDictionary.exists(errReturn) Then
If errDictionary.Item(errReturn) = "Success" Then
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Network Share " & strShareName & " " &_
strLogText & "." & vbNewline &_
vbTab & "Folder Name: " & strFolderName & vbNewl
ine &_
vbTab & "Share Name: " & strShareName & vbNewlin
e &_
vbTab & "Share Description: " & strShareDesc
Else 'errDictionary.Item(errReturn) <> "Success"
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Share " & strShareName &_
" not " & strLogText & "." & vbNewline &_
vbTab & "Folder Name: " & strFolderName & vbNewl
ine &_
vbTab & "Share Name: " & strShareName & vbNewlin
e &_
vbTab & "Share Description: " & strShareDesc & v
bNewline &_
"Error :" & errReturn & vbTab & errDictionary.It
End If 'errDictionary.Item(errReturn) <> "Success"
Else 'Not errDictionary.exists(errReturn)
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Share " & strShareName &_
" not " & strLogText & "." & vbNewline &_
vbTab & "Folder Name: " & strFolderName & vbNewline &_
vbTab & "Share Name: " & strShareName & vbNewline &_
vbTab & "Share Description: " & strShareDesc & vbNewline
"Unknown Error :" & errReturn
End If ''Not errDictionary.exists(errReturn)
' Delete the dictionary to free memory
set errDictionary = Nothing
' Update the view of the the event log on the screen
End Sub 'Question1LogEvent
'==== Question2Refresh
'==== Purpose: To put the list of network adapters ontoTabQ2
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: Places the list of network shares onto TabQ2
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear any information out of the list of network adapters
'==== Get the collection of network adapter objects from the cimv2 nam
'==== Adjust the list size so that it can display all the network adap
'==== Cycle through all the network adapters and place the names into
the list of network adapters
'==== Remember the index so that if there is one adapter, we can selec
t it
'==== If there is one network adapters, make sure it is selected
'==== Otherwise, select nothing
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Question2Refresh
Dim arrNetAdaptersMacAddr()
Dim arrNetAdaptersDescr()
Dim colNetAdapters 'Collection of Network adapters
Dim objNetAdapter 'An instance of a network adaptor
Dim objOption
Dim index
' Clear any information out of the list of network adapters
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.options
Next 'objOption
' Network adapter description was taking up too much space on the screen
, so delete it from the code
'For Each objOption in SelectQ2NetAdapterDescription.options
' objOption.RemoveNode
'Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterDHCP.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterIPAddress.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterSubnetMask.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterGatewayAddress.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectNetAdapterDNSDomain.options
Next 'objOption
' Get the collection of network adapter objects from the cimv2 namespace
Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration " &_
"where IPEnabled=TRUE")
' Adjust the list size so that it can display all the network adapters
SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
' Network adapter description was taking up too much space on the screen
, so delete it from the code
' SelectQ2NetAdapterDescription.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
SelectNetAdapterDHCP.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
SelectNetAdapterIPAddress.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
SelectNetAdapterSubnetMask.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
SelectNetAdapterGatewayAddress.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
SelectNetAdapterDNSDomain.size = colNetAdapters.Count + 1
' Cycle through all the network adapters and place the names into the list of ne
twork adapters
For Each objNetAdapter In colNetAdapters
' A Select element in HTML is made up of a collection of Option
' An option element has a number of attributes. We will use two
of the attributes - Text and Value
' The Text attribute is what will be displayed, while the Value
attribute is the part
' that is used to process what is to be done
' We will set the value option of all the lists to objNetAdapter
.Index so that all the lists are linked
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objNetAdapter.MACAddress
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
' Remember the index so that if there is one adapter, we can select it
index = objNetAdapter.Index
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q2_NetAdapter: " & objNetAdapter.MACAddress
' Network adapter description was taking up too much space on th
e screen, so delete it from the code
'set objOption = document.createElement("option")
'objOption.text = objNetAdapter.Description
'objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
If objNetAdapter.DHCPEnabled Then
objOption.text = "DHCP"
Else ' Not objNetAdapter.DHCPEnabled
objOption.text = "Manual"
End If ' Not objNetAdapter.DHCPEnabled
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = join(objNetAdapter.IPAddress)
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = join(objNetAdapter.IPSubnet)
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
if isnull(objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway) Then
objOption.text = "null"
Else ' not isnull(objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway)
objOption.text = join(objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway)
End If ' not isnull(objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway)
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objNetAdapter.DNSDomain
objOption.value = objNetAdapter.Index
Next 'objNetAdapter
' If there is one network adapters, make sure it is selected
If SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Options.length = 1 Then
SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = index
' Network adapter description was taking up too much space on t
he screen, so delete it from the code
'SelectQ2NetAdapterDescription.Value = index
SelectNetAdapterDHCP.Value = index
SelectNetAdapterIPAddress.Value = index
SelectNetAdapterSubnetMask.Value = index
SelectNetAdapterGatewayAddress.Value = index
SelectNetAdapterDNSDomain.Value = index
Else 'SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Options.length <> 1
SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = ""
' Network adapter description was taking up too much space on t
he screen, so delete it from the code
'SelectQ2NetAdapterDescription.Value = ""
SelectNetAdapterDHCP.Value = ""
SelectNetAdapterIPAddress.Value = ""
SelectNetAdapterSubnetMask.Value = ""
SelectNetAdapterGatewayAddress.Value = ""
SelectNetAdapterDNSDomain.Value = ""
End If 'SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Options.length <> 1
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colNetAdapters = Nothing
' Adjust the html elements so that the event log is in the correct place on the
End Sub 'Question2Refresh
'==== Question 2 a) Configure a static IP and Gateway
'==== Purpose: To configure a network adapter to have a static IP addre
ss and gateway
'==== Inputs: SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value
'==== txtQ2aIPAddress.value
'==== txtQ2aSubnetMask.value
'==== Returns: Network Adapter with a ststic IP address and gateway
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a network adapter has been selected
'==== Check that an IP address has been specified
'==== Check that a subnet mask has been specified
'==== Get user input of IP address, subnet mask and gateway and conver
t to array
'==== Get the network adapter object from the cimv2 namespace that is
'==== and has the Mac Address we have chosen
'==== Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway in the shares that h
'==== the selected network adapter's index
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
Sub Q2aConfigureStatic
Dim strMacAddress ' String containing the Mac Address of t
he adapter
Dim strIPAddress ' Array of strings containing the IP add
ress (only one element)
Dim strSubnetMask ' Array of strings containing the subnet
mask (only one element)
Dim strGateway ' Array of strings containing the gatewa
y address (only one element)
Dim strGatewayMetric ' Array of gateway metrics
Dim objNetAdapter ' An instance of a network adaptor
Dim errEnable ' error returned when calling the objNet
Adapter.EnableStatic method
Dim errGateways ' error returned when calling the objNet
Adapter.SetGateways method
' Check that a network adapter has been selected
If SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = "" Then
errEnable = -1 'We haven't selected any network adapter yet
' Check that an IP address has been specified
ElseIf txtQ2aIPAddress.value = "" Then
errEnable = -2 'We don't want an empty IP address
' Check that a subnet mask has been specified
ElseIf txtQ2aSubnetMask.value = "" Then
errEnable = -3 'We need a subnet mask
Else 'MACAddress.Value <> "" and IPAddress.value <> "" and SubnetMask
.value <> ""
' Get user input of IP address, subnet mask and gateway and convert to array
strIPAddress = Array(txtQ2aIPAddress.value)
strSubnetMask = Array(txtQ2aSubnetMask.value)
strGateway = Array(txtQ2aGatewayAddress.value)
strGatewayMetric = Array(1) 'We are only setting one gateway
' Get the network adapter object from the cimv2 namespace that is enabled and ha
s the Mac Address we have chosen
Set objNetAdapter = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index=" &_
' Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway in the shares that have the select
ed network adapter's index
errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableStatic(strIPAddress, strSubnetMa
errGateways = objNetAdapter.SetGateways(strGateway, strGatewayme
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objNetAdapter = Nothing
End If ''MACAddress.Value <> "" and IPAddress.value <> "" and SubnetMas
k.value <> ""
Q2EventLog errEnable, "static network address"
Q2EventLog errGateways, "gateway address"
' Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub
'==== Q2aConfigureDHCP
'==== This is not part of the assignment, but it makes it easier to te
st if the user interface if we can
'==== switch an adapter between static and DHCP
'==== Purpose: To configure a network adapter to have DHCP
'==== Inputs: SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value
'==== Returns: Network Adapter with DHCP
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a network adapter has been selected
'==== Get the collection of enabled network adapter objects with the s
elected network adapter's index
'==== Check that the network adapter exists
'==== Set our collection of shares hat have the selected network adapt
er's index to DHCP
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
Sub Q2aConfigureDHCP
Dim objNetAdapter 'An instance of a network adaptor
Dim errEnable 'error returned when calling the objNetA
dapter.EnableStatic method
Dim errGateways 'error returned when calling the objNetA
dapter.SetGateways method
' Check that a network adapter has been selected
If SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = "" Then
errEnable = -1 'We haven't selected any network adapter yet
Else ' SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value <> ""
'Get the collection of enabled network adapter objects with the selected network
adapter's index
Set objNetAdapter = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index=" &_
' Set the selected network adapter's index to DHCP
errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableDHCP()
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objNetAdapter = Nothing
End If ' SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Q2EventLog errEnable, "DHCP"
' Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub ' Q2aConfigureDHCP
'==== Question 2 b) Assign a DNS domain for your network adaptor
'==== Purpose: To configure a DNS domain for a network adapter
'==== Inputs: SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value
'==== txtQ2bDNSDomainName.value
'==== Returns: Network Adapter with DHCP
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a network adapter has been selected
'==== Check that a domain name has been specified
'==== Get the collection of enabled network adapter objects with the s
elected network adapter's index
'==== Check that the network adapter exists
'==== Set our collection of shares hat have the selected network adapt
er's index to have the DNS domain
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
Sub Q2bAssignDNSDomainName
Dim colNetAdapters 'Collection of Network adapters
Dim objNetAdapter 'An instance of a network adaptor
Dim errAssign 'error returned when calling the objNetA
dapter.EnableStatic method
' Check that a network adapter has been selected
If SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = "" Then
errAssign = -1 'We haven't selected any network adapter yet
' Check that a domain name has been specified
ElseIf txtQ2bDNSDomainName.value = "" Then
errAssign = -5 ' We haven't specified a domain name
Else ' SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = The Index of the network ad
apter selected
' Get the collection of enabled network adapter objects with the selected networ
k adapter's index
Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration " &_
"where IPEnabled=TRUE " &_
"AND Index = " & Int(SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value))
' Check that the network adapter exists
If ColNetAdapters.Count=0 Then
errAssign = -4
Else ' Network adapter exists and is enabled
' Set our collection of shares hat have the selected network adapter's index to
have the DNS domain
For Each objNetAdapter in ColNetAdapters
errAssign = objNetAdapter.SetDNSDomain _
Next 'objNetAdapter
End If ' Network adapter exists and is enabled
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colNetAdapters = Nothing
End If ''SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value = The Index of the network ad
apter selected
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Q2EventLog errAssign, "DNS Domain"
' Update TabQ2 to show the current network shares
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub
'==== Question2LogEvent
'==== Purpose: To place an entry into the application event log reporti
ng the result of Q2a and Q2b
'==== Inputs: errNum: The error number
'==== strLogText: 'static network address' or 'gateway add
ress' or 'DHCP' or 'DNS Domain'
'==== Returns: Places an entry into the application event log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Create a dictionary that contains error codes
'==== Put information into strLogDetails
'==== Place an entry into the application event log
'==== Delete the dictionary
'==== Update the view of the the event log on the screen
Sub Q2EventLog (errReturn, strLogText)
' Header Section
Dim errDictionary ' Dictionary containing error values
Dim strLogDetails ' string containing text to write to the
application event log
' Create a dictionary that contains error codes
Set errDictionary = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
errDictionary.Add -1, "No Network Adapter Selected"
errDictionary.Add -2, "Empty IP Address"
errDictionary.Add -3, "Empty Subnet mask"
errDictionary.Add -4, "Invalid Network Adapter Selected"
errDictionary.Add -5, "Empty DNS Domain name"
errDictionary.Add 0, "Successful completion, no reboot required"
errDictionary.Add 1, "Successful completion, reboot required"
errDictionary.Add 64, "Method not supported on this platform"
errDictionary.Add 65, "Unknown failure"
errDictionary.Add 66, "Invalid subnet mask"
errDictionary.Add 67, "An error occurred while processing " &_
"an Instance that was re
errDictionary.Add 68, "Invalid input parameter"
errDictionary.Add 69, "More than 5 gateways specified"
errDictionary.Add 70, "Invalid IP address"
errDictionary.Add 71, "Invalid gateway IP address"
errDictionary.Add 72, "An error occurred while accessing the " &_
"Registry for the reques
ted information"
errDictionary.Add 73, "Invalid domain name"
errDictionary.Add 74, "Invalid host name"
errDictionary.Add 75, "No primary/secondary WINS server defined"
errDictionary.Add 76, "Invalid file"
errDictionary.Add 77, "Invalid system path"
errDictionary.Add 78, "File copy failed"
errDictionary.Add 79, "Invalid security parameter"
errDictionary.Add 80, "Unable to configure TCP/IP service"
errDictionary.Add 81, "Unable to configure DHCP service"
errDictionary.Add 82, "Unable to renew DHCP lease"
errDictionary.Add 83, "Unable to release DHCP lease"
errDictionary.Add 84, "IP not enabled on adapter"
errDictionary.Add 85, "IPX not enabled on adapter"
errDictionary.Add 86, "Frame/network number bounds error"
errDictionary.Add 87, "Invalid frame type"
errDictionary.Add 88, "Invalid network number"
errDictionary.Add 89, "Duplicate network number"
errDictionary.Add 90, "Parameter out of bounds"
errDictionary.Add 91, "Access denied"
errDictionary.Add 92, "Out of memory"
errDictionary.Add 93, "Already exists"
errDictionary.Add 94, "Path, file or object not found"
errDictionary.Add 95, "Unable to notify service"
errDictionary.Add 96, "Unable to notify DNS service"
errDictionary.Add 97, "Interface not configurable"
errDictionary.Add 98, "Not all DHCP leases could be released/renewed"
errDictionary.Add 100, "DHCP not enabled on adapter"
' Put information into strLogDetails
' strLogText contains different information depending on which subroutine called
Select Case strLogText
Case "static network address"
strLogDetails = strLogText & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "MACAddress: "& SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.inne
rText &_
vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "IP Address: "& txtQ2aIPAddress.value & vbNewLi
ne &_
vbTab & "Subnet Mask: "& txtQ2aSubnetMask.value & vbNew
Case "gateway address"
strLogDetails = strLogText & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "MACAddress: "& SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.inne
rText &_
vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "Gateway Address: "& txtQ2aGatewayAddress.Value
& vbNewLine
Case "DHCP"
strLogDetails = strLogText & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "MACAddress: "& SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.inne
rText &_
Case "DNS Domain"
strLogDetails = strLogText & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "MACAddress: "& SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.inne
rText &_
vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "DNS Domain Name: "& txtQ2bDNSDomainName.Value
& vbNewLine
Case Else
End Select
' Place an entry into the application event log
If errDictionary.exists(errReturn) Then
If errReturn = 0 or errReturn = 1 Then
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Successfully configured " & strLogDetails &_
vbTab & errReturn & ": " &_
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Could not configure " & strLogDetails &_
vbTab & errReturn & ": " &_
End If
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Could not configured " & strLogDetails &_
vbTab & "Unknown Error " & errReturn
End If
set errDictionary = Nothing
' Update the view of the the event log on the screen
End Sub ' Q2EventLog
'==== Question3Refresh
'==== Purpose: To put information about the current workgroup/domain on
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: Displays whether a domain or workgroup is connected onto
'==== Displays domain or workgroup name onto TabQ3
'==== Displays domain or workgroup username onto TabQ3
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the name of this workstation
'==== Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace whe
re name = this computer
'==== Work out if the computer is connected to a domain or a workgroup
'==== If it is a domain, then display that is is connected to a domain
, the domain name and the username
'==== Otherwise, display that is is connected to a workgroup, the work
group name and the username
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Question3Refresh
' Header Section
Dim strComputer
Dim objComputer
' Get the name of this workstation
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName
' Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace where name = this
Set objComputer = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & strComputer & "'")
' Work out if the computer is connected to a domain or a workgroup
If objComputer.PartOfDomain Then
' If it is a domain, then display that is is connected to a domain, the domain n
ame and the username
LabelDomainOrWorkgroup.InnerText = "Domain"
LabelDorW.InnerText = "Domain Name: "
LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.InnerText = objComputer.Domain
LabelUsername.InnerText = objComputer.UserName
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q3_Domain: " & objComputer.Domain & ", Username: "
& objComputer.UserName
' Otherwise, display that is is connected to a workgroup, the workgroup name and
the username
LabelDomainOrWorkgroup.InnerText = "Workgroup"
LabelDorW.InnerText = "Workgroup Name: "
LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.InnerText = objComputer.Workgroup
LabelUsername.InnerText = objComputer.UserName
LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" ' Update the tex
t field on TabQ4
LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" ' Update the tex
t field on TabQ5
LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" ' Update the tex
t field on TabQ6
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q3_Workgroup: " & objComputer.Workgroup & ", Usern
ame: " & objComputer.UserName
End If
Q5cRefreshServers ' Update the server list on TabQ5
' Q6aListOUs ' Update the list of OUs in the domain o
n TabQ6
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objComputer = Nothing
End Sub ' Question3Refresh
'==== Question 3 a) Join your workstation to the "galaxy.local" domain
'==== Purpose: Join your workstation to the domain specified on the Tab
'==== Inputs: SelectNetAdapterMACAddress.Value
'==== txtQ2bDNSDomainName.value
'==== Returns: Workstation connected to the domain specified on the Tab
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a Domain has been specified
'==== Check that a Username has been specified
'==== Get the name of this workstation
'==== Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace whe
re name = this computer
'==== Join the computer to the domain
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ3 to show the current workgroup/domain
Sub Q3aJoinDomain
Const WIN9X_UPGRADE = 16
Dim errReturn
Dim strComputer
Dim objComputer
Dim ReturnValue
' Check that a Domain has been specified
If txtQ3aDomain.value = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a Username has been specified
ElseIf txtQ3aUsername.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else ' txtQ3aDomain.value <> "" and txtQ3aUsername.value <> ""
' Get the name of this workstation
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName
' Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace where name = this
Set objComputer = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & strComputer & "'")
' Join the computer to the domain
errReturn = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(txtQ3aDomain.value
, _
pwdQ3aPassword.value, _
txtQ3aDomain.value & "\" & txtQ3aUsername.value, _
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objComputer = Nothing
End If ' txtQ3aDomain.value <> "" and txtQ3aUsername.value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
'If the domain was successfully joined, then place an en
try in the applications log
'Create the success log entry with the IP address, the S
ubnet Mask and the Gateway address
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Domain successfully joined." & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "Domain: "& txtQ3aDomain.value & vbNewLine
vbTab & "Username: "& txtQ3aUsername.value & vbNewL
ine &_
vbTab & "Password: ********" 'Password should
not be stored in event log
Case -1 ' The domain name was not specified
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Could not join domain as domain name was not sp
Case -2 ' The domain username was not specified
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Could not join domain " & txtQ3aDomain.value &_
" as username was not specified."
Case Else
'Otherwise, create a failure log entry with the IP addre
ss, the Subnet Mask and the Gateway address
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Could not join domain." & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "Domain: "& txtQ3aDomain.value & vbNewLine
vbTab & "Username: "& txtQ3aUsername.value & vbNewL
ine &_
vbTab & "Password: ********" &_
vbTab & "Error Number: " & errReturn
End Select
' Update the view of the the event log on the screen
' Update TabQ3 to show the current workgroup/domain
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub ' Q3aJoinDomain
'==== Question 3 b) Unjoin your workstation from the class domain
'==== Purpose: Unjoin your workstation from the domain
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: Workstation not connected to any domain
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the name of this workstation
'==== Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace whe
re name = this computer
'==== Unjoin the computer to the domain
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ3 to show the current workgroup/domain
Sub Q3bUnjoinDomain
Dim errReturn
Dim strComputer
Dim objComputer
' Check that a Domain has been specified
If txtQ3aDomain.value = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a Username has been specified
ElseIf txtQ3aUsername.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else ' txtQ3aDomain.value <> "" and txtQ3aUsername.value <> ""
' Get the name of this workstation
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName
' Get the Win32_ComputerSystem object from the cimv2 namespace where name = this
Set objComputer = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & strComputer & "'")
' Unjoin the computer to the domain
errReturn = objComputer.UnJoinDomainOrWorkGroup _
(pwdQ3aPassword.value, _
txtQ3aDomain.value & "\" & txtQ3aUsername.value, _
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objComputer = Nothing
End If ' txtQ3aDomain.value <> "" and txtQ3aUsername.value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
' 1326 = Unknown username or password
' 1355 = The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted
' 2691 = This computer is already a Domain member
If errReturn = 0 Then
'If the domain was successfully joined, then place an entry in t
he applications log
'Create the success log entry with the IP address, the Subnet Ma
sk and the Gateway address
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Domain successfully unjoined." & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "Domain: "& txtQ3aDomain.value & vbNewLine
'Otherwise, create a failure log entry with the IP address, the
Subnet Mask and the Gateway address
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Could not unjoin domain." & vbNewLine &_
vbTab & "Domain: "& txtQ3aDomain.value & vbNewLine
End If
' Update the view of the the event log on the screen
' Update TabQ3 to show the current workgroup/domain
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub ' Q3bUnjoinDomain
'==== Question4Refresh
Sub Question4Refresh
End Sub
'==== Question 4 a) Create an OU ... Name it with your surname
'==== Purpose: Create an Organisational Unit with a name that is define
d in TabQ4
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The domain where we will
be creating the OU
'==== txtQ4aOUName.value The name of the OU that we want
to create
'==== txtQ4aOUDescription The description that we will giv
e to the new OU
'==== Returns: A new OU in the specified domain
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a Domain has been specified
'==== Check that a OU name has been specified
'==== Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified
domain name
'==== Convert txtQ4aOUName.value to fully qualified domain name
'==== Link to the object defined by the provider and the OU and the do
'==== Create the new OU and return a handle to it
'==== Modify the description of the OU
'==== Commit the change to Active Directory
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ4 to show the current workgroup/domain
Sub Q4aAddOU
'Header Section
On Error Resume Next
Dim strProvider ' defines how will talk to Active Directory
Dim strOU ' path to where new object will be creat
Dim strDomain ' name of Domain connecting to
Dim strClass ' the class of object we are creating
Dim strOUname ' name of object are creating
Dim strODescription ' name of object are creating
Dim objDomain ' holds connection to adsi
Dim objOU ' holds handle to create method
Dim errReturn
'Reference Section
strProvider = "LDAP://" ' Lightweight Directory Access P
rotocol provider
strClass = "organizationalUnit" ' Class of object being created is an Or
strOU = "" ' Path to where new object will be created is th
e root of the specified domain
' Check that a Domain has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a OU name has been specified
ElseIf txtQ4aOUName.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else ' LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" and
lue <> ""
' Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified domain name
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' Convert txtQ4aOUName.value to fully qualified domain name
strOUname = "OU=" & txtQ4aOUName.value
' Link to the object defined by the provider and the OU and the domain
Set objDomain = GetObject(strProvider & strOU & strDomain)
errReturn = Err.Number
If errReturn = 0 Then
' Create the new OU and return a handle to it
Set objOU = objDomain.create(strClass, strOUname)
errReturn = Err.Number
If errReturn = 0 Then
' Modify the description of the OU
objOU.Put "Description", txtQ4aOUDescription.val
errReturn = Err.Number
If errReturn = 0 Then
' Commit the change to Active Directory
errReturn = Err.Number
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
SelectOUs.value = txtQ4aOUName.value
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End If
End If
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objOU = Nothing
End If
Set objDomain = Nothing
End If
on error goto 0
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"OU " & strOUname & " successfully created in "
strProvider & strOU & strDomain
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"OU " & strOUname &_
" not created as the domain name was not specifi
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"OU not created as the OU name was not specified
Case -2147019886
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"OU " & strOUname &_
" already exists in " & strProvider & strOU & st
rDomain &_
" and cannot be created."
Case Else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"OU " & strOUname &_
" could not be created in " & strProvider & strO
U &_
strDomain & " error on the play " & errRetur
End Select
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub
'==== Q4bListOUs
'==== Purpose: To list the OUs in a domain on TabQ4
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The domain where we will
be creating the OU
'==== Returns: A list of OUs in the specified domain on TabQ4
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the list of OUs on TabQ4
'==== Check that a Domain has been specified
'==== Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified
domain name
'==== Connect to the active directory provider
'==== Get a collection of OUs defined by the provider and the domain
'==== Cycle through the list of OUs
'==== Place the OU name into SelectOUs
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Select the OU from task 4a by default
'==== List the users of the selectedOU
Sub Q4bListOUs
' Header Section
Dim objOption
Dim strDomain
Dim objConnection
Dim objCommand
' Clear the list ofOUs on TabQ4
For Each objOption in SelectOUs.options
Next 'objOption
' Check that a Domain has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" Then
' Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified domain name
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' Connect to the active directory provider
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
' Get a collection of OUs defined by the provider and the domain
objCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Name, ADsPath FROM 'LDAP://" & strDomain & "'" &
" WHERE objectCategory='organizationalUnit' ORDE
R BY Name"
Set objOURecordSet = objCommand.Execute
' Get a collection of Users defined by the provider and the domain
objCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Name, ADsPath FROM 'LDAP://" & strDomain & "'" &
" WHERE objectCategory='user' ORDER BY Name"
Set objUserRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
SelectOUs.size = 1
' Cycle through the list of OUs
Do Until objOURecordSet.EOF
' Place the OU name into SelectOUs
Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
objOption.Text = objOURecordSet.Fields("Name").Value
objOption.Value = objOURecordSet.Fields("Name").Value
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q4b_OU: " & objOURecordSet.Fields("Name").
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objOURecordSet = Nothing
' Set the OU to nothing by default
SelectOUs.value = ""
End If
End Sub
'==== Q4bListUsers
'==== Purpose: To list the users in a domain on TabQ4
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The domain where we will
be creating the user
'==== SelectOUs.value The OU where we will be creating the use
'==== Returns: A list of users in the specified domain and OU on TabQ4
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the list of users on TabQ4
'==== Check that a Domain and OU has been specified
'==== Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText and SelectOUs.value
to fully qualified domain name
'==== Get a collection of users defined by the provider and the domain
and the OU
'==== Cycle through the list of users
'==== Place the user name into SelectUsers
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Select nothing by default
Sub Q4bListUsers
' Header Section
Dim objOption
Dim strDomain
Dim objConnection
Dim objCommand
Dim strFQDN
' Clear the list ofusers on TabQ4
For Each objOption in SelectUsers.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectUserOUs.options
Next 'objOption
' Check that a Domain and OU has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" and SelectOUs.value <> ""
' Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText and SelectOUs.value to fully qual
ified domain name
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' Connect to the active directory provider
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
' Get a collection of Users defined by the provider and the domain
objCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Name, ADsPath FROM 'LDAP://" & strDomain & "'" &
" WHERE objectCategory='user' ORDER BY Name"
Set objUserRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
SelectUsers.size = 1
' Cycle through the list of users
if not objUserRecordSet.BOF then
strFQDN = ""
Do Until objUserRecordSet.EOF
msgbox(objUserRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value & vbtab & objUserRecordSet.Fields("
' Place the user name into SelectUsers
SelectUsers.size = SelectUsers.size + 1
Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
objOption.Text = objUserRecordSet.Fields("Name")
objOption.Value = objUserRecordSet.Fields("ADsPa
Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
objOption.Text = mid(objUserRecordSet.Fields("AD
sPath").Value, _
").Value,replace(objUserRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value,",","\,")) _
+ len(replace(objUserRecordSet.Fields("N
objOption.Value = objUserRecordSet.Fields("ADsPa
If objUserRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value = txtQ4
bUserName.Value Then
strFQDN = objUserRecordSet.Fields("ADsPa
End If
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q4b_Users: " & objUserRecordSet.Fi
End If
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objUserRecordSet = Nothing
' Select nothing by default
SelectUsers.value = ""
End If
End Sub
'==== Question 4 b) Create a domain user in your OU
'==== Purpose: Create an Organisational Unit with a name that is define
d in TabQ4
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The domain where we will
be creating the domain user
'==== txtQ4aOUName.value The name of the OU where we will
be creating the domain user
'==== txtQ4bUserName The name of the domain user that
we want to create
'==== Returns: A new domain user in the specified domain and OU
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a Domain has been specified
'==== Check that a domain user name has been specified
'==== Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified
domain name
'==== Convert txtQ4aOUName.value to fully qualified domain name
'==== Link to the object defined by the provider and the OU and the do
'==== Create a new user and return a handle to it
'==== Modify the account name of the user
'==== Commit the change to Active Directory
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Update TabQ4 to show the current workgroup/domain
Sub Q4bAddUser
'Header Section
On Error Resume Next
Dim strProvider ' defines how will talk to Active Directory
Dim strOU ' path to where new object will be creat
Dim strDomain ' name of Domain connecting to
Dim strClass ' the class of object we are creating
Dim strCNname ' name of object are creating
Dim objDomain ' holds connection to adsi
Dim objOU ' holds handle to create method
Dim strOUname ' holds the name of the OU that holds the user b
eing created
'Reference Section
strProvider = "LDAP://" 'Lightweight Directory Access Protocol p
strClass = "user" 'Class of object being created i
s a user
' Check that a Domain has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a OU name has been specified
ElseIf SelectOUs.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else ' LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" and
lue <> ""
' Convert LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText to fully qualified domain name
strOUname = SelectOUs.value
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
' The domain name is found on the Q4 tab
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' Convert txtQ4aOUName.value to fully qualified domain name
strOU = "OU=" & txtQ4aOUName.Value & "," ' The OU name is found
on the Q4 tab
strOU = Replace(strOU,".",",OU=")
' Convert txtQ4bUserName.value to fully qualified domain name
strCNname = "CN=" & txtQ4bUserName ' The user being created
is found on the Q4 tab
'Link to the object defined by the provider and the OU and the domain
Set objDomain = GetObject(strProvider & strOU & strDomain)
If Err.Number <>0 Then
errReturn = Err.Number
Else ' Err.Number =0
' Create a new user and return a handle to it
Set objOU = objDomain.create(strClass, strCNname)
If Err.Number <>0 Then
errReturn = Err.Number
Else ' Err.Number =0
' Modify the account name of the user
objOU.Put "SAMAccountName", Mid(strCNname,4) 'r
emoves cn= from username
If Err.Number <>0 Then
errReturn = Err.Number
Else ' Err.Number =0
' Commit the change to Active Directory
errReturn = Err.Number
If Err.Number <>0 Then
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected
SelectOUs.value = strOUname
SelectUsers.value = txtQ4bUserNa
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselect
End If ' Err.Number =0
End If ' Err.Number =0
End If ' Err.Number =0
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objOU = Nothing
End If ' Err.Number =0
Set objDomain = Nothing
End If ' ' LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" and txtQ4aOUName.
value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"User " & strCNname & " successfully created in
" &_
strProvider & strOU & strDomain
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"User " & strOUname &_
" not created as the domain name was not specifi
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"User not created as the Username was not specif
Case "-2147019886"
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"User " & strOUname &_
" already exists in " & strProvider & strOU & st
rDomain &_
" and cannot be created"
Case Else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"User " & strOUname &_
" could not be created in " & strProvider & strO
U &_
strDomain & " error on the play " & errReturn
End Select ' errReturn
End Sub
'==== Question 4 c) Deploy a software package to your workstation using a
vbs login script
'==== (not the Group Policy Object software deployment featu
'==== Purpose: Join your workstation to the domain specified on the Tab
'==== Inputs: txtQ4cSWPackageLocation.Value
'==== Returns: Software installed on workstation
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a SW Package Location has been specified
'==== Check that a Username has been specified
'==== Get the name of this workstation
'==== Get the Win32_Product object from the cimv2 namespace where name
= this computer
'==== Install the software
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
Sub Q4cDeploySWPackage
' Header Section
Const ALL_USERS = True
Dim objSoftware
Dim wmiQuery
Dim errReturn
Dim strSWLocation
' Check that a SW Package Location has been specified
If txtQ4cSWPackageLocation.Value = "" Then
errReturn = -1
Set objSoftware = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Product")
errReturn = objSoftware.Install _
(txtQ4cSWPackageLocation.Value, , ALL_USERS)
Set objSoftware = Nothing
End If
' Place an entry in the applications event log
If Err.number = 0 Then
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
strSWLocation & " successfully deployed"
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
strSWLocation & " could not be deployed" &_
" error on the play " & Err.Number
End If
End Sub
'==== Question5Refresh
'==== Purpose: To list all the scheduled jobs ontoTabQ5
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: Displays the scheduled jobs onto TabQ5
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the list of scheduled jobs on TabQ5
'==== Get the collection of scheduled jobs from the Win32_ScheduledJob
service in the WMI services
'==== Change the size of the list of scheduled tasks so that you can v
iew them all
'==== Cycle through the collection of scheduled jobs
'==== And add it to the selection list
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Question5Refresh
' Header Section
Dim ColScheduledJobs
Dim objJob
Dim objOption
' Clear the list of scheduled jobs on TabQ5
For Each objOption in SelectTasks.options
Next 'objOption
' Get the collection of scheduled jobs from the Win32_ScheduledJob service in th
e WMI services
Set ColScheduledJobs = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * From Win32_ScheduledJob")
' Change the size of the list of scheduled tasks so that you can view them all
SelectTasks.size = ColScheduledJobs.count + 1
' Cycle through the collection of scheduled jobs
For Each objJob in ColScheduledJobs
' A Select element in HTML is made up of a collection of Option
' An option element has a number of attributes. We will use two
of the attributes - Text and Value
' The Text attribute is what will be displayed, while the Value
attribute is the part
' that is used to process what is to be done
' And add it to the selection list
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objJob.JobId & " " & objJob.Command
objOption.value = objJob.JobId
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5_Tasks: " & objJob.JobId & " " & objJob.Command
Next 'objJob
' Free any memory used by variables
Set ColScheduledJobs = Nothing
' Adjust the html elements so that the event log is in the correct place on the
End Sub
'==== Question 5 a) Schedule a task of your choice on your local PC
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ5aScheduleTask butt
'==== Purpose: To schedule a job that is defined on TabQ5
'==== Inputs: txtQ5aTaskName.value The name of the task to be scheduled
'==== txtQ5aStartTime.value The time that we want the task t
o start
'==== txtQ5aFrequency.value The value that the chosen radio
button of radQ5aFrequency (daily, monthly or once only)
'==== radQ5aFreqDaily, radQ5aFreqMonthly and radQ5aFre
qOnce modify the value
'==== txtQ5aDaily.value A value that adds the value of t
he chkQ5aMonday to chkQ5aSunday checkboxes
'==== chkQ5aMonday_onclick to chkQ5aSunday_onclick mod
ify the value of txtQ5aDaily.value
'==== txtQ5aDayOfMonth.value The day of the month that we wan
t our scheduled task to run on if we choose monthly
'==== Returns: A new scheduled job is created
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the information from TabQ5
'==== Get the Win32_ScheduledJob object from the WMI service
'==== Create the new scheduled job
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== List all the scheduled jobs ontoTabQ5
Sub Q5aAddScheduleTask
'Header Section
Dim objNewJob
Dim objItem
Dim strCommand
Dim strStartTime
Dim boolRunRepeatedly
Dim intDaysOfWeek
Dim intDaysOfMonth
Dim boolInteractWithDesktop
Dim intJobid
Dim errJobCreated
' Get the information from TabQ5
strCommand = txtQ5aTaskName.value
strStartTime = "********" & replace(txtQ5aStartTime.value,":","") &_
".000000" & fnCurrentTimeZone()
' "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.MMMMMM(+-)OOO" where "YYYYMMDD" must be replaced by "*
' "(+-)OOO" is the current bias for local time translation
' Multiply the number of hours that your time zone is ahead or behind GM
T by 60
' Add an additional 60 if your time zone is using daylight savings time
boolRunRepeatedly = Not (txtQ5aFrequency = "Once")
' If True, a scheduled job runs repeatedly on specific days. The default
is False.
If txtQ5aFrequency.value = "Daily" Then
intDaysOfWeek = cInt(txtQ5aDaily.innerText)
' 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 4=Wednesday, 8=Thursday, 16=Friday, 32=Sa
turday, 64=Sunday
' txtQ5aDaily.innerText is modified by sub chkQ5aMonday_onclick
to sub chkQ5aSunday_onclick
Else 'txtQ5aFrequency.value <> "Daily"
intDaysOfWeek = 0
End If ''txtQ5aFrequency.value <> "Daily"
If txtQ5aFrequency.value = "Monthly" Then
intDaysOfMonth = cInt(txtQ5aMonthly.innerText)
' 1=1st, 2=2nd, 4=3rd, 8=4th, 16=5th, ..., 2^(n-1)=nth day of th
e month
Else 'txtQ5aFrequency.value <> "Monthly"
intDaysOfMonth = 0
End If 'txtQ5aFrequency.value <> "Monthly"
boolInteractWithDesktop = True
' If your scheduled job starts an interactive program such as Notepad,
' then the InteractWithDeskto property must be set to True or the progra
m's screen is not visible.
' The process still appears in the Task Manager even if it does not appe
ar on the screen.
' Get the Win32_ScheduledJob object from the WMI service
Set objNewJob = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob")
' Create the new scheduled job
errJobCreated = objNewJob.Create _
(strCommand, strStartTime, boolRunRepeatedly, _
intDaysOfWeek, intDaysOfMonth, boolInteractWithDesktop, intJobid
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objNewJob = Nothing
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errJobCreated
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand &_
" successfully created. Job ID = " & intJobid
Case 1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Creation of Scheduled Task " &_
strCommand & " not supported"
Case 2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand &_
" not created. User did not have necessary acces
Case 8
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand &_
" not created. Interactive process."
Case 9
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand &_
" not created. " &_
"The directory path to the service executable fi
le cannot be found."
Case 21
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand & " not created.
" &_
"Invalid parameters have been passed to the serv
Case 22
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand & " not created.
" &_
"The account that this service runs under is inv
alid " &_
"or lacks the permissions to run the service."
Case Else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task " & strCommand & " not created.
" &_
"Unknown Error." & errJobCreated
End select
' List all the scheduled jobs ontoTabQ5
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub
'==== Question 5 b) Remove the scheduled task on your PC
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ5bRemoveScheduleTas
k button
'==== Purpose: To remove the schedule a job that is selected on TabQ5
'==== Inputs: SelectTasks.value The name of the selected scheduled job i
n the SelectTasks select box
'==== Returns: The selected scheduled job is deleted
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the information from TabQ5
'==== Get a link to the sheduled job from the Win32_ScheduledJob objec
t in the WMI service
'==== that is defined by the selected scheduled job
'==== Remember the id and name for the event log
'==== Delete the new scheduled job
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== List all the scheduled jobs ontoTabQ5
Sub Q5bRemoveScheduleTask
'Header Section
Dim objJob
Dim strJob
Dim errJobDeleted
' Get a link to the sheduled job from the Win32_ScheduledJob object in the WMI s
' that is defined by the selected scheduled job
Set objJob = objWMIService.Get _
("Win32_ScheduledJob.JobID=" & SelectTasks.Value)
' Remember the id and name for the event log
StrJob = objJob.JobId & " " & objJob.Command
' Delete the new scheduled job
errJobDeleted = objJob.Delete
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objJob = Nothing
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errJobDeleted
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob &_
" successfully deleted"
Case 1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Deletion of Scheduled Task JobID:" &_
StrJob & " not supported"
Case 2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob &_
" not deleted. User did not have necessary acces
Case 8
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob &_
" not deleted. Interactive process."
Case 9
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob & " not deleted. "
"The directory path to the service executable file c
annot be found."
Case 21
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob & " not deleted. "
"Invalid parameters have been passed to the service.
Case 22
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob & " not deleted. "
"The account that this service runs under is invalid
" &_
"or lacks the permissions to run the service."
Case Else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Scheduled Task JobID:" & StrJob & " not deleted. "
"Unknown Error." & errJobCreated
End select
' List all the scheduled jobs ontoTabQ5
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub
'==== Q5cRefreshServers
'==== This subroutine is run from Question3Refresh
'==== Purpose: To list all the servers with a print queue in the domain
selected on TabQ5
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The name of the
domain that we want to select the printer from
'==== Returns: The list of servers that have a print queue
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the server list
'==== Make sure that a domain has been specified
'==== Create a link to the ADODB connection object
'==== Create a link to the ADODB command object
'==== Set strDomain to be the fully qualified domain name defined by L
'==== Get a collection of servers in the domain that have a print queu
'==== Cycle through the collection of servers in the domain that have
a print queue
'==== Add the server to the list of servers
'==== Adjust the size of the list of servers
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Initially make sure that no servers are selected
Sub Q5cRefreshServers
' Header Section
Dim objConnection
Dim objCommand
Dim objOption
Dim strDomain
' Clear the server list
For Each objOption in SelectServers.options
Next 'objOption
' Make sure that a domain has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" Then
' Create a link to the ADODB connection object
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Create a link to the ADODB command object
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
' Set strDomain to be the fully qualified domain name defined by LabelDomainOrWo
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' Get a collection of servers in the domain that have a print queue
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = "Select serverName, printerName, driver
Name, portName, location " &_
"from 'LDAP://" & strDomain &_
"' where objectClass='printQueue'"
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
Set objPrinterRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
SelectServers.size = 0
' Cycle through the collection of servers in the domain that have a print queue
Do Until objPrinterRecordSet.EOF
' Add the server to the list of servers
SelectServers.size = SelectServers.size + 1
Set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("serverName"
objOption.value = objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("serverName
SelectServers.value = objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("server
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5c_Servers: " & objPrinterRecordSet.Field
Loop 'Until objPrinterRecordSet.EOF
' Adjust the size of the list of servers
If SelectServers.size < 2 Then
SelectServers.size = 2
SelectServers.value = ""
If SelectServers.size > 10 Then
SelectServers.size = 10
End If
End If
' Free any memory used by variables
' objRecordSet.close
' Set objRecordSet = Nothing
Set objCommand = Nothing
Set objConnection = Nothing
End If 'LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> ""
End Sub 'Q5cRefreshServers
'==== Q5cRefreshNetworkPrinters
'==== This subroutine is run when we choose a server in SelectServers
'==== and also after Q5cRefreshServers is run
'==== Purpose: To install the Network printer that is seleced on TabQ5
as a local printer
'==== Inputs: SelectTasks.value The name of the selected scheduled job i
n the SelectTasks select box
'==== Returns: The selected scheduled job is deleted
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the server list
'==== Check that a server has been selected
'==== Use the recordset created in SelectServers which has the collect
ion of printer names and properties
'==== Cycle through the collection of printers
'==== Find the ones whose server name is SelectServers.value
'==== Add the printername to the list of printer names
'==== Adjust the size of the list of Printers
'==== If there is one printer on the server, then select it,
'==== If there are 2 or more printers in the server, then make sure th
at no printernames are selected
'==== Place information about selected printer into "Network Printer I
Sub Q5cRefreshNetworkPrinters
' Header Section
Dim objOption
' Clear the server list
For Each objOption in SelectNetworkPrinters.options
Next 'objOption
' Check that a server has been selected
If SelectServers.value <> "" Then
' If there are servers in the SelectServer list, then objPrinterRecordSet has al
ready has the collection of printers
' objPrinterRecordSet was populated in the procedure Q5cRefreshServers
SelectNetworkPrinters.size = 0 ' Adjust the size of the list of
' Cycle through the collection of printer names in the domain that have a print
Do Until objPrinterRecordSet.EOF
' Find the ones whose server name is SelectServers.value
If objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("serverName").Value = Sele
ctServers.value Then
' Add the printername to the list of printer names
SelectNetworkPrinters.size = SelectNetworkPrinte
rs.size + 1 ' Adjust the size of the list of Printers
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("pri
objOption.value = objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("pr
' If there is one printer on the server, then select it
SelectNetworkPrinters.value = objPrinterRecordSe
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5c_Network_Printers: " & objPrint
End If
Loop ' Until objPrinterRecordSet.EOF
' Adjust the size of the list of Printers
If SelectNetworkPrinters.size < 2 Then
SelectNetworkPrinters.size = 2
' If there are 2 or more printers in the server, then make sure that no printern
ames are selected
If SelectNetworkPrinters.size > 10 Then
SelectNetworkPrinters.size = 10
End If
End If
End If 'SelectServers.value <> ""
' Place information about selected printer into "Network Printer Information"
End Sub 'Q5cRefreshPrinters
'==== Q5cSelectPrinter
'==== This subroutine is run when we choose a printer in SelectNetwork
'==== Purpose: To place the values of the selected printer into "Networ
k Printer Information"
'==== Inputs: SelectNetworkPrinters.value The name of the selected printer
in SelectNetworkPrinters select box
'==== Returns: DriverName, portName, DeviceID and location
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a printer has been selected
'==== Use the recordset created in SelectServers which has the collect
ion of printer names and properties
'==== Cycle through the collection of printer names in the domain that
have a print queue
'==== Find the ones whose server name is SelectServers.value and prin
ter name is SelectNetworkPrinters.value
'==== Add the driver name to the list of driver names
'==== Add the port name to the list of port names
'==== Add the DeviceID to the list of DeviceIDs
'==== Add the location to the list of locations (and prevent "Null" fr
om appearing in the list)
Sub Q5cSelectPrinter
' Header Section
' Check that a server has been selected
If SelectNetworkPrinters.value <> "" Then
' Use the recordset created in SelectServers which has the collection of printer
names and properties
' Cycle through the collection of printer names in the domain that have a print
Do Until objPrinterRecordSet.EOF
' Find the ones whose server name is SelectServers.value and printer name is Se
If objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("serverName").Value = Sele
ctServers.value _
And objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("printerName").Value = Se
lectNetworkPrinters.value Then
' Add the driver name to the list of driver names
txtQ5cDriverName.Value = objPrinterRecordSet.Fie
' Add the port name to the list of port names
txtQ5cPortName.Value = join(objPrinterRecordSet.
' Add the DeviceID to the list of DeviceIDs
txtQ5cDeviceID.Value = SelectNetworkPrinters.val
' Add the location to the list of locations (and prevent "Null" from appearing i
n the list)
If IsNull(objPrinterRecordSet.Fields("location")
.Value) Then
txtQ5cLocation.Value = "" 'Prevent
"Null" from appearing in the list
txtQ5cLocation.Value = objPrinterRecordS
End If
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5c_Select_Network_Printer: " & Se
lectNetworkPrinters.value &_
", Port: " & join(objPrinterRecordSet.Fi
End If 'serverName and printerName are the correct valu
Loop ' Until objRecordSet.EOF
End If 'SelectServers.value <> ""
End Sub 'Q5cRefreshPrinters
'==== Question 5 c) Install a Network printer as a local printer
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ5cInstallNetworkPri
nter button
'==== Purpose: To install the Network printer that is seleced on TabQ5
as a local printer
'==== Inputs: SelectServers.value The name of the selected server in the S
electServers select box
'==== SelectNetworkPrinters.value The name of the selected
printer in the SelectNetworkPrinters select box
'==== Returns: The network printer is installed as a local printer
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a server has been selected
'==== Check that a printer has been selected
'==== Create a Printer Port based on txtQ5cPortName.value
'==== Create a local printer that prints to the new port based on the
information in "Network Printer Information"
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== Refresh the list of local printers
Sub Q5cInstallNetworkPrinter
' Header Section
On Error Resume Next
Dim objNewPort
Dim objPrinter
Dim errReturn
' Check that a server has been selected
If SelectServers.value = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a printer has been selected
ElseIf SelectNetworkPrinters.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else 'SelectServers.value <> "" and SelectNetworkPrinters.value <> ""
' Create a Printer Port based on txtQ5cPortName.value
Set objNewPort = objWMIService.Get _
objNewPort.Name = txtQ5cPortName.Value
objNewPort.Protocol = 1
' The next line depends on the port name having a form IP_xx.xx.
' We create the host address by stripping the first three charac
ters off the port name
objNewPort.HostAddress = mid(txtQ5cPortName.Value,4)
objNewPort.PortNumber = "9999"
objNewPort.SNMPEnabled = False
' Create a local printer that prints to the new port based on the information in
"Network Printer Information"
Set objPrinter = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Printer").SpawnInstanc
objPrinter.DriverName = txtQ5cDriverName.Value
objPrinter.PortName = txtQ5cPortName.Value
objPrinter.DeviceID = txtQ5cDeviceID.Value
objPrinter.Location = txtQ5cLocation.Value
objPrinter.Network = False
objPrinter.Shared = False
objPrinter.Put_' Create a link to the wScript network object
errReturn = err.number
End If
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Network Printer connected. \\" &_
SelectServers.value & "\" & SelectNetwor
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not connected. Server not specified
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not connected. Printer not specifie
Case -2147023095
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not connected. " &_
"Check Server & Printer names. \\" &_
SelectServers.value & "\" & SelectNetworkPrinter
Case else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not connected. " &_
"Unknown error " & errReturn &_
". \\" & SelectServers.value & "\" &_
End select
' Refresh the list of local printers
TabInit.Classname = "TabSelected"
TabInit.Classname = "TabUnselected"
End Sub ' Q5cInstallNetworkPrinter
'==== Q5cRefreshLocalPrinters
'==== This subroutine is run from window_onload,
'==== and when we install a network printer as a local printer in Q5cI
'==== Purpose: To list all the printers that are installed locally
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: The list of local printers
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the Local Printer lists
'==== Get the collection of installed printers from the Win32_Printer
object in the WMI service
'==== Adjust the size of the lists
'==== Cycle through the collection of installed printers
'==== Place the printer name into the list of Local Printer Names
'==== Place the location into the list of Local Printer Locations (and
prevent "Null" from appearing in the list)
'==== Place the port name into the list of Local Printer PortNames
'==== Place the printer default flag into the list of Local Printer de
fault flags
'==== If there is one printer, then select it
'==== If there is more than one printer, then select nothing
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== List any PrintJobs on the selected local printer
Sub Q5cRefreshLocalPrinters
Dim objOption
Dim intNumPrinters
Dim colInstalledPrinters
Dim objPrinter
' Clear the Local Printer lists
For Each objOption in SelectLocalPrintersName.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectLocalPrintersLocation.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectLocalPrintersPort.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectLocalPrintersDefault.options
Next 'objOption
' Get the collection of installed printers from the Win32_Printer object in the
WMI service
Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Printer")
' Adjust the size of the lists
intNumPrinters = colInstalledPrinters.Count
If intNumPrinters < 2 Then intNumPrinters = 2
If intNumPrinters > 5 Then intNumPrinters = 5
SelectLocalPrintersName.size = intNumPrinters
SelectLocalPrintersLocation.size = intNumPrinters
SelectLocalPrintersPort.size = intNumPrinters
SelectLocalPrintersDefault.size = intNumPrinters
' Cycle through the collection of installed printers
For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
' Place the printer name into the list of Local Printer Names
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrinter.Name
objOption.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
' Place the location into the list of Local Printer Locations (and prevent "Null
" from appearing in the list)
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
If isNull(objPrinter.Location) Then
objOption.text = ""
objOption.text = objPrinter.Location
End If
objOption.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
' Place the port name into the list of Local Printer PortNames
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrinter.PortName
objOption.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
' Place the printer default flag into the list of Local Printer default flags
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrinter.Default
objOption.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5d_Local_Printers: " & objPrinter.Name
' If there is one printer, then select it
SelectLocalPrintersName.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
SelectLocalPrintersLocation.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
SelectLocalPrintersPort.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
SelectLocalPrintersDefault.value = objPrinter.DeviceID
Next ' objPrinter
If colInstalledPrinters.Count <> 1 Then
' If there is more than one printer, then select nothing
SelectLocalPrintersName.value = ""
SelectLocalPrintersLocation.value = ""
SelectLocalPrintersPort.value = ""
SelectLocalPrintersDefault.value = ""
End If
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colInstalledPrinters = Nothing
' List any PrintJobs on the selected local printer
End Sub 'Q5cRefreshLocalPrinters
'==== Q5dListLocalPrinterJobs
'==== This subroutine is run when we choose a printer in SelectLocalPr
'==== Note that it is not real time. It only lists the print jobs on l
ocal printers at the time it was called.
'==== Purpose: List the printer jobs that are current on the printer se
lected in SelectLocalPrinters
'==== Inputs: SelectLocalPrintersName The name of the printer that we are list
ing the jobs for
'==== Returns: The PrintJobs in the selected local printer are listed
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the printer job lists
'==== Check that a local printer has been selected
'==== Get a collection of printer jobs from the Win32_PrintJob object
in the WMI service
'==== Cycle through the collection of printer jobs
'==== Find the print jobs from the printer selected in SelectLocalPrin
'==== Add the Document to the list of Documents
'==== Add the JobStatus to the list of JobStatuses
'==== Add the JobSize to the list of JobSizes
'==== Add the TimeSubmitted to the list of TimesSubmitted
'==== Adjust the size of the lists
'==== Select no PrintJobs
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub Q5dListLocalPrinterJobs
' Header Section
Dim objOption
Dim colPrintJobs
Dim objPrintJob
' Clear the print job lists
For Each objOption in SelectPrintJobDocument.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectPrintJobJobStatus.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectPrintJobSize.options
Next 'objOption
For Each objOption in SelectPrintJobTimeSubmitted.options
Next 'objOption
' Check that a local printer has been selected
If SelectLocalPrintersName.value <> "" Then
' Get a collection of printer jobs from the Win32_PrintJob object in the WMI ser
Set colPrintJobs = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_PrintJob")
' Adjust the size of the lists
SelectPrintJobDocument.size = 0
SelectPrintJobJobStatus.size = 0
SelectPrintJobSize.size = 0
SelectPrintJobTimeSubmitted.size = 0
' Cycle through the collection of printer jobs
For Each objPrintJob in colPrintJobs
' Find the print jobs from the printer selected in SelectLocalPrintersName
' is a combination of the name of the p
rinter where the job is queued and the ID number assigned to the print job separ
ated by a comma
' We are only interested in the part before the comma, s
o we turn into an array, and look at the first element
' If it is the same as the name of the printer that we h
ave selected in SelectLocalPrintersName, then place the print job in our print j
ob lists
If split(,",")(0) = SelectLocalPrintersN
ame.value Then
' Adjust the size of the lists
SelectPrintJobDocument.size = SelectPrintJobDoc
ument.size + 1
SelectPrintJobJobStatus.size = SelectPrintJobJo
bStatus.size + 1
SelectPrintJobSize.size =
ze + 1
SelectPrintJobTimeSubmitted.size = SelectPrintJ
obTimeSubmitted.size + 1
' Add the Document to the list of Documents
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrintJob.Document
objOption.value = objPrintJob.JobId
' Add the JobStatus to the list of JobStatuses
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrintJob.JobStatus
objOption.value = objPrintJob.JobId
' Add the JobSize to the list of JobSizes
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrintJob.Size
objOption.value = objPrintJob.JobId
' Add the TimeSubmitted to the list of TimesSubmitted
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objPrintJob.TimeSubmitted
objOption.value = objPrintJob.JobId
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q5d_Printer_Queue: " & objPrintJob
End If
Next 'objPrintJob
' Adjust the size of the lists
If SelectPrintJobDocument.size < 2 Then
SelectPrintJobDocument.size = 2
SelectPrintJobJobStatus.size = 2
SelectPrintJobSize.size = 2
SelectPrintJobTimeSubmitted.size = 2
End If
' Select no PrintJobs
SelectPrintJobDocument.value = ""
SelectPrintJobJobStatus.value = ""
SelectPrintJobSize.value = ""
SelectPrintJobTimeSubmitted.value = ""
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colPrintJobs = Nothing
End If 'SelectServers.value <> "" and SelectNetworkPrinters.value <> ""
End Sub
'==== Question 5 d) Purge/Clear the printer queue
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ5dPurgePrinterQueue
'==== Purpose: To purge the Local printer queue that is seleced on TabQ
'==== Inputs: SelectLocalPrintersName.value The name of the selected printer
in the SelectLocalPrintersName select box
'==== Returns: The local printer queue is purged
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a local printer has been selected
'==== Create a link to the Win32_Printer object from the WMI service
'==== where the printer deviceID is the one we have selected i
n SelectLocalPrintersName
'==== Cycle through the collection of printers
'==== And cancel all jobs from each one
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
'==== List all the print jobs on the selected local printer on TabQ5
Sub Q5dPurgePrinterQueue
'Header Section
Dim colInstalledPrinters
Dim objPrinter
Dim errReturn
' Check that a local printer has been selected
If SelectLocalPrintersName.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
Else 'SelectServers.value <> "" and SelectNetworkPrinters.value <> ""
' Create a link to the Win32_Printer object from the WMI service
' where the printer deviceID is the one we have selected in SelectLocalPri
Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Printer Where DeviceID = '" & SelectLo
calPrintersName.value & "'")
' Cycle through the collection of printers
For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
' And cancel all jobs from each one
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colInstalledPrinters = Nothing
End If 'SelectServers.value <> "" and SelectNetworkPrinters.value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Network Printer purged. \\" &_
SelectServers.value & "\" &_
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not purged. Server not specified."
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not purged. Printer not specified."
Case -2147023095
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not purged. " &_
"Check Server & Printer names. \\" &_
SelectServers.value & "\" & SelectNetworkPrinter
Case else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Network Printer not purged. Unknown error " &_
errReturn & ". \\" & SelectServers.value &_
"\" & SelectNetworkPrinters.value
End select
' List all the print jobs on the selected local printer on TabQ5
End Sub ' Q5dPurgePrinterQueue
'==== Question 6 a) Delegate control of your OU to your user account
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ6aDelegateControl b
'==== Purpose: To delegate control of the selected OU to the selected u
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The name of the domain t
hat the computer is logged into
'==== SelectOUs.value The name of the OU that we want to deleg
ate contol of
'==== SelectUsers.value The name of the user that we wan
t to delegate contol to
'==== Returns: The OU has its control delegated to the user
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a domain has been selected
'==== Check that an OU has been selected
'==== Check that a user has been selected
'==== Create a link to the domain object from the LDAP provider define
d by the domain name and the OU name
'==== Delegate control of the OU to the user
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
Sub Q6aDelegateControlOfOU
' Header Section
On Error Resume Next
Dim errReturn
Dim strProvider
Dim strDomain
Dim strOUname
Dim objSdUtil
Dim objSD
Dim objDACL
Dim objAce
' Check that a domain has been selected
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that an OU has been selected
ElseIf SelectOUs.value = "" Then
errReturn = -2
' Check that a user has been selected
ElseIf SelectUsers.value = "" Then
errReturn = -3
' Create a link to the domain object from the LDAP provider defined by the domai
n name and the OU name
strProvider = "LDAP://" ' Lightweight Directory Access P
rotocol provider
' Domain comes from the Q6 tab
strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
' Convert the Domain to the fully qualified form
strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' The Organisational Unit comes from the Q6 tab
strOUname = "OU=" & SelectOUs.value
Set objSdUtil = GetObject(strProvider & strOU & strDomain)
' Delegate control of the OU to the user
Set objSD = objSdUtil.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
Set objDACL = objSD.DiscretionaryACL
Set objAce = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
objAce.Trustee = SelectUsers.text
objAce.ObjectType = "{00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529}"
objACE.InheritedObjectType = "{BF967ABA-0DE6-11D0-A285-00AA00304
objDacl.AddAce objAce
objSD.DiscretionaryAcl = objDacl
objSDUtil.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", Array(objSD)
errReturn = err.number
End If
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Control of OU " & strOUname & " delegated to " &_
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Control of OU not delegated. Domain not specified."
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Control of OU not delegated. OU not specified."
Case -3
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Control of OU " & SelectOUs.value &_
" not delegated. User not specified."
Case else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Control of OU " & SelectOUs.value &_
" not delegated. Unknown error " & errReturn
End select
End Sub ' Q6aDelegateControlOfOU
'==== Q6bListLocalGroups
'==== This subroutine is called from Window_OnLoad
'==== Purpose: To list the local groups that are on the computer
'==== Inputs: None
'==== Returns: The list of local groups is placed into SelectQ6bListGro
'==== The Administrator group is selected by default
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the SelectQ6bListGroups list
'==== Get the collection of local groups
'==== Cycle through the collection of local groups
'==== Place the local group into the list of local groups
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Select the Administrators local group as default
'==== List the users in the selected local group
Sub Q6bListLocalGroups
' Header Section
Dim objOption
Dim strComputer
Dim colGroups
Dim objGroup
' Clear the SelectQ6bListGroups list
For Each objOption in SelectLocalGroups.options
Next 'objOption
' Get the collection of local groups
strComputer = "."
Set colGroups = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "")
colGroups.Filter = Array("group")
SelectLocalGroups.size = 0
' Cycle through the collection of local groups
For Each objGroup In colGroups
' Place the local group into the list of local groups
SelectLocalGroups.size = SelectLocalGroups.size + 1
Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
objOption.Text = objGroup.Name
objOption.Value = objGroup.Name
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q6b_Groups: " & objGroup.Name
Next ' objGroup
If SelectLocalGroups.size < 2 Then SelectLocalGroups.size = 2
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colGroups = Nothing
' Select the Administrators local group as default
SelectLocalGroups.value = "Administrators"
' List the users in the selected local group
End Sub
'==== Q6bListUsersInLocalGroup
'==== This subroutine is called from Q6bListLocalGroups
'==== Purpose: To list the users that are in the local group that is se
'==== Inputs: SelectQ6bListGroups.value
'==== Returns: The list of users that are in the local group that is se
lected is placed into SelectQ6bListUsers
'==== No user is selected by default
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Clear the SelectQ6bListUsers list
'==== Check that a local group has been selected
'==== Get a link to the local group that we have selected
'==== Cycle through the collection of users in the selected local grou
'==== Place the username into the list of usernames
'==== Adjust the size of the list of usernames
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Select nothing as default
Sub Q6bListUsersInLocalGroup
' Header Section
Dim objOption
Dim strComputer
Dim objGroup
Dim objUser
' Clear the SelectQ6bListUsers list
For Each objOption in SelectUsersInLocalGroups.options
Next 'objOption
' Check that a local group has been selected
If SelectLocalGroups.value <> "" Then
' Get a link to the local group that we have selected
strComputer = "."
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://"& strComputer &"/" &_
' Adjust the size of the list of usernames
SelectUsersInLocalGroups.size = 0
' Cycle through the collection of users in the selected local group
For Each objUser in objGroup.Members
' Adjust the size of the list of usernames
SelectUsersInLocalGroups.size = SelectUsersInLocalGroup
s.size + 1
' Place the username into the list of usernames
Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
objOption.Text = objUser.Name
objOption.Value = objUser.Name
' Debug
AddToInitLog "Q6b_Local_Users: " & objUser.Name
Next ' objGroup
' Adjust the size of the list of usernames
If SelectUsersInLocalGroups.size < 2 Then SelectUsersInLocalGrou
ps.size = 2
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If ' SelectQ6bListGroups.value <> ""
' Select nothing as default
SelectUsersInLocalGroups.value = ""
End Sub
'==== Question 6 b) Assign your Domain account to your local Admins group
'==== This subroutine is called when btnQ6bAssignAccountToLocalGroup i
s clicked
'==== Purpose: To assign the selected domain user to the selected local
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText Domain name
'==== txtQ6aOUName.value OU name
'==== SelectUsers.value Dmain User name
'==== SelectQ6bListGroups.value Local Group name
'==== Returns: The selected domain user is assigned to the selected loc
al group
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a domain has been specified
'==== Check that an OU has been selected
'==== Check that a domain user has been selected
'==== Check that a local group has been selected
'==== Get a link to the local group that we have selected
'==== Assign the selected domain user to the selected local group
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
Sub Q6bAssignUserToGroup
' Header section
Dim strComputer
Dim objGroup
Dim objUser
' Check that a domain has been specified
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a domain user has been selected
ElseIf SelectUsers.value = "" Then
errReturn = -3
' Check that a local group has been selected
ElseIf SelectQ6bListGroups.value = "" Then
errReturn = -4
' Get a link to the local group that we have selected
strComputer = "."
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://"& strComputer & "/" &_
' Assign the selected domain user to the selected local group
on error resume next 'We want to put the error value into the ap
plication event log
group.Add "WinNT://"& LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText & "/"
SelectUsers.text &""
errReturn = err.number
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If ' SelectQ6bListGroups.value <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Domain account //"& LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.inne
rText &_
"/" & SelectUsers.value &_
" Assigned to " & SelectUsers.value &""
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not assigned. Domain not specified."
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not assigned. OU not specified."
Case -3
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not assigned. User not specified."
Case -4
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not assigned. Local group not specif
Case else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not assigned. Unknown error " & errR
End select
End Sub 'Q6bAssignUserToGroup
'==== Question 6 c) Delete your domain user account
'==== This subroutine is run when we press the btnQ6cDeleteDomainUserA
ccount button
'==== Purpose: To delete the selected domain user account
'==== Inputs: LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText The name of the domain t
hat the computer is logged into
'==== SelectOUs.value The name of the OU that the user we want
to delete
'==== SelectUsers.value The name of the user that we wan
t to delete
'==== Returns: The domain user account is deleted
'==== Places an event in the Application Event Log
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Check that a domain has been selected
'==== Check that an OU has been selected
'==== Check that a user has been selected
'==== Create a link to the domain object from the LDAP provider define
d by the domain name and the OU name
'==== Delete the domain user account
'==== Free any memory used by variables
'==== Place an entry in the applications event log
Sub Q6cDeleteDomainUserAccount
' Header Section
Dim strProvider
Dim strDomain
Dim strOU
Dim strUserName
' Check that a domain has been selected
If LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText = "" Then
errReturn = -1
' Check that a user has been selected
ElseIf SelectUsers.value = "" Then
errReturn = -3
Else ' LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText <> "" and txtQ6aOUName.value
<> "" and txtQ6aUserName.value <> ""
' Create a link to the domain object from the LDAP provider defined by the domai
n name and the OU name
' strProvider = "LDAP://" ' Lightweight Directory Access P
rotocol provider
' Domain comes from the Q6 tab
' strDomain = "dc=" & LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.innerText
' Convert the Domain to the fully qualified form
' strDomain = Replace(strDomain,".",",dc=")
' The Organisational Unit comes from the Q6 tab
' strOU = "ou=" & txtQ6aOUName.value
' The user from the Q6 tab
' strUserName = "cn=" & txtQ6aUserName.value
' Set objUser = GetObject(strProvider & strOU & strDomain)
' Note that strProvider, strOU and strDomain are already in SelectUserOUs.Text
' and strUserName is in SelectUsers.Text
Set objUser = GetObject(SelectUserOUs.Text)
' Delete the domain user account
objUser.delete "User", SelectUsers.Text
' Free any memory used by variables
Set objUser = Nothing
End If ' DomainName.value <> "" and OUName.value <> "" and UserName.val
ue <> ""
' Place an entry in the applications event log
Select Case errReturn
Case 0
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, _
"Domain account //"& LabelDomainOrWorkgroupName.inne
rText &_
"/" & SelectUsers.value &_
" deleted."
Case -1
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not deleted. Domain not specified."
Case -2
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not deleted. OU not specified."
Case -3
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not deleted. User not specified."
Case -4
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not deleted. Local group not specifi
Case else
objShell.LogEvent EVENT_FAILED, _
"Domain account not deleted. Unknown error " & errRe
End select
End Sub 'Q6cDeleteDomainUserAccount
'==== UpdateEventLog
'==== Purpose: To update the list of event log events on the screen
'==== Inputs: LastTimeWritten
'==== Returns: Any event that was placed in the event log after the las
t time that this procedure was called
'==== is placed in the list of event logs
'==== LastTimeWritten is updated to the time of the latest eve
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the collection of application logged events from the Win32_N
TLogEvent object
'==== that has a time stamp greater than last time
'==== Cycle through the list of events
'==== Place the event name etc into the event log list
'==== LastTimeWritten is updated to the time of the latest event
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub UpdateEventLog()
Dim colLoggedEvents
Dim objEvent
Dim objOption
' Get the collection of application logged events from the Win32_NTLogEvent obje
ct that has a time stamp greater than last time
Set colLoggedEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent " &_
"Where Logfile = 'Application' " &_
"And TimeWritten > '" & LastTimeWritten &"'")
' Cycle through the list of events
For Each objEvent in colLoggedEvents
EventLogSize = EventLogSize + 1
' Place the event name etc into the event log list
' A Select element in HTML is made up of a collection of
Option elements
' An option element has a number of attributes. We will use two
of the attributes - Text and Value
' The Text attribute is what will be displayed, while the Value
attribute is the part
' that is used to process what is to be done
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objEvent.RecordNumber
objOption.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
' This adds the Option element into SelectEventLogRecordNumber
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objEvent.Type
objOption.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogType.add(objOption) ' This adds the Option e
lement into SelectEventLogType
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,7,2) & "/" &_
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,5,2) & "/" &_
objOption.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogDate.add(objOption) ' This adds the Option e
lement into SelectEventLogDate
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,9,2) & ":" &_
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,11,2) & ":" &_
objOption.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogtime.add(objOption) ' This adds the Option e
lement into SelectEventLogtime
set objOption = document.createElement("option")
objOption.text = objEvent.SourceName
objOption.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogSource.add(objOption) ' This adds the Option e
lement into SelectEventLogSource
' LastTimeWritten is updated to the time of the latest event
If objEvent.TimeWritten > LastTimeWritten Then
LastTimeWritten = objEvent.TimeWritten
End If
SelectEventLogRecordNumber.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogType.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogDate.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogtime.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
SelectEventLogSource.value = objEvent.RecordNumber
' If there are less than 2 events, set the size of the lists to 2 to get rid of
the scroll bars
If EventLogSize < 2 Then
SelectEventLogRecordNumber.size = 2
SelectEventLogType.size = 2
SelectEventLogDate.size = 2
SelectEventLogtime.size = 2
SelectEventLogSource.size = 2
SelectEventLogRecordNumber.size = EventLogSize
SelectEventLogType.size = EventLogSize
SelectEventLogDate.size = EventLogSize
SelectEventLogtime.size = EventLogSize
SelectEventLogSource.size = EventLogSize
End If
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colLoggedEvents = Nothing
If EventLogSize > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
'==== UpdateEventLogDescription
'==== Purpose: To place a more detailed record of the event log entry i
nto taEventLogDescription
'==== Inputs: RecordNumber
'==== Returns: a more detailed record of the event log entry into taEve
'==== Pseudo code
'==== Get the collection of logged events from the Win32_NTLogEvent ob
'==== that has a record number that we have specified
'==== Cycle through the list of events
'==== Build up the description of the logged event
'==== Place the description into taEventLogDescription
'==== Free any memory used by variables
Sub UpdateEventLogDescription(RecordNumber)
Dim colEvents
Dim objEvent
Dim strDescription
' Get the collection of logged events from the Win32_NTLogEvent object that has
a record number that we have specified
Set colEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where RecordNumber=" & RecordNumber
' Cycle through the list of events
For Each objEvent in colEvents
' Build up the description of the logged event
strDescription = "Date: " & mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,7,2) & "/"
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,5,2) & "/" &_
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,1,4) & vbTab &_
"Source: " & objEvent.SourceName & vbNewline &_
"Time: " & mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,9,2) & ":" &
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,11,2) & ":" &_
mid(objEvent.TimeWritten,13,2) & vbTab &_
"Category: " & objEvent.Category & vbNewline &_
"Type: " & objEvent.Type & vbTab &_
"EventID: " & objEvent.EventCode & vbNewline &_
"User: " & objEvent.User & vbNewline &_
"Computer: " & objEvent.ComputerName & vbNewline
"Description: " & vbNewline &_
taEventLogDescription.InnerText = strDescription
Next 'objEvent
' Free any memory used by variables
Set colEvents = Nothing
End Sub

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